29/01/2017 Sunday Politics North East and Cumbria


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Donald Trump's travel ban on refugees and citizens of seven


mainly Muslim countries sparks protests at several US airports.


In the North East and Cumbria: the government promises


a new hands-on approach to industry, but can the new strategy turn


We report from the jobs blackspot of East Cleveland?


Should she have spoken out more strongly?


We'll ask former Ukip leader and Trump confidant Nigel Farage


what he makes of the travel ban and the Prime Minister's


In London this week, the mayor, Sadiq Khan,


has been coming under pressure to explain his fares freeze


and why it doesn't apply to everybody.


And with me, the best and brightest political


panel in the business - Steve Richards, Julia


They'll be tweeting throughout the programme.


It was soon after Theresa May left the White House on Friday that


Donald Trump signed the executive order banning citizens from seven


President Trump's 90-day ban covers Iran, Iraq,


Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Syria, from


where refugees are banned from until further notice.


Donald Trump's executive order also imposes a complete ban


on all refugees coming to the US for the next 120 days.


Mr Trump said that the ban would keep radical Islamic terrorists out


But the ban has sparked protests across the US,


as people affected and already in the air were detained


US laws have begun legal action to challenge the ban, which many


At a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, Theresa May was asked


about the refugee ban three times before giving this response...


Well, the United States is responsible for the United States'


The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy


on refugees, and our policy on refugees is to have a number


of voluntary schemes to bring Syrian refugees into the country.


Downing Street later issued a statement saying:


This morning, the Treasury Minister, David Gauke, was asked why


Theresa May had refused to condemn the travel ban at yesterday's


The Prime Minister is not a shoot-from-the-hip


She wants to see the evidence, she wants


to understand precisely what the implications are.


She'd been in a series of very lengthy meetings with


President Erdogan, and she's someone who wants to see the briefing and


understand it, and then will respond to that.


I think there are times where, you know, there's always


pressure to respond within a news cycle and so on.


The important thing is, we are saying we disagree with it


We're joined now from North London by the Conservative


Should the Government in general and Theresa May in particular be more


vocal in their criticism of Donald Trump's travel bans? Well, as David


just said, it is obviously right that Theresa has now said this is an


appropriate and not something we agree with in our Government, but I


wish she had said something at the time, not least because it affects


our own citizens. One of our own MPs, Nadhim, for example, because it


is also a global crisis. She had clearly built an excellent with


Donald Trump -- she had built an excellent relationship with him, but


she could have been firmer. Mrs May hasn't said any word of criticism


about the travel bans. She refused to say anything three times in


Ankara, and it is merely an anonymous Downing Street


spokesperson that has issued the subsequent mild criticism. We have


not heard from the Prime Minister at all on this matter in terms of


criticism. No, but the spokesperson will be speaking with her blessing,


so it is clearly something she has acknowledged. As I said before, I


wish she had said something at the time. The global climate at the


moment is delicate and we need our leaders to work together to address


things like the refugee crisis. Potentially, this plays into the


hands of Daesh. It is absolutely not the right message. What would you


like the Prime Minister to say? As with any new relationship, it is


about testing the boundaries. They had clearly got on well, so she


should have felt braver to say something there and then. I would


have preferred her to say, for example, I need to talk to Donald


Trump about this. It is not something I support and I want to


understand why because I believe there is a better way to deal with


the terrorist threat. I would have liked her to suggest that she would


engage with him to do that. The president has instituted a 90 day


temporary ban on people coming from seven mainly Muslim majority


population countries. The seven were on President Obama's list of the


biggest terrorist threats to the United States. Mr Trump wants this


temporary ban until he puts tougher vetting procedures in place. What is


wrong with that? Because it appeared to me that it wasn't thought through


and it was affecting ordinary citizens and some British citizens.


It can't be right that a president in that position of power can


arbitrarily come up with executive powers like that. It has already


been challenged by his own courts. So it is not the considered approach


I want to see in a global leader. Who do you believe will be hurt by


this, given that there can be exceptions on a case-by-case basis?


