Episode 9 The Graham Norton Show

Episode 9

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One of my guests tonight is the star of the Walter Mitty film. The other


is one who day dreams. Sometimes I wish I was an ordinary member of the


audience, you know, like you! Can you imagine that? Try to imagine it?


Imagine it, imagine it, imagine it. Oh!


Read that, read that, read that .. Let's start the show!




Hello! Hi!


Oh, welcome to you and you and you. Welcome, all.


What a cavalcade of talent I have on the sofa tonight, one of the


funniest stars in Hollywood, the brilliant Ben Stiller is here,


ladies and gentlemen. I know! Bilbo Baggins himself, Martin


Freeman is here! Yes!


Jamie Oliver is on the show! Yeah!


Plus we have music from Rebecca Ferguson. Pf


Oh, I'm looking forward to meeting Jamie Oliver. Here he is. Loves


doing a selfie. Is there anyone who loves a selfie more than him?


Yeah... Seriously? Cameron, Obama and the


Danish Prime Minister taking a selfie at a slightly inappropriate


occasion. Hey, hey, I wonder if Michelle Obama


thought that was funny? No, she did not.


Delighted to have Martin Freeman back on the show. He's about to


preprize his role as Bilbo bag begins in the new hobt film --


hobbit film. That's him in the lair of Smaug, the ruthless ill-tempered


dragon who guards his gold jealously.


I don't like your ring, I don't like your hairy beard and for that reason


I'm out - I do impressions! So excited to welcome Ben Stiller on to




You might well cheer. He'll be telling us about his new film, The


Secret Life Of Walter Mitty. Ben's character spends his whole life day


bream dreaming. All sorts of people have day dreams - I would like to


achieve world peace. I would like to be Prime Minister.


I like cheese. Let's get some guests on.


Later, we'll have music from Rebecca Ferguson.


But first, it's Jamie Oliver! Hello.


Hello, Sir. Sit yourself down. Very nice to see you. He's got the hobbit


habit, it's Martin Freeman! Hello. Sit yourself down. And time


to Meet The Fockers, it's Ben Stiller!


Wow. Hello. I'm really well, lovely to see you. Sit yourself down.


Woo. Hello, gents. All good? Very good. You have a large audience




Because heating your home is quite expensive.


Hm. Do you two know each other? We have met before. Yes, where did we


meet? At your premier when you did that film when you wiped your bum


with a ferret. Oh yes, that one Thank you very much. It was


emotional. It meant a lot to me You've stayed in touch, clearly We


ran into each other at a restaurant. Do you remember that? Yes, then I


came to see you in a very good play in which you were very good. I'm


surprise, he's a very good actor. I'm not lying.


For a moment, it looked like we might do a film together, then we


didn't. It fell apart. I like your Socks though. Thanks, man, it's


swings and roundabouts, we didn t do a film, but look at these Socks


Martin and Jamie? Never met I don't think. We must met in the toilet.


He's beautiful. OK. Just about half an hour ago


Sorry I missed out on that. Jamie Oliver, a chef, is on the


show, and I notice. Yes. Have you brought us Christmas treats? No no,


no, no. Chocolate. But also vegan Brownies for a certain friend who's


a vegan here. Yes, I am. Vegan Brownies? I always


check any dietary requirements and they said vegan. Right. Disdainful.


I'm sorry, I was a vegan. That's really annoying. A vegan is annoying


but a vegan who shows up and goes "oh, no, I can eat anything". I got


too annoying as a vegan. I can't tell you how difficult it was to


develop a really good Brownie for a vegan. Really good, fresh. Doesn't


mean I can't eat thinks that are vegan just because I used to eat a


vegan. I'll try one. I don't really eat eggs or dairy. Eggs are in


veganism. Aren't they? Shouldn't you know all about that stuff? To be


honest, I just phoned up Nigella and said, can you just sort me out.


APPLAUSE They're great. Would you like to try


some? Please, please. They taste very healthy. Yes, yes,


yes. A vegan Brownie for you. Really good. That's what happens


when you give away free food. I know. They were so delicious, I


finished mine! Yeah. Don't feel you have to finish


it, by the way. I like it. Very quickly, I've got to


mention one of my favourite film, Zoolander.


