Episode 13 The Big Questions

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and the ageless wisdom of ancient beliefs.


Good morning, I'm Nicky Campbell, welcome to The Big Questions.


Today we're live from Patcham High School in Brighton.


Welcome, everybody, to The Big Questions.


This Wednesday Mrs May pulled the trigger on Article 50,


the UK's formal application to leave the European Union.


Now the wrangling starts to decide the precise terms of Britain's


divorce from the EU and of any future relationship between us


The UK will no longer be a member of the European single market,


that's a direct consequence of the Leave side


But Mrs May has also ruled out a so-called "soft" Brexit,


where the UK would have access to the European Economic Area,


just as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein do in return


for accepting freedom of movement, agreeing to play by the EU's rules


Mrs May is opting for a "hard" Brexit, a "clean" one,


a "real" one some would say, arguing this fits with Vote Leave's


mantra of "take back control" and is the only way to halt freedom


of movement from EU countries into the UK.


But the Referendum did not ask the British people if they wanted


The options posed were just leave or remain in the European Union.


And the Conservative Party's manifesto, on which it was elected


in 2015, as well as promising the right to vote on EU membership,


also made much of the advantages of the Single Market to the UK:


"Our commitment to you", it said, is to "reclaim power from Brussels"


and "safeguard British interests in the Single Market".


"We are clear about what we want from Europe," it went on,


Yes to working together when we are stronger


Does Mrs May have a mandate for a hard Brexit?


Lucy? You worked with the stronger in Europe campaign. There you are.


People voted to leave. For Brexit. Deal with it. As you say, they did


vote to leave but the question on the ballot paper was do you want to


remain or leave, not where do you want to go after so I think there is


not a mandate for any kind of Brexit because the terms were not part of


the referendum campaign. If you asked a lot of different Leave


campaigners they set out a lot of different visions, some said let's


stay in the single market and others said let's leave, if you asked a lot


of people who voted to leave, if they were clear it meant leaving the


single market and the customs unit, the potential issues which would


come with that, would people be clear that is what they voted for? I


don't think so. Matt, do you want another referendum? I think that is


immaterial, I think it would be wise if we decided that Britain was


hurtling off a cliff edge it would be nice to have the idea that we


could apply the brakes. I do not understand the argument which is


currently going about messages about enemies with them, the front page of


the Daily Mail, the hard right of the Tory party is debate is over,


democracy is a point of singularity never to be revisited after the 23rd


of June. We know that democratic vote, I except many good reasons


people voted why the dead... A lot of people voted on the basis of lies


and misinformation and duplicity. I think once we know what the reality


is and the consequences it would be entirely sensible and democratic for


people to have an option to have a say again, either by referendum or


general election. APPLAUSE What about this business of people


voting on the basis of lies, do you think that is patronising? I think


incredibly so, when people talk about people lying, what they talk


about is the perceived gullibility of the public, thinking the public


were duped into doing this. I think that is the underlying message, the


idea that the belief in the Roxy is so strong they want to ask us again


to get the right answer next time is completely undemocratic. Is there a


mandate for hard Brexit, it's the biggest democratic mandate in


British political history, people voted with their eyes wide open...


