Browse content similar to Pennod 3. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
-Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:00:00 | 0:00:01 | |
-Les Miserables. | 0:00:02 | 0:00:04 | |
-A true phenomenon. | 0:00:04 | 0:00:06 | |
-The longest-running musical -in the West End. | 0:00:06 | 0:00:10 | |
-A staggeringly successful show, -seen by over 70m people... | 0:00:14 | 0:00:19 | | 22 languages and 43 countries. | 0:00:20 | 0:00:23 | |
-The film version of the show -won three Oscars. | 0:00:24 | 0:00:27 | |
-As part of the Centre's... | 0:00:32 | 0:00:33 | |
-..and the Cardiff Urdd camp's -10th birthday... | 0:00:34 | 0:00:37 | |
-..the show is being staged. | 0:00:37 | 0:00:40 | |
-This is a chronicle of the journey -from first audition to final note... | 0:00:41 | 0:00:46 | |
-..including the support -of Sir Cameron Mackintosh... | 0:00:46 | 0:00:50 | | provide a stage for Wales' -most exciting young talent. | 0:00:50 | 0:00:54 | |
-With the opening performance -approaching... | 0:01:02 | 0:01:05 | |
-..the theatre is a hive of activity -as the set is constructed. | 0:01:05 | 0:01:09 | |
-In the rehearsal room... | 0:01:13 | 0:01:15 | |
-..the cast are learning new music -for the wedding scene. | 0:01:15 | 0:01:20 | |
-Cefin is confident the cast -can rise to the challenge. | 0:01:20 | 0:01:26 | |
-And the winner! | 0:01:36 | 0:01:38 | |
-The experience of working with -Cefin Roberts has been incredible. | 0:01:41 | 0:01:46 | |
-He's a professional. | 0:01:46 | 0:01:48 | |
-He doesn't copy -what's going on in the West End. | 0:01:48 | 0:01:51 | |
-He has a different vision -for the show. | 0:01:52 | 0:01:54 | |
-That's good for us, presenting -the show in a different way. | 0:01:55 | 0:01:59 | |
-The music tells us, "God!" | 0:01:59 | 0:02:01 | |
-When he says, "Get off the street," -you go! | 0:02:01 | 0:02:05 | |
-You can see on their faces if -they're listening and understanding. | 0:02:05 | 0:02:10 | |
-I know they'll go -the extra mile every time. | 0:02:10 | 0:02:13 | |
-I then read the novel myself... | 0:02:13 | 0:02:15 | | learn and understand more -about the original vision. | 0:02:16 | 0:02:21 | |
-They understand every aspect -of the show by now. | 0:02:21 | 0:02:26 | |
-They convey the sadness. I've told -them it's a show about the poor. | 0:02:26 | 0:02:31 | |
-I like the way Cefin directs. | 0:02:32 | 0:02:34 | |
-He's read the books, -he's watched the shows. | 0:02:35 | 0:02:39 | |
-He has his own ideas about things. | 0:02:39 | 0:02:42 | |
-When I was young, I'd sing to Mam. | 0:02:55 | 0:02:58 | |
-Mam would be trying to wash me -in the bath and I would sing. | 0:02:58 | 0:03:01 | |
-She would listen to me and think, -"There's a voice in there... | 0:03:02 | 0:03:05 | |
-"..should I do something?" | 0:03:05 | 0:03:07 | |
-There was an advert in the paper -when I was nine years old. | 0:03:07 | 0:03:10 | |
-"Audition now, -White Christmas in the WMC." | 0:03:11 | 0:03:15 | |
-It was an incredible experience. | 0:03:15 | 0:03:18 | |
-The experience inspired Jodi -to sing in numerous shows. | 0:03:18 | 0:03:22 | |
-She then auditioned -for Britain's Got Talent... | 0:03:22 | 0:03:26 | |
-..where she reached the live finals. | 0:03:26 | 0:03:30 | |
