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And so it is that we gather here today to say farewell to Guy Hubble. | 0:00:59 | 0:01:06 | |
A man who has served this nation all his life. | 0:01:06 | 0:01:09 | |
Yates, please tell me I'm not dreaming. | 0:01:09 | 0:01:13 | |
-I know. I have to keep pinching myself. -What happened? | 0:01:13 | 0:01:18 | |
Apparently, Hubble was found dead in bed. | 0:01:18 | 0:01:21 | |
Why didn't anybody phone me? | 0:01:23 | 0:01:24 | |
-We didn't want to bother you on holiday, sir. -Bother me?! | 0:01:24 | 0:01:28 | |
It would have made my holiday! I've been waiting for this for years! | 0:01:28 | 0:01:33 | |
Members of the Hubble family, sir. Cousins. | 0:01:43 | 0:01:47 | |
And so, as he lies with us, at peace, for one final time, | 0:02:02 | 0:02:07 | |
we come together to mark the end of one life and the beginning of another. | 0:02:07 | 0:02:12 | |
Ah, Dennis! Come in, come in. | 0:02:25 | 0:02:27 | |
I was just admiring your roses out there. Absolutely stunning! | 0:02:27 | 0:02:31 | |
Oh, thank you. Anyway, I'm pleased to see you looking so cheerful. Did you have a good holiday? | 0:02:31 | 0:02:35 | |
No, it rained every day. But I've come back to the most wonderful news. | 0:02:35 | 0:02:40 | |
Well, I'm sorry to be a "buzzkill" as my grandson would have it, | 0:02:40 | 0:02:46 | |
-but we've got a serious problem. -Oh? -Mmm. | 0:02:46 | 0:02:49 | |
-Number Ten are convinced they have a mole. -What? -Mmm. | 0:02:50 | 0:02:55 | |
Leaking highly sensitive secrets to the North Koreans. Here, look. | 0:02:55 | 0:03:00 | |
This is a copy of a briefing document written in Korean, | 0:03:02 | 0:03:06 | |
which exactly replicates the official minutes of a COBRA meeting | 0:03:06 | 0:03:11 | |
-that was held last month at Downing Street. -Good God. | 0:03:11 | 0:03:14 | |
It's highly classified information, and it could only have come from someone inside Number Ten, | 0:03:14 | 0:03:19 | |
so the PM wants someone to go in, undercover, and find the mole. | 0:03:19 | 0:03:24 | |
Isn't this more MI5's game? | 0:03:24 | 0:03:26 | |
Trouble is, Dennis, there's every possibility that MI5 are up to their necks in all this. | 0:03:26 | 0:03:31 | |
That's why they're looking for help elsewhere. | 0:03:31 | 0:03:34 | |
I'd like to introduce you to someone, Dennis. Dennis, this is Ms Mellor. | 0:03:34 | 0:03:38 | |
-Dennis Whittington. Please to meet you, Ms Mellor. -How do you do. | 0:03:40 | 0:03:43 | |
-Please, call me Sandra. Cup of tea? -Thank you. -There you are. | 0:03:43 | 0:03:48 | |
Hello, sir. It's me! | 0:03:49 | 0:03:52 | |
TEA CUP CRASHES | 0:03:55 | 0:03:57 | |
There you go, sir. There's another cup of tea for you. | 0:03:58 | 0:04:02 | |
It was the shock, I expect. | 0:04:02 | 0:04:05 | |
Bound to be a little bit emotional | 0:04:05 | 0:04:07 | |
when you realise that your friend and colleague is still alive. Hm? | 0:04:07 | 0:04:11 | |
But I've just been to his funeral! | 0:04:11 | 0:04:13 | |
Hubble's not dead, Dennis. We've faked his death. | 0:04:13 | 0:04:17 | |
I'm in the middle of some nightmare. | 0:04:17 | 0:04:19 | |
Hubble has assumed the identity of a Sandra Mellor | 0:04:19 | 0:04:23 | |
