Episode 4 RHS Chelsea Flower Show

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It's not every day that you walk through a field


...Or share the ground with over 17 members of the Royal Family...


...or finding yourself surrounded by hundreds of the world's top


garden designers and plant experts is pretty special too.


Here at the the Royal Hospital Gardens there's very


Welcome to the 2016 Chelsea Flower Show.


And so today marks the opening day of the most famous


All week our team from the world of horticulture and garden design


will be bringing you the very best of this event supported


Being a Monday the show ground was also packed


Ladies and gentlemen of the press fought for pole position to capture


the scenes as some big names descended upon the show.


Coming up on tonight's show we take a trip down memory


lane with Chelsea champ, designer Cleve West as he revisits


And of course Her Majesty the Queen came today


Also we find out how designer Hugo Bugg is bringing some middle


this morning very early, I spent some time as the Sun


getting a very privileged view of these gardens


It's a fine, clear morning, rising over London. I've got Chelsea not


quite to myself, I'm sharing it with a few photographers, but the chance


to look at all of the show gardens and the weeks of work has come to an


end, they are ready. Not yet judged or seen by the world but poised and


perfect. What you're looking for at Chelsea


is the special, things that immediately hit you. This is the


Telegraph Garden designed by Andy Sturgeon. Andy has made a garden


with geological power, using vast slabs of triangular stones and yet


combine debt with very subtle, gentle almost planting, although its


arid. Using a palette that is low-key but never drab makes a


culmination that is in chanting. I think this is a really special


garden. -- entrancing. This garden, called the antithesis of sarcophagi,


which is a man full, by Martin cooked and Gary Breeze looks like an


enormous block of granite surrounded by rather drab gravel. -- Martin


Cook. It seems like not a lot is going on but then you notice there


are tiny and full holes on the side of the block and if you peer through


the holes what is revealed is a beautiful garden. -- tiny little


holes. The combination of the stone and the garden hidden inside it


creates one of the most uplifting things I've ever seen at Chelsea. I


think the M garden designed by Cleve West is inspired, I love the


way it becomes a modern garden with open space and that takes real


skill. Knowing when to stop, knowing when not to fill a space with


something is a sign of a master at his peak. Just for a short time at


the beginning of this long day I've been able to share these gardens


with a kind of innocence. And solely to perfection. -- unsullied. That


has been a treat. Obviously those experiences of getting in ahead of


the crowd is great, fantastic. What you can't help noticing as well as


individual gardens is certain themes and patterns and plants get


repeated. They identified a vintage somehow. When you combine them


together, the designs and colours, that's how you remember Chelsea in


years to come. In terms of colour, what strikes you? Lots of oranges.


And Andy has the exotic foxglove, I've forgotten the name. Working


against the bronze. They used to be rusty steel but now it is bronze


with oranges and purple foliage in front. With a lot of natural


planting like we see in the Cleve West garden and quite a few others,


I think there is also more colour and more diverse colour. More


flowers. They were worried because we had such a cold spring and in the


last few years everything has burst into flour and those plants have


become available. Lots of people are using pink amid the oranges and


blues and purples. It is tricky. Some people have gone for every


colour under the sun and its gardens with restricted palettes that really


work. There is also a division between very geometric gardens like


Hugo Bugg and Andy Sturgeon. And then the other gardens like James


Basson. The flow of the space. There is a slight division there.


Manipulating space, the division again is pure gardens versus


landscape becoming a garden or being drawn from a garden. Naturalistic


planting we have talked about is a feature of a number of gardens this


year. They have taken their cue


from the natural world of flora as Rachel De Thame


has been to find out. Although there are gardens here that


are definitely manicure, there's also a real sense that nature knows


best. I'm standing in your garden and you


do feel as though you are surrounded by nature and you have been


transported. It has been transported here on many lorries. One of the


things at Chelsea is that you expect all of the plants to be perfect and


you come here and you have these old man's which are far from perfect,


they have been hacked about. -- almonds. It's a risky thing to do to


stick a bad tree in the front of a Chelsea garden but it works in the


landscape. The more you look the more you see. There are white snail


shells up there. It is a little white snail which creeps up the


grass to keep cool and you almost think they are flowers in the


landscape. I'm so seduced by that natural feel that coming to Chelsea


is such a great opportunity to express my passion for the natural


look. Sam Opens achieves a spectacularly naturalistic feel with


a garden which uses a wonderful mix of plans which are held together


with this graph -- grass. You get these highlights of colour which are


not native, it has these in the orange and this from South Africa.