52-48. That is how democracy works. If the question was about leaving


the single market what do you think the answer would have been? It was


clear, both sides told us it would mean leaving the single market. The


principle that laws that govern this country should be made in this


country, self-determination, you cannot have that within the single


market. I will tell you where the condescension and patronising


element of this is coming is from the people who are telling British


people to shut up and put up, we have voted, move on. You did not


shut up and put up after 1975 when he lost the first referendum. This


is not the first one, it is the second. People have a right to


debate and dissent and it's so condescending of three is made to


pretend there is such a thing of the will of the British people. How long


until we get the right answer? I think we are, I am against


referendums, but generally speaking these are hugely complex issues and


I don't feel qualified to have a say and I do not feel the confidence the


British public knew what they were getting into. We are going to hear


about the economy, nobody knows, that is the truth, nobody knows how


this will play out so I argue when we do now let's have the chance to


say again. Tom we might not know how this plays out for an awfully long


time, that is the thing. Young people voted overwhelmingly to stay,


73% of 18-24 -year-olds, this is about our children and grandchildren


as well. Is there a mandate for Theresa May for those who will be


alive when the true effects of this hit them? In terms of Brexit, it is


a gift to young people whether they realise it or not. You have the


chance to take part in a real democracy where you can determine


the future of society. They should be dancing in the street. I think


when it comes down, the point I want to make, is people talk about young


people and Scotland and effectively it's an attempt to break up the vote


and the electorate which is not how majoritarian democracy works. You


see it when people talk about 40% voting remain, it's the equivalent


of having a general election next week, the Conservatives win 70% and


Theresa May says we will run the country five days a week, Jeremy


Corbyn can have it on the weekend. I can see from your body language you


do not like what you are hearing. No, I think the point about the


Leave campaign was they had so many different positions, it was not at


all clear we would definitely leave the single market. Does Theresa May


have a mandate for the Brexit she is pushing through? No, there was no


mandate because of that lack of clarity. It was not fought on


specific terms, this is what it will look like. If you ask the leader of


the Leave campaign, they had to get people over the line, they had to


get people to vote to Leave. The rest of it is up to the politicians.


That is what is disappointing for people like me who were on the


Remain campaign and I cleared about what happens to the future of this


country, what does the deal look like, how do we make sure trade is


as free and frictionless as it was and nobody had a clear answer during


the campaign and nobody does now either. There is no mandate because


there was not that clarity. We are going to go to the audience, so many


hands, that is what we like to see, those people who allegedly did not


know what they were voting for. People who did not understand it.


Let's investigate some of that. There is a moral and ethical debate


about having a mandate and a lot of people Mark Littlewood, Ipsos Mori


polling says 33% voted to leave because of immigration. David Davis


said this week immigration may go up. You have a certain criteria as


to who you would allow into the country without questions, who would


that be? I would change the system so if you had a job offer of say


?50,000 it's a decent paying job and we would be confident you will be a


net contributor to the tax system. You are definitely in. 50,000?


50,000. If it is a lower level, an average wage, you can come in but


you might not qualify for the benefits the indigenous population


qualify for. No housing benefit until you have contributed such and


such in income tax, you might only be able to access the NHS and tell


you contribute... What about all these different industries,


agriculture, hotels, catering, about them? They would fit in the second


category, as long as these people are coming in without being a net


drain, I am liberal on immigration. In an ideal world I would have


audits but we do not live in an ideal world. To get the debate back


on track we have to address peoples concerns and concerns are whether


there is a drain on public services. There is an easy way to solve that,


if you are coming in with loads of money and paying huge of tax you can


have services, but if you're coming in with less your qualifications for


benefits will not start immediately. That's not an immigration policy you


can have as a member of the EU but you can outside. Yeah. You looked


exasperated. I am exasperated by the ideology which is playing out. What


sort of ideology is it? Is it hard right? It feels hard right to me. I


think it's a message the right-wing press has been pushing for ten


years, the Daily Mail has been this Pavlovian experiment about


migration, it is a net benefit to this country. When I hear things


about the categorisation, ?50,000 you are in, ?25,000 you are in but


you cannot see a GP, that does not seem very British to me, it is not


the values I signed up to as a British person. I think we live in


an open society and this is the split, we have seen a move away from


the traditional spectrum to different attitudes of open to


Europe, open to globalisation is. Cultural attitudes and sentimental


attitudes. The communities who voted to leave in the greatest numbers are


the most fragile in our nation. In the north-east were they voted to


leave in great numbers their economy is most fragile. In the South East


in London it will be fine. So the people who voted for at most will


the most? They will suffer the most. Does Theresa May have a mandate for


a hard Brexit, a real Brexit, whatever you want to call it? I


think it boils down to two Basic questions, first of all is the vote


of the majority, if it is a simple majority, enough to enforce such a


thing as Brexit and put it on a whole country even though 45% of the


voters did not go for it. 40% did not go for it, what Tom was saying,


and majority system. My question would be if democracy should work


that way, then it is a tyranny of the majority. The other thing is


when it comes to if there is a mandate, if there is enough


information and we have to deal with the post-truth error and


misinformation which has been spread all over the country regarding the


question. All that money for the health service we always hear about.


Anyone else? Quick point. The gentleman talks about the points


system which already exists for International so there is tier one,


tear two, that can be adjusted and modified to the European system as


well. For investors, workers, law skills, medium skills, higher


skills. Does Theresa May have a mandate? I think so. Anyone else? I


believe Theresa May does have a mandate for it because the majority


of us who were voting for Leave voted on the basis of two things,


one that would be controlled migration, the second was that we


would trade with the whole world and trading with the whole world means


just that, it does not mean trading with European Union exclusively. We


can make a deal with the European Union, they need us as much as we


need them. Why can't we have a deal with Australia, Canada, other


countries we used to have a deal with? If I can add one thing, as you


can hear from my accent I am European, I was born in the Czech


Republic and I believe that the idea of great Europe is wonderful but


it's not enforceable because people are doing things for their own


benefit, for their own mandate and I feel a lot of people here who are


saying we should have left European Union, those people don't have


enough faith in their own British culture.


