22/10/2016 Dateline London


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Hello and welcome to Dateline London.


Britain will leave the European Union but remain a close ally -


according to Prime Minister Theresa May.


The battle for Mosul - and for Aleppo.


Plus: Donald Trump refuses to say whether he will accept the US


presidential election result after his final debate


with what he called the "nasty woman."


My guests today are: Agnes Poirier of Marianne, Jeffrey Kofman,


who is a North American journalist, broadcaster Nesrine Malik,


who is a Sudanese writer, and David Aaronovitch of The Times.


Britain still wants a close relationship with the European Union


after Brexit, according to Theresa May at her first


It comes as France plans finally to close the migrant camp at Calais


Is the immigration issue at the heart of Brexit?


And can it be solved - whatever that might mean -


without significant damage to the UK economy?


First of all, and all the negotiations going to be conducted


in French, as the EU representative seems to think. The answer... The


answer is no. Anyway, who could do it? He speaks French? The


conversations are going to be hired anyway. Look, as long as article 50


is not triggered, we can talk about it for Arras, what we don't know.


The answer is we don't know until it's done, and we start, they start


negotiating. Nobody really knows. It might go on for a very long time,


until March, at least, because Theresa May said that was the time


she would push the bottom. So that summit on Thursday, where they said


you will get a hard Grexit. And then they said freedom of movement is not


only about hedge funds, it's also about citizens. And then wishing


somehow Britain wasn't exiting the EU. Then Parliament will get a vote,


which is probably the most interesting bit of news. The British


Parliament having a role as interesting, but one of the most


interesting things is Canada has been scuppered by one lonely


refusing to agree the deal. Even if you are a is


Remainer, this is difficult. Remainers have to deal with the fact


that the EU doesn't quite work and that opponents have to deal with the


fact that they still have to deal with the dysfunctional EU. The


complaint was that the EU was undemocratic and was dubbed to a


billion, but this seems to be over responsive to Perpignan, such as


taking notice of the Wallonia, who a lot of people in Britain have never


heard of. Wallonia want to protect their cattle industry from the


Canadian input and that is stopping the entire deal. So five hundred


million people I'd check needed. We should call this what it is, it's a


symbol of the way in which some people are reacting against


globalisation, in this case Wallonia, but also assessment of


people arguing against the trade gales. Hillary Clinton was forced to


roll back on that, because of the illusion that if you can stop the


Canadians coming in, you can protect you and industries. Actually,


although it does point of the difficulty of getting 20 countries


to do the same thing, it shows how difficult it would be for Britain to


get any kind of trade deal. I was listening to trade Secretary


yesterday and said, it shows how right we are to get out. But also


seen who will get a good deal. You actually are". The two sides of your


bed and not actually connecting. But to answer your original question


about immigration, when the company was going, we said that this was


basically a plebiscite on immigration. But the Grexit campaign


said it was only about protecting business and democracy and


sovereignty, but it was a plebiscite on immigration and moreover, it was


a plebiscite on all immigration, not just EU immigration, as evidenced by


the reaction to all people perceived as immigrants. There has been


advising hate crime and racial slurs in general. I think this is legacy


of the various strange and contradictory attitude that


politicians have had to immigration in Kent, in that they have been


either not talking about how valuable immigration isn't there


also not been talking about how sometimes immigration in certain


areas can be disturbing to the local population. The Villa Park this


conspiracy of paralysis on both sides of the debate. People not


wanting to talk about the good side thought the Bard or immigration, so


loser was a vacuum that it was billed by this Brexit shaped hall.


Now it's happened, people will see that the ramifications are not just


about immigration. We might even end up in a situation where the pan


control immigration. We don't know how the discussions will go, but we


know that the leader of movement and the single market are linked and you


cannot have both. If, they are saying they want freedom of


movement, there is this conversation between deaf people. They keep


shouting at each other, but they don't seem to be talking to each


other. Then they bring in Calais. All these people there, they hope


some of them were want them in advance, but then living to start


the process of asylum seekers. But what many people don't know is that


even when there are agreements between the UK and Europe that are


not even limited, the reason there are migrants in Calais is that there


is an agreement between France and UK that this is the last line.


Although it's not related to the new general, if there is a bad


atmosphere, the fate of time that up and one. There is the mother of all


these that will happen in Ireland, which is that in order to maintain a


saltwater, you have effectively to put the British border in Dublin and


all entrances to Ireland, but islanders are fully signed up member


of the European union. I cannot see any process which stops people from


going from the EU into Ireland and then going over this border into


Belfast. This is a wireless contradiction, which we don't have


an answer for. There is no absolute answer to it. That is just something


which is absolutely lucrative hours. That's before you get onto the


complexity of trade agreements and so on, which infinitely more


complex. That's why, when Donald Tusk says, he has that


have lost faith in people, he knows they might say now we have had a


site of this, we are not sure about it. I haven't entirely lost hope of


that either. Where do you think the British Parliament or content of


this? For hundreds of years, we have assumed that the government in a


non-unwritten constitutional way, that the parliaments is softening in


this country, referendums might be important, but they are advisory.