You don't have to leave British shores to achieve that sort of


wonderful naturalness. Catherine, your garden has the most magical


atmosphere and I think it is this really naturalistic planting. I just


wanted to do something with our British native species. To try to


encourage people to perhaps use them in their own garden and appreciate


them more. How easy do you think it would be for somebody to recreate


this kind of effect in their own garden? I think it would be fairly


easy. A lot of the species are plants that are readily available,


and this is the native British silver birch which is under planted


by native species. It is something to do with the way that you have the


whole thing from the canopy, right through, you have the hedging as


well. You have wonderful layering of plants which gives it a natural


quality. What made you decide to choose this sort of rather natural


feel rather than something that was perhaps more manicure and formal? We


have a contemporary glasshouse structure, and I wanted to have a


contrast with the planting. And you can definitely use planting to do


that. It works beautifully. Thank you.


Incorporating elements of nature in terms of landscape and planting


are central to the garden designed by Cleve West.


Some of you will be familiar with Cleve who has notched up five


Chelsea golds over the years which include two Best Show Gardens.


He may be a familiar face on Main Avenue but this year he has


gone back into his past on Exmoor for inspiration.


But when I was 14 years old my whole family moved here.


Porlock in Exmoor, to run this hotel.


I think my fondest memory is the fact we came down here exactly the


same time as Fawlty Towers was popular on TV. Basically my dad was


Basil Fawlty. It was hilarious. It was quite a culture shock coming to


a quiet little village, but on the other side we have lovely


countryside to roam in and escape into. I used to hightail into the


hills and to the sea and it was perfect. We are in the Woods just up


the hill and the atmosphere was powerful and it stayed with me for


some time. I used to do athletics and I ran in the hills and I


competed at a high level against the likes of Billy Thomson and Linford


Christie and obviously I let them win! It has come as quite a shock


that I have become a gardener and garden design. I'm trying to evoke a


memory. That's the most difficult thing at Chelsea. I've decided I'm


going to have oak trees and oak trees are key to the garden. And I


will use things like blueberries in the garden, just as a token, but I


don't want to try to recreate this, you just can't do it in a 22 metre


space. The amazing thing about Exmoor is the diversity. You have


rock scapes here and sea views and more land. Valleys and fields, it is


so diverse, it's incredible. Stone will play a large part in the


garden. Not in a natural way, like you see here, it will be more


contrived, so they will form walls and benches and we will have a


mixture of rough-hewn stone and sawn stone so there will be a


contemporary edge to the whole thing. It's interesting on the way


up here, we were passing all sorts of woodland plants like wild garlic


and Angelica and those things you associate with woodland. I don't


think I was conscious of that in my teenage years. I certainly wasn't


learning the names and I wasn't interested in gardening at that


time, but seeing it now you read it in a more informed way. It's just a


new experience for me, coming up here and being able to read the


landscape more clearly. When I was about 18 we moved back to London as


a family. I went to a college to do art and physical education, I was


fortunate to work in David Hockney's studio for a week and my antilabour


round the corner and I spend my lunch times with her and she had a


big garden in Chiswick and I got hooked into gardening. The penny


dropped at that moment. When my aunt died she left me a small legacy and


I was able to support myself to go to the Hampton Court Flower Show and


that is what got me on the first rung of the ladder and I'm eternally


grateful. It's curious how things work out. This wasn't planned by any


stretch of the imagination. I want to try to make a very


contemporary space. That acknowledges the memory of living


here. We have all the ingredients, the oak trees, stone and water and


woodland planting. The trick will be to try to mix them up and make it a


modern and contemporary garden, evoking Exmoor without looking like


it. It is a bit of an experiment, I am a bit nervous about it. But it is


a challenge. And I always enjoy a challenge at Chelsea. I think this


is the best piece of work I have ever seen you do. I have been


