Episode 1 The Nolan Show

Episode 1

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Hello everybody. Hello and welcome in this studio together was three


years ago, but ladies and gentlemen, I've got to say, the boss of this


place has brought me back of his own free will and he wanted to give


his own very special endorsement Thank you for joining us on BBC1.


It is a simple formula - we take the big stories of the day and


provide a huge platform to hammer them out. We break stories as well.


Let's get stuck in. The police have only cleared up 4% of all so called


punishment attacks. Tonight we ask why. And how and why do any of you


support this barbarity? We will argue it out in this studio tonight.


Simon Cowell and his love life is all over the papers. Well... One of


his closest friends Louis Walsh is here. And find out why I've been


very keen to track down a local property developer. We just


wondered what you thought of this development? We have a packed


studio tonight and there are loads of ways for you at home to get in


Right, these so called punishment attacks... During 2010/2011, 83


people were the victim of so called paramilitary style punishment


attacks here. There are people who still to this day argue that it's


the right way to punish drug dealers and anti-social behaviour.


In one incident a father was recently made to bring his son by


appointment to be shot. He complied. Can you be a decent person and


support these in any way? If anyone who supports it, are you decent?


Can you justify this? Joining me to debate this is former Red Hand


Commando prisoner turned community And Paul Smyth, founder of the


Let's start with the question - can you be decent in any way and except


this is part of a solution, battering people, shooting them?


listened to your programme in the last few days and ordinary people


came on he told you the reason they thought it was still right to do


this is because they live within the communities, the difficulty is


we have had a 40 years of... Do think it will go away overnight?


You think the responses of one when people come to paramilitaries for


reform of justice that they will not give it? No matter what


community euro, it does not mean you should justify pulling a


trigger against another human. -- community you on in. It is not


justified at all. I will always condemn it, and always have. I am


trying to tell you the reasons behind it. The reasons are because


people believe the police and not giving them the justice they want.


You live in cloud cuckoo land when you think we live in a different


society, this society we live in... Why is it them and us all of a


sudden? I am questioning whether it is wrong to shoot another human


being in 2012? Can you imagine this discussion anywhere else in the UK?


It is wrong. Why do people except it is acceptable in the community?


When you were interviewing people during the week, ordinary decent


people said to you they believed it was a just act. Then you try to


make them out to be a villain. did not. I am going to question


that every person that says do you know what, in circumstances I can


understand, because how far away is that from actually accepting it?


From supporting it? I think this is an important text boat. Here's what


we are asking... Do you support punishment attacks? This will be


anecdotal, not scientific. If you do, text the word VOTE, followed by


YES. If you think they don't text VOTE followed by NO. If you are


against them under any circumstances, drug dealer, sex


offender, any circumstances. Text us to say no. Our text number is


81771 and texts will be charged at your standard message rate. For


full terms and conditions see bbc.co.uk/nolan. Paul, you


represent a group trying to stop this and say it is never right.


work for a charity, we have a youth project which stands for whereas my


public servant and young people from West Belfast, the area with


the highest incidence of punishment attacks started campaigning through


the site because they said Jim is right, many people do support this.


These young people came out and said we do not support it and we do


not know why anybody is standing up for the rights of people in our


area were being brutalised. Almost half their attacks in the last few


years were young people. What must it do to a young person's life? To


be shot and maimed. The flashbacks, thinking they are going to die...


There are things called restorative justice that has been happening


which tries to bring the offender to the victim. There is a lot of


stuff that has been happening and it does not get... You asked me the


other day about the clear-up rate, it is simply not only because


people believe maybe it is the right thing to do, when your


grandmother gets marked and somebody burns a wheelie bin a by


your front door, the thought of somebody being burnt to death...


