08/10/2012 Today at Conference


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Good evening and welcome to Today at Conference. This week we're in


Birningham for the Conservative Party Conference where, trailing in


the polls - and facing a Labour Party suddenly looking confident


and comfortable behind their leader - Cameron and co need a plan. The


answer: a hyperactive show of being in Government and in charge,


pouring out so many policies and promises their mums would probably


tell them to calm down. Two big rival attractions today. In the


blue corner: George Osborne, hoping to please the faithful, the public


and save money by getting even tougher on welfare. And in the


other blue corner, the man some here like - and the media loves -


to talk up as the right stuff for future leader. Elsewhere, the


minister David Cameron hoped to move from the welfare job, but who


wouldn't budge, Iain Duncan Smith laid into Labour and benefit


George Osborne's reputation in the media and among the Tory troops as


a master of strategy - a political game-changer - has been somewhat


tarnished since the Tories started their slide in the polls. To be


fair, he always expected a good strong dose of mid-term


unpopularity. Unfortunately for his party, that was one call he got


dead right. The prayer that's whispered here is that we may, just


may, be through the worst of the recession. But healing the economy


will take time, and today George Osborne was using his time on stage


to play to the gallery, in the hall and in the country, who want a


tougher welfare system. And on the way, doing his bit to reclaim the


"Party of One Nation" tag for the Tories. In 1972, when a


Conservative Prime Minister two years into office was faced with


economic problems and over-powerful unions, we buckled, and we gave up.


The result was higher inflation, more strikes and the three-day week.


A decade later, in 1981, when another Conservative prime minister


and Conservative Chancellor two years into office were faced with


economic problems and powerful unions, we did not give up, but


pressed on and overcame. APPLAUSE.


Today in the face of the great economic challenges of our age, we


hear resolve that we will press on, we shall overcome.


A APPLAUSE. We made a promise to the British


people that we would repair our badly broken economy. That promise


is being fulfilled. The deficit is down by a quarter. There are 1


million more private sector jobs. The economy is healing. The that


healing is taken longer than we hoped, because the damage was


greater than we feared. But let the message from this conference be


clear. We will finish the job that we have started.


And there is another promise we made. On the eve of the conference,


on the eve of the election, I told this conference we are all in this


together. It was more than a slogan. It spoke of our values and of our


intent. That there would be sacrifices and cuts that would be


tough to make. That everyone was going to have to play their part,


and that in return, we would build an economy that works for all. We


took the risk. Few political parties anywhere in the world are


prepared to take that risk before an election. Quite simply, we told


the people the truth about the hard road ahead. Some say we paid a


price for that. But of this I am sure. Our country would have been


all but ungovernable if we had not been straight with the public


before asking them to cast their So, three years later, my message


remains the same. We are not going to get through this as a country if


we set one group against another, if we divide, denounce and demonise.


We need an effort from each and every one, one nation working hard


together, we are still all in this together. Let's be clear. Those


with the most should contribute the most.


APPLAUSE. Each one of my budgets has


increased taxes overall on the very richest. In every single year of


this parliament, the rich will pay a greater share of our nation's tax


revenues than in any one of the 13 years that Labour were in office.


APPLAUSE. And we have achieved that while


getting rid of a cripplingly uncompetitive 50p rate that raised


It is a completely phoney conception of fairness that you


stick with a tax rate you know raises no money, that you know


drives away jobs and investment, that you know weakens the economy


just to say you have kicked the rich. The people who pay the price


for that are not the rich, but the poor are looking for work. And


there is nothing fair about that. It is riser ball to believe that


you can become a party of One nation simply by repeating the


words one nation over and over again. Of course, we all know why


he did it. The Labour leader wants to pretend he is moving to the


centre when all can see he is But as it is revealed as an empty


gesture, people will be more let down by the reality than they were


attracted by the pretence. You can imagine Benjamin Disraeli's


disappointment. Moments after the joy of being told that there really


is reincarnation, he discovers he has come back as Ed Miliband.


