Episode 6 The Bottom Line

Episode 6

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very mild overnight. Cloudy and dampen the West. -- dam in the West.


Brightness developing across eastern England and eastern


Scotland. Rain heavier and more persistent for Northern Ireland,


western Scotland. East Anglia and the south-east will be very mild.


Tuesday will be a lovely day. Writer winds and very mild. --


This is BBC News. A summary of the news: China has joined


international calls for an end to Syria's violent crackdown on anti-


government protests. Syria's President warned of an earthquake


if the West where to intervene in his country. It would risk serious


becoming another Afghanistan. Two Britons were among the 17 killed in


Kabul yesterday in a car-bomb attack. They were electricians


working for an American building company. They were in an armoured


bus when it was hit by a Taliban suicide bomber. The Australian


airline Qantas said it hopes to resume flights within the next 24


hours. They grounded their entire fleet overran industrial dispute.


The airline said there were 3,000 affected passengers at Heathrow.


The Bishop of London has told anti- capitalist demonstrators outside St


Paul's Cathedral that he does not want to see their protest in the


end violence. Today was the first Sunday service since St Paul's was


opened again on Friday. A freak snowstorm in the US has left 10,000


homes and businesses without power. Three people are reported to have


died. Now, in a disturbing programme on child abuse in America,


Natalia Antelava goes to Texas to investigate the roots of a growing


epidemic of child deaths. Rebecca died when she was three. She was


beaten to death. But hers is just one story. Behind each face are


dozens of others. Every year, hundreds, possibly thousands of


children die in the world's richest democracy. Killed by people who


were meant to care for them. Clearly it is a huge public health


issue. It is a major epidemic. us get to the developing story of


the death of a three-year-old boy. A mother has been charged with


manslaughter. If that was a health issue, if that was kids getting


bumps on their hands which stopped them from writing, it would be


called an epidemic. Police say she was forced into a foot locker. A


two-year-old is in the hospital with liver damage. I am so tired of


the lack of response. She is four years old. Child abuse is


completely preventable. At the scene, investigators found two


children. They were aged seven and six. We're breeding an army of


future child abusers. It was March 2007. San Antonio was in full bloom.


But in this street, residents realised something had gone wrong.


In there. They said they came looking for a dead animal. Instead,


they found the bodies of two babies. So the baby was under this gap?


was there for three months. Three months? Yes. During the


investigation and trial that followed, their mother admitted to


beating her 18-month-old daughter to death because she would not stop


crying. Weeks later she also killed her four-month-old son Sebastien


and buried him next to his sister. Valerie Lopez and her boyfriend are


in prison for life. Four years on their flat is still up for rent.


The community is still in shock. Elsewhere in the US, thousands of


other children have died since in circumstances just as chilling.


Child abuse is a crime like no other. It happens behind closed


doors to those who often have no voice. It is difficult to detect,


more difficult to investigate and extremely hard to come to terms


with. No family, no community wants to admit it is failing to protect


its children. And yet more and more people, doctors, educators,


congressmen, are warning that in the United States, child abuse is a


problem of endemic proportions. While it happens everywhere, better


reporting of child abuse makes statistics more reliable in the


industrialised world. The only available comparative UN report


from 2003 estimates that every week, on average, two children die from


abuse in Britain and in Germany. Three in France. Four in Japan. And


27 in the United States. The combined population of these


countries is bigger than the US. But the rate in the US is three


times higher. The question is, why? In America, individualism is sacred.


In Texas, they pride themselves on being more independent and more


self-sufficient than anywhere else. We came into Texas because


everything is bigger here. The latest data from 2009 shows that


267 children died from abuse here. More than in any other state.


Officials say they are better at reporting deaths. As we travelled


across Texas we found reasons behind this staggering number.


They're far more complex. In her father's memory, Emma will always


be four. She would be sitting on the couch. She would look at me and


I would look at her. I would ask her, are you daddy's baby? She


would laugh and tell me, no I am mummy's baby. I would feign outrage.


