21/05/2016 The Papers


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cloud and eventually some outbreaks of rain from the east on Wednesday.


There is the forecast for where you are available online.


We will be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment.


First the headlines at 11:30pm: Pictures emerge of wreckage found


in the Mediterranean Sea from the missing Egyptian airliner.


It is reported that smoke was detected in two different areas


of the plane before it went down, with 66 people on board.


In football: Manchester United, who won the FA Cup


by beating Crystal Palace 2-1 in extra-time at Wembley, are reported


to be planning to replace their manager, Louis van Gaal, with the


There are fears that new EU rules on e-cigarettes could result in people


Ministers say the controls are part of a drive to improve public


Labour has promised to be more radical


The party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, told a conference in central London


that he wanted to create a new economics that worked for all.


A woman has been remanded in custody by magistrates,


after a dog attacked 11 children in a playground in Northumberland.


Claire Neal denied owning a dog that was dangerously out of control.


She will next appear at Newcastle Crown Court in June.


A driver has been arrested after 28 suspected migrants were


discovered found stowed in the back of a lorry in Portsmouth.


Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers


With me are Caroline Wheeler, who is the political editor


at the Sunday Express, and the journalist Eva Simpson.


Tomorrow's front pages, starting with the Sunday Times,


leads with the much-delayed Chilcott Report into the Iraq War.


The paper claims the report will deliver a brutal


verdict on senior government figures, including Tony Blair.


The Sunday Telegraph leads with the EU referendum.


It says a Government leak has laid bare


The Mail on Sunday has a warning from high street bosses.


They say prices will soar if Britain leaves the EU.


It reports 12 million Turkish migrants will head to the UK


And the Sunday Post has a full-page photo of some


of the aftermath of the Scottish Cup final at Hampden Park.


So let's begin, and do you want to kick off this power, Eva, and we


will start with the Sunday Times. The delayed Chilcott Inquiry, and


they talk about brutal verdict. They have spoken with an anonymous source


who they haven't named who has spoken with sources close to this


report will stop he has said that Tony Blair is going to be savaged.


Jack Straw also. He will not be let off the hook. And they are the


preparations for the war, the aftermath, and what happened there


are all going to be laid bare. There was a fear for a lot of families who


lost loved ones, who lost soldiers who died, who felt they would be a


whitewash. They have waited seven years for this, it has been a long


time coming and I think for them it will take some comfort in knowing it


won't be a whitewash, and actually the finger of blame will be pointed


at the people who were at the top. And we have to stress that this has


not been verified by anybody, it has come from this anonymous source who


has been close to the enquiry. In many ways a report of this nature


and of this volume and costs, you would expect it to come up with some


kind of substantive verdict on what happened. For a long time now there


has been reports that it would be somehow redacted, that spooks would


go over it and remove some of the most sensitive passages so it really


will come as some kind of comfort if this story proves to be true, to the


families, that they are actually going to get some kind of answer


about why Britain was taken into the Iraq War, and why these claims of


weapons of mass destruction were made in the first race will. Back


and it will also look at the aftermath of the failings which


happened after. According to this piece in the Sunday Times, this is


where Jack Straw comes in for the most criticism, because the


preparation and planning for what happened after they toppled Saddam


Hussein was not vigorous enough and this is why potentially it has sort


of created this problem, the rise of ISIS as a direct result of this poor


planning. But this hasn't happened straight away, we should stress that


Chilcott Inquiry will not happen until after the referendum is


concluded. The sixth of July, is the date at the moment. And we have


already seen Tony Blair make its move, six months ago he did CNN


programme, doing the sort of mea culpa thing, quite different to


where he appeared at the enquiry and said he hadn't done anything wrong


and would do it again. Talking of the EU referendum, this is our story


about a poll conducted by a large polling company in Turkey. Turkey


has been on the news agenda for a while now ever since an agreement to


allow visa-free travel. This is trying to stop the flow of migrants


coming from Turkey. And Turkey has long had an ambition to join the


European Union, an ambition until recently supported by our Prime


Minister who said only two years ago that Europe would be weaker without


Turkey in it. So there has been lots of comments made about what the


impact of Turkey joining the European Union would be, especially


in terms of migrants coming to this country and putting a strain on our


sort of public services. Basically it was suggested that we wanted to


find out exactly what the intention of people in Turkey would be if they


ever got to that point where they were a member of the European Union,


and with that comes obviously free movement which would enable them to


come not only as far as the Schengen zone, which is what happens with


this visa-free travel, but actually to come into Britain and the answer


we got back was that extend the of those survey had said that they


would want to make Britain venue at home, that they would come to seek


work -- Britain venue home. Many were young people who are finding it


difficult to get a job in Turkey. Not too surprising. And as David


Davis says, he has some sympathy with those people who would perhaps


want to come to Britain for a better life, given... It would have to be


asked across Europe if unemployed students in Germany, France, many


countries, if they wanted to go to a more wealthy, the world's


fifth-largest economy, they probably would want to do that. No-one that


obviously is something that has been happening. That is why Britain has


become a bit of a magnet given that we have a higher wage society, et


cetera. 12 million is a huge number and a very large proportion of


Turkey's population. To be clear, are we talking about people who want


to come to Europe or the UK? Come to the UK. The question which was asked


was if Turkey was to become a member of the European Union and Britain


was to remain a member, because of course if we voted to leave it would


never happen. So a lot of ifs. Pretty much every story from the


European Union is and if and but in the maybe. You often find it is more


of a trickle than a flood. I wouldn't quite say that even


of a trickle than a flood. I wouldn't quite say that given that


it is 200,000 a year coming in. There were camera crews waiting for


the apparent big flood of Bulgarians who were supposed to come, it was a


handful of people coming through. That was a reason for doing the


poll. Rather than these stories, Michael Gove suggesting 5 million,


we were trying to get something from the very people that it actually


affects rather than just ask summarising and surmising what the


situation might be. Takers on the Mail on Sunday. -- take us on.


