Episode 3 X-Ray

Episode 3

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tonight's prasm The student -- - Programme. The students paying to


Barclays for courses they never signed up for. And the free video


games tempting children to spend Hello. Welcome to X-Ray. It is half


term. We have come to the beach in sunny Port crawl. We will tell you


how to make -- Porthcawl. We will tell you how to make sure thieves


don't ruin your holiday. We have met some students who say they are being


made to pay a fortune for courses they never signed up for. Remember


those school days when you couldn't remember to hear the bell ring and


remember to hear the bell ring and signal the end of the lesson?


Of course, you sometimes don't appreciate the value of an education


until your school days are behind you.


But these day, it is never too late to learn and there are plenty of


training courses available for those of us looking to juggle work and


of us looking to juggle work and family with studying.


Father of two and DVLA worker Kayne Romano was hoping to abouting


accelerate his work with a course in advent training in 2008. Why was it


so important to you? It was for my family. The job prospects would be


great. I could treat them to a better life. He could not afford the


course fee of almost �5,000. He turned to one of our biggest banks -


Barclays, who had a partnership with Advent. I thought I would be in safe


hands. That would not come cheap. A student loan with Barclays partner


finance could cost him �10,000 - double the original course fee. He


started his studies and passed modules with flying colours. In


January, 2010, he got an unexpected report card from Advent. There was


an e-mail saying Barclays had pulled the plug on Advent and they had gone


into administration. Barclays decided to stop loans to those


applying for adult training. Advent said it could not survive without


them and went under. Barclays agreed to find students a like-for-like


course, , but they were not in any rush. He was in limbo, not sure he


would be able to complete the course, until March, when he got a


letter from a different firm called Computeach. Kayne noticed a big


difference - the cost. He was paying more than �200 a month. Now Barclays


were asking him to pay more to carry on with his studies. They were


asking for nearly �150 again, which was impossible. Kayne felt he had no


other option but to abandon his studies. He had given up on his


dream of better qualifications, but Barclays had other ideas. They


insisted he continue his repayments, or risk breaching his contract.


or risk breaching his contract. So, you have actually had to keep


paying So you don't affect your credit rating? Vy to keep paying it.


We live with my parents at the minute and not able to afford a


mortgage at the moment. It is not just Advent students like Kayne.


Robert Williams from Pontardawe was hooked on the idea of becoming a


plumber and signed up to Access 2 Trade Careers in October 2009.


working in factories. I just felt like I was going nowhere and decided


to look into plumbing or electrical work. He was reeled in with promises


of a no-fuss credit agreement with Barclays partner finance. It would


cost him more than �12,000. someone of their calibre and size, I


thought it would be a sure thing that there would not be any problems


and if there was, a company of that stature would be able to help or


sort things out. His relationship with Barclays hit troubled waters.


Weeks after he signed up, access to trade careers went under, blaming


their downfall on the bank's decision to pull out of the training


sector. I pleaded with them to let me out. They basically refused. They


said you are now one of our students, you have to deal with it.


Barclays said they found a new training provider, so he would have


to go with them and continue paying back the loan. Robert did try to


carry on with his studies, but far from being a like-for-like


replacement, he said the new course was run very differently to the one


he signed up for. They are nothing alike. The course was Superintendent


posed to fit -- supposed to fit in with my job. I have to plead to


awith my manager to attend a course. He tried to cancel again last year,


but Barclays refused, instead offering him a two-year extension.


You could give me ten years. It does not change the fact I cannot attend


the dates they are offering. Robert and Kayne are not alone. They are


two out of thousands of students still paying back a loan to Barclays


after their courses have been cancelled. Many of those are unhappy


at being forced into paying for a substitute course they never agreed


to. But the bank has refused to back down. They deny they were


responsible for the two firms going under. They say they have honoured


their credit agreements by providing alternative courses.


The problem with independent training providers is that just like


any business there is a chance they could go under. If that happens,


students can be left without any support. They are there to make


profits. You don't get that support you would with a Government-funded


programme. The name of the finance company involved here would have


perhaps given people reassurance about the course. I am sure the


reputation of the particular finance company involved might have led


people to believe there was more protection than turned tout be the


case. And they have learnt the case. And they have learnt the


hashed way. They have been -- the hard way. They have been left


without any qualifications and thousands out of pocket. Actually


parting that money every month, how does that feel? It's the worst


feeling ever. If you are paying something and seeing something at


the end of it, at least you can appreciate it. At the moment it is


going into Barclays's hands and I am not getting anything for it.


asked Barclays why they are insisting they are paying for


courses they cannot complete. They insist they are like-for-like


courses. In Robert's case they say the financial om bud s Financial


Ombudsman Service agrees. We will keep you posted on any developments.


If you feel let down by a company or a rogue trader has ripped you off,


we want to know. Give us a call, You can e-mail or send us a tweet.


