Tony and Jane Nicklinson, Assisted suicide campaigners HARDtalk

Tony and Jane Nicklinson, Assisted suicide campaigners

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The headlines: The whereabouts of Colonel Gaddafi remains a mystery.


US officials say that some senior members of the Colonel Gaddafi


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There have been fresh allegations surrounding the circumstances of


the release of the Lockerbie bomber. It has been claimed that his


release was discussed with the British Government and linked to a


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Afghan jails has been suspended following allegations of torture. A


report says prisoners have been subjected to abuse, including being


beaten and given electric shocks. Those are the headlines.


Now it is time for HARDtalk. Should the law ever give one human being


the right to kill another? That is the question at the heart


of this special edition of HARDtalk, which comes from the home of Tony


and Jane Nicklinson. Tony is completely paralysed - he wants to


die. Jane wants to help him. Currently, British law stands in


their way. If Tony were to be killed, would it be murder or


mercy? Tony and Jane Nicklinson were


married 25 years ago. Six years ago their world was changed forever.


Tony suffered a massive stroke at the age of 52. He survived, just,


but was completely paralysed. The only movement he can control is in


his eyes and his blinking but his brain and ability to think are


unimpaired. Letter...I...letter...A. Tony communicates using his eyes


and blinks to pick out letters on a board. It is slow and, for him,


deeply frustrating. Having lived like this for six years, he has had


enough. He wants to die. As he cannot kill himself, he wants


someone else to end his life for him. Right now, that would be


called murder. Tony and Jane want British law changed to give him the


right to die. Using a specially adapted computer, Tony explains to


me his motivation. Tony Nicklinson, welcome to HARDtalk. I want to ask


you the most basic question of all. Why do you want to die? At the


moment I want to die because I can see the future being worse for me


than it is now. I fear the next 20 years also with trepidation. I


think this is as good as it gets and it is downhill from here. If I


knew the comfort of suicide was available, who knows, I might not


want to take my life. What I know is that not having a plan causes me


anguish that the people who oppose me do not understand. I am fed like


a baby with baby food, cannot do anything for myself and everything


is a matter of routine. I will live like this for the rest of my life


so is it any wonder I am not enthusiastic about living? You want


somebody else to be given the legal right to kill you. Would that not


create an extraordinarily dangerous precedent, particularly for the


most vulnerable disabled people? course it is dangerous if it is not


subscribe to the idea that just because it is difficult we should


not do it. There are plenty of examples around the world where it


has been done successfully and we can look to them for guidance. I


have devised a scheme that shows promise so that if I go, anybody


can. I do not say it is easy, just possible. Pro-lifers often say this


would open the floodgates. Nonsense. Do you really believe that the non-


disabled, who can legally commit suicide... This is Tony before his


stroke - an active sportsman, a bit of an adventurer and proud father


of two daughters. Now Jane and a team of helpers have to do


everything for him. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He is not


terminally ill but despite the love in this home he is terminally fed


up with his life. That is something that Jane Nicklinson has to live


with. Jane Nicklinson, welcome to to me his despair, his sense of


hopelessness. How hard is it for you to deal with your own husband


saying that sort of thing? It is very hard. It is not unexpected.


From the day he was taken ill, we knew what the prognosis was and the


day would come that this is what he would want. That is the kind of


person he is. You sort of get used to it in a way. We have been


thinking about Tony's death for the last six years. It does not make it


easier but you get used to it. his despair deepened over time? In


the very early days, I do not think he was aware of the prognosis.


was one of the first things he said to me when he started using his


communication board. I do not think it has gotten worse. It was bad


from the word go. Tony says he wishes he had not been saved by the


doctors those six years ago when he had that terrible stroke. Do you


say the same thing? Do you wish the doctors had not saved him? That's


tricky. Yes and no. At the time when it happened, my daughters were


with me and we all said we do not want to live like this. It is a


terrible thing to say but, yes, I wish the doctors hadn't saved him.


If we have a good day, maybe not but if it is what he wants it is


what I want. We have a little sense of how you and Tony live your daily


lives. What are the biggest frustrations for Tony in his daily


life? His biggest frustration is not being able to to communicate.


He always said if he could speak it would not be so difficult. It is


just everything is total frustration for him. For him and


also for you. In a different way for me. For him it is day-to-day


life, getting up, eating. For me it is frustrating because seeing him


like this, what life has become for us... What I am getting at... We


will get to the legal issues in a minute. It is strange to talk about


Tony when he is right here with us. Tony clearly believes his life has


been ruined. The question for you is whether you believe your life


has been ruined too? I suppose so, yes. I cannot say no because it has.


We had so many dreams of the things we were going to do. Yeah. (CRIES).