The Levin told us one thing only, which is only the EU. It didn't tell


us anything about the alternatives and other agreements. So about the


offer but what that he is in play and it's got Parliament to decide


what the business visionaries. The problem with the cat decided the


best conclusion, they can only decide what they want to try for,


and then what they will accept, because they are on the other end of


a huge complex negotiation with other people, who also have


sovereignty over their own decisions. When you look at the Pope


and British parliamentary system right now is that the biggest local


opposition to Brexit was within Theresa May's own party. The Labour


Party is not part of this equation. The official opposition should be in


some way of preventing alternatives are challenging the assumptions, but


Jeremy Corbyn is so marginalised nuances can support. There will be


Labour figures who have an important part of the coalition of scrutiny,


but it will come from Jeremy Corbyn. Hillary Benn has now taken the


chairmanship of the community. If you're going to be a trade deal


between Canada and the EU, do you think? Nobody knows!


Iraqi forces - aided by the United States and other allies -


have moved to retake the strategically important city of


Mosul this week with Islamic State fighters in retreat.


Do we expect the result to be more suicide


There has definitely been a slow but in the suspicion that of Isis. They


have launched a counterattack, but on the whole, we can agree that Isis


is beginning to lose some influence. But when people think that Isis is


beginning to treat on a practical level, that doesn't actually mean


Isis needs territory to be Isis. The power of Isis and how it had landed


internationally is that it is an ideology, non-negotiator Paul,


intransigence in general. I think that on the ground, it will be a


mercy not to have Isis in power in Iraq and hopefully in Syria as well.


But I don't think that means that Isis the idea is on the way at all.


Weather that leaves more suicide bombings, more terror attacks or an


intensifying of the ideological war, because that is a possibility. The


challenge to Isis as an idea has to come from Muslim communities


themselves. There's no point in people from outside the Islamic


world challenging it ideological. I think within the Arab world, is the


complete consensus that Isis the complete abomination and people are


fighting against Isis to deliver and ideological. Then there is not an


Muslim Brotherhood, it's not a political party that came out in


decades of systematic, coherent, political and ideological


oppression. It's an anathema. It is an aggregate sure that arose now


would sleep dysfunction and nationalistic failure across several


countries. Opportunistically. So in the way that the Muslim Brotherhood


has now been undermined systematically across North Africa,


because the reasons for its existence have also changed, I don't


think Isis can be dealt with one coherent push. I agree with what


your saying, but I think that Isis can you described the Colts, and I


it's the Colts, I saw this in Libya when I covered the form of Colonel


Gaddafi, hopelessness, the despair, the drift of the Next Generation,


the youth in the regions, allows them to be vulnerable. In the two


groups the engagement, prosperity in the future. So the vulnerable to


this kind of extremism, which is least gives them a sense, the false


sense of place. I think that way you look at the solution, I know I


remember when I was in Libya, speaking to a very intelligent


Libyan, who had come back to work with the billions in rebuilding the


country. I said to her, if he had a pile of money, but we can build?


They said, I would build youth centres, sports centres and Johann


to have positive outlets. This is the problem. There is no beer,


business structure. The only talk about depleting Isis, it's fine to


talk about the military we can all take comfort in that. But in the


longer term, and to give people the opportunity. It also strikes me that


in order to have an intimate and defeat them to ideological, who this


night campaign and that has been lacking in western involvement in


the region. Exactly. And look at the battles on the ground, those who are


fighting Isis, it looks as if President Obama and the US


administration has even sillier to our third and Putin and go straight


in on Iraq. -- including Syria to President Assad and Vladimir Putin.


In the terrorist attack on baggage the Baghdad, where 300 people


killed. I fear I have a wave of suicide bombings in there. This is


where you have a problem overhangs, it is foreign policy, but it's also


something is happening and this is exactly what you're talking about,


and ideology. It's not on the ground, it's not the military


context that the defeat Daesh. There is however an alternative that is


still in place in Europe. The car into the slightly different tack, I


think that because one of Isis was a key selling points is that it has


territory, I think the wrath of that territory is support for Jihad and


probably he to anticipate the other forms of jihadist. Although the


consequences are likely to be the scene, which is that the two groups


of terrorists attempting to do bad things in Europe and Iraq. But for


the longer term, imaginatively to a city the size of the form, let's


say, then most extreme form of the provisional IRA could conceivably


imagine, it has been there 15 years, running out of the left of the


schools, destroying the lead and the people that live. I did has to be


done in such a move, this rebuilding of this enormous city and area


inadvertently that live. I did have to be done in such a way, this


rebuilding of this enormous city and earlier inadvertently let it doesn't


replicate the problem is the government in Iraq had partly be


responsible for before, with the alienation of the populations and so


on, and immensely complicated job, so that has to be done as well,


actively rebuilding is important and even then it leads to the question


of Daesh in the one and the difficulties there. This will impact


on the subject a little if we are going to talk about the American


presidential election, which is that American policy here becomes pretty


significant, not totally decisive, but pretty significant. Are those


policies could be continued probably change? Let's move on.