LAUGHTER. To the people of Britain, I say


this. Whoever you are, wherever you come from. If you are working for a


better future, we are on your side. Now, I know our plans have been


criticised, but the critics don't seem to agree. Some say we are


going too fast. We should be spending and borrowing even more.


Their curious suggestion is that by borrowing more, we would borrow


less. In fact, in good times and in bad, in boom and in bust, they


always want to spend and borrow more. And they think there is such


thing as a free lunch. They think that extra borrowing can pay for


temporary tax cuts in attempt to put money in the pockets of


consumers. But the extra borrowing would come at the cost of higher


interest rates, and everyone would know that there would be higher


taxes to pay for it coming down the track. Our detailed tax and


spending plans have brought us stability, but they only cover the


next two years. And we must now take some very serious decisions


about what we do after that. Let me tell you about my approach to these


decisions. Are published plans already require us to find �16


billion of further savings. As I have said, the broadest shoulders


will continue to bear the greatest burden. But I am not prepared to


contemplate things that make no economic sense and destroy jobs. So


we won't have some kind of temporary wealth tax. Even Dennis


he thought that was a bad idea. Our future lies with wealth being


something that is not penalised but encouraged. And nor were like tax


people's homes. -- nor will I tax people's homes. It will be sold as


a mansion tax, but once the tax inspector had his foot in the door,


you would soon find most of the homes in the country label the


mansion, homes people have worked hard to afford an already paid


taxes on. It is not a mention tax, it is a homes tax, and this party


of home ownership will have no truck with it. In a government,


this party is achieving something invaluable. We are destroying the


left wing myth that the success of a public service is measured only


by how many pounds we spend on it, not by of whether it heels are sick


or educate our children or makes our streets safe. This is because


we're doing it carefully, and doing it right. And if we want to go on


doing that, and limit the cuts to departments, then we have to find


greater savings in the welfare bill. �10 billion a of welfare savings by


the first full year of the next Parliament. Iain Duncan Smith and I


are committed to finding the savings while delivering the most


radical reform of our welfare system for generations with the


Universal Credit, so that work always pays. Because it is not just


about the money. It comes back to fairness and enterprise. How can we


justify the incomes of those out of work rising faster than the incomes


of those in work? How can we justify giving flat to young people


who have never worked when working people twice their age are still


living with their parents because they can't afford their first home?


APPLAUSE. How can we justify a system where


people in work have to consider the full financial costs of having


another child, while those out of work don't? Our entire economic


policy is an enterprise policy. We will be the government for people


who aspire, like the people who start a new business, and who work


in that business and want to own shares in it. So today we are


setting out proposals for a radical change to employment law. I want to


thank Adrian Beecroft for the work he has done in this area.


APPLAUSE. This idea is particularly suited to


new businesses starting up and small and medium-sized firms. It is


a voluntary three-way deal. You, the company, give your employees


shares in the business. You, the employee, replace your all rights


of unfair dismissal and redundancy with new rights of ownership. And


what will the Government do? We will charge no capital gains tax at


all on the profit you make on your shares. 0% capital gains tax for


Get a shares and become owners of the company work for. Owners,


workers and the taxman, all in it together, workers of the world


George Osborne speaking earlier. Well, straight after the


Chancellor's speech, Andrew Neil spoke to the Treasury minister


Sajid Javid. The Prime Minister spoke yesterday


on the BBC, saying that he was rebalancing the economy away from


debt. I will say that again. Rebalancing the economy away from


debt. In that rebalancing, can you tell how much he has cut our debt?


Andrew, you will know the first step to dealing with the national


debt, which under the previous government tripled, is to deal with


the deficit. That is the amount that we borrow each year that is


added to the debt. The important thing is that the deficit is


falling, and then the last two years, deficit is down by a quarter.


But it is rising this year so far. I want to stick with debt. We don't


talk about is enough. You will know that the figures for debt is that


you inherited and national debt of about �650 billion. By 2015, it


will be 1.4 trillion pounds. In other words, it will double under


your watch. Can you explain to our viewers and that is rebalancing the


I think as the Chancellor just said in his speech, you can't turn


around a deficit which is equal to 10% of GDP, the largest of any


industrialised country, overnight. It has to be a gradual process.