This gets more and more difficult. Therefore, it would be better for


you if Tony were to die, to use that right to die. I do not want


him to die. There is no way that I want him to die. I see what his


life is. Maybe I do want him to die, not at the moment but the time will


come when he has had enough of life. OK, if it is what he wants then


that is fine. Let's talk about the legal issues. Right now, of course,


given his disabilities, Tony does not have the option of taking his


own life. He cannot do that. If someone was to help him, that would


be murder. Is it your and Tony's wish to fundamentally change the


law? If I help Tony to die I would be charged with murder. It would be


no different if I killed someone in cold blood. We want the law


changing. So-called mercy killings should be treated differently. A


change in the law on murder - that is what we are after. That is a


really profound change, isn't it? You are saying the law would in


some way have to create an avenue for somebody to be allowed to take


another person's life. Given our tradition of war, our notions about


the sanctity of life, it would be extraordinarily difficult and a


radical thing to do. How do you think it would be done? I am not


sure where we are going for now. It is in the pipeline and we are


discussing it with our solicitors. They feel we do have a case. Why


should Tony be denied the right to take his own life? It is what he


wants and what he is asking for. There should be some system in


place. We are not saying it should be legalised point blank, going out


and killing someone and say, they told me they wanted to die. There


would have to be a stringent procedure in place. You and Tony


have talked about this in detail. You would have to. Would you be the


one to end his life? I think so, yes. I want to be the one to do it.


He does not want me to. He wants to make it legal for other people to


do it so I do not have to. He wants me to give him a sedative and then


someone else come in and give him the euthanasia so I would not have


to do it and he would not have to see me. You would have to have a


doctor's agreement to be involved. Doctors have made it plain time and


time again they will not countenance being involved in the


explicit taking of life in this way. It would not necessarily have to be


a doctor. I could do it. I think I could. I have been asked this so


many times. I think I could do it. I am sure there are doctors out


there that would come forward. argument against it is that it


opens up an extraordinarily dangerous precedent, that if it


becomes, in certain situations, legal to kill the disabled, the


most vulnerable in our society, that very soon some vulnerable


people may feel that almost they are obliged to take the option of


choosing death. Not if there was some sort of scheme in place. It


would obviously have to be very carefully thought out. There would


have to be a process you would have to go through to be able to do it.


Tony has devised a scheme of his own. Whether it is that was


something similar, it would have to be carefully thought. If there can


be a way for it to be done, why can anyone else take their life but


Tony cannot? He knows what he wants to do but he physically cannot do


it. You say he knows what he wants to do. Another argument from those


in the religious community and others is that minds can be changed.


Tony could change his mind. Have you discounted that? You could say


that about straightforward suicide. Suicide is legal for able-bodied


people. Their minds could be changed if things were different.


Why is ordinary suicide legal? relatives of suicide victims would


say, if only I had that opportunity to talk them out of it, to make the


case that it was the wrong option to take. If only, I might have


saved them. Because Tony cannot do it for himself, society, starting


with you, has that option to try and persuade him. He has been like


this for six years and he has not changed his mind yet. Who knows, in


the future? That is life, isn't it? I know Tony, for example, using his


computer, is writing his memoirs. You have described how he is


enjoying that process of remembering his past life, writing


about it, some of the adventures you two had together. That suggests


to me that there is still a way to get some enjoyment out of life and


that seems important. It is not enough, though, is it? It is not


enough for him. He wants to say something. Can I do it? Yes, of


course. Letter 'W', letter 'H'... (CONTINUES SPELLING) What... If...


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 40 seconds


What... I... Feel... Is... Not... The... Same... As... Ordinary? I


think I know what you are saying. The reason why Tony wants to commit


suicide cannot be solved. This is as good as life is ever going to be


for him. An argument made by those who oppose the kind of legal


changes you want to see is that palliative care can make your life


better. There are ways in which care can improve the quality of


your life. Is it too late for that now? We have had specialists here.


There is nothing really. Everyone is different. We all have different


expectations from life. If you knew Tony before, he is an ex-rugby


player, life of the party, adventurer, we travelled around the


world, he was good at his job. All the things he loved about life he


cannot do. I just wonder how far you are prepared to go, the two of


you, when it comes to see him through this wish to die. After we


see through the court case, the only option Tony has is to starve


You are referring to the fact it is legal to assist suicide in


Switzerland. Could Dignitas create a system where it could be an


assisted suicide? I have been in touch with them and what they said


they could set up a system and he could operate it with a switch.


