East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Police Elections 2012

East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

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Every one has a view on how the streets should be policed.


Crackdown on anti-social behaviour, more bobbies on the beat. In just


over one week, the way the police operate will change for ever. That


is when we elect brand new Police and Crime Commissioner and through


them we will get the chance to decide how the police deal with


everything from under-aged drinking, graffiti, through to gun crime.


Tonight we will explain the idea, look at how it might work and


discuss the issues that affect you. This is police elections, time to


choose. Millions of people in England and


Wales are being given a choice, who do we want to be Our Police and


Crime Commissioner. Who do we want to decide the strategy for how safe


the streets are and look after victims? Why should we go to the


polls on a November night? The new Police and Crime Commissioners


really make a difference. And what effect will the changes have way


you live? Tonight we look at what the elections mean for all of us.


In East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire they will be in charge of to rural


and diverse areas. Join me later from the Victorian prison in


Lincoln where we hear how you think the money should be spent and where


priority should live for the winning candidate. In the next


half-hour we will look at what difference the new commissioners


will make. Later we will be asking our the crop of candidates out


there going in the right direction? Guests tonight include the human


rights group Liberty, who think it is disastrous. And the person who


helped to design the plan. What will the commission has been


responsible for? They will be able to hire and fire a Chief Constable


and deliver a five-year police and crime clan and come up with the


Budget. They will have to regularly consult us on the way they police


the streets and they might also be able to extend their influence as


to how justice is administered through the courts. These


characters will manage multi- million-pound organisations. They


will develop a plan that covers populations of min mints -- of


millions. It is a huge task and we try to find out what the job is


about. The police have to manage all types


of crime, whether it is violent crime in the City or anti-social


behaviour in the countryside. The Government campaign it is hard


hitting, but the new commissioner will have to tap into everyday


concerns. The gangs that hang around in the park. Doing speed


tests on my road they look it -- use it like a motorway. More on the


beat. They job is to listen to the public and in the run-up to


elections, candidates are making their promises to win votes. Once


in office, they may discover how complex policing is, with


conflicting demands. In Middlesbrough, anti-social


behaviour takes up most police time. This man has suffered ten years of


abuse including two petrol bomb attacks on his home. He knows what


he wants from the new Police and Crime Commissioner. They need to


sort out the estate with more police on the beat. Without that,


people will suffer more. We need to target the people causing the


trouble within communities. Police on the beat may reassure people


their communities are safe, but applying them everywhere and all


the time is impossible. Different crime needs different policing.


Take this place in North Yorkshire where crime is relatively low.


Bobbies on the beat are not a priority, but recently the village


post office had the cash was -- cash machine sternum. Karen's


property has been broken into twice -- stolen. She is concerned rural


areas will be overlooked by the new Police and Crime Commissioner.


concerned the Police and Crime Commissioner might think that petty


crime does not matter, but it does matter to people, especially in


rural areas. If somebody takes your trailer, bicycle, breaks into your


shed, it affects those people and we pay taxes and we matter. So it


is up to the Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver policing


relevant to you and do it with limited resources. That is not the


only challenge. There is the issue of personalities. The new Police


and Crime Commissioner will set us there priorities for the Chief


Constable. How will they get on? Can they agreed on how to achieve


what the public want, a reduction in crime? This is a former Chief


Constable who knows how tough that job is. He thinks the job of the


new Police and Crime Commissioner will be even harder. It is


challenging. The individual will need to understand the police


service and have a lot of political knowledge. They need to know how to


run an enormous organisation and have the confidence of the public


and media. It is a virtually impossible task for anyone to do


that. Strong words. Virtually impossible task for any one


individual. I do not think that is right. He is talking about managing


the police force. The Chief Constable will manage the force.


The Police and Crime Commissioner is a political leader who will look


at decisions about priorities and identify policing needs. He will


not be managing the force on a day- to-day basis. There is a management


team who have been trained for that and they are paid for that. There


was a lot at the beginning about changing police operations. It will


not affect operations except if the Chief Constable wants them to


change. It is about priorities and focusing on needs, identifying the


needs and making sure the Chief Constable meets them. It is power


to the people? It is power to another elected politician and we


have seen too much political interference in policing already.


