Dore Gold - Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel HARDtalk

Dore Gold - Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel

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HARDtalk. Welcome to HARDtalk. The kidnap and


murder of four teenagers, three Israeli and one Palestinian, has


triggered protests and violent clashes in Israel and the occupied


territories and unleashed the heaviest rocket fire between Israel


and Hamas for nearly two is. Israel blames Hamas for the kidnappings and


murders. Two days later, a 16`year`old Palestinian boy,


Mohammed Abu Khdair, was killed in Jerusalem. Jewish suspects have been


arrested for his murder. This latest crisis has exposed the abyss between


the two communities ` could it escalate into a wider conflict? My


guest today is Dore Gold, an adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu.


Dore Gold, welcome to HARDtalk. Could this current crisis escalate


into a wider conflict? Much of it depends on what Hamas decides. Hamas


in the last week or so has been escalating rocket fire into the


heart of Israel, not just the south of Israel. Nearly one is `` 1


million Israelis have been affected. We had 80 rockets pounding Israeli


territory. We will not tolerate this. A military spokesmen for


Israel says that Israel is preparing for the possibility of sending


ground forces into Gaza. We have a green light to recruit more reserve


troops. That will enable us to carry out ground missions. How likely is


that? I would not want to say, I would not want to second`guess


operation decisions of the Israeli army. All options are on the table.


The IDF has been commissioned to end this rocket fire on the civilians of


Israel. It will do what it takes to bring about a complete halt of this


rocket fire and the denial of the freedom of the people of Israel to


live normally. How far is Benjamin Netanyahu under pressure from the


hardliners of his government to take tougher action against Hamas? I have


known him for many years. He does not listen to here say. He does what


the country needs to be secure. The people of Israel deserve to have the


peace, to have the quiet, that any other country would insist upon. He


will sit with his national security establishment to decide what is


necessary to bring about that quiet. He would not tolerate this in London


or Paris or anywhere. I was asking you what pressure there was on him


to take tougher action. I am not talking about public opinion here.


The Foreign Minister has said he is ending his party's alliance with


Benjamin Netanyahu because of his refusal to be tougher on the Hamas.


He says differences have become substantial and fundamental. It is


not clear what we are waiting for. At the end of 2015, and mass will ``


Hamas will have hundreds of rockets. Those kinds of pressures are very


real. These comments by the Foreign Minister just illustrate the


restraint with which the Prime Minister has exercised over the last


couple of days. He is wanting a chance to resolve the crisis without


using full military force that Israel can use and can exercise. But


if all we get from Hamas is increasing escalation, more


rockets, then he will be left with no choice but to do what is


necessary to defend the population. A spokesperson for the Palestinian


National authority, not Hamas, says the occupational government's


decision to expand the war it is also a decision to destroy any


opportunity for peace and will plunge the region into a cycle of


bloody violence which will harm everyone. To what extent this is


well aware that it is in nobody's interest for this conflict to widen?


Again, if Hamas would stop launching rockets into Israeli civilian


territory, this would be resolved. We want to make sure that Hamas


cannot just decide next month to resume this. It is surprising that


the Palestinian authority spokesman refers to the Tory inside sovereign


Israel has occupied territory. `` territory. But it shows some of the


problems of this conflict. If you cannot accept the sovereignty of the


Jewish state, how are you going to come to a resolution over our final


boundaries? Let us look at what has triggered the crisis. The terrible


murder of these three is really teenagers and the subsequent murder


of a Palestinian. `` Israeli. The Israeli authorities said, this is


Hamas. What evidence do you have that it was Hamas behind the


abductions and killings? Much of this is internal intelligence from


the Israeli security establishment. Some of it has been made evident.


Two of the suspects are Hamas operatives. They have been trained


by Hamas. We are not just pulling anybody off the street. We have very


clear data that this was Hamas. Hamas has praised this. When that


Palestinian gunman was kidnapped and killed, it seems now by Jews who


committed that crime, that was condemned across our political


spectrum. `` Palestinian young man. But when the three Israeli teenagers


were kidnapped and ultimately killed, Hamas was praising this


operation. There is a difference between how we are approaching this.