question is, if that is a possibility, of course it would


take money, if that is a possibility, why spend so much time


and effort going through the British courts? Everything I have


seen in the court papers, from traditional verdicts in the past to


the words of judges, it suggests it is highly unlikely they will modify


the law on murder. Tony does not see why he should go to Switzerland


to die. He wants to die at home with his family around him, not in


some strange country. The journey itself would be incredibly


traumatic for him. Why should he have to? I asked you some very


sensitive questions about your feelings about Tony's death and


whether, to be brutal about it, if Tony's end would be a release for


you. That raises the issue of vested interests from those around


somebody who is suffering, as Tony is. Can you see the danger is there


that it might come to a point where, if the laws you wanted are passed,


family members, others with an interest, they could be persuading


vulnerable people to end their lives? I am sure that happens with


ordinary suicide cases. Ordinary suicide is not illegal. I am sure


people are coerced into committing suicide. It could happen. What


safeguards could you imagine to prevent it? The systems must be


added to deal with that. I think that Tony has come up with the idea


that the judge would have to be involved at every stage of the


process and there would be months and months of a cooling-off period


between an initial decision to allow the death and the actual


implementation of that decision. Do you really believe that would be


enough? I think so, yes. We all know what the pitfalls are and


hopefully this system would be able to prevent those. Tony's life is


hell, basically. He is being forced to live it. It is like a form of


torture, you could say. There has to be a way that something could be


sorted out. Each case has to be taken on its on merit. There are


indications that the British public has a great deal of sympathy with


many of the arguments you are making and, in the past, when there


have been deaths which have been associated with this idea of mercy


killing, jurors have tended to show sympathy for those behind those


killings in their verdicts. Does that make you consider the


possibility of ignoring the law, in essence taking the law into your


own hands, and relying on the sympathy of a jury? That is a big


risk to take. As much as I love him, I am not sure if I am prepared to


spend time in prison. He would not let me do it. It would have to be


legal. I have got my children to think about. No, I could not do


that. Have you talked about it? has always made it very clear from


the word go that there is no way he would let me do it because he would


not want to risk it. I admire people that can do it. I know there


have been some quite high profile cases recently. It takes a lot of


guts to be able to do something like that. I personally could not.


I wonder how some people would respond to this. You are a full-


time carer, it dominates your life, you talk about your daughters, they


want to see their father but what do they say to you? They are 100%


behind everything that we're doing. When we have talked about just


doing it and breaking the law, they were horrified to think that I


would even think about doing it. It is hard for them. It is very hard


for them. They fully understand what their dad was like. They know


what he was like before he was taken ill. He was a total


embarrassment! But, they are totally behind us. You have the


look of a wife who has lived the life with someone, loved someone,


been with them for your adult life - in the course of this interview,


I get a strong sense of a bond between you and Tony, yet, all of


our conversation's been about how to end his life. For you, you are


in an impossible position. I could be totally selfish and want him to


carry on living but that would be selfish. I have got to do what he


wants to do. I support him and I have to. If I did not support him


when he needed me to support him, just the practicalities of that, I


do support him and this is very hard but you're constantly talking


about how your husband is going to die. We have been living with it


for six years. It does become easier. The final thought, you are


living in a very personal way with this but you're also dealing with


the system, whether it is the legal system, politicians, the health


service, doctors, ethicists, frankly, at the moment, nobody


wants to offer you what you really want. Everything that has happened


with the legal case up until now has not been unexpected. It is what


we have been expecting all the time. It is what happens from now that is


important. We knew that this would probably be the outcome. They don't


feel that we have a case. We knew that was going to happen. It is


interesting to see what happens from now on. What that will be, I


do not know yet. Have you got the strength to carry on with his


caring? Yes, definitely. I think he quite enjoys it in a way, don't


you? Jane Nicklinson ,and Tony as well, thank you both for being on


It is a very wet and windy day. Today should be a bit better than


yesterday. There will still be some showers around and it will be


fairly breezy for many. Some blustery winds still blowing. There


will be some showers, mainly across western and northern parts of the


UK. It is in the north and the west where we will see the showers


through the first part of the morning. The south and east could


get away with some brightness. Some sunny skies across the south of


Wales, but in the north, it will be fairly cloudy. There will be a


scattering of showers across Northern Ireland, with little if


any brightness. The showers will also be there across northern and


western parts of Scotland, but further east, it could be a bit


drier. Temperatures in the morning about ten degrees. As we head down


across northern England, showers will be gathering across the north-


west, one or two mate sneak across the Pennines. There will be some


fine weather across the south and east of England, even some pockets


of sunshine. The winds still fairly brisk. A similar story as we move


down towards the south-west. A largely dry start but fairly breezy.


As the day goes on, we will continue to see the showers have


been blown in on the wind. They will be concentrated across the


northern part of the UK. That is not to say we will not see a few


getting across to the more southern and eastern parts. But on the whole,


many places here will be drier. Dr M Bridges Of the Day in the south-


east, 18-19 -- top temperatures of the day. The show was will continue


to gang together into some longer spells of rain. The rain could be


fairly relentless for a while across Northern Ireland, north-west


England and North Wales. It will be a bit drier to the north of


Scotland and the south of England. A mild night when stay in to


Thursday, but a little bit cheerier. For Thursday itself, we had the


weather front draped across the UK, bringing some further rain across


some central and southern parts, especially as the rain its --


starts to push northwards. Temperatures rising slightly. By


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