who was appointed two months ago to the post of Office Services Administrator. | 0:04:23 | 0:04:27 | |
The real Ms Mellor is enjoying a holiday in Australia, courtesy of the department. | 0:04:27 | 0:04:33 | |
I start work in Number Ten tomorrow. | 0:04:33 | 0:04:36 | |
But Hubble isn't trained as a spy. Or a detective! | 0:04:36 | 0:04:41 | |
Please, sir, from now on, could you refer to me as Sandra? | 0:04:41 | 0:04:44 | |
Only I'm trying to stay in character. | 0:04:44 | 0:04:46 | |
His job is to get in there, blend in and unmask the traitor. | 0:04:46 | 0:04:52 | |
-It'll never work, sir. -Yes, it will, sir. | 0:04:52 | 0:04:55 | |
I've just spent three weeks on an intensive drama course! | 0:04:55 | 0:04:58 | |
The PM raised the problem at his weekly meeting with Her Majesty | 0:04:58 | 0:05:01 | |
and she volunteered Hubble's services. | 0:05:01 | 0:05:04 | |
Sandra, sir. | 0:05:04 | 0:05:06 | |
Oh, indeed. | 0:05:06 | 0:05:08 | |
-They'll see through this disguise! -No-one at Number Ten knows Hubble. | 0:05:08 | 0:05:12 | |
Surely they've seen a picture of him in the papers? | 0:05:12 | 0:05:14 | |
Everyone thinks he's dead, Dennis. | 0:05:14 | 0:05:17 | |
Only you, me and the PM know about this operation. | 0:05:17 | 0:05:20 | |
And Sandra, sir. | 0:05:20 | 0:05:23 | |
And Sandra. | 0:05:23 | 0:05:24 | |
Your ID, ma'am. | 0:05:35 | 0:05:36 | |
Thank you. | 0:05:39 | 0:05:41 | |
Sandra? | 0:05:48 | 0:05:50 | |
Yes, that's me. | 0:05:50 | 0:05:51 | |
Tristram Roberts. Chief of Staff. Welcome to Downing Street. | 0:05:51 | 0:05:54 | |
-Thank you. How do you do? -Do come through. -Thank you. | 0:05:54 | 0:05:57 | |
-So, you've been working up in Newcastle with the Home Office? -Yes. | 0:05:57 | 0:06:02 | |
It was very interesting work on policy implementation. | 0:06:02 | 0:06:06 | |
Some offices are being redesigned to give more space to the Treasury. | 0:06:10 | 0:06:14 | |
-Have these workmen been fully vetted? -Yes. | 0:06:14 | 0:06:17 | |
Only outside contractors need to have a Level 6 security clearance. | 0:06:17 | 0:06:23 | |
-It's all been done. -Oh good. Sorry. Old habits! | 0:06:23 | 0:06:28 | |
I was on the committee for security clearance at my last job. | 0:06:28 | 0:06:32 | |
I know what you mean about old habits. | 0:06:32 | 0:06:34 | |
I had the security brief when I worked with the embassy in Bangkok. | 0:06:34 | 0:06:38 | |
-Bangkok? -Yes, the jewel of the Far East. Do you know it? -No. | 0:06:38 | 0:06:43 | |
Oh, terrific place. Wonderful people. | 0:06:43 | 0:06:45 | |
-Really? -Deputy PM's office through there, loos just through there. | 0:06:45 | 0:06:50 | |
Oh well, if you don't mind, I think I'd like to spend a penny. | 0:06:50 | 0:06:53 | |
-Of course. -Thank you. | 0:06:53 | 0:06:55 | |
-Erm... -Hm? | 0:06:57 | 0:06:59 | |
That's the gents. | 0:06:59 | 0:07:01 | |
Oh! Silly me. | 0:07:01 | 0:07:03 | |
Loitering outside the ladies again, are we, Tristram? | 0:07:06 | 0:07:09 | |
I've heard it's the best place to meet pretty women in this building, Mary. | 0:07:09 | 0:07:13 | |
-Flattery will get you everywhere. -Actually, I'm waiting for Sandra Mellor, | 0:07:13 | 0:07:17 | |
-our new Office Services Administrator. -Oh, right. | 0:07:17 | 0:07:20 | |
