Epic Juggling and Awesome Acting! Blue Peter

Epic Juggling and Awesome Acting!

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If only you were wearing the ketchup covered shorts, you could have


washed them at the same Today's show is all about football.


And juggling. Yeah, not at the same time,


obviously. That would be silly. Look, we're in the garden,


and we are loving life. And have we got


a show for you today? You already saw them


a little bit earlier on, and we are joined by Bibi and Bichu


- look how brilliant they are. They're going to be


showing off their amazing skills It's not just ball skills on the


show today. Also, I take on one of the biggest challenges I think


I've ever had to face on the show. I'm not kidding. It's a challenge


where I play a certain character. I had a day to learn all the lines.


I'll give you a clue who it is. Off with their heads. Oh.


It's The Lion King. Macbeth. This is the tortoise in question,


looking lovely as usual. Found her. I win. Jump on...


Just go away. Jump onto the BP fan club


and comment as soon as you see her. Anywhere, everywhere,


just let us know. Careful,


don't throw it in the pond, Radzi. Now, we've been loving this


summer of sports. There's women's football, cycling,


tennis and of course - Radzi, you're very excited - tomorrow, the World


Para Athletics Championships kicks off. He's doing the happy


dance. So with all these sports stars doing


their thing, it only made sense that I joined in and had footballs


launched at me with a cannon. The Women's European Championships


are just around the corner, But before I settle down for this


festival of football, I want to take in everything I


need to know about this tournament. I want all the facts


and all the knowledge, And this is Blue Peter,


so when I say expert, I mean it. This is Alex Scott, star of the


England women's football team. With over 130 appearances


for her country, Alex is definitely the expert


I'm looking for. Alex, it's awesome to meet you


today. And I've got to say, congrats


on the BP badge. This is amazing. I was lucky enough to get an MBE,


but this is special. This is special. This is the one


I've been waiting for. There you go. Listen, the Euros are just


around the corner. How are you feeling going into it?


Excited. I think the nervous part has gone,


it's taken two years for us to qualify and finally get here.


And the time actually flies by, so, excited we're going to be


finally meeting up as a team, that's when it gets really exciting because


you're prepping for that first game. OK. And who should the fans be


looking out for, who are the big names,


the big players? I'm definitely going to go with


Jordan Nobbs. And I think Norway, Hegerberg.


She's a top talent. And this year's Euros feature one


very interesting fixture - It's a bit awkward


because I'm Scottish. Now, that's quite a big rivalry,


isn't it? Talk to me about that,


who's going to win? Well, one, it's a huge thing


that Scotland qualified - this is their first major


tournament. And especially to be


drawn against us, that opening game,


just adds an extra incentive. It'll be interesting, fun for


the fans. But for us, obviously, Alex, thank you so much for today,


it's been awesome meeting you. Lindsey, where are you going?


This is Blue Peter, isn't it? That means there has to be


a challenge. Why has there always got to be


a challenge? Let me introduce you to the


Match Of The Day Kickabout cannon. Designed to fire in the sort


of crosses Ronaldo would be they're going to be fired at us


by the cannon. Fantastic. Point for a goal,


but you get a bonus point if you hit it on the volley


into the goal. Oh, easy,


I'm always volleying footballs. So, are you ready for the challenge?


Of course I'm not. No, of course I'm not ready.


Actually, do you know what? I think we should make this


England-Scotland. Oh, bring it on. Do you reckon? Yes. And the loser


has to do 20 laps of the pitch. Now, I hate laps, so I am not


going down without a fight. Go for it.


Here she goes. That's a big one! 'I think I might stand a


chance here.' 'Wow, that is very


embarrassing. Alex again.' Oh! 'And that is how the


pros really do it.' OK, England one, Scotland


zero. Shh! 'Where did that come


from?! No, seriously, where?' You're going to be


doing 20 laps, England. 'Weirdly, I'm actually


quite good at heading a football.' That was on the volley


for a bonus point. 'Score and I've beaten an actual


professional footballer 'I could almost taste victory but


now all I can taste is extra time.' It is all to play for.


Heads or tails? If I get tails. OK.


Do we know how a coin toss works? It's sudden death so


we can't afford to miss. OK. How do you handle the pressure?