Do we have faith in... Let me put this to you, do we have faith in the


people who are leading the negotiations? We saw the Article 50,


some people are saying they forgot to mention Gibraltar, they forgot to


mention the other land border. Oh, dear! Oops! Some people are saying,


well, we need the very best calibre of negotiating. How much faith do


you have in David Davies and Liam Fox and Boris Johnson? This


Government had to change its Budget after three days. Do you think we


have the best people? I think we should remain sceptical, shall we


say? The most important period country has faced the decades. We


should hope that politicians make sure they have the right people in


the room to be able to do this. What is really striking about the Brexit


vote is you have this huge radical progressive blow for democracy,


which is completely against what the leaders of the political class


wanted. The two most powerful politicians in this country


campaigned for Remain and are probably shocked they had to deal


with this. We have duties this out in the long-term. We voted against


technocracy and it is left for technocrats to deal with this.


Article 50 was passing through both the House of Commons and the


unelected House of Lords, and despite the fact that the vast


majority of the people backed Remain, they rolled over in the face


of the democratic mandate, the weight of that was really bearing on


their backs, that is positive, we need to make sure the negotiations


are completed properly and that they uphold what the 17.4 million people


voted for. There is a very interesting


development, this mantra, that is almost hypnotic mantra of take back


control. We have never had less controlled. We saw all the party


poppers going from the Leave campaign, Independence Day at all of


that and then Donald Tusk said, sorry, it will not work like that


and you are one against 27. When we were arguing with Spain about


Gibraltar it was as versus Spain, in the future it will be us versus 27


EU member states. Much, much weaker. Margaret Thatcher knew it was to be


-- was better to be arguing take -- case at the table than outside the


table. You can't waive your handbag at an empty chair. There is not even


an empty chair, there is nothing. Double the distance, half the trade,


that is the basic rule. We're talking about possibly WTO tariffs


with our neighbours 20 miles across the Channel in return for which we


have a spurious idea free trade... You want to see what is on the table


and want another referendum? If I put an offer in on a house and it


turns out to be sitting on a sinkhole, I want the opportunity to


tear up the contract. The whole nation needs a psychotherapist.