Donald Trump spoke of deporting "bad hombres" from the United States


and characterised Hillary Clinton as a nasty woman for suggesting


that he might continue to avoid paying taxes in future.


But the main headline from the third and final US presidential debate


was simply that Mr Trump refused to say that he will definitely


accept the election result in November.


I'm tempted to ask that, but in truth we have been talking about the


issues the experimenting with these, one way or another, those who almost


as if this would be selling another world, talking about beauty


pageants. It is absolutely despairing of the available to watch


this, but I could say it's always dangerous when movies words will


come back to haunt you. But barring some unforeseen surprise, better


late than never. The pays the Hillary Clinton is going to win it.


So that is clear, value for a surprise. What's not clear if what


happens within discontented Donald Trump supporters. He said the


election might be leaked. This undermines American democracy, the


sanctity of the front. Pointing. This man is really, really evil. He


has no respect for democracy, no interest in understanding it. Who


has shown his instinct to be a demagogue and a dictator and they


can do serious damage. If he loses. If, in Japan. If Clinton hated, I


watched the third debate and if you watch it, not knowing any back


through the these people, she put it so brilliantly. She spoke about the


issues, she was not fazed, she was not knackered, the statistical


undermined him in the group phase, a great thing for people who have to


deal with Putin and others. He looked like 15-year-old boys who


hadn't done his homework. He couldn't talk about anything


substantive serious thought to personal attacks. Hillary Clinton's


biggest challenge is to try to increase, to open and extend her


boots and broaden her support. He wrote an interesting comment in the


cup at times this week about the narrative of Brexit and comp


supporters left behind anti-the challenge that. There will be


tempted to the people who vote with Donald Trump and they might think


the election was raped and losers. Absolutely. One of the biggest


problem is that that President Clinton will face, not least of all


the fact that none of us have had a discussion about the problems they


face because we have been talking about Donald Trump, is the Trap


supporters. That section of America, it has been revealed to us through


the Donald Trump candidacy, which is prepared to support the move is


unlikely, his purposes of person in order if you like to put two fingers


up to her sister, but for one reason or another, Google does not


represent them or they don't bite. What this time to see is that if you


look at the figures, it's not a factor of being left behind, this is


not a factor of just rust belt Americans paid foreign competition


has left behind. This is a much bigger complicity of the collapse of


a belief in what Hitler represented for a significant proportion of its


white and male population. This new list the distinction between black


and the two processes ( and women voters. It's almost collapsed


between the sections of the population and it's evident in other


parts of Europe. And how to deal with it is a very problem. The


combat it, which seems little more support? Do they confront it, in


which case they are in the battlements. The people have to deal


with it, they politely, that is, is actually a bleeding edge 's effort,


the this in the report added regard as the Enlightenment. He would say


that, mainstream media. The interesting thing is, one of the


people in this week, Donald Trump is almost like the line so. People


write articles and then clothes come and attack the person will have


gender and race. So the content of the article is never addressed.


Donald Trump has managed to completely ignore criticism away


from Hillary from any reasonable sources, because people are


obsessed. I haven't heard people at any criticism of him relief that was


mainstream for Donald Trump please please candidacy. Now criticism you


could reasonably and legitimately look at, so if I were you, who has


helped them after playing along with people who would have been undecided


between the two, because there courts were not given a fair and


unbiased bleeding. There has been an undermining of the


very idea of America. An idea of exists. The George Bush being


respect the Hillary Clinton, say, I wish you well. Let's protect


herself, November nine, three a.m.. Now, she has one. Fine. And I can


see Donald Trump Clevedon, I'm not accepting this result. Even in her


life that happens? Paper-thin 1860. I look what happened after that!


When the Confederate leaders refuse the election of Lincoln. So here


goes War, the idea of civil war. It happens all the time the Arab


world and the West was out of people to respect and accept the results of


election. We'll have to leave it there.


That's it for Dateline London for this week -


we're back next week at the same time.


You can of course comment on the programme on Twitter @gavinesler.


I think we've got some reasonable weather to look


We will start with a bit of mist and fog to contend


We had about this morning and also for tomorrow morning.


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