I think potentially, our global reputation is going to be hurt by


this. I have been to the refugee camps in Europe myself. There are


desperate people trying to free persecution who will be hurt by


this. We are trying to heal the wounds in this country not only


because of Brexit. This is a time of coming together, not about saying it


is located discriminatory against race and religion in this way. Do


you believe that Mr Trump's state visit should go ahead? Well, he is


the leader of America, so it does need to go ahead and we need to work


with him. I believe Theresa has started in a positive manner was


that she just needs to continue in that vein. If he comes to our


country, he needs to respect the way we feel about things. But yes, he is


the president, so he does need to come to the UK. There is some debate


within Westminster as to where it is appropriate for him to speak to MPs,


but it is right that he comes. But if he does come on a state visit,


should he be granted what this country has always thought of as a


great honour, which is a joint address to both Houses of


Parliament? I haven't been an MP long enough to understand the


protocol of where is the right location for him to do that, but I


believe in the past, it has been the greatest leaders, when they have


achieved great things globally, it is Westminster Hall. But there are a


number of MPs saying that is not the most appropriate place and I am


inclined to agree. You don't think he should be accorded the privilege


of speaking to a joint session of Parliament? I think there are places


where he can do that, but Westminster Hall is not yet the


right place. Thank you for joining us.


Steve, within 24 hours, we have seen the difficulty of becoming Donald


Trump's best friend. On the one hand, it could have huge advantages,


particularly for a Brexit Britain. On the other hand, if you are going


to be his best friend, you don't have to give a running commentary on


every major thing he does. Yeah. We have learned a bit about Theresa


May, that when she has to produce a set piece speech which she has time


to prepare, she can get it totally right and sometimes more than right.


When she is faced with a fast-moving story, she is leaden footed and


can't think quickly on her feet. We know, did she regret not saying


more? Evidently she did, because we got a statement from the Downing


Street spokesperson saying more. So she can't think quickly. She's going


to have to think very quickly in response to some of the things he's


going to be doing, because she will be asked about it all the time. It


does highlight the wider danger that the assumption that the special


relationship is always a safe and fertile place to be has been proven


wrong before and I think it will be proven wrong big-time in this case.


You're shaking your head. I don't see why we are responsible for


American domestic policy. I am as appalled as the next person by what


Donald Trump has done. He said he was going to do this, which was why


I did not want Americans to vote for him. In fact, what he has


implemented is much less than what he said he would do when he was


campaigning. I have always felt that the campaigning Trump was the real


Trump. But what he has done is actually constitutional. He has the


executive power to issue this order. It is within the rules in terms of a


class of aliens deemed to be a risk to the United States. It is a 90 day


limited ban. The last president who did this was a Democrat president,


President Carter. He did it in the aftermath of the Iranian crisis.


Well, given the spate of terror attacks on American territory in


recent years, you could argue that he meant well. I don't agree with


Donald Trump. But have people from these countries that he has banned


been involved in terrorist attacks? That is the absurdity. He has not


included Egypt or Pakistan. But I don't remove everyone getting in


such a state about President Carter. The reality is that it is a legal


thing for him to do. I don't like it. But it is not my territory. It


is illegal, because they have been given a right to remain by a judge


in Brooklyn and another judging Alexandra. That is a different issue


for people who have already gone through the vetting. I don't agree


with this. However, I don't think it's reasonable to say that Theresa


May, because she wants to do a deal with Donald Trump, I don't give is


reasonable to say she have to agree with each of his policies. It is


nonsense. But the issue, Janan, is not whether she needs to agree with


him. The question is that she will be questioned about him all the time


now. And although these are matters of domestic policy, the refugee


policy is international. They speak to issues that affect Britain as


well, and I would suggest that she will not get away with this


anonymous statement from Downing Street. People will demand a she


says something on the record. She would get away with it indefinitely.


These situations will recur every time Donald Trump says or does


something contentious. She will be pressed to this associate her


administration from his. She will probably be in a better logistical


situation to do so. She has spent a big chunk of the past 72 hours in


the air. She flew from Washington to Ankara, than from Ankara to London.