I don't know, we'll see. Well, I think it's safe to say


that I absolutely smashed it. But well done, that was


a really good game. The question is,


what's actually going to happen with Scotland versus England


in the real thing? Well, before that, I think


you've got some laps to do. I did do 28 laps of that


field at the end, by the way. Massive good luck to Alex and the


England and Scotland squad make sure you are listening


to BBC Radio 5 Live. But now onto some


of your wonderful post. Check out RJ from Kettering,


who loves a bit of footie. Here he is getting ready to bang


the ball into the top corner. And he's got awesome hair, as well -


just check out that quiff. RJ, you were already


a football legend and now you're also


a BP badge holder. Next up, remember my epic beard


of bees challenge? recreated that moment with


this brilliant drawing. He's totally managed


to capture my look of terror as the bees started


to crawl all over my face. Still, the drawing is ace


and worthy of a BP badge. Everyone watch out because there is


a giant Viking Shelley on the loose. Actually, she does look


quite jolly and smiley. I guess that's why we're all


giving her a little wave. Poppy from Surrey, we love this and


we love how random your drawing is. It has earned you a blue


Blue Peter badge. Well done. Speaking of Shelley, check out


this brilliant drawing It's amazing and,


in case you're wondering, no, you have not spotted


Shelley yet. Log onto Fan Club Live right now


to play - keep your eyes peeled. RJ, Max, Poppy and Kesar,


your blue badges are on their way. Thank you, as ever,


for all of your post. Now, though, it's time


to get excited because we have juggling maestros


all the way from the Ethiopia. Would you please give it up


for brothers, Bibi and Bichu! CIRCUS MUSIC PLAYS


CHEERING Boys, welcome to Blue Peter.


Thank you very much. It is great to have you, you are


obviously masters at what you do. We are a small village


from Ethiopia. Circus wasn't a thing, so


our first experience with juggling was our French teacher,


came up with juggling oranges, and we saw juggling


and we was really amazed, And then the next day he came back


with some more videos and he showed us and since then, we


literally wanted to join a circus. It's as simple as that. It's


amazing to think you started then and now you've performed


around the world. You're performing at


the Underbelly Circus Hub in the Edinburgh Fringe


Festival this year. I'll be going there, what can


we expect from your show? Well, the story is


about two brothers, Yeah, and it's based on our story


and the amazing thing is we're going to be joined


by the Konjowoch Troupe, that we sponsor in the circus school


back in Ethiopia. They were trained there. Oh, wow.


So they're going to be joining, which is so special for us to join


them on the stage, so exciting. I'm very excited. I'd also


like to try some juggling. I can do some basics.




want me to try juggling so I've got to give it a go.


It's a sign. It's a sign, it's a sign.


All right, you start with one. Yes. Throwing the right to your


left, just pass and catch. Give it a go. Give you another one.


OK, give me two. There you go. So we go, same thing


but a little bit quicker. Yes. One, two... Two... Catch.


Just. There you go. OK, wasn't quite as...


Try again. Let's see it again. I'll try to get my hands


steady this time. One... That's perfect. That was better.


There you go. So we'll give you another one.


Of course. You're a quick learner,


you're a natural. So we're going to do that first.


Don't worry about catching them. Just drop them on the floor.


One, two, three. Ah, let them drop. Yeah. OK.


So you can get the rhythm. Thank you. So, start with that one.


Yes. One, two, three. OK. There you go.


The tricky part, three of them now. I think you've got it.


This is the one. Keep it going if you can. Keep it


going? If you can, yeah. OK. Wow, look at that! Amazing.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Thank you very much.


That's impressive. I know that's me at my limit,


that's not you at your limit. Can we do something else?


There is something actually... we want you to do. OK.


So all you have to do is stand very, very still.


Yep, fine. And we're going to


juggle around you. Perfect. And keep your eyes open. OK.


Don't try this at home, please. No. Unless you're


from Ethiopia and... CIRCUS MUSIC PLAYS


One. Two. Don't move!


Three. Slow it down. OK, boys, thank you very much.


Thank you. You are very brave. for an even better performance


than that. Now, if you jump on the


Blue Peter website right now, you'll get to see a video


of these guys balancing a juggling club


on their nose. That's one reason to go on the


website and here is plenty more. Where else can you


get a mix of celebs... I can't believe I've


got a Blue Peter badge. You might get a badge later.


I would love one. Keep your Oscars.


Blue Peter badge! even your favourite presenters


being super cool? How many comments do you think


our Fan Club page has had? Er, no, more like


a quarter of a million! But if you don't have


a CBBC account, you can't leave a comment,


which means you are missing out. But comments aren't the only reason


to get a CBBC sign in. and, even better than that,


you could be up for this. Fan of the Month is...


Teal Water Elephant. And if you sign in and tell us what


you want to see on the website, We're talking clips, games,


messages from the presenters. You get to comment on


the whole of the CBBC website Click "sign in" at the


top of the CBBC website You need an adult


to confirm a few things you'll be having even more fun


on the Blue Peter website. So, what are you waiting for?