-When I was young, -Mam and Dad weren't sure... | 0:03:30 | 0:03:34 | |
-..if this was the career for me. | 0:03:34 | 0:03:36 | |
-It's so competitive but I -don't think they have a choice! | 0:03:36 | 0:03:40 | |
-I sing in the bath, the shower, -upstairs, when I'm home from school. | 0:03:40 | 0:03:45 | |
-Mam now thinks, "OK, we have no -choice, we just have to let her go." | 0:03:45 | 0:03:49 | |
-# Here we are as on olden days | 0:03:50 | 0:03:55 | |
-# Happy golden days | 0:03:55 | 0:03:58 | |
-# Of yore | 0:03:58 | 0:04:01 | |
-# Faithful friends -who are dear to us | 0:04:02 | 0:04:07 | |
-# Gather near to us once more # | 0:04:07 | 0:04:11 | |
-You do remember. | 0:04:12 | 0:04:14 | |
-Working with Cefin -has been a great experience. | 0:04:14 | 0:04:17 | |
-He lets us do what we think -is right for the character. | 0:04:18 | 0:04:24 | |
-I really like that. | 0:04:24 | 0:04:26 | |
-# Eponine, who was that girl? | 0:04:26 | 0:04:28 | |
-# That's bourgeoisie -two-a-penny thing # | 0:04:28 | 0:04:30 | |
-Eponine is a difficult part to play. -There are many layers to her life. | 0:04:31 | 0:04:36 | |
-She has such strong emotions. | 0:04:38 | 0:04:40 | |
-She's like a tomboy -but she wants Marius to love her. | 0:04:40 | 0:04:44 | |
-She wants to be more girly. | 0:04:44 | 0:04:46 | |
-There's a difficult part in -A Little Fall of Rain. | 0:04:46 | 0:04:50 | |
-Marius and I must react -and he has to hold me. | 0:04:50 | 0:04:55 | |
-I have trust issues. | 0:04:55 | 0:04:57 | |
-It took me a long time -to trust him... | 0:04:57 | 0:05:00 | | flip me and catch me as I fall. | 0:05:01 | 0:05:03 | |
-I'm dying -but I just want to trust him. | 0:05:03 | 0:05:06 | |
-I think we've got it down -to a tee now. It'll be OK. | 0:05:08 | 0:05:11 | |
-My main concern is forgetting -my lines. | 0:05:12 | 0:05:14 | |
-I hope that doesn't happen. | 0:05:15 | 0:05:16 | |
-We've helped each other -to learn them. | 0:05:17 | 0:05:19 | |
-Eponine has a lot of lines -and the beginning of On My Own. | 0:05:19 | 0:05:23 | |
-# Now I'm all along again, -nowhere to turn, no-one to go to # | 0:05:23 | 0:05:26 | |
-It's been difficult. I hope -it goes well, fingers crossed. | 0:05:26 | 0:05:30 | |
-It's time for the cast to see -the set for the first time. | 0:05:32 | 0:05:36 | |
-Walking into the theatre -and it's so huge. | 0:05:38 | 0:05:42 | |
-Looking at the set, -it's so authentic and fantastic. | 0:05:42 | 0:05:45 | |
-It takes your breath away. | 0:05:46 | 0:05:48 | |
-The set is incredible, it's so big. | 0:05:48 | 0:05:51 | |
-I've only seen the stage -from the auditorium. | 0:05:52 | 0:05:55 | |
-Walking on to a revolving -stage is also a new experience... | 0:05:55 | 0:06:00 | |
-..for some. | 0:06:00 | 0:06:01 | |
-Quite a challenge. | 0:06:03 | 0:06:05 | |
-I'm going to fall! | 0:06:05 | 0:06:07 | |
-Next. | 0:06:08 | 0:06:09 | |
-I'm on the ground, in the air, -everywhere at the same time. | 0:06:32 | 0:06:36 | |
-Playing the character -is so physical. | 0:06:36 | 0:06:40 | |
-It's very tiring. | 0:06:40 | 0:06:43 | |
-Dafydd has to punch me in the face -during that scene. | 0:06:43 | 0:06:47 | |
-We've practised that! | 0:06:47 | 0:06:48 | |
-# Not so loud, here's for you | 0:06:49 | 0:06:52 | |
-# God forgive us... # | 0:06:52 | 0:06:54 | |