We don't have Air Force One, we don't have those frictionless


communications with the ground. She would have been incommunicado for


large periods of time when this story was breaking. That doesn't


excuse the stiff response when she landed and issued a statement via


Downing Street. But during that delay, she did have a plausible


excuse. She has also got a much more tricky geopolitical situation than


many other world leaders. She has to strike a favourable trade deal with


the new US president. It is all very well people saying Justin Trudeau of


Canada was much more vociferous in his criticism of Donald Trump. He is


already in Nafta, he is not striking a new deal. For how long, we don't


know. Exactly, he's trying to stay in Nafta, but he is in a less tricky


situation than she is. Now, Theresa May's was the first


foreign leader to meet President Trump and the visit


was seen as quite a coup for the Prime Minister,


keen for a new trading relationship with the United States


in the wake of Brexit. The Prime Minister congratulated


the new US President for his "stunning election victory"


but might not have intended to be pictured walking


through the White House with him That picture of Donald Trump helping


Theresa May down the steps through the White House colonnade


will be the enduring image Mrs May said the President


told her he was "100% behind Nato". And for her part, the Prime Minister


said she would work hard to make sure other Nato countries


increased their defence spending It's been announced


that there will be a new trade negotiation agreement,


with high-level talks The hope is that this will lead


to a new trade deal between the two countries as soon as


Britain leaves the EU. Mr Trump said he believed "Brexit's


going to be a wonderful thing". On Russia, Theresa May made clear


to Donald Trump her continued


backing for sanctions. And following the controversy over


the President's support for torture, Mr Trump said he would defer


to his Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, who argues


that the practice doesn't work. And I'm joined now by the former


Ukip leader, Nigel Farage. Do you agree with Mr Trump's


decision to ban Syrian refugees indefinitely from entering the


United States? I agree with the concept of democracy, a point which


appears to be missed by almost all commentators including the BBC. He


was elected to get tough and say he would do everything in his power to


protect America from infiltration by ISIS terrorists. There are seven


countries on that list. He's entitled to do this. I didn't ask if


he was entitled, I asked if agree with it. I do, because if you just


look at what's happening in France and Germany, if you look at Angela


Merkel's policy which was to allow virtually anyone in from anywhere,


look what it led to. You said in 2013 there's a responsibility on all


of us in the free west to help some of those people fleeing Syria


literally in fear of their lives. That's the Christian community in


virtually all of those country, it is almost too late because many have


been wiped out but if you are looking for a genuine definition of


a refugee, going back to 1951, it is someone in direct fear of


persecution of their life because of their race, religion or beliefs. But


you didn't talk about only Christians, and in January 2014 you


said, I seem to recall it was Ukip who started the debate on allowing


Syrian refugees, you seem to be in favour of allowing proper refugees


into this country. If they can be defined. Mr Trump won't let any in.


