Nick Clegg Speech Election 2017

Nick Clegg Speech

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Right. Hello everybody, thanks for coming. I hope we are now going to


turn on the poster which we are launching today. As if by magic. It


is going to appear... Look at that. I'd like to say a few words about


why we're launching this poster today. Of the many things coming up


on the doorstep in my own area and South Yorkshire and other


constituencies are visited, obviously the Conservative plans for


a demented taxes meant them a lot. What keeps coming up over and over


again particular among families with small children. Is the anger at


Conservative's plans to scrap universally available free of charge


lunches would reproduce when the Lib Dems are in government. For classes


years one and two. There are many reasons why we strongly object to


this regressive decision, this unfair decision by the


Conservatives. It is socially punitive, hits the poorest hardest,


I woke up one about that the second. It is cynical, deeply dishonest as


well. The Conservative's claim that they are replacing the freely


available lunches made available to all infants at primary school with


universally available breakfasts. Yet they will only provide,


according to the only published figures, ?16 million -- ?60 million.


That works out at around 7p per breakfasts. How dare they insult


people's intelligence in pretending that a 7p breakfast for little


children in primary school is in any way an adequate replacement for


snatching away the healthy bought lunches which are being provided to


them at the moment? That is the reason for this poster, to highlight


the sheer dishonesty which the Conservatives are claiming they will


offer a decent replacement at breakfast time when they are doing


nothing of the sort. The second thing I want to say is one of the


reasons we introduced this measure is we discover, when we looked into


it when we were in government, that there were thousands and thousands


of children, from working families on low incomes, families who are


categorised as being in poverty, who were not eligible for free school


meals under the means tested arrangement. When we ended used it,


four in ten children in poverty were not eligible. And the Children's


Society has calculated that 50% of all children who should be receiving


free school meals because they are in poverty did not have access. That


is why we made those lunches universally available. The


statistics we were released today, based on work by the Children's


Society, so 250,000 children from families categorised as in poverty,


will now have those universally three available lunches snatched


away from them. What possible justification can there be?


Especially when the May talks about helping people manage. When one of


the first announcements she makes is lunches from the very struggling


families who made the greatest help. So my final challenge is this. It is


a talent I make on behalf of the Liberal Democrats to every


Conservative candidate. The Conservatives were made to introduce


this measure because of the pressure from Lib Dems. We pass it into law,


the Tories then stood on a manifesto two years ago, that they will retain


universally available free lunches for children in the first three


years of primary school. And yet now, they are being instructed by


Theresa May, in this heartless, callous, regressive act, to snatch


those lunches away. In the manner in which


-- in which she has described. So come clean with voters in each


constituency in which they are standing. And tell us this, I will


do stand up against Theresa May and -- are they going to stand up


against the May and repeal the legislation? Which is what will


happen if the legislation takes place. Or will they defend the


thousands upon thousands of families and young children who have


benefited from this measure in the first place. That is the challenge.


Will the Conservatives stand up for kids from poor families who need a


healthy lunch, or are they simply going to do what the reason May and


struck them. And that is why we are releasing this poster today. Thank


you very much, I give coming, particularly all the children for


coming today. -- thank you for coming. Down here please, thank you.


That's enough pointing, thank you. reporting Scotland to Matt, the SNP


launch their manifesto. Our Kezia Dugdale and only called in the an


Kezia Dugdale our Kezia Dugdale and Jeremy Corbyn


at odds over this issue? Nine more sleeps to polling day. The final


manifestos are being launched, joined the battle lines for the big


boat ahead. Today, it was the SNP's turn.


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