05/05/2016 The One Show


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Welcome to The One Show with Alex Jones. And Matt Baker. We have been


playing minigolf out there all afternoon, which is the reason why


he is like this, because he got a hole in one. Of course he did! There


was a random hole, straight in the hole, but to be fair, here is Alex


on shot number 482. We will slow mow it, it does hit the hole. That is an


inn, it's a hole in one right there. Are you sure? Apparently the player


who gets a hole in one has to buy the round. Well done, Matt,


congratulations. It was minigolf, so I've got some many drinks. Very


cute, a bit tight of you! Cheers! LAUGHTER


Don't be shy. What the heck is in there? The golf course is a treat


for tonight was my guest, a golf loving comedian and panel show


writer and regular. She's a former lawyer, cat fanatic and is followed


around by an imaginary clap. Confused? We explain it. Let's


welcome to the show Susan Calman. Would you like a mini drink, Susan?


It's weird, I'm not sure what's in it. There we are!


LAUGHTER I was always told not to accept


drinks from strange men! Not quite the real thing. Carry on. We heard


you approach life like a lorry because as Matt said, you were a


lawyer for seven years so any caveats you'd like to put into The


One Show contracts? I'd like to have a go at the minigolf later on, so if


you can arrange for the sun to continue to shine because it feels


like I'm on my summer holidays, it's lovely and warm. As it was lovely


weather, that's why we set it up. Perfect. I golfed for 25 years. You


will beat the Baker then. Hole in one later. A beautiful part of the


world you are from, if you did take an afternoon drive up from Susan's


place from Glasgow, to Stirling, to Perth, on the A9, the A9, it's


beautiful, carry on and you might eventually decide to stop in


Aviemore and the Cairngorms with its beautiful rivers, gorgeous lochs,


snowcapped mountains, shall I go on? It sounds lovely but with all that


water everywhere, why are some disgruntled customers of Scottish


Water complaining that there's not a drop to drink?


Now there may be a platter of the bottled stuff out there, but most of


the water we drink stump -- still comes out of the tap, but how would


you feel if your supplier was switched and you found the taste of


your new water undrinkable? Well, some Scottish Highlanders say that's


precisely what's happened. So I've come to Kincraig to talk about tap


water with Laura Ross. What's it like when you take a drink from the


tap? I don't take a drink from the tap anymore. It doesn't taste right.


It almost has a texture to it. Does it smell? It's very chlorinated,


people say their house smells like a swimming pool when they run a shower


or bath. The problem dates back four years, when Scottish Water opened


their treatment works at Aviemore to cope with drop growing demand.


People whose waters obliges to come from the nearby loch were switched


to water from underground boreholes and while 98% of the 10,000


households affected seemed content with the change, the remaining 2%


over 200 of them, work was enough to complain to Scottish water -- Water.


What have Scottish Water said? It's safe, nothing about palatability,


but it is safe. Some claim to notice a chemical tanker once every three


years. Farmer John says it's not just people who can taste the


difference. The dogs, cats, the horse, the horse did not like the


water at all, it was the week before he would drink it the cows and the


sheep inside at lambing time, when they came in, they were not keen on


drinking the stuff. They are obviously smelling something in the


water that we can't. Have a drink now. OK. So are my taste buds as


discerning as a Highland Council? I can smell a slightly chlorine smell,


swimming baths. I mean, it's not terrible, it's not very nice, but


it's not terrible. It's probably better today. It feels like it's


leaving a film on your tongue. It's got a sort of roughness about it


somehow. So much for my taste buds. I reckon we need a few more human


guinea pigs. It's time for a One Show experiment, of a highly


unscientific kind. We've come 80 miles down the road to Perth, the


our taste test. We've got three different types of water, a is from


Aviemore, the is Greater Manchester tap water and the is bottled spring


water. That one doesn't taste the same. At that one is more metallic


than that one. Interesting. Surely water is just water? There's


something different about this one. This is the worst. I quite like that


one. Just different to two, I wouldn't say it's unpleasant. This


one is better. Siebe this is my favourite. Would you be having if it


came out of your tabs? No, definitely not. This tastes like


water. There all the same. Stale and musty. I don't like it. What's wrong


with it? Which is the one you like the least of those three? That one.


He doesn't like it. We got 24 taste testers to say which water they


liked least. While three couldn't tell them apart, in 11 chose


Aviemore, six Manchester, and four the bottled stuff, so it seems there


is something about the Aviemore water that's not to everyone's


taste. And Dr Frank Mair, lecturer in inorganic chemistry at Manchester


University, puts it down to the chlorine. The company supplying the


water has a duty of care to ensure it's safe to drink and the most


common way of doing this is the bubble chlorine through it. There


will be some people who are particularly sensitive to the


chlorine in the water and some people who are less though. Scottish


Water's just a service boss says they are taking customer complaint


seriously. The water we supply is safe, high-quality and 100%


compliant with strict drinking water quality standards. But we do


recognise there's a small proportion of the customers who don't


appreciate the taste of the water that we provide, so we are looking


to improve the processes we used to produce that water. They aim to


reduce chlorine levels by adding a dash of ammonia to the mix, a


process they say is widely practised throughout the UK. Let's hope this


time it's to everyone's taste, humans and animals.


