The Labour Party: 30/04/2012 Party Election Broadcasts

The Labour Party: 30/04/2012

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We've all seen party political broadcasts before, but this one's a


bit different. This is a party political broadcast on behalf of


ordinary Londoners. London desperately needs a mayor who's in


it for London. Who understands what matters to ordinary people, like


cutting fares on public transport. In the last four years fares on


buses, trams... Tubes, trains and DLR... Have gone up above inflation.


Every year. The price of a single bus fare is now 50% higher than


four years ago. That's too much. Cutting these inflated fares will


save us..., �1,000 over four years, putting money back in our pockets.


If I haven't stkhrifred that cut by October 7 this year, I will resign


no, question. That's why... We need a mayor. Who didn't cut police


numbers while robbery and knife crime rise. A mayor who spends more


time meeting the police... Than meeting bankers. Shouldn't he care


more about pensioners being able to pay their heating bills. That's


millionaires reducing their tax bills. London needs action now on


high rents and rip-off landlord fees. On our electricity bills, on


the cost of child care. On keeping young people in education by


reversing the Tory cuts... Education Maintenance Allowance.


need a mayor to defence the NHS gets Tory cuts. And increase police


numbers. In tough times like these, we need a mayor are Labour values;


a mayor to feel they have one of their own. On their side. We need a


mayor for the majority, not the few. Ken, you can do this for London.


Come on Ken. Do it for Londoners. We know you can do it. Come on Ken.


Londoners need some help. Come on Ken! London needs you. Come on Ken.


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