Live Jeremy Corbyn Speech Election 2017

Live Jeremy Corbyn Speech

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He's coming in five minutes. Let's give him a great welcome when he


comes. thank you for coming here today. I


am the Labour parliamentary candidate for Reading East. Reading


has two marginal seats. Reading East and Reading West. We're working hard


to win them. These are the sorts of seats Labour needs to win to form a


Labour government. I hope today having Jeremy here will lift our


spirits and take us forward in the battle for those seats. Apply to say


thank you to so much for Germany the coming and -- thank you for Germany


for coming. -- Jeremy Corbyn for coming. The leader of the laden two


Labour Party. Thank you. Thank you all for being


here. And thank you for your support. This man is going to be


your MP, a week on Friday. OK? But that means you've got to put a bit


of effort into making sure he does become your MP. Are you all up for


that? So it is campaigning, it is talking, it is getting that message


across. But I would also like to say a message of sympathy and sorrow to


Reading on not getting through in the football. As a very keen


football supporter, I know just how painful these things are. But I had


a good weekend. I was at the cup final with Arsenal. I wasn't


expecting any applause for that at all. Please don't go any further


with that particular line of discussion. This morning, we were


pointing out just what five more years of the Tory government will


do. That is the correct response,


billing, thank you. John Ashworth, and Lorraine and I presented a


document to our friends in the media about what a five years will be.


Think through the crisis that exists in almost every hospital in the


country at the present time. Think through the waiting lists to get


elective surgery. Think through the delays of A departments. Think


through those older people stuck the hospital bed and are unable to leave


because social care is not available. Think of millions of


people across the country waiting for a social care package that has


not come. Then think of our schools. Is it right that headteachers should


be encouraged to have collecting buckets at the school gate in order


to fund the school 's? Is it right that so many of our children come to


school hungry and go home angry as well? -- go home angry. And is it


right that children are in super-sized classes over 30, and the


teachers stressed out by this and many are sad leaving the press two


profession as a result of it. Then look at the underfunding of our


secondary schools, the loss of educational maintenance allowance,


meaning those students from working-class backgrounds did not go


on to college until we introduced them. And then think of the


university students, leaving the debt of ?50,000 or more because they


tried to get an education. What we are doing is simply pointing out


what another five years of the Tory government would mean. Five years of


underfunding, five years of cuts, five years of lost opportunities.


And the stress that causes to so many families, and young people. And


so, we are quite simply saying this: we have a programme and a manifesto


for the many, not the few. CHEERING And it is a carefully worked out


programme. It is a realistic programme and it is a fully costed


programme. And it will cost, yes, more in taxation. As the top end.


Corporation tax will go up a bit. And all those tax reliefs and


giveaways to the very rich will change. And we are doing this


because we believe it is time for a change in this country. We cannot go


on with the narrative that the next generation is always going to be


worked the Tuimavave -- you will have less housing, less


education, you will pay for more and more as you go through life. I just


don't accept that is correct. We are a wealthy country, we live in a


highly technical age. An age where almost anything is possible. If you


get the politics right to distribute the wealth and the opportunity


fairly, across all elements of society. CHEERING


But, in this country, we are not doing any of that. And so Angela


very proudly put forward her views and our plan on education. I am


proud of Angela Rayner. She had a difficult upbringing, didn't achieve


everything she wanted to orc is often at school. As she was helped


to achieve in life by a sure start, which was introduced by the last


Labour government. And I totally values education -- Angela totally


values education and the values it gives everyone. So we put forward


our plan. Firstly, 30 hours per week free childcare for two to four years


old children for the whole country. And that pre-school nursery places,


social interaction, play, is something that is so important.


