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This week we have got the cultural highlights of 2011. We have got an | :01:16. | :01:21. | |
Elizabethan inspired opera, an England-inspired album, and | :01:21. | :01:25. | |
everything you may never have understood about science fiction. | :01:25. | :01:35. | |
:01:35. | :01:36. | ||
Coming up, David Attenborough celebrates his favourite artist. PJ | :01:36. | :01:38. | |
Harvey reveals the inspiration behind her Mercury prize-winning | :01:38. | :01:48. | |
:01:48. | :01:56. | ||
album. Sue Perkins gets personal with humorist David Sedaris. All | :01:57. | :02:06. | |
this, and Damon Albarn, on his Elizabethan Opera. Film critic Mark | :02:06. | :02:16. | |
Kermode looks at his movies of the year. Plus, we go on a tour of this | :02:16. | :02:22. | |
latest work. There I was at one of our finest new galleries, in | :02:22. | :02:26. | |
our finest new galleries, in Wakefield. But first, a bit of arts | :02:26. | :02:30. | |
evangelising from me. Earlier this year, Tate Britain put on an | :02:30. | :02:33. | |
exhibition devoted to the watercolour. It is by far the most | :02:33. | :02:37. | |
popular form of painting amount amateurs, and the thousands of | :02:37. | :02:42. | |
visitors who flock to the show made it a big success. But for most art | :02:42. | :02:48. | |
students, watercolour simply is not cool. I made it might mission to | :02:48. | :02:53. | |
convert a group of young sceptics. Watercolour has long had something | :02:53. | :02:59. | |
of an image problem. It is not very bold, not very provocative. It is a | :02:59. | :03:08. | |
bit wishy-washy. I want to just start with a picture which I really | :03:08. | :03:14. | |
like. This one was the 17th century, maybe 50 years after the death of | :03:14. | :03:19. | |
Shakespeare. It is the world that he saw, that he knew, that he could | :03:19. | :03:24. | |
travel into, and there it is, just caught like that. I enjoy looking | :03:24. | :03:30. | |
at it, and I respect it, but it does not get me excited. I do not | :03:30. | :03:40. | |
:03:40. | :03:41. | ||
feel quite as romantic about it as you. What do you think of this? | :03:41. | :03:45. | |
is definitely a lot more striking. It looks basically like someone has | :03:45. | :03:48. | |
been shot, and they have gone up against the paper, and the last few | :03:48. | :03:54. | |
moments have been recorded. I love that. It is not what he did. What | :03:54. | :04:00. | |
he did was, he made a snowball, and rolled it through the grit, he | :04:00. | :04:07. | |
wanted to preserve the residue, so he allowed this snowball that he | :04:07. | :04:14. | |
had made it to melt. Now, and have picked these out, because these are | :04:14. | :04:23. | |
two of my own favourite images in the whole show. It is like | :04:23. | :04:29. | |
Photoshop Turner. That's a bit cruel. But Turner has a really | :04:29. | :04:33. | |
screwed-up relationship with himself. He had all these ideas | :04:33. | :04:38. | |
about what art should be. It is only sometimes that he gets away | :04:38. | :04:48. | |
:04:48. | :05:02. | ||
When I see these, I see the essence of what Turner realised. The baby | :05:02. | :05:06. | |
reality isn't actually solid objects. But you could only do this | :05:06. | :05:09. | |
in watercolour. There is none of this trying to get it to look | :05:09. | :05:14. | |
realistic. It is just this kind of emotional approach, and it in that, | :05:14. | :05:22. | |
I can personally read a lot more from it. There's Pollock in here, | :05:22. | :05:26. | |
what go in here, the whole of modern painting - does it make you | :05:26. | :05:32. | |
feel a bit more like using this medium yourselves? There's a fuel I | :05:32. | :05:37. | |
would not mind trying to rip-off. Mission accomplished. My next pick | :05:37. | :05:42. | |
from 2011 was an eclectic mix of the old and can you. The British | :05:42. | :05:45. | |
museum has been described as the place where the world comes to meet | :05:46. | :05:51. | |
the world. The 8 million objects it houses reflect every known facet of | :05:51. | :06:01. | |
:06:01. | :06:01. | ||
the entire history of the world's civilisation. For his latest | :06:01. | :06:05. | |
installation, Grayson Perry has done his own pick from the | :06:05. | :06:10. | |
selection, to be shown alongside some works of his own. I wanted the | :06:10. | :06:14. | |
audience to be confronted by these three things, almost as a test, in | :06:14. | :06:20. | |
some ways - what is authenticity, where his Grace? What is fantasy? | :06:20. | :06:27. | |
What is reality? What is art? There's three helmets here. That | :06:28. | :06:33. | |
could be a Grayson Perry. But it is not, it is a Ghanaian ceremonial | :06:33. | :06:38. | |
object. This one looks much older, it has just been in my back garden | :06:38. | :06:45. | |
for 20 years. And this is a real helmet. This whole exhibition is | :06:45. | :06:51. | |
trying to challenge the idea that there is meaning, there is a | :06:51. | :06:55. | |
definite way things should be interpreted. On the tapestry, the | :06:55. | :07:01. | |
British museum is seen as a kind of multi-faith have them. There it is, | :07:01. | :07:06. | |
with all the different names of the afterlife. This is a Map of the | :07:06. | :07:11. | |
British museum. I like it because a lot of your work is a self- | :07:11. | :07:16. | |
conscious archaeological slice of what now is. This one I made in | :07:16. | :07:21. | |
February this year. I literally decided what I was going to put on | :07:21. | :07:24. | |
it the night before I came to decorate it. I did not have any | :07:24. | :07:29. | |
plan, I just watched the TV and read the newspapers. The people in | :07:29. | :07:32. | |
the museum were very interested in this, because as a museum object, | :07:32. | :07:41. | |
it is very potent, because it speaks about a moment in history. | :07:41. | :07:46. | |
Sitting at the centre of the display is another new piece of | :07:46. | :07:51. | |
work by Grayson Perry, entitled The Tomb Of The Unknown Craftsman, an | :07:51. | :07:57. | |
elaborate, richly decorated cast- iron coffee machine. Everything | :07:57. | :08:00. | |
hanging and build on to this is a cost of an object from the British | :08:00. | :08:10. | |
:08:10. | :08:10. | ||
museum. So there is a famous silver dish, the flood tablet, bits of | :08:10. | :08:15. | |
medieval crucifixes, Egyptian figurines, and right in the centre | :08:15. | :08:25. | |
:08:25. | :08:29. | ||
of it is a flint tool. This flint axe head in his 250,000 years old. | :08:29. | :08:36. | |
It is the organ of generation. From that, all art, this whole museum, | :08:36. | :08:41. | |
everything in it, all the civilisation's in it... Yes, and | :08:41. | :08:47. | |
most of them are anonymous, and this is the monument to that. | :08:47. | :08:51. | |