You can't just go down to the law of the jungle. You can't. 40 years


of paramilitaries and will not go away tomorrow. The PSNI need to get


together and work hard at this. There needs to be respect. Why do


we need paramilitaries now? We are supposed to be any peace process.


can only give you a reason from people who live in the communities


I come from. There are dissident republicans out there, the


potential of going back to a full- scale war in this country. That is


giving a the facto excuse. There are many ways to get in touch at


home. Barney is the first call. He is sitting there trying to half


justified. What does he think the loyalist paramilitaries want from


their community? Do you want to respond? Absolutely. Knee-capping


of children, perverts, child molesters. I have totally condemned


palate -- paramilitary shootings and beatings, I am here to give


people a reason why it is happening. The fact it is happening will not


be taken away, it is. People in the communities they come from the fear


Simple as that, fact. The PSNI have revealed on the radio show on


Friday they will launch a major campaign to stamp this out. Please


welcome Assistant Chief Constable Before percent clearance rate him


punishment attacks, 172 paramilitary attacks between 2008


and 2010, out of the 272, how many have you cleared? 12. What an


Well, 4% clearance rate is not enough and we need to do better,


frankly. We are doing some work internally to review investigations


into these palate -- paramilitary assaults and shootings. We are


looking at the quality of the investigations. By any measure, 4%


as a clearance rate, detection rate, for this serious kind of morality


is inadequate but actually, part of the approach to this needs to be


wider than the police. That is not passing the buck. Hold on a second,


when you are saying that you are having a look at the quality of the


investigations, is it possible you have been turning a blind eye for a


number of years and saying, it happens in Northern Ireland? That


is absolutely not the case. We need something called evidence before we


can... Go and get it, infiltrate them. The nature of this and the


way it happens means that this really challenging and difficult.


It is our job to try and recover it but we can't do that without the


support of the community. We need things like the end a evidence and


CCTV all we need witnesses -- DNA. A community will be terrified, you


know how this works. You have got to take the upper hand and make the


first step and show you are more powerful than them. If you look at


this over the last 10 years, and I have heard some of the comments


about we are still in conflict and the rest of it, as a society we are


moving out of conflict and 10 years ago, there were 320 of these


paramilitary assaults, including shootings, in a year. This year


just passed, there were 75. It was 75 too many, frankly, but things


are changing. Out of those, you had a 4% clearance rate. That is the


bit I am accepting we need to do better at. I want to say that with


the community, we can do better than this but we need that support.


Let me go into the audience. Hello, sir. The PSNI have an awful lot of


work on their hands and an awful lot of bureaucracy within the work


that they have to do. The reason why the community don't support


them is because all they see are the failings of the PSNI, due to


all of the bureaucracy and the different things they have to get


through. If there was to be more work, these guys are doing it


because they do not trust the work the PSNI are doing. If they were to


be working within the PSNI, work within the system to improve the


system... Do you think paramilitaries are filling a vacuum


because they are not performing? You gentlemen here has admitted to


the point that the PSNI are not doing as much of a job as they


should be doing, so in a way, whilst I would not say they are


filling a void, I would say they are coming up with their own brand


of justice. Robert wants to talk to us at home, he is on the phone.


would like to make a comment in regards to the police performance.


There is no question about it that's the police don't have a grip.


The fact that the expertise is not available among them, they are


tackling it the wrong way, it is a serious back in being filled by


paramilitaries. I don't condone violence, but when there is that


action by the police, this takes place. Why don't they take a look


at the United States and make a request for maybe 50 a 60 of these


people who really go to town on this kind of thing that 50 or 60.


Bring them over to train our police and show them. I say this with all


respect, I have not been disrespectful to the police, but I


don't think they have a handle on it. Weekend be joined now have by


Conal McDevitt -- we can. What is this solution? You have got an


abysmal 4% and you're trying to do something about it. But there is a


societal thing, isn't there? What are the politicians doing and what


is the culture within which this is acceptable? We will find out at the


end of the show, it is acceptable to a section of the community.


There is a history to this than to an extent, I agree with Jim, but


those who go out and carry out a punishment beating on a young


person I just perpetuating a cycle of human rights abuse. They are


doing it the exact same thing that whoever they are punishing might


have done to someone else and that does not solve anything. So the


problem needs to start at every level of society, right in the


communities. The PSNI do need to try a different ways and better


ways of being able to tackle this issue and to date, the Policing


Board have been asking for action from the PSNI and we haven't really


had a high-level response we would like to have seen until they were


shown last Friday. When are you going to admit that some of this is


actually down to the thugs that call themselves paramilitaries?