Winning children together, all of them, for those places, and it will


be paid for and cost 4.8 billion extra pounds to do it. But I see it


is absolutely right to do that. Because it is an investment in the


futures of those children and, indeed, of all of us. Because


children that don't get those nursery places don't get those good


preschool facilities. Sadly, they are gladly two likely to achieve


less in primary, secondary, and less likely to get to university. I am


fed up of a country dominated by the postcode lottery of the wealth of


the apparent if you are likely to get to university or not. The waft


of -- the wealth of your parents. I


want it for all of our children. In primary schools, I mentioned hungry


children find it hard to learn. Children coming to school hungry,


many of them helped out by decent, wonderful teachers. Who dip into


their wallets and handbags in order to help the children at killing


matter out. It shouldn't ever be like


-- to help the children out. It shouldn't be like that. We will


introduce an pay for its free school meals that every child in every


primary school in the country. And the experience of those children


growing up together in school together, eating together, is surely


a message to them about our world, our society, that you work with each


other and you pay for it through taxation which is their end that it


falls a bigger burden on the riches, and the least burden on the the


arrest. That is surely basic social justice and Armando -- the least


burden falls on and we will fund our primary


schools. In this area, we will stand up to councils trying to close down


schools, particularly caught two -- Tory councils who don't


understand the passion people have for school. I want our students to


go on to college and do on and do A-levels and technical education and


make the best of our lives. That is why we will returned the educational


maintenance allowance which will allow children to say on after


school. And for those who go to university, we studied this very


carefully and it's a very big call and will cost a lot of money, we


believe it is right to end the university fee system and guarantee


support for every student going to university by ending university


fees. And people say to me, why are you doing all this? I'll tell you


this. If you are a child growing up in an unregulated, expensive private


rented flat somewhere, with six month assured short hold tenancy,


may be moving on, sometimes having to move primary school, you are not


likely to be achieving the unit in school. You take it on. And that


child does not achieve their potential. The new measure it in two


ways. They haven't become a doctor, engineer or tradesperson. I haven't


become what they wanted to be or what that ambition was. They lose


out dumber we lose out because we don't have the doctor or nurse or


engineer that we would have had if we engineered Derry invested in our


system. -- invested in our system. I am determined we will achieve


everything that Angelus Education is about learning the


important subject and the skills you need for life.


There's also the creative and imagination in all of us. You talk


to children. They dream all kinds of things. Paint the most extraordinary


things. As they get older, they might want to develop those skills.


Their musical ability. Sadly, too few schools have music, sadly, too


few towns are able to afford youth orchestras and music that goes with


it. So, we will fund a pupil arts premium for every child in every


school so they can all learn a musical instrument.


1960s established the Arts Council 1960s established the Arts Council


and Open University. We want to have a cultural fund for the whole


country so we do have local theatres, support all that cultural


activity. But we also recognise that young musicians need some space to


play and need some opportunity to develop their skills. Let's, as we


build a stronger economy, and protect our services, let's also


encourage that free spirit and imagination that's there in all of


us. Set the free to imagine the best they can for the future.


CHEERING And, our health service is to me,


the proudest achievement of the Labour Party. Up until the Second


World War, there was no universal free health system in Britain. There


was a patchwork of it. And, as Harry Leslie Smith describes, those that


couldn't afford an operation frankly died because of it. There are some


countries in the world, many in the world that still have that. If


you're in the United States, if you're lucky, you've got a good


insurance policy because your employer's paid for one for you. If


you're unlucky, you've no access to good health care at all. If you're


young Americans, you often have a chat in a bar about what kind of


health insurance policy you've got. We have a National Health Service


for a purpose and a reason. It was founded by people with vision. The


vision that health care should be a right, free at the point of use for


everybody. CHEERING


But, it is under threat. It is under threat because of underfunding. It


is under threat because of privatisation. It is under threat


because of the operations of the Health and Social Care Act put


through by the Conservatives with Liberal Democrat support during the


last Parliament. And so, we will guarantee investment for the NHS


over the lifetime of Parliament. We will also guarantee funding for


social care so that social care crisis is ended. We don't do this


lightly but we do it because we believe it. We believe in a health


service for all. We also believe you have to tackle the health


inequalities. Even if a town like Reading or any other town, you live


in place A, your life expectancy is a bit shorter than if you live


somewhere else. And you can do that all across the country. That's not


right. That's absolutely not right. We have to investment fairly all


across the whole country. But, at the moment, our NHS is in crisis.