SANDRA URINATES | 0:07:31 | 0:07:35 | |
Ah! | 0:07:49 | 0:07:50 | |
TOILET FLUSHES | 0:07:52 | 0:07:53 | |
-Sandra? -Yes. | 0:07:57 | 0:08:00 | |
Mary Town-Jones. Foreign Policy. Pleased to meet you. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:04 | |
Oh. You too. Hello. | 0:08:04 | 0:08:05 | |
Sorry. Strange place to meet. | 0:08:06 | 0:08:09 | |
Yes. | 0:08:09 | 0:08:11 | |
-First day nerves. I was taken rather short. -Yes, I heard. | 0:08:11 | 0:08:16 | |
Well, er, no doubt I'll see you around. Toodle-loo. | 0:08:18 | 0:08:23 | |
-You're late. -Yes, I know, sir. | 0:08:39 | 0:08:42 | |
I'm sorry, I've had a bit of a morning. | 0:08:42 | 0:08:46 | |
I lost my left breast. | 0:08:46 | 0:08:48 | |
-What? -Well, it must have slipped out when I was in the cloakroom. | 0:08:48 | 0:08:51 | |
Either that, or I lost it in the photocopying room. | 0:08:51 | 0:08:54 | |
This is all loo paper in here. | 0:08:54 | 0:08:56 | |
The trouble with loo paper is you can't get the right shape. | 0:08:56 | 0:09:02 | |
How do they look, sir? | 0:09:02 | 0:09:03 | |
-Hubble, I haven't got all day. -No, of course not, sir. | 0:09:03 | 0:09:06 | |
Well, I called this meeting just to let you know what I've got so far. | 0:09:06 | 0:09:11 | |
-Would you like a sandwich? -No, I'm fine. | 0:09:11 | 0:09:13 | |
Are you sure, sir? I brought them for you. | 0:09:13 | 0:09:15 | |
The thing is, I can't eat them all because I've got to watch my weight. | 0:09:15 | 0:09:20 | |
You know, I've got this wonderful skirt back home, but it makes my bum look enormous. | 0:09:20 | 0:09:24 | |
I've got tofu and cress, and Quorn and cucumber. | 0:09:25 | 0:09:30 | |
It's because Sandra's a vegan, sir. Won't touch meat. | 0:09:32 | 0:09:37 | |
-Hubble, can we get back to the mole in Downing Street?! -Of course. | 0:09:37 | 0:09:41 | |
Sorry, sir. Well, my main suspect is one Tristram Roberts. | 0:09:41 | 0:09:47 | |
-Do you know him? -A little. Why him? | 0:09:47 | 0:09:49 | |
Well, I've got two reasons really. He worked in the Embassy in Bangkok, | 0:09:49 | 0:09:53 | |
and I think it's possible he's been turned | 0:09:53 | 0:09:56 | |
and he's the one that's leaking the information to the North Koreans. | 0:09:56 | 0:10:01 | |
Bangkok's in Thailand. | 0:10:01 | 0:10:02 | |
Yes, but it's very near to North Korea. | 0:10:05 | 0:10:08 | |
It's about 2,000 miles away. | 0:10:08 | 0:10:09 | |
Exactly. | 0:10:09 | 0:10:11 | |
-You said there were two things. -Oh, yes. | 0:10:13 | 0:10:16 | |
Well, I've got his phone records, and he's phoned a Chinese takeaway in Holborn | 0:10:16 | 0:10:22 | |
three times alone last month. | 0:10:22 | 0:10:24 | |
-I knew this was a bad idea. -No, sir, but don't you see? | 0:10:26 | 0:10:29 | |
The Chinese takeaway could be a an intelligence gathering organisation | 0:10:29 | 0:10:34 | |
where they feed all the secrets back to North Korea. | 0:10:34 | 0:10:37 | |
Or it could just be a Chinese takeaway. | 0:10:37 | 0:10:39 | |
Anyway, I've got a micro camera, | 0:10:39 | 0:10:44 | |
and I'm going to break into his room tonight | 0:10:44 | 0:10:47 | |
and see if I can photograph some incriminating documents. | 0:10:47 | 0:10:51 | |