following and admiring you for a long time. Does it feel like a


special piece of work to you? I'm sure it's the Best Show Garden I


have done at Chelsea. It is personal. It is based on my memories


of living near Exmoor and all those memories are confused in this garden


in some way, it carries a level of emotion which I think makes a good


garden. There are certain things about it which are quite risky. This


space for example is very open. A lot of people would have filled it


with something. I did have a drawing of a table chairs but quickly took


it out because it looked wrong. And these lovely blocks of stone, this


stone looks different, white did you choose it compared to natural? It is


the same, this rusty looking stone is coloured blue when you cut it in


half. Maybe that is why it works. I was nervous about using it. But held


my nerve and it looks great, much better than anticipated. And the


fence, I love that. Did you always know that is what you wanted? I knew


it but it was just finding that weathered timber, that was the


difficulty. The planting is not native, you have all kinds of things


going on, even though this is based on place. I did not want to recreate


Exmoor, I wanted to make a garden that was based on memories but not


every creation. I could not better it, I wanted to do something that


was just a personal reflection of celebration of the memory. So it is


a garden that is personal but clearly other people cannot know


that. It is a very self-indulgent garden, I'm sorry for that! But I


think it makes a better garden forehead rather than trying to


adhere to some of theme that you have got to stick to. It comes from


the heart. Well that comes through and if everyone enjoys it as much as


I already have, and I look forward to the rest of the week, I think it


will give a lot of people a lot of pleasure. Thank you very much.


In the build up to this event the press reported


that she is the first black female designer at the Chelsea Flower Show,


which has raised questions as to how diverse the world


I'm joined now by Juliet Sargeant, designer of the Modern Slavery


Garden here at the show, and Sue Biggs, Director


I cannot believe the first female black designer, that is shocking and


also great news. It had not occurred to me, I was just excited to be


doing Chelsea. Hopefully it is not once-in-a-lifetime! But a lifetime


dream. And then a journalist mentioned this and everyone is


talking. So someone had looked into the history of the designers and you


are the first like designer. Now the subject has been blown up quite a


lot by the press. And as soon, how do you feel about this as far as the


RHS is concerned that you mark just a year at ago we sat and talked


about how we would like more woman designers. Now there are more women


designers and I think it will just take time, Juliet will be a


brilliant role model and I hope that we can get more and more. We tried


with campaigns to get youngsters of all backgrounds beginning to garden.


They will come through and when they watched the television tonight and


they see Juliet, they will be inspired. Do you think that there is


a barrier between gardening, it is cross gender and appeals to all


ages, it is diverse in nature. That is what is so wonderful. But


professionally, to attract diversity into gardening and garden design,


you think that there is a problem. I think with garden design in


particular, it is expensive to train. Private colleges are quite


expensive and even if you do not go to one of those you have got to find


the funds to do the training and as a garden designer then it is unusual


to be able to earn a decent living straightaway. So just putting this


out there is a possibility, perhaps there is some economic barrier.


There are no barriers to gardening in itself, just the professional


side. You're doing stuff, you did a project recently in Brixton, in


inner-city areas. On the programme last night it had that amazing


coming together in Angell Town to build the basics of the garden. And


this garden in Chelsea were going to relocate that together with them.


They will all be kids who will have seen how wonderful it is to get your


hands in the soil and snow for the first time in their lives what it is


like to garden. I'm sure that some of them, and unfortunately Josh is


sick today so we will not see him go but I know he's excited about the


possibility of horticulture as a career. If we can achieve that they


will come through the line of being garden designers, landscape


architects, it is coming. It will take time. Great to have you here


are Juliet, and very positive news all round.