They like swaggering around their communities. Steven, I can also


tell you -- Stephen, I can also tell you that in their communities


I come from, a lot of them do not want to be doing these things but


sometimes they feel when people are coming to them... You had a woman


this morning crying her eyes said, people torturing her next door,


couldn't give her a piece and she went to do police and they didn't


do a thing. So she got people to go around and they got what they


believe is justice. These paramilitaries are alleged drug


dealers. Are they doing drugs yourself? -- themselves? Don't tell


me you don't know. The people they are dealing with are up to their


eyes in trucks and the sooner they are better -- taken out if society


What I'm saying is there needs to be trust, then these to be trust


built between X Loyalist and republican people and the years I


have been working with them, there is... Of let me just go down to the


very front. They -- let me just go down to the very front. The course


does seem to be backing up the pay -- PSNI, these guys go in, they go


out, they go back and do it again. You say it is a 4% clear-up rate,


it wouldn't matter if it was 40%, the courts are not backing them up


that they are back on the streets the next day. We wanted to pick up


the phone. Martin is on the line. - - We want you. What I have been


trying to say is I think it is an absolute disgrace. We have had a


woman on tonight's news who has been robbed on her -- in her own


home three times and this 4% is a joke. I would back anybody who I


knew anybody in their committed to take it on themselves to sort these


people out. The ash in their community. A so you believe in the


law of the jungle. You don't want to know who is deciding who should


shoot who. Where should it stop? If they shoot you in any, do they


shoot you in the spine? Shoot them in their head, depending on what


they have done. You could have your PlayStation, your TV screens, you


can do what you like, it is not going to stop it. It is just so


facile, and you got a clap from this lot in the studio, but to


shoot somebody in their head for theft, do we wonder why Northern


Ireland sometimes find itself embarrassed elsewhere? They might


cut their fingers off for stealing. This is what you are up against.


need to understand what we are actually dealing with. The 4%


detection rate, I am saying clearly and publicly it is inadequate.


don't have a lot of time, so give us a target you are going to beat.


This time next year. 4% isn't good enough. I don't want any


paramilitary attacks and the thing we need to remember is the people


who are doing this actually don't have this widespread support across


communities that has been referred to tonight. There are people


operating for their own ego and status and the rest of it. They


want power because their rationale for existing no longer exists


because we are moving into peace. Ladies and gentlemen, please thank


our guests. Thank you very much. Don't forget the text vote. The


details are on your screen. I really want you to vote tonight, I


want to get a sense from those of want to get a sense from those of


you watching about what do you think. If you could find any


circumstances in which she would support a punishment attack, vote


yes, if not and you think it is abhorrent and now that horrible,


vote know. Here is what is still to come. A I


have got the hard hat on to find a have got the hard hat on to find a


property tycoon. But first, time for tonight's star


guest. He is responsible for 28 number-one hits, he has been sacked


and we hired by Simon Cowell on the X Factor -- rehired. And even he


draws the line that listening to one of the most recent signings for


him, Jedward. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome as be guest, Louis


First of all, thank you for coming. Thank you, Stephen. Secondly, I had


a secret. It is true. What? When I was reading about you and I read


that your first artist but you had taken on was Johnny Logan,...


was the first success, that was 1980. That was the first thing I


ever bought. John a locum, told me If any body will still get a


bouncing. Anybody wants to do that, it is not a problem. -- if anybody


wants to get up here and sing. Johnny was a great artist and I


learned a lot from working with him and from Linda Martin, from Belfast,


because she won the Eurovision Song Contest as well. Allowed to people


think I have just appeared on TV but I was working and slogging for


years -- a lot of people. It must be difficult working with egos.


