Euro 2016 Replay - Wales v Slovakia Match of the Day

Euro 2016 Replay - Wales v Slovakia

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Hello, good evening and welcome to Bordeaux, after so many years of


missing out on major finals, history being made as Wales take on


Slovakia. The last minute back spasm for Wayne


Hennessey has led to the first ever international start for Danny Ward.


Our fairy tale for Joe Ledley, he is fit but not in the 11. Hal


Robson-Kanu is fit but not risked after an Achilles injury and so much


depends on Gareth Bale but he has broad shoulders and he very rarely


disappoints. Proud moment for Ashley Williams and


Martin Skrtel. The Norwegian referee is in charge, 37 years old.


Slovakia did appear in the World Cup finals in 2010 when they beat Italy,


they beat Spain in qualifying for this tournament and beat Germany 12


days ago. Marek Hamsik is the golden boy. Martin Skrtel not so with


Liverpool, more out than ten, fans of Manchester City, Bolton and


Rangers will remember Vladimir Weiss. The National Anthem was


electric in the stadium, so many Welsh fans behind the goal. What an


opportunity for Wales in an opening game against a strong Slovakian


side. Wales have more possession. It is important they get the ball in


the forward areas to Gareth Bale. There he is. Wales, need I say, in


red and white, from left to right. There is a Marek Hamsik, the only


player in the Slovakian team and to have scored double figures in


international goals. He is their Gareth Bale, if you like and it is


Slovakia who will get this game underway, kicking from right to left


in this stadium in Bordeaux. What a stadium it is, little over 14,000


people it holes. It is predominantly red and white. The Norwegian referee


blows his whistle, Slovakia get the game underway. Gareth Bale


immediately chasing the backpass. Williams getting involved with


Vladimir Weiss. Given the injuries to Hal Robson-Kanu and the options


that Chris Coleman had, are you surprised that Andy King is not in


the side? He is unfortunate not to start. What confidence for David


Edwards. A very good player. Williams also. I thought he played


in a Number 10 position but Aaron Ramsey will take up the spot behind


it Gareth Bale and it is important he can get the ball and look for


Gareth Bale. Aaron Ramsey is a blonde, here he is on the ball for


Wales, he was bundled from behind, you thought he would get a free


kick, they will be happy to play on because Ramsey and Gareth Bale,


wind... That goes to Mr Mackey and goalkeeper. Confident start, Ramsay


and Gareth Bale linking up nicely. Confident start. Free kick foul by


Ashley Williams into the back of Michal Duris. He said that now is


not the time to sit back and enjoy the moment. Now is the time to roll


up your sleeves and do the job. Forward for Slovakia towards Michal


Duris, a heavy touch back into Michal Duris. Peter Pekarik. Great


cover from Chester. A few boys out of position, vital interception into


the box. Not a great touch from Gareth Bale.


Immediately the challenge from Davis came in. Marek Hamsik is


dispossessed. Marek Hamsik! Unbelievable.


9/11 -- Ben Davis, what a fantastic run. Just watch Ben Davies get up


the line, fantastic challenge there, it had goal written all over it,


right leg stretched out, great cover from Ben Davies. Seemed impossible


that the ball would not go into the back of the net, corner for


Slovakia, headed out of by Gareth Bale, that is what Marek Hamsik is


capable of. Wales fans are not happy, they thought that Williams


was fouled. He was. The free kick has been taken quickly and Marek


Hamsik, put it in towards Ashley Williams who was shouting, the


players are under pressure. The whistle has relieved that somewhat.


You're right about Marek Hamsik, what a run, it was Gareth Bale, he


did not see him on his shoulder, there was a foul there. Taylor gets


clattered. Marek Hamsik, the way he drove inside, eat three Welsh


players, goes past the goalkeeper, fantastic play -- beat. He has got


81 goals for Napoli, equal to Diego Maradona. He has played more than


300 games in theory at. Knowing all about him and stopping them are two


different things. That is a foul by Joe Allen. It is important that


Ashley Williams grabs hold of Ben Davies and says calm down. Edwards,


Joe Allen, Slovakia are having a lot of the ball. It was within a whisker


of being the worst possible start for Wales. Marek Hamsik again


finding Vladimir Weiss. That is in 243 macro. Finding Ramsay. -- Michal


Duris. Chasing that himself. Chipped away for Slovakia. The header.


