Victoria Nuland - US Assistant Secretary of State HARDtalk

Victoria Nuland - US Assistant Secretary of State

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Afghanistan to help Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Now it's time for HARDtalk.


Welcome to HARDtalk. Here at the US Embassy in London. What is


Washington's strategy to try and influence events in Ukraine? They


have seized Crimea, and is now pro`Russian rebels are in a violent


stand`off with the interim government. My guest today is


Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Does she believe that pro`Kiev


forces have designed on eastern Ukraine? Assistant secretary


Victoria Nuland, welcome to HARDtalk. On cue, great to be with


you. How would you describe what is going on in Ukraine? You have


separatists fighting, holding government buildings and holding


independence referendums. What is most important that is happening in


Ukraine now is that the entire country is preparing for a


presidential election on 25 May. The vast majority of Ukrainian territory


is peaceful, and people are excited about their opportunity to vote. As


you said, we have parts of Ukraine in the east, near the Russian


border, where we have little green men and separatist trying to


decipher people rather than let them vote. Sergei Lavrov said that when


Ukrainians killed Ukrainians, that is as close to civil war as you can


get. Is it close? Absolutely not. As I said, there are some very hot


towns in Ukraine. Mostly in the east. In Sloviansk, in Kramatorsk,


there are is violence in eastern towns. But this does not represent


the views of the vast majority of Ukrainians. Even in the east, 75%


say they do not want any part of this separatism. We believe this is


inspired from the outside. That is 30% of the population, the people


following those men in green suits as you say, that is a lot of


people. You can't just dismiss them. Have to be incorporated somehow into


this dialogue. They absolutely have to be incorporated. That is why we


are gratified to see the Ukrainian government and officials from across


the space now working with us and the EU and the OSCE to institute a


national dialogue about the direction the country is going on,


talking about things like constitutional reform,


decentralisation of power. It was always the placed where Kiev held


all the money and power. That is not appropriate in a modern state. It is


also not appropriate to achieve political ends at the barrel of a


gun. As you say, Kiev has launched its dialogue with politicians and


civic groups trying to keep the country together. It does not


include many rebel leaders. One senior Ukrainian says that without


their participation the roundtables would just amount to declarations.


You need them there and they are not being included. Ukrainian acting


government says they do not want them there. In the first national


roundtable, that happened on 14 May, in fact, a broad cross`section of


politicians, civil leaders, were included. But folks who are holding


buildings and have armed themselves, have to put down weapons if they


want to be included. You can't on the one hand threatened and


terrorise citizens, and on the other hand say let's talk about it. You


have to accept amnesty first. But don't you think that somehow you to


incorporate those people? And the government in Ukraine doesn't seem


to be willing to do that. The acting president says they will not engage


in dialogue with those with blood on their hands who are prepared to


defend their interests by illegitimate means of persuasion.


But we will not fight terrorist saboteurs and criminals. That does


not sound conciliator enough to the people you need to bring into the


dialogue. Again, the vast majority of folks in the east don't want to


have this conversation about devolution of power through the


barrel of a gun. We are talking about a small number of guys who


have heavily armed themselves with outside support, who are saying we


know best. What these roundtables offer is a chance for a legitimate


citizens to work this out and say to separatists we can achieve our goals


without you, thank you very much. In fact, they are in cities across the


Ukraine, turning a games this. You remember this terrible tragedy in


Odessa. Since then, the citizens say that police are not strong enough.


They are going to police them themselves, because they want to


vote, and to settle their problems with Kiev politically. They don't


want guys from the outside, they don't want weapons on the streets,


they don't want Russia telling them what to do. That is why they are


supporting the right of Ukrainians to choose. You say there should be


devolution, how much? Should it amount to federalisation


virtualisation? The Russians have made that a bad word in Ukraine.


What they want and have talked about is the right of Ukraine's regions to


secede. In fact, they are asking for things in Ukraine they would never


allow and Russia. But what Ukrainians are now talking about is


actually devolving all of the powers of the state except foreign policy,


defence, and justice, to the regions. So they would be able to


collect their own taxes, and keep them, they would be able to decide


on local languages, collect their own leaders. But if that doesn't go


far enough for the separatists in eastern Ukraine, you will not have a


solution to the problem. They will continue to destabilise the


situation. What we are already seeing as a result of the


Roundtable, the dialogue the Ukrainian government has initiated,


and OSCE in Europe, and we are a part of it, as we are seeing


citizens in these towns are saying wait a minute. Who are you guys with


the guns? We can solve this and other way. You are seeing this


process separating the hard`core who don't represent the Ukrainian


people, from the population. That is a good thing. That the US think that


Russia wants to incorporate the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine


into the Russian Federation? We have been concerned about it. As you


know, what has just happened in the east is very reminiscent of the


playbook we saw in Crimea. You instigate an independence movement.


