03/12/2016 Dateline London


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Hello and welcome to Dateline London.


Britain, Brexit and having your cake and eating it.


Whether divisions in the quality of our schools contribute


to political divisions including Brexit.


And, hail to the chief - but has the impending Trump


presidency given permission for some to use sexist, misogynistic,


My guests today are Nesrine Malik, who is a Sudanese writer,


Michael Goldfarb of politico.com, Rashmee Lall of The National


and Michael Gove who is a Conservative MP and columnist


Brexit first, and such is the thirst for any clues about what it might


mean that handwritten notes photographed in the hands of some


hapless political aide were treated this week as the Rosetta Stone,


a guide to the government's negotiations.


Have your cake and eat it, it said, but whose cake?


And how much does the public, press and parliament really need


to know about the road to Brexit when formal negotiations


As a journalist, this is the biggest story around in Britain and as you


were in government you know governments need to keep their cards


close to their chest. I'm a ferocious to find out what's going


on, but speaking as someone who was in government I know it's quite


right to play your cards close to your chest. Into that divide is a


furious speculation. What we saw this week whether scribbled notes of


a researcher and that might affect some of her own thoughts or what was


asked. It was not an authorised government document, just a series


of marginalised notes from an edge visual court in the crossfire and it


would be wrong to overinterpret what was written as though it were the


Rosetta stone unlocking the key to Brexit. Nature a pause back you and


journalists hate it. Nature hates a vacuum. Boris Johnson says freedom


of movement might not be such a bad thing and other things that don't


add up. Either you've got your cards close to your chest or it's a


shambles is the pressure from outside. Theresa May has a desire


not to be driven by daily commentary or a weekly lot of public opinion.


The press will fill the vacuum but in terms of the events that will


deter -- determine what goes on than all the rest is froth. How did you


go to the country and ask for something you had no plan for if you


won? I have a plan and Theresa May has a plan and I suspect they are


similar. But what is it? We've had months and months since the boat.


Even people who were foursquare for Brexit working on stalls in Essex 12


nope... You had no plan! The spirit with which we move out of the UN and


I agree people want us to get on with it and then there's the nature


of the plan. Theresa may has been clear... Brexit means wrecks it. The


speed and pays with which article 50 will be triggered... It's very


interesting that in the age of information overload we are caught


between a truism, Brexit, and a proverb, have your cake and eat it,


but basically spells out the limits of the possible or the impossible.


That is supposed to be a viable government strategy to allow Britain


to exit the EU with dignity, and some market access? There are two


issues. One is the question that people voted on, whether to stay in


or out, was not a technical question. Therefore, there was no


technical blueprint. You can't have that in a referendum, can you?


Broadly it is, is it right or wrong. But it puts people in a difficult


position because they're in the position of working at the detail


afterwards so I have some sympathy for people who were pro-Brexit but


don't have a plan because it is a hugely technical question and people


were asked to vote on the premise rather than the detail. So I have


sympathy for the people who are still working it out. However, it


has been some time and it is not beyond the ability with -- for some


of the people with the political nice or Ken to come up with simple


or comforting statements that should give comfort to the press or people


who voted. Do you think the press works like that? If there were some


statement about it going well and broadly the plan is we will have


access to the single market... The next question would be, how do we do


that? This particular question has a vacuum and many things fill a


vacuum. People don't know what they're doing, there's bad faith on


the part of Brexit supporters in Cabinet because they've manipulated


people into a position they have no idea about. So it's better to argue


against something you stated than something people are making up.


Would Article 50 and again in the process brings some clarification?


There would be some discussion about the courts and what they think


Parliament's role should be? If you get to know the how of Brexit rather


than just the what and you can calibrate your hopes and


expectations with reality because you know you're up against the EU's


irreducible core, the four freedoms of movement, people, goods, services


and capital. Then you have British aspirations. We will you be a super


Singapore? Poorer but happy to be self-reliant? Ritter negates the


rest of the world? But Britain has to nope. Where does Parliament come


in this? You've got views and lots of backbenchers have views and views


about the detail and you have to express that, don't you, otherwise


you will be elected? The majority of MPs voted to trigger Article 50.


Notwithstanding the Liberal Democrat view. During those debates people


will attempt to tease out what the government 's position is, but you


were right. No matter what the government says, there will be an


appetite for more. Detailed to pick over and more from journalists


because it is in our professional DNA we want the maximum amount of


detail and score runs that are competitors don't have in finding


out new pieces of information. I've take the point that there are people


who want to get on with the process but investment is still flowing in


and growth is still strong. It is not the case that the government's


lack of ability to satisfy journalistic curiosity is leading to


economic chaos and a plague of frogs on the street. No frogs on the


street. That was a comment about amphibians rather than anything


else. What Thomas Anderson. Maybe he's directing 2016. Remember that


film where frogs fell out, Magnolia. A brilliant film apart from that.