APPLAUSE Is it true there'll be a sequel


Possibly. There's a script and they are trying to figure out if it can


be got together. I want to make sure it's put together the way it should


be. Does it kind of plague you, the Blue Steel and all that sort of


stuff? I actually like it because of that, the fact that it wasn't a big


hit and I get people on Twitter sending me pictures of their kids


saying, this is my baby doing Blue Steel and it's a baby like this


Everybody seems to think their child is doing that. It's nice. Do you


have to make an effort, like if you were doing a promotion for


something, do you have to make sure your face never goes into Blue


Steel? I do it unintentionally sometimes. The whole look came out


of the way that my wife told me that I look when I would brush my hair in


the mirror. Like when I look in the mirror, I look at myself and she'll


go like, why are you going like this? ! I realised it was my mirror


face. Obviously, mobile phones have changed the whole thing of


photographs. And Martin, I hear you are very happy to have your picture


taken. That's what I heard? That's absolute bullshit. I don't know the


rest of the sentence. The rest of it now is informed by your reaction,


but you never smile. That's because I'm not that happy. The clue is that


I'm not really smiling. I don't mind moving images of myself, but yes,


still photography I've never quite got the hang of. I don't know what


face to pull. Blue Steel, I should try that. But yes, I don't hate it


but I'm not very good at it at all, no. But as men, you always feel


inadequate in a photo shoot? I sure do, yeah. Definitely don't know what


I'm doing in a photo shoot. They must try to make you do terrible


things, Jamie? Oh, oh... LAUGHTER From my Naked Chef times,


I'm constantly being asked to get my kit off, it's just a nightmare, or


juggle fruit and veg and stick them in places and smile and I am


smiling, a bit more, let's see those teeth, you know. But one


photographer did get you to get your kit off? Er... Well partly it took a


while to get the confidence to say no, like J-Lo and say no, but I did


an awful shoot. Actually, it was for an American magazine in a bathtub


full of sud and fruit I think. It was such the worst picture. I can't


imagine what that looks like. APPLAUSE


You're a baby! The thing is, I've got four kids


now. The next few years when Poppy and Daisy come back and go, "dad,


why were you dressed up with that dog" and why "why were you in that


gin fruit bowl? " Ben, your new film is, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty.


This is you as an actor and director, out on the 26th December -


Boxing Day - obvious obviously St Steven's day. What is the origins of


that day? Isn't it when you open your boxes? No. A coal delivery


wasn't it, guys? Does anybody know? Does anybody care The family have a


fist fight following a terrible Christmas Day. Which is more true.


Is it called anything else in America? The Secret Life Of Walter


Mitty - oh, Boxing Day, oh, it's called the Day after Christmas. Yes.


Listen, the thing about this film is, you talk about the Hobbit being


epic, but this is a comedy but also has an epic element to it? Yes, it's


a guy going out into the world on this journey, the character is a


dray dreamer and he's lives in his head a lot and is forced to go out


into the world and is forced to find a negative because he takes


photographs for Life magazine. He goes to places like Iceland and


places like that. We had hobbit type Vistas. It's all good.


We had mountains and stuff. The fantasy elements were big action


sequences? Yes. Walter lives in New York and a lot of his fantasies


involve him doing things in New York. He has a boss that's really


horrible to him and he has a fantasy of fighting the boss in the streets


of New York, it's sort of a super hero fight. There was a safety rig.


I'm sure you have to do stuff like that. I just didn't use any. Lots of


people do, it's fine. This stuff was really dangerous? Well, yeah, if


it's an 100 foot dragon. Some of the stuff does look


dangerous, but you're directing it, but because you are doing the stuff,


you've got stunt people telling you? Yes, once you get there, you work it


out and let the coordinate coordinator do it. This ex-marine


takes over during those moments And there was a sequence where I jumped


into the water in the Iceland sea. Chilly? Yes, very. I was wearing a


dry suit which kept my body warm but hands and head when they got wet,


got really cold. Yes. We did a shot ready to jump in and there was a


fishing trawler behind me. We did it once and I thought we had it and he


made me do it again, of course. I said, do we have to and he said "you


know, well yes". Made me feel like I was going to be like a pussy or


something. Actually, you mentioned that and this is a clip we have


This is where the fantasies stop and he's encountering real life? Yes,


it's all sort of happening. Here is the clip.


There's a fin here I think. It will be a porpoise. I don't think it s a


porpoise. It will protect you from the sharks. OK.


I'm here. Hey. Hey. OK. That's a shark. That's what I said.