Well, get on with it. You've been there two days. | 0:10:51 | 0:10:53 | |
This is a matter of national importance, | 0:10:53 | 0:10:55 | |
and with you looking as you do, it's only a matter of time before your cover is blown. | 0:10:55 | 0:11:00 | |
Well, that's a rather hurtful thing to say, sir. | 0:11:00 | 0:11:03 | |
Aaah! | 0:11:33 | 0:11:35 | |
VOICES IN CORRIDOR | 0:11:59 | 0:12:03 | |
Hello? | 0:12:08 | 0:12:09 | |
What's going on? | 0:12:11 | 0:12:12 | |
What are you doing? | 0:12:19 | 0:12:20 | |
-Oh dear, I was so scared. I thought someone was in the office. -Me too. | 0:12:20 | 0:12:25 | |
-Did you hear someone in there? -I thought I did. | 0:12:25 | 0:12:28 | |
No. No, nothing. No one was in here. | 0:12:30 | 0:12:34 | |
Except me. I was in here. | 0:12:43 | 0:12:45 | |
PHONE RINGS | 0:12:46 | 0:12:48 | |
Hello? | 0:12:55 | 0:12:56 | |
It's someone called Sandra. | 0:13:00 | 0:13:02 | |
-Yes? -Is this a good time to talk, sir? | 0:13:13 | 0:13:16 | |
It's 3 o'clock in the morning, Hubble! | 0:13:16 | 0:13:18 | |
You were right about Tristram. | 0:13:18 | 0:13:21 | |
Yes, so I'm focusing my investigation on Mary Town-Jones. | 0:13:21 | 0:13:26 | |
-I don't know this woman. -She's a bit of a battle-axe, sir. | 0:13:26 | 0:13:29 | |
I don't want to be a bitch, but she really ought to do something about her hair. | 0:13:29 | 0:13:33 | |
I think she's using the wrong conditioner. | 0:13:33 | 0:13:35 | |
What's this got to do with the investigation? | 0:13:35 | 0:13:37 | |
I've been rooting about, and I've found out that her husband | 0:13:37 | 0:13:41 | |
has extensive business dealings in Korea. | 0:13:41 | 0:13:45 | |
North or South? | 0:13:45 | 0:13:47 | |
I'll look into it, sir. | 0:13:50 | 0:13:51 | |
You do that, and let me know when you have something remotely of interest! | 0:13:51 | 0:13:55 | |
Yes, sir. | 0:13:55 | 0:13:56 | |
Who's Sandra? | 0:14:07 | 0:14:10 | |
Oh, just someone from the office. | 0:14:10 | 0:14:13 | |
And what does she want at three in the morning? | 0:14:13 | 0:14:16 | |
Nothing. Nothing at all. | 0:14:16 | 0:14:19 | |
Just go back to sleep, Muriel. | 0:14:19 | 0:14:21 | |
What the hell do you think you're doing? | 0:14:42 | 0:14:44 | |
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you'd gone home, Mr Finch. | 0:14:44 | 0:14:49 | |
I bet you did. What do you want with these files? They're highly classified! | 0:14:49 | 0:14:53 | |
I was just filing these documents. Sorry. | 0:14:53 | 0:14:58 | |
I'm new. I'm Sandra Mellor. Hello. | 0:15:00 | 0:15:03 | |
You were the one found in my office last night. | 0:15:03 | 0:15:06 | |
Your office? | 0:15:06 | 0:15:08 | |
I thought it was Tristram Robert's office. There you go. | 0:15:08 | 0:15:12 | |
Still trying to find my way about! | 0:15:12 | 0:15:15 | |
-I'm phoning security. -No, no, please don't! | 0:15:15 | 0:15:18 | |
-We have strict security protocols. -Yes, I know. | 0:15:18 | 0:15:21 | |
I realise that, and I'm still trying to learn them all. | 0:15:21 | 0:15:24 | |
-Yes, I'm sorry. I've got no choice. -No, please, Mr Finch. | 0:15:24 | 0:15:29 | |
It's always been my dream to work here at Number Ten. | 0:15:29 | 0:15:33 | |
