26/05/2016 The One Show


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Evening all, welcome to The One Show, with Alex Jones. And Matt


Baker. the fastest military


marching band in the world, They're very excited to be


performing with our guest later. He's the latest Brit to break


into Hollywood; his film's called Mother's Day,


and he's Jack Whitehall! Jack, the Rifles are big fans


of yours, and have invited you to march with them and play


a bugle solo, But that cannot happen, because you


have a leg injury. Will continue through the whole show? It is quite


difficult to concentrate... We have started! LAUGHTER


They have said, will you still be able to do the bugle so low? How is


it? Pretty good... They will stop when they get to the end, the guy on


the left-hand side, Mattock, he is the man who you will be bugle with.


Playing his bugle... LAUGHTER Bugle it up!


Now, Jack, later on we'll hear the story of


when reggae legend Bob Marley gave a surprise


performance at a Peckham school in 1972.


Jack, any famous visitors at your school?


I did, Chris De Burgh... Chris De Burgh went to my school, not at the


same time as me, and he came back to record an episode of songs of


praise, while I was a pupil, and... There was a bit I had to do... He


was doing a bit to camera, and my classroom was in the back of


shocked... I was a school kid out of my classroom. -- Songs of Praise. I


made a cameo appearance, a little cameo appearance not deemed


appropriate for songs of praise. Part of my anatomy that was not


appropriate... LAUGHTER It is not big and not clever, I was


young. Hilarious at the time actress at the Chris, I am sorry, if you are


watching. We have got some young mothers in the night. I thought that


you were going to say that Chris De Burgh was here tonight! I wonder


what on earth you made of that, he in back your son... -- your mother


is in the night. This is the first time I have heard of it and we will


be having words about it. LAUGHTER This is a whole new ball park, did a


celebrity ever make a surprise appearance at your school? Whole new


ballpark. If you've got the photo evidence


to prove it, send it along to [email protected]


or our social media. Eating disorders affect nearly three


quarters of a million people in the UK. Scientists are keen to find any


new technology which may help to understand and treat them.


Angellica met one patient who is desperate


VOICEOVER: 22-year-old Londoner Christie has anorexia. I was


diagnosed when I was 13, it has been nine years, I cannot remember the


last time that I did not count what I was eating in the day. I feel like


it has been nine years of constant mental torture. There are around


72,000 people in the UK who, like Christie, have been diagnosed as


having anorexia. With medical advice, she has tried various


treatments, including psychological therapies and medication. Today she


is starting the first part of a new trial which she hopes will


revolutionise the way that we treat anorexia. The first scan takes 30


seconds. For she starts on the trial here at Kings College London, an MRI


scan is taken of her brain. NHS advice described anorexia as a


serious mental health condition. Researchers here believe that the


best way to treat it may lie in directly stimulating the brain. That


is what this trial is exploring. Transcranial magnetic stimulation


works by sending a magnetic field to stimulate specific areas of the


brain. It has already been used to treat depression but never before


for anorexia. Jessica McClelland, the for psychiatry and psychologists


and neuroscience is behind the trial. The habit and the symptoms


and behaviours become ingrained, automatic, unconscious. That is why


talking therapies may not work for individuals who have had it for a


long time, there is a real need to intervene at a neural level and


change those processes and mechanisms. Essentially you are


trying to change the way that the brain functions. We think that it


can help, the idea would be to use an intervention like this alongside


psychotherapy. In through here? This is the fourth of 20 sessions for


Christie, and getting the first look at the trial for us, Andrew Radford,


from the eating disorder charity, Beat. People with normal eating


behaviours, there are brain will fire in a certain way, but those


with abnormal, the pathways fix in a different order. If we can intervene


quickly, and stop those pathways setting themselves up in the wrong


way, and re-established the normal pathways, then it looks like you


will have a good chance of getting a recovery. First, she shown images of


food, and asked to rate her feelings in response to a series of


questions. Then it is time for the brain stimulation. On the screen,


you can see the target, we need to get to the centre of it. To get the


area of the brain that we are trying to stimulate. Three, two, one. It


feels like a woodpecker. It does not hurt but it feels a bit strange.