Stepping back and leaving aside the press question, a vacuum is a very


bad thing in a society that has just been shaken absolutely to the core


by this vote. Surely you know that. It shook the Conservative Party to


the courts and it has shaken the Labour Party into some kind of odd


position of silence. A variety of morbid symptoms have appeared. In


the streets is much more unpleasant. It is incumbent on the government


after 150 days to actually give us a pretty dam clear steer on what's


going to happen in March when she says, article 50. Firstly the


government has responsibility to make sure it gets this big decision


right. More than that, you're right that there has been a heart


searching and debate since the boat. It's also the case that the Prime


Minister enjoys a level of popularity and support in the


country and president did amongst Western leaders. The idea that


Britain is in at the brow position with her position at the moment is


pretty strong. This is the striking thing. The referendum showed or


reinforced that there's disconnect between expectations of commentators


and the settled view of the majority of the people in this country who


not only support Brexit but it is the case that 44% of people support


and incumbent Prime Minister. These are all red herrings. The economy is


doing well and Theresa May is enjoying support... This is not the


question. The question is there's a responsibility incumbent upon those


at a very traumatising time in this country to at least make an effort


to give people comfort. Not journalists who are self-interested,


as you say, or other people but to the people who voted and to those


who voted to remain who also need comforting. And the insistence on


secrecy reminds me of when Donald Trump said that the most sought


offensive should have been a sneak attack.


The settled view question... There are certain great question that


society's debates over and over again. If the reverse result had


happened and it had been 40% the other way 52% the other way I can't


imagine your good self saying that's the end of the matter, it's settled,


even for a generation. It is not settled at all and people will use


whatever process they have two... Let Michael finish. To anticipate.


The debate will continue but the government has a responsibility to


make sure the negotiations are conducted in the right way and they


are substantial. We have to be patient for another couple of months


until article 50 is triggered and the Parliamentary process is over


and then we can see. Patients doesn't work for journalists.


Britain has for decades - centuries - had enormous differences


in the standard of education available to children


But Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools, Sir Michael Wilshaw,


pointed to something new this week - that under-performing schools


in some parts of the north of England may have contributed


to a sense of alienation which could account


Two parts to this then - how divided is education


in Britain according to class, money or geography?


And, secondly, is there a link to economic under-performance


When you travel around you see a very divided pattern of education?


That that's literally true. More than that, when you travel around


the world you see echoes of the same discontent. In the hours after the


Brexit result I was reminded strongly of a piece I'd written for


the Economist about Haiti. They had a headline," the discontented"


because of the amorphous protests and a general sense of being


discontented with life, the government, cost of living and


everything. It was understandable for there. For Britain, the fifth


largest economy, to think that 17 million people just felt somehow


that things weren't right. It was the British equivalent of the


protest in Haiti with burning tyres. Do you see part of the root of this


and education is complicated, that is one of the things in our country


that the state does for most people and if it isn't doing it for you


where you live, you will be very grumpy about your children's future


and your future, when to you? It goes beyond education. The BBC


economics editor interviewed the Bank of England chief economist who


found that income levels and a general sense of disengagement, I


think he said, socially and economically will drive political


results. That's what he said. I do feel a connection with education


because it was really quite start? He is outgoing and can say what he


thinks but he knows about the education system. One of the first


things that strikes an outsider when they spend a bit more time in the UK


is the absolute cultural divide as well and education is part of that.


Things like accident, diction, the way people speak, their interests.


There is a divide amongst class and North and South definitely. I think


education is folded under that because there is a sense that the


dynamo of political culture, economic son the success of the UK


in general seems to be in the South. Culturally you see things... Like


the North is a throwback. A traditional British culture that


doesn't have relevance in today's age. I think the education aspect is


interesting but is folded under this quite profound... I'm not sure it's


immediately fixable, a cultural divide between classes and


geography. When you drop about Haiti, you could have talked about


the United States, divided along lines and people angry and looking


at the electoral Mac there, very divided. And look who he is


appointed be his secretary of Education. On the one hand, everyone


wants a uniform standard of high education and attainment and an


aspiration for it. But when you bring it into the realm of politics


then it becomes politicised and that's been the story of education


almost my entire diet -- adult life. It's having a fair shout at the


future, isn't it? If the state can't provide that it causes problems. It


has too. I have a daughter who goes to a state secondary school. The


variance... And not just the variance in quality just within


London, but the variance in educational philosophy. Michael


knows about this. You have free schools popping up all over my


neighbourhood. On the other hand you have parents who say they have to


stay committed to the old-fashioned state system and they would support


teachers' unions. And there's so much political to bake it seems like


the education debate on what should be the curriculum and how we should


make our children aspire all over the country and not just in London


is getting lost. You were former Secretary of State for Education,


there's a difference between people who a degree of choice but they want


excellence. We want it all, don't we? It's difficult to be objective.


