Episode 2 In Your Corner

Episode 2

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Welcome to In Your Corner, the programme that examines the issues


that really matter to you and your community. I am Wendy Austin and


tonight, we are live in Portadown in County Armagh.


On inure corner, we are live from venues across Northern Ireland,


getting to the heart of the issues that affect you and your community.


Tonight, we are in County Armagh broadcasting from the Portadown


Health Centre. The In Your Corner team has been setting up since


first thing this morning at this state-of-the-art facility. It


opened in 2010 and it is an award- winning centre that provides a


range of health and care services for the local community. Each week,


we are right in the heart of local communities as we travel across


Northern Ireland, highlighting the local issues that echo across the


country. What is the story In Your Corner? Get in touch with us this


evening... Coming up tonight, if you are


diabetic and insulin pumps can transform your life. Getting one is


not straightforward. We have been on the streets in


Portadown to ask if a kid -- new retail development will be good or


bad for the town centre. All of that to come. Remember, we


are live so it is your chance to get in touch. First, an award-


winning building calls for an award-winning journalist. Chris


Moore is with me for tonight's top story. You have been delving into


the complex world of planning laws, something which affect people right


across Northern Ireland. In theory if you want to build, you need


planning permission first. That is not to work. It appears that you


can build a building without permission and then seek permission


retrospectively. Or even better, don't apply at all, or if you do


and permission is refused, just ignore it. I have been in


Coalisland to look at this particular issue.


Planning laws and planners, whether it is new golf courses on the north


coast or out-of-town shopping centre of disputes, there sell them


out of the headlines. What can go up can also come down. There are


enforcement plaque -- powers to pulled out anything that did not


what without approval. That is the theory, anyway. I am off to meet


some angry neighbours who believe the planning laws are a farce.


It was thriving with wildlife. Jamie Hughes was delighted to


become the owner of a pond when he bought land in goal line and 12


years ago to build his new home. This was a big pond full of water.


Ride over to that bank, over there. Overnight, the landscape around the


pond changed. Unknown to him, a local business was setting up a man


next to him. I had no idea what he was going to be building. It got


steadily bigger and bigger. It started to be sandblasted and there


was pain being spread, and there was fabricating machinery. Were you


aware of planning permission? is no planning permission


whatsoever. What was your reaction? I was annoyed at the start. I could


not understand where the planners did not let us know that there was


any application in in the first place. At the beginning, the


authorities moved very quickly it, the workshop operators and the


landowner were served with papers ordering the sheds to be demolished.


The planning -- but the planning authorities do anything to remedy


the situation? They gave them 60 days to take it down in 2007. He


took his case to the Planning Appeals Commission. What happened?


The Planning Appeals Commission, he was refused but given one-year to


relocate his business. In 2010, the landowner was fined �6,000 for


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 47 seconds


failing to comply with the Building which they had erected,


they won't work respect of Planning Commission. They are now seeking


retrospective approval to retain as The department decided that it


would refuse planning permission and that is being appealed by the


applicants. The companies providing much-needed employment in an area


The area really needs jobs at the moment. There are plenty of sites


around the country. Why do they not go to those? Why don't they take


the right way about it? Why don't they build on land that is


earmarked for naturally, we wanted to speak to somebody so we


contacted them. They invited us to film the work process going on


inside these sheds. It is now Wednesday morning and this was the


designated day for that meeting. Last night, a company spokesman


contacted us to say he would have to cancel the arrangement because


of work commitments. Instead, the company provided us with a


The objectors' beef is with the planners, who they say appear to be


completely incapable of sorting the issue out. There is no point to


them if they are not going to be enforced. Who can bring about a


change that is going to enforce the planning laws? I think the minister


or the planners should take out an injunction to stop any further work


on these sheds until a planning issue is sorted out. Jamie and his


friends are not happy. You can understand why. What is the point


of planners and planning laws? It seems to be there you can build


can be told to take it down and that isn't going to be resolved any


time soon. you and it has happened in your


area, let us know it via e-mail and online. Deirdre, the Christian --


the question at the end, what is the point of a planning department


if people feel they can build wherever they like and hang the


consequences? And have to say that if people proceed without planning


permission, they do it at their own risk. We will take enforcement


action where it is expedient to do so. It is a risk people take. They


may have to remove the building or sees the use. But that risk, it --


are the figures right? We hear from the Assembly that 83% of


retrospective planning applications are approved. That is a pretty good


chance, isn't it? I am not sure where that figure came from because


we have no way of determining which was retrospective. Applications


which were made her prospectively, in many cases, may have been minor.


-- Red Ed respectively. The fact that some money carries out work


without planning permission, we assess the application as if the


development was not there. If it does not meet the policy and if


there are no material considerations, we went refused


permission and proceed with enforcement action. What about that


enforcement action? Jim Wells said that in 38 years, only 13 buildings


or structures had been demolished. That is not very frightening for a


developer, is it? I would have to dispute that figure. My own


experience in the Western Area Planning Office over the last


couple of years, we have had some very successful enforcement cases


when buildings have been removed. We had four cases in the last two


months. At the moment there is a case preceding three court and the


applicants have been informed to take it down. -- proceeding through


court. There is no benefit from going ahead. If it goes to court


they face a heavy fine. In my case that we have referred to, there is


a �6,000 fine. It is not unusual to have fines of four figures.


must here great frustration from people who feel that really, others


can do whatever they like and they, as the local people, have


absolutely no power at all? provide advice to people and


communities who want good development. They want decent jobs.