That is why they are on the stage that, these people, otherwise they


would be working in a bank. They have all got egos, some more than


others. How do you handle that? Are you strict? I have to work with


them, you see. You take them on, you don't just take them on, you


take the families and boyfriends, girlfriends, any bad habits, you


get that as well. And you just buy into it. When it was West I've,


I've never had any problems and we worked for years together and --


Westlife. I are working with Jedward at the moment. I would love


Jedward in the studio. Would you like to see Jedward on the show?


love them, I think they are lunatics. They are different, but


they are entertaining and kids love them. I will get them on in the


next few weeks. Maybe you can sing with them. That is an idea. But it


is a tough business, people don't realise. And you only get so long.


You have a shelf-life. We see you on prime-time, are the X Factor,


and Simon Cowell has had a really difficult week. Simon is one of my


best friends and one of the nicest guys in the world. Honestly, I have


worked with him for 14 years, he is the reason I am on TV and he made


by bands. He has made so many people millionaires. If you put the


list, it is endless. Will he be feeling the heat, with the Boys


doing so well on BBC One? -- Boyce. Honestly, no, we love competition.


It makes us better. What do you think of the show? I like the


chairs and I like Tom Jones. I think Jessie J is very good as well.


Why? She is feisty and opinionated. You have the very young and the


very old, but Tom Jones is a legend. You have got to make a decision


with the X factor, because for so many years, the comedy actor and


the people who couldn't sing, they were part of the strength of the


show but what the Voice shows you if you don't need people for the


comedy actor, it is about pure singing. I don't know, I think


people watch for all sorts of things and X Factor has that, it is


the best show by a mile. It is our night season and we are coming back


fighting. I know Gary is on it and to Lisa is honoured, but I don't


know if Kelly is. -- on it. I don't know if I will be. I never wanted


to be on TV, I just wanted to work in music. I am a real music fan,


all kinds of music. And what television also brings you is the


profile, and I really felt for you last year when the Falls


accusations, abhorrent, -- false accusations. And you were totally


innocent, crazy accusations. worst thing in my life, ever, ever.


How do you get up and fight it? am... I am very approachable and


that night, I was out in Dublin, I was approached, and I can't talk


about it for legal reasons. I don't want to go into the detail, but


here is what I wanted to do for me. I am so wary about everybody. I


don't go to nightclubs, I don't go anywhere, but I had a legal case.


You don't need to say that again because it is a given. But when you


are so approachable, as I have heard you what... His is scary.


Someone can come along to you, get a picture and say you were with


them, you did this, you did that. When you got the phone call to say


this is happening, can you tell me what it does to you inside? I was


going to do a show, I was in Dublin airport. I was dazed, totally dazed,


but I got on the plane and did the TV show. It was the worst night of


my life. I did not think I would get through the night. But it will


make me stronger and I am who I am, I can't change that. I was innocent


but I am so wary of everybody now. Any body that comes to me to do a


picture, or give me a CD, I am like, I am scared. That is the worst


thing about the business. I have seen so many people with from


stories in the paper, that is the worst thing about fame. I read that


you found it so tough that you consider taking your own life.


night in that hotel I said how I am I going to get out of this? I said


he will believe me, I did not know. People think that is no smoke


without fire. With a story on the front page of the paper, it just


takes a few people to believe it. Did you consider it? I don't know


how I got through the night. There was a PR girl with me and it would


not let her out of my room, I said police day, otherwise I will not


get through this. I got through it, it is still not over, but it is


scary out there. There are always people looking for opportunities to


make money. My mother is here tonight, I am very proud of her and


I love her dearly. How do you tell your family about something like


that? My mother was great, all my brothers, because they knew I was


innocent. They were easy, it is just the general public because you


were out there on television. People thinking maybe there is


something to this. That was the scary thing. Did you buy papers?


