22/11/2012 Politics Scotland


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Cook very warm welcome to the Scottish Parliament where there is


a pedigree of controversy before we even get moving. The presiding


officer has announced that she was suspending for one day the Labour


MSP Michael McMahon. There was a row over the altering of the


parliamentary record by Alex Salmond over the question of cream


shops. Objections were raised in those chamber. The ruling came from


the presiding officer and Michael McMahon shouted, you are out of


order! He apologised but she has suspended him. We can cross to the


chamber. I thought the chamber would like an update on the severe


weather facing many of our citizens. As off 12:30pm there were a number


of flood alerts. Heavy rain this morning may lead to the river


becoming... Initialled defences have been installed. Other areas


which could be affected include the white sands of Dom freeze and parts


of Air Show. The resilience unit has been active for most of this


week. We would certainly hope that ministers were doing their job! In


bed the 2011, the finance secretary made an announcement on college


funding that was still have to be cut this year. On Tuesday, he said


he was always on top of the figures. He confirmed that he knew at that


time that the First Minister was giving the wrong figures on


colleges. When fit John Swinney informed the First Minister that


college funding was to be cut this year and how often did he update


him? Ministers will attend to their job in doing their best to protect


the people of Scotland from these severe and extreme weather


conditions. The mistake for which I apologised last week was my mistake


in terms of the briefing which I'd read out from, which suggested that


college funding was increasing compared to last year and this, and


a table which had forgotten to include the 11 million additional


funding which had been devoted to colleges last here. I came to the


chamber and apologised in full, and Mr Russell has also apologised. In


any other parliamentary chamber I can possibly think of, ministers or


anyone else coming to a chamber and giving an apology or explanation is


accepted with good grace. In this chamber that should be the same


thing to do. I have looked carefully at the mechanism which


was introduced in this Parliament for all members, not just ministers,


for correcting inadvertent errors. I note that it has been used six


times by ministers and one SNP member. It has not been used by any


other member. Is that, I wonder, because they have never made


mistakes? Or is it perhaps because they have chosen not to correct the


mistakes that they had made? What ever it that was, it was that he


made. -- it was not a gracious acknowledgement of the mistake that


he made. Last week we were able to hand the First Minister the


document written by his own Cabinet Secretary which prove that we were


correct and yet he chose not to be honest with us. He did not answer


the question that I asked him. Are we to believe that this was not


discussed at Cabinet? It cannot surely be right that levels of


investment in Scotland's cabinets were not discussed at Cabinet. Did


the discussion take place and it so can the First Minister spell out


when they took place, and debated not, why not? I took the figure


from a briefing paper, that is the explanation. Let us examine the


conspiracy theory about this. Why it would I weed out the wrong


number from a briefing paper it was aware of the various documents that


had been presented? Why would the Education Secretary presented to


the education committee in the explanation is not simply that I


read out the wrong figure. The wrong figure is because week


increased college funding and last year and that was not counted in


the figure in the table but hype read out. I do hope that Johann


Lamont has bothered to beat it. The explanation is that I made a


mistake by beating out the wrong figure. Can be no move on to the


substantive issue about college funding in Scotland and the


evidence of this government to defend the education system in


Scotland from cutbacks in Westminster, and the surrender in


terms of policy from the Labour government? It does not take long


to get to the alibi when you are under pressure. Please take


responsibility for something. The question I would ask is when the


First Minister accidentally read about the wrong figure from a


briefing paper, why did his finance secretary and Education Secretary,


he knew there was not true, start nodding in agreement with him? It


goes to the heart of this Government's pretence of competence.


Key people in the dark, a search the opposite of the truth and hope


that nobody will notice. The worrying thing is not that the


First Minister allegedly got one specific to go wrong. If we are to


believe him, it is that he did not know whether spending in Scotland's


colleges was going up or down. Which is worst? The First Minister


is so incompetent that he does not know when spending is going up or


down, or that he deliberately misled the people of Scotland?


people want to be held responsible for their body language, then I


think the Labour Party are on a very difficult ground indeed in


terms of the body language which affects these benches. Can I


introduce Johann Lamont to some of the substantial points. She says it


is evading responsibility in order to point out that in Westminster


there are severe cuts affecting the people of Scotland. It is not


evading responsibility to point out that under the system of government


that the people of Scotland have supported, that hour budget is


related to that of Westminster. Therefore it is information that is


relevant, to look for what is happening to budget funding in


England and Wales. And Johann Lamont knows it is going down by


1.7 % this year in relation to last. I wish it was otherwise, but that


is the reality. South of the border, the figure is five %. Given that


hour figure in his direct the related to that south of the border,


that is relevant information. The second question I put to Johann


Lamont, is to support the regionalisation programme. This got


his government Hart supporting massive sums for Scottish colleges.