Play on. 11 Michael, he has started every world International for three


years now -- Chris Gunter. They will get forward at every opportunity,


good energy. What a clearance it was. Ben Davies


for Wales, he has the ball, it seemed destined for the back of the


net. He thought it was his, but it is


not. Some mixed warm up games forced to back it, that notable victory


over Germany, 3-1, then that game against Northern Ireland and final


warm up game that finished goalless. The free kick for Wales.


Chester, Williams and Ben Davies have all gone forward.


Aaron Ramsey is in, not entirely convincing clearance. An attempt at


the shot. Ashley Williams could not diverted goal words. Decent ball


into the box by Aaron Ramsey, he seemed to flap at it. That was the


keeper. Not a great punch on it, it fell to Joe Allen. The goal -- the


goalkeeper coming through amount of bodies, great punch on it. Martin


Skrtel was doing him no favours. Neither was Jan de rigueur.


-- Jan Durica. His only international goal came against


Wales. Joe Allen. Ben Davies. Aaron Ramsey enjoying the chance to


run with it and then giving it away. Well anticipated by Chester. Johnny


Williams, free kick. Patrik Hrosovsky says no, the referee says


yes. Johnny Williams has started well. It goes past, great position


for Gareth Bale on his favoured left foot. He has that Ronaldo technique


where he seems to hit it, it swerves all over the place, great


opportunity for the Welshman. The Slovakian wall is about a yard


outside the 18-yard box so Gareth Bale is standing about 30 yards away


from the Slovakian goal. Gareth Bale for Wales!


Completely sold Matus Kozacik! Wales 1-0. He has done it again. Gareth


Bale on his favoured left foot, the way he strikes the ball... You can


see the starting position of the goalkeeper, he takes first step to


the left, I have no idea why, it is a great strike from Gareth Bale, but


the keeper takes a step to the left. Look at the technique, up and down,


the keeper, I think he moved to soon, why take the step to the left?


Who cares? It is 1-0, Gareth Bale. Gareth Bale for Wales, 1-0 in


Bordeaux and the goalkeeper, Matus Kozacik, made a fatal step to his


left and the ball hit the back of the neck -- net. He could not get


it. He had to detect the left-hand side of his goal. 1-0 Wales. Nice.


Effort into Williams, could not quite pick out Taylor. Well covered


by Robert Mak. Listening to Rio Ferdinand before the game, he said


1-0, he said he would take that right now. Joe Allen with a little


push into the back of the Slovakian. Matus Kozacik will be kicking


himself, not entirely convincing from the cross. A shame him being


beaten by Gareth Bale free kick, but he did not help himself, the


goalkeeper. Chester, Joe Allen. Confidence now


coursing through Welsh legs. Michal Duris, Ashley Williams to Johnny


Williams. Marek Hamsik, good ball, Michal Duris is here. Goal kick.


Just look at the technique there, the way he hits it with the inside


of his foot, it tips over the wall, if the keeper stays in his normal


starting position, I think he says that. I am glad he moved to the


left! Look at these Welsh fans, what it means to the travelling


thousands, they have been in great spirits in Bordeaux and that sums up


Wales, the celebration, everyone involved, the hashtag is together


stronger. Here is Aaron Ramsey. Martin Skrtel. No foul. There was no


contact from Chris Gunter and a throw in for Wales. That is the


positivity of the Welsh side, look how high up Chris Gunter was.


Ben Davies. Joe Allen trying to avoid him. Joe Allen. Good spot,


well executed and controlled by Chris Gunter. Could not quite turn


away from Marek Hamsik. Wales free kick. Michal Duris, no attempt to


play the ball. This vacuum side have no time


whatsoever on the ball. -- the Slovakian side. Could have been an


awful start but it has been a wonderful start. James Chester.


