Medieval Mayhem! Blue Peter

Medieval Mayhem!

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machine, please. So awkward it had! Keep your stories coming into CBBC.


We will share more right after Blue Peter.


Right guys, are we set for the Medieval Mayhem? Costume, check.


Horses check... What abouts horses? Leave that to me.


Wow! That was coal. -- cool.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Hello and welcome! We welcome to a


very live Blue Peter. We are having a medieval pest.


I have come as a knight. However, I am sir from


Wolverhampton. What about you, Barney? Princess


Barney. Welcome to medieval England. We have


built this show today. It is awesome. We also have a medieval


crowd. Give us a cheer. Coming up on the show, I am having a


go at jousting. What? If you don't know what that


is, check this out. Oh, my goodness. Lindsey, which are you? Hopefully


the one on the horse! And Barney and I will be duelling like these


guys... Stand back! Oh, oh, OK, then. How cool was that?! Wow, good


luck, guys. We are so doing that later on.


Will you still have the wig on? Yep. L Shelley is hiding. You know what


you are doing. The first person it get in touch wins a medieval bag of


gold. I want it! Taking things from the


medieval times to the future. Well, a couple of weeks ago I went down a


hill on a bike. You know what, sometimes it is nice to get out and


about. Breathe in the fresh air, soaking up the scenery. It is worth


doing something like that ever once in a while. Then again, it is also


worth doing something extreme. And downhill mountain biking is extreme.


Flying down off trail roads on specialist bikes as fast as humanly


possible! I'm in the Scottish Borders to give it a go. My expert


guides are these guys. Emily and Corinne are some of the best around.


Their dad used to be a professional rider.


Firstly, how do you explain the sport of mountain biking? It is


rough terrain. Gravel. You are not on the road. It is all over the


place. Jumps, drops. When you learned to ride a bike, how


old were you? Two years and four months.


OK. After that? It was all downhill from there! No. Now, your dad


happens to be awesome as this, doesn't he? Yes, he is awesome.


When did you standard, tat? When he was 18 for fun.


Here we are now, all of these years later. How must the bike be


different? Let's start with the tyre, Emily? The tyres are thicker.


What is important about the handle bars? The handle bars must be wide


so you have more control. I don't think it would matter if my


handle bars were this wide. I will still wobble. I will need a bike,


won't I? Yep. Are you showing me the ropes? Yep.


OK, show me the way. Once they are happy with my safety,


Crawford has advice about peddles. Going flat, the peddles should be


level. On the corner if you go to the right, put your right foot down,


and to the left, down on the left peddle. Pushing into the corner will


give you more grip. A great tip. I have the basics but


the challenge of the downhill bike are the a be stackles along the


trail. Get it wrong, it could be nasty. I have tackle my first rocky


patch. This looks fun.


You will have to be confident. Lean back. And before you do it, don't


brake. Make sure you commit before you go down it. Then you should be


good. Really? Well, this is probably the


scariest thing I have done for a while.


Is it happening? It feels unnatural to ride over the rocks, rather than


around them. I may have to have another go. Here


we go. No. No. It is so hard to go for it! I'll come back round and try


again. Come on, Barney, third time lucky. Here we go, oh, my goodness.


That was amazing. Yes! Nailed it. There is some truth


in the saying if at first you don't succeed, try again. I proved that.


That was OK? That was good. What is next? A hard one.


That wasn't the hard one? Nope! As if the riding over the rocks was not


difficult enough, the hardest one is this, a drop. That is exactly what


it looks like. You drop off that.


Do you? Yep. The only way to safely come off a


drop is to fully commit. Easy. Lean back and push the bike forward.


It lites the wheel up so you don't go forward and then you land safely.


Hopefully. To me, from the top this feels big.


Oh, it is terrifying! He make it is! Look at that! I've learned so much


in such a short space of time. Which is lucky, really, as my challenge


hasn't even started. Tomorrow, the Mountain Bike World


Cup is taking place three hours down the road. I am riding down a trail.


Can I keep my nerve through every twist, turn, jump?!


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE! So much fun! Barney, I want to see part two.


Stay tuned for that. What is going on over there? Whoa! Yes! Mate, they


are not holding back. That is what I'm talking about. Give it up for


the knights of Warwick Castle! Confirm you are friends in real


life! We are. Let's talk about the art of


southward fighting, how far it goes back? The sword dates back to the


bronze age. And as the swords developed you ended up with the


weapon of choice for your medieval knight.


Do people always ask that question when you are out of breath? Sorry


about that! How are you a good swordsman. A good swordsman is


strong, cunning. How do you dual? Firstly, you must


know how to hold the sword. I have to say that this is a


especially blunted blade. I, however, have sharpened mine! Now


the stance. So spread the legs and drop into the knees to give yourself


a good centre of gravity, to be able to avoid attacks.


