Browse content similar to Lofty's Helpful Day. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
# Bob the Builder | 0:00:02 | 0:00:03 | |
# Can we fix it? | 0:00:03 | 0:00:05 | |
# Bob the Builder | 0:00:05 | 0:00:07 | |
# Yes, we can! | 0:00:07 | 0:00:08 | |
# Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley too | 0:00:08 | 0:00:11 | |
# Lofty and Wendy join the crew | 0:00:11 | 0:00:16 | |
# Bob and the gang have so much fun | 0:00:16 | 0:00:19 | |
# Working together They get the job done | 0:00:19 | 0:00:23 | |
# Bob the Builder | 0:00:23 | 0:00:25 | |
# Can we fix it? | 0:00:25 | 0:00:26 | |
# Bob the Builder | 0:00:26 | 0:00:28 | |
# Yes, we can! | 0:00:28 | 0:00:30 | |
# Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud | 0:00:30 | 0:00:33 | |
# Playing together like good friends should | 0:00:33 | 0:00:37 | |
# Bob the Builder | 0:00:37 | 0:00:39 | |
# Can we fix it? | 0:00:39 | 0:00:40 | |
# Bob the Builder. # | 0:00:40 | 0:00:43 | |
Morning, team. | 0:00:52 | 0:00:54 | |
THEY ALL SHOUT GREETINGS | 0:00:54 | 0:00:56 | |
Ooh, er, what are we doing today? | 0:00:56 | 0:00:58 | |
Well, Lofty, we're building an outside staircase | 0:00:58 | 0:01:02 | |
for Mrs Toozey at the toy shop. | 0:01:02 | 0:01:04 | |
And we've got to fix Mr Bentley's roof. | 0:01:04 | 0:01:06 | |
It's going to be a busy day, so we'll need lots of help. | 0:01:06 | 0:01:10 | |
Eight...nine...ten. | 0:01:10 | 0:01:13 | |
Coming, ready or not! | 0:01:13 | 0:01:15 | |
HE BARKS EXCITEDLY | 0:01:15 | 0:01:18 | |
Mornin', all. | 0:01:20 | 0:01:22 | |
You and Scruffty still playing hide and seek, Spud? | 0:01:22 | 0:01:25 | |
Yes, Farmer Pickles, but I've lost him! | 0:01:25 | 0:01:28 | |
Oh, well, we'd better look somewhere else, then. | 0:01:28 | 0:01:33 | |
HE BARKS | 0:01:40 | 0:01:41 | |
Right! Let's go. | 0:01:44 | 0:01:46 | |
I'll meet you lot at the toy shop. | 0:01:46 | 0:01:48 | |
Bob said they need lots of help, so I'm going to be really helpful today. | 0:01:48 | 0:01:53 | |
Oh, er, yes, so am I - really, really helpful. | 0:01:53 | 0:01:58 | |
Hello, everyone. You must be here to build my staircase. | 0:02:10 | 0:02:15 | |
Sorry I'm late, Mrs Toozey. There's so much to do today. | 0:02:15 | 0:02:19 | |
Let's have a look at the plans. First, we'll dig up the old patio | 0:02:19 | 0:02:24 | |
and lay a new path. Then we'll build the staircase to the top floor, | 0:02:24 | 0:02:28 | |
and make the middle window into a door. | 0:02:28 | 0:02:31 | |
-What shall I do, Bob? -You can collect the new paving stones. | 0:02:32 | 0:02:36 | |
No prob, Bob! Always ready to help. | 0:02:36 | 0:02:40 | |
Lofty, can you collect the railings and the new door | 0:02:40 | 0:02:43 | |
-from the supplier's yard, please? -Oh, er, OK, Bob. | 0:02:43 | 0:02:47 | |
I'm always ready to help, too. | 0:02:47 | 0:02:49 | |
Good, because you'll be helping to put up the tall staircase later. | 0:02:49 | 0:02:54 | |
Let's get started. | 0:02:54 | 0:02:55 | |
Can we build it? | 0:02:55 | 0:02:57 | |