avoided the papers. I don't go out much because of that, it changed my


life. Why don't go out in Dublin, to nightclubs, pubs. I don't do


anything. I can see the tears in your eyes. I don't like talking


about it. I really don't. It was the worst day of my life, I thought


my life was over, thought I was finished in the business because of


a newspaper that everybody buys. What was Simon like? Amazing. So


good. He is a good friend and came round and said darling, tell me


what happened. Everything is darling with Simon! He is such good


man, the real person is really good. He likes the fast women and the big


cars. All the women and the fast cars! That is what he is like,


really good friend of mine. really good friend like Cheryl


Cole? She is an acquaintance! She's a nice girl. Not the best singer in


the world, she is not Mariah Carey, but a gorgeous girl. You loved her


Louis Walsh, ladies and gentlemen! That was after Christmas for a


magazine. It took two hours. In heels like that. Good legs!


bad! I look like my mother in it. So what is important to you in


life? Le bling. Having fun. -- living. I love my job, music, I


loved working with Westlife, Jedward. I love my job. Clem the


biggest pop fan. What about other things in life? Real things. The at


his real to me. That is my job. You love the radio, I love my pop music.


And lucky to be doing something they like. It is a tough business.


I see so many people get a chance and blowing it, believing their own


publicity. That is the problem today. People believe what they


read about themselves in the paper. And usually they make it up. It is


a fickle business and only a few people have a long career. Firm


Morrison and YouTube, they are real I am getting to an age now, 38...


thought you were more! What are the priorities as you get older? You


can drive the car you want, you have a house, you are famous.


known. I don't want be famous. Good friends, fun. That is what life is


about. Can a couple of people speak Hyde. How was it going? Fine,


thanks. I can't condone any allegation that has been made


against you. You have probably met a lot of people. I saw you about 10


years ago and you probably don't remember me because it was a quick


hello but I can tell you I have met a few different other people


involved in show business and by and down-to-earth guys I have had


the pleasure of meeting. Thank you very much. I always go to the


Odyssey with West life, Boyzone, and it is a great place, we are not


saving lives, we are just entertaining. I do love my job.


When you have people as young as these boy bands and girls, whatever,


you are the other end of that spectrum, how do you keep up the


energy? I love it. I would find it exhausting being around 20, even


13-year-old! I work with the songs, the record companies, the


accountants, everybody. I don't go on the road much with them. I only


go to a few gigs, but I have never with them, M on the phone. Who is


the best singer you have ever worked with? Shane from Westlife,


no doubt. He is picture-perfect all the time. I will manager after the


band. He is a great singer. Mark is brilliant, too, by the way.


Westlife and vocally, they tick every box. What about Jedward?


are the best fun. Kids love Jedward, their characters, their energy. You


can tell me what you think of them, I won them here in the next two


weeks. Can they sing? They can definitely seeing now. They are not


They asked me to sing at last orders, I can sing. With Jedward, a


kids love them. I want to know how you managed to look younger than


There is only one thing you can do Top seed their. -- seat there.


don't think I would fit your jacket. See that, you can read that. Please


A real pleasure to talk to you. And you so much for coming. Am I


If you want to pick up the phone, please do so, all the tweeds come


into my personal address. I will talk to you after the show and had


the lead during. -- hopefully. Still to come... There are plans to


pay nurses, midwives, and other hospital staff differently


depending on where they live. Is is fair that a nurse in London will be


paid more than here in Belfast? As you know from the radio every day,


if you need help, get in contact with me and I'll do my best for you.


Great teams working every day to try to help you. All I ask is


remembered the e mail. We're looking at a story this week from


Portstewart that is really interesting. Take a look at this.


This is cash bonanza year for Northern Ireland, from the Titanic


boon to the Gold Rush, we should be raking it in. But to cash in there


are some places that need to be cleaned up first. The Irish Open


this week was played in Port Rush and before the eyes of the world


descend on us there are some eyesores to sort out first. This is


Portstewart and look at that thing. Locals say it is a total eyesore,


in one of the most beautiful places in Northern Ireland. This looks


like the sight of a developer who has gone bust. Wrong. The owner,


Norman Menary, a country mansion owning property developer. He is


one of the people cashing in on the gold -- Gulf gold rush because the


same council who want to make him clean this Saab has given him


permission to build this, a 20 bed luxury boutique hotel for the high


running good golf crowd to relay It looks like a bomb site, a waste


of space, a dangerous waste of space. This should be secured.


