Jeremy Corbyn Election 2017

Jeremy Corbyn

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fiction, supposition and exaggeration. Then came the


broadcasters. And those comments bring us to the closing headlines


from Westminster... Thank you very much! This is the


86th rally I've addressed in this election campaign and after that,


we're going to Colwyn Bay and then south and we end up tonight in my


constituency in London. We started at 8am in Glasgow. Yesterday, we


showed Labour covering the whole country. We had been in rallies to


six places all over the country. This campaign is enthusiastic,


strong, growing and very confident. I've got a present here for Mike


Amesbury. Quite simple, Mike, no pressure, a win for all of us


tomorrow. All of us. You will see the van that sparked behind me and


you know what this election is about. Never before has there been a


clever choice in British politics about which way we go. The


re-election of a Tory Government tomorrow will mean five more years


of cuts to our NHS, five more years of increased waiting lists and


waiting times, five more years of more and more people waiting for


social care, five more years of more and more people not getting the


mental health support that they need. Five more years of austerity


and cuts to the vast majority of people of this country. Our National


Health Service, I think, is the most precious and civilised thing that we


have in this country. Health care, free at the point of use for


everybody. Something very special about that. Under these Tories, it's


been underfunded, it's been privatised, the staff are on a pay


freeze and, in reality, 14% pay cut over the past seven years. You know


the reality of it, I know the reality of it. So a Labour


Government, on day one, will suspend the sustainability and


transformation plan, look at it all again to ensure there are accident


and emergency departments covering the whole country. We will properly


fund our National Health Service, we will properly fund our social care


system and set up a national care service so that you are treated, if


you get cancer, in a hospital, you will be treated just as well if you


have dementia. At the moment, you get cancer free but not dementia


free. It's all part of our belief in a caring society. I also pull


strongly about the mental health crisis facing this country. Too many


people, particularly young people, suffer alone, that the stigma and


they suffer abuse. We want to properly fund mental health services


but also, all of us together can do something about it. We can do


something about it by supporting each other, ending the jokes, ending


the stigma, and the isolation. We can all be in a bad place.


Communities bring people together. This election is also about the


feature of our young people. There is a change in the funding formula


in our schools. Headteachers have been told, if you can't afford to


pay your teachers, can't afford to sustain your school, then either


tough or go and collect the money from your parents. Well, sorry, I


want to live in a society where, yes, we all pay our taxes, we pay


our taxes so that our children can be fairly educated in our schools.


-- properly educated in our schools. So, starting at the younger stage,


we will bring in free preschool places for all to four-year-olds


irrespective of parental income or background, so that those children


get to grow up together. Their first experiences growing up together,


that is strong. Then in the primary schools, two very big things I am


very keen on doing. The Tories brought in some limited numbers of


free school meals in the country. They have now decided to take that


away and, as you know, they are very challenged where maths is concerned,


so we did some sums on their offer of school breakfast and it turns out


to be just shy of 7p per day per child. I don't quite know what the


exact prices of rice crispy today but I think you could manage about


an a couple of rice crispies with that sort of money. It's a joke, an


insult, quite frankly. Hungry children don't learn. Hungry


children can't concentrate, hungry children don't achieve in primary


school and that goes all the way through the years, and so I am


determined, and it would cost, I know, but I am determined to do it,


and determined that we would bring in free school meals for every child


in every primary school across the country and they will eat together.


Education is about schools, it is about learning, it is about


subjects, but it is also about our children unlocking their


imagination. There is poetry in every child, art, music in every


child. And so, we will bring in people arts premium so that every


child can get to learn a musical instrument while they are in school.


And I see that as part of the kind of society and community we want and


as they go through the school years, many other things are also very


important. But if you take away, as the Tories have done, the


educational maintenance allowance, take away the maintenance grant for


those going on to university, raise university fees up to ?9,000 a year,


introduce college fees, introduce fees for adult education, what


happens? Well, you know what happens. Fewer students from middle


income or poorer families go to university, go to college to achieve


what they want to in life. Two things happen then. They lose out


because they are not following the career they wanted, not learning the


trade or profession they wanted to. They lose out and we lose out


because we don't get that nurse, that engineer, that Doctor, that


skilled person he would contribute to our society. And so I am very


keen, very keen that we will instead invest in our young people. And so,


we've costed it and it does cost and it is expensive but I think it's


absolutely the right thing to do, we will end university fees altogether.


