Episode 14 X-Ray

Episode 14

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You're watching X-Ray, the programme that fights


If you have been scammed or dealt a raw deal, we are on your side.


Exposing the truth and tracking down the rogues and we won't take no for


an answer. Tonight - one family get some


shocking news about their new car. My advice to you is that


you don't even think about using this


vehicle on the road. now you're telling us you can't


believe how long you're I want something safe,


and I need it now, not in November. He's just chucked a bucket


of water over us... That was the last time


we confronted a dodgy diet pill salesman - now Rachel


is on the trail of another one. First, the garage that likes


to tell its customers they've made But Rachel's been hearing


from viewers who are wishing they'd Second-hand car dealers don't


have a great reputation - they're happy to take your cash,


but can be a lot less helpful if something goes wrong


with your vehicle afterwards. That's certainly been the experience


of these two busy young families who contacted X-Ray


about the same garage. Last June the Edwards from Bridgend


decided to upgrade the family car. It was the first time


I got to choose a car, I saw the Empire Cars advertisement


and I just went for it. Empire Cars operates from two


forecourts in Llantwit Fardre They say they pride themselves


on their customer service, and promises their cars


undergo strict checks. But it seems Neil's Mondeo may have


slipped through the net. I noticed the battery light


was showing and there was black smoke coming out of the back


of the car, and this is within 48 Empire Cars told him they'd fitted


a new alternator, but on the way home from the garage warning


lights started appearing. I drove it back home. What was


showing up was a warning on the glow plug lights.


The car was very sluggish, basically couldn't go


The car is now a permanent fixture on the drive,


with no sign that Empire Cars are willing to fix it.


Sean Wilkin and Michelle Inch from St Athan are another family


Especially as they run two businesses - Michelle


has her own equine supply firm and Sean is a painter/decorator.


With two small children and work on the increase,


Last October, they found a Jeep for sale - also from Empire Cars.


They liked the Jeep so much they booked a test drive.


Did you pick up anything on the test drive?


It didn't seem to work, pulled back up into the garage,


and as I pulled the handbrake up we rolled backwards.


Don't worry about it, we will get that fixed.


He was going to put a brand new MOT on, brand new service.


After handing over nearly ?4,000, Sean collected the Jeep


We decided to go for a drive through the country,


nice flashy new car, and come up to a hill to stop,


like a junction, put the handbrake on, car started rolling back.


Pull it up even further, it kept going, pull it up as far


If anyone had been behind us, we would have had our first


And the faulty handbrake was just the tip of the iceberg.


It just seemed on a daily basis things were going wrong.


The turbo had gone and the car was overheating all the time.


The Jeep went back to Empire Cars, but they strongly denied


there was anything wrong with the turbo or coolant system.


They did say, though, that they'd fixed the handbrake.


Well, Sean's going to show me how good a job they did.


So we are on a hill now and...


If I pull the handbrake up, and that is like as


Is there something coming the other way?


There seems to be a bit of a pattern here -


both cars developed faults within 48 hours -


fixed them properly. to the garage, they still haven't


I would love to show you a photo, but funnily enough


So what we have got here is the near side front shock


We've got front brake discs here excessively worn,


and there are excessive oil leaks on this engine.


And if all that wasn't enough, something catches Gareth's eye


We have the nearside rear suspension bush kept in place by a host


That's part of your suspension system, and if that comes adrift,


it's a capability of the wheel shooting off, and it's


My advice to you is that you don't even think about using this vehicle


You have been driving around in this car as a family, particularly


It is just horrendous to think that somebody...


They have spent ?4,000 on a potential death-trap.


This is the worst possible news for Michelle and Sean.


They have been driving around with their family in that car.


It seems to me that Empire Cars have got a lot to answer for.


I am going to see if I can track down the owner.


I have his number, but I am not going to ring him now.


Not very helpful then, and no sign of Craig Thomas


It says on his website that his is the smart choice


Well, we've had a bit of a result here.


The elusive owner, Craig Thomas, got back in touch with us


after we went looking for him - and he accepts that the work


He blames a poor mechanic, who has since been dismissed.


He's now agreed to refund Sean and Michelle the full cost


As for the Edwards family and their Mondeo -


well he says they're happy to repair the car and ensure


And if his garage can't do that, he says they'll offer them


And if you've got a business you want us to investigate,


get in touch, the number to call is 03703 334 334,


Taking a trip to the top of the garden - why it's the only


way for this couple to stay in touch with the rest of their family.


Now I've come to the fire training centre at Briton Ferry near Neath,


where firefighters get hands-on experience.


New recruits here are learning how to deal with kitchen fires


and many of the real-life fires they'll deal with are linked


to faulty appliances and we've had a big response to the tumble dryer


scare that we featured on last week's programme that's affecting


Across the country dryers are being turned off in droves


thanks to a fault which has caused fires like these and sent homes


The brands affected are Hotpoint, Indesit and Creda, which are all


And, if your dryer is on their list of problem machines,


then you're entitled to a free inspection and repair.