I know I've been doing things in a rather haphazard way, | 0:15:33 | 0:15:37 | |
but you wouldn't want to shatter a girl's dreams would you? | 0:15:37 | 0:15:42 | |
Well, no but... | 0:15:42 | 0:15:43 | |
You won't regret it. I'm a very good worker, | 0:15:43 | 0:15:46 | |
and if there's anything you want me to do, anything at all, I will do it. | 0:15:46 | 0:15:51 | |
Oh, is that your wife? | 0:15:53 | 0:15:56 | |
-Yes. My late wife. She passed on two years ago. -Oh, I'm sorry. | 0:15:56 | 0:16:02 | |
-She was very beautiful. -Yes. I'm reminded of her every day. | 0:16:02 | 0:16:06 | |
Actually, she used the same perfume as you do. | 0:16:08 | 0:16:11 | |
Well, it's very much for the discerning woman. | 0:16:11 | 0:16:15 | |
There. | 0:16:18 | 0:16:20 | |
Now, look, I really must get back to work. | 0:16:20 | 0:16:22 | |
I've got an awful lot of things to do. I just want to thank you. | 0:16:22 | 0:16:26 | |
Thank you for being so understanding. | 0:16:27 | 0:16:30 | |
MARY SPEAKS IN RUSSIAN | 0:16:42 | 0:16:45 | |
Yes, OK, Friday night. Yes. Midnight. | 0:16:48 | 0:16:51 | |
DOORBELL RINGS | 0:17:00 | 0:17:03 | |
-Hello, sir, have I come at a bad time? -I was just getting in the bath. | 0:17:04 | 0:17:08 | |
Oh, really? I'm a shower man myself. Don't like lying in my own dirt. | 0:17:08 | 0:17:12 | |
Interestingly enough, though, as Sandra I've started having baths. | 0:17:12 | 0:17:17 | |
Hubble, this is all very fascinating. Can you get to the point? | 0:17:17 | 0:17:19 | |
Yes, of course, sir. Can I come in? Thank you, sir. | 0:17:19 | 0:17:23 | |
-I take it you've seen the paper this morning? -No, sir. | 0:17:26 | 0:17:29 | |
Actually, I picked up a copy of Woman's Weekly. | 0:17:29 | 0:17:31 | |
Very interesting interview with Jamie Oliver. | 0:17:31 | 0:17:34 | |
The North Koreans have got hold of our entire missile defence programme. | 0:17:34 | 0:17:37 | |
You need to find this mole, and sharpish. | 0:17:37 | 0:17:40 | |
Sir, I am making progress. | 0:17:40 | 0:17:42 | |
I've been watching Mary Town-Jones like a hawk. | 0:17:42 | 0:17:46 | |
Look, I've got Number Ten on my back, | 0:17:46 | 0:17:48 | |
-I've got Sir Edward running around like a headless chicken. -Yes, sir. But listen. | 0:17:48 | 0:17:52 | |
I heard her on the phone, and she was speaking foreign. | 0:17:52 | 0:17:58 | |
Foreign? | 0:18:00 | 0:18:02 | |
Definitely foreign. | 0:18:02 | 0:18:04 | |
There's something fishy about her, sir, I know it. | 0:18:04 | 0:18:06 | |
Look, Hubble, I need something concrete. | 0:18:06 | 0:18:09 | |
All right. Yes, sir. You can rely on me. | 0:18:09 | 0:18:11 | |
Sorry, sir. Sorry. | 0:18:11 | 0:18:13 | |
Thank you, sir. | 0:18:15 | 0:18:16 | |
Oh, hello darling. You're back early. I wasn't expecting you. | 0:18:35 | 0:18:38 | |
-No. Clearly not. -Hmmm? | 0:18:38 | 0:18:41 | |
What the hell's going on, Dennis? | 0:18:41 | 0:18:43 | |
What? I don't understand. | 0:18:43 | 0:18:45 | |
You and that woman. Don't treat me like a fool! | 0:18:45 | 0:18:47 | |
-Her? -I've noticed you skulking around. | 0:18:47 | 0:18:50 | |
The secret phone calls, now illicit liaisons. Who is she? | 0:18:50 | 0:18:53 | |
I can't tell you that, darling. | 0:18:54 | 0:18:56 | |