Hamas's statements show that this was a Hamas move. You say your


intelligence is telling you that it was Hamas, although I have to say


that their official position, we were told `` Sky News was told that


they knew nothing of the killings and they are grossly spokesmen said


that they had no information. `` a Hamas spokesmen. These were said to


be low`level members of Hamas who belong to a rogue group and have a


history of acting independently. They are not mainstream members, are


they? That is an old trick in the terrorist world that has been used


for years. You might remember there was an attack because they did not


want to be held responsible for terrorist operations. When the


Israeli security establishment says it is Hamas, you should believe it


is Hamas. The security establishment has intimate intelligence ties with


many countries around the world. It does not assert conclusions that


have not been thoroughly checked out. Why not arrest and charge these


suspects and put them on trial? We have to get a hold of these


suspects. They are hiding out in the west Bank. If we had one corporation


from the Palestinian authority, we might be able to obtain


information. But we do not have them in custody. When we do, we will use


the full power of Israeli law to bring them to justice. What have you


been doing in the lead up to try and find then and arrested them? This is


part of what has to be done. You have to find these people. We


originally had the security operations to find the three


kidnapped boys. But unfortunately, that ended tragically when we


discovered their bodies. Israel will do what is necessary to bring these


people to justice. We will not allow these teenagers to be murdered and


the people who perpetrated this crime to go free. This is what you


have done, Dore Gold, in trying to apprehend the two suspects. I


mentioned, why not find them and put them on trial. This is what Israel


has done. You have arrested 539 Palestinians, doubling the number of


those detained without trial or charge. The houses of militants have


been blown up, causing significant damage to the larger buildings in


which they were located. 23,000 Palestinians were barred from


travelling to their jobs in Israel. Any person from one town was


prevented from travelling abroad. More than 20 Palestinians have been


killed, including three Palestinians under the age of 18. What would you


say to that? I cannot verify what you are quoting. Israeli military


actions are consistent with the requirements of international law.


Israel is under the supervision of our court system, including the


Supreme Court. Some people will put out all kinds of data. But it


happened. I do not saying that when the Israeli authorities are trying


to find these two suspects you are so sure were behind the abductions


and the killings that you did not carry out these kind of operations


that I just described? They have been reported in just about every


report you read about. You cited specific numbers. I said we could


not verify them. What are the facts you have? What I can say is the


Israeli army operates with the complete oversight of the Israeli


legal system. Whatever we are doing and whatever data you are being


given, it is something that has been checked in terms of what moves we


take on the ground and it is a vehicle operation. It is necessary,


first, to find those civilians, to find those teenagers, that was our


motivation. Now it is necessary to bring the people who engage in that


activity to justice. I say to you that the houses of militants were


blown up and you know that this is a policy that has been criticised by


an Israeli rights group Centre. They say this policy of demolishing homes


is not the correct one. A person must not be punished for the acts of


others. The chief victims of the occupants of the demolished


there are Israeli NGOs that look at issues of human rights and publish


reports, but ultimately, the highest authority in this regard is the


Supreme Court. Counterinsurgency war is not a pretty picture. I was not


putting that to you. I was not talking about counterinsurgency.


Amnesty International says the Israeli authorities must conduct a


full, thorough and impartial investigation that leads to the full


prosecution of those responsible in fair trials. You said that was what


you were trying to do and then I gave you the examples of the


responses of the Israeli authorities which have been judged


disproportionate stop Israel has its advocates and Israel has people who


want to criticise it and make a whole industry about criticising it.


What I'm saying is that we have state institutions that are


respected around the world and those state institutions are supervising


us. In the meantime, we are beyond this. We are dealing with a


full`scale attack on the state of Israel in which 1 million Israelis


are forced into shelters and listen to sirens going off and are facing


rocket attacks. By the way, a Hamas rocket attack against an Israeli


city is a war crime. It is a crime against humanity. I don't hear


people saying that we should indict the leaders of Hamas for what they


are doing. We will put that to the leaders of Hamas when we speak to


them. When you say that Hamas did not condemn the killing of the three


Israelis, Hamas are not all Palestinians, are they? President


Mahmoud Abbas did condemn the killings of the three Israelis. He


condemned what was happening when they disappeared. He co`ordinated a


force to find the missing teenagers. Unfortunately and tragically,


Mahmoud Abbas decided that Hamas would be his medical partner and


created a reconciliation agreement signed by X Factor and Hamas.


Therefore, `` signed by Fatah and Hamas. Therefore, half of the


Palestinian political establishment supported the kidnapping and murder


of three Israelis. On the Israeli side, the entire Israeli political


spectrum has condemned the murder of the Palestinian teenager. This is no


way to build any peace between us, if indeed, we make a partnership


with an international terrorist organisation like Hamas which has


been designated not just by us but by the EU, the US Canada and others.


I will come to the unity government and the role of Hamas in a moment.


But the hatred is not only on the Palestinian side, is it? It is also


on the Israeli side. One of the full and it facts and side`effects of war


is the rage of people when they see their civilians being killed. Let's


remember one thing. If you look at the textbooks of Hamas or the


Palestinian Authority, young people are taught jihad. They are taught


armed resistance. And they are taught to hate the Jewish people.


That is something that should have been changed years ago in the Oslo


accords in 1993 but was not and therefore, whole generations of


grown`up to hate Israelis no matter what we do. You accept, then, that


there is hatred on the Israeli side as well? Well, I think when Israelis


see three innocent teenagers slaughtered, they are also enraged.


But the Israeli establishment, the Israeli educational system, does not


promote hatred of the Arabs. To the contrary, it promotes peace. We saw


the Facebook page entitled the people of Israel demand revengeful


and it attracted 35,000 fans would civilians and soldiers posting


pictures of themselves holding signs calling for revenge. We have heard


of Israelis running amok in Jerusalem's main squares, some


chanting death to Arabs, Palestinians pulled from a tram that


connects Arab suburbs to the city centre, Arabs attacked in shock and


restaurants. You know what? You have extremist elements in every society.