We can only hope the taste of chlorine and ammonia is more to


their liking, Lucy joins us. Would you like a mini drink? Yes. We have


found out its nonalcoholic beer. Which would explain. On that theme


of ammonia in the water, what does it do, and what will it taste like?


Ammonia can counteract the taste of chlorine, but this is just a


proposal at the moment because it hasn't been signed off by public


health officials and they would introduce it in monitored doses and


it's worth pointing out that public water supply is more stringently


regulated than bottled water. It's very, very strict. It's true, isn't


it, that water does taste different in various parts of the UK. Yes, it


does. It's not just me. It's not just you, or my mum, who says that.


In the north it's mainly surface water so it's been filtered through


soil and trees and it gives it an earthy taste, and in the south it's


primarily from boreholes so there is a mineral taste to it. But it can


depend on lots of different things. If you are nearer the treatment


facility, then it will probably taste, it's more likely to taste


strongly of chlorine, and temperature can also affect our


perception. It's seasonal? Seasonal, when reserves are low in the summer


sometimes your water will be shipped in from another county and then we


really notice as consumers, but interestingly research shows we


prefer the taste of water that we grew up with so my family from the


North have never liked the water in the south, even though they've lived


there for ages, so it's about our perception really. Would you like to


know in the UK where has been adjudicated to have the best water?


This is a BBC study. Puke -- viewers are leaving -- Linighan for this


one. Country, the blend of vegetal and salty water was the best.


Vegetal. Glasgow... Yes. You did well, big bodied and smooth. That's


what I say every time I have a glass of water, I swirl it around and have


a sniff of the water in Glasgow is delicious actuary. Southwark, the


panel said it unremarkable, sorry, Southwark! We were talking earlier


about filters, I had one earlier but... It does make a difference, it


must do? It can help with that mineral taste if you are in a hard


water area and it can reduce chlorine taste as well. Some of that


may partly be because the water is left standing in the jug, so the


chlorine dissipates naturally. If you have a filter, make sure you


change it regularly. I look forward to filter changed a! It's a high


day! She's not kidding! Brilliant, thank you, Lucy. A change of career


can make a huge difference to someone's life, full season as we


said earlier, it was sobbing a career in law for a career in


comedy. The lady in the next film was all set to become a typist, when


a different door open for her and that door opened into a fabulous new


world. Filled with Lycra, high kicks and jazz. We still got it! I'm


Debbie Moore, founder and owner of one of the biggest and best-known


dance centres in the world, Pineapple Dance Studios here in the


heart of Covent Garden. I opened the business in 1979, when disco


Friedrich -- disco fever was at its height. I left grammar school in


Manchester at the age of 15, with no qualifications, and planned on being


a typist. But winning a modelling competition thankfully changed all


that. I moved to London, I modelled during the day, and I danced in the


Covent Garden dance Centre at night. # People keep on loving #.


And one day in 1978 summer I noticed they were closing, it was terrible.


I thought there's an opportunity, I found an old pineapple warehouse and


that's why it's called Pineapple and I just say thank god it wasn't a


banana warehouse! So I took a gamble, with a ?30,000 bank loan.


And a second mortgage on my house. It was a massive risk. My vision was


offering dance studio for all abilities, where people could walk


off the street and into a class without an appointment and nobody


else was doing this. # Play that funky music #.


We opened in June 1979, right from the beginning I knew that it was


going to be a great success. I was responding to a need and the dancers


flocked in. Not everyone welcomed the new disco kids on the block. The


Royal Ballet were just around the corner. But their dancers were only


allowed to train in their studios. One of their young stars, however,


persuaded them to change this. His name was Wayne Sleep, and he brought


the ballet world into my studios. There were all these ex-ballerina is


coming to teach what they knew out of years of the Royal Ballet and


being able to handle men knowledge, this was the only place they could


come in London. -- hand on their knowledge. And Wayne always helps


remind me of my priorities. You said, I'm so busy with paperwork,


all of a sudden you moved some papers away and took your track


pants off, down to your jockstrap and got onto the desk. And danced.


