The Monaco Grand Prix - Highlights Formula 1

The Monaco Grand Prix - Highlights

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Hello and welcome to the sunshine for the 2012 Monaco Grand Prix, the


70th Grand Prix around the tight, twisting streets of the


principality. This is how things by just one race win. If we look at


the Constructors' Championship, it has a similar feel with Red Bull


being at the top. All the action from the race coming our way in


just a minute. First, it was a dramatic qualifying session and


here is what happened. Sergio Perez hit the barriers for


the second time in his Monaco qualifying Korea. Jenson Button was


left scratching his head after he was put out in Q2, blaming a lack


of pace from his McLaren car. Michael Schumacher claimed the


first pole position since his comeback. But the penalty from


Barcelona means he cannot take advantage of the clear road ahead


and starts from six. It was good news for his team-mate, Nico


Rosberg who moves up to the front row of the grid. Mark Webber


continues to outshine his team-mate Sebastian Vettel on Saturdays. So


He is at the back of the grid. is the dream of every racing driver


to win at Monaco. The most prestigious Grand Prix on the


calendar and the ultimate test of skill and concentration. Round six,


the 70th Grand Prix in Monaco is under way! Webber gets off the line


beautifully this time. We have got a shunned behind. Grosjean in the


pack got hit by somebody. He got hit by Michael Schumacher. He spun


around. The rest of the field had successfully negotiated their way


round. Let's see if they feel the need put the safety car out on that.


It looks like it can be recovered. Out front it is Mark Webber who


leads Rosberg in second, Hamilton third and then the two Ferraris.


Both Alonso getting away well and challenging Houghton as they come


down into the Loews Hairpin. -- challenging Hamilton. Jenson Button


his way down in 14th place. He is behind Kovalainen in the Caterham.


I think the confusion of the first corner, Jenson Button's poor


qualifying position has seen him drop further back than Mark Webber.


He will be breathing a sigh of relief. As we come to the end of


the first lap, this is a point where the drivers will start to


breed. Yes, Mark Webber has made the perfect getaway on the circuit


he loves so much. He leads this a horrible weekend. The start of


Barcelona is out of the race already, unless they can get the


card... That is Romain Grosjean. He is being manhandled out of the way.


The safety car is on the track. Everybody will have to back off.


Mark Webber has got the lead. Into the pits, Pedro de la Rosa. He was


the man that was hit by Pastor Maldonado. The safety car is for


that incident. The marshals were recovering Romain Grosjean. Mark


Webber got it hooked up. The sigh of relief. Romain Grosjean is


touching wheels with the Ferrari, as Michael Schumacher goes to the


left. He will touch wheels with the Ferrari. Michael goes across, and


he gets squeezed. Unfortunately, that is just one of those things in


Monte Carlo, because the barrier for laws the cars end. Romain


Grosjean moves across in front of Michael. That is the hazard. That


was Kamui Kobayashi jumping into the air. That was quite a bounce.


He bounced into Jenson Button. explains his poor start. The hit


had already happened between Pastor Maldonado and Pedro de la Rosa.


Pastor Maldonado getting twisted into the air. We can see the rain


that is supposed to come. Apparently, it is raining slightly.


Hamilton is defending from Fernando Alonso. An error from Lewis


Hamilton. The DRS is enabled, because they were running under the


safety car. I was caught out by the restart. I did not see the safety


car turning it slides off. Sebastian Vettel is up to sixth


place. He has the advantage of the more durable tyre. He has benefited


from the difficulties at the start. The other driver who has had a good


start, Paul di Resta, he is up to 11th place. Nico Hulkenberg is up


to ninth place. They are behind Michael Schumacher. This is


Fernando Alonso. He is chasing after Kimi Raikkonen. Apologies,


Lewis Hamilton. Kimi Raikkonen is behind her. Kimi Raikkonen has what


to do. Mark Webber leads. He is trying to stretch an advantage over


Nico Rosberg. Michael Schumacher is still in eighth place, then Nico


Hulkenberg and Bruno Senna, Bruno Senna also got through the debris


of the first corner, and he is running in tenth place. You


mentioned Heikki Kovalainen, a great start. If they were trying to


make two stops, they would have to make the tyres last and to lap 25.