That's what we've been doing. That's why we cut it by a quarter.


The Chancellor is right to continue with that strategy. The first step


to lowering debt so to lower the deficit. We need to do that to


build business confidence. eventual debt was around �900


billion, it was about �650 billion before the ests to stop the banking


system collapsing. My point is it's continuing to rise to reach �1.4


trillion. I don't understand how that's a rebalancing this side of


2015. I would be happy to listen to an explanation. Could we now both


admit, because we know it to be true that you will fail to hit your


target of reducing debt by 2015? have a clear target. We set that


out in the previous budget and the budgets before that. Whether we hit


that target or not, that is really a judgment for the independent OBR.


Because it's independent, unlike previous governments where,


especially under Gordon Brown, he would just fiddle the in urz to


suit whatever he wants to say, this Government can't do that. We set up


an independent process. We'll see what they say in December. I don't


understand how you're make prog gres on rebalancing the economy --


making progress on rebalancing the economy away from debt. Let me


explain. That the deficit is the key part to getting the debt under


control right at the beginning. The deficit is the amount we add to the


debt each year. That deficit was � 159 billion when the Government


came to power. It is now, for the last fiscal year �119 billion.


Sajid Javid talking to Andrew Neil earlier. There's no doubt who stole


the show today, Boris. You just have to hear it spoke ton get a


smile on your face. He emerged from that media bun fight at Birmingham


New Street and made his way here. He performed as only Boris knows


how. I read this morning in the Daily Telegraph that a London


squirrel has savaged a member of a boy band, of whom I've never


previously heard, called One Direction. Have you heard this? Is


anybody aware of this fact? And somehow put his leg out of action.


Unbelievable. One nation, One Direction, one squirrel...


LAUGHTER One leg out of action. And of


course, I have one leg left, I have every sympathy with the chap in


question and his injuries, but I looked at that story and reflected


on what an amazing index it was of the quality of life in London. Not


only do we have such beautiful green space, but such healthy,


well-fed, dynamic and musically discerning squirrels.




While we're talking of unexpected conflict, with otherwise innocuous


and friendly creatures, I want to say something now about being mayor


at a time when my friends, my colleagues are in power in


Westminster. And doing, in my view, a fantastic job. Because it is


sometimes... APPLAUSE


It is sometimes inevitable that the mayor of a great city will find


himself saying things that seem to be at variance or ahead of national


policy. Yes, of course, I'm going to continue to fight what I think


might be ill conceived Lib Dem plans for a mansion tax, when I


read about it in the papers or indeed any other wealth taxes that


could disproportionately affect London, the motor of the UK economy.


Of course, I'm going to continue to lobby for a long overdue solution


to our aviation capacity problems. APPLAUSE


But no-one, no-one, as a result of that, no-one as a result of that


should have any cause to doubt my admiration for David Cameron. Let


me remind you, I was one... APPLAUSE


You will know that I was one of the first people, on that afternoon in


2005, long before Dave announced his candidacy, I rang him up when I


think the number of cam roons could have comfortably fit into a


telephone box had one of them not been Nick Soames. I believe in


tough circumstances, he George Osborne, the rest of the Government


are doing exactly what is needed for this country and to clear up


the mess that Labour left. APPLAUSE


Absolutely right. When I look ahead, I see only one cloud on the horizon,


and that is the possibility that while I am still mayor, no matter


how remote we may think it is, that the two Eds, Balls and Miliband,


could get back into power. No! Unchastened, unpunished, unchanged


in their basic view of what they think the country needs, either


much higher taxes, much more central Government control or much


more borrowing and spending or probably a combination of both.


They got us into this mess. They squandered the cash. They haven't


shown the slightest sign of contrition. Can I ask you - why


would anyone trust them to govern this country again?


APPLAUSE I sometimes think after the great


success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the only way to


keep people amused, we need more things, what's next? Well obviously


one thing we have considered extensively is a politicians


Olympics, where you'd have Jeremy Hunt wanging the bell end. Me for


the zip wire, John Prescott for the croquet, Seb Coe for the 800 metres


and of course, William Hague for the judo and Ed Miliband for the


high jump, my friends. That's what we're aiming for.


