29/10/2012 Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire


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Good evening. Here is what is on the show


tonight: the Yorkshire businessman convicted or his role in the


illegal arms trade. In British terms, if not the


merchant of death he was Yorkshire's merchant of death.


expose the mail-order company failing to deliver its promises.


heart. But on the other hand, I was relieved that I was not going to


get away any more money for nothing. I'm going up this road because it


is here where the battle lines have been drawn. An investigating


whether an incinerator in North Yorkshire is worth its 1.4 or


billion pounds a east mac. -- �1.4 Almost the international arms trade


is at 30 police worlds away from North Yorkshire. But the conviction


of one York gun dealer shows it could flourish anywhere. A cold


case has led to new questions on this deadly business.


To those who knew him, Gary Hyde was the epitome of the respectable


local entrepeneur. He was the classic upstanding member of the


community - a successful businessman and former police


special constable who had even received a bravery award by North


Yorkshire Police for foiling a robbery.


So just how did gary Hyde become an international arms dealer, a man


wanted on two continents, whose stock in trade was the world's


favourite killing machine. He is an unscrupulous businessman


who deals in death. He deals in tens of thousands of


assault rifles which he sells to security forces and armed groups


all over the world. He is a major arms dealer, he is not just a gun


shop owner. Gary Hyde's business empire was


rooted in Yorkshire. He served the hunting and shooting set as


managing director of York Guns. But he also had his own companies


chasing legitimate government arms contracts across the globe...and


Now this, it is the AK-47 or kalishnikov - cheap to produce,


highly reliable and a favourite of third world armies and child


soldiers across the globe. Sell these in high volume, and you can


After the Balkan wars of the early 1990s, there were huge stockpiles


of old Soviet-style weaponry in eastern Europe, including hundreds


of thousands of AK-47s. The guns were surplus, but far from useless.


The weapons were urgently needed to arm security forces fighting


insurgencies. As the call went out to arm Iraqi


and Afghan troops, private gun dealers across the globe were put


on alert. And Gary Hyde sniffed an Gary Hyde was buying AKs for $12-13


- no way the real value - he was selling them on for $150-300.


But before the guns went to Afghanistan, they came to this


sleepy corner of Lincolnshire. In 2009, Inside Out revealed that with


British government approval Gary Hyde brought 70,000 AK-47s to this


secretive former Cold War storage depot at Faldingworth. A


significant number were moved on to Afghanistan and MPs and human


rights groups in the UK were concerned.


A government inquiry in the US revealed several hundred thousand


of the very same weapons that the likes of Gary and others were


supplying had gone missing - ended up in the arms of an insurgent, or


were simply not accounted for, serial numbers not recorded, no


accurate track on where the weapons But the government approved deals


continued. Ammunition was moved to Iraq from South Africa and Serbia,


tens of thousands of magazines were sent to Afghanistan, and he


fulfilled an MoD contract for 6,500 pistols and up to 300 machine guns


from China to Basra. The shipment arrived as the Iraqi police force


in the city was being infiltrated by Shia militiamen. And still the


deals kept coming. These are the Wikileak cables


revealed at the beginning of 2011 and amongst all the detail and


allegations is this one - confidential plans to sell 130,000


Romanian AK-47s to Colonel Gadaffi's regime in Libya.


The document revealed a contract between a Ukranian arms


manufacturer and Libya's equivalent of the Ministry of Defence. But it


was to be facilitated by York Guns - the company which Gary Hyde was


managing director of. Licences were The reason why it was turned down


was quite obvious - only 76,000 troops in libyan army, double the


amount of kalishnikovs necessary for the armed forces and the


likelihood was that a number of those weapons were not intended for


Libya but for neighbouring armed York Guns has distanced itself from


Gary hyde and say no allegations have been directed at the company


and that they were not involved in his activities, which continued to


grow. By now Gary Hyde was building a


reputation as a keen businessman who would go that extra mile to


clinch the deal. So when he was arrested by US


Marshalls in Las Vegas at America's biggest gathering of gun dealers,


more than a few eyebrows were raised.