Get your CBBC sign in today! There are so many benefits


to being a part of the BP Fan Club, not just to watch Lindsey and myself


eat and smell horrible stuff - go and watch that clip by the way,


it's well funny, yeah - but also because you could be


a part of what's happening next. We are about to announce


the BP Fan of the Month. Cue the orchestra.


MUSIC PLAYS Yes, indeed. This fan's been


involved with the Fan Club for a very long time.


However, in November, they didn't manage


to get a new account and they were sorely missed.


Oh, that's a shame. Silly. But now they're back!


THEY CHEER They are back and getting


mega stuff in there, always chatting to other


fans on Fan Club Live, they're super supportive


to other BP fans and they come up with their own


riddles and brainteasers. So, in you come, Bibi and Bichu,


can you please do the honours? Yes, please. The Fan of the Month


in July is... Oh, the tension. So good!


The tension. Congratulations,


Woodwind Hedgehog Unicorn. You've won yourself your very


own pony. Stop it. All right. And if you haven't got a


CBBC account yet, why not? Maybe take a leaf out


of Woodwind... Hedgehog Unicorn's book.


That was smooth. Linds, that was good.


And get involved. And who knows? You could be crowned


Fan of the Month next month. Now, though, come to camera two,


I have something to tell you. I reckon that you've sat there


sometimes and thought, "Hmm, I wonder if Barney


would make a good Queen." Here's your answer. What?


Oh, it's good. The story of Alice In Wonderland


is famous the world over. It was written in 1865


by Lewis Carroll and, since then, it's been turned


into films, animations, plays - in fact, you name it, it's


been done. Today, however, I'm going to be experiencing


the story slightly differently. Adventures In Wonderland tells


this iconic tale like never before. Set below the streets of London,


it's a play that gives its audience the chance to walk in


Alice's famous footsteps. You actually travel


through the story. That's what I'm talking about.


Perfect! Famous characters like


the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts perform


in and around the audience. You already feel like


you're actually in Wonderland, It's fascinating stuff and


I'm going to find out more Oh, hey, Emma, how are you doing?


Hi, Barney. Hang on a minute, you're way


too small over there, aren't you? I'll tell you what,


let's swap sides. I'll go that way, you go that way.


It makes sense, doesn't it? Oh, no, hang on a minute,


now you're massive. And you're tiny.


Let's meet in the middle. How would you describe


what actually happens when you come to


this theatre experience? Instead of sitting down


in a theatre seat and watching something happening


in front of you, encountering lots of different


characters in different spaces. It's a really technical show,


isn't it? There's a lot going on. There is, yeah, you've got


to be conscious of lighting and sound changes especially and


also interacting with the audience. My favourite character by far


was the Queen of Hearts. Yeah. And I also know that the Queen


of Hearts has particular relevance to me today, I just don't


know exactly what that means, but I'm guessing you're going


to tell me why I'm here. If you're up for it, we're going


to rehearse you into the role of the Queen of Hearts


this afternoon, and tomorrow you're going


to do a performance. The thing we've just been talking


about, how technical it is and how incredibly difficult


it is, that thing. That's the one. I'll be playing one of the


most famous parts in the show. I'm going to be in


four back-to-back performances, so I need to learn my lines


and fast. I've been in this room for hours


and none of them lead anywhere! I begin with a full


read-through with the cast. In your own time,


thank you very much. Oh, that's a good start.


It's your cue. I was expecting the Joker


to say something. Look up, speak nicely, don't twiddle


your fingers all the time. it could spoil the whole experience


for the audience and I don't want to let them or


the rest of the cast down. I just realised that everybody here


knows all of their lines and I'm the only person


here with a script. But learning lines is


just part of this challenge. I've also got to learn how to


perform it and that comes next. With the audience all around me,


my delivery has to be spot-on. The man showing me how is


the usual Queen of Hearts, Adam. You can wait sort of three seconds,


open the door again and that's when there's the


brick wall. Oh, yes, yes, yes. My performance revolves


around 20 identical doors and I have to open them at


precisely the right time. 'I feel like I'm slowly getting


it, but what does Adam think?' He's got a lot of information


to get in within 24 hours and it's really hard


to learn lines. or you're learning


for a school play, that your mind can


take in that quickly. The next time I'm in here


it's going to be tomorrow morning which is going to give me about


an hour to maybe go through things maybe once more


and then it's performance time. I've never been as nervous


in my life. And that time comes


around way too quickly. It's half eight in the morning, I've


been learning my lines all night, I've got a show in an hour. I can't


believe I'm saying that to you but there's no time


to worry about it, It's time for Blue Peter's


Barney Harwood to become the magnificent,


legendary and, erm... I think you'll agree that


I look the part, thanks to some very talented


members of the team here. All I've got to do now is wait


for an audience to come in which is when the show


really comes to life. So, if you'll excuse me for now,


I'll give myself a quick spray... HIGHPITCHED: ..and get


into character, darling! Suddenly, I'm in my room


waiting for the audience to arrive. Oh, we are sorry for scaring you,


Your Majesty. Is everything all right?