Every hospital running into debts and overdraught. Every hospital


wondering how it can cope. A nurses and doctors stressed out


beyond belief with the situation they are facing. So, what John


Ashworth will do when we becomes the Health Secretary is look again at


the provision of A departments all over the country to make sure


they're there for everybody to reach.


CHEERING And there is another aspect to it.


If we continue this underfunding of social care, and if the Government


can't give an answer on how much they're going to take out of


somebody's value of their home or anything else, then I suggest people


look at the Labour alternative, which is to put money in now to end


the crisis in social care. CHEERING


And develop a national social care service. Because, as with all


aspects of public cuts, public spending cuts and austerity, who


pays the price? The poorest and most vulnerable. Who pays the price when


there isn't social care available, who has to give up their job to care


for somebody, a dis#5ib8ed child or an older person suffering dementia


or many other conditions, it is mainly the women in the household


who have to give up jobs or careers to care for somebody. We think, we


as a community, should take responsibility for it and properly


fund health and social care. CHEERING


And I am very determined on one aspect of the health service. That


is the crisis in mental health. One in four of us in this wonderful


meeting here today during our lifetime will suffer some kind of


mental health crisis. Deep stress, deep depression, many things. Some


of us will be well cared for and well treated and will feel able to


talk to others around it and get support. Others, sadly, will not.


Too many young people get into very dark places and take their own lives


because there's nobody there to support them. It's a crisis, it's a


tragedy. Anyone who's ever attended a funeral of a teenage who've taken


their own life whilst in deep stress would feel the hurt that the whole


family is going through as a result of it. It's no solution to cut the


number of mental health nurses. It's no solution to underfund our mental


health services. It's no solution not to have those emergency beds


available and treatment and support and therapy available very quickly.


And so, we will ensure mental health is properly funded. I'm looking


forward to appointing a minister solely to deal with mental health


and social care so we do deal with this crisis properly.


CHEERING Those are health and education, two


very crucial areas of our lives. Very crucial areas of what we're


offering in this election. But it's also about how our society develops.


How our economy develops. Because there is a gross imbalance. We've


six million people earning less than the living wage in Britain. We have


a million people on zero hours contracts not knowing what they're


income is from one week to the other. Waking up each morning,


staring at the phone, wondering if they've a text message offering them


work for the rest of the day. That is wrong. Noes necessary. Not really


very efficient. So, we will end zero hours contracts...


CHEERING We will introduce a living wage of


?10 an hour by 2020. CHEERING


And, we will guarantee rights at work from day one so that you can be


represented and we will not charge people for going to tribunals trying


to get justice. CHEERING


It's also about the kind of economy we develop in this country. It's how


we develop that economy. Because it is imbalanced, because there is a


need to negotiate with the European Union to corn tariff free trade


access to the European market, I'm absolutely determined to achieve


that so we can protect manufacturing industry and manufacturing jobs in


this country that have a supply chain in Europe and vice versa. We


are leaving the EU. But, I'm utterly determined we will achieve that


tariff-free access and we'll protect the rights and conditions that we


achieved through EU membership and we will protect the rights of all EU


nationals living here in remain living here permanently with their


families. CHEERING


But, for the economy to grow, it requires investment. It requires


investment in all parts of the country. That means a national


investment bank that's regionally based. So these wonderful hi-tech


start up businesses mushrooming along the Thames Valley should be


supported. I want sustainable industries. I want those clean,


green energy jobs of the future. They don't come out of thin air. A


national investment bank investing in those enterprises makes a big


difference and develops us as an economy for the future. We invest


less than any other industrialised country. For former mining or


steel-making areas who've seen precious little investment for a


very long time, we will put the money in there necessary to build


the infrastructure those areas need and give the job opportunities for


all of those people that live in those areas.