-- until lap 25. If they are making one stop, we expect it to be around


lap 40. Daniel Ricciardo did not lose places this time. He came up


to 12th place. He is doing well. Kimi Raikkonen has a James Hunt


crash helmet this weekend. Sebastian Vettel is chasing after


the Ferrari cars just ahead, and keeping an eye on Kimi Raikkonen


behind. They get on well, but we saw them racing hard in Bahrain,


when Sebastian Vettel took the victory. Kimi Raikkonen will look


for any opportunity to get past. What a miserable weekend it has


been for Pastor Maldonado, he was the start of Barcelona. If a driver


has his helmet on, approach with caution! You take your life into


your hands if you interview him. We will try to get a word with them.


Romain Grosjean and Pedro de la Rosa are also out of the race. Mark


Webber leads. 1.4 seconds, the advantage over Nico Rosberg. Lewis


Hamilton is in third place. Looking down the running order, just


outside the top 10, Heikki Kovalainen in 13th, a great


performance. He is opening out a gap to Jenson Button. He has a one-


second gap. Jenson Button is on the Prime tyre. This is a replay of


Sergio Perez, looking for a way past Jean-Eric Vergne. He applies


the brakes late. Jean-Eric Vergne gave him just enough space, and he


cut the inside of the Chicane. In the case of Monza,... Car number 17


missed the apex, he will get a warning. But he cannot


systematically do that. If there was a barrier there, he would have


hit it. You have to use the track at all times. Mark Webber leading


up, where he wants to be, after that tremendous start. Chased by


Nico Rosberg. Mark Webber is control and this race. --


controlling it. We are expecting pit-stops in the next couple of


laps. Gary, any action in the pits? Obviously, Kimi Raikkonen... RADIO:


We could get some rain in 15 laps. Does that affect the strategy?


GARY: You have got to hold on and drive as far as you can. You do not


want to be pitting before the rain. Sebastian Vettel looks pretty


strong. The super soft tyres are good for 20, 25 laps, then they may


fall off. The soft tyre is good for 30, 35 laps. Sebastian Vettel is


looking after them well. He is leaving a gap to Felipe Massa.


