Browse content similar to Mon, 12 Feb 2018. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
-Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:02 | |
-Ssh, come on now. | 0:00:17 | 0:00:19 | |
-Hey. | 0:00:27 | 0:00:28 | |
-The delivery needs a signature. | 0:00:31 | 0:00:33 | |
-Um, well, -I was going to have a lie-down. | 0:00:33 | 0:00:36 | |
-She was up all night, so... | 0:00:36 | 0:00:38 | |
-That's not my fault. | 0:00:39 | 0:00:41 | |
-The bloke isn't going -to wait all day. Hurry up. | 0:00:43 | 0:00:46 | |
-You're Dadi's sweetheart, -aren't you? | 0:00:54 | 0:00:56 | |
-And no chip shop today, -do you hear? | 0:01:03 | 0:01:05 | |
-Yes. Come straight back, OK? | 0:01:05 | 0:01:07 | |
-Yes. Come straight back, OK? - -Yes, well, that was my fault. | 0:01:07 | 0:01:09 | |
-Listen to what DJ tells you now. | 0:01:10 | 0:01:11 | |
-Listen to what DJ tells you now. - -Mam, I'm almost an adult. | 0:01:11 | 0:01:13 | |
-He drove quite well the other day, -fair play to him. | 0:01:14 | 0:01:17 | |
-Young men have more car accidents -than anyone else. | 0:01:17 | 0:01:20 | |
-Mam, chill! OK? -You heard DJ. I'm class. | 0:01:21 | 0:01:24 | |
-Of course you are! | 0:01:24 | 0:01:26 | |
-Don't worry, Britt. -I'll look after him. | 0:01:26 | 0:01:29 | |
-He's still my baby, you see. | 0:01:29 | 0:01:31 | |
-He's still my baby, you see. - -Mam! | 0:01:31 | 0:01:33 | |
-It's a big step for them, -learning to drive. | 0:01:38 | 0:01:41 | |
-Sorry, Jim. I wasn't thinking. | 0:01:43 | 0:01:45 | |
-Quite right. It's nice to see them -enjoying themselves. | 0:01:45 | 0:01:48 | |
-What are you doing here? -You're supposed to be working. | 0:01:48 | 0:01:52 | |
-I've got a right to have a break. -Workers' rights. | 0:01:52 | 0:01:55 | |
-Workers' rights indeed! You won't -have those once we leave the EU! | 0:01:55 | 0:02:00 | |
-I'm coming as fast as I can. | 0:02:00 | 0:02:01 | |
-I'm coming as fast as I can. - -You should employ more workers. | 0:02:01 | 0:02:04 | |
-If we don't finish -this job on time... | 0:02:05 | 0:02:07 | |
-..we won't be able to employ Jim, -never mind more workers. | 0:02:07 | 0:02:10 | |
-If we had extra workers -we'd do the job in half the time. | 0:02:10 | 0:02:14 | |
-Exactly. But you always know best, -don't you? | 0:02:15 | 0:02:18 | |
-Listen, take as long a break -as you want. Don't listen to him. | 0:02:19 | 0:02:23 | |
-No. It's alright. | 0:02:23 | 0:02:25 | |
-The milk in this tea -has soured all of a sudden. | 0:02:25 | 0:02:29 | |
-Don't move those. They're much -too heavy. I'll do it later. | 0:02:34 | 0:02:37 | |
-Are you sure? | 0:02:38 | 0:02:40 | |
-Yes. You've been up all night. | 0:02:40 | 0:02:42 | |
-Yes. You've been up all night. - -OK. | 0:02:42 | 0:02:43 | |
-Are you going to tell me -what's going on? | 0:02:51 | 0:02:53 | |
-There's nothing to say. | 0:02:55 | 0:02:56 | |
-Where did you go? Gwern couldn't -understand what was going on. | 0:02:56 | 0:03:00 | |
-That's why I came back. -I didn't want to hurt him. | 0:03:00 | 0:03:03 | |
-Are you going to stay? | 0:03:05 | 0:03:07 | |
-Of course I am. -I've got a business to run. | 0:03:07 | 0:03:10 | |