Why do have a little one? I don't trust him. Shall I keep my eyes on


him Yes, a good knight should never take his eyes off his opponent.


I have to say, we have tried this at home. So don't you try it at home as


we have had a little bit of practice.


Are we ready? Why. Leg! Shoulder! Very good. That


concludes the knight's training. I had sand in my eye. Have another go.


Head, shoulder, legs! What do you reckon? It looks like you are ready


for battle. Really? I would love that. Having said that, this is


simple compared to what Lindsey is about to do. Check this out.


Yes. Welcome to Blue Peter. I am giving jousting a go. Who is with


you? This is our beautiful horse. She even has a Blue Peter package on


her?! I love that. So, tell me about the jousting?


Jousting was a competition it was a show of horsemanship.


There were men and women jousters. We are getting you on a horse to get


you to strike the quintaine. You have to hit the shield. If you don't


hit it prop Earl, the ball and the chain comes around to knock you on


the back. Well, brilliant. Shall I get on the


horse? I'm nervous about this. Hand on there and then there. Bend


your leg back. One, two, three, up. Sorry, Mardy! You are in? Yes.


You have the stirrups and the controls.


OK. She will not run off? Not at all. I will look after you. I will


be with you. Obviously a knight takes years to practice.


This is my lance? Yes, a heavy lance, 12ft in length. I want you to


bring it down and hold it as high as you can in your armpit.


. Is Mehdi OK? She is. Just don't hit


her on the head. Oops! That is down.


Track it across and when you see the shield give it an almighty whack.


Do you want to see how it is done? Yes, let's watch the boys in action.


Let's watch a Lancastrian knight, Jules.


OK. Is that what you expect from me? Yes.


OK. Let's give it a go. It's Blue Peter. Should I have a go, guys?


ALL SPEAK AT ONCE Yes! So, this is your quintaine.


Have a look at it. Keep your eyes on your opponent at all times.


Shall we try it fast? We trained a little bit but it's the live show,


let's have a go at it. I may regret saying that.


You are going to kick Mardy, and hold on tight and aim that in there.


Go, go, go! Oh, I may have slightly just... Did I miss that? The ball


was that close. There we go.


Thank you so much. I will try to get off Mardy, I am glad she has a


badge. Let's have a look at our badge wall.


Let's have a look at our post. Last week I was a little naughty. I


thought it hilarious. Hannah and Daniel made me oven gloves, the oven


I was in last week was not a real one, a prop one. But I have got some


oven gloves. Boos? They are not booing the gloves


but the jousting! So, oven glove, amazing. Blue Peter badges on their


way. Thank you very much.


Felix, is eight. He has done a beautiful Meercat. It is on my


shoulder. I have my classic T-shirt on. Felix


looked how to draw meerkats from an encyclopaedia.


Some people find it complicated but that is simples! That is great. And


Asa from Coventry, you have won a badge as you made this beautiful


minion picture. I love it, Asa. Speaking of minions I am excited as


I got to meet Steve Carell and cares cares cares. Have a look at this.


If you watch too much TV, your eyes will go square. Because I said so.


The whole world does not revolve around you. There is even more of


that on the website, so check that out. Happy dance. There she goes.


Now it is part two of a film earlier where I rode downhill on a bike, and


now I ride downhill on another bite. Earlier I got a lesson on downhill


mountain biking from two of the best two riders in the UK. Now it is time


for me to take on one of the courses at the mountain bike World Cup this


year being held in Fort William. My instructors will also be competing,


taking on the same trail as myself. We need to get a look at the


obstacles we are facing. What are you doing to get prepared? We are


walking the course and choosing our fastest lines. My brakes will be on


the majority of the time. Shall we have a look? If I was to work out


which bits to ride around, I would go for that bit there. It will not


be easy. Then you have to go all the way round. I would reckon go through


here because you do not want to go through the quick mode. You have to


make very quick decisions. You have to choose your line before you go


and memorise the cause. Know what is going to happen next. Brilliant


tips. They head out onto the mountain for their runs and they are


both tipped to do very well. If they do, they will not be the first


brother and sister champions. I caught up with another pair of


mountain biking superstars. I am at the start of my career, have you got


any highlights? I have been five times world champion and we won the


home World Cup at Fort William together. These kids could


experience that today with their siblings. What are your top tips?


The first bit of advice is to go steady. It is a great sport, but it


can be dangerous and a lot can go wrong. The best way is to ease into


it. It is great to get tips like that, but as I make my way to the


start line, the nerves start to kick in. The course is 500 metres of


farce paste to rain. But then the rain begins. What was a glorious,


sunny day has turned into winter weather. I quite like it. But things


will be a bit more slippy than I like. 90 is on track. Wish me luck.