APPLAUSE Wow. Listen, The Secret Life Of


Walter Mitty is obviously about a man's rich fantasy life. We asked


the audience if they had fantasies. Ben, these are going to blow you


away. Look at that audience. Imagine the rich fantasy lives they will


have. Where's Elaine? Now, let's have a lack at Elaine. Let's get the


camera to Elaine. Let's see her That's Elaine. Looks like a regular


lady. Wait until you hear her fantasy. This is her fantasy. OK. "I


work in a small independent opticians," that's reality, man not


fantasy. This is her fantasy. She fantasises that someone would come


in and buy all the expensive sunglasses as I know that would


really stand me in good stead with the boss.


LAUGHTER That's her fantasy.


Really swinging through the fences there.


She's given herself the freedom to dream and there's nothing wrong with


that. No. Good on you, Elaine, keep dreaming.


Really amazing. I wouldn't have guessed that looking at you. It s


impossible to tell. This next one is a little better. Where's Rita?


There's Rita. Look at Rita! She s so frisky. Her fantasy is rubbing olive


oil all over Jamie Oliver. She's made it into a recipe.


Seasoning him with a dash of salt and pepper. Wow. Would you then cook


him? Is that the idea? Absolutely, yes. Olive oil on his cheeks? And a


bit more elsewhere. Ooh! Rita, hello! Happy Christmas.


May I ask a question? Please do Hello. Hello. Erm, thank you. Would


that be extra Virgin olive oil? Without a shadow of a doubt? . Would


that be your every day cheap salt or sea salt? Got to be sea salt,


nothing else. Thank you. I like the way you imagine you are going to eat


yourself. I'm hoping I'm going to be delicious! Made a lot of mar miss


that in my time. -- marinades in my time.


Where's Lucy? There's Lucy. Hello. Can the person speak their own


fantasy. Oh, go! Can I just say, we have been doing


this show for 15 years, we have learned that no, they can't. That's


why I read them. It's a trial-and-error process and you see


Lucy now, incapable. Just looking a little like argh.


LAUGHTER I know what you mean, it does seem


weird. Nice try. A a lot of them don't speak English.


There must be a translator here Lucy. "I fantasise about getting a


selfie with Martin Freeman and he smiled in the picture". I think this


might be true. Have you got your phone? Come down.


Come down. OK.


APPLAUSE Are you going to do it yourself A


selfie. The definition of a selfie is that you're doing it yourself.


Who is that? It's a wrestler. Why the hell do you want a selfie with


me? ! If your normal kind of guy is a wrestler? ! It's a fantasy come


true. OK, OK. It's not a selfie if she does that. But this is quicker I


feel and her hands are shaking. She's smiling. Go on, smile. He s


smiling, ladies and gentlemen. Beautiful! Beautiful. You got your


selfie. Well done, Lucy. There she goes. .


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Made her fantasy come true!


Now, it's fun you to see you smiling though. It's like you are doing a


character or something. He doesn't even know me and he thinks I'm a


miserable shit. He saw you in that restaurant.


Hey, talking of fantasies, the hobbit, the great greatest film of


all-time is back. Opened in cinemas today. Last time we saw you, you


were about half way to Smaug? Smog you said, not even trying. Is it


Smaug? Yes, not smog. In Ireland we say snog. It's indifferent. It's not


your accent. Anyway, half way to the dragon's lair? You pick us up where


we are very much on the journey facings trialing and tribulations


and Bilbo is in a different phase of his life, he's no longer the sort of


innocent wide-eyed thing, he's having to get stuck in and do or die


really. A lot more action in this one. Yes, there is. In the first


film, you had to set up the premise of who everybody is and introduce 13


dwarves for a start. This one we just start running and expect the


audience to hopefully know where we are. Seriously, your performance in


this, I don't know how you do it, it's so clever. In terms of how the


ring is changing Bilbo and it's over such a long period of time? You mean


the filming of it Well, all of it, watching it is long, but...


LAUGHTER? That was almost a compliment. Of course it's long Do


you file away in your head kind of where I should be in my arc or is


Peter Jackson defining you? It's a mixture of both. Page one acting is,


where have I been and where am I going, so you have to keep a handle


on that. From beginning to end it was two-and-a-half years, so it s a


long gig. We have a clip. Go on The Desolation Of Smaug. Well said.


That better? Yes. Really? Yes, Smaug, as in crowd, yes. It crimes


are crowd? Yes, Smaug. Smaug? Yes. Anyway, this is you, Ian McKellen is


Gandalf and he's starting to twig that Bilbo is changing.


OK. You have changed, Baggins, you are not the same hobbit as the one


that lift the shire -- left the shire. I was going to tell you.