-Good. | 0:03:10 | 0:03:12 | |
-Good. | 0:03:12 | 0:03:13 | |
-What about... | 0:03:13 | 0:03:15 | |
-What about her? | 0:03:16 | 0:03:17 | |
-Is she staying as well? | 0:03:18 | 0:03:19 | |
-Is she staying as well? - -Why not? | 0:03:19 | 0:03:21 | |
-So you've forgiven her, have you? | 0:03:22 | 0:03:25 | |
-Life's too short to bear a grudge. | 0:03:25 | 0:03:27 | |
-There we are. You know best. | 0:03:27 | 0:03:31 | |
-BUZZER | 0:03:45 | 0:03:46 | |
-Hello? | 0:03:48 | 0:03:49 | |
-Yes, come up. | 0:03:50 | 0:03:51 | |
-Hey. | 0:03:56 | 0:03:57 | |
-Hey. - -Hiya. | 0:03:57 | 0:03:58 | |
-I was thinking, -if you wanted to... | 0:03:58 | 0:04:01 | |
-Sorry, you're busy. | 0:04:01 | 0:04:03 | |
-Hey, tattoos. Cool. | 0:04:04 | 0:04:06 | |
-Home-made tattoos. | 0:04:09 | 0:04:11 | |
-Are you going to do one yourself? | 0:04:11 | 0:04:14 | |
-One of my friends -gave herself tattoo. | 0:04:17 | 0:04:19 | |
-It was supposed to be a rifle but -it looked more like a caterpillar! | 0:04:19 | 0:04:23 | |
-It was infected so he had it -removed by laser in the end. | 0:04:23 | 0:04:26 | |
-It cost him a fortune. | 0:04:27 | 0:04:28 | |
-At least it'll look different. | 0:04:29 | 0:04:31 | |
-Well, if you want a new look, -you could always get a piercing. | 0:04:31 | 0:04:37 | |
-There are heaps of different ones. | 0:04:37 | 0:04:39 | |
-I saw a really cool one -the other day. | 0:04:39 | 0:04:42 | |
-Look. | 0:04:43 | 0:04:44 | |
-That's nice. | 0:04:45 | 0:04:46 | |
-It would suit you. | 0:04:46 | 0:04:48 | |
-Really? | 0:04:48 | 0:04:50 | |
-Yes. If you don't like it -you can just pull it out. | 0:04:50 | 0:04:53 | |
-It's easier than a laser! | 0:04:54 | 0:04:56 | |
-Coffee, please. Thanks. | 0:05:00 | 0:05:02 | |
-Here you are. | 0:05:08 | 0:05:09 | |
-A bottle of milk, please. -They've run out in the shop. | 0:05:09 | 0:05:12 | |
-You're still here, are you? | 0:05:12 | 0:05:14 | |
-I've got every right. -I haven't done anything wrong. | 0:05:15 | 0:05:18 | |
-Apart from cause trouble. | 0:05:18 | 0:05:20 | |
-I didn't start it. | 0:05:21 | 0:05:23 | |
-Tell that to Garry. Thanks, love. | 0:05:23 | 0:05:25 | |
-Good grief, it's getting more -like mafia wives here every day. | 0:05:28 | 0:05:33 | |
-Have you finished -with that newspaper? | 0:05:33 | 0:05:36 | |
-Yes. | 0:05:36 | 0:05:37 | |
-You're intending -to stay around here, are you? | 0:05:42 | 0:05:45 | |
-If I can find a job. | 0:05:45 | 0:05:47 | |
-Haven't you cleared those yet? | 0:05:54 | 0:05:56 | |
-The customers will trip over them. | 0:05:56 | 0:05:59 | |
-But you said... | 0:05:59 | 0:06:01 | |
-But you said... - -Sorry to interrupt. | 0:06:01 | 0:06:03 | |
-A little something for the baby. | 0:06:03 | 0:06:05 | |
-Thanks, Diane. | 0:06:06 | 0:06:07 | |
-Are you alright? | 0:06:09 | 0:06:11 | |
-Are you alright? - -Yes. | 0:06:11 | 0:06:12 | |
-Carol was up all night -so I'm a bit... | 0:06:13 | 0:06:16 | |
-You shouldn't be working. | 0:06:17 | 0:06:19 | |
-When the baby sleeps, the mother -should sleep. That's the rule. | 0:06:19 | 0:06:23 | |
-That's what I said to her, -but you know Dani. | 0:06:24 | 0:06:27 | |
-She won't listen. | 0:06:27 | 0:06:29 | |