It is democracy. To democracy is not just about having elections.


Elected politicians are not the only people with authority in a


democracy, you have to have the rule of law. Politicians that the


laws, but you need independent professionals who serve the


community, whether they vote or not, young and old, minorities and


popular majorities. I am worried the charismatic local politician if


that is who he is, and it will normally be a he, and I am worried


this politician is going to be looking for headlines and the


popular causes and not serving the tough needs of the entire community,


no matter how vulnerable they are. I just do not agree. They serve a


whole of their communities when they are elected. The mayor serves


the whole of the community of London. I do not think we need to


worry about Police and Crime Commissioners neglecting parts of


their community. They want the law to be administered with an even


hand. They do not want judges and police chiefs being elected, and we


Poles the public about the system, whether they preferred the existing


system were the Chief Constable and broader police authority. 65% said


they would rather have the current system. Only 15% thought they would


trust the elected politician. have said that it may be a low


turnout. You have said people do not understand the concept of this


role in one individual's hands. You say the elections after this will


be the ones that are significant. What will the next four years be, a


pilot? No, it will be a period when the Police and Crime Commissioners


make a difference in the communities and members of the


communities realise that this person is someone who can make a


difference to their lines. Suddenly, you will find that whereas now


people have not heard of them, they regard crime as something done to


them, not something they can control. If he does not interfere


in operations, what is the transformation going to do in


people's lives? I believe in inspirational leadership and the


Police and Crime Commissioner can get a more effective police force


by inspiring and leading and supporting the Chief Constable. I


do not see this as a conflict. its talk about the practical and


the biggest police cover-up in criminal history, Hillsborough. You


lost your two lovely children at Hillsborough. You are campaigners.


If you had had a Police and Crime Commissioner answerable to people


like you, would you have felt without a voice for so long? That


current system has not worked for us. Some of the decisions the local


police authorities are not making have not worked for us. Such a set


and people should have been suspended because of allegations.


It did not happen. The think the commissioner, because he is


answerable, he can be kicked out, that would have been a better


situation for you? I would hope so. That there would be more


transparency. That there would be more accountability because they


were elected. Peter, as a former top policeman, more transparency


and accountability? Politicians are not unknown for deciding not to


open up and be transparent just before an election, so I do not


think that is a given. You would need other leaders to resolve the


situation revolving around Hillsborough. There are other


facets. Police authorities to meet in public meetings. Not with a huge


audience because they are not interesting for many. But they are


a public meeting. Most decisions taken between their Chief Constable


and Police and Crime Commissioner will be taken on their own. Somehow,


some of the decision-making in public might go. And it is for the


individual who takes on the role to make sure the public transparently


see the decisions being taken. could get personality clashes.


is a possibility. Most chief constables will want to make the


relationship work. I think that will be unlikely to happen. I can


hear what you are saying. I did not realise that it would not be in an


open forum that the decisions would be made, so that is worrying and


not good for transparency. I come back to accountability and being


elected by the public. I agreed there should be accountability and


what happened with Hillsborough is one of the greatest policing


scandals. The police should have been accountable to the law and I


am not sure... It was people power that forced to change. Is this an


expression of democratic will? Generations of politicians did not


deal with this situation. Are you concerned that a Police and Crime


Commissioner might not share your liberal agenda? Not at all, I am


making a constitutional point. It is about saying you need checks and


balances in democracy and independent people as well as


political people. I no more have an elected charge -- back I would.


They do not necessarily serve a whole community. I see it


differently. This is a job that relates and concerns the


allegations of scarce resources. We know that is a role for politicians.


