Last Night of the Proms - Part 2 BBC Proms

Last Night of the Proms - Part 2

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It is a great party celebrating the end of the world's biggest music


festival. Welcome to the Last Night of the Proms 2014.


We are in for a real treat tonight as we watch a Sabre Dance, take a


visit to Plymouth Hoe and celebrate a special anniversary for everyone's


favourite nanny, Mary Poppins. There are spectacular soloists in the form


of Dutch violinist, Janine Jansen, Roderick Williams, and hotfoot from


the West End, Ruthie Henshall. As ever, the festivities are


spilling out well beyond the hall. There are 60,000 people celebrating


with us tonight, from London's Hyde Park, in Northern Ireland at the


Titanic Slipways in Belfast, they are enjoying the fun there, in Wales


at Singleton Park in Swansea they have all been singing along, and in


Scotland, the party is well under way on Glasgow Green.


You can press your Red Button at any time to see highlights from the BBC


Proms in the Park events. Or you can go to the BBC Proms website.


Sakari Oramo, all the way from Finland, will be coming on stage any


moment now to perform the famous Sabre Dance from Khachaturian's


ballet, Gayane. And there he is. Coming on to the stage now, Sakari


Oramo. He is going to be conducting the BBC Symphony Orchestra in


Khachaturian's fiendishly fast Sabre Dance. Let's go.


MUSIC: Sabre Dance By Aram Khachaturian


Loving it here in the Royal Albert Hall! That was Khachaturian's Sabre


Dance performed by the BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sakari


Oramo. What a way to get the party started! A special mention there to


the leader, Natalie Chee, and also to the timpanist John Chimes. An


amazing way to start the second half of Last Night of the Proms. Everyone


is hugely excited. It is Sakari Oramo's first Last Night of the


Proms. He calls it a remarkable institution and he did say to me he


was looking forward to the second half when things can get a bit out


of hand! That Sabre Dance by Khachaturian was his most famous


work. Written in 1942, it was a ballet about a girl in rural


Armenia. The piece went viral and the piece sold over a million copies


in the USA alone. I can't tell you how many times you must have heard


that piece covered, film scores, TV series. One thing struck me - how


many times have you heard it as the soundtrack to figure skating? That


is what I associate it with! Next, we will hear Janine Jansen. She will


be coming on stage to perform Ravel's Tzigane. There she is,


looking gorgeous. She's appeared twice this year already. She


performed The Lark Ascending, she had her own Chamber Prom and she is


loving being here tonight. MUSIC: Tzigane


By Maurice Ravel Wow! Just listen to that cheering in


the hall at the virtuosity displayed by Janine Jansen in Ravel's Tzigane,


the gypsy rhapsody. Performing here at the Last Night of the Proms with


the BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sakari Oramo. She told


me earlier how much she loves playing that piece.


Well, there is no doubting Janine Jansen's virtuosity. She started


playing the violin when she was six. She comes from a musical family. Her


mother, her father, her brothers are all musicians. You know, it was the


violin that Sakari Oramo played before he picked up his conductor's


baton. Here she comes again. Everyone loves Janine. Look at the


Orchestra clapping her as well. It was Sakari Oramo, who was the leader


of the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. He still plays. You might


well have seen him and Janine playing a duet in Proms Extra


earlier in the season. And she's obviously getting ready to play


again now. I'm not sure where the conductor has got to, though. There


he is! We might see another little flourish from him, too.


A little bit of Proms history there. That was La Cucaracha, especially


arranged for tonight's concert. The fabulous Janine Jansen joined by


tonight's conductor, Sakari Oramo. Great friends, clearly. Huge fun


they were having out there. They are now getting their special gifts,


given to them by dedicated Prommers Simon and Jill Sylvester. They have


been promming since 1971, apparently.