-I hope he doesn't connect on stage! | 0:06:54 | 0:06:57 | |
-Osian and Gareth also fight. | 0:07:00 | 0:07:03 | |
-They take professional advice -on the best technique to use. | 0:07:03 | 0:07:07 | |
-It's been really difficult. | 0:07:07 | 0:07:09 | |
-My muscles are aching. | 0:07:09 | 0:07:11 | |
-I'm jumping from one place -to another. | 0:07:12 | 0:07:15 | |
-Keep your legs bent. | 0:07:25 | 0:07:26 | |
-That's better actually. | 0:07:27 | 0:07:29 | |
-I'm in almost every scene, -I'm always singing. | 0:07:29 | 0:07:32 | |
-My priority is to look after -my voice. | 0:07:33 | 0:07:37 | |
-Lovin' it. | 0:07:39 | 0:07:40 | |
-Relaxing, having a great time. | 0:07:41 | 0:07:44 | |
-I'm Gwen Edwards. I'm 18 years old. | 0:07:44 | 0:07:47 | |
-Nain texted me first to tell me -about the Les Mis auditions. | 0:07:47 | 0:07:53 | |
-She cut the advert -out of the newspaper. | 0:07:53 | 0:07:57 | |
-My friend tagged me on Facebook. | 0:07:57 | 0:07:59 | |
-I thought I'd give it a go. | 0:08:00 | 0:08:03 | |
-Please welcome Mr Cefin Roberts. | 0:08:03 | 0:08:06 | |
-When Cefin turned up -to tell me I had the part... | 0:08:08 | 0:08:12 | | was the same day -as my drama exam. | 0:08:12 | 0:08:14 | |
-I was thinking, "Why are the -TV people filming a drama exam?" | 0:08:15 | 0:08:19 | |
-Then I saw Cefin -and thought, "Oh, gosh." | 0:08:19 | 0:08:24 | |
-I went into a panic zone. | 0:08:24 | 0:08:27 | |
-"Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, -we're about to find out." | 0:08:27 | 0:08:30 | |
-"You're in the chorus, you've had -this part," and I was at the end. | 0:08:31 | 0:08:35 | |
-I was sitting there shaking. | 0:08:35 | 0:08:37 | |
-Gwen, we want you to play Fantine. | 0:08:38 | 0:08:42 | |
-Oh, my gosh, -I was really, really happy. | 0:08:45 | 0:08:48 | |
-Everyone was like, "Oh, my gosh, -Gwen, you've got the part." | 0:08:48 | 0:08:53 | |
-I didn't know what to do. | 0:08:53 | 0:08:55 | |
-It was such a massive buzz. | 0:08:55 | 0:08:57 | |
-Then I burst out crying -in front of everyone. | 0:08:57 | 0:09:01 | |
-It was so embarrassing. | 0:09:01 | 0:09:04 | |
-We couldn't tell anyone but -I wanted to phone Mam, Dad, Nain... | 0:09:04 | 0:09:09 | |
-..I wanted to tell all my teachers. | 0:09:09 | 0:09:11 | |
-We weren't allowed -to tell anyone until seven. | 0:09:11 | 0:09:15 | |
-"Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, OK." | 0:09:15 | 0:09:18 | |
-Gwen's never had enough confidence -to take that step forward. | 0:09:20 | 0:09:25 | |
-We always told her -she had a special voice... | 0:09:25 | 0:09:28 | |
-..but she didn't know -what she wanted to do next. | 0:09:28 | 0:09:31 | |
-Very little self-confidence. | 0:09:31 | 0:09:33 | |
-We know she can do it but she's -always stayed in the shadows. | 0:09:34 | 0:09:38 | |
-The opportunity Les Mis has given -her has helped her take that step. | 0:09:39 | 0:09:44 | |
-It's given me a major boost. | 0:09:46 | 0:09:48 | |
-It's made me think again -about what I want to do. | 0:09:49 | 0:09:53 | |
-I want to go to university. | 0:09:53 | 0:09:56 | |
-Gwen didn't want to go -to university. | 0:09:56 | 0:09:58 | |
-She wanted to leave the Sixth Form -to look for work. | 0:09:58 | 0:10:01 | |
-Luckily, this email -about Les Mis came through... | 0:10:02 | 0:10:05 | |