And with her! We all expect to get passed over | 0:18:56 | 0:18:58 | |
for a little young thing with a willing smile and a big cleavage, | 0:18:58 | 0:19:01 | |
but that! How humiliating for me is that?! | 0:19:01 | 0:19:04 | |
Ah, Sandra! I was hoping to bump into you again. Are you settling in OK? | 0:19:13 | 0:19:19 | |
Yes, yes, I am, thank you. | 0:19:19 | 0:19:21 | |
Good. I'm sorry things got off on the wrong foot. | 0:19:21 | 0:19:25 | |
Oh, that's all right. Don't worry. | 0:19:25 | 0:19:26 | |
Well, I'm having a few people round to my flat tomorrow, | 0:19:26 | 0:19:29 | |
just a light bite, and I wondered if you'd care to join us. | 0:19:29 | 0:19:33 | |
Tomorrow? That's Friday. Oh, er, really, I'm not sure. | 0:19:34 | 0:19:39 | |
Oh, no, do come. | 0:19:39 | 0:19:41 | |
It would be a chance to meet the gang here socially. | 0:19:41 | 0:19:43 | |
Terrence from the press office and his wife, Mary Town-Jones... | 0:19:43 | 0:19:47 | |
Mary? Mary's going to be...? Oh, well, let me think. | 0:19:47 | 0:19:52 | |
No, no, tomorrow will be fine. | 0:19:52 | 0:19:54 | |
Good. Shall we say 8pm? | 0:19:54 | 0:19:57 | |
Eight it is. | 0:19:57 | 0:19:59 | |
Hello, sir. The office told me that you'd moved in here. | 0:20:22 | 0:20:28 | |
What is it? Trouble at home, is it? | 0:20:30 | 0:20:32 | |
-Mrs Whittington thinks I'm having an affair with you. -With me? | 0:20:32 | 0:20:36 | |
-Oh, you mean with Sandra. -Yes. Sandra. | 0:20:36 | 0:20:40 | |
Well, that's very flattering, sir, | 0:20:40 | 0:20:43 | |
but you can tell Mrs Whittington that, actually, | 0:20:43 | 0:20:47 | |
you're just not my type. | 0:20:47 | 0:20:48 | |
Of course I'm not your type! You're not my type either! | 0:20:48 | 0:20:51 | |
That's what I keep trying to get into my wife's silly head! | 0:20:51 | 0:20:55 | |
Sir, would it be a help if I had a word with her | 0:20:55 | 0:20:59 | |
and assured her there was nothing going on between us? | 0:20:59 | 0:21:01 | |
No, it would not. | 0:21:01 | 0:21:02 | |
Well, I just thought, you know, as woman to woman, I could... | 0:21:03 | 0:21:07 | |
-Just stay away, Hubble! -Yes, sir. | 0:21:07 | 0:21:10 | |
So, where are we with this mole? I phoned twice yesterday evening. | 0:21:10 | 0:21:15 | |
Yes, sir. I'm sorry about that. | 0:21:15 | 0:21:18 | |
It's just that I got home, I was so exhausted, | 0:21:18 | 0:21:21 | |
I just had a soothing foot spa and an early night. | 0:21:21 | 0:21:24 | |
But I did get something from Mary Town-Jones' waste paper bin. | 0:21:26 | 0:21:32 | |
-A scratch card? -Yes, sir. | 0:21:34 | 0:21:36 | |
A scratch card worth £50 worth of shopping vouchers. | 0:21:36 | 0:21:40 | |
-I'm not following. -Well, sir, isn't it revealing? | 0:21:40 | 0:21:43 | |
I mean, how can someone afford to throw away 50 quid's worth of shopping vouchers | 0:21:43 | 0:21:48 | |
unless they were being paid by the North Koreans for revealing state secrets? | 0:21:48 | 0:21:54 | |
And that's it? That's where you've got after two weeks under cover? | 0:21:55 | 0:22:00 | |
A discarded scratch card? | 0:22:00 | 0:22:01 | |
While every day that goes by, more and more leaks are doubtless taking place, | 0:22:01 | 0:22:05 | |