-Can I go up and see her? | 0:06:32 | 0:06:35 | |
-Um, well... | 0:06:35 | 0:06:37 | |
-I won't wake her. | 0:06:37 | 0:06:39 | |
-Of course. Thanks, Diane. | 0:06:40 | 0:06:41 | |
-I've been trying to get Dani -to go and have a cuppa for a while. | 0:06:41 | 0:06:45 | |
-So there we are. -You heard the boss. Come on. | 0:06:45 | 0:06:49 | |
-She's in the cot over there. | 0:07:00 | 0:07:02 | |
-She's a sweetie. | 0:07:07 | 0:07:10 | |
-She's so beautiful. | 0:07:10 | 0:07:12 | |
-I won't disturb her. | 0:07:13 | 0:07:16 | |
-Go and sit down. -I'll make us a cuppa. | 0:07:16 | 0:07:19 | |
-No, it's fine. | 0:07:19 | 0:07:21 | |
-No, it's fine. - -Sit down. I'll find everything. | 0:07:21 | 0:07:23 | |
-You should be in bed. | 0:07:28 | 0:07:30 | |
-There's a lot to do, you know. | 0:07:30 | 0:07:33 | |
-And is Garry doing his share? | 0:07:34 | 0:07:36 | |
-Yes. Yes, he's great with her. | 0:07:36 | 0:07:39 | |
-And how is he with you? | 0:07:41 | 0:07:42 | |
-It's none of my business, I know. | 0:07:46 | 0:07:48 | |
-But Garry doesn't forgive easily, -does he? | 0:07:51 | 0:07:54 | |
-We're fine. | 0:07:55 | 0:07:56 | |
-There's nothing wrong. -I'm just tired, that's all. | 0:07:57 | 0:08:00 | |
-You know how it is with a new baby. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:02 | |
-Pull in here for a moment. -I drank too much tea this morning. | 0:08:10 | 0:08:13 | |
-Remember what I said. -Mirror, signal, manoeuvre. | 0:08:14 | 0:08:17 | |
-Very smooth, fair play to you. -You're a natural. | 0:08:20 | 0:08:23 | |
-Yes, well, -I can't wait to get my own car. | 0:08:23 | 0:08:25 | |
-You'll need a job to pay for it. | 0:08:25 | 0:08:28 | |
-It costs a fortune to run a car, -with tax, insurance and everything. | 0:08:28 | 0:08:32 | |
-But I'm going to get a black box. -It's cheaper then. | 0:08:32 | 0:08:35 | |
-So you've got it all planned, I see. | 0:08:35 | 0:08:37 | |
-Right. Well, I won't be long now. | 0:08:38 | 0:08:40 | |
-OK. | 0:08:40 | 0:08:41 | |
-Chester! What are you doing? -Come back! | 0:09:09 | 0:09:11 | |
-Chester! Stop! | 0:09:12 | 0:09:14 | |
-. | 0:09:16 | 0:09:17 | |
-Subtitles | 0:09:22 | 0:09:22 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:09:22 | 0:09:24 | |
-Ah, right! Don't ever say -I don't listen to you. OK? | 0:09:30 | 0:09:35 | |
-Jim will show you the ropes. | 0:09:35 | 0:09:37 | |
-What's this? | 0:09:38 | 0:09:39 | |
-A helping hand. -It's what you wanted. | 0:09:40 | 0:09:42 | |
-I don't want his help. | 0:09:43 | 0:09:44 | |
-I don't want his help. - -Fine. I'm going. | 0:09:44 | 0:09:46 | |
-No, wait. -He's young and experienced. | 0:09:46 | 0:09:48 | |
-Yes, experienced at home-wrecking! | 0:09:49 | 0:09:50 | |
-Yes, experienced at home-wrecking! - -That wasn't my fault. | 0:09:50 | 0:09:53 | |
-Dai, thanks but no thanks. | 0:09:53 | 0:09:55 | |
-Dai, thanks but no thanks. - -I'll be fine on my own. | 0:09:55 | 0:09:57 | |
-Don't be silly now, boys. | 0:09:58 | 0:09:59 | |
-Look, you need help. | 0:10:00 | 0:10:02 | |
-You haven't cleared half the stuff -yet and Mathew wants a job. | 0:10:02 | 0:10:07 | |
-He's young and strong. -He can do the heavy work. | 0:10:07 | 0:10:10 | |