Never mind a group hug. We have got one! We have a psychotherapist. Do


you think people were stupid? Were they bamboozled and misled? It is


not what I think, the evidence is very clear they were misled. Mob


rule is a well-known phenomenon, people follow the mob. When the


Liverpool eight was destroyed, uprising, it does not that was


right. It is hardly a mob uprising. This is not the equivalent of a mob,


it was a ballot. This is what democracy is. They were asked in the


ballot whether we should leave or remain in the European Union. The


people who campaigned to leave were not the people who would deliver


Brexit. They were completely independent group. I am interested


in the idea that some people may be eligible to come to Britain earning


less than ?50,000 on certain conditions. They won't have access


to A, for instance. I tell you what, they can work in A, they can


nurse Bacon Doctor... APPLAUSE


-- they can nurse, and they can doctor. Tom, you are in your 20s,


the disproportionate amount of people over the age of 65 who voted


for Brexit are not the people who will be around, with every respect,


to see the long-term consequences for the country. I dare say it is a


very convenient argument to try to undermine the vote. It involves us


all and everyone should vote on an equal basis, that is the great thing


about democracy, take it or leave it. Over the last couple of months


you have seen the anti-democratic comment, which I always believed was


there but never really saw up close, you hear phrases like mob rule, the


tyranny of the majority. It is incredible. Look at the derision


poured upon anybody who questions it in some of the papers. They are


called enemies of the people and all sorts. I want to talk about the


Leave boaters in relation to this. Since the Brexit vote we have been


caught racist, stupid, xenophobic, we did not know what we were voting


for, various schemes were cooked up to try to stop this from happening


and we got angry and were referred to as the mob. If anyone has been


derided, and mind, told they are reckless or stupid, it is the people


who voted Brexit in the first place. APPLAUSE


Thank you very much. If you have something to say


about that debate, log on to bbc.co.uk/thebigquestions,


and follow the link to where you can We're also debating live this


morning in Brighton: Has the time come to


decriminalise sex work? And, do we underestimate


the wisdom of the ancients? Get tweeting or emailing on those


topics now or send us any other ideas or thoughts you may have


about the programme. There has been much discussion


in recent years, including on The Big Questions,


of the so-called Nordic model of dealing with the sex industry,


where the clients may be charged with an offence but the sellers of


sex are not acting against the law. Indeed, the SNP has adopted this


system as one of its policies. But the Greens and the Lib-Dems have


long argued for a different way. They want to decriminalise


sex work altogether. And the Lib Dems want to quash any


historical convictions for prostitution or kerb-crawling,


for instance, and to categorise any future crimes against sex


workers as hate crimes. This would mean it would no longer


be an offence for a man or woman But it would be an offence


to treat someone differently Has the time come to


decriminalise sex work? Clear multidimensional is to this,


let's start with the moral one, the premise that it is wrong to sell


sex. We will come to Tanya is well -- as well, first, and Nikki Adams


from The English Collective Of Prostitutes. Where are you? I have


got you. What about this notion that the morale of the of the law in


forms what happens, or the law makes a judgment about plurality? Is it


wrong to sell sex? First ball, I absolutely do not think it is


immoral to sell sex, but in terms of that role of the law, the law


clearly has an influence on morale tea, on social attitudes, but that


should not be the primary function of the criminal law. Those of us


that advocate decriminalisation are interested in


safety, people selling sex? How do we reduce the harm associated with


that practice. Which we will come to, and I want to talk about the


premise of whether it is immoral to do it? What would you like on it


too? We should not single it out as more immoral than any other form of


labour. Such as? Whatever job you do, nursing, which might involve


quite intimate physical contact, lots of physical labour. All of the


jobs we do involve using our bodies and minds. I don't think sexual


labour is somehow more immoral than any other thing. I think there are


lots of things that are immoral but are not criminal. Cheating on your


spouse, for example, most of us would probably agree it is immoral


but that does not mean criminal law is a way to address that. Nikki? The


moral framework of it, first all? Some people would say government


sell horrendous arms which kill thousands of people to awful


regimes, that is legal. That is a good point in terms of comparing it


to other activities, but it also depends on your value system and


some of us would definitely say that the poverty that means that sex work


is one of the best options compared to other forms of employment is the


real in morale Oti, that should be urgently addressed.


APPLAUSE We are living in a time when many of


the Government policies are increasing the levels of sex work.


Levels of prostitution, particularly for women, particularly for mothers.


There is a lot of evidence from the North of England that benefits


anxious, for example, have led to a 166% increase in prostitution in


Sheffield. If people want to get hot under the collar about injustice and


in morale Oti, let's tackle that. If you are serious about trying to


reduce prostitution, that would be a good way to start. Dr Heather


Brunskell-Evans, just on this point that we sell arms to dangerous


regimes, the government prop bets from the sale of dangerous drugs


like alcohol and tobacco, what is it about the morale at its sex being


transactional that you believe is wrong? Is it inevitably


exploitative? I think it is inevitably exploitative but I do not


think it is a moral of people to sell sex. I think the morality is in


stigmatising people who sell sex, largely it is not an equal


opportunity, it is who sell sex and men who buy. Since the


industrialisation of prostitution from the Victorian period, women


have been really stigmatised, it is women who are largely in the lower


socioeconomic category who do sell sex, and they should not be


stigmatised. I think it is a slur on our society that we still sick --


stigmatise people. Decriminalising the act of selling sex, would that


lessen the stigma or do you believe the way ahead is to criminalise


those who buy sex? Which is the best system which would make people


safer? This is a programme about morality, and I think the way in


order to address the immorality of the exploitation of women through


prostitution and the violence and the murder which is inevitably


attached to it is to criminalise the buyers. The problem with this


discussion is we tend to focus on the women, it is important now we


are in the 21st-century, we should start placing the ways in which we


stigmatise women into the context that it is men who are buying it. If


men did not make the demand there would be no market for the selling.