Unsurprisingly they are keeping with the EU theme and they have the


headline which says that High Street bosses are telling us that prices


will soar if we leave the EU. They have spoken to four Former High St


losses, pretty well-known, Tesco's, says Breeze, Marks Spencer 's and


they have all said that leaving the EU would have a devastating effect


on the economy -- Sainsburys. He and people are looking for some facts to


grasp onto as they make their decision whether to stay and leave


and stories like this which are quite surprising to read from the


Mail on Sunday but I'm sure people will read that and if they weren't


already scared about leaving it would make them quite fearful. This


is the kind of thing people are interested, we have had Iain Duncan


Smith calling George Osborne Pinocchio. And we also heard the


Chancellor talking about house prices yesterday, and it depends


what it is that is your reason for voting. I think in the election if


you look at the Conservative strategy at the general election it


was very much to show the dangers of voting Labour to the economy and


here again they are using the economy as the crux of the argument


that we should stay part of the European Union. Whereas on the flip


side, and we saw that with our front page, the issue of migration is the


one that Brexiteers have latched onto as being the significant


argument they are making as to why we should leave the EU. It is


interesting that two different takes are being taken by these different


sides. The Sunday Telegraph talking about trade, it seems to be saying


that they are suggesting that Europe is in some way stymieing free trade,


particularly countries such as France are really having a bit of a


protectionist attitude towards the free trade deal that we as a


European bloc are trying to pursue in relation to places like Latin


America. It is selling us this idea that it is costing us ?2.5 billion


to the British economy by the fact that we are not able to EU deals.


And it is feeding into our fears because a lot of people think that


about the EU, that it is trying to block our deals, unnecessary money


of hours. But that is not huge if you compare it to the amount of


money generated by trade with the EU. Well, I think billions, when you


start talking about billions, if we think about the NHS for example, and


that is the argument the Brexiteers have been making, that a couple of


billion would make a huge impact on the sustainability of the NHS. It is


interesting to see the Telegraph warning us about this problem with


free trade and impacting on our economy but they have also done an


interview with the transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, this


is all within the same piece, where he shows the flip side of the


argument and says that if we leave the European Union it would have an


impact on our varied buoyant car industry. You would think people


would get bored of this, but we still have a month to go! It is so


important, I hope not. Let's talk about something a little bit


different. Caroline, let's talk about your page to back. Yes, in


some ways this hasn't had a huge amount of coverage. But there was


publication of some funding figures at the beginning of the year. The


Department of Health announced it would reduce funding to our


high-street chemists which are largely supported by government


money. Basically the argument the government make is do we need as


many high-street chemists as we currently have? It is true that when


you walk down the high street you might see two or three in the space


of a very short period of time but actually the results have been that


the government's own figures have shown it could kill off a quarter of


our high-street chemist. We are constantly being told go to your


chemist first. They are such a wealth of information. And they are


saying that actually there are 50 million GP appointments every year


where you could actually be better dealt with by your high-street


chemist and indeed 8% of people who turn up at Accident and Emergency


would be better off going to a chemist. It will be on the agenda


next week as a petition has been signed by a whopping 1 million


people being delivered to Downing Street which is the largest ever


health petition, on Tuesday. And Labour frontbench spokesman will be


leaving this debate on Tuesday. And there was a little football match


apparently. I don't know. I'm sure you watched it. The FA Cup final,


which Manchester United were successful, beating underdogs


Crystal Palace, and yet we hear that the manager is going to get the


elbow, to be replaced by the former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho.


Imagine that, you would want to go out and have a a few drinks and


celebrate, you would want to celebrate with the players. It seems


a bit mean. But I think from people who know far more about this than I


do, Manchester haven't had a fantastic season, they haven't


qualified for the Champions League, they have won a bit of silverware


but it is just not enough for a club of their standing and magnitude.


They should be grateful for what they have got. I'm sure lots of


football fans like my husband who supports Rovers would be very


grateful for that. If you have spent what they have spent on the team, it


is not enough. I want to take us on to this very important story on the


front page of the Sunday Times, and that is school bans whistle as too


aggressive. The noise is felt to be too aggressive. And this is the kind


of long line of things which have been banned in schools, winning was


banned, and conkers, and things that are somehow are not supposed to be


good for the psychological welfare of our children. So just to talk at


Drewitt, a school in Buckinghamshire has said that at the end of playtime


they are not going to blow the whistle, because it might frighten


children and is too aggressive sounding. What they will do is put


their hand in the air. If you have ever been in a school playground, I


don't know how effective that will be. My memory is of a deafening


bell, if you are standing underneath it. What about games and that sort


of stuff, surely they still need a whistle? Professor Alan Smith is


saying how our children going to be able to play football and hockey


without the use of whistles? It sounds completely crazy, and sounds


a bit crazy to me. She does still have the whistle in her pocket. For


emergencies. If they don't see her raise her hand. And it is a


handcarved whistle which is going to be in her pocket. Possibly that


might not be so shrill? Is a brilliant cartoon showing a


teacher, a child smoking by the bike sheds and she says phew, for a


second there I thought you had a whistle in your mouth.


Coming up next, it is The Film Review.


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