Fernando Alonso is getting his tyres destroyed. As a driver, you


do not want it to rain, if you are out different especially. -- out


the front. But if it is in 15 laps, that would fall into the window of


when you could expect to comment on the super soft tyres. It does not


scare them too much in terms of holding on to the lap, but once


they get closer to that point, as we see the side wall movement on


the Ferrari, the high-speed she came, -- chicane, they will try to


go as far as they can if they do think rain is coming. The last


thing they want is to put a new set of slick tyres on, and then have to


put intermediate tyres on. RADIO: Race control is asking us to give


the position. Jean-Eric Vergne is editor said, but having given it up,


Sergio Perez has set the fastest lap of the race. He has got clear


air. He will get some traffic in one second's time. At the end of


that radio transmission, Jean-Eric Vergne said, what about the first


lap? He feels that he lost out in what happened, with some people


cutting the corner. But once you have opened the door, you cannot


decide to just drive straight. You have got to keep to the right of


the curbs. In the pits, Vitaly Petrov. But this is not looking


like a normal pit-stop. That is a great shame. Mark Webber is still


leading the race. Car number one missed the apex of turned 10, that


is at the chicane. That is Sebastian Vettel. We have already


heard, at least if you gain a place there, you are in trouble, but he


might just get a warning. What they have realised, as Michael


Schumacher gets underneath the rear window of Kimi Raikkonen... Michael


gets dropped a bit as they go through the tunnel. He is sizing up


Kimi Raikkonen. You can hear the echo of that other engine behind


you. You have to start driving a bit more defensively, which will


open the gap to Sebastian Vettel. Just coming back to the chicane, as


they have improved the run-off, it means that the drivers can get out


of jail free. It was brought up in the drivers' meeting, to keep an


eye on people deliberately missing bit. As the lap times drop away, as


we watch Sebastian Vettel,... Did he gain any lap time advantage? If


not, he is OK. The beautiful drift from Heikki Kovalainen. The tyre


bending on the side wall, almost place. Michael Schumacher is in


eighth, Hulkenberg is ninth. Bruno Senna quietly holding on to the top


10 at the moment. RADIO: Possible light rain in four minutes.


wonder nobody wants to come into the pits just yet. Even if the lap


times start to drop-off. You want to stay out there until the rain


comes down and presumably go for intermediate tyres. We have di


Resta 11th, Ricciardo 12. Button his 40th. Perez his 50th. -- Button


is in 14th. Perez is in 15th. Jean- Eric Vergne has just gone the


fastest over a lap. From second place, Nico Rosberg comes in and


away he goes. A reasonable stop. Perhaps not the best we have seen.


3.4 seconds, that was pretty good. Webber, still leaving -- leading


the race has not made a pit stop yet. Hamilton move that the second,


Alonso up to third and Massa for. Into the pits, Mark Webber. The


race leader is in the pits. He is looking to come out ahead of


Rosberg. The yellow sidewall tyre, the heart of the two compounds of


tyre going on. Webber rejoins in front of Rosberg so no change up


front. As long as he does not make a mistake on the exit. They all


have slick tyres on. If it does rain now, that will certainly


change things. They have reacted to what is happening right now for


thought this could be the one and only stopped for these guys.


Finally, Raikkonen comes in as well and gets going. Hulkenberg comes


out behind him, Senna rejoined behind him as well. All of them


coming clean the Out. -- tenia Out. Michael Schumacher has stayed out


there. He is beginning to set some personal best sector times. He will


be hoping he can get past Raikkonen. Look how close that was to catching


the tyre blanket of Force India. Brave, brave guys. There would not


be enough money in the world to make me fulfil that role. But they


do. Alonso is in for Ferrari. Alonso was in the lead because he


came in later than the other guys. Michael Schumacher is still out


there at the moment. Webber is on the track coming down past the


start-finish now. Alonso has gained a bit of time. Where is Hamilton?


He is well in front of Hamilton. Hamilton is still coming down now


in the background. Alonso has taken third place through the pit stops


and he was right behind Hamilton, remember. He obviously got a good


lap. Gary, give us your thoughts. But one that he did, he just went


purple, purple. He had that one lap of clean air and he used it.


amazing thing, Gary, is he can do that on tyres which have done so


many laps on a Ferrari which has seemed to use its tyres harder than


anyone else? Yes, when everybody start spitting and you are running


in a competitive position you have to be brave to do something


completely different and they were reacting to everyone else. He has


got a place out of it. Felipe Massa now in in the other Ferrari. Where


will this bring him out? I do not think he was as quick as Alonso on


the him up. Ferrari have been so slip this year with their pit stops.