You all looked so depressed! It was memorable. My vision for the dance


studio have become a reality, but the modelling me wanted to add more


style and replace the sweaty old nylon with a new fabric, cotton


Lycra. But to expand, you need capital, so in 1982I floated the


company as a plc on the stock exchange. I was the first


businesswoman to do this. It took a model from Manchester with a dance


studio to be the first woman to go public. That was what was


astonishing. I didn't know I was making history. We were top of the


News and front page of all the newspapers, and so it was quite an


extraordinary day. Everything was changing. But -- footless tights had


become leggings and my dance fashion was on the high street. Celebrities


became regulars and Pineapple had become more than just a dance


studio. It was now a brand. One that's lasted to the present day.


# Because the players want to play, play, play #.


And now it's time to share my life lessons with the next generation. I


is to be going forward all the time, when I think my first famous person


ever that came here was Freddie Mercury, but now we have Justin


Bieber. There's been many times when things have gone really wrong. My


daughter, when she was ten, she had a spinal haemorrhage and they didn't


think she was going to survive, so I had a very good team of people who


could keep Pineapple going. But you've got to be able to know you've


got people that you have trained and built up that can carry on and make


it happen. We only get today once, and make the most of it.


APPLAUSE We're joined by some dancers from


pineapple Studios, not too far away. Thanks for popping in. We'll have a


boogie later. Susan, we know you from panel shows like have I got


News for use, and Radio Four, but your passport it's got that you are


a writer, which you are, and you've brought this book out, called Cheer


Up Love. The book conference depression head on. Yes, it does.


What was a process like of opening up and getting it down on paper? I


have depression and I see that in quite a normal fashion, and with the


book and writing, I have depression, it becomes a normal thing to see.


You don't need to sit everyone down and say I've got something to tell


you, I hurt my shoulder the other day, I can say that a lot of people


are so frightened of saying they have depression.


One of the things that has helped me is to admit it and talk about it and


what's surprising is when you say you have it the amount of people who


go, I've been depressed as well, I've just never told anyone about


it, so it's really part of the more we talk about it, the more we smile


about it, the better it's going to get.


They are. They are frightened. The tag line is Adventures In Depression


With The Crab Of Hate. Now, what are you talking about? Well, Winston


Churchill talked about his black dog that he had and that is a common


description of depression. Mine is the crab of hate. And what it is is,


you crawl is at my back and whispered -- he crawls up my back


and whispered into my ear. It is just easier to say to my wife, the


crab of Haiti's here. To say you are depressed is quite difficult. So I


am trying to personify it as an animal. -- the crab of hate is here.


It makes it easier to talk about it so it makes it easier for me to say,


I am down because the crab of hate is sitting on my back. And it is


always there but you can't see it but I know it is there, talking to


me all the time. So who do you hope read this book? It is -- is it those


feeling like you do or to help family members feeling the same way?


It is for those feeling depression but also those who live with us,


work with us, are with us. Because hopefully this will give an insight


into what it is like and some of the techniques I've developed with my


wife and my friends if I am depressed. Because I've embraced it.


It is a positive thing, this book. It is a positive thing about


depression because I am on top of it. And even that title, Cheer Up


Love, that is some advice as well, because you say, that is not the way


to deal with it. Yes. The worst thing in the world is somebody


saying, "Cheer up, love, it might never happen". And you are feeling


like, "It has". You can't just Cheer up. If you could none of us would be


depressed. And it is not about being nasty to anybody trying to help. It


is just to say here are some cool things. For example, saying, how can


I help? And open question can be a really positive thing to help people


out. It is that anybody. Young people, because I don't want to feel


anybody as lonely as I did when I was a teenager. So not just


oppressed people sitting in a corner of a book shop reading it on their


own. It is for everybody to read, to learn more about depression. Like


Susan said, a really important message but hell areas at the same


time. Cheer Up Love: Adventures In Depression With The Crab Of Hate by


Susan is out today. If I had ?1, if I gave you ?1, what would you spend


it on? I would go to a pounds shop and try to buy a ball gown. Cola


bottles. No, I've changed my mind. A tug boat from ace graveyard.


Amazing! I would do the same. -- a scrap yard. Watch this.


This is the Danny. A small but incredibly powerful tug boat. She


was part of a fleet that guided tour go along the Manchester Ship Canal


to the great seaport of Liverpool. -- guided pub boats. She was left to


rust into oblivion. But in 2004 the Danny was bought for just ?1. The


buyer was down, a modern day tug boat captain himself. -- was Daniel.


What on earth possessed you to purchase the Danny? Other than that


your name is the same! It certainly wasn't me being self-indulgent!