He is running American policy, not British policy. Since I made those


comments, we have had the Angela Merkel madness and I think Trump's


policy in many ways has been shaped by what Angela Merkel did. He is


fully entitled to do this, and as far as we are concerned in this


country, I would like to see extreme vetting. Since 9/11 can you name any


terrorist event in the United States that has involved refugees that have


been allowed into the country? No, in fact the terrorist events have


been US citizens radicalised. When you have a problem already, why


would you wish to add to it? I would remind you that of the eight people


that committed those atrocities in Paris, five of them had got into


Europe posing as refugees so there is an issue here. But perhaps not


for America because it has the most rigorous and lengthy screening


process in the world, especially for Syrians. You have to register with


the UN agency for refugees, which then recommend certain names to


America, they then go through biometric screening, database


screening, intelligent screenings, including four separate intelligence


agencies screening you. How more rigorous would you want it to be? It


is much more rigorous than we are or the rest of Europe. This is why we


have elections, so voters can make choices and they voted for Donald


Trump to become president and he said he would put bans in place and


then move towards extreme vetting. As far as the Syrians are concerned


he's made that decision but that's what he was voted in fourth. Since


you know him, you have met him, you are confident of his, I'm testing


you on the logic of it. Not that he's democratically elected, I'm not


asking about that, I'm trying to get the case, particularly since if you


take the seven countries of which the ban applies for 19 days, again,


of these seven countries, its citizens have not been involved in


terrorist attacks in the United States. It would be a mistake to say


it is just Muslim countries because the biggest Muslim countries in the


world have not been included in this. The point is they have made


this assessment, they bought themselves 90 days to think about


the policy. This is exactly what Trump's voters would have wanted him


to do. You said the President's rhetoric on immigrants made even you


feel very uncomfortable. Because he started by saying there was a total


ban, then amended it to say there would be vetting. My guess is that


what he will do is try to genuinely help Syrian people and he will be


talking about the creation of some safe zones. Let's see. He hasn't. We


will see. I suspect something like that is coming down the trap. What


advice did you give to the president and his advisers ahead of Theresa


May's visit? That I wanted us to talk about trade and to give the


Prime Minister the impression that actually... When she has been


surrounded by her whole career by civil servants and politicians who


say that everything takes five years or seven years or ten years, to make


it clear to the Prime Minister that if there is will, these things can


be done quickly. Isn't there a danger of a British Prime Minister


who has to deal with the president of the United States, to Ally


herself so closely with such an unpredictable, controversial


president, banning Muslims in certain ways and refugees, building


a war with Mexico, threatening trade was with other countries, thinking


of ending sanctions against Russia? I missing something here, what is


controversial about defending the Mexican border? Bill Clinton spoke


in tough terms, George Bush built six miles of fence, and because it


is Donald Trump there is uproar. So you think there is no risk of the


British by Minister being the best friend of this type of president? I


think there is no risk in putting together a trade deal and no risk in


her being the bridge between America and the rest of Nato to say to Nato


members if you don't pay your 2% he is serious so on those things there


is no risk at all. It was clear from her Lancaster house speech that the


Brexiteers in the Government had won pretty much every argument in terms


of negotiations to come out. What you want from her? She was very good


as Home Secretary, Tory party conferences, the Tory press saying


this was the new Thatcher and she failed. She even failed to control


immigration from outside the European Union so yes, it was a good


speech and for many on the Eurosceptic side of the argument, I


could scarcely believe that a British Prime Minister was saying


things which I had been roundly abused and vilified for. But I have


a feeling we may be in for a very frustrating 2017. The mood as I can


see it in Brussels is that negotiating with Britain is not a


priority, they are far more worried about Dutch elections, French


elections, German elections and possibly even Italian elections. I


worry that by the end of this year we may not have made much progress


and that's why the Trump visit suddenly things brings into focus.


What if by the middle of June, for argument 's sake, the Americans say


OK we reached this position with the British, compromised on the tough


stuff, food standards and things like that, we are ready to sign a


deal now, and Theresa May is to say actually Mr Juncker says I cannot


sign this until we leave. What will they do? They cannot throw us out,


we are living anyway. But everybody agrees you can talk about the deal,


maybe even do the heads of agreement but you cannot sign a treaty until


we have left the EU. Let me predict that at the end of this year we will


find a European Union who frankly don't want to talk to us and


countries around the world that want to get on and do things and that


will be the big tension for Mrs May over the course of this year. If the


Prime Minister is giving you everything you want on Brexit, you


agree that she's trying to get from your point of view the right things.


If she delivers on that and get Brexit on the terms of which you


approve, what's the point of Ukip? You could argue that about any


political party. If we have achieved the goal that we set out to achieve,


there are right now out there 4 million people who are Ukip


loyalists. They are delighted that by voting Ukip we got a referendum,


they will be even happier if they seek us leave the European Union and


I think there is still a gap in British politics for a party that


says it as it sees it, is not afraid by political correctness and is seen


to be on the side of the little people, and that's why, with the


Labour Party is fundamentally split, and it really is totally split over


this European question, I think Ukip is in good shape. That proposition


will be put to test at the Stoke Central by-election, one of Ukip's


best prospects in the country. Some people call it the capital of


Brexit. Labour is in chaos over Article 50, is picked a candidate to


fight Stoke Central who has described Brexit is a pile of notes.