-We'll finish -the job in half the time... | 0:10:10 | 0:10:13 | |
-..which means people -will be able to enjoy... | 0:10:14 | 0:10:16 | |
-..their patatas fritas -and Spanish omelettes earlier. | 0:10:17 | 0:10:20 | |
-Jim? | 0:10:20 | 0:10:21 | |
-Just stay out of my way, right? | 0:10:22 | 0:10:25 | |
-Where have you been? | 0:10:38 | 0:10:41 | |
-What do you think you're doing? | 0:10:41 | 0:10:42 | |
-What do you think you're doing? - -Sorry, I couldn't help it. | 0:10:42 | 0:10:44 | |
-Well, your driving -lessons are over. | 0:10:45 | 0:10:47 | |
-No, it was only a joke. | 0:10:48 | 0:10:49 | |
-A joke! -You can't drive off on your own. | 0:10:49 | 0:10:52 | |
-What if the police had stopped you? | 0:10:52 | 0:10:54 | |
-What if the police had stopped you? - -I didn't go far. | 0:10:54 | 0:10:56 | |
-I don't care. Give me the keys. | 0:10:56 | 0:10:58 | |
-Please, DJ. You know -I wouldn't do anything dangerous. | 0:10:59 | 0:11:02 | |
-You said yourself I was a careful -driver. What are you doing? | 0:11:02 | 0:11:07 | |
-You're walking home | 0:11:07 | 0:11:09 | |
-But it's miles. | 0:11:09 | 0:11:11 | |
-But it's miles. - -It'll give you time to think. | 0:11:11 | 0:11:13 | |
-Please, don't. -Don't mess around now. | 0:11:14 | 0:11:17 | |
-Please, don't. No. | 0:11:18 | 0:11:19 | |
-It looks great. | 0:11:26 | 0:11:28 | |
-You don't think it's too much, -do you? | 0:11:28 | 0:11:30 | |
-No. It suits you. | 0:11:31 | 0:11:32 | |
-I'm glad you didn't try -to give yourself a tattoo. | 0:11:33 | 0:11:36 | |
-So am I. | 0:11:36 | 0:11:37 | |
-I only wanted -to do something different. | 0:11:40 | 0:11:43 | |
-I noticed this morning -you weren't quite your usual self. | 0:11:45 | 0:11:48 | |
-Chester? | 0:11:48 | 0:11:50 | |
-Just, sometimes... | 0:11:50 | 0:11:52 | |
-..everything's about him. | 0:11:54 | 0:11:55 | |
-Yes. He loves being -the centre of attention. | 0:11:56 | 0:11:59 | |
-Try being his sister! | 0:11:59 | 0:12:01 | |
-Try being his sister! - -Yes, at least I can walk away. | 0:12:01 | 0:12:03 | |
-You're not thinking -of splitting up, are you? | 0:12:04 | 0:12:07 | |
-No. | 0:12:07 | 0:12:09 | |
-Good... | 0:12:09 | 0:12:11 | |
-..because it's really nice -having you around. | 0:12:11 | 0:12:14 | |
-You're like a big sister to me. | 0:12:15 | 0:12:17 | |
-Listen, the next time Chester -gets on your nerves... | 0:12:18 | 0:12:21 | |
-..come to me -and we can scream together. | 0:12:22 | 0:12:25 | |
-Deal? | 0:12:25 | 0:12:26 | |
-You're not holding -a Valentine's night, are you? | 0:12:37 | 0:12:40 | |
-Of course. | 0:12:40 | 0:12:41 | |
-Of course. - -It's a bit awkward. | 0:12:41 | 0:12:43 | |
-Valentine's night -is a good chance to make a profit. | 0:12:43 | 0:12:46 | |
-Yes, I agree. -We could have pink cocktails. | 0:12:46 | 0:12:49 | |
-Men don't like pink cocktails. | 0:12:50 | 0:12:52 | |
-Well, I think it's a good idea. | 0:12:52 | 0:12:54 | |
-Garry knows what he's doing. -It's his business. | 0:12:54 | 0:12:57 | |
-I thought they were a couple. | 0:12:57 | 0:12:59 | |
-Actually, -I hadn't really thought it through. | 0:12:59 | 0:13:02 | |