That is the strategy, through the regionalisation concept and that


investment, to bring about and protect the college infrastructure


of Scotland so that it can serve its duty towards the servants of


Scotland. That is not evading responsibility, that is living up


to responsibility of doing the best that this government possibly can


for that students and colleges of Scotland in the face of attacks


from the government in Westminster, in a system which has been


supported by Johann Lamont and her party. What on earth was all that


about?! This is about his choices in education and his inability to


be honest about what he is choosing to support and what he is choosing


not to support. This is a man who committed the most exact answer


ever given to a parliament any time, anywhere, at 12 o'clock, and by 5pm


has to admit that his statement was the opposite of the truth, because


we provided the information, not because he offered it. Whether


we're talking about Europe, investment in Scotland, or the


number of jobs in the renewable sector, the First Minister just


makes it up. Does he honestly expect us to believe that he, his


finance minister and Mike Russell did not agree College cuts in the


months before they came to this chamber to deny them. What is worse,


that he does not know what his government is doing to the colleges


of the country, or that he is prepared knowingly to mislead the


people of Scotland? Johann Lamont has never taken the facility of


making a correction in this chamber. I have a full list of the number of


times that the statements in this chamber had been at variance with


the facts. For example, what she claimed on the night of February


was the �800 million steel contract for the crossing, when impact of


the steel contract is about 10 % of the contract. When she claimed the


falling numbers for the health service, which is also not true.


This apparent position of Johann mistakes is in Serbia variance with


the facts that we can produce for the chamber. The difference is this,


that when the mistake was made, both myself and the minister for


education or apologise to the chamber and corrected the mistake.


The Labour Party do not correct the mistakes that they make on a


regular basis in this chamber, not to their correct or apologise for


the great mistakes, like the war in Iraq put upon us by a Labour


government. Like the PFI programme which is going to foist upon the


finances of Scotland. Years and generations to come. And no apology


from Johann Lamont about tearing up the SNP manifesto, but tearing up


the Labour manifesto on tuition fees, on prescription charges, on


transport for older people, on fair care for the elderly, each one of


which was identified in the Labour manifesto last year, and each one


of which has been consigned to the dustbin of history by haircuts


Commission. That is why this government is trusted by the people


of Scotland and the Labour Party is not. This goes to the heart of the


problem with the Scottish government. The idea that that is


an answer to the question I asked is complete nonsense. I asked him


what was worse, to be so incompetent that you do not know


that your choices on spending on leading to cuts in colleges, or


that you think you can get away with misleading people? The fact of


the matter is I have said we need to be honest not just about what we


choose to spend money on, but what are the consequences. What you have


done is to deny those consequences. By St to reflect again on the


choices you are making to cut colleges at the very time when our


young people need them most. question is that a mistake was made


and apologised for. The point on the question of honesty is that as


deputy leader of the Labour Party, Johann Lamont promised to freeze


the council tax, retain the commitment to free personal care,


retain the abolition for Scotland's students, retained a concessionary


travel scheme, no charges for prescriptions, and protect


frontline police numbers. Every single one of the solemn Labour


commitments is in the process of being sacrificed and jeopardised.


That is nothing like honesty and that is why the Labour Party will


be a long time before they get anywhere near government in


When will the First Minister next meet the Prime Minister. No plans


in any future. We have all just seen in his answers to the Labour


Party leader, but in one of his answers he said we must move on to


the substantive issue of college funding and recognise the


Government's efforts to defend the college budget. Last week the First


Minister repeatedly told us that the further education budget for


2012-13 was �546 million. Yet the draft budget for next year will be


reduced to �511 million. Can he confirm this represents a �34


million single year cash cut? That is more than 5%. It is actually


�512 billion. That is on the figures that have been presented


according to the table I have here. I presented with great care to this


chamber. If you look at the decline in funding happening in the Budget


to the English further education sector, a then the decline is far


greater than the decline that has happened in Scotland or is


projected in Scotland. Each year, the Education Secretary in


conjunction with the finance secretary has managed to put in


extra funding to the college budget. That is the process of protection.


