09/07/2017 The Papers


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unacceptable. The Church of England's ruling body has voted


overwhelmingly in favour of welcoming transgender people and


offering special church service for them.


Welcome to our look ahead to what the papers would be bring us


tomorrow. With me are the broadcaster Penny Smith and the


broadcaster James Renton. Moribund white front pages. -- James Renton.


The Prime Minister has asked limit comeback with feedback and ideas on


how policies following speculation from backbench Conservative MPs on


the same story, saying she will ask the same story, saying she will ask


for Jeremy Corbyn's helped to push it through Brexit bills and for MPs


to contribute, not just criticise our plans. Mrs made's unprecedented


appeal to labour would be seen as a attempt to relaunch her premiership,


the Guardian says. The Metro features the parents of Charlie Gard


who delivered a petition to Great Ormond Street Hospital calling on


him to go to the US for experiment of the bread. Their appeal is also


the front-page story in the Daily Mail, the High Court hearing taking


place will be Charlie's day of destiny, they say. That story is


also in tomorrow's Mirror. Let's begin, and welcome again to you


both. The per story we have here is on the front of the Telegraph,


celebrating Mozilla been freed after three years of an Islamic state


control. The people are celebrating, but there is an off a lot to worry


about as far as that city is concerned and the restaurant.


Absolutely, it is a lovely picture of celebration going on, but I don't


know in a way what they have to celebrate apart from the


disappearance of Islamic State. IES has an amazing ability to regenerate


itself, many of its commanders where Saddam's henchman, then rejoin


Al-Qaeda, then a joint IES years ago when it took over module and then


Syria will start there is a real sense that these people have just


melted into the background will stop the thousands of the people who have


been killed in Mozilla are foreign fighters. There is a real says that


the locals have managed to disappear and have been sleeper cells and they


launch attacks, up 1500 attacks on freed cities in Iraq and Syria with


the last year. IS is not dead and gone, it is very worrying, they have


created ?1 billion worth of damage, 1 million people have been


displaced, and IS are still there. Thousands of people of civilians are


missing. Some of those by coalition raids as well. 750 targets hit by


the RAF, second only to the United States, and in the Telegraph it says


this ends the largest urban battles in the Second World War. As James


was saying, I think many people will say this is not the end, this is the


end of the hideousness bought Missoula for the moment. Also, this


is Mozilla, there are many other places where McAfee could safely at


once its caliphate. -- Moselle. Any Observer today, there were 30,000


extremist in Britain, the thousand of them being followed and you just


think that is in Britain Mac it is not as if they have a shortage of


people who are willing to fight. By these years end, no one really has


an answer to eradicate IS. The problem is, they are jihadis


Sudanese, and they are sort of disposed to have a lifelong conflict


against this ear, so if they disappear into one error, you can be


sure they will reappear in another to fight their enemies they see as


heretics. There is this epic conflict between the two branches of


Islam, it is going to go on, there is no way that leaving one city is


going to end it, and remember, when they took over Mosul, it gives only


a few hundred fighters, they terrorised the Iraqi army, which


reversed out of the town very quickly, what is to stop them doing


that again in a few months? And possibly to somewhere else. They can


just pick and choose. Mosul is just a total wreck now, it reminds me of


Slaughterhouse five, which talks about the devastation of Dresden in


the Second World War, and you look at the report and the other night,


and was just rubble, the whole city, even the famous mosque where he gave


his speech, declaring the caliphate, they don't want any flags flying


over it. It is an astonishingly depressing scorched earth policy.


Which is why, when we say it is free, but how much celebration can


actually be? Let's move on to the other story, also any Telegraph. The


headline, made's cry for help. Do Corbyn. Given the picture they saw


them when the Queen's speech, the frosty...


