29/03/2017 Newsround


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Morning, guys, Leah here with your Wednesday Newsround.


First, it's a really important day for the future of the country.


Let's go live to Martin who can tell us what's going on.


Good morning, I'm in Brussels which is the capital of Belgium which is


the headquarters of the European Union. It is busy here. TV crews


from all over the world have come here. Nine months ago the people of


UK voted for Brexit that is to exit the EU. Now that process starts


today. We have been part of the EU for more than 40 years.


The British people decide our future in Europe.


The decision taken has been reversed by this referendum to leave the EU.


Following the referendum, we face a time of great national change.


I will return to this House before the end of this month to notify


when I have formally triggered Article 50 and begun the process


through which the United Kingdom will leave European Union.


What will happen today? For country to leave the unit -- the EU the


Prime Minister has to trigger Article 50 which is happening today.


It is a complicated way of saying UK Prime Minister will officially tell


the EU that great Britain is on its way out. Later today she signed a


letter rant about the time you will will be having your school dinner.


That is when the official weaving process begins.


Article 50 is the name of an agreement between members


of a club of countries called the European Union, or EU,


which explains how a country can leave this group,


The Prime Minister, Theresa May, will activate Article 50 later


today, which means the UK will officially be


Well, doing this gives the UK and other 27 EU countries,


two years to come up with a deal about what sort of relationship


the UK will have with the EU in the future.


They need to decide rules for things, like buying


and selling products to each other and immigration.


Once a deal has been made official and approved, then the UK is out.


It's a lot to get through in two years so the politicians will be


If they decide they need more than two years,


then the time limits can be extended but only if everybody agrees.


After Article 50 is triggered, what next? Politicians at the EU and UK


have two years to come up with a plan, how Britain will exit the year


and how the relationship will go in the future. I will be here in


Brussels throughout the day with the latest news on this massive day for


United Kingdom. It is back to you in the studio.


Thanks, Martin, and don't forget there is loads more info over


at Newsround online, including this explainer


of what all the words people are using actually mean!


Next up, a long stretch of Australia's north-east coast


is at dangerous risk of flooding after a powerful cyclone hit.


Cyclone Debbie has caused major damage, heavy rain and power cuts


This is the moment a huge cyclone battered the north-east


With winds of up to 163 mph and pounding rain,


people think that Cyclone Debbie might be the worst to hit


So far it has caused lots of damage to buildings,


trees and roads in an area called Queensland and it's left more


In fact, Cyclone Debbie is so strong it's been labelled a category four


storm by weather experts, that's only one level down


Australia's prime minister has reassured people


that there are plans in place to keep people safe


and the authorities have encouraged around 25,000 people


It's very clear that the time for people to move is now,


More than 2,000 emergency workers are on stand-by ready to help those


affected by the cyclone but the authorities won't know how


much damage Cyclone Debbie has caused until the winds die down.


That's all, Newsround's back here in half an hour.


Check out the website for all the rest of the day's stories.


There's more spooky goings-on in Strange Hill High, up next.


Yes, it is. That means we got a brand-new episode


And it's the last one in the series. Aww! But don't be glum.


For the last time, we're going to do some of our spells.


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