APPLAUSE This is a very progressive point of


view that my position holds, because it is not about bringing more laws,


we have enough laws. But the law has a normative function, it has a


punitive function but it also has a normative function. The law to


criminalise the buyers means that eventually we would change our value


system around and make its problematic for men to buy sex from


women who they don't know, they don't know whether they have been


trafficked... That is a really interesting point, to criminalise


the buyers, Niki, is there a danger that thereby you are making it


disproportionately people who do not care about the risks of being


criminalised? Maybe more violent people? It is a massively dangerous


thing to do. At the moment the law forces sex workers to work in very


risky situations, you are working on the street, running from the police,


you can't work together with others from premises, which is at least ten


times safer than on the street. If you criminalise clients, clients


insist on being anonymous, you cannot screen them in the same way.


In Sweden, where they brought in the Nordic model, sex workers complained


that first of all it has not meant they are to criminalised, they still


suffer under the law and are prosecuted if they set up working


with another woman from premises. Also the stigma and two crewmen --


and criminal eyes Asian has got much worse. Laura Lee is doing a legal


case and has made that point, since the law has changed in Northern


Ireland, clients will not call you from their mobile phone any more.


They will call you from a hotel phone because they are determined to


be anonymous. Watch it be the priority is to listen to what sex


workers are saying, that improves their own safety. We work very hard


to keep ourselves safe. We try to work with other people and often


risk being prosecuted for working together and any of the criminal law


is sabotaging those impacts. Do you want to stop the injury? --


industry? I do. Can we explore that a bit


more, you have enormously important experience in Ipswich where five


prostitutes were killed, you have help women get out of prostitution


and have done amazing things. Is this an industry which can ever be


stopped? Is it not down to the basic sexual desires, there will always be


a demand? That's quite a complex question isn't it. That's fine! In


Ipswich we followed more or less the Nordic model. Criminalising the


buyer. Yes, I agree that as it stands the law is not perfect and


could be improved in terms of the safety of women. Who are operating


at the moment. But in Ipswich we chose not to criminalise the women


and we did not prosecute any women during the whole of the five years I


was involved and the men were identified. We are talking about


street work to start with. The men were identified and letters were


sent to them. Shamed effectively? Privately shamed or maybe if the


letter landed on the kitchen table where somebody, a wife someone did


not know this was happening, maybe there were shamed. But not publicly.