Now with Her Majesty's visit dominating the conversation


at Chelsea today, Carol's been in the Great Pavilion picking out


plants at the peak of perfection that really are fit for a queen.


Everyone is dressed to the nines trying to stand out from the crowd.


And I'm not talking about the people, I'm talking about the


plants. I want to find those subjects who truly are worthy of


regal attention. On parade today, two ladies in


waiting from the truly noble family. The family name trips off the


tongue. The first is agapanthus. Renowned for growing these beautiful


plants. Flowers beloved by the Queen Mother. One of them even called


Queen Mum. We have become familiar with them in our gardens but they


still retain this exalted status, a very special plant and no wonder.


Waiting in the wings are these debutants wearing their best party


frocks. Narine, iridescent petals sparkling. They hold their heads


high. This is their first time here. You're just not expecting to see


them because essentially there are autumn flowering. But somehow


Hoyland plans have managed to conjure them into bloom for their


first royal performance. And talk about regiments. Pomp and


circumstance. Just take a look at these vegetables. This truly is


Trooping the Colour. And is this a pyramid, a pillar or a pinnacle of


purple pod peas, it certainly puts the Busby bearskin in the shade.


Long before you see the brilliant colours of these dutiful hyacinths,


you can detect the fragrance wafting around the Great Pavilion. They are


the princesses of purple. For me this is the ultimate Royal Gala


performance. The like of which we have never seen before. Composed of


the Crown Jewels of the floral world. And it makes me feel like a


queen. Well I'm joined by radio royalty, DJ


and TV presenter Jo Wiley. Lovely to have you here. I love coming here.


You're always here, I see you every year. The number of people who ask


me if I actually garden. It is like being in an Alice in Wonderland


garden. Just having a bit of fun with the Chelsea visitors. I love


gardening. People keep asking if I do any gardening. Yes, that is why I


come here. What kind of gardening do you do? We have got a big field and


the Borders. I have got four children so we have a lot of play


areas, a tree house and also a vegetable garden. Different borders


all over the place. Would you call that are designed garden, or is it a


bit random. It is very random. Areas that are designed but it is just me


feeling my way through. I come here for inspiration, many friends are


into gardening so I pick their brains. But I'm happiest with the


whole day ahead of me to get into the garden and just getting weeding,


kicking and chanting. Do you find it distressing? If I wake up in a black


mood is as great therapy to go out in the garden. When you're at war


with the weeds, and you feel you're winning, that is great. Oh no, not


my favourite job! What ages are your children? Seven, 17, 15 and 20 four.


My seven-year-old is really good, every year we plant strawberries and


raspberries and we have a lot going on in the vegetable garden. She is


really good. You produce a lot for the kitchen. I do not cook I'm happy


to grow the staff and my 24-year-old daughter at does the cooking. You


have got every angle covered. And we have table tennis and a trampoline


so the others just play on the trampoline. Sounds like a versatile


space, outdoor living to the max. We are outdoors all the time. So how


does Chelsea compared to someone like Glastonbury as an event,


because you cover a lot of events. I do, this is the Glastonbury of


gardening. All kinds of craziness going on! And that sense of


occasion, we will just showing off their wares. Whether it is banned on


the stage at Glastonbury, you have people here showing their wares and


being very creative. I'm not sure it is as cool as you make it sound. I


think gardening is underrated, physically it is the hardest thing


you can ever do. At the end of the day your bones are aching. Like


being on the stage. But you get to hang out with all the rock stars.


Cleve West is pretty rock 'n' roll! And I just saw Lily Allen, she is a


big gardener. This is the celeb day on the Monday. What are you looking


forward to seeing? I just want ideas, I take photographs with my


phone and will take it home and see if I can make it work. Have you done


things at home that you have seen at Chelsea, and thought you could make


it work? I try to make all the Borders like Chelsea Borders. I'm


not sure I will have revolving bay trees in the garden any time soon!