-We could have cocktails -for the men. Equal rights. | 0:13:02 | 0:13:05 | |
-Why not? | 0:13:06 | 0:13:07 | |
-Yes, well, -if you ever want some help... | 0:13:07 | 0:13:11 | |
-..with Carol, -just pick up the phone. | 0:13:12 | 0:13:14 | |
-She's got a family to help her. | 0:13:14 | 0:13:17 | |
-Let me know if you need any help... | 0:13:24 | 0:13:25 | |
-Let me know if you need any help... - -There's no need. | 0:13:25 | 0:13:27 | |
-We'll manage. | 0:13:27 | 0:13:28 | |
-Dani and I make a good team, -don't we? | 0:13:30 | 0:13:32 | |
-Take this to the printers. | 0:13:36 | 0:13:38 | |
-Then take them around town. | 0:13:38 | 0:13:40 | |
-GLASS SMASHES | 0:13:48 | 0:13:49 | |
-What's going on here? | 0:14:00 | 0:14:02 | |
-It was my fault. | 0:14:03 | 0:14:04 | |
-I thought I told you to stay away. | 0:14:05 | 0:14:07 | |
-Yes, well, I don't have to listen -to you, do I? | 0:14:07 | 0:14:10 | |
-Is there a problem? | 0:14:11 | 0:14:12 | |
-Is there a problem? - -He's caused some damage to my pub. | 0:14:12 | 0:14:14 | |
-It was only a couple of glasses. | 0:14:14 | 0:14:17 | |
-Get him out of here before I finish -the job I started in Y Felin. | 0:14:17 | 0:14:21 | |
-Listen, I don't tell you -who to employ in there... | 0:14:21 | 0:14:24 | | don't tell me who to employ. | 0:14:24 | 0:14:26 | |
-I'll pay for the glasses. | 0:14:27 | 0:14:29 | |
-Keep him out of my sight -or you'll regret it. | 0:14:29 | 0:14:32 | |
-Can't you stay out of trouble? -I wonder if you're worth the bother. | 0:14:33 | 0:14:37 | |
-We've done a lot today. -It's much quicker with two. | 0:14:38 | 0:14:41 | |
-You've changed your tune, -haven't you? | 0:14:42 | 0:14:44 | |
-Right, no more of this nonsense -or you'll be out. | 0:14:44 | 0:14:48 | |
-Thanks. | 0:14:52 | 0:14:53 | |
-You didn't have to take -the blame for the glasses. | 0:14:53 | 0:14:57 | |
-Yes, well, -Garry hates me so I might as well. | 0:14:57 | 0:15:00 | |
-Hiya. | 0:15:04 | 0:15:05 | |
-Hello, Hannah. | 0:15:09 | 0:15:10 | |
-What's that in your nose? | 0:15:10 | 0:15:12 | |
-A piercing. | 0:15:13 | 0:15:14 | |
-You didn't tell me -you were getting a piercing. | 0:15:14 | 0:15:17 | |
-I only decided this morning. | 0:15:17 | 0:15:20 | |
-Did you know about this? | 0:15:20 | 0:15:22 | |
-Well, I suggested it but... | 0:15:22 | 0:15:24 | |
-And you didn't think -to tell me first. | 0:15:24 | 0:15:27 | |
-Why should she? | 0:15:28 | 0:15:29 | |
-Because I'm your mother. | 0:15:30 | 0:15:32 | |
-You're exactly -like your grandmother... | 0:15:32 | 0:15:35 | |
-..poking your nose -into our family's business. | 0:15:35 | 0:15:38 | |
-We'll see what Diane has to say -about this now. | 0:15:38 | 0:15:41 | |
-Please, DJ. -I've learnt my lesson, I swear. | 0:15:47 | 0:15:49 | |
-Good. You won't make -the same mistake with anyone else. | 0:15:49 | 0:15:53 | |
-But I don't have anyone else -to teach me. | 0:15:53 | 0:15:55 | |
-What's happened? -You haven't had an accident! | 0:15:55 | 0:15:58 | |
-This one here thought -he was being funny. | 0:15:59 | 0:16:01 | |
-Driving off on his own -and leaving me in a lay-by. | 0:16:01 | 0:16:04 | |
-It was only a bit of fun. | 0:16:05 | 0:16:07 | |