And, but at the same time of course, it was absolutely essential to have


the services in place for women so we were not abandoning the women, we


were there to help them out of prostitution. And when we worked


with them we had police officers who knew them very well and who


contacted them. When we worked with them they were very keen, most of


them, the majority of them, I would say 98%, wanted exit from


prostitution. I agree that poverty drives women into prostitution and


the state has a responsibility to make sure women are not forced


through poverty to act in that way. But we help these women off the


streets. Fantastic work... I will come to you in a minute... What


Helen said about out of prostitution, why wouldn't you, that


focuses us on the question of is it inevitably exploitative? Some people


are nodding, can I ask you what you would like to say? OK, so, I would


like to use an exercise that a survivor took me through and this is


for people in the audience to look around and look at the men around


you, she said look at the men around you. Imagine yourself having to be


always, half of the men, imagine women and men here in the audience,


you need to be with half of the men here in the audience regardless of


what you feel about them one day and the second half the next day and


these men can do to you whatever they want, call whatever may may


want... That is not true... Whatever they want because they paid money


and that is what prostitution is. Is it always exploitative? Is it very


often? Of course it is. The big percentage of women that came to


prostitution after being sexually abused in childhood, the entrance to


prostitution from age 14... No... This is not a student graduating,


having a Ph.D. And thinking shall I go into my career or? These are


women that have no other choice... Anyone else? Arguably you get two


ends of the scale with sex work, you get the ones who are very pure and


then you get the ones which can pay millions, like sports stars... Be


careful of naming names! Football stars and things that have been


accused of using prostitutes. Arguably those six workers are in


the industry to make money and it is their choice. Do you believe it is a


choice Mark Littlewood? That has to be how you start, it is a choice but


we should not say it is always exploitative. We trust adults to


engage in consensual activities of all sorts and we should assume this


is consensual unless there is a specific evidence. Even if you find


sex work or prostitution this tasteful, there is a clear rule, if


you force things underground they get worse. I think you have to look


at it in the context of other jobs, you have this range of experience,


some people like their jobs, most people hate them, 60% of British


workers dislike their jobs and would prefer to be doing something else


and it is probably the same sex workers. It's not true, the figures


about the high levels of abuse, the only way people are able to put that


forward is they do not compare, they do not ask other people, they do not


ask the nurses or factory workers how many were abused as children, it


is only sex workers who are asked that question. The determining thing


has to be safety. At the moment women in our group are being


prosecuted when they come forward to report violence and that has to


stop. Decriminalising has been shown to work where you can transform the


relationship with the police so you can demand protection. Quick


question from the audience. I trained as a nurse and I have


experience working as a nurse, I have been shouted at and spat at and


I have had various forms of excrement thrown at me, nobody tried


to penetrate me because I was at work and certainly not five, six,


seven different people I did not know. Who are you to say that one is


better than the other? I would prefer to be doing sex work than


other forms of work, I do not want to be an Arms trade and I would not


want my daughter to be. We have a strange relationship with sex in the


UK and the Western world and that is part of the root of this. A number


of points have come up today one I want to make which has not been made


is that over 10% of prostitutes in the UK are not women, 10% are men


and transsexuals, this is not purely a women's issue although I accept


the argument about poverty and infrastructure. I looked at American


research asking prostitutes why they were doing it and the most common


answer was they liked it. There is an assumption... That was a


particular piece of research but we make an assumption, those of us who


choose not to be prostitutes make value judgments about prostitutes


which I do not think are merited. One other point, I work in mental


health... Mental health we look at stigma and marginalisation, the


answer we have come out with is talk about it, the answer to get away


from stigma is to talk to others. If we stigmatise and marginalise sex


work people will not talk about it and cannot get the help and support


they need. The lady at the back, when he said the main reason is


because I like it your hand shot up, is that why? Any woman, man or


anything else who wants to sell their body and enjoys it should be


allowed to, first of all. The question I have is why do we breed a


culture, why do we have a society which breeds the need and


desperation to turn to sex work, not just prostitution. Every society in


the history of humanity. You would not believe the number of students


who consider stripping, sugaring, prostitution, various forms of sex


work. It is not just prostitution. The question I have is why do we


breed a culture where people feel they are so desperate that they need


to and have no other options. Do you want to come back on that Helen? I


would like to come back on many of these points. Sadly they do not have


time but that was a powerful point from the lady. The lady was saying


that people should be allowed to sell their bodies in whichever


format that is, pole dancing, prostitution, whatever. The Nordic


model argues people should be allowed to sell their bodies in


whichever form they want to. But not allowed to buy sex? Absolutely. I


think, of course when men are involved in prostitution, as


prostituted people, the majority of the people who buy sex are men.


There are men who sell sex as well. The person at the back indicated


that students are selling sex in one form or another. It is largely


female students, not male students so we had to come back to this as a


gender issue. A structural issue of gender relations. In the time


available, do forgive me, but you mentioned the Nordic model, and we


have the model of New Zealand some people have called it,


decriminalising it, the legalisation, people talk about


parts of Germany and the Netherlands, forgive me for coming


for Tanya as we close because you mentioned the Nordic model and she


was from her body language and face saying this is never going to work


and it is wrong, what is wrong with it? Criminalising people who buy


sex? For many of the reasons Nikki already mentioned, it's the risk of


safety to sex workers, if clients are commoner lysed have fewer


clients. The once you have other one is not worried about breaking the


law, you will have a lower income, you might have to have to agree to


services you might otherwise not agree to. The Swedish model is


extremely successful. No, their own research does not bear that out.


Talking about how successful the Swedish model is, it has major --


made it safer. It's extremely dangerous... THEY TALK OVER EACH


OTHER Often have PTSD... We are going to have have to bring it to a


close. Apologies, I wanted to pick up on the notion of the Swedish


system, thank you all very much indeed. We are going to discuss


wisdom. High time I think. You can join in all this


morning's debates by logging on to bbc.co.uk/thebigquestions


and following the link Or you can tweet using


the hashtag #bbctbq. about our last Big Question,


too ? do we underestimate And if you'd like to apply to be


in the audience at a future show you We're in Cambridge next week,


then after a two week break for Easter and the London Marathon


we're back from York on April 30th for two shows,


the usual live edition in the morning and a pre-recorded


special in the afternoon Then we're in Salford on May 14th


also for two programmes. Spring is a very crowded season


on the world's religious calendars. The Christian Easter was long


preceded by the Pagan Ostara, when the Green Man god awakens


from his winter sleep. Zoroastrians celebrate


Jamsheedi Noruz, which dates back to the prophet Zarathushtra himself,


3500 years ago in Ancient Persia. The Hindus fling paint


at each other on Holi, to welcome the spring and celebrate


Krishna, who was born Where mankind has lived,


since ancient times there have also been complex,


mystical and powerful And today their very longevity


grants them additional power. Do we underestimate


the wisdom of the ancients? Dr Chenta Kang, consultant


psychiatrist, a Hindu priest, good morning. Let's knock something out


of the park here, with ancient Scriptures, when people start


arguing they prove science, it kind of discredits the religion because


there are often some howlers as well, we should concentrate on the


wisdom, human nature, how we live and think and behave towards each


other and those little epithets. Tell us about the Bhagavad-Gita?