They don't have teams of planning consultants or teams of lawyers,


they do not have lobbyists when it comes to a bad developer but they


want to do something about. That is when they find that it is not a


level playing field, that developers have those resources


available to them. Local people have nothing but their own


commitment to their environment, their own commitment to their


community, and their own good sense to try and present their case and


are due for development and better planning. When they come across


cases like this they get very disheartened. They are often


surprised to find that although the developer has a right of appeal,


the objectors don't have any rights of appeal. It is not a level


playing field. That is the case, Deirdre, isn't it? It is something


that people get very aggrieved about, that they only have one go,


whereas the applicant can have several bites? I appreciate how


people may feel in terms of their ability to influence the process. I


can only assure them that in all cases we take into consideration


those issues raised by objectors. When it comes to enforcement,


obviously, we will proceed with enforcement action. The applicant


has the right of appeal. Unfortunately, the enforcement


process is a long one with the courts and bobs. There is a lot


outside planning control. Is there any way this could be achieved more


quickly, rather than just going to court and on and on, as seems to be


the case at the moment? It is difficult to say. In terms of the


court, if fines are imposed at a level that becomes so restrictive


that they develop their -- a developer cannot maintain the


building, other than that, I am not sure. We have to balance everything


together, including the objectors, the applicant and take all that


into consideration. I Gable for joining us.


-- thank you both for joining us. You have already been getting in


touch with us about all sorts of issues. Conner has treated to say,


how about slow internet access via mobiles, especially outside


Belfast? We have a message on our Facebook page, why does petrol cost


so much on Northern Ireland? It seems to go up every day. Thank you.


I know I love all this electronic stuff but sometimes nothing beats


getting out there and asking a few questions about local issues. That


is acted the what hour -- exactly what our reporter has been going to


find up what is the talk of the The talk of the town in Portadown


this week is news that a miniature new supermarket is being built on


the edge of the town centre. Along with the supermarket there are also


plans to build a leisure centre. So is this good news or bad news for


The town needs something to regenerate the talk about cinema's,


retail outlets and restaurants. I think it will be good for the town.


Most of the shops seem to be closing down. I don't think it


makes much sense, you were taking the people out of the town, there


are derelict buildings in the town as it is. What you think of the


idea that a superstore will be built on the outskirts of the town?


To be honest, I think it may ripped the heart out of the town centre.


The it seems a big space and a town with lots of empty spaces.


don't think it is a good idea then? It is probably a good idea for the


builders but it might be a lot of empty space at the end of the day.


Delight Portadown to shopping? do. It is nice to have your small


shops. I think it is a good thing from my point of view because it


gives me a bigger shopping choice but it is a bad thing from the


point of view of the stores, particularly the privately owned


stores. There is going to be a cinema opened up and a restaurant


which is going to be really good. am not a Portadown man. But both


towns are going down the hill. People are going to war these


bigger stores out in the country but if they want to put one in here,


well, try it that way, it cannot do any harm. You pays your money and


you takes your choice. Clare has been looking at the provision of


diabetes care in Northern Ireland. If you're a diabetic, this small


piece of equipment here, not much bigger than a mobile phone, could


radically change a life for the better. It is an insulin pump and


it means you don't have to constantly inject insulin into your


body. Getting one is not straightforward. I met with one


teenager who had to fight every step of the way to get hers.


Ruth was a fit and healthy 10-year- old. So, when she started to become


constantly tired and thirsty, her mum brought her to hospital. When


we went to accident and emergency they checked my blood sugar and a


normal blood sugar should be about three, mine was 23. They knew then


and after more blood tests that I was a diabetic. I stayed on the


paediatric ward for about a week getting used to injections. Rhys


was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, in which the body attacks the cells


that produce insulin. By the time she was a teenager, managing Hess -


- health was becoming complicated. I was running high and then low,


extreme ways. It had gone on for a year and a half and I was not


getting any better. My mum was reading up about different people's


stories and she came across the palm. It is like a little pager,


you have got a little back tree in here and I have to change it every


month. Your reservoir is in here and you fill that up with insulin.


You fill it up every two or three days. You have to change sides,


just like taking injections to make sure it does not get infected, but


it is not saw, it is not like an injection, it is like a finger


prick. It constantly trips insulin into you, like a long acting


insulin, so your blood sugar takes -- stays stable.


It is estimated that only 2% of type when diabetics in Northern


Ireland have a com. The National Institute for Health and Clinical


excellence states that up to 10 times the number of diabetics who


could benefit from insolent, therapy. But getting a pump in


Northern Ireland is difficult. will probably naive in thinking


that we could just be assessed and they would say, yes, we will start


to one this pump. It was a shock to go and find that the doctor told us


at the outset that there was a year's waiting list for the pump.