Gary Hyde had fallen foul of US trade regulations with China, and


the import/export of 5,000 Chinese- made AK-47 magazine barrels had


aroused the suspicion of government agents. Gary Hyde denies any wrong


doing and the charges still have to be dealt with. But when he returned


to Britain, the authorities were British customs were interested in


a deal in 2007 to provide 80,000 guns plus 32 million rounds of


ammunition to the Nigerian security forces. It was weaponry that the


Nigerians urgently needed, but the country was not going to war, it


I found there was all sorts of weapons heading into Nigeria to


kind of bolster what is called their gunpowder politics - weapons


given to youths to brandish to If you are supplying AK-47s to


police officers that is highly questionable because they are used


to shoot people, they do not have the capacity to fire rubber bullets


The weapons had come from China in a $10 million deal brokered by Gary


Hyde. Under UK legislation any arms deal arranged here needs to be


licenced and the crucial piece of paper was not applied for. Gary


Hyde claimed he had done the business away from the UK and that


a licence was not necessary. Customs officers seized computers


at Hyde's home in Newton on Derwent near York, their investigation


revealed a commission of $1.3 million dollars had been paid,


money that was hidden in a bank account in the tax haven of


Litchenstein. Gary Hyde has since been sacked by


York Guns. One industry insider admits that the case will be used


as further ammunition against the British gun trade.


Certainly this is of grave concern to everyone in the gun trade, any


laws broken should be slapped down and punished accordingly. We are


concerned, this is our livelihood and it is important that we are


seen to operate in a legal manner. We operate in a tightly regulated


Gary hyde was found guilty at Southwark Crown Court of flouting


arms brokering laws and concealing the profits of the deal. He will be


sentenced next month. You could say he was Britain's most


significant kalishnikov dealer, so in British terms, if he was not the


merchant of death, he was certainly Gary Hyde is paying a heavy price


for his part in the global gun trade but for those working in the


field of arms control, he is not a one-off.


If you take someone like Gary Hyde out of the equation, won't someone


else just pop up in his place? Oh, yes, that is it. Gary Hyde is


one of many entrepeneurs involved in the arms business, but there is


always a market for weapons and there is a grey market for weapons


and ammunition for sure, and that is the sort of world that Gary Hyde


He is almost the Arthur Daley of the UK arms trade. He is dealing in


large quantities of second-hand old equipment from the former Soviet


Union, the only people who deal in this kind of kit are the kind of


people who are wheeling and dealing on the fringes of the acceptable


Still to come: will it be good value for money to get an


incinerator coming from here in this castle?


If you get a letter saying you have one huge cash prize, all due to do


his reply and sent a photo for publicity and buy something from


the mail-order catalogue. It sounds too good to be true, it is. But


that is who count as vulnerable and elderly people been targeted by one


John Chappell from West Yorkshire is disabled and cares for his 88


year old blind mother. Day after day letters arrive telling him he


is the winner of huge cheque. To get the money fast, he needs to


order some goods. Not that you may win it, you may Exley when it. You


have to send in your order so they can send the cheque. They've ended


up with drawers full of products they don't need - many from a


company called Vital Nature. That is extra strength lutein. Pills and


potions aimed at the frail and elderly are stacked into boxes in


every room. John is a retired West Yorkshire policeman, but he still


sent off dangerous personal details to confirm his win. They insist on


some form of identification. There we have a copy of the passport


which has been sent to them. Also, they require a photograph to be


used on the publication. It is a bit like when you're a drug addict,


they feed you with so much that you have won it. There is only one more


step. You do that one more step and you do it again. And then at one


point my mother said, let's knock it on the head. They also require a


smaller version to make sure it is the same person. Not only has it


cost us in money, it has also cost of sue macro -- Awesome Mack and


stamps. It is all over and above. I would do anything for a, you see.


John sent his photographs and prize claim forms to addresses in


Scotland and Hampshire. He never received a reply - just more post


requesting more orders and promising prizes. We've uncovered


evidence showing that while cheques are cashed and orders processed,


letters from confused pensioners asking what's happened to their


promised prizes are thrown away unread. People from all over the


country have fallen for this con and in every case it can be traced


back to one address. The UK nerve centre for a huge mail order scam -


Emery LTD In Hampshire. They are clearly not reading their letters.