A good looking ball, Neil Taylor will do his best, it goes behind for


a free kick. Wales last warm up did not go well, 3-0 defeat in Sweden,


Gareth Bale only played the last 25 minutes. After all of that, it is


all forgotten that, this is all that counts. Martin Skrtel.


Bouncing off Danny Ward. Looked a bit uncomfortable there are, Danny


Ward. As you can see, Ashley Williams and give him a pat on the


shoulder. He gave -- he said, we will need you at some point. Lack of


communication between the captain and the goalkeeper. Wayne Hennessey


has it in a back spasm and Danny Ward is in goal. It is not like he


has not been playing football, he had a loan spell for Aberdeen. He


did play a couple of games towards the end of the season. It is well


anticipated by Ben Davies, Aaron Ramsey back to Ben Davies. Johnny


Williams. Ben Davies to Joe Allen. Slovakia,


Aaron Ramsey. Joe Allen was successful before and then that ball


from Aaron Ramsey, Chris Gunter, you see the lack of communication, was


it a handball from Ashley Williams? I do not think it was intentional. A


little push from Michal Duris but it is not a penalty for me. Michal


Duris may have thought it was a penalty.


Positive start for Wales. If Slovakia conceded first, they have


never won a game. They started the qualifying campaign more strongly


than they finished it. He finds Aaron Ramsey, now Williams, Aaron


Ramsey and Gareth Bale. Edwards. Johnny Williams missed the


opportunity to drive forward, here is Aaron Ramsey, it hitting it low


and testing the nerves of Matus Kozacik. Patrik Hrosovsky has looked


dodgy, he gave away the free kick for Williams. Gave away possession


cheaply on a couple of occasions. This is what this Welsh team will


make you do. Great energy. Vladimir Weiss cutting inside. A bad attempt


from Vladimir Weiss. He is now playing his club football in Qatar.


His coach pointed out that it is possibly not the best preparation


for a European Championship, he feels he has lost a bit of fitness.


It is the first time we have seen him driving inside, he has good


pace. He has not been able to get the ball. Here is Robert Mack. --


Robert Mak. There is 31-macro. -- fowl. His


grandson is at the academy in Tottenham -- Jan Kozak. Vladimir


Weiss. Martin Skrtel. Ashley Williams has gone for the


ambitious. You can see defensively they are on the front foot, winning


the ball in front of Michal Duris. They are aggressive in their


defending. He nearly nicked it. He finds Marek Hamsik. Joe Allen coming


back, free kick for Slovakia. It is a little bit too far out. That is a


foul, when Marek Hamsik gets the ball, he looks a real threat, you


should have scored earlier. I think this might be a bit too far out. 40


yards, why not try and test Danny Ward? It is his first start for his


country. He is going to have a go, not enough. Not bad, though.


That was not bad from Juraj Kucka?. Gareth Bale, just another day at the


office for him. Nothing seems to faze him. His 20th International


goal and his 55th cap. I cannot speak highly enough about him.


Lovely little touch from Gareth Bale. Aaron Ramsey in the area and


Johnny Williams as well. He found Aaron Ramsey. He is getting


a bit of joy down the right-hand side. It is out of play before it


arrived at the back edge of the penalty area. Gareth Bale was


signalling to Aaron Ramsey, put it back in the box. Gareth Bale got


nine headed goals in the elite. The spec lead.


Aaron Ramsey, Joe Allen. Covering well. Under pressure there were a


few minutes where Slovakia looked extremely dangerous. Since then,


Wales have looked in command. Closing people down, that set the


tempo, if Aaron Ramsey can do it, if you are James Chester, Taylor,


Edwards, who has played in the Championship, Aaron Ramsey can do


it, it sets the tempo for the whole team.


taken by Jan Durica. Peter Pekarik. Ben Davies the header. That was


taken up by Robert Mak. Strong challenge, Taylor, Marek Hamsik is


down. He is protesting to the referee, Marek Hamsik is still on


the floor. He will now be able to get treatment, the ball has been put


out of play by Viktor Pecovsky. A bad challenge by Taylor, I think


Marek Hamsik won the ball. I am quite surprised that they show that


challenge on the big screen. Debatable and controversial


decisions like that, they do not show them to the crowd. That was in


full view of everyone and the face of the manager shows you what he


thought. My pizza like a's first European


Championship finals, but the Czechoslovakia team from 1976, there


are starting a level included eight Slovakians and three Czechoslovakian


's. Dusan Svento. Viktor Pecovsky.