-..telling us about the performance -down in Cardiff. | 0:10:05 | 0:10:09 | |
-"OK, I'll try, but I won't -get a part," she replied. | 0:10:10 | 0:10:13 | |
-Because I got the part, -it made me realise I can do it. | 0:10:13 | 0:10:19 | |
-She's in Cardiff now, -enjoying every minute of it. | 0:10:21 | 0:10:25 | |
-She hasn't asked about us or said -she wants to come home. That's good! | 0:10:25 | 0:10:29 | |
-They've made so many friends -from across the country. | 0:10:30 | 0:10:35 | |
-We hear names -we've never heard before. | 0:10:35 | 0:10:38 | |
-The phone rings, -she receives a text. | 0:10:38 | 0:10:42 | |
-"It's so-and-so." "Who's that?" -"Oh, she lives in South Wales." | 0:10:42 | 0:10:46 | |
-In the future, -with a little bit of luck... | 0:10:47 | 0:10:50 | |
-..I will perform in the West End... | 0:10:51 | 0:10:54 | |
-..with my name up -on the giant posters. | 0:10:54 | 0:10:57 | |
-Next to the name Fantine! | 0:11:03 | 0:11:05 | |
-As the opening night approaches... | 0:11:07 | 0:11:09 | |
-..and rehearsals continue -morning, noon and night... | 0:11:09 | 0:11:13 | | are the voices holding up? | 0:11:13 | 0:11:16 | |
-A few days ago, it was iffy -but it's coming back now. | 0:11:16 | 0:11:19 | |
-Honey and lemon... | 0:11:20 | 0:11:21 | |
-Honey and lemon... - -And plenty of sleep. | 0:11:21 | 0:11:22 | |
-There's not much of a voice left. | 0:11:23 | 0:11:25 | |
-I'm on antibiotics. | 0:11:25 | 0:11:27 | |
-Fingers crossed but I hope I'm OK. | 0:11:27 | 0:11:30 | |
-Get my sidies on! | 0:11:34 | 0:11:35 | |
-15-minute call, 15 minutes. | 0:11:38 | 0:11:40 | |
-Show time. | 0:11:52 | 0:11:54 | |
-Flowers everywhere. | 0:11:57 | 0:11:59 | |
-Greetings, cast. Backstage, please. -Cast to backstage area. | 0:12:04 | 0:12:07 | |
-To all the cast -and creative team of Les Mis... | 0:12:12 | 0:12:15 | | the Wales Millennium Centre, -good luck. | 0:12:15 | 0:12:18 | |
-They've all signed it, from London. | 0:12:19 | 0:12:21 | |
-Give it everything you've got -and you can't do anymore. | 0:12:24 | 0:12:27 | |
-Then you'll enjoy yourselves. -See you in the bar later! | 0:12:28 | 0:12:31 | |
-. | 0:12:34 | 0:12:34 | |
-Subtitles | 0:12:38 | 0:12:38 | |
-Subtitles - -Subtitles | 0:12:38 | 0:12:40 | |
-# Now Prisoner 24601. -Your time is up | 0:12:46 | 0:12:49 | |
-# And your parole's begun. -You know what that means? | 0:12:50 | 0:12:54 | |
-# Yes. It means I'm free. | 0:12:54 | 0:12:55 | |
-# No! | 0:12:57 | 0:12:58 | |
-# It means you get -your yellow ticket-of-leave | 0:12:58 | 0:13:00 | |
-# I stole a loaf of bread | 0:13:01 | 0:13:03 | |
-# I opened a small window # | 0:13:03 | 0:13:06 | |
-# Waiting for the customers -who only come at night | 0:13:13 | 0:13:16 | |
-# Bargain prices -up against the wall # | 0:13:16 | 0:13:19 | |
-I'm a little bit nervous -but I think I'll be OK. | 0:13:20 | 0:13:24 | |
-I know some of the people -in the audience... | 0:13:24 | 0:13:28 | |
-..but I can't see them in the dark. | 0:13:28 | 0:13:30 | |
-# Take my hand | 0:13:31 | 0:13:33 | |
-# The night grows ever colder | 0:13:34 | 0:13:37 | |
-# Then I will keep you warm | 0:13:37 | 0:13:39 | |
-# Take my child | 0:13:39 | 0:13:42 | |
-# I give her to your keeping | 0:13:42 | 0:13:45 | |
-# Take shelter from the storm | 0:13:45 | 0:13:47 | |