ELECTRONIC CLACKING. She has 25 second bursts of brain stimulation


over the course of 20 minutes. What is going through your mind? Can you


think of something? We have all had one of those moments in life where


you think, where am I going, what did I do to end up with this on my


head. LAUGHTER With expert guidance, I am allowed


to administer the last burst. ELECTRONIC CLACKING. There you go.


Thank you! With treatment over, Christie repeats the earlier test,


results of the trial are expected in August, the medics are saying


nothing until then, but Andrew is optimistic. It is like being at the


time when you invented vaccination, or something, watching these people


that have worked out what is going on, just in the hope that we will


have a breakthrough. And you know the breakthrough could start to


happen, this is really exciting. Christie has 16 more sessions of the


therapy. It has been promising, it is really exciting to see how it


develops and to know that I have been a part of it. Now, obviously,


this is just the beginning for Christie and the other volunteers,


but the team here are hopeful that stimulating the brain could yet be a


leap forward in the treatment of anorexia. STUDIO: It is early days


but it will be interesting to see the results in August, we will do a


catch up on it. And with us is one of the world's


leading TMS experts, Dr David Pitcher from


University of York. Apart from what we saw in the film,


what other illnesses is TMS being used to treat, you are doing the


research into how it can help. Currently very promising work in


depression, people who have TMS, in conversation with behavioural


therapy, it can help. People recovering from strokes. The work


that I do with my colleague Helen, we study the basic function of the


brain, we say, what does this particular part of the brain do, if


we can disrupt that, we can see that it is causally essential for doing


that, recognising a face, saying a word, that kind of thing. What kind


of proof have you got? Machines like this, all over Britain now. Every


psychology department in the country has one of these machines,


interesting and compelling way to do neuroscience. The more and more


research you do, obviously the more the machine will be used. Five years


from now what do you hope to achieve? I'm looking at autism,


where the brain goes wrong, where it may miss function, an autistic


person may not look you in the face, they will avoid eye contact. How


does that face area not function in the autistic person? It is not that


TMS makes you autistic, but we can look at the disruption, and how that


may mirror behaviour that an autistic person may have. We will


bring in your colleague, doctor Helen Nuttall. Give us an idea of


what is about to happen. You are going to do something with your arm


and how it interacts with your brain. My motor cortex is across the


top of my head, any thing I'm doing while I move my head, controlled by


the top Barack -- controlled by the part of the


brain goes across the top of my head. There is a partner controlled


the face, the hand, breathing, everything. If we deliver TMS to


wear it controls the arm, then it will make it not function. It will


go into the cortex, neurons under the brain will fire, TMS is


controlling them, it will make me shake, basically. You are going to


hold out your arm, go ahead. Which way will it go... I don't want to be


smashed in the face! If you want to restrain me, that is fine! Helen,


whenever you are ready. I'm going to place this quail on his head, on the


motor cortex, and you will hear some clicking noises, so if you would


like to do some action with your hand. Are you ready...


And we do that again... You are really trying to move your arm. I


cannot do it, the TMS has taken over that part of my brain, not that it


is making planned movements, it is noise in the brain, there is


confusion in that part of the brain. The part that controls my hand is


not sure what it has to do. It is completely safe? It could cause a


stroke in somebody with a family history of epilepsy so we never do


it with people like that. It is completely safe. Thank you very much


for joining us. not only is he launching his


new stand-up tour, he's also starring in his


first Hollywood movie. But he knows us Brits


will always keep him humble. This bloke comes up to me, he taps


me on the shoulder and says, mate, do you know who you look like? I


think, God, this is awkward... I must've been recognised from the


telly... Go on, fire away, we are all ears... Mate, you look just like


a fat Jack Whitehall. LAUGHTER Recognised as a fat version of




A lot to talk about, talking about the new tour, coming out next year.


Your new tour At Large starts in 2017,


will it continue this theme of humiliation?