That is rock 'n' roll for you. That is why I come. I know you will have


a good look around. I will go and investigate. Lovely to see you.


We've got plenty more coming up on tonight's Chelsea Flower Show,


an event supported by M Investments.


We'll be bringing you the Royal visit in full, meanwhile a number


of exhibits here at the show have gone to great lengths


to celebrate the 90th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen.


Toby Buckland has been to visit those with a nod


The highlight of any mandir Chelsea of course is the visit by Her


Majesty The Queen. To celebrate her recent significant birthday


exhibitors at the Great Pavilion have laid on so much more than cake


and balloons. The atmosphere is buzzing.


Commemorative arrangements, even the exhibitors have scrubbed up. But one


man has more in common with Her Majesty than most. Sir David, you


have got quite a lot in common with the Queen. You recently had your


90th birthday. Absolutely, I am a bit older, only about a month. You


have worked with roses pretty much all your life. I started as I left


school, about 18. And you work everyday, just like the Queen. That


is true. You have named quite a few roses for members of the family.


What to think she will make this display. I hope that she will like


it. It is fit for a queen! So many exhibits make a nod to Her Majesty


with planting schemes and the plants contained within them. This is a


vintage allotment. Tell me about this scheme.


We tried to create an allotment from 1926, the Queen'sbirth year. It was


grown for food, they needed potatoes and spinach and things like that to


get them some food. It is quite serendipitous in what they ate? They


have lovely turnips and of course we just eat the fruit but in those days


they used the tops and cooked them like cabbage. Waste not want not?


Absolutely. They used to eat the stems, braised, roasted, something


like that. Royal references aren't just in the plant names and borders


but even on the walls. I love this display. Carpet bedding at its best.


This is how sleek, they stopped up roots in Turkistan, so they say. And


this plant is a native succulents. You see it growing on the moors and


craggy hilltops. Both are extremely drought tolerant. Perfect for


something like this. That's it, the great Pavilion is set for the royal


arrival. By the looks of it, in a celebratory mood. Covent Garden in


central London dates back to medieval times.


And was home to the famous produce market supplying flowers,


fruit and veg to the UK. The original site of the flower


market in Covent Garden was a fashionable piazza


where Londoners would come to buy their fruit and vegetables.


This square that was also home to a variety of entertainment


But as time passed London got busier and busier and the demands


on the crowded streets surrounding the market grew.


Home to over 200 businesses and supplying three quarters


of London's florists, the new site is a busy


and thriving enterprise, selling a huge array of produce


from daffodils to pansies, chrysanthemums to orchids.


For decades this market has been supplying cut flowers,


foliage and plants to Chelsea, and this year they're putting


on their own exhibit for the first time.


While the capital was still snoozing, Adam Frost stepped


out to discover more about this very busy market.


Whilst London sleeps the whole world of horticulture stirs down by the


Thames. Wow. Unbelievable. I feel a bit like


Charlie Walker into Charlie and the chocolate factory. -- walking into.


I can't believe it's four o'clock in the morning and all this is going


on. This is the new Covent Garden flower market and it is like Mecca


for London florists, 75% of London florists come here. You can see why,


it's not only massive but has everything you can imagine. Gypsy


Ophelia from Ecuador, hydrangeas from Colombia. Sweet peas from


England. They literally come from all over the world. You must live in


a slightly different universe to the rest of the us. Monday morning is


half past 12 in the morning, Tuesday Wednesday, and on Saturday it's


three o'clock. We have a lie in! Where do all of these bits and


pieces come from? These come from South America. They are grasses from


Canada. They are from Peru. When would this be cut? Last Tuesday. And


it would have been sent over the weekend for today. About a week


really. Just under a week. Why do you do this job? The main reason is


that I love pretty things, flowers are pretty and we also get a lot of


pretty women in here! Best things about the job. If you're single it's


the best place to come. But I'm not here just to look at the flowers, I


have come to meet Ming Veevers Carter. She creates floral designs


for weddings, parties, events, the whole shebang. Not only in the UK


but across the world. Do you come here a lot? Four times a week if I


can. Every day is different. The colours and the smell and the people


and history. It's an amazing place. Here you are doing something at the


Chelsea Flower Show. We have been asked by new Covent Garden market to


do a display for them. The key behind every great florist is the


market and these guys support every single florist and it is the first


time they have ever displayed and the first time we have ever done


anything. This is the plan? This is the plan. This side shows the flower


market in itself, the buckets as you can see on the stands. Of course.