Martin Skrtel. Peter Pekarik to Martin Skrtel a


game. Slovakia need to get a foothold and keep possession for a


little bit. Start enjoying the failure of the football game. Every


time the ball goes to Michal Duris, there is someone on him, so tight,


he has to get the ball under control, if he loses it, Edwards or


Joe Allen will be on it. Slovakia will have to try something


different. Everything seems to be in 243 macro and he is not getting hold


of the ball. -- Michal Duris. Chris Coleman has signed a new deal.


Challenge from Jan Durica. Marek Hamsik is working hard. Pretty


thankless task for Jan Durica. Marek Hamsik. He likes to work


predominately down the left-hand side of the Slovakia midfield. Marek


Hamsik. Chester gets it away. Viktor Pecovsky, Williams, there is going


to be a card. First yellow card of the game, Patrik Hrosovsky gets


hurt. He was lucky to get away with the yellow card. He has played the


ball, he is quite unfortunate. Chester forward, Johnny Williams,


Martin Skrtel has bundled into Charlie Williams. The goalkick has


been given. The extra official behind the goal nearly got taken


out. Martin Skrtel comes across. That is shocking. How has that


official not seem that? They're not just there to watch the game, they


are there to help with decisions. The guy behind the goal, what on


earth he is doing, I do not know, there is no attempt to play the ball


by Martin Skrtel, you tries to get his body across, throws his elbow,


catches Williams, that has to be a penalty. I am confused about what


those officials will do. Why are they here? Aaron Ramsey. Aaron


Ramsey again. Think it goes against Wales. It is getting tasty.


Forward from right back. They have lost their way since the goal.


Williams has done really well in the opening three minutes. Gareth Bale


to Aaron Ramsey, managed to control it well. Great ball. Gareth Bale one


setback, Chris Gunter. Taylor, trying to get it down towards


Edwards. Once again, the positivity of the Welsh side. Just could not


knock it back into the danger area. Joe Allen trying to get the second


ball, greater positive play from Wales. Chester, Williams. Aaron


Ramsey. I think Martin Skrtel is lucky to be


on the pitch. The official behind at the goal has to see that, no attempt


to play the ball. His elbow catches Johnny Williams in the face. I think


it should have been a penalty and a straight red card and I am not


biased. Marek Hamsik. Vladimir Weiss. Chester, now Gareth Bale


trying to run away from Martin skirt all. Marek Hamsik, Chester did well.


Aaron Ramsey, Taylor has been tempted forward.


He got it away from the intended target. He found Taylor. Williams


from Peter Pekarik. Free kick for Slovakia. When Slovakia win the


ball, Michal Duris has the centre halves against him, difficult to


build up the play. They are going so deep towards their own goal. Taylor


is so far forward, when the ball eventually gets up to Michal Duris,


it is difficult because Wales are so aggressive in defending. Martin


Skrtel sends it long to Michal Duris and he ends up conceding the free


kick. Ashley Williams was tight, no space in behind. There are going to


have to change, Slovakia, get Marek Hamsik on the ball as often as they


can, get Vladimir Weiss on the game. The game plan is working perfectly,


David Edwards is doing such a good job, his energy has been high. Wales


nearly beat the All Blacks this morning! Beating slack here this


evening, so far. -- Slovakia. Robert Mak is one of the front three, look


at his position there. He has to go about 50 yards before heaving gets


near the attacking third. David Edwards, he drops into the back


three, it Chester goes out of position, it is the job of Edwards


to watch where he goes. Lovely scenes in the Bordeaux farm Park is


Welsh fans joined French bands and their celebration. Gareth Bale, Joe


Allen, Johnny Williams, Joe Allen carries it and finds Aaron Ramsey,


35, and still going forward. So far, so very good for Wales. With the


exception of the one that delightful floating coasting little run of


Marek Hamsik when it was goalless, good goal-line clearance from Ben


Davies. From that, it has been Wales is half. Chester will help him out.