I was responsible at a governmental level for four and a half years but


if I can try to be objective I can acknowledge that whilst it has


improved in some parts of the country, most of all in London, is


still the case that insignificant parts of the country, often but not


always poorest areas and those suffering from deindustrialisation,


it's not good enough. Limited employment opportunities and schools


which are underperforming in relative terms. To be fair to both


of my successors, they have tried to ameliorate these problems. Nicky


Morgan introduced something to try to ensure our best teachers went to


some of the most challenging areas and just Dean has invested money


into some of the worst performing areas to see if we can learn from


transformation of change. It's a constant battle because the other


thing we've had this week is the publication of international league


tables for science and maths. England has improved but not as far


as other nations. In relative terms we still have a long way to go to


catch up with the educational superpowers. That is a very


interesting point, isn't it? We pride ourselves in many ways about


the Nobel Prize for Cambridge University, but some of our children


are leaving school unfortunately with almost no qualifications and


that makes them unemployable? Michael Gove will probably be able


to do speak better about this, but it's the relentless attempt to meet


standards that is now subsuming the attempt to give people an education.


Reading, writing and arithmetic, what's wrong with just teaching


that? Was probably more relevant coming back to your question to


Michael about giving us a fair crack in education, I don't think you do


in this country even if you do have a competitive education because of


the institutionalised issues with class and social mobility. It is


chicken and egg. If you solve those issues they'll be more investment in


education in poorer areas because they will be part of those


establishments, the poorer people. One of our guests this week,


Nesrine, speculated whether... presidency, sections


of the media have, in her words, "detoxified" racist, misogynistic,


anti-Semitic and sexist speech to such an extent that it has almost


become the new normal. Why, for example, do some speak


of the far or extremist right as the "alt-right" as if it


were a cool new trend? I think so but it is case-by-case.


The New York Times ran along profile of Steve Bannon, special adviser now


to the President elect, and he's the head of the so-called "alt-right"


news site. It completely soft pedalled what it means to give a


platform, which is what he has done, for anti-Semitic speech, racist


speech and grotesquely misogynist speech, so that in that one


instance, I think you're right, broadly it's such a new phenomenon.


The speech that Donald Trump wrote... I think he paid that I


convinced a lot of people to vote for him with this, is not uncommon


and people always complain about politically correct speech and there


is a reaction to that. But behind that other really dangerous racists


and anti-Semites and it makes it harder when you say "alt-right" to


say a clear thing, which is people who use racial division as a key


tool in their tool box for electoral success have to be considered, I


think, to be neofascist. If you say "alt-right" a kind of sanitises


them. What do you make of it? Would you write someone is an "alt-right"


commentator? No because it covers too many phenomena. You have a new


generation of hipster Nazis, essentially. People who use the


Internet and cluster under a pit -- my particular policy Institute,


people who greeted the presidency -- new presidency with, hail, Trump!


People repackage it. Then there are Ballmer -- broader group of people


who are right-wing and in some cases filed and in some cases misogynistic


who are not Nazis. Either they are people whose speech I deplore but


who are not in the same bracket. There are also others who are


provocative heirs, who tried to make us think again and who are in the


tradition of 18th-century satirists. They are provocatives. That is


interesting. You have to be careful about words. At the weekend, the


weekend after his election victory, the Holocaust Memorial Busi in


Washington was so worried about the miasma of hate that was suddenly or


appeared to be engulfing discourse that they pointed out and they


reminded the world that the Holocaust didn't start with killings


but words. That's fine. I also think we've got to be careful about


overdoing the outrage. We should be watchful, of course, but we should


wait to see what the trap administration, if and when they


actually move to undermine civil rights. Constitutional freedoms and


the natural rights for black Americans, visually distinct


immigrants and so on. Let us not quite what to fun. I will tell you


why. Charlie Sykes who is a conservative Republican radio talk


show host in Milwaukee and he runs a talk who which is very popular, and


he explained why his fellow Republicans seemed not to care when


their candidate was saying these obviously racist and bigoted things.


He said that Republicans are constantly denounced as racists. It


goes back to Ronald Reagan, W Bush, and Mitt Romney and everybody and


the word loses impact. I get think we need to wait to see racism being


enacted to be worried. These things get absorbed into the mainstream and


supplemented into art public consciousness -- supplemented --


sublimated. This is the mood music and there are sourced it is being


painted on walls in Brooklyn, children are being told they can't


sit at certain tables because they are Mexican. These are things


happening today whether he and accent personally or not. I think a


psychologist would call it, to give it permission. There is a spectrum


and it gives permission for people to save things that they would not


have said publicly in the past. That is the secret, publicly. One of the


images, to wikis ago he was interviewing people at his country


club in New Jersey and I thought it was perfect because he talks like


the guys who prop up the bar at the 19th hole, shall we say. He's from


Queens. He is bridge and tunnel, not really from Manhattan. We are


getting to the classes amongst billionaires in Manhattan! Look,


it's the permission to bring it into the public... So frightening and


what frightens and people is that no president or presidential candidate


has done this. We are out of time. That's it for Dateline


London for this week. You can comment on the programme


on Twitter @gavinesler We're back next week


at the same time. Make a date


with Dateline London.


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