APPLAUSE That's what we're after. That's


what we're aiming for. We are going to do it, aren't we? We did it in


London against the odds in 2012. And I think if we can get the


message out over the next two years about what this Government is doing


and why it's doing it, we can save this country from the two Eds, from


the return of the two Eds, as we saved London from Livingstone in


2012. We can deliver on jobs, on growth and we can make sure David


Cameron can deliver on a sensible, moderate, one nation, compassate,


Conservative administration through 2015 and beyond. Thank you very




Boris Johnson, rallying the faithful and loving it. On the


conference floor we saw two of the party's big beasts, literally and


figuretively. There was the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan


Smith. First up the Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles. It was the


Conservative Party that helped me get where I am today. Now I want


others to have a chance in life. There is nothing more fundamental


than supporting homeownership. We have re-invigorated the right to


buy, reversing Labour's savage cuts. We're offering families up to


�75,000 discount to buy their home. We're going to use that money from


these additional sales to build more affordable housing. The right


to buy gives something back to families who've worked hard, pay


their rent and play by the rules. Across the country, Margaret


Thatcher's right to buy has given people a sense of pride and


ownership of where they live. Sadly, many Labour councils are keeping


their tenants in the dark about these new extended rights. The


council leaders have pledged to fight tooth and nail against the


right to buy. You know, a right can only be exercised if you know about


it. So, I can pledge that my department will be talking direct


to tenants to inform them of their right to buy. We're also tackling a


great injustice, discrimination against our armed forces. Precisely


because they've served overseas, servicemen and servicewomen don't


have a local connection under housing rules. Amazingly,


immigrants, foreign immigrants, have been given greater priority on


the housing waiting list than those who have fought for Queen and


country. So we've changed the rules to give armed forces first priority


on our first-time buyer and shared ownership schemes and we've given


councils new freedoms to allocate social housing to those who have


worked hard and given something back in society. From armed forces


to community volunteers. You know, it's a very familiar story. In


breach of planning laws, travellers move in over the bank holiday


weekend and it takes years for councils to remove them. A small


minority exploited Labour's human rights and equality rules and cost


taxpayers millions of pounds. Such episodes give the whole travelling


community a bad name and fuel community tensions. So I can


announce today new powers for councils to literally stop these


caravans in their tracks. A new, instant stop notice will allow


councils to issue unlimited fines for those who ignore planning rules


and defy the law. APPLAUSE


Mr Miliband tells us that the Labour Party is now a one nation


Tory party. One nation Tory, balls. LAUGHTER


That will do his Ed in, there's no doubt about that. For those people


who the last Government left behind, such as the long-term unemployed,


we have created the Work Programme harnessing the knowledge, skills


and experience of the voluntary and private sector, the Big Society in


action. Organisations that will deliver. It will support some 3.3


million claimants. Young unemployed people coming up to me, when Chris


was there, with Chris as well, told me time and time again that their


biggest barrier to employment is that no employer would hire them


without work experience. Common sense really. But then they told us


quite right, that they need work however to get the work experience


that the employers won't hire them because they don't have it. In


listening to them we created the work experience programme. Yet


still to come, we haven't finished, universal credit, the next stage,


the most extensive shake up of the benefits system for years.


Replacing many out of work payments, the mess I talked about earlier,


with a single, simple payment. It will be withdrawn at a constant


rate so people know how much and how better off they will be for


every extra hour that they work, to ensure that work always pays more


than benefits. 2.8 million households will gain. The poorest


will be the biggest gainers. 900,000 will be lifted out of


poverty and it will save billions in fraud and error which is rife


throughout the existing system. That's all for tonight. Some policy


for the troops to cheer about, sell on the doorsteps. They need plenty


of both. Of course, the blonde across the water, Boris Johnson,


has arrived. Tomorrow at the conference we hear from the


Education Secretary Michael Gove, from the home secretary, Theresa


May and another blast of Boris. Is it just me, or is David Cameron's


grin when he hears that name starting to look a bit fixed? Tune


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