Time to give them a voice. Glenn Close My order cheque and forms. I


and 90 years old, in a wheelchair, cannot walk, had two heart attacks,


got angina... Our loud hailer is going down a storm. Neighbouring


businesses are more than happy to listen to letters from confused


customers, which is more than can be said for the company that throws


them away. One employee whose job it was to bin the customers'


letters, was so appalled at the part a UK business plays in this


deception, she went undercover with a camera to show what happens. The


mail handling company works for a Frenchman who runs a number of


businesses in Europe, promising prizes in return for orders Time to


go and see some of the people It had me convinced. The more


letters I opened, the more I thought, this cannot be right. It


People confused, generally asking about their prize, why they haven't


got it. A lot of people needing Many of the mail order companies


are owned by the same person, a wealthy Frenchman Anita UK postal


address -- who needs. While their customers may be left all at sea,


the Gebbetts appear to be riding high on a wave of success. His son


Nick lives in Norfolk. Nothing on Twitter about running a company


involved in a mass marketing scam. Here's dad David, who often pops in


for a chat at the company. And here's his son Nick, who appears to


be in charge. While they throw away most letters they receive, Nick


Gebbett did read the one we sent him. He replied they'd only answer


our questions with a statement if we used it in full and unedited.


Obviously we want to hear their side of the story - but we can't go


giving promises like that to anyone. But I still needed to know why they


thought it was OK to do the dirty work for a French scammer. I am a


from BBC Inside Out. Can I ask why your company continues to chat --


cash cheques of vulnerable people. We have sent a statement to you and


that all -- that is all there is to it. Your staff as being instructed


to shred their letters. I cannot comment. Why do you continue to


have dealings with the company? cannot comment on that. I'm sorry.


I have to go. What you say to people who think they had been


taken for a ride by this company? Your company could stop it


happening. If we did, some other company would do it. That does not


make it right. You have got nothing to say to these people. Surely you


all them something? His reply, no comment. If they did not do it,


someone else would. Does that make My message to companies working as


a third party to a criminal enterprise is that yes, you are on


borrowed time. My job is to close in as quickly as we can to stop you


operating, to bring you to justice and to make sure that you are seen


as part of that criminal conspiracy. We are closing in on you whether


you are in the UK or you're operating for somebody outside the


UK. We're bringing it together on behalf of the nation. We're there


to make sure that people in our society, people in the UK, are less


susceptible to a criminal methods. Our job is to make sure that we


protect the people of this country. At this moment in time, I am living


on hope. I think our work here is done. We have truly given them a


voice. In the next 24 hours decisions will be made over plans


to build a controversial new waste incinerator. It is a public-private


partnership and it will cost �1.4 billion. It will last of the next


25 years. Will this be worth the Everyone agrees that recycling is a


good thing - but the question of what we do with the waste that's


left behind is the subject of heated debate. I'm on my way up the


A1, because it's there that the battles lines have been drawn in a


protracted war about the rights and wrongs of building a huge waste


incineration plant that some fear will be too big, too expensive and


be one incinerator too many. The row centres on this site at


Allerton Park near Knaresborough, where a large incinerator and waste


processing plant will be built, using controversial PFI money.


Critics say this method of funding, where the private sector build


facilities and then charges the public sector to use them, can tie


taxpayers to expensive commitments for decades to come. And it's to


this former quarry that all of North Yorkshire's household black


bin bags will be sent. There'll be extra recycling on site, and power


created from waste - the rest will be burnt. And the size of such a


plant has raised obvious concerns Now if you're after a building that


dominates the landscape, look no further than Allerton Castle. But


this Grade One-listed mansion will be dwarfed by the incinerator which


would be built just a mile away. Millionaire American philanthropist


Gerald Rolph is a trustee of the foundation that owns the castle.


How big is this proposed incinerator? Probably larger than


this in many ways. And of course up to me, to have that happen, which


is a detriment to your heritage, I am concerned and I am against it.


solution to North Yorkshire's waste problem has been ten years in the


offing. Landfill was increasingly seen as unsustainable and expensive.


The local authority's answer was an incinerator plant. Almost �6


million in consultancy fees later, its future is about to be decided.


