The Mayor and Our Money Panorama

The Mayor and Our Money

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This is Britain's first directly-elected Asian mayor. Last


year a Government minister accused him of divisive community politics.


Lutfur Rahman claims he stands for what he calls, One Tower Hamlets. It


is about giving a facility... Has the system given too much power to


one politician? We have a lot to thank him for. If he cannot do it,


he will tell you that. That is what you can ask of a politician. Tell me


the truth. Opponents say he's handed out favours to help him win the


upcoming mayoral election. It is untrue. It is untrue! Tonight,


Panorama investigates the most serious questions raised so far


about our system of directly-elected mayors.


The allegation allegations that Panorama rise are of a completely


different magnitude to worries and concerns that we have with other


councils. This is Tower Hamlets, in East


London. One of Britain's most ethnically-diverse boroughs. It has


some of London's most iconic landmarks too. And it is also home


to some of its poorest inhabitants. Tower Hamlets is perhaps the most


political borough in Britain. It has a long history of


bear-knuckle politics. -- bare-knuckle politics.


Thank you very much! Those who have done 12 rounds here tell me it has


rarely been more brutal than it is today.


Three-and-a-half years ago, the residents of Tower Hamlets voted for


their first directly-elected mayor. Lutfur Rahman, having polled 56% of


the vote... APPLAUSE


I will work for you - each and every member of Tower Hamlets.


Lutfur Rahman won with a fraction of the electorate, just 13% of


registered voters. Of the people that did turn out to


vote that day, nearly two-thirds were from his own Bangladeshi


community. Lutfur Rahman stood as an


independent. Vilified by opponents, his supporters saw him as a David


standing as against the goly yacht of his -- Goliath of his old party,


Labour. Four years on, it has shifted. The mayoral system is we


elect people who are accountable and visible to the community. This is


moving to a more Presidential system rather than a parliamentary one.


This is in order that we have strong visible leaders who can make


decisions and the public know who they are because they have directly


elected them. An early decision from Mayor Rahman


was the creation of a new logo for the new Office of Mayor. Of mayor.


He uses both his name and photo. He has even branded the council's bin


men. The mayor has already created an


image within the community that he's someone very powerful. He would like


to give the message that he's the most powerful man around. That's the


kind of image he wants, with his pictures around the borough. The


other side... I have a lot of questions for the mayor. First, he


insisted on shows me some of his achievements. He also lined up some


supporters, like Lillian Collins, who lobbied the mayor to renovate


these art deck co-swimming bars in Poplar. So, after eight years we got


this wonderful man here as our leader.


The mayor says he upholds the highest standards of problemty and


transparency. Like not using public money to promote himself beyond, of


course, explaining his policies. Like many mayors, Mayor Rahman funds


a news sheet from the public purse. Unlike any other mayor, his is


actually a weekly newspaper, as well as reporting the news, the mayor's


newspaper has made the news. No power exists to tackle its


political propaganda sheet. It is further evidence of a worrying


pattern of divisive community politics and miss management of


council staff and resources by the mayoral administration.


A recent council survey of council Hamlets' residents say they don't


think that East End Life is bias. Council newspapers are supposed to


reflect the make-up of the council as a whole. So, I have been through


every edition of East End Life over the past year. Even though


opposition parties outnumber the mayor and his party by more than two


to one, the mayor and his party still get 29 times more mentions.


The council's own new publicity code requires coverage to be fair and


balanced. I asked the mayor's former communications chief if he thought


the mayor abided by the code. Do you think, having 97.3% of


quotes, sharing them between him and his Cabinet, do you think that


amounts to political advertising? It sounds like it to me, yes. Because


if this newspaper is going through over 90,000 letter boxes every week,


that's the level of exposure that the mayor is getting, to me it is a


personality. Our Review Shows over that year, 97.3% of quotes were from


you and your Cabinet, does that strike you as balanced? It is a fair


and balanced paper. It has been around for the last 20 years. The


style and format has been the same style and format since I have been a


councillor, about 15 years ago. It is about to reporting on the


services we deliver. Is 97.3% fair and balanced? It is a fair paper,


reporting on the services of this council, what we deliver. Does it


amount to political advertising? Absolutely not.


From today, a new law on council publications will outlaw East End


Life from publishing in its current form.