CHEERING So, when the Conservatives called


this election, they called this election thinking it was going to be


all over. They thought it was just a matter of the Prime Minister going


around the country and conveniently not mentioning the name of the party


that she leads... LAUGHTER It is called the Conservative Party


otherwise known as the Tory Party. I heard her once calling it the Knassy


party but I don't want to tread on family difficulties there! -- nasty


party. But something has happened over the last few weeks. There were


seven weeks for this election campaign. We're now less than ten


day, eight days away from the election itself. Do you know what's


happened? Thousands and thousands of people have heard our manifesto.


They've downloaded it. Read it, bought it, looked into it. Asked


questions with it, made contributions on how we could put it


forward. And thousands of people contributed to that manifesto


through our Labour Party membership, trade union membership and lots of


voluntary organisations that sent in lots of good ideas. It's a manifesto


that will transform this country. Because, it will be for everybody


not for the few. And for the first time, we'll roll back though whole


agenda which says you deal with the banging crisis of 2008 by making the


nurses, doctors, teachers, those on housing waiting lists or anyone at


the lower levels of pay in society pay the price for it. I say, enough,


let's invest in the future not pay the price of that austerity.


CHEERING And so, look around you. Look around


you at this wonderful gathering here today. We're young, we're old,


black, white, gay, straight, able, disabled. We're all kinds of things.


We're everybody. We are united in what we're trying to achieve. So,


we're not running this election campaign of pitting the older


generation against the younger generation. We're not running this


election campaign blaming minority X what happened to minority Y. We're


not running that kind of campaign. CHEERING


We're running a campaign which brings people together. We want a


society that brings people together. Do you know what, society's united


working together, there's nothing they can't achieve. There's nothing


they can't achieve in education, in health, in housing, in the creative


industries. All those things for the future. Another five years of a Tory


Government... What kind of housing? What kind of education? What kind of


health care? What kind of employment practices will be in the operation?


We know their strategy which is to give a further ?60 billion back to


the very richest in our society and the biggest corporations. Our


proposal is actually very modest. No tax rises at all for 95% of the


population. No increase in national insurance. But, increases and


chasing down tax avoidance and tax evasion in order to build the kind


of society we want in the future. So, in the last week of this


campaign, I ask you all to do this. Yes, knock on doors for our party.


Yes, identify all those that are going to vote for my friend here and


make sure they do. But also, don't do it in just a mechanical,


transactional way, have that conversation with people who may


have been misled by some of our newspapers about the role of our


party or the views I may or may not hold. But, have that conversation


and say what kind of society do you want to live in? Are you comfortable


that every night there are thousands of people sleeping on our streets


and begging round the railway stations? Are you comfortable that


there is such grow Esk levels of inequality in our society and


getting worse? Or, do you want to he will echt a Government that will do


something different with the support of the people which will develop the


health, housing, education and will provide opportunities for all? All


across the spectrum. So that we have a more cohesive and coherent society


in the future. And, for all the cynical commentators, do you know


what's happening is everywhere I go, all over the country, the rallies


get bigger, the crowds get bigger, the enthusiasm gets bigger, the


determination gets bigger... CHEERING


And, that gives us a chance to do something very, very special on June


8th. It's very odd that you have an election campaign where we go out


and talk to people all the time and the Prime Minister seems so have


difficulty in meeting anyone or having a debate. And so, there is a


debate in Cambridge tonight. I don't know what she's doing this evening,


but it's not far from London. I invite her to go to Cambridge and


debate her policies, debate her record, debate their plans, their


proposals and let the public make up their minds. Is it to be this?


CHEERING Or is it to be the opposite? More


cuts, closures, divisions, stress, and pressure. It's time to get out


there and get that message. It's time to get people fully behind our


message. It's time to vote Labour on eight June. Thank you very much!




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