putting this country's strategic safety in jeopardy. | 0:22:05 | 0:22:08 | |
You're a waste of space, Hubble. A total air-head | 0:22:08 | 0:22:10 | |
that makes this whole department a laughing stock! | 0:22:10 | 0:22:14 | |
With respect, sir, I'm beginning to see how Mrs Whittington must feel. | 0:22:14 | 0:22:18 | |
-What? -I just don't feel appreciated. | 0:22:18 | 0:22:22 | |
Hubble, unless you can find something of significance within the next 24 hours, | 0:22:22 | 0:22:28 | |
Sandra is off the case. | 0:22:28 | 0:22:29 | |
Oh, all right. I'll show you, sir. I'll show you what Sandra can do. | 0:22:31 | 0:22:34 | |
-Really? -Yes. | 0:22:34 | 0:22:36 | |
I'm going to a dinner party tonight with Mary Town-Jones | 0:22:36 | 0:22:39 | |
and she's making a contact with somebody at midnight | 0:22:39 | 0:22:42 | |
where I think she will reveal herself as our mole, | 0:22:42 | 0:22:45 | |
and then you, sir, and the country can thank Sandra! | 0:22:45 | 0:22:49 | |
Sir, do you mind if I borrowed your shower cap? | 0:22:56 | 0:22:58 | |
Only it's raining outside, and it plays havoc with my hair. | 0:22:58 | 0:23:01 | |
My dear, come on in. | 0:23:05 | 0:23:07 | |
Oh, thank you. | 0:23:09 | 0:23:10 | |
And right on time. I like a woman who's punctual. Champagne? | 0:23:13 | 0:23:17 | |
Oh, thank you. | 0:23:19 | 0:23:21 | |
I have to be careful because bubbly goes straight to my head. | 0:23:21 | 0:23:24 | |
Your other guests haven't arrived yet, then? | 0:23:33 | 0:23:36 | |
I'm afraid they've all had to cry off. | 0:23:36 | 0:23:39 | |
-Oh. -I thought about phoning to cancel, but then I thought, | 0:23:41 | 0:23:45 | |
"No, why should we let others ruin our fun?" | 0:23:45 | 0:23:49 | |
Thank you. | 0:23:49 | 0:23:51 | |
-Bottoms up. -Bottoms... | 0:23:51 | 0:23:54 | |
Cheers. | 0:23:54 | 0:23:56 | |
You look...breathtaking. | 0:23:56 | 0:23:59 | |
Oh, thank you. | 0:24:02 | 0:24:04 | |
Oh, is that your wife? | 0:24:04 | 0:24:07 | |
Yes. | 0:24:07 | 0:24:09 | |
You know it's quite uncanny how similar you look. | 0:24:09 | 0:24:13 | |
My wife was a marvellous woman, Sandra. So kind, so loving, so... | 0:24:13 | 0:24:18 | |
passionate. | 0:24:18 | 0:24:19 | |
Do you know, I need to powder my nose. Could you tell me where it is? | 0:24:20 | 0:24:25 | |
Just through there. | 0:24:25 | 0:24:27 | |
-Thank you. -Hurry back! | 0:24:27 | 0:24:29 | |
Oooh! | 0:24:39 | 0:24:40 | |
KNOCK AT DOOR | 0:24:42 | 0:24:44 | |
-Everything all right in there? -Yes. Yes, everything's fine. | 0:24:44 | 0:24:48 | |
-Oysters? -What? -Oysters might get us in the mood. | 0:24:57 | 0:25:01 | |
-Mr Finch... -Roddy. | 0:25:01 | 0:25:03 | |
No, Mr Finch, I really must go. | 0:25:03 | 0:25:06 | |
But my dear, why? | 0:25:06 | 0:25:08 | |
Because my mother warned me against men like you. | 0:25:08 | 0:25:11 | |
-Really? -Yes. -What sort of man do you have me for? | 0:25:11 | 0:25:16 | |
Well, you're a very naughty man. | 0:25:16 | 0:25:19 | |
Mmm, yes, you're right. I am rather naughty. But then you are, too. | 0:25:19 | 0:25:25 | |
-What? -As you said in my office, you'd do anything for me. | 0:25:25 | 0:25:30 | |
Yes, well... | 0:25:30 | 0:25:31 | |
Mr Finch, if you let me just slip away, | 0:25:31 | 0:25:35 | |