It is partisan, it is there promoting not only the mayor but the


mayor's party. The mayor would say, look directly elected mayors were


elected to become the face of the council - the face of campaigns, so


you would expect a higher concentration of coverage on one


individual. And let him use his own money to do that. He shouldn't abuse


his position and use taxpayers' money for that and, with due process


and consideration, we may well be issuing instructions to the mayor to


stop. Mayor Rahman has an unorthodox relationship with some local TV


stations. One that is also unique among elected mayors. This is


Channel S. Passionate about exceeding expectations. It


broadcasts to the nearly 500,000 bang Bangladeshis who live in the


UK. It is influential among the 80,000-odd who live in Tower


Hamlets. Channel S is a powerful channel.


A lot of people 's opinions is it is bay yased to us, the mayor's team.


Under Mayor Rahman Tower Hamlets has given Channel S ?17,000 of public


money to sponsor programmes and events.


The mayor has also been made very welcome on Channel S. I am grateful.


You want to me me accountable to the people of Tower Hamlets. The channel


seems to have let the major promote himself.


What do you think of the clip you have just seen? I have never seen


anything like it before. It is just so partial, it is beyond belief. I


am trying to think what the broadcast equivalent of Vanity


publishing is. That is what we're talking about, isn't it? Let's go


for a break then! Since 2008 Channel S, who declined


to comment, has been found guilty of bias, in favour of Mayor Rahman by


Ofcom three times, including once when he last stood for election.


Mayor Rahman has paid the chief reporter of the channel which has


promoted him ?50,000 a year to be his community media adviser.


So, I asked the mayor, didn't that amount to a serious conflict of


interest? Mr Jubair does not report on any


issue of the mayoralty or any issue... That is not true. Ly, but I


think -- I will double-check, but I think that is not correct.


He denies reporting on the mayor. Yet here is the mayor's well-paid


adviser, reporting on his boss. What's more, the mayor sponsored the


event for ?5,000. And he also got a platform to


promote his administration. The investment that we are making in


Tower Hamlets clearly shows it has paid off. One of our young people, a


young woman, has won your educational achievement award.


Do you have any concept of how all of this close relationship with


Channel S appears to be? Channel S is a small regional, digital TV


station. We have a professional relationship... A cosy relationship.


Cosy relationship. It is a professional relationship, all the


local media. There is little scrutiny of the mayor in the


Bangladeshi community generally and what scrutiny there is risks being


treated with suspicion, as we discovered. In the course of making


this programme, we hired a train trainee Bengali journalist. Within


days she had copied some of our confidential material and handed it


to the mayor's office, presenting herself as a whistle-blower.


Apparently she felt our approach had been racist and by yasts. -- bay


yast. -- biased.


The mayor says his priority is to create harmony across tower Tower


Hamlets' diverse faiths. He calls this One Tower Hamlets. He is


especially proud of building new homes and improving etat estates


like this one. There had not been work done before you became leader?


Not at all. Even some critics agree with supporters like Brenda Daley


that he has a good record on housing. Now you come in, it is


open, it is green and it is lovely. And you know, I love living here,


basically. We have a lot to thank him for. We really do. So he has


your vote? Yes. He has my vote. If someone promises you something and


they deliver, then you think, you know, if he cannot do it he would


tell you that. That is all you can ask from a politician, don't tell me


lies, tell me the truth. It may be One Tower Hamlets - however his


Cabinet and advisers, none of whom were available for interview, are


all Bangladeshi, as were nearly two-thirds of the voters on the day


he was elected. Even though the borough is only one-third


Bangladeshi. To win next May, the mayor is


expected to need a high Bangladeshi turnout once again.


This has led to accusations that for all his talk of one One Tower


Hamlets, some of his policies are divisive.


Mayor Rahman has become the first and only mayor to fund faith


directly from local taxes. He's set up a ?3m fund to preserve what he


calls faith heritage. He says he was inspired by a visit to this


synagogue. It's a wonderful building, beautiful architecture.


But see the way the rain is seeping in. The walls are cracking. I


believe it needs us to protect it, and protect the heritage and history


of a very important part of our borough.


However, so far, most of the applicants for the mayor's faith


fund have been mosques. When Labour ran Tower Hamlets, religious groups


were given public funds to provide social services. But Mayor Rahman's


faith grant scheme comes with no such strings attached.