No, it isn't. Everybody, come in. Come on, in you come.


Come on in, everybody. That's it, I won't bite.


Look smart, look smart. Not yet, anyway.


That's it. Look smart, everyone. Hello.


As I was saying, no, everything is not all right.


'To begin with, all I can think about are my lines


I am Her Royal Highness, the Empress of Wonderland,


the ruler of rules, the sovereign of sense.


Yes, I am her Imperial Majesty, the Queen of Hearts.


'People seem to be enjoying it and I even remember the right doors.'


Stuck in a room with loads of doors that don't lead anywhere!


'The first performance flies by and when it's finished,


'Oh, no. It's straight into another show. This is relentless.'


I command you to find me a way out of here.


'Everything seems to be going so well until...'


If I don't get back in time, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble.


I genuinely have forgotten where I'm going with this.


I've introduced myself. I'm the Queen.


Ah, yes, he did. He applauded very loud, didn't he?


'Thankfully, Adam is on hand and gives me the prompt I need.'


'I think - I hope - I just about got away with that.'


'I'm growing more and more confident and by the fourth performance,


I found it! I found the door. Go, me.


He's, like, really funny and everything and a really good actor.


It was amazing that he learnt his words in one day.


I thought Barney looked great in the dress.


Tell me, Adam... Well done, mate. What do you reckon?


It was brilliant. All right? Absolutely brilliant.


I can't believe you did that in 24 hours.


That's got to be one of the most intense experiences


I think I've ever gone through, ever.


It's so hard to go from one thing to the next


and then do it all again, like a repetition.


That's how much you can do in a day.


If anybody ever tells you you're not capable of anything,


Barney, I'm going to go ahead and say it.


I think you look better dressed as a lady. You looked beautiful.


I think we're going to get a lot of post of Barney in dresses.


Pipe down, you two. I can't wait. Off with their heads.


I'm still in character, aren't I? A little bit.


Let's have a look at this week's big badge wall


covered in all your wonderful post - it's looking fab.


Look at this gorgeous picture Samantha sent in to us.


She's joined by two mascots you might just recognise -


Whizbee and Hero, the very same mascots that Eleanor,


our very own Blue Peter competition winner,


designed for the IAAF and the IPC World Athletics Championships.


Even when they fall, they get back up again.


Aww. Samantha, thank you so much. We like that.


Round of applause, I think, that was lovely.


Quick reminder, the Para Athletics Championships starts tomorrow!


Are you excited? You love it, don't you? Something I love is this.


It's been sent in by Erin from Cheshire.


It's her very own Shelley because she loves Spot Shelley...


Found her! ..and she plays every single week with her dog Alfie


Look at this, it's even got a sparkly shell. Aww! It's lovely.


Erin, quite frankly, you're a ledge.


Thank you so much for sending us your stuff.


If you want to earn your very own BP badge,


send us some more of your creativity, please,


to the usual address. Don't forget, if you do get your BP badge,


you can get into over 200 attractions across the UK,


everybody... ALL: For free!


But please check the website before you go because the deals can change.


So you've seen them teach me how to juggle, sort of,


you've seen them throw skittles past my face, I was scared.


What a performance and what a brilliant way to end the show.


Radzi taught them everything they know. Thank you very much, boys.


Now, the one thing we need to do before we leave


is tell you where Shelley was, if you are playing Spot Shelley today.


This was a really hard job today. Have a look at where she was.


She was on one of the juggling balls... That is sneaky.


If you want to find out who got that right


and won themselves a house in Florida... Nope.


No, that's not true. Go to the BP Fan Club Live right now.


It's in California. And whilst you're there,


there's loads more to see and get involved with. Have a look at this.


Check out Bibi and Bichu's brilliant balancing challenge,


test your knowledge on Alice In Wonderland with our special quiz...


..and play along with Spot Shelley on her round-the-world trip,


Make sure you're watching same time next week


because we'll be announcing the winner


of our Design a Dragon competition. Totes. Can't wait.


Also, Radio 1 DJ Greg James is going to be in the studio.


I can't believe I'm saying this, we go behind the scenes


at the World Athletics Championships London 2017. Calm down.


We'll see you next week, a massive good luck to all the para athletes.


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