Generally, there have been the team to beat. 3.3 seconds. It will be a


long-run down. Massa will come out behind Hamilton. He will not get


out in front of Schumacher. He comes at just in front of the rest


of. Schumacher get the place so he is ahead of Felipe Massa. It means


he is up ahead of Kimi Raikkonen who is further back. That has


worked very well for Michael Schumacher. Up front and leaving --


leading the race at the moment, Sebastian Vettel. He is on a


different higher strategy to the others. Michael Schumacher is going


very deep into this race without having made a pit stop. Michael is


in sixth place at the moment. Paul di Resta is in eighth, Daniel


Ricciardo in night, Sergio Perez, the next stop. RADIO: Rain could be


as soon as five minutes away. could work for them if it rains. In


comes Michael Schumacher. He has managed to go to lap 35 before


changing for the harder compound tyre. That is good time management


from driver and team to look after the tyres. It will bring him out


behind Button. Bottom was ninth last time round. It will also bring


him out into a nice, clear bit of track. Jean-Eric Vergne in the


background. So, that game that we thought he had made, not quite the


same. He would have got past Raikkonen which was his initial


target. If you remember, he was breathing more low the back of Kimi


Raikkonen. No longer is he up there with the Ferraris. Vettel leads


this race from his team-mate Mark Webber. As you have just heard,


teams are wondering whether Red Bull are going to work this one


together and effectively slow everyone else down. That gives


Vettel the chance to make a gap. I wonder if that would occur or is it


simply a question that those behind are looking after their tyres.


Karthikeyan getting out of the way there. It is certainly allowed. You


can play the team order situation. That is not against the rules. I


think at this early stage of the season, both Mark and Sebastian are


in the championships. We see a bit of squabbling for position.


Raikkonen was caught out completely. He was going to go past Perez.


RADIO: Starting to spit with rain. That is nice information from his


engineer but I can assure you Jenson would be aware of it before


the engineer sitting in comfort in the engineering office above the


pit lane. You see tiny little drops on your visor. You are super-


sensitive. Vettel locking up on the turn. Is that because of the rain?


And a drive-through penalty for Sergio Perez for impeding Kimi


Raikkonen. Perez has been penalised, no surprise. McLaren are out in the


pit lane. Presumably it will be for Jenson Button but what tyres will


they put on? If there is a bit of moisture in the air, do they send


him out on slicks or intermediates? He is putting the super softs on,


getting back phase-out of the way for a start they are softer tyre.


If it does get wet, you do not have to run both of the dry compound


tyres but clearly McLaren decided to get him out on those tyres now.


Even though that is the less durable tyre, if they think rain is


coming... Co the line and is in a cage from trying to get in front of


the McLaren, he has done it -- Kovalainen in the Caterham.


would never think we would be seeing a McLaren battling a


Caterham but that is exactly what is happening here. Jenson putting


on the super softs, if they do think there is rain and they will


have to stop for the intermediate later, there will only be short


window for those tyres. Heikki can cut across the line, Jenson is held


to being on the rider of the line in the interests of safety. He has


a view of the back of the Caterham. It has Renault power and KERS.


RADIO: From the pit board, they keep on dropping. It hit me in the


head. Oh, dear, that did not sound good at all. Did he do say things


were dropping him -- hitting him on the head? Lewis is not having a


good afternoon at the moment. one of the peculiarities of this


track is that the pit lane looks out to us on the commentary box and


the signalling boards are on the start-finish straight. Not the


normal arrangement here. It would be a brave man to hang back border


over in the wind in front of the cars. Sergio Perez will have to


give that position back. The director not the slow motion


through the high-speed chicane. Lewis Hamilton was in one of the


Cars movies. Having a three-and a- half year-old I watch a lot of


children's movies now. Vettel is still doing quick lap times. The


guys behind Mark Webber and Rosberg are picking up the pace now. Vettel


is still having to work at it. No doubt keeping an eye on the weather


as we are to see if it is going to rain. Jean-Eric Vergne is currently


in eighth place. That is an interesting one. Jean-Eric Vergne


made a very early pit stop, do you remember that? Gary, what are your


thoughts on the Toro Rosso running in eighth place. A very early pit-


stop, is there any chance he can keep it going? It would be


difficult. We are looking at Vettel having done 46 laps. Anything could


happen. These tyres do seem to have a bit of a mind of their own. We


will have to see what happens. You have to honestly react to when the


tyre forced off. No one knows when they are going to pick here. That


moment might be with us because we have just had several men deliver


their best laps of the race. Only Vettel will know if that is because


he has made a mistake or if he is hitting the cliff. He has done 45


laps here and he started on a full tank of fuel. Red Bull are coming


out. They are reacting. Vettel will be in this lap. He has reached the


cliff in terms of tyre performance. Sebastian Vettel will be coming


into the pits. Where will he come back out? Will he be behind


Hamilton and Massa or between them? Will he be fighting with Michael


Schumacher or? Forget Michael Schumacher. He is 22 seconds behind.