He is offered. The course is really slippy, so I have to take it slowly


to begin with to get used to the trail and the conditions. I start to


build confidence and till... I lose momentum and put my foot down. I am


annoyed with myself, I do not want to do that again. It is so wet and


rainy that I am convinced I am going to slip and I am using my brakes. I


am beginning to pick up the pace and start to spot obstacles earlier. My


training is paying off. All we have to do is make it round to the end,


that is all I have to do. Coming down through the tunnel. This bit


will be slippy. Mate, I am doing it. But then I come across the biggest


drop on the course. It is a bit terrifying. Are you kidding? I have


just got to go for it. Yes, I did it. That was the bit I was scared


of. I am so chuffed I made it. The end is in sight. I genuinely thought


I was going to fall off on a couple of occasions, but the challenge was


to make it to the end and I have done it. I enjoyed it, give it a go,


you will love it. And Koren and Emily's standard is the very best,


they end the weekend as champions. How are you feeling? Excited. I did


not expect to come first? What about you? It was hard and there was a lot


of peddling and I had no idea I would come first. I am so proud to


go from beginner to run at the World Cup in a short space of time and a


lot of that is down to my coaches, two young people who have got big


futures in downhill biking. If you are wondering why I was on


the first position on the podium it was because I was awarded the


slowest time of the day. Have a go and give it a try and enjoy


yourself. I cannot talk about how good I am on two will wheels when I


am standing next to mark Beaumont. Give him a cheer. You are about to


go around the world in 80 days. That is the plan, can you get around the


planet in 80 days? I did it ten years ago. Trying to do something


first or fastest, I have always been inspired by the Guinness Book of


Records and we are starting out in two days' time. This is you on a


push bike. The last time I did it I had no idea where I was going to end


up and everyday I had to find a meal and this time it is about


performance because I will have back-up. You are hoping to shave off


43 days off the record. Yes, I am. I was 12 years old when I first got on


a bike and cycled across Scotland and have been doing adventures ever


since. I would love people to follow this adventure and say, what is my


80 days? What am I capable of? You are very modest and you are a super


trained athlete, but what you are about to do is colossal. 16 hours a


day in the saddle and 240 miles every day. 8000 calories of food,


three times more than what you should eat as an adult, the next


level. You will struggle a moment on that bicycle, you might need that.


My team are already in Paris and I am going to go from Blue Peter here


over Tibet and pick up my bike. And it is not just about the bike and


you and the water, it is about this little girl. Shelley, I hope she is


quick. She will be popping up around the planet and it is a cool way to


follow the journey and learn about the world we live in. It is an


18,000 miles journey over the next two and half months. Head over to


the website to follow Shelley and Mark as they followed the route on


the journey. You have come dressed for an occasion to show us what you


are doing. We do not know why we are dressed like this. We are gathered


here today because of events that happened over 500 years ago and I am


joined by our wonderful historian Melissa. Tell me more. The team at


Warwick Castle have created this show which represents the War of the


Roses and the battles and the conflicts and the fight for the


power behind the throne. This conflict lasted 30 years. That is a


long time. Who was fighting? There are two lines of the same royal


house, the House of York and the House of Lancaster. You have got


Richard III and Edward IV and finishing off with Henry VII. This


might be a silly question, but what have the Roses to do with it? They


either symbols, Lancaster were the red rose and your was the white


rose. That is why these guys are here dressed in red and white.


Hello. Hello! We have a school from Lancaster representing the red House


of Lancaster. And a school from Yorkshire who are looking after the


White House of Europe. Give us a cheer. Anyone that knows me knows I


love of facts. Do we have any facts about the War of the Roses? Both


sides on some battles and lost some battles during the war. It was not a


one-sided affair. And what about you? Sam English nobles even


switched sides depending on which team was winning. The traitors.


Barney. I have some facts as well. Both sides... Both sides went Berg


and that was the end of the war. Try again. Both sides were related to


each other. I round of applause, the best fact of the day. Jacob. A new


house was created in the end. What was all the fighting about? What is


this new royal house about? The new royal house came towards the end of


the war in the final battle in the Battle of Bosworth when Richard III


was defeated by Henry Tudor. He was from Lancaster and he married


Elizabeth of York to combine the two families and the red and white roses


would join together to create the Tudor Rose. You have condensed all


of this into this show at Warwick Castle. This summer we have the show


going on and it condenses all that conflict into a short show and we


have got a sneak preview. This is the concluding battle of the War of


the Roses. You go and get the team ready. Melissa, thank you. She was


on the shield, it was difficult today. That was very hard. Now it is


time for our incredible end of show spectacular. Henry Tudor, it is


overdue. Richard of York, I challenge you to the crown of


England. Do you really think you can better me, you petulant little boy?


I will try. No, Henry, you will die. Arise, Lord Stanley. You traitor.


England is mine. Horus, horse, my kingdom for a


horse. That was absolutely awesome.


Unbelievable, that is one of the best performances we have ever had


on Blue Peter. We will be the farewell


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