09/07/2017 The Papers


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Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be


With me are the broadcaster Penny Smith and the journalist James


The FT says Theresa May is expected to ask Labour to come forward


with feedback and ideas on her policies following speculation


amongst backbench Conservative MPs over her future.


The Telegraph runs with the same story, saying Mrs May will ask


for Jeremy Corbyn's help to push through Brexit bills and for MPs


to contribute, not just criticise her plans.


Mrs May's unprecedented appeal to Labour will be seen as an attempt


to relaunch her faltering premiership, the Guardian says.


Her remarks will set a very different tone to her leadership


style before the election, the Times says, as she faces up


to a new reality of a minority government.


And the i also leads with that story.


Meanwhile, The Metro features the parents of terminally-ill baby


Charlie Gard, who delivered a petition to Great Ormond Street


Hospital today calling on them to let him go to the US


Their appeal is also the front page story in the Mail.


The paper says the High Court hearing taking place tomorrow


That story is also in tomorrow's Mirror.


So let us begin. The first story is the front page of the Guardian. A


photo on the front of a few front pages tomorrow, celebrations in


Mosul with the Iraqi forces there celebrating the defeat of IS. But we


have been considering this evening just how much they have to


celebrate. That is a good point. It is wonderful they have liberated


Mosul but at what cost? Thousands of people have died, mainly civilians.


Some from coalition airstrikes. Million residents have been


displaced. Great swathes of the city have been reduced to rubble


including the famous mosques and minaret. Ayaz has this fantastic


ability to regenerate itself. Some of the Ayaz commanders came from


Saddam Hussein's Kabbalah henchmen. They went up aid and reappeared in


IIS. 300 to Hades have been killed they are foreign fighters. And they


will disappear and reappear in some other place. 1500 attacks have been


mounted on freed areas of Iraq and Syria in the last year. These people


are not going away. They are extremist who will do anything to


achieve their aims. They do not wear uniforms. They do not fight... We


should point out that they are celebrations because the people


there have been living under this, under IS for three months but living


with bombs and fighting for nine months. -- living under IS for three


years. The final months were horrible and close... The desolation


we have seen in images has been staggering. It was completely wiped


out. And can you imagine how that you would be if that was your city?


The city that you love, turned into that. All the people you know who


have died, who have had hideous situations with the so-called


Islamic State. These militants still do have a handful of pounds in some


stretches, it says, of sparsely populated desert. They can change,


they can morph they can melt away, they can rise again and it does not


have to be rising again in Mosul. There are several other Iraqi


cities... The ground is fertile for jihad is because there is misery


positive. That is where jihadist ideologies thrive. Neighbours are


turned against neighbours. This is an Epoque will struggle between the


Sunnis and the Shia. A journalist was upset because an old man said he


watched his daughter shot in front of him by a neighbour he thought was


a friend. That is the sort of thing that was happening in Yugoslavia.