Although it's been popular with faith groups, a number of local


Muslims told me it was potentially divisive. Only one was prepared to


voice his opposition publicly. Faith divides people. I mean, we are


living in a multiculture society. If I am a strong believer of a


particular faith, I have to have a different opinion about a particular


opinion about if you are belonging in a different faith. Faith should


be kept within yourself, and I don't believe that it basically unites


people, rather it divides people. The mayor says his faith grant helps


build community cohesion. Does it? This is the Esha'atul Mosque. So far


the mayor has given them ?25,000. Last December the mosque gave a


platform to a senior Saudi imam, even though, when interviewed, he


doesn't seem to have a clue about community cohesion.


Sheikh Al-Kalbani has previously been a guest of the mayor. Amid


press criticism of his return visit last December, the Home Secretary


cancelled his visa. My question is, how does inviting a


cleric with those views contribute to community cohesion? I condemn any


discrimination based on race, religion, gender. I'm sure you do.


So why give them any money? So why give them any money? If anyone


breaks the law, I will condemn them, if you have any... It's not


necessarily a breach of the law, it's a question of values. If you


have any evidence that someone in my community have broken the law, Mr


Ware, Mr Ware, forward it onto my monitoring officer. That's not my


question, you know it's not my question.


Tower Hamlets is one of the most deprived boroughs in the country.


Many residents depend on council funded charities.


This community association, which is also a mosque, has been given nearly


?100,000 by the mayor to run a lunch club, advice service and homework


and sewing classes. In the run-up to the election, the


mayor had good news for hundreds of charities in Tower Hamlets. He said


he wanted to fund many more of them from the mayoral-grant pot. And by


our calculation he increased that pot to a record ?14m. However, the


opposition were sceptical. We now return to members' questions. Next


question is from Councillor Rachael Saunders. Is there any link between


mayor's funding to new organisations in the borough and the mayor's


campaign? I have a very short and simple answer. There is nothing


improper about what we do. That's the bottom line, there is nothing


improper. Alibor Choudhury is one of 14 councillors in the mayor's new


party, Tower Hamlets First. Despite emphatic denials, the opposition


still believe there was something improper about the way the mayor


exercised his personal power over grants.


I am pretty sure there is some quid pro quo in some of those grants


decisions being made. I am pretty sure that part of that quid pro quo


is about supporting the mayor politically on the ground in the


run-up to the election. Because he doesn't have a political machine and


he needs organisations out there making sure the electorate turns out


to vote for him. Suspicion that electoral advantage


was the mayor's motive has been fanned by opposition claims about


the process he used to award the grants. If the mayor's selection of


which groups to fund was based on who he thought would get the vote


out for him, well, that would be unlawful.


Because the mayor insists he upholds the highest standards of probity and


transparency, we approached the financial standard setters for local


government. It's very important that the process


isn't behind closed doors. When it's behind closed doors, it calls into


question whether or not that process is being properly followed and


whether or not the decisions are being soundly made. So up and down


the land, you will see councils very keen to ensure that their decision


making in this regard, in these areas, is very much in public.


And that's the way it was until the mayor took his grants process mostly


behind closed doors. We've had access to confidential council


paperwork relating to nearly ?9m worth of grants he approved. What


they show is how officers tried to do what the mayor wanted to help


some of the neediest in the borough. What they also show is the sheer


scale of how the mayor rejected this advice.


You're determining who will execute your policies best and after a


rigorous process you come to a set of recommendations. But the mayor


didn't like most of his officers' recommendations, so he redistributed


nearly ?6m between hundreds of his chosen projects. More than half


these changes were because the mayor funded projects which officers


hadn't recommended, or because he rejected projects which they had.


I don't know the specifics of a case. Of course, it will change a


bit, that's why we elect people, in order to make final decisions on


behalf of the community, spending public money. But it's very unusual


for that degree of material change to take place.


Inside Tower Hamlets, a council lawyer warned that the authority was


vulnerable to legal challenge. The man representing Tower Hamlets


charities also complained there was no explanation for the scale of


changes. Khadiru Mahdi is chief executive of Tower Hamlets Council


for Voluntary Service. As the one outsider given access by the mayor


to the otherwise secret process, he was intended to be the eyes and ears


of the charity sector. Yet in this confidential memo, he said that he


was being kept in the dark. The information fell short of what


was required. I have not been privy to the detailed review. It's in the


best interests of the council for the process to be fair and


transparent. A fair and transparent process means


providing detailed explanations when major funding changes are made. And


yet the only explanation given for hundreds of changes amounting to ?6m


is contained in just a few words - that local knowledge was applied and


that it was known where money needed to be redistributed.