exhibition also spreads beyond the walls of his allocated space. He | :08:51. | :08:58. | |
has created a special menu for the restaurant, called A teddy bear's | :08:58. | :09:01. | |
picnic. I like the way that the exhibition continues into the | :09:01. | :09:05. | |
restaurant. When I proposed an exhibition here, I wanted the | :09:05. | :09:10. | |
entire context, I wanted the gift shop, the marketing department, and | :09:10. | :09:15. | |
the tea menu, everything. Talk me through it, come on. We have got | :09:15. | :09:19. | |
Marmite sandwiches, because this was a big thing in my childhood, | :09:19. | :09:24. | |
Marmite on toast. This is the posh version of it, I suppose. You have | :09:24. | :09:29. | |
got chocolate motorbikes and they teddy bears. But is this the work | :09:29. | :09:34. | |
of art? No! It is part of the fun of coming to a museum like the | :09:34. | :09:37. | |
of coming to a museum like the British museum. It is part of the | :09:38. | :09:42. | |
ritual of it. If this is a multi- faith cathedral, this is kind of | :09:42. | :09:51. | |
the food for holy days. Well, it is very tasty! And Grayson Perry's The | :09:51. | :09:54. | |
Tomb Of The Unknown Craftsman continues at the British museum | :09:54. | :09:58. | |
until 19th February. Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to | :09:58. | :10:03. | |
Edinburgh in August, while earlier, in July, the third Manchester | :10:03. | :10:11. | |
International Festival featured a host of thought-provoking premieres, | :10:11. | :10:15. | |
including the latest creative odyssey from Damon Albarn. Michael | :10:15. | :10:25. | |
:10:25. | :10:27. | ||
History is full of forgotten men - brilliant, strange, complex men, | :10:27. | :10:29. | |
whose influence has resonated through our culture, in ways that | :10:29. | :10:33. | |
may have become obscured. One such man was the Elizabethan thinker and | :10:33. | :10:43. | |
:10:43. | :10:44. | ||
John Dee is a shadowy, obscure figure at the heart of the English | :10:44. | :10:47. | |
Renaissance. Elizabeth I called him Her Philosopher, and he was the | :10:47. | :10:51. | |
inspiration for Shakespeare's Prospero and Marlow's Faust. A | :10:51. | :10:54. | |
cryptographer and a spy, whose code name was 007, he has also been | :10:54. | :10:58. | |
caught the first English think tank. He's the man who came up with the | :10:58. | :11:01. | |
idea of the British Empire, the idea that England could become a | :11:01. | :11:03. | |
maritime power which could challenge Spain's domination of the | :11:03. | :11:12. | |
New World. Dee lived in an age when the line between science and | :11:12. | :11:16. | |
sorcery was blurred. Mathematics, like magic, was still considered to | :11:16. | :11:23. | |
be an uncanny art, the work of the devil. I caught up with Damon | :11:23. | :11:26. | |
Albarn between performances and asked what attracted him to the | :11:26. | :11:35. | |
#Just everything about him was just really elegant, and I'm a great fan. | :11:35. | :11:39. | |
Did you see a lot of threads between his time and our time, was | :11:39. | :11:42. | |
there a resonance? Yes, the two Elizabeths was uneasy starting | :11:42. | :11:46. | |
point. The melancholy score features the BBC Philharmonic | :11:46. | :11:53. | |
Orchestra, and a mixture of African and English musicians. They all | :11:53. | :11:57. | |
come from a very different sound world. I mean, all of those | :11:57. | :12:00. | |
instruments sound amazing together, with no amplification, and it is | :12:00. | :12:03. | |
really nice just to leave the amplified world, although I could | :12:03. | :12:13. | |
:12:13. | :12:18. | ||
# People of the rose, the nightingale... And Dr Dee will be | :12:18. | :12:28. | |
:12:28. | :12:35. | ||
restaged as part of next year's Now, at the Edinburgh Festival, we | :12:35. | :12:41. | |
were in the capable hands of Sue Perkins, who met with the best- | :12:41. | :12:48. | |
selling writer from America, David Sedaris. Was the reason for the | :12:48. | :12:52. | |
mortuary? I was living in New York, and a magazine asked me if I wanted | :12:52. | :12:56. | |
to write for them. They said I could do whatever I wanted. I | :12:56. | :13:01. | |
always wanted to see a lot of dead people, but you cannot just walk in. | :13:01. | :13:05. | |
I guess the most famous job you had was when you started off as a | :13:05. | :13:15. | |
:13:15. | :13:22. | ||
department store elf. And I'm Small and merry, so they hired me. | :13:22. | :13:28. | |
you have to wear hat? Well, I had an outfit, and I did it for two | :13:28. | :13:33. | |
years. Was it financial necessity, or was it you thinking, I'm home | :13:33. | :13:40. | |
now, I'm with my people?! That's great. No-one loves Christmas more | :13:40. | :13:49. | |
than me, but I did not actually feel like... I'm home now. You're | :13:49. | :13:53. | |
constantly writing a diary through all of this, and you do not know | :13:53. | :13:57. | |
that fame and success are coming, you're doing it because you need to | :13:57. | :14:02. | |
write at this time in your life? think so. I started writing when I | :14:02. | :14:06. | |
turned 20. I think I just exhausted every other way of trying to get | :14:06. | :14:13. | |
attention. Everyone's worried that the food in Beijing will be | :14:13. | :14:18. | |
different from America. It is more real, they said, meaning, it turned | :14:18. | :14:28. | |
:14:28. | :14:38. | ||
out, that I could dislike it more authentically. We went to meet Tony | :14:38. | :14:42. | |
Cragg. What are we looking at? are looking at some commercial | :14:42. | :14:47. | |
vessels. This is a detergent bottle, a shampoo bottle. And you have | :14:47. | :14:57. | |
:14:57. | :15:00. | ||
extended it? Yes, and this one here, You are transforming it into | :15:00. | :15:05. | |
something magnificent, different, very unexpected. The moment you are | :15:05. | :15:10. | |
not bound by utilitarianism the have casualry of form is free for | :15:10. | :15:14. | |
you. You don't have to be practical and economic with it. Suddenly | :15:14. | :15:17. | |
things happen, the thing grows up into space and becomes something | :15:17. | :15:22. | |
that you and nobody else has ever seen before, and have to struggle | :15:22. | :15:31. | |
with it. What's this piece called? Red Figure. This is part of the | :15:31. | :15:37. | |
Rational Being series? It is. seems that you are playing are | :15:37. | :15:42. | |
futurism? No, futurism wanted to have the illusion of movement. I | :15:42. | :15:46. | |
don't think that's what I want - I want energy. Even though it is an | :15:46. | :15:50. | |
object, it doesn't have any energy, you are creating the illusion of | :15:50. | :15:55. | |
energy. Of course it has energy. Only because you imbued it as a | :15:55. | :16:00. | |