I... Found something in the goblin tunnels. Found what?


What did you find? My courage. Good. That's good. You'll need it.


APPLAUSE I look like I'm coming round my


uncle's house when I come here, it's like "well done". Very good. Your


guys, are you fans of this genre? How much do you love me? ! Loads.


You are pretty good. I'm actually a huge fan so I was excited to be on


the show and I'm very excited about the new Sherlock season.


CHEERING AND APPLAUSE It's not all about me. It's all


about Martin. Back on New Year's Day? Correct. It's the 1st, 5th and


12th. They are really chucking em out there? Yeah. One of the odd


things that Sherlock fans do, when Benedict was here, he was telling us


about how they compare him to an otter and it seems unlikely, but


here is a classic. Benedict Cumberbatch, and here he is looking


like an otter. It does sort of work. Now they've got you compared to


another woodland creature. Do you know what is coming? No. You don't


follow me on the Internet? ! What's wrong with you? Can you guess what


creature he might be? Careful. Other side? Keep it clean. It's It's


really unlikely. Cat weasel. Unbelievable. Cat weasel? ! That's


not even a creature. It's an old tramp in the woods!


No, it is a hedgehog. A hedgehog is not express


expressive. LAUGHTER


And here is Martin. Here is Martin. You would think a hedgehog couldn't


look like that. LAUGHTER




Happy hedgehog. Then less happy Martin. Does he have a hedgehog to


look like him? Yes, he does. I don't think he looks like a


hedgehog at all. Anybody making a face like that could look like a


hedgehog. I think Ben's seen through the flaw. Explain this one then


This is so specific. OK. OK. Now look at the hedgehog.


LAUGHTER I rest my case. OK. If you don't


mind, this is the clincher. This is Martin Freeman obvious obviously


engaging with fans. How can a hedgehog do this. I'm told this


isn't photo shopped. Looks like a mutant hedgehog.


A post-apocalyptic thing. APPLAUSE


It's Christmas and Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Jamie


Oliver being top of the best-selling book list. Save With Jamie came from


your online community, your fans, the forums? Yes. They liked the


quick recipes? Yes, but the fans, the people that like to cook, they


know what they want and one minute it was speed and the next minute it


was delicious food, comfort food that is not going to break the bank,


stuff that will help save you money and I kind of thought it was a


timely thing in the recession and looking at the average Brit wastes


40% of everything we buy, I thought it would be really good for letting


me worry about creating the whole book of delicious food where the


average cost is about ?1. 30 a portion and rest assured that it's


delish. So that's what I did and hopefully people love it. You asked


the readers questions throughout the book. For instance, here is one on


page 7 0. "Have you ever opened a bottle of wine and not quite


finished it? " No!


I'm sorry. Jamie, if you did that, how would you know it's time to go


to bed? LAUGHTER It's a world turned up side


down. But there are some really lovely recipes in there. I try and


make them solid and safe and we test the hell out of them and get the


public to test them and we get teenagers to test them so, you know,


hopefully that's what we are known for, stuff that works. There's


nothing more to bring out the anger in the British public or any public


when they go shopping for the ingredients and it don't work. The


chef world seems very competitive? Very much so. You seem to be fair


game for some reason, like Gordon Ramsay's been quite rude about you,


why do they pick on you, because you are successful? We used to get on.


Did you really? Yeah... But, I don't know what happened really. It's a


shame. It is a bit. Oh, I see. Well, it is a bit because when I was


a young chef and you are training, there are certain characters that


are your everything and you look up and read every word of their books


and then when life doesn't quite work like that it's a bit


disappointing really. Ben Stiller, you are very woman pettive aren t


you? Am I? That's what I hear? Didn't Ping-Pong take over your


life? Yes, there was a Ping-Pong table and a tournament developed and


I got very competitive and shouldn't have been because I wasn't very


good. It was frustrating to be competitive and not be good at


something so yes, definitely. But then didn't you train up and decide


I'm going to do this? I took some lessons, yes. Table-tennis election


sons, did you? Yes, from a person who said they were a pro, yes. I am


quite good at table-tennis. You were going to be a professional squash


player? I thought easy was going to be until I was 14. As a junior, I


was very good, yes. I didn't though there were professional squash


players? At the time I was doing it in the 80s, it nearly came


Overground and people got known and the national press started picking


up on it and my heroes started to be like on things like A Question of


Sport and grandstanded and for about five minutes squash was big then


went underground again. Do do you use the ceiling also in squash? This


is the reason squash was never. . There's no ceiling. You use walls.