What a great encore! I don't think anybody in the hall would mind if


they did that all over again. Well, as we say farewell to Janine


Jansen, we say hello to our other star soloist of the evening, the


British baritone, Roderick Williams. He is not only one of the country's


best-loved operastars, he's also an extremely good composer and we will


be hearing him perform two of his arrangements of well-known American


songs, starting with a classic African-American Spiritual, Joshua


Fit the Battle of Jericho. If you were watching the first half, you


heard Roderick performing in that Strauss cantata, Taillefer, a


wonderful performance by him and his fellow soloists Elizabeth Watts and


John Daszak. We also heard him talk about the big question for any


soloist at the Last Night of the Proms, which is what do you wear


when you are the soloist who is going to sing some of those party


favourites at the end of the Prom? We don't know what he is going to


appear in. As he said, he's spent more time worrying about that than


he did worrying about what he was going to be singing. Well, here he


is. Roderick Williams, with the multi-talented, Sakari Oramo.


This time, we will be hearing him sing his arrangements of some


classic American songs. # Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,


Jericho, Jericho # Joshua fit the battle of


Jericho # Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,


Jericho, Jericho # Joshua fit the battle of Jericho


And the walls come tumblin' down # You may talk about the men


of Gideon # You may talk about the men


of Saul # But there're none


like good old Joshua # You may talk about the kings


of Gideon # You may talk about the men


of Saul # But there're none


like good old Joshua # Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,


Jericho, Jericho # Up to the walls of Jericho


With sword drawn in his hand # Go blow them horns, cried Joshua


The battle is in my hands # And the walls come tumblin' down,


that mornin' # Joshua fit the battle of Jericho,


Jericho, Jericho # Joshua fit the battle of


Jericho # And the walls come tumblin'


down, Roderick Williams, what a beautiful


voice. How much is he enjoying himself, performing his own


arrangement of the African-American Spiritual, Joshua Fit the Battle of


Jericho? Next, we are going to hear him sing Jerome Kern's Ol' Man River


from the musical Showboat. # There's an old man called the


Mississippi. # That the old man that I'd like to


be. # What does he care if the land


ain't free? # Ol' Man River,


that Ol' Man River # He must know somethin'


but he don't say nothin' # He just keeps rollin',


keeps on rollin' along. # He don't plant tatters,


and he don't plant cotton # And them that plants 'em,


are soon forgotten. # But Ol' Man River,


just keeps rollin' along # Bodies all achin'


and racked with pain # Tote that barge


and lift that bail. # You get a little drunk


and you lands in jail. # I'm tired of livin',


feared of dyin' # And Ol' Man River,


he just keeps rollin' # Just keeps rollin',


just keeps rollin' along. Ol' Man River, Jerome Kern's song to


the Mississippi from his musical Showboat, in a brand-new arrangement


by tonight's soloist, Roderick Williams.


Roddy is no stranger to the Proms, and he is hugely popular, as you can


see. He was here last month, singing in the commemoration of the 100th


anniversary of the outbreak of World War One. Five-star reviews from his


performance then. That song we just heard, Ol' Man River, made famous by


the great singer Paul Robeson in the 1936 film version of Showboat. A


real American classic. Now, it has been 50 years since the


classic Disney film Mary Poppins was released back in 1964. Who can


forget Julie Andrews' star turn as the practically perfect nanny and


the adventures she gets up with Jane and Michael Banks, alongside Dick


van Dyke, the chimney sweep. The real stars of the show were the


musical numbers by Robert and Richard Sherman. No childhood is


complete without Let's Go Fly A Kite and


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! And speaking of


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, yes, that's


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, thank you very much, the BBC asked


the young and the young at heart to send in their own footage to form a


virtual choir. So, let us take a look at this very special


performance. # Supercalifragilistic-


expialidocious! # Even though the sound


of it is something quite atrocious # If you say it loud enough,


you'll always sound precocious # Supercalifragilistic-


expialidocious! After that, I do hope you will join


in at home as we celebrate the world's best-loved nanny, Mary


Poppins. West End superstar, Ruthie Henshall, will be taking the role


immortalised by Julie Andrews and leading the audiences here and


around the country at the Proms in the Park events. Now, it is time for


me to hand over the proceedings to tonight's conductor, he is also


practically perfect in every way, Sakari Oramo.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. AUDIENCE: Good evening. It is truly


a great pleasure and honour for me to welcome you all to the Last Night


of the Proms celebrations. All of those of you who are here in the


Royal Albert Hall, welcome. And all of you watching and


listening to us around the world on radio, TV and online, welcome as


well. And a very special greeting to the


audiences in the four Proms in the Park venues around the UK - Glasgow.


