17/12/2015 The One Show


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Hello and welcome to the One Show with Matt Baker and Alex Jones. It


is a busy time of year for lots of shops around the country but we have


persuaded one special shopkeeper to close early and come and join us. It


is Granville himself, Sir David Jason. Very nice to see you, Sir


David. Thank you. It is exactly 50 years since your television debut.


So we have put together a Granville-style hamper. It is not


the best. It is all right. We put a bit of effort in. Bits and pieces to


mark different projects. The magnifying glass for Frost. We have


some haven for the Darling Buds of May. That smells. I never did that,


it wasn't me. That brings us to Open All Hours, but it is a bit stinky. I


will not hand it over just now. Are you a fan of the hamper at Christmas


time? Does it bring you joy? Yes, especially if it is sent by somebody


else from Fortnum and Mason 's. If anybody wants to send me one! I


would be welcoming it. There are always bits and pieces at the bottom


that you think, that is not me. The odd marmalade with orange and brandy


or something weird where they have twisted it a bit too far. I don't


know where you get yours! This got us thinking. We want to hear from


you if you are planning to send on a present that you actually received


last year. We want you to take a photo of the item and send it in to


the usual address. We will only use first names and we will not give any


idea where you are from. All day, Warwick Davies has been going on and


on about the Star Wars premiere last night. It has been Han Solo this,


Skywalker that. He has starred in two Star Wars films but I don't


think he would have got an invite to the Premier if it was not fast.


I started my career 32 years ago when I appeared in Star Wars, return


of the Jedi, and now I am at the UK premiere of the latest release in


the saga, The Force Awakens. All these people have come to see


the stars. I could be hanging out there with Harrison Ford, Carrie


Fisher and Mark Hamill, but I am with the most important people, the


fans. Where have you travelled from? Italy? To be here? And you have come


all the way from Southend. Incredible dedication. And like most


fans, I have myself the stick. I wanted a light sabre but they would


not give me one. BB-8. Fantastic. Smile. He doesn't want to smile.


With my unique access to the red carpet, maybe I could give them a


helping hand to meet their favourite stars. You want Mark Hamill. Goudie


you want? Harrison Ford. Hello. Are you up for meeting some


fans. I am with the One Show tonight. Do your hair. Come over


here because I am trying to make dreams come true for some people.


Come and meet little Charlie, the biggest Star Wars fan in the


universe. How are you most admire is it all about the selfie today? I


would say the selfie, because then you know you were with them. I


present to you, Mr Peter Mayhew. If you check on eBay tomorrow, you will


see all this. I have just seen the boss, JJ Abrams. Tell us about your


first memory of Star Wars. My first memory was going to the theatre at


almost 11 years old. I went in, thinking the world was one thing,


and I came out feeling like anything was possible. And who knew that you


would be directing and co-writing one in the future? Absolutely


insane. Not as cuddly as the real thing. I am here with the Star Wars


creator, Mr George Lucas. Great to be here. I am interested in the


fans, they are so passionate. How does it feel to have made such a


difference in so many people's lives? It feels great. What else can


I say, except maybe they are all crazy? It is Anthony Daniels, C-3PO.


How about a selfie with me? Yes! More importantly, I can have one


with the fans. Wasn't that lovely? We were only


kidding earlier. We also want to say hello to Granville's son, Leroy,


played by James Baxter. We are going to stick on the Star Wars theme,


because a little bird tells us that you have sat in the new Millennium


Falcon. I might have. How? We were filming at Pinewood. Name-dropper!


In the lunch break that we had... For Open All Hours? Yes, me and


Johnny slipped off and got in there. Johnny Vegas? Yes. We were meant to


be with the director but he wasn't there. He didn't turn up. The


director of Star Wars? Yes. How tight was security? It was mental.


They ask you if you have your phone on you. And they have a sticker that


they put round your camera, and it changes colour if you take it off,


so they know. A picture here, a picture there. A picture everywhere.


It is like that on the set of Open All Hours! It is when he is there.