Its message is simple and similar to message of others, the message of


the agents is connect with that part of yourself that is separate from


what society imposes on that. Then we can connect with each other.


Inequality on that level is not about financial differences,


position, power, name and fame, we connect more deeply because we find


stillness. In a being, away from the madness and the mania of the world?


Some of our biggest obstacles are our own mind. It gets in the way of


proper behaviour and proper thinking. We don't take time and


space to filter and sift to that. It does not matter if we are a


politician or taking care of our family, we will be tripped up. All


this was written by men for men? It was not. Chapter one, verse 40 of


Bhagavad-Gita, oh, Krishna, descendant of racially, when


unrighteousness prevails then the women of the family become degraded.


When they become degraded then undesirable offspring is a result.


That is quite simple... It is not wisdom, it is misogyny. It is saying


that if you do not look after women... Women have a lot of power


in society, they are the first teacher of the child, if you do not


take care of them they become than rubble, than rubble women are taken


advantage of, -- there becomes a Nowell, vulnerable women are taken


advantage of. Some were men are -- women are manipulated. Undesirable


offspring? If you get pregnant if you do not want to. Don't people


have abortions because of undesirable offspring? That is not


the wisdom the ancients are trying to give us, but they say that if you


find the quiet and the stillness with a new, separate from the


busyness around you, connect with each other, all the polls of


society, the need to connect, we do not depend on the external to do


that. With many texts it is a case that there is a certain cherry


picking going on, I like that, I don't like that, I'll interpret that


one in a certain way. Emma, were these texts written by men for men,


should we be wary of that? I am not a historical expert but I believe


they were primarily written by the Brahmin class, which was educated


and had some respect given to them for their religious understanding,


and I think usually the women at that time would not have been


educated so lots of the texts probably would not have been


available for them to study to the same degree? What about the wisdom


of the ancients? There is certainly wisdom that that wisdom can arise in


many places and any circumstances. Yes, ancient texts might inspire


some people, but not others. Others might be inspired by seeing human


suffering or connecting with nature or seeing a painting, spending time


in meditation or reflection. I think wisdom can come in many different


forms. I think the important thing is that somebody decides to seek


wisdom with a human life and ask these important questions which


define our capability as humans. That is the most important thing.


And then there are many ways to find the wisdom. Professor of ancient


history at the University Manchester, isn't it the case that


if you had, I don't know, Bob Dylan lyric and you said you found it in


an ancient book, you don't need to be a weatherman to know which way


the wind blows, you saw it in an ancient book and you would go, oh,


that is brilliant, that is the wisdom of the ancients! Ayew as King


whether... We imbue it with too much significance it comes from hundreds


of thousands of years ago, but you could see it on a Hallmark greetings


cards. You had to give the ancients respect. People who lived and


conditions far more brutal than those we live under, who did that in


a surge -- in a surge that the other speakers are talking about, finding


ideas that are worth living for and then managed to express them in a


way... Maybe 2000 years from now we will still be singing Bob Dylan. I


am not saying we won't. But in a sense it is like creating a time


capsule, the message in a bottle... Message In A Bottle, that is another


one! You send your ideas into the world. If people are still


protecting and cherry chewing it and playing with it and arguing with it


2000 years later... It means something. It is not so much that


other people could not have had a similar idea, but we have to have a


little bit of respect for the people... That is the interesting


thing, to see humanity thousands of years ago trying to make sense of it


all. Emma, isn't that the inspiring thing? Absolutely, but I think we


need to bear in mind that when these texts were written, most of the


population was involved in subsistence agriculture, they did


not have the time, opportunity or Google to study, to reflect, to


meditate. Despite the busyness of our lives now, many people now have


far more choice over how they spend their day. I appreciate not


everybody does, but I spend a lot of time in the Himalayas, in developing


countries, in rural, agricultural villages where nobody has any time


to reflect on meditate because they are planting potatoes and hoping it


will rain or not rain. I think that now, particularly in our culture,


many people have the opportunity to gather this past wisdom and look at


their current lives and become extraordinary spiritual


practitioners for the benefit of all.