Michal Duris is getting very little support.


The Slovakian manager has problems at the moment. We have seen a lot of


Slovakia in 2016 and this is the worst I have seen from them.


If there were butterflies, they would have died down for Danny Ward.


Especially that scoreline. Interesting to hear the views from


our studio panel about Martin Skrtel and that challenge. The only person


who did not seem to think it was a foul was the guy standing nearest to


him. Here is Vladimir Weiss, accelerating away from Aaron Ramsey,


through to Marek Hamsik, this is where the danger lies. Could not


quite get through the challenge from Taylor. Peter Pekarik. Dangerous at


me as it comes to Vladimir Weiss. Marek Hamsik, blocked by Williams.


Michal Duris, suddenly Slovakia have a way end. Chris Coleman is saying


bunch up, four minutes before half-time. Jan Durica.


Marek Hamsik. To -- Aaron Ramsey did well. Here it is Martin Skrtel.


Into the feet of Michal Duris. He could not quite tame it. Slovakia


have a throw in. Just edging towards the Welsh goal now. Jan Durica.


Michal Duris. Helping it on. Dusan Svento. Vladimir Weiss. Danny Ward


has it. Suddenly for the first time in the gate, Vladimir Weiss is a


factor. He has got a lot of the ball, good feet in the box, so many


Welsh bodies back, protecting Danny Ward. Comfortable save, no real


pressure, just that one chance for Marek Hamsik. You do get deeper and


you can see half-time approaching and you think, get in at 1-0. They


are not there yet, but they are close.


Dusan Svento. Corner. From the Slovakian point of view, Vladimir


Weiss with a corner, get the bodies around Danny Ward, get Martin


Skrtel, Michal Duris, flying in, big test for the goalkeeper. Vladimir


Weiss with the corner. Robert Mak. Marek Hamsik. Martin Skrtel!


He turned it so well, Martin Skrtel. Drove the ball to the far post. One


added minute. Taylor for Wales. Bale! Aggressive in their defending.


Davis wins the ball and drives forward. It was perfectly set for


Bale. The half-time whistle goes. Has been a really good 45 minutes


for Wales. Bale, with the early free kick. The very contentious, Martin


Skrtel challenge on Jonathan Williams. Delightful little cameo.


Whilst it was still goalless. The next view moments of this half


are important? Yes, Chris Colman would have said, same again, boys.


You of all of energy, aggressive and non-front foot. Was a really


confident performance in the first half from Wales. James Chester.


He was fouled, according to the referee. Aaron Ramsey, just pulled


his shirt. Let's have a look. Aaron Ramsey, the official behind the goal


again. But the whistle didn't go, was played on. Aaron Ramsey won the


ball. The directory gave it for the first shirt pulling, then fair


enough. But he gave the foul I think when Aaron Ramsey grabs his leg


around the defender. I don't think it was a foul.


You may have seen that Aaron Ramsey isn't the only player in this


tournament who has gone blonde. Marouane Fellaini has gone blonde as


well. We'll be in interesting thing to see on him.


It is an illustration in the tweet from the offside law. The free kick


is given from the position the player touches the ball. You saw the


free kick being given for offside in the player's own half.


Throw in for Wales. The fear of not knowing where Gareth Dale is can do


to you. Has lost his bearings. Wasn't sure where Bale was. The


travelling Wales stands, thousands here in their support. Ramsey's


Corner! Well taken. The goalkeeper did really well. Going to be a goal


kick. That is about as confident as the goalkeeper has looked. Free kick


in the first half, his movement was poor. As Alan Shearer said, poor


goalkeeping. That is as confident as he has looked. Ten of their squad


were in South Africa at the World Cup.


Two halves of ball before his country today, the Welsh goalkeeper.


The manager giving his goalkeeper huge round of applause there.


Edwards, forward. He is Martin Skrtel. Going to be a Slovakian


throw in. At the World Cup, Slovakia started with a draw against New


Zealand, then beat Italy in the second round. Was a decent ball.