You have a fake vote on two weeks notice, and then you declare massive


participation. And then you come in with your peacekeepers. We have to


take President Putin seriously when he says that Russia should think


about going back to the days of Catherine the great. We believe that


if you don't take leaders seriously when they say these kinds of things


than you are not prepared. If Washington believes in the


possibility that Russia may annex part of eastern Ukraine, what can


you do about that? What is the stick that you can wave at Russia? The


stick we have been waiting, the cost, as President Obama puts it, is


increasing isolation and increasing economic sanctions for Russia if it


continues to violate international law. And it takes pieces of another


country by force as it did in Crimea. So as you know, when


President Obama was here in March, he made clear that if Russia used


the 40,000 troops it still has deployed right on the border, that


would trigger even deeper economic sanctions from the US and our


European partners. But what we have seen with these little green man


causing trouble around the east, is that there can be plenty of outside


interference short of troops. And so when Chancellor Merkel was in


Washington recently, she and President Obama agreed that if these


elections were disrupted from the outside, then there will be even


deeper economic sanctions. And that was part of what we were in Europe


today to talk about. Said the sanctions stay as they are unless


Russia goes into eastern Ukraine and unless Russia disrupts the


presidential elections in Ukraine on 25 May. If there is continued


destabilisation in Ukraine there will be more sanctions. If there is


destabilisation of the elections there will be deep central


sanctions. A sickly, Russia has got away with an axing Crimea. The


sanctions stay where they are, and Russia can live with them as they


are. First of all, with regard to Crimea. We have continued to


escalate the sanctions there. The European Union put more sanctions on


Crimean officials and entities. Just a few days ago, the US did two round


of sanctions and will continue to add them if Russia doesn't roll back


from Crimea. That is one thing. Second, with regard to living with


them, they are talking tough in Moscow, but the numbers tell a


different story. The numbers show that Russia has already spent just


in the last couple of weeks, some $30 billion propping up their


currency. Their economy is hovering close to recession lines. Their bond


issuance is just above junk now. Inflation is rampant. They would


save us were that they want to keep Crimea. As the former Secretary of


State said in a British newspaper recently, understanding the Russians


and knowing what Putin is like, the chances are high that Britain will


never leave Crimea. If the United States going to accept that? We will


not accept the illegal occupation of Crimea, and nor will Europe. In the


same way that we never accepted the illegal occupation of... There is


nothing you can do about it apart from point out the cost of it.


Russia says they will live with it. There is not a great deal you can


do. Sanctions are a blunt instrument because they will hurt not only the


European Union but other countries in the world, just as much they will


hurt Russia. First of all, with regard to Crimea, the economy there


is already a basket case as a result of sanctions. And as I've said,


there will be more. Crimea will be a no`go zone for US and European


citizens if he does not roll back. But I would also say that we are


talking contentedly to the Europeans now on what we call scalpel


sanctions. We believe that given Russia's dependent on the European


market, which is 50% of their market as compared with 9% for Europe,


there are plenty of further measures that we can take. But if you look at


what the American ambassador to the World Trade Organisation has had


recently, he says Russia is increasingly building walls around


its economy. So it is doing that while looking more to what it


produces itself is what it buys. But also, as has been observed, it is


looking at new trading partners and increasing ties with countries like


Kazakhstan, Ella Roos, countries in their backyard. It can afford to


live without the West in due course. It actually can't. That is the


failure of strategy for Russia. That is back to the 19th century, and not


that 20th century. That is partly why the IMF is saying Russia is


hovering on the verge of recession now. `` Belarus. Those trading


partners are not at a growth strategy for Russia. They are back


to being a 20th`century gas station. Depending on forest and timber


timber and those kind of things. And it is an goes in that direction, the


Russian people will severely suffer. Russia will see growth decreased to


zero, but the Ukrainian economy is going to contract by 7% as a result


of the crisis and the sanctions which are going on. Ukraine depends


great deal on Russia for its energy. It is also the pipeline that goes


through Ukraine to other parts of Europe. That is the point, Russia is


so integrated into the European economy. Russia and you hurt


everyone else. Again, on the Ukraine, Russian energy, as the


major transit company for Russian gas to Europe, Russia cannot afford


to cut off its gas trade with Ukraine. As we saw in 2010, when


that blockade lasted for a couple of days, however, what part of the


strategy for Ukraine and part of the reasoned that Ukrainians went into


the street if they want to be less dependent on Russia and diversify


and be more integrated with Europe. That is going to take time though,


isn't it? Actually, one of the greatest gifts of the European


Union, one of its greatest exports, is its ability to associate with


countries on its borders. And the association agreement that the EU


has offered Ukraine will open up all kinds of new trading opportunities


and will give them far more choice than they have had in the past. And


that is partly why Ukrainians went into the streets in the first place.