Hamilton and Alonso have just passed under hour commentary box.


There is Webber. Here comes Rosberg and Alonso and he gets out in front


of Hamilton. Let's just wait and see. Up the hill goes Hamilton and


he just gets cut off by Vettel. The McLaren is all over the back of the


Red Bull. Hamilton surely cannot find a way through in this section


of the track and by the time there is any space, Vettel will have


settled down. He is on the softer compound tyre. He has to use that


time at some point in the race and he will try to make it last until


the end. That was close. Will Lewis be able to position himself Alf --


as they come out of second Portier. That might give Sebastian a bit of


breathing space. He goes a bit defensive. Sebastian Vettel has got


himself up to third place. When you consider he started ninth on the


grid, the strategy has worked very effectively. They have made it work.


There is a huge game on a track like Monaco. Webber, Rosberg,


of 1.2 seconds the lead over Nico Rosberg. Felipe Massa is still in


there, in sixth place. A RADIO: Felipe Massa has been told to look


after his tyres to attack us at the end of the race. I will try to do


so as well. He did that very effectively last time, in Spain. He


did not set a quick lap time, but he ended up beating Jenson Button


and finishing in eighth place. Lewis Hamilton still managing to


his race, holding on to fifth place. Michael Schumacher is still some


way behind these guys. Jean-Eric Vergne is the one who might lose


out big time, because he made a very early pit-stop. Reliability


Wise, we have not had problems so far. Gary, this used to be such a


hard track on gearboxes and drive shaft, but nowadays, the teams


seemed to have that sorted? Yes, the regulations have changed, over


the gearbox. The gearboxes are bigger. You were not allowed to use


such exotic materials and such fine design. Reliability is everything.


It does not matter how quick your car is, you have got to get to the


chequered flag. If you could survive to the end, you would


probably pick up points in the past, but today, you have got to race.


still have 19 cars remained. Narain Karthikeyan is the last one still


remained. That is still pretty good run. There are five cars out, from


an early stage. Mark Webber, the Australian, commanding this race.


Not by a huge margin, he is still looking after his tyres. Nico


Rosberg is second. Mark Webber yet to win a Grand Prix this year. He


could become the sixth different winner in six races. If Nico


Rosberg wins, he will be the first repeat winner. It does not because


though he has got an answer. The closing stages will tell the story


of how each team has looked after the tyres. You have got to wonder


if Nico Rosberg will have an answer for Mark Webber. Michael sanded


sick as he passed by. Jean-Eric Vergne is chasing him. The Toro


Rosso is in eighth place at the moment. He is putting up no


resistance. He has acknowledged, I have a major problem. This is a


good run for Jean-Eric Vergne, but he stop on lap 17, it is a huge


number of laps if he is going to keep this going. Yes, but he is not


under that much pressure from Paul di Resta, he has got a ten-second


GAP. That can be eaten up quickly, once the tyres hit the cliffs. That


was a very compliant Michael, realising his issue. The Force


India cars have caught Michael Schumacher. Paul di Resta and Nico


Hulkenberg, ninth and 10th. They are right behind Michael Schumacher.


We saw him allowed the other car, Jean-Eric Vergne, go through. Will


he do the same? He is very slow on the straight indeed. He lets Nico


Hulkenberg through, the next one will be Kimi Raikkonen. It will put


Kimi Raikkonen into the points. This is a replay. The Mercedes


plates have titanium or something, and it sparked. Michael is cruising.