There is a whole wall of buckets and it shows the strength and support


that the market gives the florists. The buckets in here come into a core


and then burst out in colour on the other side. This is green and white


and simple and on the other side,... It's the Queen's head! Because the


Queen opened the flower market in 1975 and it's her 90th birthday so


it will be in really strong colours, we are going for fashionable colours


right now, yellows and oranges. And purples and blues. That looks as


though it layers back all the way through to the other side. Yes, so


from this site you can't actually see any of the buckets but when you


come from the other side you can't see the green either, so you have to


go all around. To get the full experience. I am going to see it, I


can't wait. Naman Ojha. It really does look


fantastic. You showed me the pictures, but this is blowing me


away. It's not just how it looks but it smells fantastic. It smells


amazing. It is beautiful. How did you find it? It was fantastic. As we


said before, the whole of the Chelsea Flower Show is like one big


family. Everyone has been helpful, the team we have is amazing. It's


been a real pleasure. No sleep but a real pleasure. How many days have


you done? We have been here since Monday. I don't even know what day


it is today! Seven days! You get a bit punch-drunk, don't you? Give me


an idea of the flowers you have used. Purple gladioli, red roses,


peonies, carnations are making a comeback. And sweet peas obviously


for the smell. Orchids, to show the international market. And tonnes of


freesia. It's just like my Thai! That is where I got the inspiration.