Rebel I'd expect a detailed explanation in the audit trail of


why decisions had been made. Not just the odd sentence? No, no, you


expect detailed explanation of why decisions have been made. And if


there isn't an explanation. Then the decisions are challengeable. You


mean in the courts, judicially reviewable. Yes.


Our analysis covers 362 grants worth nearly ?9m approved by the mayor.


The biggest winners by far have been charities run by Bengali or Somali


trustees. Officers had originally recommended that these groups should


receive ?1.5 million. Mayor Rahman increased that by nearly two and a


half times to ?3.6m. To pay for it, he dipped into the council's


reserves, and he cut what was left for everyone else by 25% overall.


The last mayoral election had a high Bengali turnout. So if the mayor was


using grants to build up his voter base, it would make sense to push


the money towards organisations who'd help him get elected.


? You've more than doubled the grant


officers recommended to Bangladeshi and Somali organisations. Right,


right. And you've cut everyone else's or many others' to help pay


for it. And that's why the opposition say that this is as much


about electoral advantage as it may be about need. What do you say to


that? OK. Listen, it went through a vigorous process, Mr Ware. So the


allegation that's made by your... It's untrue, it's absolutely untrue.


But can I just say, my principle has all along been that we will


distribute the money to as many organisations as possible? Because


they benefit the community of Tower Hamlets, Mr Ware. The maths show


that you made very significant changes to officer recommendations.


There isn't an adequate explanation for the changes that you made. In


fact, the only reason given really is that local knowledge is applied.


Sure. Why is there no adequate audit trail? Oh, there is adequate audit


trail, Mr Ware, your informants, your researchers just give you


selected information. No, I've read all the papers. Or you choose to,


you choose... You choose to air selected information.


Directly elected mayors have more personal power than ordinary council


leaders. In return, they're expected to be personally accountable.


The mayor is asked many questions at council and the response is always


the same, total silence. We were frustrated to find that the mayor


was we were told by the legal officer


that not only was he not subject to the constitution but it would be


against his human rights to answer. Against the human rights of an


elected mayor? It would be against his human rights to force him to


answer questions from members of the public and from elected


representatives in a public council meeting.


Trying to hold the mayor to account has become a familiar battle in full


council meetings. Look, it is not about being a Bengali mayor or an


Asian mayor or black mayor. It's nothing to do with that. It is about


decisions you make on behalf of the residents. If you are divisive, if


you make decisions on grants, I want to see much more accountability,


transparency from the mayor. The one committee where all decision


makers are expected to be held to account is called overview and


scrutiny, or O And yet in the last year, Mayor Rahman is the only


one out of all England's 15 directly elected mayors not to have answered


questions at O or full council. Can I just say my disappointment


again, Mayor Rahman, for your nonattendance and again on the


eighth occasion that you have declined to attend the overview and


scrutiny committee? Since then, it's gone up to ten. By our count, there


have been of the order of ten requests to the mayor. He has not


presented himself. Is that unusual in your view? That's virtually


unprecedented. And I'd be very interested in understanding why an


important part of the local government settlement having


scrutiny is not happening. Why haven't you been prepared to


turn up and answer questions about the grants? Mr Ware, let me answer,


please, yeah? Three grants panel, four cabinet meetings, two O


meetings about the grants, a vigorous process after which I made


the final decision. But you didn't answer any questions. So what was


two overview-and-scrutiny committees? My executive members


attended answered each and every question and gave a proper answer.


They didn't, actually. They did. No, they didn't. No, that is your


interpretation. The 17th of December, no-one turned up, you said


you had other business. Mr Ware, Mr Ware... That's a fact. It's in the


record. We took a summary of our research to


the man ultimately responsible for the ethical framework of local


government. I will look at it very carefully, and if I feel the


allegations that you made are substantial and serious, I will


actively consider intervening. In what way? Well, I have powers to put


in an inspector to look at the way that the council's been run.


This is International Language Day, Tower Hamlets' annual celebration of


diversity. This annual occasion gives us the


opportunity to celebrate our cultural differences. We are a


microcosm of what this country is today.


In two months, the electorate will decide the difference between the


mayor and his political opponents. He has accused Panorama of becoming


their mouthpiece, a portent of just how visceral this contests is set to




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