Of course, no-one would blame you for drying your clothes


the old fashioned way while you wait for your machine to be given


You'd better hope for sunny weather though, because the


More than five million dryers are affected and Whirlpool say


they're currently repairing around 4,500 machines a day.


This may sound impressive - but there's a big but!


At that rate, it would take more than THREE YEARS to fix them all!


And dozens of you have told us you are furious about the delay.


Karen Guest from Bagillt says she's been trying to arrange an inspection


for 16 weeks, but can't get through to anyone.


Meanwhile, Mark Wickham from Pontypool says he won't put his


family at risk while he waits for a repair, so he's forked out


And they're not the only ones hanging around to get


Susan Parry from Pontygwaith near Pontypridd has told us she has


to wait until November for her inspection.


I did have to cool down a bit before we spoke because I thought,


all this time now, what am I going to use?


But she's found a novel use for her dryer in the meantime.


When my grandchildren come and they want sweets they won't find


them in the cupboard, they will have to go in the tumbler.


Susan is one of many who can't stomach putting washing


in potentially dangerous dryers, even though Whirlpool say


But there's a catch - you must clean the filter


regularly and you can't leave the machines unattended.


Now watching clothes dry isn't my idea of a good time.


And neither is staying home to wait hours on end


Sue Llewellyn's machine is also on the list of dodgy dryers


and she was due to have it inspected at her Bridgend home


But the technician left her high and dry.


Nobody had the decency to telephone to say they weren't coming.


In West Wales, Lisa Roberts from Saundersfoot is travelling back


and forth to the laundrette to dry her clothes.


She was told a technician would take a look her drier this month,


Lisa has now lost all confidence in Hotpoint, and you can understand


why after the nightmare she had with another of their appliances.


About two and a half years ago I put the dishwasher on at lunchtime,


Come back through to get something, thought what is that smell,


It was just absolutely terrifying because if I had put that


on at night and gone to bed we wouldn't be here.


Lisa got a sparkling new kitchen and appliances, including


The tumble dryer that we replaced from the fire is on the recall


Yes, I phoned Hotpoint straightaway and they told me they would fix it


and it would be some time in February.


In spite of Whirlpool's reassurances, many people are too


scared to use their driers until they're repaired.


And one consumer expert says it's not reasonable for them to wait


a repair must be carried out within a reasonable time


and without significant inconvenience to the consumer.


And to expect someone to have to wait months to have something


repaired, that's simply not reasonable, no!


The manufacturers may be crossing their fingers that all this


But with millions of people waiting to have their dryers looked


at there could be a load more problems ahead.


Well, trainee firefighters are still battling hard


here and you can get a real sense of how devastating a kitchen fire


would be and if electrical goods were involved here,


Well, Whirlpool - the parent company of Hotpoint,


Indesit and Creda - say they're recruiting hundreds


But, if you register with them today, they say they'll get


in touch, on average, within ten weeks.


And that's just to give you an idea of an appointment for a visit


Now the company insists their dryers are still safe as long as you follow


Well, with me now is the Head of Community Safety for Mid


and West Wales Fire Service, Karen Jones.


Karen, how big a problem are tumble dryer fires?


Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service attended 128


tumble dryer fires just in the last five years and 11 people


were injured in those fires during that time and some of them


were taken to hospital because of smoke inhalation,


so quite a significant problem for us.


So what's your advice, Karen, if people are a bit worried


I think it's important that people look at their manufacturer's


guidance, make sure that they clean out the lint trap where the fluff


gathers after every use really so that the appliance doesn't


We'd also say, don't overload the tumble dryer and make sure


that there aren't any flammable liquids on clothing or items that


you're putting in there such as oils because that heated up again can


cause a problem and don't leave your appliances unattended,


you know, if you go to bed and switch the appliance on,


or leave the house, you won't know if a problem occurs.


Karen, thank you, and we'll put all of that advice


Now just how hard would YOU find it to live without a phone line


I might manage for a few days, but for one couple in Powys it's


Lots of us dream of swapping city living for a quieter life


That's just what Karen and Tim Thompson wanted


when they moved last year from Coventry to Tafolwern near


Coming to the country we wanted to turn the clock back but to live


in the modern world you need a telephone line that's constant


and you have to email and social networks you have to have


all of these things to keep in contact.


And the couple thought they'd done their homework before


We were looking for two years before we found this property


so we were really careful to check in every way we could that this


house would have the appropriate connection.


The couple choose Plusnet as their phone and Internet provider


- they promised to get them connected quickly.


You're the customer and if I'm not mistaken, the customer


But that's not how it's turned out for Karen and Tim.


Their escape to the country is a little too quiet


After four months, Plusnet still haven't got them a working


Just getting hold of them is a challenge in itself.


