Episode 4 Election Spy

Episode 4

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This programme contains some strong language.


After May's performance, I'm not sure if I'd admit that I was voting


Sure, there's lots of people on NHS waiting lists, but


hopefully they'll be in too much pain to get out and vote.


We say it'll be incredibly close to get our vote


We know that the throwing a dead cat on the table strategy is useful, but


we don't use an actual cat. It is a metaphor, we spoke about metaphors.


I got my nephew to do it. The FBI are saying he is just a person of


interest. I miss that sexy, wheezy chuckle. They keep stealing our


clothes. We need to move further to the right. He needs to announce we


are going to bring back hanging. And Paul will do it himself.


We can't send something out that calls Theresa


Anyone with a vagina.


Besides, I thought you were all for 'reclaiming' language?


We've reclaimed 'slut' and 'queer', but pussy is still up for


Anyway, there are lots of words for coward.


'Yellow' could be problematic for people of Asiatic


They're the last group it is OK to offend.


It's for tonight's Question Time viewing party.


Oh, god, I don't know what's worse, the fact that Tim had a car-crash


interview with Andrew Neil or the fact that no-one's bloody


Jesus, we're in total fucking crisis!


No, no, a crisis is when your leader pays a hit-man to shoot his


Still, least it got us lots of coverage.


Maybe if Tim shot Andrew Neil's dog...


I know when she smiles she looks like she's an extra in Deliverance,


but we're bringing in an American smile consultant.


What, and Theresa visit another Festival of Cheese?


Toby, oi, have you put the complaint in about the


And tell them we need more shouty shouters to drown out


That's the trouble with being supported by the silent


So, now we're going big on immigration.


Any joy with that research into Tim's family to find more directly


I've just got back as far as his great-grantparents,


but sadly they died of natural causes.


We could make something up...


got rickets cos Thatcher stopped the free milk.


We're the Lib Dems, no-one'll check it.


This Thanet Tory charged with fiddling election expenses...


The whole Thanet thing was a joke.


There was this candidate called Murray who said he was a pub


landlord, and I know for a fact he didn't run a pub.


If this MacKinlay went to prison it wouldn't bring Nigel's career back


I'm not a vindictive woman, but I hope David Cameron ends up in


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