You are back, taking over from Arkwright, owning the shop, Sir


David. The relationship between you and Ronnie Barker was key. How do


you find working with James? Terrible. If I could have recast it


on the first day, I would have done but I was outvoted. He doesn't look


like me. He doesn't look like anybody. Your eyes are similar. No,


the idea is a relationship tween Granville and Arkwright, and when I


played him, as Granville, was either Sun, or was I not? In order keep


that going, we have introduced that idea with Leroy and Granville. In


order to get a comic relationship going. Because you do need somebody


that acts as... All of the great comedy duos have always been two,


really. That is obvious, if they are a duo! You need a foil, someone to


bounce off. That is why we needed someone. You couldn't really do it,


you see, with a female, present company excepted. I mean, if it had


been you... Thank you so much for not turning up for that audition. It


means you can do a lot more physical and be rude. I could take it. You


are out in the next series. Let's have a look at you both in action.


Let me have a look. That may there. I can see through here what you were


doing last night. Good grief! No wonder you are tired. I was home


early last night. Anyway, if you dare and leave me in charge, why


don't I go for the trip? Because you will come back with some clapped out


way. I want a tree... Brilliant stuff. Special


relationships have been part of the show's TNA. You and Ronnie were


absolutely special. He wrote you a lovely poem when he found out you


were to be knighted. You put this in your water biography. Can we read it


out, because it is the most beautiful words? Please do. He was a


special man and he taught me a lot. Our relationship was so special that


he felt, well, in his heart, I suppose, to write me a few little


personal notes. Here we go. And truly say


"Good Knight from him." It has got us all. We have all gone.


And that poem was actually read out on the day. Yes. One of the great


things was, he wrote me two or three special notes and he penned them


himself. That was one of the great gifts he had. Not only was he a


great comedy actor and a wonderful, warm person, but he did have that


tremendous ability to communicate with the written word, which,


unfortunately, people like myself don't have that facility, not that


good. That's why we have to have special people like Roy Clark, who


has written for us in Open All Hours. So I do have to raise my hat


to people who can command the written word. One thing you are


incredibly good at his physical comedy, which we will talk about in


a little while. Thank you, James, for popping in. Thanks for having


me. You can see Still Open All Hours on Boxing Day at 8pm. Front-page


news today is that the tax man and his helpers are apparently not doing


enough to assist people. Lucy went to find out if there is any festive


cheer for those contacting HMRC. If you are self-employed, you will


know only too well that December is not just about Christmas, but also


about filling in the dreaded tax return. This is a busy accountancy


firm in Birmingham. At this time of year, getting through to the tax


office with queries is crucial and can be infuriating. So we are going


to test exactly how long it takes to get a response.


The first quarter of this year was unacceptably poor. That frank


admission from the woman who runs HMRC was made to MPs about why more


than half of all helpline calls went unanswered. But she had a solution.


For general information, web chat, information on our websites and


tweeting, they are ways to let people know things quickly.


Tweeting? Really? The team this accountancy service in Birmingham


are going to help me with an unscientific The One Show test,


putting real-life tax queries to HMRC by phone, tweaked and web chat.


Are you ready, team? Three, two, one. Go.


I need help completing my self-assessment return. The


challenge with Twitter is getting your query into 140 characters. Am I


not speaking clearly? The trouble with the web chat is that I do not


know where to ask the question. No response to the tweaked yet. I don't


believe anybody can help me at this point. What is the longest time you


have waited? I would probably say 75 minutes. One hour and 15 minutes. We


put the loudspeaker on and got on with some other work. How do you


feel about using social media to get some of your clients' queries


answered? I think people want to be able to make sure they are getting


an answer that is relevant to them. We are doing our testing office


hours. You can expect to wait longer if you ring after 6pm. Three months


ago Tom the consumer Association carried out their own survey. We


called HMRC 100 times and found the average time it takes to get through


to wheel person was 38 minutes. In five calls took longer than an hour,


and none of the calls was shorter than 15 minutes. So, if the promised


to improve holds true, we should get through quicker.