Somebody mentioned to me that the Danny was being scrapped. So I went


down on the Friday afternoon and they asked me how much money I had


so we agreed on ?1 to purchase it. It is at the top of the national


register for his ships. I thought she would be restored in about two


or three years. But it has taken him 12 years to get her shipshape for


her return to the water and he had to raise ?4 million to do it. The


painters and decorators are still on board and she is supposed to be


sailing for the first time in 30 years tonight! So, it is all hands


on deck. Have you got it? Yeah! It is quite warm down here. You have


got layers on! This restoration project wouldn't have been possible


without the volunteer workforce who have given 100,000 hours of their


time to see the Danny float again. Stuart is the volunteer operations


director. I arrived in 2009 after retiring from 40 odd years on the


river as a pilot. I was sloshing around, not knowing what to do. When


you get a result from volunteer efforts like this, it really is


quite startling. At 113 years old, the Danny has seen a fair bit of


history and had a few makeovers. After the First World War, can our


traffic declined as more freight was transported by road and train. --


Canal traffic. So Danny became a VIP passenger to boat, designed to be a


miniature version of an ocean liner. She even hosted royal visitors such


as Prince George of Denmark on his trip down the Manchester Ship Canal


in 1949. So, how do the volunteers feel about tonight's relaunch? Is


going to be a proud moment, it's going to be good. Miraculously, it's


all come right and here we are today, the old lady is in steam and


we are ready to go. We have a tight window to make our crossing from


here in Birkenhead to the dock in Liverpool. We need to set off at


about -- about 7:30pm tonight but when it comes to dealing with


100-year-old technology, nothing is simple. But with just hours to go,


there is a major setback. The steam powered steering has jammed. So


although we can take to the water, we cannot steer the Danny. Luckily,


another tug boat is on hand to give some gentle guidance and a bit of a


shock. And we are off. -- a bit of a push. How does it feel now we have


finally set off? A big relief. She is 99.5% complete. It was always


going to be tight. It is the best view in the world. It has been a


real honour to be here on the boat as the Danny sets sail after such a


long time. And as she comes into the Albert Dock in Liverpool for the


first time in over 30 years, a small crowd is waiting to greet her. And


we have arrived! HORN BLOWS.


She will soon be carrying passengers across the Mersey once again.


Do you know what? That is what the one show is all about. Passionate


people doing what they can for our heritage. -- The One Show. You may


remember Paul Mayhew Archer, the writer of The Vicar Of Dibley. He


recently shared his experience of living with Parkinson's and he was


keen to make another film for us. As he considers the prospect of


retirement, we have set him to work again. Yes. He is not the only one


with ideas of what to do when he says goodbye to the nine to five.


President Obama has also been giving this some thought.


He is about to go from Commander in Chief to couch commander! What am I


going to do in DC for two years? I can't go every day to London? Why


don't you volunteer to work for one of the teams around here? You love


sports. So, Barack Obama is thinking about


retirement and so am I, but what does retirement mean these days? Is


it joy and delight or years and years of loneliness and boredom?


Here is the beauty of the whole thing. You have all the time in the


world to figure this out. You can be used for a while. You can have a


beer at 11:30am! -- you can be you. I wake up in the morning and think,


what should I do today? So I started to cook and bake... We've done


Cambodia, Italy, Peru, Australia. You must surrender there are only


9000 people playing the game and are used to be in the top thousand! In


the world! -- you must we member. You must do more! More, more, more!


I ended up doing things I was never expecting to do. Grandchildren. I'm


one of the parents who has looked after them since they were babies so


my daughter could go back to work. No? Honey, enough, enough! Why don't


you talk to somebody? I've got to go. And with more time together,


will love blossom once again? I threatened to give up golf at one


stage. Carol said, you will get out of the house and I don't want you


under my feet again! Quite enjoy being together. We've only been


married for seven years so we are in the honeymoon period. Would you


recommend I should retire? I wouldn't hesitate! Really?! You will


be able to walk out of the office. I mean, zip the dude.


Now, the son has been out all day, which means a large -- the sun has


been out all day, which means a large glass of wine and minigolf!


We are going to see how many of these balls you can get in the hole


in 60 seconds. But to make it more difficult, because you are a pro, we


are going to ask you questions on the way round. What is your best


one-liner? I don't have one! You are a regular on Radio 4 The News Quiz.


It is presented by Miles Jupp. Who is your favourite, Miles Jupp all


your friends Sandi Toksvig? I love them both equally! I cannot choose!


How do you prepare for a stand-up gig? By being a superhero! When was


the last time you just up your cuts? A nice tidy. Your most embarrassing


moment? I burst into the train toilet when somebody was in there!


They hadn't locked the door! The most unexpected thing we could find


in your home. A custom-made tiger suit! Time up!


CHEERING High-5! You got four. Very good. We


have a trophy that you can have because we know you are going back


on the sleeper train. Anyway, that is all we have time for tonight. A


big thank you to Susan for joining us. And her book Cheer Up Love is


out now. Will be joined by top acting talent Lily James Richard


Madden and Rick Astley will be playing us out. Good night.


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