If your successor, Paul Nuttall, cannot win the Stoke by-election,


there's not much hope for you, is there? I think he will. I've always


been told don't make predictions but I think he will win. If you doesn't


it will be tough, we will still have our 4 million loyalists, but if it


does we can actually see Labour are beatable in their heartlands and


Ukip will be off to the second big stage. Nigel Farage, thank you for


being with us. It's just gone 11.25,


you're watching the Sunday Politics. We say goodbye to viewers


in Scotland, who leave us now Coming up here in 15 minutes, I'll


be talking to our political panel. Hello and a warm welcome


to your local part of the show. Shorter than usual but still


of course, perfectly formed. Asking if the government's


new industrial strategy can help create prosperity and jobs


in the north-east and Cumbria. But first, Parliament


will get its say over Brexit. But how many MPs and peers


from the North are willing to defy the views of their constituents


and try and delay or even try and stop the UK leaving


the European Union? Andy McDonald is the MP


of Middlesborough and Shadow Lord Callanan is a former


Conservative Euro MP, Andy McDonald, you


campaigned to remain. But two thirds of Middlesborough


voters, as we well When it comes to the vote,


how do you weigh those two things? At the end of the day,


the nation has spoken and the result is clear and I think as a Democrat,


I think we have to accept So I will be voting to trigger


Article 50, and I think that is absolutely the right


thing to do. It is the beginning of the process,


not the end of it. But you know that a lot


of your colleagues don't see The MP for Durham City, she believes


that the constituency voted remain I think it's hugely difficult


for colleagues right across all the parties,


by the way, it isn't just We represent the entire


country, and of course And that actually is the right place


to be, in recognising those that did vote,


the majority, albeit by a small margin, did vote to leave,


as well as the 48%. You said you respect democratic


decision of the public. Does that just apply to the locale


of your area or does that apply What we have to do is bring


the entire country together and what we have got to make sure


is that we get the best deal for Britain out of this and that's


got to be where we should concentrate our efforts accept


the com of the referendum Those who are abstaining, should


they resign from their position? Well my personal view is that I hope


that we don't have people leaving. But quite frankly that is a matter


for the Chief Whip, you need Nick Browne to be sitting in this


chair to answer that. If you defy a three line whip,


should you be disciplined? I have made it abundantly clear


that this is in enormously I think this is one of the most


difficult things that any politician will deal with in their career


and this is hugely important for for our nation, the most important


thing to have happened I am unclear about what you


think about that then. I am sure you are going to vote


against Article 50. I am in favour of


triggering article 15. What's wrong with MPs voting


with a conscience against it? Because MPs voted to


have a referendum on the issue, all parties recognise that this


was an issue that strong opinions on either side split the political


parties, so they decided to consult There was a record turnout, higher


indeed than the general election. People voted to leave, the country


voted to leave as a whole. The only legal way to leave


is by triggering this Article 50 Ergo MPs should vote


to trigger Article 50. I think Andy is quite


right in his view. But if they look at their


constituency and think, actually the majority of the people


in my constituency didn't want to leave and I think it's not


in their interest to leave, Because it wasn't decided


on a constituency by We are a nation, we decide


as a whole on this issue. The referendum was across


the whole of the country. That was the democratic decision


that they arrived at. A lot of Labour MPs and indeed a lot


of conservatives have a lot of qualms about the government's


approach to this. They had to be dragged kicking


and screaming to publish this way paper that they weren't going to do,


definitely not going to do. It's not actually been


handled that well. Personally, I think


that the government were silly to challenge


the High Court decision. When we fought the referendum


for the supremacy of Parliament to then say that Parliament wasn't


being consulted, I think I think was an error


on Theresa May's part I'd we should have just gone ahead and put Article


50 to Parliament in the first place. There was no prospect