Battling between people who were formerly friends. Domestic matters


now. A beautiful photo on the front page of the Times. We can discuss


the bug lets talk about the headline. An absolutely beautiful


image, as you say. A week and Made pleads for support. Another


difficult weekend ahead Theresa May who have a fight on her hands to


retain the leadership and take the party forward. There is suggestion


that she will beg Jeremy for help and support which suggest how


utterly desperate she must be at the moment. It does smack of


desperation. Reports today, denied by Mr Mitchell, apparently told


other Tory MPs that Mrs May was dead in the water, echoing what George


Osborne said after the election. Totally un- suppressed glee,


actually. It is interesting that so many Cabinet ministers are openly


questioning her policies. Boris Johnson saying that they must lift


the cap on public service pay. I just wanted to say that there is


this talk of this sort of thing and how it could all change before the


autumn meeting, before the autumn conference. But then you have David


Liddington in this saying that it is all too much sun and too much press


echo. -- prosecco. The only thing in her favour is a terrible job and


that is why Boris Johnson nor David Davis have openly campaigned against


her. They do not want the job at the Mosman. What is this manoeuvring


they keep on talking about? That is gossip that goes on in all political


parties. Nobody has come out and said they want the job because it is


a terrible job, to try and steer this country through Brexit, the


most difficult negotiations since the Second World War and with a


weakened party with no majority without the help of the DUP. They


used to say that English football manager was impossible job. I would


say it is now the Prime Minister. May faces a backlash over historical


repeal bill. Another milestone as we head towards the Brexit negotiations


will not again, I bring it back to what support she can garner from the


rival parties. Jeremy Corbyn, in the current climate, will he be in any


way incentivise towards helping her? No. That is a simple answer. Tory


MPs are openly saying that her position is untenable and I do think


this repeal bill will be a complete nightmare to try and steer through


Parliament. Except that we always knew it would be. We are so knitted


into Europe that unpicking it was always going to be difficult. This


idea that we could suddenly go OK, on this day let us just stop it. It


does not happen like that. This is the divorce from hell. You thought


that Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor had it off... You have not


seen Brexit. You will get the Jules, who will get the dog, the yacht, the


house? That is small beer compared to this. It will only take seven MPs


to mount a rebellion, for the government to be defeated, even with


the help of the DUP. It is so tenuous. And you have Liberal


Democrat saying, predicting that legislative war, saying the bill


would look like a Christmas tree because of the number of amendments


that will be hung onto with full. As I said, anybody who thought it was


going to be easy... Over the last year, it is not going to be easy.


This is the reaction from the European Parliament rejecting


Britain's damp squib off on citizens rights. This is Theresa May's


suggestion a couple of weeks ago. Do not forget, that this is a


negotiation, this is our starting point. It is very much like the


start of any negotiation. You go and barter over something in a market


you start your position here, they start there and you come together.


That is how it is. The problem for Mrs May now is that before the


election she was being quite leash, saying that no deal is better than a


bad deal. But Europe is laughing. There is a sense in Europe that we


are a laughing stock closed she is so impotent and everything will need


to be run through Parliament where she does not have a majority. They


think well, how can she get through any hard Brexit ideas because she is


fatally weakened? Again, we come back to that point. It is going to


happen because we voted for it. There for it will happen. There are


people who say they won't. And there are people who say they will. I was


told the other day by someone just to get over it. I was quite


flattered. It showed I had annoyed her in a way. And I think this whole


idea that we just turn up, have a nice chat with Michelle Barnier...


We have long established that that is not going to happen. Let's move


away from politics back to the Financial Times. This is a tidal


power project under. ?1.3 billion project. This is something that is


at the most a massive job. It has been described by some critics as


Britain's hobbyist ever renewable energy project so it is in Swansea


Bay and this would be a tidal lagoon 1900 construction jobs. A huge


number of jobs. Six mile seawall. 16 underwater turbines, powerful


155,000 homes. It would take three years to build and have a design


life of 120 years. The thing is, of course, you can look at one side and


say that if great. The other side will save what a catastrophe for the


local area. This story is saying, essentially, that the government...


It's that was supported by David Cameron at the time. They have now


said either stump up the cash and make it happen or just stop it now


because there are people who have put in lots of money to this already


and now.... They say it could be spectacular. That that is the local


investors talking it up. And it is true it would generate many jobs in


terms of construction but perhaps like David Cameron's career which


ended up with him tweeting photos of his own feet, this may well be


doomed. If that is the last we hear of him, so be it the cost of lagoon


power is, to me, is its downfall. It is predicted to cost 168 megawatts


per hour where is nuclear power, derided by people, is almost half


the price. But then you have environmentalists who say, yes, what


about the long-term consequences? And this is the problem with


everything. However, a six mile seawall will cause massive


environmental damage. The ecosystem is going to be destroyed. We could


build a wall! What a great idea! Write-down the English Channel. I


believe Donald Trump is planning to come to this country, maybe we


should build across the Atlantic. If we build a wall, he can't reach it.


On that note, thank you very much and we will leave it for now. Thank


you for taking us through the papers. Coming up next, the film




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