Like raquet ball? Yes, but with a smaller head and smaller ball. It's


meat and drink for you? Yes. Dodge ball, you really did that? Yes, yes,


a long time ago, we'd seen dodge ball and my wife was in the scene


and I was playing against her in the scene and I had to, you know, nail


her with the dodge ball and I, I did. Bang in the face? Yes, which


you shouldn't do. I mean it wasn't, I wanted to just get it right for


the shot but it was too strong. Was that a quiet drive snoem I don't


think we drove home together! I've got work to do, see you back


there! Moving on. A lot of cooking talk is


taken out of context. It's quite innuendo-laden. If you got all the


phrases that Jamie says and stuck them together... Oh, my God. You've


probably seen this. So if you listen very carefully, there's visuals as


well, but listen very carefully this is what you get. It's Jamie


Oliver talks dirty. Hi, guys, welcome to mischief food,


pick up a bone. It's not hard, just over centimetrics so it's it's not


wobblings. Rub it backwards and forwards again and again and again.


Not that there is a rush but you can get a sense of urgency, you can t


just sit there playing around, so keep it moving. Don't want to it be


wobbly. Keep tossing it off. No point in getting scared now. Rub it


all over. Be careful, don't! It -- don't! It all over the place. Second


important bit, my cucumber, put it full whack into the burger. Then


have a look inside it. Then I'm going to put it in your mouth. Some


people love it, some people hate it. Give it a try, don't turn your nose


up at it. If you don't like it, you can take it out which is nice and


reasonable. But let's not be precious. It doesn't really matter


what it looks like. What does matter is that when you eat it, you don't


get a massive chunk of cheese. Some people don't like it, some love it


because they are used to it. Don't worry about it, just stick it in


there and do the best job possible. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE


Beautiful. It's music time everyone. But first, Ben you've got to go I


do, yes. Sorry, I don't want to leave. What the hell are you doing?


Supposed to go to a screening of our movie. Followed by a vegan dinner


party. Yes. So, please... I have to answer


questions afterwards, that's why I have to go. Oh, OK! I'm not just


going to watch. I feel bad. I wanna stay. We've loved having you here.


So please say thank you to the fabulous Mr Ben Stiller.




OK. I love this woman's voice, probably up with of the best acts


ever to come out of the X Factor. Here she is, Rebecca Ferguson!


# I used to hate you so easily. # Look into your eyes so eagerly. #


And where there was cold. # I wouldn't walk away. # 'Cause when


there's money love is blind. # He's so blind. # But after a time. # I


realized that for me to grow. # I've got to let go. # I hope life treats


you good. # I hope life treats you good. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I


hope, I hope, I hope. # I hope life treats you well. # I hope she treats


you well. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope. # I hope


that she is kind. # I hope that she is kind. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I


hope, I hope, I hope. # 'Cause after a time you realize that it ain't


easy. # 'Cause after a time you realize that you should've believed


me. # I hope life treats you good. # I hope life treats you good. # I


hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope. # Loving ourselves


comes so easily. # Forgiveness was like the biggest sin to me. # And


where there was war. # I wouldn t walk away. # But after a time. # I


realized that for me to grow. # I've got to let go. # I hope life treats


you good. # I hope life treats you good. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I


hope, I hope, I hope. # I hope life treats you well. # I hope she treats


you well. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope. # I hope


that she is kind. # I hope that she is kind. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I


hope, I hope, I hope. # Hope life treats you good. # I hope life


treats you good. # I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope. # Used


to hate you so easily. # I forgive you


# For all that you are #... #


Rebecca Ferguson, everybody. Gorgeous. Come over and join me


Mwah! Rebecca Ferguson. Have a seat. Hi. Hi. Jamie Oliver. Martin


Freeman. Nice to meet you.


I love that song. I've been playing it to death on the radio. Thank you


so much for doing it. Thank you thanks for having me. Delighted to


have you here. That is out now, the single? Yes. It's off the second


album which we have waited a while for? I know, I was so busy. You know


what though, I finished working on the last album last December and


then went straight into writing this album so it seems like I've been


away for quite a long time but I have been busy. I believe you, all


right! I know you are not sitting at home watching telly picking your


nose. All this new stuff, are you touring?


Are people going to see you? I'm touring in March in the UK and I'm


in Europe in April so I'm busy. In Europe in April? Yes. In the Europe?