of it being defeated But to look at it conversely,


I as a Brexiteer, if the country had voted to remain,


I would have had to accept that. That was the democratic decision


that the country had arrived at. As it didn't, as we voted to leave,


then we should leave. Andy McDonald, is this


a bit of a mess for From a man who never


really respected He is telling his colleagues


that they have got to abide by it. We are a national party, we have got


to come to the firm view. We are making it abundantly clear


that we will not frustrate this MPs that are going to vote


for it, MPs that are not. I have already explained,


those MPs have got those difficult decisions to make,


but we as a leadership have got to show that there is a firm line


on this and there is. There is a three line whip on it, it


doesn't get any stronger than that. If you do not have a three line


whip, you cannot have members of the front bench


defying it, though. We cannot sit on the front bench


if you don't be a three line Well, we'll see what happens


in the coming days Now how to spread prosperity


beyond London and the South East Well the government this week


produced what it says are a more hands-on industrial strategy


which aims to do just that. It comes with extra money,


just under ?50 million A chunk of which will go


towards an advanced manufacturing park in South Tyneside


and Sunderland close There will be 12.7 million


for the local enterprise partnership to spend in Cumbria and 21.8 million


for the Tees Valley. So, what's the reaction


to the new industrial strategy been in areas like East Cleveland,


which have struggled to deal with the loss


of traditional industrial jobs? Well, David McMillan


went to find out. Iron and stone mined


in this hills here, helped In the villages of East Cleveland


there are signs that it was a prosperous place once but it's not


so prosperous now. The government says its industrial


strategy will spread opportunity But will it really make an impact


in a place like this? There's a lot of diverse people


around here with good ideas Because Loftus is a good place,


it has a lot of good people. But now it's like everyone is down,


worrying about their jobs and effects that they don't work,


it affects lots of pubs, Hundreds of jobs have then lost


here in recent years but the hot ash The boss here thinks the industrial


strategy can help them move East Cleveland has got a long


history of strong industrial And with the right funding


and the right focus, you know we can continue to build


on that history. Think tank, IPPR North strongly


welcomed the strategy. They say close attention


is needed though to make We need the investment in innovation


really to work for areas like this. We need the investment and skills


to work across regions and we need that investment and skills to go


right through the workforce to work for older workers,


for people already in work, not just people starting out,


so that they can reskill When the steelworks closed in nearby


Redcar, the lack of a clear strategy on steel was one of the reasons


blamed for its collapse. The steel industry survives


here the new owners have But union reps say they need


more practical support from the government,


like using British Steel, We have the infrastructure here,


we could make the steel, we could make the product


which they seem to want If we could get the gas


and the electric cheaper coming in the door and the rates


on the premises, give us a level playing field and we can


compete with anybody. A local MP here is also


focused on what's missing The main concerns I have


are at the solitary single mention of steel in the entire document


in the Green paper. The lack of any mention


on capturing storage. The real issue for me is the lack


of clarity in finance coming forward from the government in terms


of what they are willing to fund. There is a general consensus that


developing an industrial strategy is a step forward in itself


but the government has work to do to convince some in East Cleveland


that it does enough to make Martin Callanan, is the strategy


partially an admission that the lack of any strategic thinking over steel


was disastrous both for an industry that was key to this country


and to communities on Teesside? I don't think the strategy is just


based on steel, of course not. There are many other industries


in many other areas that will benefit from this ?20 million


as your film has said that has been allocated


to the Local Enterprise Partnership It will be up to them to decide how


they are going to spend it. But we got some of the hints


from the film there, investment in skills,


investment in digital infrastructure And of course leaving the EU


would allow us to do something But is it an admission