Bless you. Any difficult things in the build? Building the structure,


that was the most complicated thing because we had to really plan out a


lot before we put the flowers in. It's all about the mechanics behind


the scenes. Making sure the flowers last and making sure that we could


see the colours from a distance. So you get those layers. Any of the


plants being replaced in the week? We will replace about a third, not


every day but we will come in every morning and evening and check


everything and water it and spray it and gave it a lot of love and care


and have a chat. Then we will put it to bed. It is fantastic, the colours


and sent, I'm sure you will enjoy the week. I bet the Queen really


loved it. I hope so. We did it in her honour and we want to wish her a


happy birthday. That's lovely. It wasn't just royalty here at the show


today. Monday is press day and the show


ground was deluged with special guests all celebrating


the world of gardening. about gardening is radio DJ and TV


presenter Jo Whiley. Earlier today she took a tour


of the ground to find out One of the reasons I love coming to


Chelsea is because I'm a keen gardener, people might not expect


that but I'm like Mike pie and so are many people who come here, you


see things you like and I'm the person always taking photos and I


hot foot it back home and tried to buy the plans straightaway and it's


a wonderful process, and you spend the rest of the year seeing if those


plants actually look as good as they do at Chelsea. The chances are they


don't. What I love about this garden is the colouring. I love the copper,


the tones of the planting. The deep violet and black tones, that


contrast beautifully with soft greens and also there is a distance


to the garden, the way you can go on a journey. I can see it happening


for a very long time. You would not expect a garden to be


inside this massive slab of rock, that is the kind of thing I would


happily have in my garden, right down at the end for the kids to


climb on, they would have a trampoline at the bottom so they


could bounce off without hurting themselves and then inside there


would be this amazing garden. This is what I always say about


gardening, it is rock 'n' roll and good for the soul, it is all of


those things. This garden is great because it's an escape from


everything else that's going on out there and that is what gardening is


for me. It is kind of therapy. If I'm really stressed I will retreat


to my garden and I will start weeding and digging and at the end I


will feel better. This garden is very much like that, beautiful


running water and it smells gorgeous and it has herbs all over the place


and it is therapeutic and that is what gardening is funny, it's my


therapy, I guess. One thing gardening teaches you is patience,


and it's the whole relationship you have with the garden, Prince Charles


spoke about talking to his plans and everyone ridiculed him but now I


have been gardening so long that I understand. When the plants are


looking me in the eye I end up talking to them, what are you doing


here?! It makes me sound mad but maybe other gardeners can relate to


what I'm talking about here. It may come as is a prize but I can't


listen to music when I'm gardening and I don't want to listen to music,


I want to hear the water feature, the birdsong around me. And the


humming of the bees as I'm working away. That for me is the alternate


soundtrack, just the sound of my garden. -- the ultimate soundtrack.


2016 sees the return of some of the younger designers to main


avenue and in Friday's programme we'll be looking at their influence


One of those young designers is back and going for gold.


We caught up with him on a plant pilgrimage to the Middle East.


I have been visiting Jordan now for a few years and it is a magical


place. Beyond the city the countryside is


truly breathtaking stop there is a Mediterranean pine forest in the


north-west of Jordan. The limestone/ contained some of the last examples


of pine and oak habitat in the Middle East. Due to the underlying


limestone any water that falls swiftly drains away. Seeing these


incredible fans growing in such a harsh landscape inspired my garden


at Chelsea this year. I was fascinated to see how little


rainfall this beautiful flora required and I wanted my garden to


convey the message that water, so vital for the environment. Look at


these red and enemies behind me, I hope mine in the UK can be just


right for the show. Out in Jordan there followed by buttercups and


poppies and I will grow them in the UK and hopefully one of them will be


just right for the show. I walk further into the landscape


and another hidden gem is revealed growing in the wild.


I just found this lovely looping, the smell is incredible, these are


going crazy. I have got to have them for Chelsea but do not know if that


is possible. Back to the UK and the nursery and ask them very nicely.


This hostile landscape is home to the Bedouin people.


I'm intrigued by the traditional cloth that their craft and managed


to persuade them to supply me with some of this unique fabric.


This is a small village and I'm going to see the fabric being woven


for this Chelsea garden. This is my first chance to see the wool


close-up in its raw state. Before it is spun and woven. Is that three


pieces woven together or one piece? It is ready for weaving. It goes


through different phases. They select the right sheep, they wash it


and then make it ready for spinning. So this is made from goats and they


spin the hair to make the wool and weave it to make these panels. It is


a really coarse fabric but really immaculately done. These are around


because they're older but they start off black. They just replace


sections every year was up some of these are new and some are 20 years


old. How long would it take to weave this fabric? I have the fabric I


need will not take too long to make. It takes one year to make one metre


by 15 metres and we asked for 30 metres by three metres. So quite a


few years of work! By my reckoning it would take two and half years to


create the fabric I need but luckily, there are numerous ladies


in the village all weaving for Chelsea, so we should be OK. With


the deal done, we only have the small task of shipping the fabric to


Devon and hand waxing it to improve durability for the UK climate.


It is the first time I have been in your garden and it is stunning,


really very beautiful. You have got though poppies in flower not be in


enemies. Not the enemies. We had such a warm December, there were


flown in and that was it. You had something to take over and the


poppies look great and also you have the Lupin. That is magical, they


were planted ages ago. We managed to do it and that is great. The


geometry of the garden is quite baffling. What shape are these stone


structures? This is associated with water and it is the only equilateral


triangle in the whole garden. There is another one hidden inside the


water, that is quite a sacred shape associated with water. And that


ripple is beautiful, and the reflective quality. Your fabric came


good! You talked about it taking years to make. The amount of square


metres you wanted. It was a lot. The Bedouin ladieswear weaving it, then


we brought it to the UK and had a great team and waxing it. Because we


wanted it to be more durable if it rains and also the garden being


relocated, we wanted to think about that. And the geometric forms on the


boundary, tell us about that. I always wanted a three-dimensional


garden. And the same forms and geometry found deep within water


particles that I put into the fabric. They have all got a link


back to water. And you grow a lot of the plants from seed. Around 80% are


native to Jordan. So it has been really challenging, quite a couple


of years with this experimental process. I have been working with


the nursery manager in Jordan to test what might flower and bringing


that knowledge back to the UK and working with the nursery team here.