sculptor. No, no, no. That's a real strength to keep that, to keep that | :16:00. | :16:08. | |
volume out there. That is energy. When people say "statue" - static. | :16:08. | :16:13. | |
They have the idea of stasis, of rigidity, of a frozen moment, and | :16:13. | :16:20. | |
that is not the point. The history of sculpture in the last 100 years | :16:20. | :16:24. | |
fantastic dynamic, developing, you should never see the material as | :16:24. | :16:32. | |
being something static. formidable Mr Crag has lost none of | :16:32. | :16:42. | |
:16:42. | :16:42. | ||
his energy. The exhibition is a timely reminder of his importance. | :16:43. | :16:46. | |
Next up, even before PJ Harvey won the Mercury Prize for her album, | :16:46. | :16:51. | |
Let England Shake, there was no doubt it was one of the year's | :16:51. | :16:53. | |
outstanding releases. The only person to win the Mercury Prize | :16:54. | :16:56. | |
twice, Harvey spoke to Miranda Sawyer about the challenges of | :16:56. | :16:59. | |
creating a work that bristles with questions of war, nationhood and | :16:59. | :17:01. | |
blood. # This is love, this is love that | :17:01. | :17:03. | |
I'm feeling. # This is love, love, love that I'm | :17:04. | :17:06. | |
feeling #. PJ Harvey is an artist who never | :17:06. | :17:09. | |
stands still. Each of her albums is self contained with its own | :17:09. | :17:11. | |
particular atmosphere. And she herself takes on many personas for | :17:11. | :17:15. | |
the sake of her music. So let's start from the beginning. Where did | :17:15. | :17:20. | |
the idea for this LP come from? of the markers that I kept in the | :17:20. | :17:24. | |
forefront of my mind when I was writing, and one of the instigators | :17:24. | :17:30. | |
of the whole project, was when I began to think. There there are | :17:30. | :17:33. | |
officially appointed war artists and poets. There are people who are | :17:33. | :17:37. | |
always on the front line of whatever conflict zone there is. I | :17:37. | :17:41. | |
began to wonder what the song equivalent was. Where was the | :17:41. | :17:47. | |
officially appointed songwriter? Can I be that? Obviously there | :17:47. | :17:51. | |
isn't a post of such, so in some ways in my mind I appointed myself | :17:51. | :17:57. | |
in that position. # Goddamn Europeans. | :17:57. | :18:00. | |
# Take me back to beautiful England # And the great and filthiness of | :18:00. | :18:09. | |
ages. # And battered books and fog | :18:09. | :18:19. | |
rolling down behind the mountains. # On the graveyards and Dead Sea | :18:19. | :18:24. | |
captains. # Let me walk through the stinking | :18:24. | :18:31. | |
alleys. # To the music of drunken beatings. | :18:31. | :18:34. | |
# Past the Thames river glistening # Like gold hastily sold for | :18:34. | :18:44. | |
:18:44. | :18:45. | ||
nothing. # Nothing. # | :18:45. | :18:48. | |
You started with the lyrics and you can read the lyrics entirely | :18:48. | :18:51. | |
separately and they are like poems. The way that I write has changed | :18:51. | :18:54. | |
very gradually, but it has changed, in that I concentrate pretty much | :18:54. | :18:57. | |
solely on words for great periods of time. And some of those words | :18:57. | :19:00. | |
remain as poems and some become short prose. It has really become | :19:00. | :19:03. | |
my starting point that the words have to work. I wanted the melody | :19:03. | :19:07. | |
to be so simple that it could be sung from one person to another, | :19:07. | :19:10. | |
that it could be remembered straight away. It is that simple. | :19:10. | :19:13. | |
That harks back to how music begins. And the tradition of storytelling. | :19:13. | :19:16. | |
Folk music was often very simple, because it is just passed on from | :19:16. | :19:19. | |
one generation to another. Everyone remembers it. It was never written | :19:19. | :19:29. | |
:19:29. | :19:38. | ||
down. # Let me watch my former river. | :19:38. | :19:44. | |
# Moon rise and turn silver. # The sky move, the ocean shimmer. | :19:44. | :19:47. | |
# The head shake, the last living rose quiver | :19:47. | :19:57. | |
:19:57. | :20:09. | ||
I feel like I've just begun. That's the strongest feeling. I felt that | :20:09. | :20:12. | |
with this record in particular I have uncovered a new way of writing | :20:12. | :20:16. | |
that's just the beginning for me. I feel like I've got so much yet to | :20:16. | :20:26. | |
:20:26. | :20:43. | ||
He's a modest looking fellow of 82 but Frank Gehry has changed the way | :20:43. | :20:50. | |
we think about architecture. The latest building, the New World | :20:50. | :20:57. | |
Symphony Hall opened in January. We travelled to Miami to meet Frank | :20:57. | :21:02. | |
Gehry. Once a candy-coloured wonderland for the rich and famous | :21:02. | :21:07. | |
Miami Beach is looking, well, a bit tired. But it is here that | :21:07. | :21:12. | |
architect Frank Gehry is launching his latest ambitious world, the New | :21:12. | :21:17. | |
World Centre. But for a Frank Gehry building isn't this one a bit | :21:17. | :21:21. | |
square? Once you are inside it all becomes clear. Here are the great | :21:22. | :21:29. | |
Frank Gehryesque sheaths of plaster, its cardboard forms. I managed to | :21:29. | :21:35. | |
get some time with him amid the hustle and bustle of the press | :21:35. | :21:41. | |
opening. It turned out to be difficult to drag Frank from the | :21:41. | :21:49. | |
music to talk architecture. What kind of relationship do you | :21:50. | :21:54. | |
have with classical music? I went in just now and heard the music and | :21:54. | :21:58. | |
it almost made me cry, it was so beautiful. Just the few notes, it | :21:58. | :22:02. | |
is a moment of truth. When the audience comes in and sits down and | :22:02. | :22:08. | |
the conductor raises the baton and you hear the first sounds. You know | :22:08. | :22:16. | |
right then, click or clock or clunk. And it happens pretty quick. Have | :22:16. | :22:21. | |
you ever felt clunk? Clunk for me is every connection, collision. I | :22:21. | :22:28. | |
wish I had done that better. I wish I had done this. So I go through | :22:28. | :22:33. | |
holy hell. The New World Symphony is all about making classical music | :22:33. | :22:36. | |
accessible to all and every concert will be smil townously projected | :22:37. | :22:41. | |
outside for the whole of Miami to enjoy. But some of the hi-tech | :22:41. | :22:46. | |
equipment wouldn't look out of place in a builder's yard. There's | :22:46. | :22:50. | |
a degree of rough and readiness which of course was very prevalent | :22:50. | :22:58. | |
in your architecture in the '70s and into the '80s. That is in my | :22:58. | :23:05. | |
DNA, and hate to do with my leftie- leaning proclivities. I don't like | :23:05. | :23:10. | |
the idea of spending a lot of money on marble. I've never been able to | :23:10. | :23:15. | |