that the government got it wrong though for steel to let


a steel mill like the one The answer to your question is what


could they have done to save it? Beyond stepping in and ploughing


into tens, possibly even hundreds of millions of pounds that


would have went to Thailand's investment banks, there was little


that the government could do. They looked at it very closely


and concluded and even with an industrial strategy,


it's not clear how the steelworks I don't want this to dominate


the debate about the mill Do you accept this is a real step


forward, a strategy, industrial strategy,


because that was an anathema until recently, Sajid Javid


didn't say it. But to answer the question that


Martin didn't, this is a stark admission that the government didn't


respond correctly Italian governments, German,


and French governments have stepped in and didn't breach


state aid rules. There were no findings


of any breach. Those jobs could have been saved


and there could a much more And I know from the inside track


that the decision could have been There was a successful power plant


and also the whole... On the strategy itself,


what you make of it? It has got lofty ambitions


and ideas which is wonderful. But we will succeed if we focus


upon advanced manufacturing, the aerospace, the automotive


industries, they are our successful 75% of the steel produced now didn't


exist just a few short years ago, so we've got to make sure


that we are up slightly We've got some major


infrastructure projects, We got to make sure that British


made steel plays a huge Now that we are leaving the EU


and we will be subject We can in fact put more procurement


laws which dead people towards, It is one of the central points


of the flaws in the strategy, Is that not going to be the biggest


impact on our industry and actually, you know, given that much


of the industry of this nation, half of the export trade is with the EU,


you can doing anything without thinking how


that is great and pack? Actually one of the biggest benefits


for the industry has been the reduction in the value


of the pound, since we It might be short-term,


but it has provided a 15-20% fall, You talk to businesses in the area


and they say it's making It's not a long-term strategy,


clearly, but it is making It will allow us to do something


about the emissions trading scheme and, energy prices,


state aid rules, etc. I'm not saying that we should be


investing directly larger amounts That would be a huge mistake


and a mistake we made The suspicion is that the Labour


strategy would be to bail It's about investing


in successful industries. It's about facilitating


their growth and development. It's about personal


investment, isn't it. There were opportunity is missed


over Redcar and it's a tragedy. Because it is people who pay


the price ultimately and they're the ones who lose their jobs


and a Tory government could have And it is to their eternal shame


that they let that happen. It closed under a Labour


government and reopened under It was not closed under


a Labour government. It was mothballed, we are not


win to agree on that. I am sure we will discuss that


strategy in the near future. Now the latest on the Copeland


local by-election. The rest of the week's


news in 60 seconds. 24 Labour MPs from the north-east


have written to to Theresa May saying her decision to pull the UK


out of the EU single market and Customs union


will have a damaging impact The formal go-ahead has been


given for the by-election The writ was moved in the Commons


by Labour's Chief Whip, Nick Browne. To make out a new writ


for the electing of a member to serve in this present Parliament


for the county Campaigning in the constituency,


which is held by Labour with a 2,500 Conservative Party Chairman Patrick


McLoughlin and Ukip leader Paul Paul Nuttall were both


in the area this week. The Tories have chosen


Trudie Harrison, who in the past has worked for Copeland Council


and Sellafield as their candidate. While software engineer


Jack Lennox will fight the seat Labour, Ukip and the Liberal


Democrats have already selected. We will have a special programme


on Copeland in February. air-pollution. Thank you for being


here. Welcome back and let's get back


to Donald Trump's travel ban on refugees and citizens from seven


mainly Muslim countries. Earlier, the Labour leader,


Jeremy Corbyn, told ITV that a state visit by President Trump to the UK


should not go ahead I think it would be totally wrong


for him to be coming here while that situation is going on. He has to be


challenged on this. So until the ban is lifted, you don't think he should


come? I am not happy about him coming here until the ban is lifted.