You remember that Maidan movement began when their former president


told them they could not associate with the EU but had to stay in a


stranglehold with Russia. At the sanctions are limited. Many people


say that. Fred Kaplan said on 28 April that if western Europe doesn't


go along, these deeper sanctions are theatre. We see free sample the


French do not want to abandon selling their helicopters to the


Russians. They say that they need this. So you are not going to see


European countries really cool operating with the kind of sanctions


that you say you need. We are having a good conversation in a few


sectors, where we can share the pain and minimise the impact on us. All


European countries understand new defence investment in Russia is a


bad idea. We are talking about, at government level, what is happening


in the private sector. As I go around Europe until two businesses,


they have decided Russia is a bad risk for business. There are a few


loans. On that 1.2 billion euros sale of assault ships to Russia from


the French, is it OK for it to go ahead? We are all having a


conversation about appropriate defence relationships with a Russia


that would violate international law and go in and eat a chunk of its


neighbour's territory. Defence issues are on the table in the


conversation. Will they honour the contract? We have been clear about


how we feel about the sale. Which is what? We never thought it was the


best idea. There is a question of whether it can be stripped down or


whether there are other ways to handle that. The conversation is


ongoing. The French are not listening's they say the sale will


go ahead and that the sale cannot be applied retrospectively and that the


sale was signed before any of this happened. I think we can have a


profound impact on the Russian economy if need be. If they don't


make better choices in Ukraine, looking at future contracts and also


we are having a very good and clear conversation among ourselves about


the right posture in defence terms with Russia, with a Russia that


would do this. Does that also involve the state energy company in


Russia and the private sector oil companies, 2011, Exxon Mobil signed


a contract. Will that be incorporated in the deals we would


like to see? Given what we have seen and given the potential for even


more threats, we will have to. We can't take anything off the table.


We believe we can do this. We believe we can impact the Russian


economy more than they in fact ours. Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell,


companies with agreements with, they are OK. I call your attention to the


fact that there is a big energy symposium in Russia in the next


couple of weeks and virtually all of those companies have made clear they


don't intend their CEOs will attend `` Putin. `` Gasgrov. The way that


Europe's the economy is structured and individual nation states within


the EU's economy are structured, needs to be taken into account.


Everyone needs to do their own analysis. We are vulnerable in some


areas and Europe is vulnerable in other areas. That work is ongoing


now. It won't be identical, but they will be competent entry. As you came


to attention in February because of the leak... But conversation with


the American ambassador in Ukraine, when you discussed the nature of the


new interim government, you used a derogatory remark. You used a swear


word about the Europeans. Do you regret that and, what would you say


now? First of all, it was a private telephone conversation that was put


on the street by the Russian Federation. I don't think there is a


human in the US or the EU who hasn't used an unfortunate expression in a


private phone conversation in the past. We were expressing a temporary


frustration, where Ukraine was looking for an international


organisation to support the dialogue. The EU wasn't forthcoming.


We asked the UN to come in. As a broader matter, we have superb


relations with the EU. We have been working in lockstep, in supporting


Ukraine and their right to choose, and in preparing costs for Russia.


The president of France said in May of the radio that Russia might not


have been emboldened to seize Crimea for this reason, for this ``, I said


we must intervene even if there is no Security Council. Not having


stopped him at that moment has been a signal heard by others today. Does


he have a point? I reject that. The notion that we chose to negotiate in


order to remove chemical weapons rather than use military means gives


another country the right to use military means against its


neighbour? The logic escapes me. The Swedish Foreign Minister, when asked


recently why it Putin was emboldened, he said that the US was


seen as absent from the geopolitics of the Eurasian area. Not only the


French are saying this. Why do you think Putin has been emboldened? I


haven't been interested in getting inside the rain of Vladimir Putin.


That is about game. `` brain. When a leader violates international law


and continues to intimidate with 40,000 troops, the international


community need to say this is unacceptable and that this will have


cost is. `` costs. Looking at the issue raised about America's place


in the world, from the comments elsewhere, we know that Obama has


said he doesn't want to use the military option at all. He said, I


can't understand why everybody is eager for us to use military force


after we have been through a decade of war at enormous cost to troops


and the budget. We see the defence budget cut. US foreign policy begins


at home. You can't be active internationally. I would let's go to


NATO. `` I would reject that. We agreed we needed to make it clear to


President Putin that NATO space is inviolable and we will defend every


inch of it. You saw the deployment on land and on sea and in the air of


NATO assets to protect those frontline states including 750 US


troops in Europe, including a quadrupling of the assets in the


air, US ships in the Black Sea. I wouldn't say this has been a


challenge that has been devoid of military requirement. The US is not


a power in retreat? I would reject that. If you look at any serious


crises we deal with on the planet, the US is at the centre of the


international response and negotiations we have. The US and


Europe do this together. The US is at the centre of this policy of


addressing the challenge in Ukraine by supporting them on the one hand


and making it cost for Russia and keeping diplomacy open. You saw my


boss, John Kerry, in South Sudan, negotiating that conflict. You see


US forces helping Nigerians in the context of Boko Haram. We continue


with our role of galvanising the world and saying at the centre of


leadership. Victoria Nuland, thank you for coming on HARDtalk. Thank


you. Most of us will have seen hot


sunshine over the last few days. The heat has triggered thundery


showers. There are more to come. The hotspot was Heathrow Airport. 26


degrees. That was the highest temperature we have seen this year.


It hasn't been sunny


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