I have had some replies to my tweets. It is nice that other


consumers are helping you. I feel less alone, but I have not had a


reply from HMRC. It is almost ten minutes. Yeah. Hello? After 16


minutes, I'm through. I have a query... Not bad, at least my call's


been answered. Thank you so much for your help, brilliant. Thank you.


Bye. That was very good. But that lady


referred me to YouTube. Why did I spend quarter of an hour on the


phone when I could have gone to YouTube?


All of us got through. So over half an hour gone. Let's have a audit of


where we are at. I got through in six minutes, so that is impressive.


Twitter took 24 minutes. It took me 25 minute s to get through on the


phone and 14 minutes to get through on webchat. 14 minutes. So, I got


through on the phone after 16 minutes and I'm still waiting for


any Twitter response. Well after half an hour. How does that compare


with your results? It does look like HMRC are improving, they told us


they were getting 3,000 more staff to work on the call centres and that


does seem to be working because we are getting quicker calls today by


phone. Should we stop giving them such a hard time? Given we have six


weeks until the end of the tax return, we need to keep on the


pressure. But they are responding. So a month on from that humbling


apology, the tax men and women are trying, maybe they are due a


Christmas chocolate. I wonder if they will fill in a form for me! A


little bit of festive cheer. They could do with some tinsel! Sir


David, we had Harry Hill on a few nights ago. We were talking about


the resurgence of physical comedy and this I know has been a passion


of yours for a long time. We couldn't have you on without playing


this clip. Here we go. I think we are on a winner here,


Trig. Play it nice and cool, son. Nice and cool. Know what I mean?


LAUGHTER Every time! Every single time. We


have seen it so many times. What's the formula for a fantastic physical


gag like that one? Well, there are two things about why I'm very


interested in visual comedy. (A) is because I spent most of my life


doing it. I have always been fascinated by it from like Laurel


and Hardy. One of the things about it is that it can appeal


across-the-board, across the world to everybody, you don't have to


understand the language, you don't have to know whether it's English,


German, Dutch, or whatever it is. No. That clip could travel the world


and every country in the world people will laugh at it, it is


because it's descriptive but to do it, to do it takes quite a lot of


interesting... How long were you rehearsing that scene for? That


didn't really come about - there's a longer story. But the point that I


was able to do it is because whenever I was on stage years ago, I


spent a lot of time in summer seasons and things, whenever I could


do it, I manipulated a moment in time because there's always a settee


in a farce at the front of the stage and I would always manipulate to


lean on the settee and lean, pretend to lean, then fall, it's always a


big laugh! When we did that, the trick of it is, you will notice that


when he does it, it's not cruel because, look, he never looks where


he's going. Now, in order to do that - I am not suggesting you should do


this at home - you have to go against your instinct because when


you reach that point there, where I was, your instincts normally take


over, which is your arm comes out, your head turns and your knee comes


out to save your head. What makes it funny is that he decides not to do


any of that and so he becomes, look, he is an idiot! It will fill us with


joy for many, many years. For years and years. There you are. There's a


quick explanation for you. Thank you. I won't tell you anymore of my


secrets so carry on! We will make sure the back of that settee is in


the same position there. Now, back in the day, when Sir David was


driving around Peckham, his motor of choice was an old three-wheeler. And


as it happens, it is parked outside there, which we will get to later.


Already tonight we have been talking about Star Wars, but Trigger would


have been surprised to hear a car with three wheels could turn up in a


galaxy far, far away. The Bond Bug. Three wheels, a 750cc


engine and a top speed of 76mph. In 1970, it was the coolest thing in


modern motoring. But it's lasting legacy would be as the hidden heart


from a vehicle a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The Star Wars


landspeeder. STAR WARS-ESQUE


MUSIC Star Wars' universe was conjured


from the imagination of George Lucas. He made most of the film in


Britain and many British engineers and designers were brought in to


bring his world to life. They created hundreds of new models and


they searched for ordinary vehicles they could turn into alien craft.


One of those vehicles was the already very alien-looking Bond Bug.