Policing needs are in for that and resources are limited. Some body


has to make a decision. Is it a Chief Constable or a free elected


Police and Crime Commissioner who has to defend his actions and every


day the media will ensure this is transparent. Thanks. Later, we will


be looking at what the candidates themselves say they will do if they


are elected and what their priorities are. The commission


plural will have a big effect on 150 years ago, convicted criminals


may well have found themselves locked up here at the prison within


the walls of Lincoln Castle. During the mid-19th century, this prison


housed people from all walks of life who found themselves on the


wrong side of the law. At the same time, one of the last County police


forces to be created in England was here in Lincolnshire. Then, like


now, the force was run by the Chief Constable. A week tomorrow, voters


in Lincolnshire and in the Humberside police area will choose


their police and crime commissioners. They'll decide how


money is spent on policing the area. The Humberside force has a budget


of �181.7 million and more than 1,800 full time officers. There are


seven candidates. Godfrey Bloom, an MEP who is standing for UKIP.


Simone Butterworth for the Liberal Democrats. Paul Davison and Neil


Eyre who are both independents. Lord John Prescott is the Labour


Candidate, Matthew Grove is standing for the conservatives and


Walter Sweeney as an independent. In Lincolnshire the commissioner


will run a budget of 113 million pounds, the smallest of any force


in the country per head of population. There are just over


1,100 full-time officers working in the county. These are the


candidates you'll be voting for. David Bowles from the Campaign To


Stop Politicians Running Policing. Richard Davies is the conservative


candidate, Paul Gleeson is standing for Labour and Alan Hardwick is an


independent. One thing both forces have in common is large areas of


countryside. That creates a challenge for resources. Tim


Iredale has been to Holton-Le-Clay on the border of both forces to


hear what people there will expect Estate agents may well describe


Holton-Le Clay as a quiet village offering the best in rural living.


But some residents and business owners say in recent years, there's


been a darker side to life in this corner of Lincolnshire. One village


shopkeeper described his fears. What sort of problems do you have


here? People stealing from the shop. Kids drinking and creating trouble.


Making a nuisance? Yes, that's right. We have an influx of young


people who would come in on a Saturday night, drinking and


causing mayhem. The council put measures and place and the police


gave us a bit more presence. Tonight, the streets of Holton-Le-


Clay a quiet. This youth club has been set up to keep teenagers off


the streets. Why is there so much anti-social behaviour on the


streets? There is not much to do. There is just nothing. We live on


the periphery of Lincolnshire police force. It is very rare to


see police officers here. That would be a thing parishioners of


this affair which would like to see. -- of this village it would like to


see. And that appears to be the prevailing viewpoint in towns and


villages across the country. People want more police on the beat. But


how can the candidates deliver that when in resources are limited?


would introduce a new community- based special constable in the


community. Also, I would try to make sure that those who perpetrate


and social behaviour actually have some serious consequences for their


actions, because all too often, there are no consequences.


reason rural crime is increasing is because the police are increasingly


disconnected from the way the Rawle countryside works. We need police


visible in our towns and villages. Amid the people in our towns and


villages to feel able to ring the police to let them know what is


going on. If you saw more police officers on patrol, with young


people be better behaved? They would try to be. I think it would


have quite a big effect on young people's behaviour. The police and


crime Commission has to redress the balance of funding in urban or


rural areas. We need to reintroduce parish based special constables,


working with parish councils, the farming community and local


business communities. I have spoken out went for -- at length to


officers of all ranks and I know where money can be saved. I have no


fears about finding money to make sure that the policing of


Lincolnshire doesn't deteriorate any further, that the cards don't


affect us any more. Lincolnshire Police say they've increased the


number of PSCOs in rural areas and they're working with local councils


to put up CCTV cameras to deal with anti-social behaviour. Villages


like Holton-Le-Clay may not top the crime league table. But people here


want to feel reassured that the thin blue line extends beyond the


big towns and cities and into the Tim Iredale reporting. With me now


to discuss the challenges facing the new Police Crime and


Commissioners are Mervyn Bishop from Victim Support Humber, a group


which supports victims of crime and a former Deputy Chief Constable of


Lincolnshire Police, Alan Goldsmith. What other priorities for you? --


what are the priorities? One of the first priorities is to gain some


credibility for the role because there is so much cynicism about it.