People like that, I have certainly try to get a lot of stories in the


new tour of me being the Milliyet it and put in my place, I have a


similar thing that happened to me to that, maybe even more human letting,


I was on an aeroplane not too long ago, very excited that my stand-up


had made it onto the in-flight entertainment system. That is


massive! I saw this guy watching me on the screen, I thought we had a


fan, perhaps he may come over for a photograph. Five minutes later, I


watched him switch off my stand-up, and put on the in-flight map


instead! LAUGHTER He would rather watch a cartoon


plane, than me... So that was... That felt good(!) lots of comics


like yourself right material based on their lives and what has


happened. Recently your life has been a little bit Hollywood.


I have talked about going to America, trying to break America,


very much still intact, at the moment... LAUGHTER


Los Angeles is a strange place to go to, especially for a Londoner, it is


so friendly, aggressively friendly. When you are from London, it is


just... You are not used to it, people think your voice is a


conversation starter, I have never experienced that, they will come up


and say, my God, you are from London, I love London. And I think,


well, London would not love you. LAUGHTER


I try. With that in mind, why are you so desperately crack America? I


am not, James Corden... He has got that locked down! LAUGHTER


There is room for the two of you. I was watching Graham Norton the other


night, you are in this Hollywood movie, could not believe it, how did


it happen? Quite weird, I got a call from my manager and he said, do you


want to do a film with Julia Roberts and I said, yes, I think I could


probably make room in my schedule for that(!)... It was all very


surreal. Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson... That is my


dream cast! How did it feel, first day on set, Jack Whitehall, over in


Los Angeles, intimidating? Were they welcoming? All very nice. A lot of


my scenes with Julia Roberts, I forgot my line at one point, because


I was staring at her! She had to prompt me, that was quite


embarrassing. Did they ask you to do an American accent, to start with?


Were you always going to be the guy from Britain? My American accent is


not great, I do auditions out there, I do my own voice. I did an audition


in America, and I prepared in an English accent, if that is OK, and


they said, it is not really, you have to be American. And I said, I


thought that perhaps he could be English. They said, you are playing


the young Harrison Ford. You sure Harrison Ford could not just make


his own accent posh English, and then we could sync up like that...


They told me, no... (!) That is the most adorable baby I


have ever seen. Could you watch while I do my set? No! That you, out


you go, I am rooting for you. This wasn't planned, coming out with her


wasn't planned, not that she wasn't planned!


It's brilliant, its massive and we are chuffed to have you here.


Tickets for the next stand-up tour, At Large, are on sale, and the movie


Mother's Day is out June ten. We asked earlier on if a celebrity


turned up at your school, Noel Edmonds was the most famous to turn


up at ours. It was incredible. What a day. Our favourite, you won't know


him, but it was a guy called Jenkins. We were really excited.