do rich guy's houses. Not even my own. Being different was never | :23:15. | :23:20. | |
something that Frank Gehry had a problem with. The loose LA school | :23:20. | :23:23. | |
of architecture that Frank Gehry accidentally founded was always | :23:23. | :23:29. | |
more about having fun than they wereising. That is so stupid- | :23:29. | :23:36. | |
looking it's great. It is so stupid-looking? Isn't it? It's | :23:36. | :23:44. | |
just... Do you think you've been misunderstood as an architect? | :23:44. | :23:50. | |
Everybody thinks they are misunderstood, don't we all? I | :23:50. | :23:54. | |
don't go into it is art and all that stuff. For me it is a service | :23:54. | :24:00. | |
business. I get a budget. I get a site, a client. There is no excuse | :24:00. | :24:05. | |
for the banality. I'm much more critical than any critic, any | :24:05. | :24:15. | |
:24:15. | :24:16. | ||
British critic could be. For the audience it's incredible. It feels | :24:16. | :24:22. | |
a bit like being inside. Right in there. Oh, my God. It sounds like | :24:22. | :24:32. | |
:24:32. | :24:32. | ||
you like it. I love it! I want to go back. On this side of the Pond | :24:32. | :24:36. | |
British architectural visionary David Chipperfield unveiled his | :24:36. | :24:40. | |
latest building in May. The Hepworth Wakefield is devoted to | :24:40. | :24:45. | |
the work of Barbara Hepworth and her contemporaries. This is bold, | :24:45. | :24:49. | |
modern architecture which feels in complete harmony with the artist's | :24:49. | :24:52. | |
work. The centrepiece of the gallery is the Hepworth family gift | :24:52. | :24:58. | |
- a collection of 44 full-sized working models in plaster and an | :24:58. | :25:03. | |
min yum made in preparation for the finished originals in bronze. Those | :25:03. | :25:08. | |
prototypes allow us for the first time to get a greater understanding | :25:08. | :25:12. | |
of how Hepworth worked with her material. I like this display of | :25:12. | :25:16. | |
Hepworth's tools. You get a wonderful sense of just how tactile | :25:16. | :25:20. | |
Hepworth's engagement with her material was, and I really like | :25:20. | :25:23. | |
this little circular cheese grate Kerr. She used that to roughton | :25:23. | :25:31. | |
surface of the plaster too. She was also a great improviser. The tools | :25:31. | :25:36. | |
have become intensely personal to one. The most precious extension of | :25:36. | :25:42. | |
one's sight and touch. The big question raised by this | :25:42. | :25:46. | |
display, indeed by the whole existence of the Hepworth Wakefield | :25:46. | :25:53. | |
is, why did the artist decide she wanted to preserve these models. | :25:53. | :25:57. | |
After all, she didn't need to. The finished sculpture that was made | :25:57. | :26:01. | |
from this exists, it is in the world. But it is a very different | :26:01. | :26:05. | |
thing. It's a large, dark green weathered bronze. This is something | :26:05. | :26:09. | |
much more fragile. I think Hepworth, whose life was not entirely | :26:09. | :26:12. | |
straightforward, whose life was in many ways quite a troubled one. She | :26:12. | :26:17. | |
recognised that the emotions at the heart of her work were indeed | :26:17. | :26:25. | |
fragile. And vulnerable things. But the Hepworth Wakefield isn't | :26:25. | :26:30. | |
just about this collection of models and a new gallery space. It | :26:30. | :26:33. | |
is about bringing the artist back to her roots, to the countryside | :26:33. | :26:40. | |
that first inspired her. All my early memories are of forms and | :26:40. | :26:46. | |
shapes and textures. I remember moving through the landscape with | :26:46. | :26:53. | |
my father in his car. And the hills were sculptures. The roads defined | :26:53. | :26:58. | |
the forms. Sometimes I think your earliest experiences leave with | :26:58. | :27:05. | |
deepest and the strongest traces. Looking at these extraordinary rock | :27:05. | :27:09. | |
formations, thrust out of the soil, it is hard not to think that | :27:09. | :27:13. | |
Hepworth did indeed carry the memory of these sculpture-like | :27:13. | :27:16. | |
forms with her throughout her life. I think this really is, as she | :27:17. | :27:23. | |
herself said, where it all began. Now, science fiction was as strong | :27:23. | :27:29. | |
as ever on this year's best seller lists, but this most popular of | :27:29. | :27:34. | |
contemporary genres res possibly the most misunderstood. The British | :27:34. | :27:40. | |
Library decided something had to be done, so created one of the what | :27:40. | :27:45. | |
turned out to be one of the most exciting exhibitions. Subtitled | :27:45. | :27:51. | |
science fiction but not as you know it, it presents a series of world, | :27:51. | :27:55. | |
parallel world, even the end of the world, drawing on literary history | :27:55. | :27:59. | |
and asking, what is science fiction? The collection has been | :27:59. | :28:07. | |
assembled with painstaking care and gives an overvuef the genre through | :28:07. | :28:13. | |
beautifully preserved illustrations and film clips. It throws together | :28:13. | :28:17. | |
rare and contemporary literature which contains surprise. It has | :28:17. | :28:20. | |
been called the fields of literature left between the gaps of | :28:20. | :28:25. | |
all the other fields of literature. They are taking a wide ecumenical | :28:26. | :28:29. | |
notion of what SF is. This is something remarkable. This is | :28:29. | :28:33. | |
arguably the first work of science fiction in English. It was written | :28:33. | :28:39. | |
in the 1620s, published in 1638 by the Bishop of Hereford. It is | :28:39. | :28:48. | |
called The Man In The Moon. It tells of travelling to the Moon | :28:48. | :28:52. | |
with a harness powered by geese or swans. It was written when the idea | :28:52. | :28:57. | |
of space travel was not invented. You are legal flying to the Moon. | :28:57. | :29:00. | |
And it is written by a Bishop, who didn't find it her et cal to look | :29:00. | :29:07. | |
up at the skies and think of something other than the heavens, | :29:07. | :29:17. | |
:29:17. | :29:19. | ||
unthinkable before the time of Galileo. | :29:19. | :29:21. | |
Here's something you might not expect to see in a science fibs | :29:22. | :29:27. | |
exhibition. This is an advert from the 1890s for Bovril. If you wonder | :29:27. | :29:31. | |
where Bovril got its name from, it is from The Coming Race, the | :29:31. | :29:37. | |
original manuscript is next to it. In this novel they get their | :29:37. | :29:42. | |
extraordinary energy from a strange substance called Vril. Some | :29:42. | :29:48. | |
marketing whizz decided to put together Vril with bovine and | :29:48. | :29:58. | |
overnight created the first science The figure who looms large over | :29:58. | :30:04. | |