And, of course, in Hyde Park, just across the road from here.


So, will you in the hall please at my sign join me in saying one big


"Hello, Parks" to them all? AUDIENCE: Hello, Parks!


It's singalong time now, wherever you are. And tonight we have a world


premiere, a new arrangement by Ann Dudley of hits from Mary Poppins by


the Sherman brothers. The words will be up on the screen or in your


programme. Please look out for the key changes in


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I will help you. I WILL help you!


And to lead us through the medley, please welcome Ruthie Henshall!


Wasn't that fantastic? Ruthie Henshall, with the BBC Symphony


Orchestra and Chorus and Sakari Oramo in that fantastic medley from


Mary Poppins, music and lyrics by Robert and Richard Sherman, arranged


tonight by Ann Dudley. Ruthie Henshall getting flowers from a


Prommer. She won Best Actress in a Musical Role for She Loves Me.


Swansea and Glasgow are continuing with their own celebrations and you


can watch them online. Belfast and Hyde Park will be re-joining us


later. Here in the hall, we will be heading to the West Country next for


a jaunty nautical overture by John Ansell called Plymouth Hoe


incorporating some favourite old sea shanties - you will hear a familiar


tune! It won't be the last time you will be hearing it tonight. Standing


by for our conductor, Sakari Oramo, who had to go and calm down a little


after that Mary Poppins medley. Here he is. He is having the time of his


life! MUSIC: Plymouth Hoe


By John Ansell Plymouth Hoe by John Ansell, the BBC


Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sakari Oramo ending with that


triumphant version of Rule Britannia! I did tell you that


wasn't the last time you were going to hear Rule Britannia! Any minute


now, Roddy William also be back on stage to -- Williams will be back on


stage to perform it in full. And here he comes. Resplendent in red


and blue sequins! Here is Roderick Williams to perform Thomas Arne's


Rule Britannia! # When Britain first


at Heaven's command # This was the charter,


the charter of the land # And guardian angels


sang this strain # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # Still more majestic


shalt thou rise # More dreadful


from each foreign stroke # As the loud blast


that tears the skies # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # The muses still


with freedom found # Blest isle


with matchless beauty crown'd # And manly hearts


to guard the fair # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # The muses still


with freedom found # Blest isle


with matchless beauty crown'd # And manly hearts


to guard the fair # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves # Rule, Britannia!


Britannia, rule the waves Roderick Williams, who has the best


smile in opera, singing Thomas Arne's Rule Britannia. They loved it


so much, we had to have an encore. Now, another Last Night tradition,


we are going to hand over to Sakari Oramo for his first-ever Last Night


conductor's speech. You are all in very good voice. Congratulations.


You have just proved that Sir Henry Wood's vision to bring classical


music to everyone is alive and kicking! Sir Henry's bust has sat


looking at us all throughout this Proms season, as it always does. So,


while we take this moment to crown him with his traditional chaplet,


let's have three cheers for Sir Henry. Hip, hip...


AUDIENCE: Hooray. Hip, hip... Hooray. Hip, hip... Hooray! The


Prommers doing the honours there - Peter Burke and David Holden.


The Proms is the greatest music festival in the world. Let's salute


those many superb soloists, orchestras, choirs, conductors,


composers, who have appeared in this 2014 season.


And let's give a special round of applause to tonight's performance,


our soloists, Janine Jansen, Roderick Williams, Ruthie Henshall,


Elizabeth Watts and John Daszak. Our composers, Gavin Higgins and Ann


Dudley. The BBC Singers.


APPLAUSE The BBC Symphony Chorus.


APPLAUSE And the BBC Symphony Orchestra!


APPLAUSE Once again, there have been huge


audiences at the Proms. And as so many of the artists have said, you


really are the greatest audience in the world!


And a particular thanks to the Prommers down here.


Because not only do they come to all the concerts, but they also collect


large amounts of money to support musical charities and this year, you


have raised an amazing ?89,700! So, I have been...


AUDIENCE: More! I have been asked to also do a


personal part of the speech tonight. It's kind of difficult for me


because I'm Finnish and we don't talk very much! So, I...