this waste of space has been here for nearly 20 years. What this


developer has been able to do is leave that like that and move on to


his next project. That is the shocking thing. Here is where the


story gets interesting... Stormont is so concerned about how bad this


looks they have even an offer at -- offered Normand public money to


clear it up. But that won't happen because Norman said if cleaners


came on to the land he would treat them as trespassers. We asked Mr


Menary if he would like to speak to was but he did not want to do so so


I guess that means I have to speak to him. Did they get me extra-


large! Mr Menary, you and I need to have words. So where would we find


him? First stop, his 20 bed boutique luxury hotel? Listen to


this, in 2003 Norman Menary pleaded guilty to demolishing two listed


buildings, then reinstated them. And where was this? On the same


road he it has now got permission to extend his luxury hotel. -- he


has now. Hopefully he will not mind us bringing his development to his


doorstep. Mr Menary, Stephen Nolan from The Nolan Show. We were


wondering what you thought of this development? Do you think this is a


development you're proud of? Is it a development that should be


finished in any way? What you think of that side? There is money to


clean this site and you will not give permission for people to go on


and clean it. Why not? Hello? Norman? It's only me! So we are off


to his fancy pad. From what we can see, he has formed -- he is


protecting his own view. We left this question. At the last minute I


heard he was out on the golf course so why squeeze into my best


trousers. Hello, Norman. Stephen from the BBC. I wondered why you


went clear-up the site? The council have offered the money to clear it


up. Is it fair that site is there for 20 years? Have you looked into


the eyes of some of the residents, they have lived there all their


life and asked me to say to you please Will you cleared up? Do you


think it looks good, or is a total We duly have decided? We duly


appear beside that ruined and -- would you live beside it? With that


APPLAUSE. Let's get some answers. Please


welcome the Government minister who Alex Attwood


Now hello, good to see you. Welcome. We have got local


devolution. Can you do anything about this? The first thing we are


doing is a lot around Portrush and Portstewart. This is the best


chance we have to profile in Northern Ireland, our time and


place. That is why the Government in my department put money into


Portstewart. Why what do you think of that site? The reason there is


publicity around that site is that I and Coleraine Borough Council,


who have worked hard to improve sides in Portrush and Portstewart,


including sites... A what do you think of that side? Let me answer,


like the one we have just seen, and I have made this very clear to the


people like Mr Menary in the world, our making it very clear that I


will not have a situation where in one hand, people are coming to my


department looking for planning permission of, rightly so, for


proper development and at the same time, but few hundred yards away,


leaving sides derelict. Are you winding me up? In this actual case,


as you know, if you've helped him get his development for his hotel -


- you helped him. He has left it like that the 20 years. First of


all, if people comply with good planning practice and policy, they


will get planning approval. That is good practice, that is get that


good government. But at the same time, Stephen, that site... I know


it very well. What do you think of that question must -- obit,


Minister? It is appalling. Or why are you letting him do it? I am not.


But Thatcher was publicising it is because of the intervention of me


and government of -- the factual publicising it. We put the


spotlight on developers. You shouldn't be putting the spotlight


on me. We have put the spotlight on developers like this man and others.


The spotlight is everywhere, why don't you do something about it?


What am I doing? We put the spotlight on derelict sites.


Secondly, my officials have been instructed that where there are


developers who are failing to live up to their responsibilities,


including leading sides to go to decay,... That is why... Let me


finish, next week, people like developers like that Gentleman will


be called into planning services to account for themselves. This is


after he has put up the luxury hotel in the same area which is


supported after he left that site. Get your facts right. I made


various interventions in respect of that hotel development in order to


make sure it was handled properly and to ensure that people did not


have a free run. Can you do anything? Kenya making clean that


site? The law is very limited. Can you make him clean that the


side. We have put the public spotlight on and we are calling


people to account for what they are doing. Let me make a suggestion,


why haven't you issued a completion order? You can issue a completion


order and it doesn't go anywhere, that is the legal limit. Really?