If Ruth Davidson would take a glance at what is happening to her


colleagues south of the border she was the way we are protecting the


colleges of Scotland. With Davidson supports the position where


education budget is directly related to the education budget


pursued by her colleagues in England and Wales. I support the


position West Gatland will have its resources in order to dictate our


own priorities -- where Scotland. If we are under the constraint from


Westminster, we will do our best to defend our colleges and other


public services, but it ill behoves the Conservative Party where


budgets are collapsing south of the border to come to this chamber and


suggest anything other than the -- that perception is being pursued


for anything other than the people of Scotland. Still no


acknowledgement that when you are in charge of budgets in this


country and that your overall budget is reduced and you cut


spending to colleges, then -- that any responsibility lies with the


First Minister. Last Thursday, the First Minister told the chamber


that the third Det -- further- education budget was �500 million


plus and the budget for 2013 is for �436 million. -- �546 million, my


apologies. Order! Order! In 2011-12, he stated one budget and the


following year another. Yet today, the independent Information Service


insists that the true figure for 11-12 was actually 576 million and


the budget for the following year is 526 million. Can he explain this


discrepancy either now or at 5 o'clock? Given that Ruth Davidson


at no doubt inadvertently made and a set of 100 million in the first


figure she quoted... Order! documents presented to the


education committee which I have examined in great detail, in those


she will find the explanation. The �15 million was allocated to help


with the reorganisation in this financial year. It was given to the


funding council and allocated to be spent in this financial year. She


you will find that in detail in the explanation to the committee, which


either means she has not read the print of the explanation or she


chooses not to tell this chamber. When we come to accuracy in this


chamber, Ruth Davidson may remember that, in terms of her contribution


last week on college funding, she told this chamber she was giving


examples of course he's no longer available under the Education


stewardship. She put forward a list of courses. The eight N d technical


support which she said was gone under Mike Russell's Stu chip is a


available at Kilmarnock College, City of Glasgow College, North


Glasgow College, Edinburgh College, West Lothian College, Aberdeen


College and others. That goes for the other subjects she also said


were no longer available. When she reads that from SPICE, will we get


another apology? Or will the Conservative Party holder to the


idea that opposition parties in this chamber never come with


inaccuracies. They never Correct them and they never apologise, that


is the any difference. -- only difference. I would be delighted to


put into SPIES exactly which colleges have been cut under Mike


Russell. But what I would ask the finest -- first minister it is, in


that half answer, he tried to account for �15 million of


discrepancy as the difference between what was put to the


committee and what is available to SPICE. But he didn't mention the


other amount of 5 million, did he? It was also in stage three of the


Budget debate. There is a 30 million difference in the figures


if it is allocated in the correct gear as the documents. I'm


delighted that Ruth Davidson seems to acknowledge that the figure


exists and that she forgot to tell us about it in her question a few


minutes ago. Can I reminder of what she said in the chamber last week?


She didn't say they weren't available in one College. I will


give a few example of course is no longer available under the Segreti


eight of education's stewardship and then she went through them and


said they were gone. She told the chamber there were no longer


available. They were gone. Unfortunate before her, they are


steadying these courses across Scotland at the present moment.


They are not gone. They are there. They are happening. I hope she will


not give us the old Tory added, never apologise, never explain. --


adage. To last the first minister what


issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the camera that.