The battle up front, it is starting to rain at La Rascasse. Some of the


spectators are starting to move. Does that indicate they have had


enough?! Perhaps they are starting to get wet. The umbrellas are a


signal. Nico Rosberg is getting closer to the back. He has got the


gap down, 0.9 seconds. There was editor of contact with Romain


Grosjean and Michael Schumacher. -- there was a bit of contact. Michael


Schumacher looks slow in a straight line, they could be a mechanical


problem. Gary, what did you think? They were talking about an engine


problem of some sort. He has got to take away the fuel-saving it, but


that did not fix it. He has been told to use KERS at the end of the


tunnel, there seemed to be a higher rpm problem. It is raining now, the


heaviest it has been today. will he come out of the pits, or is


this the end? The fastest man in qualifying, he had to start with


the penalty, and it is not looking good. I would get him out of the


way quickly. We are seeing more and more people putting on raincoats.


If Nico Rosberg so it -- suddenly said, I am coming in, they are not


able to service the car. They are pushing it back. That will not


happen this lap. This is Jenson Button having a go at Heikki


Kovalainen. That was close. He goes to defend, which he is allowed to


do. He moves across at the braking zone. Perhaps he was not realising


that Jenson Button positioned his car there. You could sense Jenson


Button breathing again. Mark Webber, from Nico Rosberg. Things are


getting more difficult. Michael Schumacher is out of the Monaco


Grand Prix. Added to the list of retirements. Michael Schumacher,


the fastest on Saturday, but ending the race early on Sunday. Jenson


Button is going very slowly. Has he had an issue? Lewis Hamilton gets


closer to the back of Sebastian Vettel. Look at the train of cards


-- cars. Fernando Alonso taking the wider line. It that is a mistake by


Lewis Hamilton. It Felipe Massa closed the gap a touch. The track


conditions are changing. 1:26, six seconds slower on that lap. It is


getting very slippery in places. times like this, I wish we had a


son RIF, because we could experience the rain -- I wish we


had a sunroof. We are having to rely on what we can see on the


cameras. Gary, how what is it? is wet enough. One or two more laps,


you are into survival mode. One little mistake, you are after. We


will see activity in the pits, Forshaw. Dare you make a pit stop?


If you are in the leading bunch, you will go backwards. It is


raining quite a lot. That was lover, that lap, said you are keeping a


close eye on that -- that was slower. The top six are so far


ahead. Jean-Eric Vergne is gambling, he wants to get into the points.


The top six of 38 seconds ahead of Paul di Resta, so you will either


win or finish sixth, a worst-case scenario, provided you do not crash.


Jean-Eric Vergne was on for his best ever result, but the team have


decided that he might get an even better one. I wonder if that is


strategic. A yellow flag, an incident on the first corner.


can see debris. It must be somebody to the left. Meanwhile, back with


the battle at the front, Jean-Eric Vergne will tell the teams were


there the intermediates of the tyre to be on. They will get the


feedback straight away, can it be quicker than the slick tyre? Can


you regain the time you lose for a pit-stop? You will either win or be


sixth, that is the worst-case scenario, provided you do not make


a mistake. Jenson Button was trying to make a move on Heikki Kovalainen.


Jenson Button, going past very slowly. That is the contact of the


debris, Sergio Perez on the outside of Heikki Kovalainen. Heikki


Kovalainen locks up and has to go straight. The track is getting it


drippy again. Mark Webber has got this under control. They have all


had a fault must drive, world-class drivers, around the streets of


Monte Carlo, the biggest challenge in the calendar. Apart from the


court not wheel, I have not seen a mistake. It has been superb. We are


about to go on to the final lap. Mark Webber crosses the line, he


has got two miles to complete to record his second victory in Monaco.


He climbs up the hill. Nico Rosberg has not done wrong, but it was all


about the start and getting off the line effectively. This time, Mark


Webber did that. Fernando Alonso in third place, dropping back a


fraction. Sebastian Vettel in fourth place, the biggest gap


between them that we have seen in recent laps. Nico Rosberg getting


tight behind the Red Bull. Through the tunnel. Mark Webber, looking


for his second Monaco victory, and to add another winner to the


amazing list of winners that we have had so far in 2012. Along the


harbour he comes, everybody watching and cheering from the


grandstands. Just coming through the swimming pool, Nico Rosberg


will not give up. He has thrown everything at Mark Webber. He has


driven brilliantly. He won in China earlier this year, but he has not


seen any mistakes from Mark Webber. Mark Webber comes out of the final


corner, he becomes the sixth different when it in 2000 the 12th.