You may laugh. Let us step back for a moment. In the north of Ireland,


we have hundred of listed locations... They have been used


nearly 30 times in England. They have been used here, zilch. Why not


issue a completion order? We don't have the same legal powers in


Northern Ireland. If we issued a completion order, there is nothing


we can do in order to N force it, where as in England, they have the


ability to take it further. Were due considered? Let me give you an


example of what I am doing it. In the last 30 years, there have been


too urgent work notices served in the respect of damage being called


that -- caused two listed buildings. In the last six months, four and


five of those served, including relation to the property, in that


Beria, that is in the ownership of Mr Ben Ali's family -- in that area.


It is my understanding that what you can do with that completion


order is that the council, Coleraine Council, cannot do it but


you and your department can. It is my understanding that you can issue


that completion order, at least try to take it to court, and that would


give Mr Meauri 12 months and the council can go on and clean it --


Mr Menary. As planning minister, I have turned over virtually every


stone. You can listen to the answer or not, but the answer is we have


turned up every stone in order to try and ensure that those who are


not living up to planning responsibilities, but the spotlight


is brought on them and they are facing up to responsibilities and


if there is any responsibility within the law... Article 37,


planning Northern Ireland. I am saying to you that whoever has been


doing your research does not understand the limits of the law.


That is why I instructed my officials to find further ways and


means to fight -- to make sure those developers not living up to


responsibilities, leading sides in dereliction, delivered to their own


and... This is what Mr Menary's And But we checked with Coleraine


There are developers in the North he will not live up to their


responsibility and more than most planning ministers in the past, I


put the spotlight on them to make sure people account for what they


are failing to do. A local newspaper can put the spotlight on


them, be as a local journalist can put a spotlight on anybody. -- me.


Surely there is devolution in Northern Ireland so you can deliver


for the people, actually deliver? APPLAUSE.


So go up to Portstewart and Portrush. There will be many people


in this area in this audience that will go up there over the next few


months, to the beaches, to surf, to go and watch the golf. And when you


do go up, you will see in Portstewart and Portrush, 20-25


sites that were derelict and indicate, and because of an


intervention I undertook two months ago to try and improve the


appearance of those sites, including the Metropole Hotel, that


was an appalling sight on the road into Portrush, bad building has


been knocked down and many of the other sides have been improved --


that. That is devolution work King that working to the benefit of the


people who live in Portrush and Portstewart. -- working. And party


division working the issue being prepared to come here and being


prepared to talk to people -- and part of devolution working years.


All right, thank you. If you have got a story, e-mail. If


you want to talk to beyond Twitter, So tonight's text vote is now


closed, so please do not text any more as your vote will not count


but you may still be charged. We'll bring you the result at the end of


the show. Next up, the Tory Health Secretary


Andrew Lansley wants to push through an idea that would probably


mean nurses here in Northern Ireland getting paid a lot less


than nurses in London. It is based on regional pay and those who


support it basically argue that if you live somewhere where the cost


of living is low, then you should get paid less - even if you are


doing exactly the same job. Joining me to debate this is


entrepreneur Katie Hopkins. APPLAUSE.


But to see you. -- but to see you. And author and


broadcaster Owen Jones. I'll kiss Face sub-regional paid.


Why should a paramedic Laura Nourse in Northern Ireland B pay that paid


less than someone across the pond? Wherever you live, it is either


bought expensive are less expensive to live there, so you should be a


paid according to what the market can afford a your area. If I astute


to go home and open up your wallet as a taxpayer and pay someone more


than they should be, would you be happy to do that -- if I asked you?


If you asked me if somebody should be paid less here in Northern


Ireland that someone across the water, I would say they are doing


exactly the same job -- it ban. Equal pay is not about paying


people the same, it is about equitable pay, it is about looking


for fare best. If you live in a place which is cheaper, if you love


-- love their place more affordable to living, you don't need to beat


paid as much. Let's not corner to regional pay, it is a pay cut


imposed by sudden million S in London -- some one million shares


We are talking about people who look after you when you're ill, who


educate your children, who collect your dustbins in the morning,


pillars of decent society. Don't give us the whole Florence


Nightingale thing, I am not buying that. In the private sector...