Duris, couldn't take it with him. Jonathan Williams was caught. There


will be talking to Tibi Milan midfielder. Referee doesn't seem


inclined to get his card out. Captain today, Williams. Great


composure going past players. Jonathan Williams can be pleased


with his performance this afternoon. Has featured in all Wales' last six


internationals, Jonathan Williams. Martin Skrtel, getting across. It is


like a game of Twister. Left foot on the Green Square, right arm on the


red triangle. Ben Davies, so important that


goal-line clearance sale early in the game. Vladimir Weiss has livened


up at the beginning of the second half. What an athlete, Chris Gunter.


Up and down all evening for Wales. That was a lovely ball into Robert


Mack. Alarm bells are ringing. Ashley Williams in the top of the


picture that tries to play offside. Taylor goes with the run. On his


favoured left foot, Mak. Warning sign for Wales.


Ben Davies, did well. Martin Skrtel got a nudge in the back, the referee


acknowledged it, but says a play on. Aaron Ramsey made the run trying to


get past the centre forward. Compare that to Slovakia, if Duris drops


deep goes out wide, nobody is wide of him. The first half, it was


nonexistent. It is poor from Slovakia. Lovely flick from Aaron


Ramsey. Chris Gunter. Slovakia haven't lost eight of their


last international matches since losing from Belarus. Problem for


Dave Edwards, here. Little bit of blood on his knee.


Going to hurt, but not stop him playing. Joe Allen. Lifted in two


Gareth Bale. The goalkeeper just it out. Look at the power. He knew it


would beat the defender. He jumps and powers it into the ground. All


his neck muscles. So dangerous in the air, Gareth Bale. That goal, his


20th in international foot ball. Only Ian Rush and Dean Saunders have


scored more. Slightly uncomfortable moment for


the centre-half. Jonathan Williams, seems to be all


over the place at the minute. He won the ball, but people would say it


was a tackle from behind. Joe Allen, stood at the back post. Gareth Bale,


a standing start. He towers over Peter Pekarik, the full-back. Good


save by the goalkeeper. Vladimir Weiss has moved a bit more


central for Slovakia. Dave Edwards with the foul. Dangerous area.


Legia Warsaw player has replaced him.


Two changes for Slovakia, who


trail by Gareth Bale's free kick to nil.


A real threat from Slovakia. Mak, with the chance.


Duda, who has only been on the pitch for a matter of


The ball across, beats Ashley Williams.


Duda just let it roll across his body, great play.


He fainted to hit it with his right foot,


And then he puts it in the bottom corner.


Great finish, great run from Mak, 1-1.


We are right in saying that Ondrej Duda has just scored in


with his first touch in his first game for his country.


Weiss, Kucka goes on, the referee has given the free kick.


Foul from Edwards, yes he played the ball but after he


Already in the second-half Mak has created a goal


Hamsik or Weiss are going to hit this.


James Collins is suddenly warming up with some urgency down on


It would be a huge blow to lose their


The Slovakian fans now going mad in the goal away


They've not been great today, Slovakia, but they are a tiny


They will be a threat against


On a knife edge again, when it had had seemed so


Going back to the goal, Steve, if you were


should have brought that man down at the start of the move.


It's the way he let the ball run across his body,


it boxed the three centre halves, and then the skill and the awareness


to hit it reverse across himself to the bottom corner.


Just as well James Chester was there.


Wales are on the back foot for the first time in the


Slovakia in their faces and that their throats.


With these balls that are moving the air is so much...


It was a good job James Chester was there


Worrying signs for Chris Coleman and his men.


Ashley Williams is moving more smoothly.


Durica with the header, climbing above Bale.


This could be a really, really tense last 25 minutes now.


It might be a time for fresh legs, whether it's Ledley or Andy King in


Edwards has done well this afternoon but maybe a


bit more experience, with Ledley, or King


coming on to shake-up that midfield a bit.


A good stage of the game for the Slovakian side.


Joe Ledley is going to be coming on for Wales any


Can't quite get it back into the path of Robert


Joe Ledley, who was injured in that Crystal Palace


He fractured his fibula in the game against Stoke.