Are you happy? Really pleased, it has been a big challenge for the


whole team and I am delighted with how it turned out. I think for any


designer be important thing is to be happy with the garden. Thank you


very much. Today has been a big day for VIP


visitors and none more She arrived here just a few hours


ago to take it all in. Sophie Raworth was there


to witness her experience Her Majesty The Queen arriving here


at the Chelsea Flower Show. This is her 51st visit. She has been coming


since before she was Queen, first captured on film in 1947. And she's


about to pass through the arch on the Chelsea embankment, the first


time in the history of the flower show it has been bedecked with


flowers. It has been done in honour of her 90th birthday.


The Queen is about to be presented with a bouquet made by a


six-year-old girl, herself a keen gardener who grows roses and flowers


in her grandmother 's garden. The Queen is now talking to David


Austen, the famous Rose grower. He's also years old. And like the Queen


he is still working. What did she say about your beautiful roses? She


seemed to like them. How did it feel for you to have her here? It is a


great honour. Jo Thompson showing that you can


Duchess of Cambridge around her garden along with Prince Harry.


Prince Harry is of course something of a veteran of Chelsea, he was here


last year with his own show garden for his charity. The Duke and


Duchess have visited the Chelsea Flower Show for the first time,


plenty for them to see including a flower named after their daughter


incest Charlotte. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, their first


time at Chelsea and they are in your garden admiring your lawn! It is


priceless, a wonderful moment I will remember for ever.


I'm sure this will be a memorable part of the Queen 's visit to the


Chelsea Flower Show today, she's about to see this field of poppies,


more than 300,000 poppies that have been knitted by people all over the


world to honour those who died in conflicts over the past century.


Look at you both! I have got tears in my eyes. It has been amazing. She


was a bit surprised about what it was and how it came about and 50,000


people involved in putting it together. It is an amazing feeling,


she appreciated our work. It's been a very regal day


here and the gardens and exhibits This display has been made for us,


roses, lily of the valley. It is quite incredible. All the roses


making this caution. You could have six of these on your sofa at home!


Nigel sleeps on something like this! It is in the spirit of the day.


Judging has now taken place and tomorrow Chelsea


There will be tears of joy and I suspect some tears of sorrow as


well. Across the week we'll be reporting


on what medals the gardens and exhibits here were awarded


and tomorrow we can bring you the results


of the Best Show Garden. That award will be given to one


of the gold medal winners here. Today, we've been asking the team


to lay their bets on who will The one they think the judges will


pick. Explain how they make that decision. There is a points system,


as simple as that. You have got I think quite a few gold medals out


there and one of those on the points system, will win Best Show Garden.


We have got to make some predictions and my problem is I think there are


two outstanding gardens. Cleve West and Andy Sturgeon. I think head and


shoulders they are above the other gardens and a standout. I think the


judging process, whether it comes out in the wash that one is slightly


better than the other, I do not know how they will do that. Surely


somewhere down the line someone has got to make an order butchery


decision, I just like it more. -- an arbitrary decision. I think it could


be done on points at the same time, it could go down to a tie. I think


it will be Cleve West. I'm prepared to say I think Cleve West will win


Best Show Garden. I'm going to write it down. You may be correct. I'm not


telling you. I'm not a coward! We might both be right, we could both


be wrong. Tomorrow we have all the medal


results and Kate Adie reveals her secret


passion for plants. Our coverage starts again tomorrow


at 3.45 on BBC1 when Nicki Chapman and James Wong will have


all the medal results. The biggest and bloodiest


naval battle...


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