Florence Nightingale? Just give me loads of your northern accent,


applied with a bit of Florence Nightingale and you will have... I


don't buy it, Sunny Jim. The northern accent doesn't cut it with


a lot of people in Northern Ireland. It is interesting, because your


entire career was funded by public money. You were launched by the BBC


as thousands of pounds was thrown at you, you appear on TV to attack


pillars of the community. This is self-defeating, because if we have


public sector workers being paid less in places like Northern


Ireland and where I am from in Stockport, they will have less


money in their pocket, less money to spend and it will hit the


private sector. The reality for Northern Ireland, the amount of


which public sector earnings exceed that in the public said that


private sector is the highest in any part of the UK. -- public


sector and it exceed those in the private sector is the highest part


of the UK? I will answer Stephen's question first... The difference


between private sector and public sector is... Partly because private


sector employers are not paying their staff a good wage. Where do


you think money comes from? You think it comes from a great part in


the sky? It comes from profitable companies, very profitable


companies, but you cannot get away from a simple economic fact that if


people have less money to spend, it hits the private sector. I have


been to places across the North which were hammered by the


destruction of industry. Do you know what I saw? Boarded-up shops,


businesses that had to close. had no idea. A because private


sector... The private sector has to drive the growth. You are not


listening, you are talking and you have to start listening. The


private sector is where growth comes from. People like they are


driving the growth in this economy and people like me are employed in


young people. People like they are bringing jobs. Where would the


private sector be without an educated workforce or nurses and


doctors to make sure... Here we go again with Florence Nightingale.


You have seriously got to respect... By don't respect his point of view.


-- I don't respect. You have got to respect nurses. I'd do, but I don't


buy this whole Forest Nightingale, I'll pour me, -- Florence


Nightingale, oh poor me. You have to pay people according to what the


market can afford. We heiress Patricia? -- Where is Patricia.


Katie supports this regional pay structure and of course, a report


today has found out that families in Northern Ireland have the lowest


disposable income and she wants to make it worse. I hope this comedy


show is over, because the people who live here, it is a very serious


proposition. It is one that we have got to take into a serious arena.


This is a low-paid economy. With all due respect... We will you let


me finish? CHEERING.


Let her finish. The proposal is to take even more wages out of this


economy and that will have an impact on even more of ice


businesses and they will be more closures and more job losses. It is


also a proposal that is a direct attack on Women's pay, because in


the National Health Service, it is a majority female workforce and


very strongly here, 82%, so it is an attack on women and equal pay


for women. I want to continue this discussion on Twitter, because we


have over run. In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, please thank


I will tell you, I will tell you why I want to come to the text vote.


Just tell me roughly how many people have voted on the text vote?


Do we know? Thousands and thousands of people, I will try and get the


exact figure. 3,300 people have text did denied from home. Here


comes the result. -- send text messages from home. I am very


messages from home. I am very interested to see what you said.


57% of you say you can support punishment attacks in some


circumstances and 42% of you say that you didn't. What does that


mean? Let's get someone's view on mean? Let's get someone's view on


that. How do you react to that? The majority of the people watching who


voted support punishment attacks in some circumstances. I am not


surprised, I have been on with Wendy Austin on the radio and it


was pretty much the same. I can understand people saying antisocial


behaviour, people are getting sick of it, but shooting somebody or


battering them with any sort of weapon is not acceptable in any


circumstances. A lot of the blame has been put on the police as well


tonight, but we also need to look at the justice system. Are you to


shop at that result? The majority of people supporting so-called


punishment attacks? It is shocking but it shows there is a lack of


confidence and the police. That is what has to be addressed. We are


out of time, thank you so much for making the show so special. Night


night, everybody and just before we go tonight, let me remind you of


how you can get in touch with us. You can e-mail us. I want to


continue the discussion on Twitter tonight. We are back on the Nolan


radio show tomorrow morning. It starts at 9 o'clock. And over the


next hour, I will be tweeting on all of the subjects we have done


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