Look at what is happening with those countries. What will be the long


term effect of this on the rest of the world? Is this state visit going


to become a matter of huge political debate in this country? It would be


anyway, but it is a temporary ban, so Jeremy Corbyn is on safe


territory. It will be over by April and he is not due to come until


summer. But there are three bands. There is the 90 day ban on people


coming from the southern countries. There is the 120 day ban on refugees


from anywhere in the world, and there is the indefinite ban on


Syrian refugees. So there may still be some bans in place. But bear in


mind the number of Syrian refugees and refugees from around the world


that President Obama took over his eight years. There were years when


it was not even up to 50 Syrian refugees that were taken since the


civil war has started. This is an ongoing American policy. 12,500


Syrian refugees have come in the last year. Before that, it was a


hundred and sometimes under 50. But they are reasonable numbers now,


although not something America couldn't absorb. Donald Trump is


discovering that being a president is different from being a business


man. And Jeremy Corbyn has to learn the art of leadership, having been a


backbench MP, and has struggled to do it, as we are about to discuss


with article 50. With this, you have to dramatise the politics of this,


and this is what he has done with that statement. Most controversial


ever state visit now? I would imagine so. Even regardless of any


opposition from the opposition to trump's physical presence in the


streets, the presence of demonstrators will be an


international new story. If trump's demands for the details of the visit


are quite as extreme and as picky as some of the Sunday papers have


suggested, that could also be the source of controversy. What do you


have in mind? Isn't he anxious that only certain members of the Royal


Family turn up? He doesn't want a one-on-one with Prince Charles. Who


would, though! Some people may be sympathetic on that. It is the one


subject where he is in line with British opinion. Playing golf in


front of the Queen may be a higher priority. We have to be realistic.


Given the other people from around the world that the Queen has played


host to, like the Chinese president and Saudi kings and the like, we


have had a lot worse come to visit than Donald Trump. Brexit - how


serious our neighbour's problems on this? Very serious, but they often


are with Europe. Labour were splits when we joined in the 70s, and still


won general elections, in 1974 and 1975. There were all over the place


in terms of the single currency. Blair said one thing one day and the


opposite the next day. Brown did the same.


Brown usually set the opposite of what Blair said! They won landslide


because they have the political skills to put all of the pressure on


the major government, even though their position on the single


currency was the same as major's. It is about with Europe the art of


leadership. You have to be a political conjuror, you have to


dissemble authoritative leak when you lead a divided party over


Europe, and Jeremy Corbyn to his personal credit cannot dissemble,


but he's not an individual person on this. He's leading a split party in


danger of falling apart, and you need the skills of a political


conjurer. Clearly self-evidently he's not displaying it because we


are talking about the chaotic split which will manifest itself in that


vote on Article 50. Labour and the SNP and the Lib Dems too I would


have thought will all put amendments down to the short Article 50 piece


of legislation. Do they have any chance of succeeding? No substantial


world is changing amendments. I don't think Theresa May has much to


worry about actually. I think if anything the reason she's pushed the


legal appeal is that it helps her to have a big chunk of the media and a


big chunk of public opinion worrying that the popular will of last year


is in danger of being overturned and so even if it was a completely


hopeless legal appeal, it generated headlines for a week that as an


incumbent Prime Minister trying to execute believe vote suits you


politically. I think it is a much bigger problem for Labour, we've


already seen some Shadow Cabinet issues in the previous week. You


have got to remember it's not just a majority of Labour MPs that want to


stay in the European Union, but a majority of Labour constituencies,


and a majority of labour macro voters wanted to stay as well so we


have three lines of division. One amendment that might get through if


it was called, and it is in the hands of the Deputy speaker who will


be chairing these debates, and that will be an amendment that said


regardless of how the Europeans treat our citizens in Europe, all EU


citizens here will be afforded full rights to remain. That might get


through. It may indeed and lots of backbench MPs would backpack. We all


know there will not be mass deportations, it is not legal, it


won't happen, it is simply a negotiating tactic. I agree with


those who say you shouldn't be using people as a negotiating tactic, but


the reality as it is the EU leaders that are doing that because it's


already been offered. The remain as should be attacking the EU


governments for not offering that in return. Article 50 is the easy bit


for her. I agree with other members of the panel that she will get it


through and the court case almost helps her by getting an easy journey


through Parliament, then it gets really difficult. All of this has


been a preamble and once she begins that nightmarish negotiation, there


will be opportunities for a smart opposition to make quite a lot of


the turmoil to come. Whether Labour are capable of that, let's wait and


see. The divisions in Labour are nightmarish for them but by no means


unprecedented. Arguably it was much more complicated in the early 1970s


when you had Titans on either side, big ex-cabinet ministers... Tony


Benn... Michael Foot, they were all at it. The fundamental issue of in


or out, and they won two elections, so you have got to be really clever.


But also how money more Labour MPs will resign. We shall find out this


week. The Daily Politics is back


tomorrow at midday and all I'll be back here


on BBC one next week. Remember - if it's Sunday,


it's the Sunday Politics.


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