Taylor to clip it away, but every ball is


This is where you might possibly think somebody like a Sam


Vokes just to be that physical presence up there, drop in a bit


It's going to be a double change for Wales.


Now a chance for Wales to make those twos of the juices.


Now a chance for Wales to make those two substitutions.


Two players who Chris Coleman has been sweating on the


Hal Robson-Kanu and Joe Ledley are coming on.


Dave Edwards is certainly coming off.


He has that experience in the middle of the park, Ledley.


Ledley is there just to shore things up and settle things down.


I think he's held the wrong number up, the


I can't see him taking off Aaron Ramsey at this stage of the


The Slovakian left-back with the header, Marek Hamsik...


Skrtel blocked him off as he was chasing.


Not afraid to take a risk, is he, Martin Skrtel?


Well, he shouldn't be on the park, for that challenge in


He should have been sent off with a straight red and


Taylor away but it hasn't really done the job.


Yeah, good change from manager Chris Coleman there.


What Robson-Kanu will do is run the channels can he's


Jonny Williams, I have to say, very, very good performance.


His 12th cap today, come in into the side.


He can be really pleased with his


He will get a standing ovation from Chris Coleman.


Hal Robson-Kanu comes onto the field for


Don't forget that in World Cup qualifying Slovakia are in the same


They just need the experienced players, Bale, Williams, Ramsey to


It was just one moment, the Mak run and the


Duda goal and it has changed the game completely in Slovakia's


They've got to change the balance of this


game, Wales, otherwise there is a clear and present


He's great going forward but just showing


the defensive side of his game, willing to get back and help his


OK, Gareth Bale does make a meal of it,


but Skrtel has got no eyes on


the ball whatsoever, he's just looking at Gareth Bale.


Ramsey in the middle, Bale arriving, Joe Ledley too, Ramsey!


Robson-Kanu, he whips in, Ramsey jumped just a little too


I think he just jumps slightly too early,


what an opportunity, that should have been


That was well anticipated by Joe Allen.


It could be doing- wrong end to end stuff for the last 15


To be fair to Adam Nemec, he has brought people into play.


He had more space because the Wales back


three have dropped off because they are panicking a little


and that has allowed him to get on the ball.


He hasn't scored a club goal in almost


If you are a striker who doesn't score a goal for two years, either


you are not a very good striker or you don't play




Dusan Svento for Slovakia. Aaron Ramsey for Wales.


Chester has done exceptionally well today in that back three.


That was well dealt with by Martin Skrtel who


He did well in the second half, creating a goal, being


A little unlucky to get a yellow card there, I think.


An opportunity now for Ramsey to whip the ball into a dangerous area.


Williams is forward. Hal Robson-Kanu is on the pitch.


We know that Gareth Bale is great in the air.


He just needs a good delivery on his right foot.


He made a good save from Gareth Bale early in this second


He has done very well, Robson-Kanu, since he came on.


He has a physical presence. Jan Durica, are all over Hal


Robson-Kanu. I would say maybe not


45 yards but 35 yards. And Kozacik, this time,


held his position and the ball ended up


in If he had still not in the first


half and might have gone He learned his lesson from the first


half and didn't move, The referee is going


to get his card and again. It is going to be a third yellow


card for Slovakia, Hrosovsky in the first


half, and now Jonny Williams. for Slovakia, Hrosovsky in the first


half, and now Weiss. Another substitute, another goal,


Wales are back in front with He makes it past Martin Skrtel


and then Robson-Kanu, on his left foot, it goes


between the legs of Durica. Durica cannot get there,


he scuffs the shot, Robson-Kanu has been brilliant


since he has come on. Both managers have used


their substitutes so very well I think he will be the fourth


Slovakian player to end up in the There's going to be


a third Slovakian change. Can Wales hold this lead


for what remains, in Slovakia got the equaliser,


Wales have ridden out the Ramsey could have scored


with a header, and hopefully from the Welsh perspective,


Robson-Kanu has the Ondrej Duda for Slovakia. Marek


Hamsik. Joe Allen. They are saying it is his arm.