this exhibition is H G Wells. Here, we have a copy of War Of the Worlds, | :30:04. | :30:07. | |
which brilliantly illustrates what science fiction can do at its best. | :30:07. | :30:12. | |
The story on the service is about Martians invading earth, but | :30:12. | :30:17. | |
scratch the surface, and you find lots of levels, including the fear | :30:17. | :30:20. | |
of invasion, and other things. There is an ongoing debate about | :30:20. | :30:24. | |
whether or not science fiction is taken seriously or smear that - | :30:24. | :30:29. | |
does it matter? I think it does matter, and I think exhibitions | :30:29. | :30:33. | |
like this are important. I think science fiction is a very proud | :30:33. | :30:37. | |
part of the literary heritage, and I want to have my cake and eat it, | :30:37. | :30:41. | |
I want it to be taken seriously, but I also want to be having a | :30:41. | :30:51. | |
:30:51. | :30:52. | ||
party in the gutter. March saw the launch of the First World Book | :30:52. | :30:58. | |
night. And we were there to record its birth. The idea was to get | :30:58. | :31:02. | |
people with this is for one particular book to have free copies | :31:02. | :31:06. | |
of it to hand out. It is about sharing the pleasure of reading | :31:07. | :31:09. | |
through word of mouth. By the end of it, a million books are given | :31:10. | :31:17. | |
away. Thank you so much. What does weeding mean to you? You do not | :31:17. | :31:25. | |
need companions, you can make your own. You can travel. You can go | :31:25. | :31:31. | |
anywhere you like in this world. All in the mind. Yes. Next year's | :31:31. | :31:36. | |
event will be held on 23rd April. If you would like to sign up to be | :31:36. | :31:40. | |
a book giver, you can find more information at this website. Have | :31:40. | :31:49. | |
you read this one? I haven't, no. The Spy who came in from the Cold. | :31:49. | :31:54. | |
But the one I wanted a! There you go. I will enjoy that, thank you. | :31:54. | :32:03. | |
It is a great pleasure. Now, as we gear up for the Olympic Games, we | :32:03. | :32:13. | |
:32:13. | :32:14. | ||
went to meet a cycle geographer, whose latest book dismisses recent | :32:14. | :32:17. | |
London developments as grand folly on the part of New Labour. People | :32:17. | :32:22. | |
will be surprised, an Olympic bid comes through, an area is about to | :32:22. | :32:26. | |
be regenerated and have billions of pounds pumped into it, and your | :32:26. | :32:30. | |
response as a resident was to see this as a disaster. I do not see | :32:30. | :32:35. | |
this as a genuine regeneration. Genuine regenerations are organic, | :32:35. | :32:39. | |
they happen from the ground up, they are not imposed. You're | :32:39. | :32:42. | |
walking between perimeter fences on concrete and Tarmac, and holding | :32:42. | :32:47. | |
this up as a highway into the future. And this, as a Space | :32:47. | :32:55. | |
Station. So, this is a corporate folly, as you see it? This is a | :32:55. | :32:59. | |
grand folly, a grand sleight-of- hand, an enormously boastful and | :32:59. | :33:05. | |
extravagant thing to do, for what amounts to a fortnight's sports day. | :33:05. | :33:10. | |
I set off down the sewage outfall to Stratford. We had been promised | :33:10. | :33:15. | |
an Olympic Tester, a procession of the torch through London. The | :33:15. | :33:22. | |
elevated footpath is accessible as it passes beneath the A102. Here is | :33:22. | :33:27. | |
the fault line, where the virtual collides with the actual, a world | :33:27. | :33:31. | |
war to pillar-box, half-built apartment blocks, a Lock Keeper's | :33:32. | :33:36. | |
Cottage, converted into the centre of a breakfast-time television show, | :33:36. | :33:41. | |
pylons being disassembled and cables buried. A patch of wild wood | :33:41. | :33:48. | |
is tamed with screaming chainsaws. Concrete producing tunes cough and | :33:48. | :33:52. | |
spew. Are you not romanticising what was here, and painting a very | :33:53. | :33:57. | |
negative picture of what actually is kind of an extraordinary moment | :33:57. | :34:03. | |
of change? As a writer, I'm relishing the whole of it. I'm | :34:03. | :34:07. | |
relishing the difficulties, the dangers, the monstrosity of it, is | :34:07. | :34:11. | |
terrific for a writer. It gives enormous energy. From humble | :34:12. | :34:17. | |
beginnings to fame, fortune and a tragically early death, the | :34:17. | :34:21. | |
celebrity car crash life of an and Nicole Smith was the surprising | :34:21. | :34:25. | |
inspiration for an ambitious new production at the Mall Opera House. | :34:25. | :34:29. | |
She was a Playboy model whose life was routinely played out in front | :34:29. | :34:35. | |
of the cameras. We went to see what happens when high art and tabloid | :34:35. | :34:45. | |
:34:45. | :34:49. | ||
trash collide. She was married to a Texas oil billionaire. She has | :34:49. | :34:54. | |
inherited �62 million from her husband. In a way, her story is a | :34:54. | :34:58. | |
parable for our times and our celebrity obsessed culture. But | :34:58. | :35:02. | |
only four years after her death, should her life be used to | :35:02. | :35:07. | |
entertain an audience yet again? Is it in any way morally questionable | :35:07. | :35:12. | |
to be making her life and death into art so soon? I don't think so, | :35:12. | :35:17. | |
but maybe I'm a morally questionable person. We do not | :35:17. | :35:21. | |
trash it, we are very sympathetic. The piece is dedicated to her, | :35:21. | :35:22. | |
The piece is dedicated to her, we're not taking the mickey. People | :35:22. | :35:27. | |
think that we are trashing her, but that was hopeful, because we are | :35:27. | :35:37. | |
:35:37. | :35:37. | ||
doing something which is a bit deeper than that. | :35:37. | :35:47. | |
:35:47. | :35:54. | ||
# Blow you all a kiss. If she had a different name, and it was set in | :35:54. | :35:59. | |
the 19th century, exactly the same, a woman trying to get money out of | :35:59. | :36:03. | |
an old, rich person's family, living with her lawyer, you would | :36:03. | :36:08. | |
not bat an eyelid. # She comes from the school of hard | :36:08. | :36:14. | |
knocks, she's old school. # Come to think of it, no school! | :36:14. | :36:19. | |
It is just a great story, it is begging to be done as a musical. | :36:19. | :36:23. | |
could hear music. For me, the basic thing is that I found the whole | :36:23. | :36:28. | |
story, her life, suggested music to me, there has got to be a reason | :36:28. | :36:31. | |
why people sing. And I could see a lot of reasons why those characters | :36:31. | :36:41. | |
:36:41. | :36:50. | ||
could sing. But what is it like to become Anna Nicole-Smith? This was | :36:50. | :36:54. | |
the soprano who took up the challenge. She did all of these | :36:54. | :36:58. | |