That will require someone who is able to work with the police chiefs


in the two forces, who can ensure they have a real understanding of


what is required in the role. can they balance local demands for


era rural area like Lincolnshire against the bigger issues? If I


knew the answer for that, I might have gone -- applied for the drop


myself. It is a real challenge. Where would you like to see the


money prioritised, Mervyn? It is not just the money. It is the


actions that they need to take to ensure that there listening to the


voices of the victims. The other thing is to ensure that the


priority has got to be the needs of individual victims, and not only


the needs of them as a whole but when they really need them, when


the individual victim once thatched. Are victims of crime getting enough


attention at the moment? A I don't think they are at the moment. A lot


more could be done. I think they need to be listening to what


victims want. How high on the commissioner's agenda should


victims of crime be? It is key. Victims of what the police service


are there to protect. Is the question of what you can do with


what funds you have. One final question. In a sentence, if you


could get the commissioner to do one thing, what would it be? Per at


victims first. Work with the police force and continue what police


authorities have been doing so well for so many years.


Alan Goldsmith and Mervyn Bishop thank you. And the debate continues


tomorrow morning on your BBC local radio station. BBC Radio Humberside


and BBC Radio Lincolnshire will be talking to the candidates from nine


o'clock. A week tomorrow you can vote for who you want to run


policing where you live in East There are 193 candidate standing in


these elections. Each must take what they wanted to. Some mention


their military background, some talk about their role with the


police authority -- want to achieve a. The bigger they are, the more


they commonly appear. Crime, hundreds of references, 60


references to drugs, but only 30 references to the word alcohol. Is


that the right emphasis? And one phrase that is quite common is


anti-social behaviour. It is mentioned 117 times. That is the


everyday, low-level nuisance crime so many of us suffer from. You have


even set up CCTV cameras? Will go to have a look at some of that


footage now. Talk us through it. Yes, it is just uncontrollable. He


kept trying to get evicted. In the end, life became unbearable. The


big problem is, the police are not proactive any more. The crime would


happen and they can't do that anymore. So a police and crime


commissioner would galvanise them? In principle, it's a really good


idea that she would have somebody who is possibly independent because


the authorities to mark their own homework all the time. But I don't


think they have enough powers. They need to be able to audit cases, as


soon as the case has gone on for a deer, they look at the case


management, they look at what has gone wrong with it -- gone on for a


year. It is not just about police and budgets, it is trying to


understand what is going wrong and why it is ineffectual. Why are


numerous crimes committed against people and the people are not


caught? Not enough power? There is a certain amount of flexibility,


isn't there? There is legroom for more powers to revolve? I'm not


sure they need more power. Getting their job is to identify a policing


needs and to deal with their chief constables and voluntary


organisations and the victims' groups to meet these policing needs.


I don't think they need power, I think they need leadership.


totally disagree because the whole problem is, when you start getting


beneath the surface of what people are saying, you need to get to the


very basics of why that cases such a problem. They need to going and


at the case management, look at who is saying what and why, why are you


having multiple crimes in areas are over and over again? The woman or


man who would be successful and he would say, I'm going to do this,


and he would get elected. You can't have the same street targeted time


after time. Anybody who was any good as the PCC will have a map on


the wall and will know whether crimes are. -- where the crimes are.


They will say, why have we got another robbery on this estate to?


It is a different story from investigating a particular case.


The key point that some have raced, -- raised, people in Gancz,


affected by gangsters up -- disproportionately, do not live


under leafy areas. So, are you going to be listened to? This is


what I feel is the danger in the community. How are you going to


communicate with these people? you think somebody standing is


going to stand up and say, I am going to help you people? I think


if there is support within the Community, the computer is a


growing to want to help -- the communities are going to want to


help. There needs to be someone there that they can go to and speak


to on a regular basis to get some of these issues tackled. Do you


think they can get tackled with police and crime commissioners


could mark definitely. Definitely. Thank you very much.


Already you can see the size of some of the issues we are talking


about. If you want to hear more from the candidates themselves,


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