then to all concerned this will be as though nothing has happened. | 0:25:35 | 0:25:40 | |
But nothing has happened...yet. | 0:25:40 | 0:25:43 | |
-And it won't. -Oh, come on. -No, no! | 0:25:43 | 0:25:46 | |
-You little sex bomb! -Stop it! -Little kiss, little kiss! | 0:25:46 | 0:25:49 | |
-Come on, you know you want to! -No! Get off! Get off! | 0:25:49 | 0:25:53 | |
What's going on? | 0:25:59 | 0:26:01 | |
Mr Finch, I'm not a woman. | 0:26:02 | 0:26:04 | |
Yes, I can see that! Who the hell are you?! | 0:26:04 | 0:26:07 | |
I'm sorry. I really can't say. | 0:26:07 | 0:26:09 | |
Right. Well, you'd better say pretty damn quick cos I'm phoning the police! | 0:26:09 | 0:26:13 | |
No, no, please don't do that. No, I've been working under cover. | 0:26:13 | 0:26:16 | |
I'm from the Household Division and I'm on a special mission | 0:26:16 | 0:26:21 | |
to unearth the mole that's in Number Ten. | 0:26:21 | 0:26:24 | |
-What? -Yes, there's a mole in Number Ten selling secrets to the North Koreans. | 0:26:24 | 0:26:30 | |
They've put me on the case. Sorry if I deceived you. | 0:26:30 | 0:26:33 | |
Anyway, I'll help you clear up all this mess. | 0:26:33 | 0:26:36 | |
That's an awful lot of money you've got here, sir, and, er... | 0:26:37 | 0:26:41 | |
"Surveillance of the..." | 0:26:45 | 0:26:46 | |
Mr Finch. It's you! | 0:26:49 | 0:26:52 | |
-How could you? -Oh, don't be so naive, Sandra. | 0:26:54 | 0:26:58 | |
-Or whoever you are. Come on. On your feet. Move. -Yes. | 0:26:59 | 0:27:03 | |
-Come on! -Yes. | 0:27:04 | 0:27:07 | |
-You're never going to get away with this, you know. -Is that so? | 0:27:09 | 0:27:12 | |
I'll be on a flight out of here before they even find you. | 0:27:12 | 0:27:16 | |
-Move. -No! | 0:27:16 | 0:27:17 | |
Give up! You know you can't win! | 0:27:19 | 0:27:23 | |
Stop now, because I am a trained killer! | 0:27:27 | 0:27:30 | |
I told you... | 0:27:36 | 0:27:37 | |
No, no, glad to have been of assistance, Prime Minister. Goodbye. | 0:27:42 | 0:27:46 | |
Well, Number Ten are delighted, Hubble. | 0:27:48 | 0:27:51 | |
Although they still can't believe it was Roderick Finch all this time. | 0:27:51 | 0:27:55 | |
Well, appearances can be deceptive, sir. | 0:27:55 | 0:27:59 | |
Now, can I tempt either of you to a little drinkie? I feel we've deserved it. | 0:27:59 | 0:28:05 | |
Could you make mine a white wine spritzer, sir? | 0:28:05 | 0:28:09 | |
Sandra's not much of a drinker. | 0:28:09 | 0:28:10 | |
Hubble, can we drop the Sandra business now? | 0:28:10 | 0:28:13 | |
She's already caused enough trouble. | 0:28:13 | 0:28:15 | |
Oh, yes, yes, all right, sir. Bit of a shame, really. | 0:28:15 | 0:28:19 | |
-I got quite attached to her. -Hubble! | 0:28:19 | 0:28:22 | |
Yes, sir. | 0:28:22 | 0:28:23 | |
I'd just like to thank you very much for all the help that you've | 0:28:23 | 0:28:27 | |
given me on this case. I couldn't have done it without you, sir. | 0:28:27 | 0:28:31 | |
Oh sir, could you undo this zip? | 0:28:31 | 0:28:35 | |
This bra is killing me. | 0:28:35 | 0:28:36 | |
There, look. | 0:28:39 | 0:28:40 | |
Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd | 0:29:03 | 0:29:06 | |
E-mail | 0:29:06 | 0:29:09 |