What does he do? He was like a pantomime character, we thought he


was amazing. Send in a picture to the usual address! But neither of


them compare to this story. The legendary Bob Marley, famous


throughout the world. But back in 1972 he was a struggling musician


living in London. Outside of Jamaica hardly anyone knew he was and


getting on air was tough. So he tried an unusual tactic, it all


started when he met art teacher Keith. I was in a nightclub and I


got talking to Johnny Nash and Bob Marley. Johnny had recorded a single


that Bob Marley had written and they were frustrated it was not hitting


the top 40. I suggested why don't you come down to the school in


Peckham where I teach and do a performance for the kids? You can


get them to buy your record. Did you think they would show up? Not at


all. But surprisingly the dead. And today Keith is back at his old


school. We entered the games hall and there was to mulch was clapping


and cheering. I am so jealous. I had my camera with me, because if I had


not know one would have believed the story. I have some great pictures to


show you. Oh my goodness. That's fantastic. Johnny was sitting on the


left and Bob on the right of the picture. Look at the children's


faces, they cannot believe it. There are no microphones. It was properly


acoustic. Absolutely. One of the kids cheekily asked why he was


wearing the hat indoors and he took it off and his dreadlocks came out


and he smiled, he was happy to discuss it. He said this is part of


my religion. A proper education for the kids. A lot better than double


maths! Exactly! One of the songs played that day was Stir It Up and


we have invited two Bob Marley fans to recreate the performance on the


same spot. And we have traced two old boys who were at the gig, Terry


and George. It seems like yesterday. It was a


great gig. I told people but I don't think they believed me. It was


fantastic for him to do that. There was a point when we were in


the playground and he was coming towards me and our eyes met as if to


say we are one. It's a deep thing. There was something special on that


day, I won't ever forget it. After the performance, on the way back to


the car he saw some students playing football and he started showing them


some of the skills. I watched him kicking the ball in the ear with his


foot, his knee and his guitar. The kids, their faces. The ball went


over to Johnny Nash, the Texan, and he kicked it as hard as he could and


it disappeared over the terrace houses. You must have been the


coolest teacher out there. For a few weeks I was a folk hero. Whether the


gate helped or not, Stir It Up reached 13 in the charts, Bob


Marley's first success outside of Jamaica. Within three years Bob


Marley would become a megastar and although he is missed today his


voice still echoes throughout the world including here in Peckham.


Brilliant, it is just like being back here in 1972.


Talking of being back there in the school days, we asked for your


photographs if a celebrity visited you at school and you did not


disappoint. Look at this one. This is Martin with Emlyn Hughes in 1982.


The Fonz in Manchester. Gordon Brown at the school in Sheffield,


apparently all the naughty children were sent home that day! Good old


Matt Baker came to visit Chris in Jersey! Still wearing the same ...


Shirt. Let's meet a woman who gets around a bit more slowly.


When you are pushing the paddle through the water, you left it up


and can hear it trickle. That is nice because it's close to you and


everything else is very distant so that is when it is just you and the


water. It's the ultimate soundtrack when you have the birds and the


water around you. I am paddle boarding 400 miles through the


length of Britain, 193 blocks and it will take me about four weeks to


complete. I am paddling every day for between ten and 12 hours. Now is


the sort of time, when it's this peaceful, quiet, you just switch off


and it's just you and the water. Yesterday was fairly torrential


rain, it was tough going. The knock on effect is fast flowing


downstream, I have been up against that with headwind as well. Every


paddle I am taking I am being pushed two back. I would say my body is


adapting to the repetitive movement of the paddling. I wake up in the


mornings and my hands are like clause. When I started paddle


boarding that is when I started to realise how big the problem with


plastic pollution is. It was just really sad to see all this up and


the network. I am taking pictures, I've seen a ridiculous number of


footballs. Plates, kids bicycle, plant pot. An umbrella. Things which


should not be in the waterways. Looks like it's come from a boat or


maybe it's a dog story? -- dog toy? When I am on the water and I am


alone I think about what I would like to eat most of the time and


what I will have for my next snack or meal, that keeps me going in the


short term. I think sometimes you can get lost in your own fault and


that can be one of the challenges, especially as I go on. I can imagine


there will be moments I get lonely. People are so friendly and nice and


on the canals it's much more narrow than the River, you are paddling at


the peace people are walking so you can have nice conversations. I have


always been quite adventurous, I have always taken on challenges but


nothing of this scale. It makes me feel alive and happy and I do it


because I can do it. That doesn't necessarily have to be a bigger


reason for anyone else, do it because you can because one day you


may not be able to. So Lizzie is now two thirds of the


way through her challenge and if you want to track you can find the link


on our website. We have moved outside to meet Major Jason


Griffiths, the director of music of The Rifles. You look great, you have


changed since rehearsal! How fast can you go and why do The Rifles


march so fast? We go so fast because years ago the prestigious regiment


The Rifles are renowned for being at the front of the battle. They will


move the quickest, they have to be skirmishing through the woods in the


green Gen X. To keep that tradition going we are the fastest marching


band in that we should march at about 140 paces per minute. The


faster you go the faster you have to play the music and it has to be in


time. Yes. And the bugle goes double which is about 180 paces so we have


to keep up with them. What is going to be happening at Horse Guards


Parade? We have sounding retreat, it's been over two decades since The


Band and Bugles of The Rifles and cadet bands, our sister regiment


from Canada, the military web squire, -- military web is squire.


We have two gives you the bugle, Jack. Don't mess this up! Tomorrow I


will be here with Elaine Paige, Russel T. Davies and ABC and Gyles


is my co-presenter so anything could happen. Best of luck! See you




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