-# For God's sake | 0:13:47 | 0:13:49 | |
-# Please stay still | 0:13:49 | 0:13:53 | |
-# And tell Cosette I love her | 0:13:54 | 0:13:58 | |
-# And I'll see her when I awake # | 0:13:58 | 0:14:03 | |
-You have to think all the time -when you're on stage. | 0:14:05 | 0:14:08 | |
-Technical things, -are the lights coming on? | 0:14:09 | 0:14:12 | |
-You remember your lines -on top of that. | 0:14:12 | 0:14:15 | |
-There's a lot to remember but I want -to know what the audience thinks. | 0:14:15 | 0:14:20 | |
-I can't wait to go on. | 0:14:20 | 0:14:22 | |
-# Master of the house | 0:14:22 | 0:14:24 | |
-# Keeper of the zoo | 0:14:24 | 0:14:26 | |
-# Ready to relieve them -of a sou or two | 0:14:26 | 0:14:28 | |
-# Watering the wine, -making up the weight | 0:14:29 | 0:14:32 | |
-# Picking up their knick-knacks -when they can't see straight | 0:14:32 | 0:14:34 | |
-# Everybody loves a landlord # | 0:14:35 | 0:14:37 | |
-Erin Rossington, -Madame Thenardier, amazing. | 0:14:37 | 0:14:40 | |
-I can't wait to perform with her -on stage in front of an audience. | 0:14:41 | 0:14:45 | |
-# Master of the house | 0:14:45 | 0:14:47 | |
-# Isn't worth my spit | 0:14:47 | 0:14:48 | |
-# Comforter, philosopher | 0:14:49 | 0:14:50 | |
-# And lifelong sh*t | 0:14:50 | 0:14:53 | |
-# Cunning little brain, -regular Voltaire | 0:14:53 | 0:14:55 | |
-# Thinks he's quite a lover -but there's not much there # | 0:14:56 | 0:15:00 | |
-After this experience, I'm still -not sure what I want to do. | 0:15:01 | 0:15:06 | |
-It's definitely opened the door -to performing. | 0:15:06 | 0:15:11 | |
-I still enjoy farming just as much. | 0:15:11 | 0:15:14 | |
-# And mine's Cosette | 0:15:14 | 0:15:17 | |
-# Cosette, I don't know what to say | 0:15:17 | 0:15:21 | |
-# Then make no sound # | 0:15:21 | 0:15:24 | |
-I like her character. She brings -an element of happiness to the show. | 0:15:25 | 0:15:30 | |
-The high notes come at the end -of two particular songs. | 0:15:34 | 0:15:39 | |
-One is a tone and a half -higher than the other. | 0:15:41 | 0:15:44 | |
-The first one poses no problems... | 0:15:44 | 0:15:46 | |
-..and the other one, they're -two notes close to each other... | 0:15:47 | 0:15:51 | |
-..but I have to work harder. | 0:15:51 | 0:15:53 | |
-It's just a matter of practising -and going for it. | 0:15:53 | 0:15:56 | |
-When they're there, -they'll come out. | 0:15:56 | 0:15:59 | |
-# This is my school, my high society | 0:16:14 | 0:16:16 | |
-# Here in the slums of St Michel | 0:16:16 | 0:16:19 | |
-# We live on the crumbs -of humble piety | 0:16:19 | 0:16:22 | |
-# Tough on the teeth -but what the hell | 0:16:22 | 0:16:24 | |
-# Think you're poor? -Think you're free? | 0:16:25 | 0:16:27 | |
-# Follow me, follow me! # | 0:16:28 | 0:16:30 | |
-# Do you hear the people sing | 0:16:31 | 0:16:34 | |
-# Singing the song of angry men | 0:16:34 | 0:16:36 | |
-# Is it the music of the people | 0:16:36 | 0:16:38 | |
-# Who will not be slaves again? | 0:16:39 | 0:16:41 | |
-# When the beating of your heart | 0:16:41 | 0:16:44 | |
-# Echoes the beating of the drum | 0:16:44 | 0:16:46 | |
-# There is a life about to start | 0:16:46 | 0:16:48 | |
-# When tomorrow comes # | 0:16:49 | 0:16:52 | |