APPLAUSE The time comes when we have to stop


planting the potatoes is what you are saying?


We have that chance. I would disagree... We are having no


disagreement on this programme, I am not having it! At the idea that


modern people are somehow more able... I did not say that. In the


ancient world, women and children in ancient should editions often lived


in cultures that were, in a sense, very dominating of women and


children. -- women and children in ancient cultures and traditions.


Don't we have a glass ceiling now?! Women and children have always made


their contribution and there have always been women's traditions


handed down through the generations that have incredible value. When


Emma made the point about she is not a historian but you agree that the


books were written by men, for men, women were not educated, at the time


the Bhagavad-Gita was spoken and written down, the other person that


Christian was speaking to, that wife, she was a treasure at the King


Dylan very educated. -- the other person that Krishna was speaking to.


She was, but would her hundred thousand staff have been educated?


That Downton Abbey! The point I am trying to make is that I do not


think we over credit ancient wisdom, I think we go the opposite way and


throw out the baby with the bath water. What happens is that religion


and ancient wisdom get separated, spirituality is separated from


religion. Religion is a vehicle to because jewel, to connect with the


inner comedy part of ourselves. Because we always shining a


spotlight on the negativity and the human mistakes with wisdom, people


through the wisdom out and we need to stop living in such a polarised


society where there is a factual, scientific way and then the


wishy-washy faith and religious way. They go hand in hand. In 5000, 6000,


7000 years' time, they will look back at things, what will they say,


Article 50, perhaps, they will look at that. What is the wisest thing


you have ever come across? Just an example from the marvellous books


and the inspiring books from your faith? Point are listeners... I am


on the rage again, our listeners... Viewers to something? Never was


there a time that I never existed, never will there be a time that I


ceased to exist. If I have any fears about loss and gain, I should feel


should. My loss and gain might be external, but my inner experience


does not have too loose and gain. It is interesting... Never has there


been a time that I did not exist, never will there be a time that I


ceased to exist. I disagree, there was a time when I did not exist and


I will cease to exist in a couple of decades. I was at a place in


Hampshire just over 1000 years old, I reflected on the millennium of


people who had crossed that threshold, their wishes and dreams,


what their lives were like, it was a really interesting meditation but


there was nothing that they had to tell me about living today, there


was no particular wisdom that they offered me. The thing that worries


me about the wisdom of the ancients, because I think we have to learn


from history and the ancients, but there was an awful lot of stupid


ancient people as well. LAUGHTER


We tend to pick the bits that we like and discard the others, we


don't hear about Socrates' next-door neighbour, we hear about Socrates.


Mozart and Salieri. In the debate today we have heard many things that


sound like papering over the cracks to me. That was a phrase introduced


to us because landlords rented out apartments, they literally papered


over the cracks. It is about the human condition. I think one of the


things about wisdom that is underrated as collective wisdom.


Often how it is viewed, whether ancient or present day, it is viewed


in a very individualistic way. I am based at a women's centre, it is


very collective, our organisation, and I am struck every day of my life


how much more valuable and clarifying it is to be in that kind


of collective environment, and I think the hierarchy has been


throughout society really undermines us getting clarity on our lives and


any kind of wisdom. There is an awful lot of ancient


wisdom but an awful lot of ancient golf. We want today to be extremely


sceptical and nervous about fake news -- there is also a lot of


ancient guff. It is not just fake news, we had to be nervous about


fake wisdom, there is an awful lot of it about. That is why it is up to


you to find out. Fake wisdom? If you change the word religion for


philosophy then I think a lot more of this becomes philosophy. People


get uptight about religion. Ira member George Bush being asked to


was his favourite philosopher, he was ridiculed for saying Jesus


Christ. But take Christianity out of what Jesus Christ is said to have


said and there is brilliant stuff the social order, being nice to each


other, living as you would hope to. Call it philosophy and not religion,


everybody is cool. Ehmer? If you put any of these books on the shelf


under does not range you, it means nothing. And on that bombshell... It


is about your heart and mind changing. Like a bird on a wire,


like a drunken midnight choir, is good, Leonard Cohen.


As always, the debates will continue online and on Twitter.


Next week we're in Cambridge, so do join us then.


Thank you for your contributions, I direct you to the hashtag #bbctbq,


it is always good reading. But for now, it's goodbye from


Brighton and have a great Sunday.


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