-I knew the car park -was round the corner. I'm sorry. | 0:16:07 | 0:16:11 | |
-KNOCK ON DOOR | 0:16:12 | 0:16:13 | |
-Who's that now? | 0:16:13 | 0:16:15 | |
-Right, look at this. -Look at her nose. | 0:16:17 | 0:16:20 | |
-You can't march in here -as if you own the place. | 0:16:21 | 0:16:24 | |
-Your granddaughter did this. | 0:16:25 | 0:16:27 | |
-Your granddaughter did this. - -No, I wanted it. | 0:16:27 | 0:16:28 | |
-She should know better. | 0:16:29 | 0:16:30 | |
-I'm sure it wasn't Hannah's idea. | 0:16:31 | 0:16:33 | |
-Yes, it was actually. -But she wanted a tattoo. | 0:16:33 | 0:16:36 | |
-Tattoo? -I suppose that was your idea. | 0:16:36 | 0:16:39 | |
-No. That's the problem -with your family. | 0:16:39 | 0:16:41 | |
-Always interfering -in everybody's lives. | 0:16:41 | 0:16:44 | |
-That's the thanks I get -for persuading DJ to teach Chester. | 0:16:44 | 0:16:48 | |
-It's the last time I'm doing that. | 0:16:48 | 0:16:50 | |
-It's the last time I'm doing that. - -What? | 0:16:50 | 0:16:52 | |
-He thought it was funny -to drive off on his own. | 0:16:52 | 0:16:55 | |
-Oh, come on, Chester. Idiot! | 0:16:55 | 0:16:58 | |
-Well, he didn't hurt anyone -unlike Catrin. Look at her. | 0:16:59 | 0:17:03 | |
-Maybe if you were -a better mother... | 0:17:03 | 0:17:05 | |
-..your children wouldn't -behave like this. | 0:17:06 | 0:17:09 | |
-You Monks are the same. | 0:17:09 | 0:17:12 | |
-I don't know what kind of future -Carol will have. | 0:17:12 | 0:17:15 | |
-Right. | 0:17:15 | 0:17:17 | |
-Chester, Catrin. | 0:17:17 | 0:17:18 | |
-I've been thinking of a few ideas -for St Valentine's Day. | 0:17:33 | 0:17:37 | |
-A quiz. | 0:17:37 | 0:17:39 | |
-What? A romantic quiz? | 0:17:40 | 0:17:43 | |
-Yes. | 0:17:43 | 0:17:44 | |
-Yes, yes. | 0:17:44 | 0:17:46 | |
-You can have questions like... | 0:17:47 | 0:17:48 | |
-..who's stupid enough to think -it will be alright after an affair? | 0:17:49 | 0:17:53 | |
-It wasn't an affair. | 0:17:56 | 0:17:58 | |
-It wasn't an affair. - -I don't want to hear. | 0:17:58 | 0:17:59 | |
-The sheet's wet. | 0:18:05 | 0:18:07 | |
-Her nappy needs to be changed. | 0:18:07 | 0:18:09 | |
-I've just done it. | 0:18:09 | 0:18:10 | |
-I've just done it. - -She's a baby. | 0:18:10 | 0:18:11 | |
-That's what they do. | 0:18:12 | 0:18:13 | |
-Are you thick or what? | 0:18:15 | 0:18:17 | |
-By the way... | 0:18:20 | 0:18:21 | |
-..we need to change her name. | 0:18:22 | 0:18:23 | |
-What? | 0:18:26 | 0:18:27 | |
-I don't like the name Carol. | 0:18:28 | 0:18:29 | |
-We haven't discussed this. | 0:18:31 | 0:18:33 | |
-There's no need. | 0:18:33 | 0:18:35 | |
-What are we going to call her? | 0:18:35 | 0:18:37 | |
-What are we going to call her? - -Anything. | 0:18:37 | 0:18:39 | |
-Anything -but the name Mathew gave her. | 0:18:40 | 0:18:42 | |
-You'd better start thinking. | 0:18:44 | 0:18:46 | |
-This isn't fair. | 0:18:49 | 0:18:50 | |
-This isn't fair. - -Isn't it? | 0:18:50 | 0:18:51 | |
-Well, if you don't like it... | 0:18:54 | 0:18:57 | | know where the door is. | 0:18:58 | 0:19:00 | |
-S4C subtitles by Red Bee Media | 0:19:48 | 0:19:51 | |
-. | 0:19:51 | 0:19:52 |