Issues of importance for Scotland. -- the Cabinet. What does it take


of the H -- for the education secretary to lose the confidence of


A position when no student in Scotland pays student fees, not


just for students at our universities but the 23,000


students in our colleges who would be paying tuition fees if Willie


Rennie and his colleagues had their way. As usual, he is an expert on


every other government. The last thing he is is an expert on his own


government. It is astonishing. It is astonishing that after all that


has happened in recent weeks, the First Minister believes that Mike


Russell should stay. It is rep wrong that the first minister puts


his interests above those of the colleges. We know the relationship


with college leaders has been wrecked. Principles will not speak


out encase the colleges suffer and the Education Secretary has got his


figures wrong again. Yet again, according to SPICE. Mike Russell is


so out of control that he is even reporting his own government to the


ombudsman. Doesn't he accept we need a change of approach? We need


figures we can all agree and then Education Secretary that we can


trust to deliver. When will they grasp the thistle? Well, I have a


list here of major figures in the Scots' colleges who have supported


Mr Russell. Mr Russell is pursuing a brief in an excellent manner. But


Willie Rennie asked me a question. He asked under what circumstances


would dilute confidence in one of my ministers? The circumstance


under which people would be entitled to lose confidence would


be if you took a firm, solid manifesto commitment, like no


tuition fees for the students of this country, and you tour that up


for a seat at the Cabinet table in Westminster. These would be the


circumstances, when not just your colleagues would lose confidence,


but the people would lose confidence in you. If Willie Rennie


looks around to his diminished number of colleagues and say that


the confidence the Liberal Democrats have lost is the


confidence of the people of this country and the single biggest


issue on which they lost that confidence was the decision to be


introduced tuition fees and the demonstration that they would do


anything to support the Conservative party in return for a


share of power. When that realisation dawns on Willie Rennie


and the extent of the loss of confidence they have been the


people of Scotland, then they would have the entitlement to say give


the people of Scotland will lose confidence in a government which


maintains the principle of free education in this country. A to ask


the First Minister what benefits will Scotland receive following the


announcement that the French firm is to locate its UK turbine


manufacturing site in Scotland? Earlier this week, I met with every


there who will locate its turbine manufacturing site here. It is


fantastic news for Scotland with the potential to create 750 jobs


for manufacturing and the supporting supply chain. It is good


news for the renewable sector which has seen a �2.8 billion investment


in Scotland since 2009 which delivers economic benefits to


communities the length and breadth of our country. I thank the first


minister. It is encouraging that companies from overseas continued


to look at Scotland as being a place to invest. Does the First


Minister agree with me that it is hampered slightly by the UK


government approach to energy policies given that it seems


confused and divided. Would he agree that the any way to rectify


this is to take the powers back to this Parliament in terms of energy


and policy and everything else? there is a great deal of strength


in that particular argument. The company was one of the fans who


recently signed a letter expressing concern about aspects of UK


government policy, energy policy. On Monday, I was delighted that


amongst the many welcomes of this announcement, it want -- was one


from a junior minister in Parliament he was recently involved


in a speech which was going to site his opposition to wing technology


which was then never delivered. I welcome John Hayes' salute for the


intentions but can I point out to the Conservative Party that it is


not possible to manufacture wind turbines if you do not believe in


wind energy playing a role in winter -- in energy policy. What


action the Scottish government will take in response to concerns that


the out-of-hours paediatric services at any just Lucien, Fife


and borders are at risk due to a shortage of trainee doctors. I have


made it clear to the free NHS that it will support every effort to


ensure paediatric services are available to children across the


region. Following a meeting earlier this week, the Cabinet secretary


for health allocated up to �100,000 in this financial year and another


sample over the next two financial years to support clinical personnel


which will be followed up with recruitment campaigns for permanent


trained staff to maintain services at St Johnston's hospital in


Livingston. I wonder what the families and children in five,


Lucien and borders believe because in June, it was said that the


closure of the paediatric ward in St John's was unsatisfactory and


remedial actually -- action was well under way. But we now find the


situation is very much worse with 13 staff down in the medical field.


We know of the ward is under threat of closure and services across five


and borders and Lothian are stretched to breaking point and


remedial action has not yet taken place. Is this yet another broken


promise? Is it another case of the public being misled? The first


minister might say what he lacks in the chamber with no regard to what


is actually happening in the real- world of the NHS? The Minister and


secretary met the health board who suggested the action I have


outlined which is designed to address the circumstances. We will


also work with NHS education stop - - Scotland to develop programmes of


study to support the development of nurse practitioners and specialist


paediatric services across the country. Both Arie response to the


immediate situation that has arisen and a longer term response to


enable the position to be better across Scotland. I would have


thought that is significant action in the face of a real problem and


there would have thought it would Their themes for 2014 a to build on


that success and the organisation is ongoing. The year of homecoming


has been cancelled by Stirling Council for understandable reasons.


He may be aware of reasons that North American visitors are less


likely to come here in June to attend an event at Bannockburn then


they would be to attend a planned gathering event in July or August.


How well the agencies ensure we have enough attractive events in


2014 to make up for the cancellation of the gathering so


that a large number of American figures -- visitors will still come


here? Susan McIntosh said we welcome the opportunity to work


with the 2014 team. I should say that, in terms of seeing a


significance of the 700th anniversary and an understanding of


how it must play a part in the year of homecoming, we took advice from


a variety of quarters. There was a press statement from 26th May 1920


10 which said, "the Scottish Conservatives believe the 700


battle -- anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn must be the


centrepiece of these national celebrations. The fate of the


battle was decided... And it must be the fatal -- focal point in


2013". The author of that report Higham following the advice to the


letter and I do hope it was not that advice that led to the


disgraceful decision not to elect him as leader of the Conservative


Party. A slightly satirical note to close, but very rumbustious


exchanges earlier. You could see that Labour and other parties are


concerned about the ways in which they can hold government ministers


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