things, decisions, in her life, which were wrong. I feel for her. | :36:58. | :37:04. | |
It feels like she had no help, she was so lonely, in a way. People | :37:04. | :37:07. | |
around her were not there for her benefit, they were there to exploit | :37:07. | :37:17. | |
:37:17. | :37:20. | ||
her, in a way. Now, here on the culture show, we | :37:20. | :37:24. | |
like to get different perspectives on things, so we often have guest | :37:24. | :37:29. | |
presenters. This year, one of my cultural highlights was a Sir David | :37:29. | :37:33. | |
Attenborough's celebration of his favourite painter. In | :37:33. | :37:43. | |
:37:43. | :37:43. | ||
Attenborough's view, John Craxton was a neglected artist, but a new | :37:43. | :37:53. | |
:37:53. | :37:57. | ||
exhibition set out to change all of 60 years ago, I had just got out of | :37:57. | :38:01. | |
the Navy, I had got a degree in natural sciences, and I was in my | :38:01. | :38:05. | |
first job - looking after the illustrations for a publisher. And | :38:05. | :38:09. | |
I picked up this book, The Poet's Eye. Initially it interested me | :38:09. | :38:12. | |
because the illustrations were quite new, they were done by the | :38:12. | :38:15. | |
artist, drawing directly onto the plate that was going to reproduce | :38:15. | :38:18. | |
it, auto-lithographs, they were called. But when I started to look | :38:18. | :38:23. | |
at them - what pictures they were! - I wondered who on earth the | :38:23. | :38:29. | |
artist was. Well, his name was John Craxton. He was brought up in a | :38:29. | :38:31. | |
Bohemian, musical family, and was free-spirited, adventurous and a | :38:31. | :38:41. | |
It was these haunted, undeniably melancholic pictures that led some | :38:41. | :38:51. | |
:38:51. | :38:52. | ||
critics to call him a neo-romantic, a label he did not like. But then, | :38:52. | :39:02. | |
as far as the fashionable art world Now, a new exhibition at Tate | :39:02. | :39:04. | |
Britain, the first major show in London since 1967, reveals what | :39:04. | :39:14. | |
:39:14. | :39:14. | ||
happened to him. And here's the explanation. In 1946, he went to | :39:14. | :39:24. | |
:39:24. | :39:26. | ||
Greece. Two years later, he painted this. Gone is that melancholy young | :39:26. | :39:31. | |
man - all is music and sparkle and sunshine, delight. Fascinated by | :39:31. | :39:41. | |
:39:41. | :39:41. | ||
the qualities of the Mediterranean light, his painting was transformed. | :39:41. | :39:43. | |
The landscapes become more complex, more spectacularly daring in their | :39:43. | :39:53. | |
:39:53. | :39:55. | ||
However, these bright, scintillating pictures were thought | :39:55. | :40:03. | |
to be too playful and decorative for British tastes at that time. | :40:03. | :40:06. | |
Dispirited by the poor reviews for his 1967 retrospective, for long | :40:06. | :40:14. | |
periods afterwards, John rarely exhibited at all. In his later | :40:14. | :40:17. | |
years, he divided his time between his life in Crete and his studio | :40:17. | :40:27. | |
here in London. It was over 30 years after I first saw those | :40:27. | :40:30. | |
pictures in a book by John Craxton that I got to know him, and even | :40:30. | :40:38. | |
went out to stay with him in Crete. He was a man with a huge enjoyment | :40:38. | :40:45. | |
of life. He loved riding across Europe on his Tiger motorcycle. He | :40:45. | :40:49. | |
loved parties, whether they were at the embassy or down by the quayside. | :40:49. | :40:53. | |
One of the great pleasures of life was to be taken by him to the | :40:53. | :40:56. | |
harbourside restaurant and eat a meal of seafood which even I, whose | :40:56. | :41:02. | |
supposed to know about these things, found difficult to identify. Life, | :41:02. | :41:12. | |
:41:12. | :41:17. | ||
said John, is more important than There was another must-see | :41:17. | :41:22. | |
exhibition over at Tate Modern. Alan Yentob met its star, the | :41:22. | :41:32. | |
:41:32. | :41:32. | ||
influential German artist, Gerhard Richter. Gerhard Richter's career | :41:32. | :41:36. | |
spanned five decades, and he has proved something of an artistic | :41:36. | :41:42. | |
chameleon. This show has been curated by the director of the Tate. | :41:42. | :41:47. | |
It gives a sense of the scope, intensity and virtuosity of his | :41:47. | :41:52. | |
work. Was there ever a time when you thought that painting and art | :41:52. | :42:02. | |
:42:02. | :42:03. | ||
was not for you? A time when you had had enough? Enough of painting? | :42:03. | :42:11. | |
No. Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden, and grew up in Nazi | :42:11. | :42:18. | |
Germany, an experience which would infuse his early work. He became | :42:18. | :42:23. | |
one of the first artists of his generation to reflect on Germany's | :42:23. | :42:33. | |
:42:33. | :42:33. | ||
national socialist past. An early series of paintings depicts family | :42:33. | :42:41. | |
members, who had been recruits, as well as victims, of the Nazi party. | :42:41. | :42:46. | |
Again and again, you often go back to pictures of your family. Why is | :42:46. | :42:55. | |
that? They are the people I have most to do with. They are the | :42:55. | :43:00. | |
closest. When I first saw your pictures, I could not believe that | :43:00. | :43:05. | |
the same person had been able to paint all these different images. | :43:05. | :43:12. | |
Nowadays, it is easy to paint. it? Yes, much easier than before, | :43:13. | :43:17. | |
because they have photographs. did you blow the photographs, why | :43:17. | :43:22. | |
not give us nice photographs? like the surface, and of course, | :43:22. | :43:32. | |
:43:32. | :43:42. | ||
Our next guest interviewer travelled to Italy to meet up with | :43:42. | :43:46. | |
the creator of one of the most audacious art works of the year. | :43:46. | :43:51. | |
You might not instantly recognise it as a art. A gigantic super-yacht, | :43:51. | :43:55. | |
like this one, is going to be available to buy in London. As a | :43:55. | :44:01. | |
luxury yacht, it is yours for 65 million euros. As a lot work, it is | :44:01. | :44:06. | |
a handsome 75 million. That is a mock-up of 10 million euros. We're | :44:06. | :44:16. | |
:44:16. | :44:28. | ||
So, this art work - what do I get for the extra 10 million? What do I | :44:28. | :44:34. | |
get that makes it an art work? get my name in chrome letters, I | :44:34. | :44:41. | |
give my name to this boat. And of course, you get an art work, a | :44:41. | :44:45. | |
different thing than it was before, it is not just a boat, it is an art | :44:45. | :44:49. | |
work. So the only addition you have made physically is the labelling? | :44:49. | :44:54. | |
Yes. You decided not to make any other s 30 decisions or any extra | :44:55. | :45:04. | |
:45:05. | :45:06. | ||
When I started to talk to the shipbuilders there was a wish to do | :45:06. | :45:11. | |