What? What? She would start laughing. I'd say, no! She'd just


laugh. In the final weekend she was over I asked if she was daddy's


baby. She just said, yes. She just said, yes. We have an update on


breaking news. A mother sentenced to prison for not protecting her


little girl from abuse. Once the lights were shown, there was


bruising all over her body. On her stomach. She had a busted lip.


Bruising all over her face. Emma's mother, Abigail Young, moved in


with her boyfriend. He had a previous history of child abuse.


Lucas was sentenced to life in prison for raping and killing Emma.


Abigail is serving a 20-year sentence for failing to prevent her


daughter's death. Three weeks before she died, Emma was diagnosed


with genital herpes. Doctors reported it to the Child Protection


Services. They said sexually transmitted disease was not enough


of a reason to remove a child from home. Everybody had a chance to


save her. Everybody missed the signs? Everybody missed the signs.


There were signs from my family, signs that CBS missed, signs that


the doctors missed. Within weeks of her death, two toddlers were killed


in Texas. Both were under the watch of Child Protection Services. The


agency launched an internal investigation into their deaths.


Nobody was fired. Generally we do not talk about case-specific


information. There are some times when a woman or man, whoever we are


investigating, lies to us and we believe their lies. Surely the fact


that a four-year old had genital herpes was enough of an indication?


We certainly had medical indications that herpes can be


caused by many things. There were assertions from the parents. I have


had cases on this road. You cannot judge a neighbourhood on whether or


not there is abuse happening here. I would put nothing past anyone.


John Paul's job is to go from house-to-house investigating abuse


that happens behind closed doors. He was not involved in Emma's case,


but for him it is a reminder about what happens if he fails. The


problem, he says, is that it is easy to fail. John Paul is


currently investigating 38 families. That is more than double the


recommended case load. The main reason that the lot of


investigators are afraid to voice their opinions is because they


might lose their job. He was not authorised to talk to us. But he


felt it was necessary to do so. I have seen so much happen in the


five years I have been with the agency. I feel as if the


investigators that are out there doing the hard work but they are


not being heard by the upper level management. I think a lot of people


need to realise that just like police officers can burn out,


investigators can feel burnt-out. Overworked and underpaid officers


and a slow and often inefficient chain of command are not the only


reasons why so many children fall through the cracks of the system.


The former chief prosecutor of Harris County says that it is a


problem. He says the agency focuses too much on keeping families


together because that is what the Federal Government wants to do.


Randy Burton now owns this law firm. That is how he pays for providing


free legal services for children in trouble. His cabinets are full of


stories of children that were killed because they were allowed to


stay at home. In order to preserve the influx of federal money, which


has over half the money that states get for child welfare, it has


become an end in itself. We're going to make every effort to try


and preserve these families. So in a state like Texas, that boasts the


lowest rate of removal from homes in the nation, it is not surprising


they also have the highest number of child fatalities in the nation.


Up to 40% of children who die from abuse in the US have files with


Child Protection Services. This makes it very easy for the critics


to attack the agency. Not for their lack of desire, but for being too


much of a slow, clumsy bureaucracy. Some say critics are missing a


bigger problem. One of the bigger things that people need to remember


about CPS is that their job is about protecting children after the


fact. Their role is not to keep children from being harmed. That is


a huge point that people need to understand. I think it is all of


our jobs to protect children in the More than 30,000 children are


already in foster care in Texas. The system is overloaded. Every


year, hundreds of children come through this foster home as they


wait for the Government to find them a new family or to decide if


it is safer than to return to their parents. Some spend months here.


Others, years. No matter how many scars, how many prisoners they were


brought here with, all of their teachers say the children are


Child abuse is possibly the only crime in which the victim simply


doesn't know that something has This TV campaign is an attempt to


start a public dialogue about child abuse. It is not easy. The taboo


got broken about having breast cancer. We need that on this issue.


We need to break the issue. We need a first lady of the US to help


Dallas Children's Hospital is one of the biggest paediatric hospitals


in the US. From cancer to heart transplants, they do everything


here. And yet, child abuse accounts for 30% of the hospital's deaths.