And to reintroduce the maintenance grant, because it cannot be right,


it cannot be right that so many of our young people leave university


with debts of 40 or ?50,000 around their neck merely because they


wanted to get educated. I think we've got to invest in our future


for all of us and so this election is about the kind of society and


world we want to live in. We want an economy that works for all. I don't


want an economy where 6 million people are earning less than the


minimum wage, where 1 million ar on zero hour is contract. I want


instead a real living wage, ?10 per hour by 2020, I want an end to the


indignity of 0-hours contracts, where you wake up every morning


wondering if you've got work that day. That's not right. So, we will


be changing quite a lot of employment law. But we'll also be


investing in our economy for the future and so we will be


establishing a national investment bank. That national investment bank


will invest over ten years ?500 million across the whole of the UK,


regionally based, so that all the transport infrastructure investment


doesn't just go to London and the south-east, it goes to every part of


the country. APPLAUSE


Jeering at -- CHEERING Yes, we will be investing in new


technology and infrastructure and sustainable jobs.


As a country, we have to improve our manufacturing capacity. It is half


that of Germany and productivity is much lower. We have to do better and


provide good quality skilled jobs for the young people of the future.


Those things to me are very, very important and, people say to me,


well, this manifesto, for the many not the view, they say, well, it's


going to cost a lot of money. Well, yes, it is. I know that. But, be


very clear about this, we happily costed it. 95% of the population


will pay no more in tax, no more in National insurance, no more in VAT.


Taxation for corporations will go up for the big ones. We will be at the


same time supporting small businesses and there will be some


tax rises for those on very large incomes. I think that is the right


thing to do, because we've had seven years of austerity, seven years in


which the banking crisis of 2008, 2009 has been paid for by the low


wages in the public sector, by unemployment, by insufficient


housing, by public services being cut all over the country. This


generation is being damaged by the austerity created by the banking


crisis. APPLAUSE


CHEERING Al manifesto offers something very,


very different for the future. Our manifesto offers something that


is opportunity for the whole country, rather the change in our


whole attitude. We are putting to the British people this programme


because we believe very strongly in it and tomorrow, we've got the


chance to vote for it and elect Labour MPs like Mike and many others


to carry it through. And when we carry it through, we want to be


measured by the numbers of people that are no longer homeless, the


numbers of children that are no longer poor, the number of people


who are no longer living in poor quality, overcrowded housing, with


better chances that everybody has got. And by our environmental


sustainability, by the way in which we approach the whole of society.


And I'm very, very excited by the opportunities offered by it. And so,


the election of a Labour Government tomorrow will be the election of


Labour MPs to make sure that carried out, that's true, but you know what,


over the seven weeks of this campaign, a lot has changed. A lot


has changed because the Tory party thought it was going to be a walk in


the park. They just thought, wherein a lovely park today, enjoy your


walk, they just thought, walk in the park, what have they got to offer?


We've got something very important to offer here. The difference...


CHEERING The difference is this. A Tory


Government will continue with all the policies they are doing at the


present time, continue with the indignity of the way they treat


those with disabilities, the way in which they treat those that are


hardest up in our society. The way they walk by on the other side when


people are in desperate need. We offer something very different. If


you look around yourself in this rally here today, this fantastic


crowd here today, look at all of us. We are young, old, black, white,


men, women, gay, straight, we have problems, we have EV lives, we are


lots of different things, but you know what? Do you know what unites


us together? A common belief in humanity, a common belief in what we


can achieve together. Either you go down the Harwich Road of Tory cuts,


Tory closures, Tory privatisation, Tory inequality or you take the


other road. Those bold and brave people that lead our party in the


desperate days after the Second World War had that vision of a


National Health Service, of an inclusive society. This Labour Party


in the 21st-century has that vision, that vision that you share the


wealth, that you said the ability, you contribute to your society and


your community and you need no one, no community and no place behind.


CHEERING in a and in a positive campaign we


have fought. -- I am very proud of the positive campaign we have


fought. Those young people on top of that rock, please don't fall!


Otherwise I will get the blame if you do! We've refrain from personal


abuse because I don't believe that gets us anywhere.


CHEERING I understand because my neighbours


tell me that some people have said some very unkind things about me but


I think it all. And I ask you, all of you, in the few hours that remain


until the polls open tomorrow, think very hard. Talk to your friends,


your neighbours, everyone in the community, of the choice before us


tomorrow. To me, it's the choice of the kind of country we want to live


in. It's a choice of this or cuts, closure and privatisation.


CROWD JEERS It's between hope or fear!


CHEERING Get people to vote tomorrow so that


we elect that Government, the Government that can work the good of


all of us. Corbyn! Corbyn! Corbyn!


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