Reliant, the company behind the Bug, emphasised its unique style by


producing it in one colour. A very 1970s tangerine. For ?629, you could


get the experience of driving a sports car. Because it's only got


three wheels, you could drive a Bug on a motorcycle licence. Owners


raved about the driving experience of the Bond Bug. It became an


instant classic. The Bug's designer was Tom. His design skills caught


the attention of the Star Wars production team. I had a fabulous


model shop and Star Wars ran out of capacity for getting models made so


they came to us to get help. In the film there is something called the


landspeeder, an ideal platform for that was the Bond Bug, which we had


designed. It was one of my most enjoyable projects. It was a nice


little vehicle that suited the landspeeder. We stripped the body


off and so they got us to make a fibre glass body to put it on a Bond


Bug chassis. They put a mirror under it so it looked as if it was


floating above the ground in the film. When you first saw the film,


what did you think? I loved the vehicles. I think they were designed


beautifully. I went to sleep for part of the film as well! It wasn't


quite my kind of film, frankly. 38 years later, the Bug is a well-loved


classic. Members of the Bug Club get together at rallies across the world


to compare notes on their turbo-powered tricycles. How's it


going? Fine. Good to see you. This is an impressive line-up? It's a


beautiful line-up. It is not often you see 11 like this. What is the


Bug Club? It's a group of enthusiasts who fell in love with


the car like I did. People modify them? Definitely. You never find two


Bond Bugs the same. Only 2,268 of these futuristic gems ever rolled


off the production line. Today, they are a rare collector's item and part


of their appeal will always be their starring role in Star Wars. Do you


like the idea there is a hidden bit of heritage within Star Wars that


will forever be the Bug? It is always nice to know people will


remember that film, it is nice to think the Bond Bug will be part of


it. I love them. David, your car is


outside. That little film gave us an idea. So let's play a part of it


again. They did a very clever thing, they put a mirror under it so it


looked as if it was floating above the ground in the film. So, no


prizes for guessing what we are going to do. We will give Dave till


the end of the show to see if he can make your three-wheeler float just


by using a mirror and of course the lightsaber. We will see how that


goes. A few weeks ago we asked you to film yourselves singing along to


Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes. Once again, you rose to the challenge. We


were inundated with festive performances. Stand by Britain, the


time has come to finally reveal your efforts. This is the national One


Show Virtual Choir 2015. # Just hear those sleigh bells


jingling, ring tingle tingling too # Come on, it's lovely weather


for a sleigh ride together with you, # Outside the snow is falling


and friends are calling "Yoo hoo", # Come on, it's lovely weather


for a sleigh ride together with you. # Our cheeks are nice and rosy


and comfy and cozy are we. # We're snuggled up together


like two birds of a feather would be # Let's take the road before us


and sing a chorus or two # Come on, it's lovely weather


for a sleigh ride together with you. # Just hear those sleigh bells


jingling, ring tingle tingling too # Come on, it's lovely weather


for a sleigh ride together with you, # Outside the snow is falling


and friends are calling "Yoo hoo", # Come on, it's lovely weather


for a sleigh ride together with you. # Giddy up let's go


# Giddy up, giddy up let's go # Ding dong Ding. #


You were brilliant. Thank you so much for doing that. Every one of


them a One Show viewer. So, we asked earlier if you were regifting this


year. Some are! John was given this but can't face eating it. It is a


duck pate. I'm with you on that. These are all presents people have


received and they are sending on. Olly said a relative was given this


in the '70s, they had stored it for 35 years before giving it to him and


now he's about to send it on again! If you receive this, get in contact


with us. Thank you so much for your company, Sir David. Pleasure. The


new series of Still Open All Hours starts on Boxing Day at 8.00pm on


BBC One. We challenged Props Dave to try the three-wheeler van like Luke


Skywalker's landspeeder. Now the time has come. Good luck, Dave. Use


the Force. It looks good so far. It's tremendous! Look at that!


Tomorrow, we will be I would love you to join us


on the Red Button right now to watch some


classic Christmas videos. It's our Sounds Of The 80s


seasonal special. I've got


an absolute sackload of songs,


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