Karen and Tim also have poor mobile phone signal.


so to make a call, or use their 3G, they have to trek to the top


After several failed attempts, we finally get hold


Do you know, the line is still not brilliant, is it?


I think it's going to be best if I come and see you...


What I'm struggling to understand is, in this hi-tech world,


how is it SO difficult to get Karen and Tim connected?


Is this where you have to come make your calls?


Karen and Tim may be Plusnet customers but they're actually


at the mercy of a different business to get them online.


BT Openreach are responsible for the cables that bring phone


and broadband services to most homes, and it's their engineers


He wired all the inside of the house, he wired from the house


to the pole and checked that was correct and then


after about two hours, he came back into the house


and said, "What you really need here is a brand new telephone line.


Not the quick connection they were promised -


and the start of a series of engineer visits from Openreach.


Yet none of them installed the new phone line.


We had four engineers all checking each other's work basically


because they didn't really go any further from the first one


If you'd come to me in November and said it would take six months


to do this, I would work with you, that's fine, that's being honest


and straight forward, but to constantly give promises


Having no phone line or Internet is a huge inconvenience to Karen


and Tim, which even saw them miss out on key family announcements


like the birth of their grandson Max.


Everyone else knew about it, everyone else was happy and relieved


and we were over here thinking, "What's happened?


Karen and Tim aren't allowed to complain direct to Openreach


so they've been pleading with Plusnet to speed things up.


But as it stands, they're still left making their phone calls


At least twice I've been in tears trying to explain to people.


You feel so isolated and cut off from everyone.


There's no communication with anyone.


Well, both Plusnet and Openreach have apologised to Karen and Tim.


Openreach say they had to erect two new poles and fit a kilometre


of cable, and that the rain and high winds over the winter


But some really good news - the company say the couple should


finally be connected up by the end of this week.


Now a few weeks ago, we warned you about dodgy diet


But another rogue seller has also been on our radar.


Diet pills - supposedly a short cut for those trying to shed the pounds.


But what's in them and how safe are they?


There's a whole industry online prepared to supply pills


And closer to home - there are also big problems.


and the misleading claims it was making about its products.


On average our customers lose between four to eight


And when we confronted owner Lee Szuchnik, he couldn't wait


Now we're on the trail of another dodgy diet pill seller -


Jeffrey Young is the brains behind JY Nutrition near Risca.


Here he is proudly buffing up his shop window.


The problem is some of his products haven't been so squeaky clean.


In fact, some of them were downright dangerous.


We catch up with him again at Cwmbran magistrates -


he's up in court after a Trading Standards investigation


found some of his diet pills actually contained


We've received a complaint about these.


It was an anonymous complaint from a father whose son had taken


them having purchased them from the shop and had


What concerned about this was the labelling.


Specifically there were no ingredients, so goodness


Trading Standards had these and two other brands seized from the shop


One of the products, Limitloss, contained a controlled class B drug


- Amphetamine, otherwise known as speed!


Now it was only very small traces but of course the effects


of amphetamines on people taking them, increased heart rates,


so anybody with cardiac problems, high blood pressure,


Jeffrey Young claimed he didn't know these tablets contained


But he couldn't quite explain why alongside them he was also selling


The label clearly states that these pills contain Sibutramine -


a weight loss drug that's been banned in the UK since 2010.


That's because it has been linked to heart problems.


12 tubs of the product were found on the shelves of JY Nutrition.


Fiona Parry's daughter Eloise started taking diet pills containing


a different banned substance in her final year at


And she was a student on course to get a first.


But Eloise was battling the eating disorder bulimia and,


without her mum knowing, she'd been buying diet pills


Last April she took eight tablets in one day and ended up in A


The first I knew about it was a phone call from the hospital


And the first thing the doctor said was I'm afraid it's not good news.


As her body overheated her heart stopped and they couldn't start it


again because she literally had burnt it out.


That's what the diet pills had done to her.


Since the loss of her daughter, Fiona's been fighting to clean up


They are not regulated, they are not licensed.


You make the assumption is coming from a nice, clean


The truth is it could be somebody's garage or shed.


The pills sold by Jeffrey Young contained different ingredients


Back at court he got his comeuppance, as he and his company


admitted 26 offences under unfair trading and food regulations.


Jeffrey Young, you've pleaded guilty and have been sentenced.


You were selling diet pills that contained amphetamine.


You don't think that's your responsibility to do that?


I am sorry for the customer who had a reaction to a pill.


But do you accept as a trader you have to know what's


in the things that you're selling?


So Jeffrey Young is telling us that he didn't know


Unfortunately, as a trader, he needs to know.


So Jeffrey Young clearly doesn't feel he's to blame here,


They gave him a 26-week suspended jail sentence and ordered him to do


Remember, if you've got a story you want us to cover,


the number to call is 03703 334 334, you can email xray@bbc.co.uk,


without having to pay those High Street estate agents' fees!


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