We retain lot of letters and visited many hospital admissions in


the previous 14 months, probably an approximate total of around �28,000


spent just on treating her in and out of hospital as opposed to a


pump that was �2,800. When she was placed on the waiting list in 2009,


she was told it would be a year before she would get her pomp. The


waiting list has now increased to three years in some trusts. In Your


Corner wanted to know exactly how many people in Northern Ireland are


waiting to get its hump. The Western Trust has 75 patients, the


Southern Trust has a waiting list of up to three years for adults,


the Belfast Trust has 28 people under 17 and a waiting list. The


south-east in trust has 48 comes available for children but only 35


are in use. This is despite 13 children on a waiting list. And,


the Northern Trust could not give us any information.


You get forgotten about. Especially from a medical point of view, other


things are put on the front of it and diabetes is and, it is


forgotten about. So, how do we compare to the rest of the UK?


England and Wales have a National diabetes audit and a full register.


Scotland organises its own audit and register. According to the


charity Diabetes UK, these audits have multiple benefits for patients.


Up-to-date data allows free more co-ordinated approach to managing


patients and for future care. Northern Ireland does not have a


similar audit and the Department of Health does not even have figures


on the number of people with diabetes here.


Ruth was one of the lucky ones and after a year of fighting she got


her palm. She has had it for three years now and calls it her prize


possession. I can go out as my friends and stay at my friends'


houses. It is more flexible, like being a normal teenager. I have


more energy, I do not have to sleep when I come home from school, I am


not have exhausted. If it has changed in so many ways, it is


fantastic. One person who has most is this change in school is Ruth's


form tutor. In 4th year her attendance was very poor because of


her diabetes. After she received the pump, she was able to come to


school 75% of the time which was a massive improvement for her. It


meant she was more settled in class, able to take part in activities,


good for her GCSEs. Ruth now feels she can live the life of a normal


teenager. However, her family are angry that they had to fight to get


their daughter this life changing equipment. They are setting targets


that so many people should be on a pond but they do not know how many


people in Northern Ireland are diabetic, so it doesn't add up.


Dr Farrell, and it does not add up, does it? We heard Ruth's mum saying


that, if the department does not know how many diabetics to Iraq in


Northern Ireland, how can they develop strategy and main good


policy? -- how many net diabetics there are in Northern Ireland.


get figures on diets BT East from GPs in Northern Ireland. The level


of pump provision in Northern Ireland it compares very favourably


with the rest of the UK as a result of recent procurement exercises. We


will have by the end of March this year, up to 18% of children with


diabetes will have a pump, and this compares very favourably, 8.4% is


the equivalent figure in Scotland. To go back to those figures, you


cannot plan properly can you if you do not know the numbers you are


dealing with? You say their numbers coming in but we understand they


are not divided between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, for instance. That


does not seem to be a proper database. It is very important that


the information is held by chemical teams providing care to children.


We have very accurate numbers on Type 1 diabetes in children. It


would not be fair to say we cannot plan effectively because we do have


that information. Adults are more complicated in that Kerry shared


between primary and secondary care. We have accurate figures available


from secondary care but primary care figures do not differentiate


between Taiwan and tied to. Him, it still isn't the same as the way


that they do it in other parts of the UK. We are starting from a low


baseline and playing catch-up with other parts of the UK. Our current


Minister has invested in insulin pumps and we will be pushing him


hard that that vision needs to include an audit. We currently


spend over �1 million a day on diabetes in Northern Ireland but we


have no way of knowing what we are getting for their money, or what


makes an improvement, what the gaps are, in terms of the effective


planning a am making decisions to go forward there are some big


decisions to be made. This cost the NHS more than any other single


enormous, as I understand. He has launched a review, hasn't he, to


look at existing service provision. There have been lots of reviews.


has been over 10 years since anybody looked at diabetes and a


strategic way. We are optimistic, what you might be cynical about


politicians, and we all are, but he has funded �2.5 million for insulin


pumps, that is real money. Type 1 diabetes in the past was a death


sentence. Now it does not have to be. Children will have full and


active lives which previous generations were told would not


happen. We want to keep up momentum up and develop that into a properly


structured plan. Whenever we look at this pumps and he would be in


his saying, and they obviously need to hear something from the Public


Health Agency and the Department and patients here. I know that the


pump isn't the answer for everybody but if there were enough and there


were enough -- the right training him place, it could really change


things, could it's not? Absolutely. There are other provisions going on


in Northern Ireland. Been particularly we are at offering


structured patient information. We are developing an information


structure across all our trust. Will there be it an audit? Yes, of


course, there will be. House soon? Within a year, we will be able to


carry out a regional or a bit of paediatric care. That his


children's services. Thank you. Over the next few weeks some of the


issues we will be covering included computer scans and asbestos in


houses. If you have been affected by these issues, do let us know.


Catherine has treated to say an industrial estate near us, no


planning, seems unfair. The new retail in -- development is


great in Portadown. Thank you for all your comments.


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