ALL: Yes, we can! | 0:02:57 | 0:02:59 | |
Ooh, er, yes, I think so. | 0:02:59 | 0:03:02 | |
HE GROANS | 0:03:14 | 0:03:16 | |
Ooh, er, hello, Mr Mockney. | 0:03:16 | 0:03:19 | |
Ah, Lofty! Could you help me clean my windows, please? | 0:03:19 | 0:03:23 | |
Help?! Well...I've got to get some things for Bob, | 0:03:23 | 0:03:27 | |
but I'll help on my way back. | 0:03:27 | 0:03:29 | |
Thank you kindly. | 0:03:29 | 0:03:31 | |
Hello, Farmer Pickles. What are you doing here? | 0:03:34 | 0:03:37 | |
I'm still looking for Scruffty, | 0:03:37 | 0:03:39 | |
but I need to take this fruit to Mr Bentley. | 0:03:39 | 0:03:42 | |
Er, I can help you. | 0:03:42 | 0:03:44 | |
Oh, thank you, Lofty. | 0:03:44 | 0:03:46 | |
Hey! I just helped someone else. | 0:03:52 | 0:03:55 | |, I've got to go to the supplier's yard, | 0:03:56 | 0:03:59 | |
clean Mr Mockney's windows AND go to Mr Bentley's. | 0:03:59 | 0:04:03 | |
Hmm...where do I go first? | 0:04:03 | 0:04:05 | |
Mr Bentley's. | 0:04:05 | 0:04:07 | |
Scruffty! | 0:04:09 | 0:04:11 | |
Oh, Scruffty! | 0:04:11 | 0:04:13 | |
I'm going to find you. | 0:04:13 | 0:04:15 | |
MUFFLED BARKING | 0:04:27 | 0:04:30 | |
SCRUFFTY BARKS | 0:04:36 | 0:04:37 | |
Hello, Lofty. Can you help me fit these tiles on the roof? | 0:04:38 | 0:04:42 | |
I've only got the short ladder and I can't quite reach. | 0:04:42 | 0:04:46 | |
Help? Of course. But, er, I've got to get the railings and door. | 0:04:46 | 0:04:51 | |
I'm sure Muck could do that. | 0:04:51 | 0:04:53 | |
No thanks, Wendy. I'm being really helpful today, | 0:04:53 | 0:04:57 | |
so I've got to do it myself. | 0:04:57 | 0:04:59 | |
SCOOP: This staircase is going to be very tall. | 0:04:59 | 0:05:03 | |
Yes, Scoop, and Lofty should be here by now. | 0:05:03 | 0:05:06 | |
-All right, Lofty? Bob said you need this, mate. -And these, mate. | 0:05:08 | 0:05:13 | |
-Hey, what's that fruit for, mate? -Oh, no! | 0:05:13 | 0:05:16 | |
-I forgot to drop off Mr Bentley's fruit. -But mate, | 0:05:16 | 0:05:20 | |
what about your door and the... Oh. | 0:05:20 | 0:05:22 | |
-Well, that's as high as we can go without Lofty's help. -I'll call him. | 0:05:26 | 0:05:31 | |
RADIO: 'Scoop to Lofty.' | 0:05:32 | 0:05:34 | |
Come in, Lofty. | 0:05:34 | 0:05:35 | |
-Oh! Hello, Scoop. -We need you to help finish building the staircase. | 0:05:35 | 0:05:40 | |
Er...OK. | 0:05:40 | 0:05:41 | |
Do YOU need any help? | 0:05:41 | 0:05:43 | |
Oh, er, no thanks, Scoop. Er, I can do it myself. | 0:05:43 | 0:05:46 | |
Lofty? | 0:05:49 | 0:05:50 | |
Where are you off to now? | 0:05:50 | 0:05:53 | |
That's funny. I'm sure I left this door open. | 0:05:55 | 0:05:59 | |
Now, keys... | 0:05:59 | 0:06:02 | |
Oh, dear! | 0:06:02 | 0:06:03 | |
My keys must be upstairs. | 0:06:03 | 0:06:06 | |
We can't get in. | 0:06:06 | 0:06:08 | |
SCRUFFTY WHINES UPSTAIRS | 0:06:08 | 0:06:11 | |
Did you hear that? | 0:06:11 | 0:06:13 | |
HE BARKS | 0:06:13 | 0:06:14 | |
Scruffty! What are you doing up there? | 0:06:14 | 0:06:18 | |