-I'm looking forward -to putting my stamp on a role... | 0:16:53 | 0:16:56 | |
-..that's famous the world over. | 0:16:57 | 0:16:59 | |
-# He is young | 0:17:00 | 0:17:05 | |
-# He's afraid | 0:17:06 | 0:17:11 | |
-# Let him rest | 0:17:12 | 0:17:17 | |
-# Heaven blessed | 0:17:17 | 0:17:22 | |
-# Bring him home | 0:17:23 | 0:17:28 | |
-# Bring him home | 0:17:28 | 0:17:33 | |
-# Bring him home # | 0:17:33 | 0:17:36 | |
-The process of casting -was so interesting... | 0:17:36 | 0:17:40 | |
-..but I'm especially pleased -with the choices I made. | 0:17:40 | 0:17:44 | |
-I really think I made the right -choices and I'm proud of them. | 0:17:44 | 0:17:49 | |
-Sharing one part -has been an education for me. | 0:17:51 | 0:17:55 | |
-# Took the letter like you said | 0:17:57 | 0:17:59 | |
-# I met her father at the door | 0:17:59 | 0:18:01 | |
-# He said he would give it | 0:18:02 | 0:18:04 | |
-# I don't think -I can stand any more | 0:18:04 | 0:18:06 | |
-I don't regret it at all. | 0:18:07 | 0:18:08 | |
-I get a different thrill -listening to both interpretations. | 0:18:09 | 0:18:13 | |
-# Don't you fret | 0:18:13 | 0:18:15 | |
-# M'sieur Marius | 0:18:16 | 0:18:18 | |
-# I don't feel any pain | 0:18:18 | 0:18:22 | |
-# A little fall of rain | 0:18:22 | 0:18:25 | |
-# Can hardly hurt me now | 0:18:26 | 0:18:30 | |
-# You're here, -that's all I need to know | 0:18:31 | 0:18:37 | |
-In the auditions, there was -someone I got on well with... | 0:18:37 | 0:18:41 | |
-..and it was Lois. | 0:18:42 | 0:18:43 | |
-It was such a weird coincidence. | 0:18:43 | 0:18:45 | |
-When we rehearsed, it was so easy -because she's so lovely. | 0:18:46 | 0:18:50 | |
-She portrays the character -so differently to me. | 0:18:50 | 0:18:54 | |
-There are no problems -and we've been very lucky. | 0:18:54 | 0:18:58 | |
-# Don't you fret | 0:18:58 | 0:19:00 | |
-# M'sieur Marius | 0:19:01 | 0:19:03 | |
-# I don't feel any pain | 0:19:03 | 0:19:07 | |
-# A little fall of rain | 0:19:08 | 0:19:11 | |
-# Can hardly hurt me now | 0:19:12 | 0:19:15 | |
-# You're here | 0:19:16 | 0:19:18 | |
-# That's all I need to know # | 0:19:18 | 0:19:22 | |
-The experience of playing Eponine -confirmed to me what I want to do. | 0:19:22 | 0:19:27 | |
-I'm auditioning -for ArtsEd next month... | 0:19:27 | 0:19:30 | |
-..a musical show school in London. | 0:19:30 | 0:19:33 | |
-When I first saw the show, -I didn't understand it. | 0:19:35 | 0:19:38 | |
-I watched it three times... | 0:19:38 | 0:19:40 | | appreciate the enormity -of Valjean's journey. | 0:19:40 | 0:19:44 | |
-My vision was to show him -starting from a very dark place. | 0:19:44 | 0:19:48 | |
-I wanted to lead him -towards the light. | 0:19:48 | 0:19:52 | |
-I feel that there is light, -happiness and celebration. | 0:19:55 | 0:20:00 | |
-I wanted to make that more obvious -for youth theatre. | 0:20:00 | 0:20:04 | |
-# Beggar the feast | 0:20:04 | 0:20:05 | |
-# Master of the dance | 0:20:06 | 0:20:07 | |
-# Life is easy pickings -if you grab your chance | 0:20:07 | 0:20:09 | |
-# Everywhere you go | 0:20:10 | 0:20:11 | |
-# Law-abiding folk | 0:20:11 | 0:20:13 | |
-# Doing what is decent -but they're mostly broke | 0:20:13 | 0:20:16 | |
-# Singing to the Lord on Sundays | 0:20:16 | 0:20:18 | |
-# Praying for the gifts he'll send | 0:20:18 | 0:20:20 | |