something inside the boat, to make it Moriarty. But I had to explain | :45:11. | :45:17. | |
carefully that it stays as this concept. If you are charging 10 | :45:17. | :45:23. | |
million for an artwork you are putting yourself up there with | :45:23. | :45:28. | |
Picasso and the great Masters. not? It is quite a bombastic | :45:28. | :45:32. | |
project that could irritate the general public I think. It might | :45:32. | :45:37. | |
get a lot of criticism. For me the boat isn't the artwork - you doing | :45:37. | :45:42. | |
it is the artwork. I see it as you trying to get away with selling a | :45:42. | :45:52. | |
:45:52. | :45:53. | ||
boat as an artwork. It is both at the same time. The aspect is needed | :45:53. | :45:57. | |
as a sculpture. If you are struggling for Christmas ideas, | :45:57. | :46:02. | |
Christian is still looking for a buyer. | :46:02. | :46:08. | |
The most talked about cop series of the year was BBC Four's The Killing. | :46:08. | :46:18. | |
:46:18. | :46:18. | ||
We caught up with its star. She is a very aspirational character. In | :46:18. | :46:22. | |
many respects she does things we would like to do but we don't have | :46:22. | :46:26. | |
the nerve to do with it. Where do the roots of that character lie? | :46:26. | :46:31. | |
an actor you are looking for a challenge. You are looking to | :46:31. | :46:35. | |
always go somewhere you haven't been before. Up until that point I | :46:35. | :46:40. | |
had always played very emotional characters, traditional feminine | :46:40. | :46:44. | |
characters. Where I have been crying a lot and shouting a lot and | :46:44. | :46:51. | |
feeling a lot, and communicating a lot. I remember saying at that very | :46:51. | :46:55. | |
first might, I would like to play a person who is not able to | :46:55. | :46:58. | |
communicate. When I was standing on the circuits especially in the | :46:58. | :47:08. | |
:47:08. | :47:29. | ||
beginning, I actually found it very, It is the writer's story, but this | :47:29. | :47:38. | |
writer insists on writing as we go along. That means that we are | :47:38. | :47:42. | |
shooting one episode at the same time and he is writing on the next | :47:42. | :47:47. | |
episode as we shoot the first one. But it allows him to take a lot | :47:47. | :47:52. | |
from the actors. If you add something as an actor, he will | :47:52. | :47:57. | |
start writing in that direction, if he gets inspired. The one thrap is | :47:57. | :48:01. | |
at the heart of that first series of The Killing is the relationship | :48:01. | :48:08. | |
with the jumper. LAUGHTER When you see series that have | :48:08. | :48:12. | |
female protagonists, they always have nice wardrobes. You've got a | :48:12. | :48:18. | |
woman wearing the same jumper week after week after week for 20 weeks. | :48:18. | :48:23. | |
The jumper becomes almost iconic. don't know what it is with that | :48:23. | :48:27. | |
jumper but there've been times where I have felt that the jumper | :48:27. | :48:32. | |
was wearing me more than I was wearing it! We knew we were looking | :48:33. | :48:38. | |
for somebody not a cliche type of detective. Not a woman in a suit. | :48:38. | :48:43. | |
So we had tonnes of clothes. I just spotted that jumper and I felt | :48:43. | :48:51. | |
right away that that was it. Now, American movie makers Joel and | :48:51. | :48:55. | |
Ethan Cohen released their 15th movie this year, a remake of the | :48:55. | :49:02. | |
cowboy classic True Grit. The brothers based their remake not on | :49:02. | :49:06. | |
the western with John Wayne but on a novel. | :49:06. | :49:15. | |
Mark Kermode saw this film appreciation showdown. The western | :49:15. | :49:18. | |
is a cornerstone of a great American narrative, in which the | :49:18. | :49:24. | |
good get even and the bad are just plain ugly. It is perhaps the most | :49:24. | :49:29. | |
quintessentially American genre, the western provides surprising | :49:29. | :49:35. | |
challenges for Hollywood outsiders Joel and Ethan Cohen. From a final | :49:35. | :49:42. | |
showdown on all things cowboy I met up with Christopher frailing. Hello | :49:42. | :49:48. | |
Chris. Hi, Mark. Let's go see a film. Great idea. True grit is | :49:48. | :49:55. | |
based on a 1968 nov ill, first made into a film by Henry Hathaway in | :49:55. | :50:05. | |
1969, starring John Wayne and Kim dar by. Now 40 years on the Cohen | :50:05. | :50:10. | |
brothers have made their own version of true grit. Tells the | :50:10. | :50:19. | |
story of Matty Ross, who hires Rooster Cogburn to avenge her | :50:19. | :50:28. | |
father's murder. Where's my money. Meet me here at o'clock tomorrow | :50:28. | :50:35. | |
morning. Matt Damon joins them as the suave Texas ranger into the | :50:35. | :50:42. | |
dangerous Indian territory. I just watched True Grit, which was | :50:42. | :50:45. | |
very powerful. Do you think true grit is more than a Cohen brothers | :50:45. | :50:50. | |
film than a western? Partly because the Cohen brothers make it their | :50:50. | :50:54. | |
own so much. They have such a strong view of the world, a strong | :50:55. | :51:00. | |
visual sense that they are dominating the material. It is like | :51:00. | :51:05. | |
a costume drama. It is the equivalent of a Thackray adaptation | :51:05. | :51:11. | |
or a Dickens adaptation. Who are they speaking to in this film? It | :51:11. | :51:17. | |
is to the original True Grit and to the novel. It doesn't make it a | :51:17. | :51:23. | |
western, even though it is set in the Wild West. There is none of | :51:23. | :51:27. | |
that promise, turning the desert into the garden. No sense of | :51:27. | :51:37. | |
:51:37. | :51:37. | ||
promise at all. I've been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy | :51:37. | :51:42. | |
in trousers and a nincompoop. film has been astonishingly | :51:42. | :51:45. | |
successful. When I saw it I liked it very much but didn't think it | :51:45. | :51:51. | |
would be a hit. I thought it would be a film liked by critics. Why has | :51:51. | :51:55. | |
it achieved such success? Partly because tts view of a 14-year-old. | :51:55. | :52:02. | |
Here is a voice you can identify with if you are in the demographic | :52:03. | :52:07. | |
14 -20yofpltd everyone that heard of True Grit. It was so successful | :52:07. | :52:13. | |
in the '60s. But on a deeper level the movie is about retribution. | :52:13. | :52:17. | |
Somebody wants vengeance because her dad's been shot. Although she | :52:17. | :52:23. | |
gets deflected on the journey, she gets there. This idea of | :52:23. | :52:28. | |
retribution, who are the bad guys, sit clear cut or more economy Kayed, | :52:28. | :52:35. | |
that's a clever way of chiming with what's on people's minds. Thank you | :52:35. | :52:41. | |
and adios. Adios. Mark's second film pick is another | :52:41. | :52:44. | |