AUDIENCE: Ahh! Do you know how an introvert Finn


addresses a Prom's audience in a speech? By looking at his shoes - do


you know how an extrovert Finn addresses a Prom's audience? By


looking at Prommers' shoes! But I feel really fantastic being


here right now and that's because I'm here because of you, everybody's


love for music. I - and I am sure many here and many


in the Parks, and many watching or listening to us all around the world


have got from their childhood homes as a constant heritage, a love for


music. And that's very important because music is so many things.


That is why I'm making a plea for children and young people's


continued possibilities to be exposed to good and great classical


music. There is fantastic work being done


in many schools in this country and around the world on this subject.


But, sadly, too many are left out. And the tendency nowadays,


everywhere, the resources tend to go elsewhere than in music and arts,


education. I just find that is losing some very important


priorities. Music is not only, of course, about


knowledge, theoretical aspects, but it's love and appreciation for the


art and that is what we should all pass on to coming generations in


whatever form. Music is so many things, as I said. It is


mathematics. It is science. It's a universal language to those who are


open for it. Music is history, it's culture, it's Physical Education,


it's geography. Music develops inside. Music is therapy for those


who need it. Music is a wonderful, high-speed, dual carriageway to a


human mind and innermost emotions. That's, I think, we are all here


for. We are all here to appreciate music and, yes, I will show my


Finnish flag now at the back. It's a bit chilly here! Excuse me.


I'm fine, thanks! So, let's now look forward to next


year and to the 2015 Proms, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will


be back here on Friday 17th July to open the 121st Proms season. I hope


you all can join us then. Thank you. We are going to hear Elgar's Land of


Hope and Glory, this is Pomp And Circumstance March No 1.


MUSIC:Pomp Circumstance March No.1 By Sir Edward Elgar


# Land of hope and glory, mother of the free


# How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee


# Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set


# God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. #


# Land of hope and glory, mother of the free


# How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee


# Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set


# God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. #


You do want another go on that, don't you?


# Land of hope and glory, mother of the free


# How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee


# Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set


# God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. #


Land of Hope and Glory, Elgar's Pomp And Circumstance March No 1. The BBC


Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sakari Oramo. And a welcome return


to audiences in Hyde Park and Belfast, while Swansea and Glasgow


continue their own celebrations, which you can watch online.


# Walk upon England's mountains green


# On England's pleasant pastures seen?


# Bring me my spear, O clouds, unfold


# Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand


# In England's green and pleasant land! #


The stirring words of William Blake, set by Hubert Parry. Jerusalem


performed by the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, along with


Natalie Chee and the BBC Singers, conducted by Sakari Oramo here at


the Last Night of the Proms. AUDIENCE CHEER


Appreciation from the crowd here. Before we say goodbye, it is time


for Benjamin Britten's National Anthem.


The National Anthem, arranged by Benjamin Britten and performed by


the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, with the BBC Singers,


conducted by Sakari Oramo. The wonderful story of course of


that version being performed for the Queen in 1967 and, apparently, she


said to one of the singers that she had never before been so affected by


the anthem and she added, "I have heard it once or twice before."


As ever, wonderful, warm atmosphere in the Royal Albert Hall. And from


what I can see, quite some parties at the Proms in the Park events,


too. Fantastic shots. Sakari Oramo, who was so looking


forward to tonight, and who has just relished every minute, hasn't he?


Special thanks to so many different members of the BBC Symphony


Orchestra, his first Proms season as their Chief Conductor. What a season


it has been, honestly, 75 concerts have been top notch, as ever. We


have had so many firsts, we have had the Proms teaming up with the


National Theatre to bring audiences the War Horse Prom. We had our first


dog ever take part in a BBC Proms, Salty the Dog, who appeared in the


CBeebies Prom - that was fun(!) Now, as Sakari Oramo leaves the stage,


there is one last tradition - the Prommers lead us in a chorus of Auld


Lang Syne. Well, that really is it for another


year, the 2014 BBC Proms finishing in true style here at the Royal


Albert Hall. It has been a remarkable year of concerts. We will


be back next year with the 121st season of the BBC Proms. There is


more to come. They start on Friday 17th July 2015, put it in your


diary. I hope you will join me then. For now, from me, Katie Derham, and


from all the BBC Music team at the Royal Albert Hall, thank you for


watching, good night.


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