It is a new record, we have never had six winners at the beginning of


the year, and Mark Webber has achieved it. What a performance for


Red Bull. A hat-trick of victories in Monaco. Nobody can begrudge him,


that was a fantastic victory. It was well controlled. That is his


huge weight off his shoulders. RADIO: Fantastic, to have won again,


well done, a great run it. Thank you, guys. It was not a


straightforward, but we will take it. The 2012 season is one of the


most varied and competitive in Formula One history. Six world


champions, 6 unpredictable races, and six different winners. We are


in new territory. There are still for two races to go. -- 14 races.


Concerns about the weather, but no concerns about Mark Webber, his


second win around the streets of Monaco. A stronger second place for


Nico Rosberg. Sebastian Vettel in front of a frustrated Lewis


Hamilton. Bruno Senna will be happy to be back in the points. Mark


three newest teams. You have won the Monaco Grand Prix,


I do not imagine that you get bored of hearing that. No. An incredible


day, this place gives you amazing memories. There were lots of


different parts of the race where I had to be focused, to make sure


that we really capitalised on the positioning that we had. A good


friend of mine sent me a text message, he said, you are in for it,


you are in charge, and we were. But you can get bitten quickly. When


you have the experience thrown in, and a great team on the pit wall,


it is still a tough nut to crack, but I had both hands on it, and I


would not let go. At the start of the season, everybody said it was a


difficult Ferrari, but you are leading the championship. It is a


surprise for us, we never expected to begin now. Especially after


Australia. We seemed to improve the car after testing, improved it the


way of driving it. I am happy for Felipe Massa to show his skills on


a technical circuit, and hopefully we can move up in the championship,


to score more points. Consistency not frustrating but it was not the


best result. This is motor-racing. I really dislike going backwards.


Nonetheless, we still came away with some points. There are many


more races ahead of us so we have to keep our heads up and keep


pushing. Paul, congratulations, a strong performance for yourself and


Force India. You must be pleased. think we probably optimised it at


the end. We jumped a few cars. Fortunately, the rain stayed off at


the end. We were in a great position. We have a double points


score here. My car was definitely better in the race. We will go out


and have a great night. I imagine you're getting sicker of the site


of Heikki Kovalainen? It is so frustrating. I spun off and then


caught him within two laps. It is one of those things. It all comes


from bad qualifying. And being unlucky at the start. A tough


afternoon. I want to say congratulations to mark. He is a


good lad and sixth winner. It obviously livens up the


championship a bit. Red Bull are the sixth winner.


Eighth time the whole man has gone on to win a race. What an amazing


St Red Bull have found on the streets of Monte Carlo. An amazing


race. It is never ate easy around Monaco. It was a slippery track but


he held on. That is where his experience came through. He knew


where he could maintain the pace and avoid the use of Piara zones


and maintain the KERS. There is probably one of Mark's strongest


victories. He said it was his weakest car. Few men have won here


twice. You are one of those few. How will the second one feel for


Mark? I think there will be more satisfaction. The first one will


probably be a blur of focus, attention and celebration. This


time he has a good opportunity to reflect on that and use his


experience. P1 here in Formula 3,000 so he knows how to drive here.


The two men behind him, Fernando Alonso and Nico Rosberg have had a


good season. I think it is a remarkable season. I think this is


a golden era. I said it in commentary but I did not see any


mistakes from the drivers. A Trulli world-class performance from the


more. Thank you. A frustrating day for Lewis Hamilton. Jenson Button


well out of the points and retiring his car. All in all, an impressive


Grand Prix. History has been made. Six races to start 2012, six


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