Go to a football match in most European cities and you will see


them there. But what is going on here in Israel is a national


government that is trying to promote peace and is condemning acts against


innocent people, like the act that occurred last week. Unfortunately,


the national position of the Hamas leadership is one that calls for


killing Jews. Read the Hamas charter. That is not on our side,


that is on their side. Again, you are painting all Palestinians as


representing that kind of you and I put it to you that President of


Mahmoud Abbas and did condemn the killings. He said he was


co`ordinating with Israel. I have said nothing of Mahmoud Abbas. Sure,


but you are painting all Palestinians as Hamas and I say that


is a sweeping statement. The father of Mohammed Abu Khdair, the boy who


was killed, told the New York Times on the 2nd of July, I'm against the


kidnapping and the killings. Whether due or Arab, who can accept the


kidnapping and killing of his son or daughter. I call on both sides to


stop the bloodshed. I'm giving you an example of Palestinians


conforming to the kind of values that you say is what the Israelis


are attached to. What I'm trying to say is that I did not say all


Palestinians have that position. What I did say is that Hamas as a


national leadership of part of the Palestinian people has been


promoting hate and violence. Open up a Hamas textbooks. Go to a Hamas


website. Look at what religious leaders are saying. One of the


highest religious leaders in Gaza called for a new Holocaust against


the Jews. That is what they do as part of a national institution.


There are Palestinian to call against the murder of Jews and we


are pleased when those cases come up. On our side as well, we have had


the mothers of the victims of the three boys, particularly Rachel


Frenkel, coming out and condemning attacks against destinies. The main


point is this. We are basically still trying to resolve the


mysteries of those murders that occurred but we are also facing a


massive assault from Hamas on the state of Israel and we have to bring


this war to an end and we have to bring stability and peace. That can


only be done if hatred is fought and if hatred is prevented, which is not


what is occurring on the Palestinian side. What can you do now? There is


a government of national unity, a technocrat government backed by both


Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas. The US and EU say they will give this


technocratic government a chance, they will see what transpires. The


US is providing aid. Don't you have to work with what the international


community says is acceptable? Otherwise you will find yourself


isolated. Sometimes you have to do the right thing and if parts of the


international community have accepted or acquiesced to Mahmoud


Abbas's embrace of Hamas, that is unfortunate. That is a big mistake.


You can understand their assumption. They thought if Hamas embraced


Mahmoud Abbas, maybe Hamas would become more moderate. Maybe it would


stop its insistence on armed resistance, which is so central to


its political thinking, but the opposite occurred. Hamas actually


began with rocket fire in a systematic way against Israeli


cities and now it has massively escalated that rocket fire so that


in one evening, you can have a two rockets falling on Israel. That is


not moderation, that is war. Looking at the bigger picture, the US top


envoy on this conflict until the 30th of June is now reported as


saying that when it comes to the blame game, he blames the


Palestinians than the Israelis are 50`50. You are not absolved of blame


for the failure to make any progress on the peace process. I have known


him for many years and he reflects a certain US position that wants to


keep the peace process going in the future, so you blame both sides. But


I was there. I was involved with this process and I saw the efforts


of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make this process work.


Unfortunately, when Mahmoud Abbas sat in March with President Obama


and President Obama asked if he would support this framework that we


have worked out, Mahmoud Abbas said we would get back to you. That is


not what this envoy says. You say you know what he said. But March in


this year, he said Newman Netanyahu effectively checked out from the


talks and stopped responding to proposals on the Obama


administration. Well... There was an open dialogue between the US and


Israel. We hope we have that open dialogue in the future.


Unfortunately, for his own reasons, maybe political constraint, Mahmoud


Abbas did not agree to the parameters proposed by the US for a


framework and as a result, the situation just deteriorated. And we


are in a position, the position we are in today, with the Palestinian


leadership. But worst of all, Mahmoud Abbas embraced Hamas, which


he knows is a terrorist group. Hamas has killed more Fatah people. Hamas


does not even want a Palestinian state. You know what they want? They


want a caliphate! Mahmoud Abbas says this new technocratic government


stands by all prior diplomatic agreement including the recognition


of Israel. Finally, John Kerry says the absence of peace is perpetual


conflict. You don't want perpetual conflict in Israel, do you? We are


determined to reach peace with our neighbours. In the past, we made


peace with Egypt. We gave up over 90% of the territory we captured in


the six`day war. We made peace with Jordan and both of those treaties


have been tested but we have succeeded. We would love to make


peace with the Palestinians but it takes two to tango and


unfortunately, Mahmoud Abbas has failed to bring peace for his side.


Maybe they have to go back to the drawing board and find a different


approach. But I will tell you this, the people of Israel are united in


seeking peace with their neighbours. Thank you for coming onto Hartog. ``


had HARDtalk. It looks like we will at least get one day


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