The numbers are on the rise. We see increasing violence. I think the


cases that involve more double children in the one home are the


most striking. -- multiple. This particular scenario would be


siblings who are chronically and Torture situations. Dr Matthew Cox


is one of these few paediatricians in the country specialising in


abuse. He runs an abuse and neglect clinic. Most kids don't look like


the battered baby that we often see. Most child abuse does not look like


that. Most of the kids who are abused in the most severe forms


have internal injuries, with no external manifestations. The


doctors have to be aware of it and think about it. If they do not


think about it as a physician, they will miss the diagnosis. Currently,


most US medical students get only a day's worth of lectures on child


abuse while they are at in college. Not these students. Dr Cox make


sure they learn plenty about it. We joined Dr Cox as he took his


students to a courthouse in amiably tan, testifying in cases of child


abuse. It is part of his routine. It was a six-month-old girl. I was


one of the surgeons who treated her. We go in without a camera. Medical


treatment is often decisive in child abuse cases. After his


testimony, Dr Cox tells his students that it will be a big part


of their work. There is a lot more to the story then was presented. I


am concerned about the safety of the child. How do you prepare for


the case? This is one that has been said a couple of times. This was


ten months ago. In that time, I had seemed well over 1,000 other kids.


I didn't remember everything. Documenting the records is


important. I average being called as a witness about once a week. We


cannot fathom what kind of environment some children living.


In Washington, some politicians are beginning to recognise what many


told us is a real national crisis. Our role today is to be a voice for


the voiceless. A congressional report says that the current


numbers of child deaths are in fact a gross underestimate. I have been


here for almost 25 years. I have attended many hearings. This has


been one of the most painful. 2009, over 1,000 children died from


abuse according to the official data. The real number, according to


Congress, could be at over 2000. Expert witnesses explained why the


Government had to play a more active role. States need emergency


help now. Resources are dwindling, what child abuse and neglect is


increasing. Here is an example of a programme that many believe can


prevent abuse. Crystal is a qualified nurse. Every week for the


next two years, she will visit this child, because the state of Texas


says that he fits the criteria of a child at risk. Only one person in


his family has a job. No-one has health insurance. His parents have


just turned 18. While causes behind child abuse are complex, statistics


show it is more common in areas with more by a rights of poverty


and teenage pregnancy. -- high rates of. At this point, new


parents will get so frustrated and overwhelmed that they will throw


the baby down on the couch or shake the baby. This couple are


determined to be good parents, but they say teenagers need help.


frustrated at some points. I will not hurt him. I am conscious of


what I'm doing. But it does sound like a lot a parents, especially


dance, feel like they are still teenagers and having fun. -- dads.


They will get frustrated and do something about it. They may regret


it later, but it happens. Prevention could be an important


part of the solution, but because of budget cuts, dozens of state,


including Texas, and cutting their prevention budgets. This leaves


millions of children without a safety net. Madeleine says it is


getting harder to push prevention programmes. Legislators from both


sides of love children. They are not adequately educated on the


consequences of abuse and how they are paying for it. They look at the


medical costs. They look at the prison cost. Remedial education.


This is one of the most important routes of all evil in our society.


The televised trial of a Florida woman, Stacey. She was accused of


helping her brother to kill their parents. Prosecutors said it abuse


they experienced in childhood was a cause of the murder. Stacey was


found innocent and agree to talk to us about what it was like to grow


up in an abusive home. Crying was forbidden in the house. If you


cried, you got beaten more. If you made a sound when you hit, you got


it more. If you made a sound or try to move when you rate, it last


longer and got more violent. -- got raped. You just took it and dealt


with it. Once you are reduced, you do not know anything but anger and


violence. -- are abused. That's all you know how to live there.


years on, she is still in therapy. Her brother is in jail for


murdering their parents. The more damaged our children become, the


more damaged our society becomes. We need to open doors for these


kids to get help. A study done by the US Justice Department found


that 68% of the inmates were abused as children. Those numbers are


adding up and they are adding up in a terrible way. Across the US, many


are trying to the cycle of violence that starts in childhood. It is a


battle they will win only when the rest of the country acknowledges


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