film adaptation. We Need To Talk About Kevin | :52:44. | :52:46. | |
revolves around Eva, a mother played with harrowing intensity by | :52:46. | :52:49. | |
Tilda Swinton, who has a troubled relationship with her son, Kevin. | :52:49. | :52:53. | |
When he reaches 15, Kevin commits a terrible act and Eva is left to | :52:53. | :52:56. | |
deal with the horrendous consequences. As his mother, is she | :52:56. | :53:01. | |
to blame? We Need To Talk About Kevin has the same unsettling tone | :53:01. | :53:05. | |
as Lionel Shriver's novel. It's a perverse love story which tackles a | :53:05. | :53:10. | |
taboo subject - a mother who doesn't love her child. The film | :53:10. | :53:14. | |
marks a welcome return for Scottish director Lynne Ramsay. Emerging in | :53:14. | :53:17. | |
the late 1990s, the dark and lyrical style of her early films | :53:17. | :53:20. | |
marked her out as one of Britain's most visionary directors, but this | :53:20. | :53:27. | |
is only her third feature in 12 years. What is it about the story | :53:27. | :53:31. | |
of We Need To Talk About Kevin that you wanted to address? I mean, why | :53:31. | :53:40. | |
that story? I just thought it was very compelling. Some women do not | :53:40. | :53:44. | |
feel that instant bond. It was like a dirty secret. It was like, "Oh, | :53:44. | :53:47. | |
have you read that novel?" There are feelings that people can relate | :53:47. | :53:50. | |
to but it is hard to talk about. How was your relationship with | :53:50. | :53:58. | |
Tilda Swinton on this? Obviously she is the centrepiece of the film | :53:58. | :54:01. | |
and, as you said, it is not a role that everyone would take, because | :54:01. | :54:04. | |
it is profoundly unsympathetic and also taboo, because she is the | :54:04. | :54:09. | |
mother who doesn't love the child. Tilda Swinton is a very bold person. | :54:09. | :54:12. | |
She's brave and she's so intimidating and exotic. So the | :54:12. | :54:15. | |
thing about this was making her more normal, in a way. Making her | :54:15. | :54:18. | |
more, you know, your average mother, albeit this is a very extreme | :54:18. | :54:21. | |
situation. But that was a challenge in itself - how to make Tilda | :54:21. | :54:29. | |
Swinton dowdy. Newcomer Ezra Miller plays the part of the teenage Kevin. | :54:29. | :54:32. | |
You had a drink of water. Hey, Kev. Listen, buddy, it's easy to | :54:32. | :54:35. | |
misunderstand something when you hear it out of context. Why would I | :54:35. | :54:45. | |
:54:45. | :54:51. | ||
not know the context? I am the context. He's got a kind of | :54:51. | :54:55. | |
sexuality as well, a kind of creepy slinkiness. I put him through the | :54:55. | :55:00. | |
mill and I had him back six or seven times. But when he walked in | :55:00. | :55:04. | |
the room, he sucked up so many presence. He was so confident. And | :55:04. | :55:08. | |
so intelligent. I felt that Kevin really was smart. Ezra Miller is | :55:08. | :55:18. | |
:55:18. | :55:19. | ||
probably the smartest boy I ever met. It's intimidating actually. | :55:19. | :55:26. | |
But our Mark didn't just confine himself to movie theatres this year. | :55:26. | :55:36. | |
I'm sure they don't sell popcorn there. | :55:36. | :55:41. | |
I'm here at Tate Modern because the new Turbine Hall commission is for | :55:41. | :55:51. | |
:55:51. | :55:51. | ||
the first time a film. Well, how to begin to describe it. It's like | :55:51. | :55:57. | |
celluloid as architecture, a huge celluloid strip, like the monolith | :55:57. | :56:02. | |
from 2001. The first thing you notice is cinema is usually | :56:02. | :56:08. | |
landscape, but in this has been turned on its side to make it | :56:08. | :56:16. | |
portrait. And how big it is! It was a radical change for me. Of course, | :56:16. | :56:21. | |
I will to work intuitively and my first impression was that whatever | :56:21. | :56:26. | |
I had to do had to be portrait like the space. It became about trying | :56:26. | :56:30. | |
to make that possible within the medium, within the film. The hall | :56:30. | :56:34. | |
is trying to find the shape of the installation. As far as the content | :56:34. | :56:39. | |
is concerned, you've talked in the past about filming a lot to find a | :56:39. | :56:44. | |
little. How did you choose the images? It came about when he the | :56:44. | :56:49. | |
portrait format but I didn't know it was a portrait of what. I | :56:49. | :56:54. | |
started to pick out my port trait format post cards, waterfalls and | :56:54. | :56:58. | |
steps. And then he them up. At a certain point I realised it was a | :56:58. | :57:02. | |
portrait of the film itself. So once I had that and then a bit | :57:02. | :57:08. | |
later it was a portrait of the Turbine Hall. It was a combination | :57:08. | :57:12. | |
of this place. It is only ever going to be for this place. And | :57:12. | :57:16. | |
then with the sprocket holes, I just suddenly realised it was a | :57:16. | :57:21. | |
strip of film. It was very simple. It was that revelation. | :57:21. | :57:26. | |
One of the concerns of this installation and your work is | :57:26. | :57:32. | |
general is the difference between film and digital imaging. Celluloid | :57:32. | :57:35. | |
is fast becoming obsolete. This is something about which you are | :57:35. | :57:38. | |
passionate. What's important about celluloid? Well, film is an | :57:39. | :57:43. | |
entirely different medium from digital. For some reason there is | :57:43. | :57:47. | |
an assumption that digital can take over from film, but it can't. They | :57:47. | :57:53. | |
are totally different mediums the two should be allowed to coexist. | :57:53. | :57:59. | |
We wouldn't get rid of oil painting and replace it with acrylic, or | :57:59. | :58:03. | |
whatever metaphor. The Turbine Hall is a huge platform. He to make this | :58:03. | :58:08. | |
project about fighting for the medium that we are just about to. | :58:08. | :58:12. | |
We've had this for 100 years. We won't be able to see our history of | :58:12. | :58:19. | |
Do something quickly Hope you enjoy this look back at this year. Before | :58:19. | :58:25. | |
we go we leave you with a track from one of 2011's most charming | :58:25. | :58:32. | |
albums. This is Noah And The Whale. We'll be back in February. Until | :58:32. | :58:42. | |
:58:42. | :58:53. | ||
then we wish you a very merry # Pressed up to a window | :58:53. | :58:59. | |
# On the other side of town # His breath on the glass | :58:59. | :59:06. | |
# And then his fingers # Circles the streetlights | :59:06. | :59:13. | |
# The only signal note there's people out there in the black | :59:13. | :59:21. | |
# He is in the town he grew up with # Will he ever come back? His heart | :59:21. | :59:25. | |
is pumping blood # On his lip as perfect smile | :59:25. | :59:30. |