On the one side there's big business and two large local


authorities. The incinerator will be built by waste management multi-


national Ameycespa, who'll then charge North Yorkshire County


Council and the City of York Council to burn their domestic


waste. They say it'll actually save money. North Yorkshire and York are


facing a bill to deal with their waste. If we carry on dealing with


it as we are, in today's fashion. The project proposed should reduce


that by 1.4 billion. At this point in time those costs continue to


change. This is not and was never meant to be the cheapest solution.


This was about finding the best solution for the disposal of waste.


But the protestors argue there are cheaper alternatives than spending


�1.4 billion - and 10,000 signatures have been gathered and


local MPs brought on side. And in the evenings, there's fighting talk.


That is a critical point. This facility is far too big. They say


being tied to a 25-year deal doesn't make sense. There are other


options they could do over a shorter time periods where they


could make more appropriate decisions than track and they could


say a lot of money. The protestors believe now's not the time to press


ahead, but to re-examine other options.. They say that the


proposed project is not the right solution to North Yorkshire's waste


problem. And rather than one big incinerator, they want smaller


energy from waste centres, closer to the communities that create the


rubbish in the first place. What to do with domestic waste has been an


issue ever since the Victorians latched onto the idea of burning it.


Over on the continent they've been building incinerators close to


urban centres so that schools, hospitals and residents can benefit


from the heat that's produced. But with its countryside location, the


heat from Allerton Park will be wasted - further proof, say the


protestors, that it's being built in the wrong place And what's


fanning the flames is that Allerton Park isn't the only waste plant in


the pipeline. There's talk of incinerators for Teesside,


Ferrybridge and Kellingley - and some are wondering whether the


Allerton Park scheme will be one chimney too many. The protestors


have commissioned their own report on the proposal. One of Britain's


leading waste consultancies have examined the figures for the


Allerton Park incinerator, and say there's a problem. We are seemed


less material being thrown away and yet we are seen more facilities


being either built or going through the planning process to be built.


We are concerned that in a few years we will have more capacity to


deal with this refused and we will have refuse. The councils deny


there'll be problems, and say that even if there are fluctuations in


domestic waste, commercial waste will fill the gap. And that's


opened up another accusation that there could be a two-tier pricing


structure - a high one for the local authorities, and a cheaper


one to attract other waste companies. We try as the commercial


operators Les? It is not fixed. It will not be cheaper. It is a


commercial decision. Will the council's beyond that flexible


rate? And no, they are, fixed rate for 25 years. The Council could


find themselves snooping. If the cost for getting rid of waste goes


down, they could find themselves tied into a rate where they are


paying double the rate? It is extremely unlikely the cost will go


down. At one of North Yorkshire's largest private trade waste


companies, they're watching developments closely, especially as


more and more British firms are producing waste that can only be


recycled. The drive in the commercial world now is a zero


waste. That is through a combination of working with them to


reduce waste, and giving all the priority to recycling, innovator of


recycling processes. Do you ever see a wagon pulling up at Allerton


Park? I would be very surprised unless their model changes


significantly. Back near Allerton Park the residents remain worried


about what the future might bring. The incinerator might be a bit too


close for comfort for the locals - but they deny a 'not in my back


yard' attitude. I'd turn the NIMBY argument on its head - it's York


that's being the ultimate NIMBY by not having incineration within its


boundaries. The city of York are one of the sponsors. They will not


permit incineration. So are there other waste solutions on the


horizon? On the outskirts of Swindon, Advanced Plasma Power has


developed an energy form called gasplasma - turning municipal waste


into an energy rich gas which can be used in turbines, gas engines


and fuel cells. They're also planning to return to landfill


sites to reclaim the metals and plastics that we threw away decades


ago, thinking they were worthless. Local authorities could be sitting


on gold mines, and rather than burning waste, they could be


digging it up.. I think we are in the process of their paradigm shift


from seeing waste has rubbish that we throw away, to actually a


valuable resource in its own right. The reserves of gold, for example,


he landfills. Whether its gold or rubbish, North Yorkshire


councillors have a big decision to make tomorrow - one that many


believe could have consequences beyond the next 25 years. That is


it. If there is anything you have missed, you can get it on the


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