Yes. Something Sonia said years ago. Oh, which was it? Yes, when she was


in the Eurovision Song Contest. I'm in the Europe. Do your Sonia


impression - oh, you are doing it! Time for a story from the red chair.


Let us see who is up first. Hi. You look a little tense. Relax! Relax.


There's a crash mat. What is your name, Sir? Jordan. And


where do you live? In London, but I'm from Yorkshire. What do you do


in London? I'm a police officer Really? He's a police officer! Very


good. What area of the police are you in? Are you a bobby on the beat?


A detective. Seems very young to be a detective.


Seems very young. You would know, of course. I would know, yes.


LAUGHTER Sherlock, you know.


Yeah. He looks younger than Rupert Graves. For me, he's too young to be


a detective. You wouldn't cast him as a detective? Way too young. If he


came round, you would say, they are not going to solve this crime.


Unless the crime has taken place in a kindergarten. They stole our


trampoline! Ah h. Sorry, I got distracted,


Jordan. Officer Jordan, off you go with your story. Cooking a disaster,


I apologise to Jamie. My wife's the worst cook ever, but I thought I'd


do something adventurous, so I made sausage, mash and veg. Wow. Yeah. I


was there mashing away the potato for hours, it felt like, and I


couldn't get the lumps out so I thought I would put nit the food


bledder thinking I would get the lumps out because that's what that


does. It didn't quite come out looking like mashed potato though


but I had to no choice but to serve it, at which point one of my friends


finally ate the food, in fear as they were, they thought it was


Chelseas sauce because it was liquid goo all over the plate.


You see, we brief them beforehand and say, tell us the most amazing,


most amusing thing that's ever happened in your life!


Jordan's a detective. Imagine all the exciting things that happened to


that man and he went with runny mash potato!


LAUGHTER Wow. Wow. I usually feel sorry for


the people you do that to, but that was justified. It really was. The


thing that amazed me is, he had a blender.


What was he doing with that? ! Must have been a gift.


All right, hello. Hi. Hi. You are fine. You are fine.


You could be the walker. What is your name? It's Leanne.


Where do you live? In a small town called Atherstone not far from


Coventry. Ah yes. What do you do there? I m a


business analyst. She's a business analyst!


Seriously, that's what she does Rebecca, she's a business analyst.


Don't look like that! It's a valid job. You are a singer,


she's a business analyst. She loves analysing business, it's what gets


her up in the morning. Leanne. Delight us with your tale.


Right, it's a bit embarrassing actually, I can't... Good! That s


the point. Already we are on to a winner if


it's better than mashed potato, I'll let you walk!


When I was much younger and foolish, I was on holiday with some friends.


Oh, yes. We decided one night to go skinny-dipping in the lake. Can I


stop you there, already mash potato, you've surpassed. You're naked on


holiday. Hurrah!


So, I was so desperate to get into the lake so that people didn't see


me that I ran as fast as I could, slipped over on the top step,


knocked myself out and ended up getting rescued out of the lake by


my friends. Wow. I told that on TV. Shall we let her


walk? Yes, we'll let you walk. Go on, walk. Go on, Leanne. One more,


one more. OK. Last one, here we go. Hello. Hi. What is your name? Yaz,


Y-A-Z. All right, I'll write it down.


LAUGHTER Where do you live, Yaz with a Z I


live in Weybridge. What do you do for a living? Marketing analyst


Another one, more of the analysts, they love being analysts, don't they


love analysing. OK, use, yes, I got that right, it's Y-A-Z, yes. Off you


go, Yaz? This is about my previous job. I had recently started this job


and we had this Christmas dinner and there was a huge table and yeah we


just sat mixed teams and the sales director, top man, just was sitting


next to me and I was like, oh, this is a good opportunity to show off.


Anyway, so they were talking about work, you know, they were talking


about promotions and everything and I just want to show myself that I


know what they are talking about... Glad you did!


LAUGHTER Yeah, and then, we get a promotion called one month free so


we give customers one month free product. So I turned around to the


sales director and said, do you want one night stand instead of one month


free? My God. Thank you, Yaz. Well done,


everyone. If you would like to join us on the sofa, have a goo, you can


contact us via the website at this very address: Thank you, my lovely


guests tonight, Rebecca Ferguson. Jamie Oliver.


Martin Freeman. Join me next week with Tinie Tempah,


Miranda Hart and Julie Walters. Good night, everybody. Bye-bye!


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