Lots of you got got in touch after watching last week. Some customers


have told us a different story. Back in January, Lesley Moule said


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becoming green offered her free could buy with real money. Lilly is


just one of many children will have hit the headlines after running up


massive bills. The office of fair trading is whether that some games


companies are not playing baby grows. They have launched the


investigation into so-called free games which ask you to stump up cash


once you have started playing. We decided to check out the most part


sub -- popular games. Lots of these games can be played for free but to


do that, you need to be very patient. That is because the games


makers deliberately built in time delays too many games. Just as you


are getting into it, base by the van and make you wait. If you want to


continue playing straightaway, you have to pay. And some experts are


worried that those most likely to give in to that pressure our


children. Instead of putting the game to one side and then coming


back to it later and perhaps the time has kicked into play at that


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level, they are more impulsive and heady how she had acquired so many


things. She didn't realise she was doing it. Parents are advised to


disable purchases. Free downloads do not always mean three to play.


not think it is fair. Scary stuff. We ask the manufacturers of all the


games we mentioned in the report why they seem to encourage children to


spend large amounts of real money. The makers of the applications did


not want to answer our questions. We spoke to the Association of UK


interactive entertainment which represents lots of games makers


including the Simpsons. They insist the games industry takes its


responsibility to children very seriously. They encourage the use of


password blogs and parental controls to stop children making purchases.


If you have been affected by this, the office of fair trading wants to


hear from you. Go to our website and you can follow the link to their


survey which runs until the end of June. An a Sunday, the beach behind


me is usually packed with people enjoying a day out. Rachel has been


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checking out a few things you need advantage of trusting visitors who


leave keys not attended. In recent months, there has been a spate of


months in the car park. Crooks spied on drivers to see where they hide


their keys. Then they snatched them and steal their cards. Even those


who have taken steps to secure their keys are being watched and targeted


like surf instructor Nigel Jones. had three players who had three cars


and they left their keys in my glove compartment which was locked. My


vehicle got broken into and the glove compartment got broken into


and the three vehicles got stolen. They had no warm clothing,


telephones, house keys. They were wondering how they would get to work


the following morning. It caused a whole lot of absurd. -- upset.


insurers have refused to pay out because the keys were with the cars


at the time of the theft. But it seems the tide is beginning to turn


against the criminals. Humanity has set up a key save which any visitors


can use for free. We encourage people, if they have an electronic


key fob which they can take into the water, we give them a band and a


number and the keys are safe when they are in the water. We will give


them the keys back when they come out. Police have stepped up their


patrols. They tell visitors about another way. We issue packs which


keep keys safe. These thefts and not just happening here. Beaches across


Wales have been hit. If you are planning on taking the plunge, the


message is clear. Do not assume that other visitors have good intentions


and never leave your car keys or isn't up to scratch? Lucy has the


story. Balancing the household budget can


be a real juggling act. Many of us struggle to put money to


one side. Tom knows what it is like to live on


a tight budget. The 20-year-old is looking for work, but survives on


his Disability Living Allowance. am on just under �400 a month, that


is gas, elect, water. I have to pay all my bills out of that. There was


one luxury item Tom dreamed of owning - an Xbox. Costing around


�190 new, it was a lot to find. have ADHD and Asperger's. It helps


me stay still and relax. With no savings or access to credit, buying


new was out of the question. He turned to the one name on the high


street which seemed willing to help - BrightHouse. With 18 shops over


Wales, they sale fridges to Xboxes. Enjoy it now and pay a little bit at


a time. Taking out a hire purchase agreement was a new world to him,


but Top and his dad thought the week -- Tom and his dad thought the


weekly repayments were possible. They said it would be �7 a week. I


thought it would be OK, he could manage that. They explained I would


pay �262 back. They do not just charge for the item. His annual


interest rate was 29%, plus damage liability cover and a delivery and


installation charge. So the refurbished Xbox would cost �347.


50. Around �100 more than a new one. Tom insists BrightHousse did not


make it clear to him. The first day it was fine. The next day it turned


itself off. A red ring comes up and it turned off and the fan started to


try and spin, but it was not spinning. It came up on the screen


it had overheated. This happened then for about four days. I took it


back to the store. They turned around and went, "There is nothing


we can do because you don't have optional service cover." I said,


what can I do? They said to have it repaired myself. That is an expense.


They said, if you take out the cover now, we will send it out today and


have it fixed for you. The fact that Tom's machine was refurbished and he


was paying by hire purchase did not affect his consumer rights. He was


protected under the supply of goods and services act, which means he


should have got it fixed for free. Tom didn't know that. He paid the


extra charge expecting to get his console back. The only game he has


played in the last few months has been a frustrating one, with


BrightHouse. I rang them every day. I asked them to find out, they would


say they would ring me back this afternoon, but no-one would ever


ring. Two weeks later he did get his Xbox back. All was not well.


turned it on. Half an hour later it reheated. Took it back to them


again. They sent it back again. Got it back. It had the same problem


again. Even when he didn't have his Xbox Tom had to keep paying them.


After three months and two repairs, it was game over for his machine.


This time, they said they would replace the product. I said OK.


Brought this one back and the disk tray kept opening and closing on its


own. Halfway through a game, it would just open. I had to take that


back again. Thankfully his thishd replacement Xbox does work. He's had


an expensive few months paying for an item he has hardly used and


paying for items which should have been free. How long have you had a


working Xbox? A week and a half, maybe. It seems like you have to


keep on to them before they will tell you anything. What do you think


about the way they have treated Tom? The least I would have thought, a


bit of common courtesy, here's a new machine, sorry for all the trouble.


Well, we asked what went wrong and they have apologised to Tom for


falling below their usual high standards and they will waiver all


future payments on his Xbox, saving him well over �200. Tom is finally


happy because he has an Xbox now which works. If you have a sorry you


would like us to investigate, please give us a call. Our number as usual:


03703 334 334. You can drop us an e-mail: [email protected]. Next week,


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