LAUGHTER What is she going to ask him for


help with? What the Respect is also to be? We're just been discussing


this, saying about the Brexit, it is kind of help for everything, she has


not got much of an advantage, she was hoping to be able to get more of


our policy through without having to even do this remotely, and now she's


having to not just, not just a cry for help for Corbyn Iver, it is a


cry for help for everyone, she is saying, what... She wants to


contribute, not just criticise and help clarify and improve her


policies in the Commons. Talking about Brexit for example, you have


got Mrs made's speech and plumbing as the other parties are to unveil


plans by tabling amendments to the repeal bill that is being published


in Thursday, and is a comment from Thursday in a Financial Times,


saying, it is going to look like a Christmas tree with all the


amendments the site. Meyler think that is absolutely right. That was


the Lib Dems bugs and who said that. It is good BA legislative war, he


says. I cannot see anything but carnage. What used to be the Great


Repeal Bill is now called the repeal Bill, there are 12,000 laws that


have to be transferred from the EU to the UK statute books. They have


to have the special calfskin parchment and it is a lot of


fandango that goes on, but much more worrying for Theresa May is that


lots of those amendments will be made and it could go on for months


or years, it only takes seven Tory MPs to rebel for her to lose a vote,


and possibly trigger a built in confidence, as she is hanging on by


her fingertips. No wonder she's ageing a cry for help. By what


impact does this impact have? It is the Telegraph, saying that the Tory


prime ministers need the Labour Party to help our, not just them but


Corbyn, who says that he still has a chance of being Prime Minister. And


leaders call for another general election. This is not going to go


down well for her. Is she going to be in the hang on? It is that


difficult one, because of how Eurosceptics as well who will just


be waiting. The only thing in her favour is that no one else wants the


job because it is such a poisoned chalice. If she had resigned as many


people urged her to do the morning after the election, they would have


been no one rushing take over the job... David Davies is on


manoeuvres, he was touted today any mail on Sunday, his henchman Andrew


Mitchell said it had to be him, but David Davies is a canny politician,


he knows it is going to be an absolute nightmare to steer Brexit


do not only the EU negotiations but then through Parliament, who ever


has to do that well be damaged goods, and I think the people who


will be waiting to be the leader after next, there's one that has to


do Brexit will be so tarnished. It is like a Jackson Pollok.


LAUGHTER Join the dots, it is a Jackson


Pollok painting either way. Of the Financial Times story is the same


when we have been talking about. You are saying there whether or not


David Davies is on manoeuvres, trying to position himself. More


about our leadership, she has withstood the last few weeks of what


has been a poor and time for her. We were talking about this, people in


the Cabinet are openly contradicting her, and that never would have


happened if she had managed to increase the majority rather than


lose a majority. She... People are saying her position is untenable as


she could go as early as September, and one MP said, the biggest threat


to Theresa May is ambition, you know, her colleagues are going to


stand out track star power not only in a back but also any front. She is


so weak. That is a thing. She is relying on the DUP and has magic


billion pounds out of thin air and is still a cap on public sector pay.


Even Tories did not vote for the DUP and all their policies, but suddenly


they are part of an arrangement with the Government to get bills through,


and people think that is not very democratic. She comes away from the


20 saying, Donald Trump says there is a good chance we can sort it out.


No they are not. Not until after we have sorted ourselves out of Brexit.


It is not going to happen. It does not give her any point saying that


there is good BA trade deal with the US. He says he loves Putin. You just


cannot what he's going to say tomorrow. And also the reality of


these big adjacent is that they are incredibly hard yards they have to


make, Canada took eight years to form a trade deal with the EU, and


they had not immensely hacked them off by walking out in a so-called


point of principle, and they did not make them serve the most unpopular


people in Europe, so imagine how much enmity and bitterness they will


be towards the UK. There will be revenge. I don't blame the EU for


that. I think like a lot of people, there are those who are worried that


this is going to cast a shadow for such a long time over our country


and our productivity and everything else, as everything that we had


hoped for, the German car industry might help is out, no it won't. Each


time there is a bill thrown into the air, some smacks it down and Burr


said. Boris Johnson's very offensive suggestion that the Italians will be


desperate to sentence per second, they have said they won't. We have


walked out, made our bed, to mix metaphors, and now you have to lie


in it. Why should they do us any favours? I met some German jugglers


on a press trip the other day and they say, this is insane, it is


voting for economic suicide. If you are not going to be ever get any


trade deals and you are forced onto WTO terms, the economy well crashed


at our children and other parents, who are the areas that need looking


after, will suffer. I wonder if the young people who voted in the


election and voted in the referendum, whether this would have


been a different... It is too late now. We don't want it be too late


for the next Tory. This is also any front Page on the Financial Times.


Paying to be Porsche when you next phase of robot revolution takes off.


We have heard a lot about how robots are going to take our jobs. They


suggest that also going to take the job


when I first read this, I thought don't tell me this is good be about


voice recognition and I cannot understand people balls accents.


Generally, you know how many times you shouted something and say, I did


not say that. Goes by you do not even have an accent.


LAUGHTER This is saying that as workers lose


their jobs to robots, soft skills such as confidence and to be to


become more valuable, those tend to be the people who are from higher


social economic grounds, who I going to have those, so this is about


people needing to retrain and go into labour market and be


increasingly volatile, more jobs be automated, and they are saying


280,000 book-keepers, payroll managers and waste plants in the UK


could be displaced by the shift to cloud -based accounting and around


75,000 paralegals also threatened. They say this new technology is


going to offer more chances, but it will be any section of confidence


and medication. Next week, the newspaper review will be done by


robots. They are taking over everything.


LAUGHTER Cheaper than you guys. They will be


talking quicker. James and Penny, I give a much for now. We will be back


for more papers in an hour or so. Only front pages are online on the


BBC News website where you can read a detailed review of each. You can


also see ours there, too, with each type is edition of Brok shortly


after the finished. We will be back shortly. -- The Papers.


Migration, human dislocation is one of the dominating


And it is the springboard for Neel Mukherjee in his new novel,


Set in India, which portrays five different, but sometimes


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