He's stuck in my flat. SHE GASPS | 0:06:18 | 0:06:21 | |
How are we going to get him out? | 0:06:21 | 0:06:23 | |
Ooh! Oh, don't worry. Er, I'm here to help now. | 0:06:23 | 0:06:27 | |
Hello, Lofty! | 0:06:27 | 0:06:29 | |
But where's the door? And the railings? | 0:06:29 | 0:06:32 | |
Oh, no! I forgot to get them. | 0:06:32 | 0:06:35 | |
And what's in that box? | 0:06:35 | 0:06:37 | |
Oh! I was helping Farmer Pickles, but, er... | 0:06:37 | 0:06:40 | |
I forgot to leave the fruit at Mr Bentley's house. | 0:06:40 | 0:06:44 | |
I didn't help Wendy put the tiles on the roof, or help Mr Mockney | 0:06:44 | 0:06:48 | |
clean his windows. I wanted to be really helpful, | 0:06:48 | 0:06:53 | |
but I haven't helped anyone! | 0:06:53 | 0:06:55 | |
It sounds like you were trying to do too many things at once. | 0:06:55 | 0:06:59 | |
Well, you don't need to help me with the tiles any more. | 0:06:59 | 0:07:03 | |
I've got the big ladder now. | 0:07:03 | 0:07:05 | |
That's good. What about everything else? | 0:07:05 | 0:07:09 | |
Oh! Maybe you could all help me be helpful. | 0:07:09 | 0:07:12 | |
-Yeah! -Of course we can. -What can I do? | 0:07:12 | 0:07:16 | |
You can collect the door and railings, Muck. | 0:07:16 | 0:07:19 | |
What about me, Lofty? | 0:07:19 | 0:07:20 | |
You can take the fruit to Mr Bentley, Scratch. | 0:07:20 | 0:07:24 | |
And Wendy, maybe Mr Mockney can use your big ladder | 0:07:24 | 0:07:28 | |
to clean his windows. | 0:07:28 | 0:07:29 | |
Of course, Lofty. | 0:07:29 | 0:07:31 | |
Oh, thanks, everyone. | 0:07:31 | 0:07:33 | |
-But that means -I -haven't helped at all. | 0:07:33 | 0:07:36 | |
I just got everyone else to help. | 0:07:36 | 0:07:40 | |
SCRUFFTY WHINES AND BARKS | 0:07:40 | 0:07:42 | |
Oh, goodness! I'd forgotten about Scruffty. | 0:07:42 | 0:07:45 | |
Bob, that's what I can do. I can help get him down! | 0:07:45 | 0:07:49 | |
Yes! Thanks, Lofty. | 0:07:49 | 0:07:52 | |
HE BARKS HAPPILY | 0:08:10 | 0:08:12 | |
ALL: Hooray! | 0:08:15 | 0:08:17 | |
But we still can't find... | 0:08:18 | 0:08:20 | |
Scruffty! | 0:08:20 | 0:08:22 | |
He was stuck in Mrs Toozey's flat, but Lofty helped get him down. | 0:08:22 | 0:08:26 | |
Ooh! Oh, come here. Mind your licking. | 0:08:26 | 0:08:30 | |
Oh, thanks for rescuing him, Lofty. | 0:08:30 | 0:08:33 | |
Er, that's OK. | 0:08:33 | 0:08:35 | |
Right. Let's get this staircase finished! | 0:08:35 | 0:08:38 | |
Great work, Lofty. | 0:08:50 | 0:08:51 | |
Not just me, Bob. Everyone helped. | 0:08:51 | 0:08:55 | |
Ooh! Isn't that lovely? | 0:08:57 | 0:08:59 | |
Lucky I've got a new door, seeing as I can't get in the old one. | 0:08:59 | 0:09:04 | |
SCRUFFTY BARKS | 0:09:06 | 0:09:08 | |
What's that? | 0:09:08 | 0:09:10 | |
Oh! My door keys. | 0:09:12 | 0:09:15 | |
-Er, that means Scruffty helped, too. -HE CHUCKLES | 0:09:15 | 0:09:20 | |
HE BARKS AND PANTS | 0:09:20 | 0:09:22 | |
THEY LAUGH | 0:09:22 | 0:09:25 | |
Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd | 0:09:40 | 0:09:43 | |
E-mail | 0:09:43 | 0:09:46 |