-# But we're the ones who take it | 0:20:20 | 0:20:23 | |
-# We're the one who make it -in the end | 0:20:23 | 0:20:26 | |
-# Watch the buggers dance | 0:20:27 | 0:20:28 | |
-# Watch them till they drop | 0:20:28 | 0:20:29 | |
-# Keep your wits about you -and you stand on top | 0:20:30 | 0:20:32 | |
-# Masters of the land, -always get our share | 0:20:32 | 0:20:35 | |
-# Clean away the barricades -and we're still there # | 0:20:35 | 0:20:38 | |
-Doing Les Mis has made me -want to be an actor even more. | 0:20:38 | 0:20:42 | |
-# When we're rich as Croesus | 0:20:43 | 0:20:44 | |
-# Jesus, -won't we see you all in hell # | 0:20:45 | 0:20:47 | |
-My vision has been realised. | 0:20:52 | 0:20:53 | |
-The great success for me is seeing -the response of the youngsters. | 0:20:54 | 0:20:58 | |
-They enjoyed the journey and to me, -that makes it a great success. | 0:20:58 | 0:21:04 | |
-# One day more # | 0:21:12 | 0:21:22 | |
-I've seen it performed -in Manchester and London. | 0:21:25 | 0:21:28 | |
-This is the best performance -I've ever seen. | 0:21:29 | 0:21:32 | |
-Incredible. Everything was perfect. -The crowd were superb. | 0:21:32 | 0:21:36 | |
-A bizarre, amazing experience. | 0:21:38 | 0:21:41 | |
-The scale was amazing. The accuracy -of the singing was just beautiful. | 0:21:41 | 0:21:47 | |
-Unbelievable, thank you very much. | 0:21:47 | 0:21:50 | |
-It was absolutely phenomenal. | 0:21:50 | 0:21:52 | |
-Cameron Mackintosh should -get that done somewhere big time. | 0:21:53 | 0:21:57 | |
-Very emotional. Everyone's crying, -everyone's embracing. | 0:21:58 | 0:22:02 | |
-It's been a great show, -everything was OK... | 0:22:02 | 0:22:05 | | fell, -no-one's injured, it's great! | 0:22:05 | 0:22:08 | |
-The boys' voices were incredible. -They had amazing tenor voices. | 0:22:09 | 0:22:13 | |
-Pity I can't swear! | 0:22:14 | 0:22:16 | |
-No, it was excellent, -really excellent. | 0:22:16 | 0:22:19 | |
-It was absolutely amazing. | 0:22:19 | 0:22:21 | |
-A first night to remember. | 0:22:22 | 0:22:23 | |
-You could have closed your eyes -and believed... | 0:22:24 | 0:22:27 | | were in a West End theatre. | 0:22:27 | 0:22:32 | |
-The atmosphere at the end -was unforgettable. | 0:22:32 | 0:22:35 | |
-It was incredible, -I want to do it again! | 0:22:35 | 0:22:39 | |
-I have seen this show many times. | 0:22:39 | 0:22:42 | |
-I thought this was -spectacularly good. | 0:22:42 | 0:22:45 | |
-I really do. | 0:22:45 | 0:22:47 | |
-I've cried my eyes out. | 0:22:47 | 0:22:49 | |
-I'm so emotional. | 0:22:50 | 0:22:52 | |
-It's coming to an end after being -like one large family for so long. | 0:22:52 | 0:22:58 | |
-Fab! | 0:22:58 | 0:22:59 | |
-We need more of this. | 0:23:00 | 0:23:02 | |
-Professional shows -are staged here... | 0:23:02 | 0:23:05 | |
-..but we have so much talent -in Wales. | 0:23:05 | 0:23:07 | |
-It's a great opportunity -for our youngsters. | 0:23:07 | 0:23:11 | |
-Let's give them more opportunities -to perform here. | 0:23:11 | 0:23:15 | |
-It's a fantastic venue. | 0:23:15 | 0:23:17 | |
-# One more dawn | 0:23:17 | 0:23:20 | |
-# One more day | 0:23:20 | 0:23:23 | |
-# One day more # | 0:23:23 | 0:23:38 | |
-S4C Subtitles by Adnod Cyf. | 0:23:43 | 0:23:45 | |
-. | 0:23:45 | 0:23:45 |