The referee did not have a good view of that incident.


It is given away, rather poorly, by Kucka.


Gareth Bale, that was a marvellous ball.


That might have been something very special.


Good work from the Welsh goalkeeper, Ward.


What a ball from Gareth Bale, of his left foot.


A good run from Ramsey, just couldn't gather it.


Slightly unconvincing fall to the ground.


The free kick went the other way. Marek Hamsik.


Stoch scored for the Republic of Ireland in Dublin in a game that


Wales will be hoping this doesn't go the same way.


A great header, he hadn't scored in two


Dusan Svento. Slovakia are not done yet.


Ramsey is to his left and he may not need him,


he is running at Durica, he has fed Ramsey,


I think Ramsey had it on his right foot.


We will see the header from Adam Nemec that


Going back to Gareth Bale's chance, you see him getting


Think Ramsey has hit it first time on his right foot.


Wales have a corner, Ramsey will take it.


Last substitution, Aaron Ramsey is coming off this time.


Performed very well, Aaron Ramsey, gets a standing


Maybe could have shot there, but he has been very


influential in this Welsh team today.


Two minutes to get through, plus added time.


Ashley Williams comes across and sees the danger,


Up towards Adam Nemec, who hit the post moments ago.


Peter Pekarik was there, Gareth Bale Cottam.


Pushing for that equaliser, Slovakia, leaving gaps.


Now two opportunities for Wales to kill this game off.


Will they pay for these missed chances?


Miroslav Stoch has continued his run and here he is.


In from Hamsik to the back post, out by Chris Gunter!


The first header of the day from Chris Gunter.


Got to head the ball back out wide and not to the danger area.


He's got to head the ball out wide, not back into the danger area, where


it fell to Mak's left foot and smashed it from a Wales


perspective, thankfully high over the bar.


The number is four minutes into added time.


Slovakia have come back into the game well.


On the whole, I think Wales have just about deserved the


Can they create one last opportunity, Slovakia?


First he's got to deal with Martin Skrtel,


and Martin Skrtel gets a yellow card.


Like we saw, Ben Davies, brilliant first challenge, really


and second challenge and Skrtel flies in, ridiculously.


He shouldn't be on the pitch anyway, he should


have been sent off in the first half.


Just watch this, the challenge from Ben Davies was fair, committed.


It has used up some of those four minutes.


Play on, says the referee, after Ledley fouled Duda.


The referee has had a look at the watch on his left wrist.


He has the whistle in his right hand.


It goes long for Jan Durica and that might just do it.


40 seconds of the added time to play.


Have another look at your watch, ref!


Hamsik forward, too high, he's offside anyway.


It's going to be a free kick to Wales for offside


Four minutes indicated and the four minutes are


You cannot speak highly enough of this Wales team.


They were under pressure when it was 1-1.


Hopefully they have got the winning goal.


I think when Danny Ward clears this, the referee will blow his whistle.


58 years and victory in their first game back on the big stage.


Hal Robson-Kanu with the winning goal.


And although Ondrej Duda equalised for Slovakia, who


then had a very good spell, Wales have won.


And you've got to give Chris Coleman massive credit.


He resisted the temptation to play the three people carrying knocks.


He left out Ledley and it was Ramsey's pass for Hal


Each and every one of those players in a red shirt have been


And now, Steve, the pressure goes on England against Russia.


A new bit of history and Welsh sport, not just Welsh


What an incredible experience? Can use some up how you feel? What can I


say, it was like a home game. Our fans are the best in the world, they


got behind us tonight and we gave them something to celebrate. But


scored many great goals in your career, but with the red dragon on


your chest, where does that rate? Right up there, a memorable moment.


The most important thing is it does not matter, we got the three points


and we gave our fans something to cheer. Congratulations to Chris


Coleman and the boys, what a great weather from Hal Robson-Kanu. That


is it for now, from all of us here, goodbye. Here it is, Slovakia, the


opposition and these, the proudest Welshman you can imagine. Marek


Hamsik! Believable. Gareth Bale. Wales 1- 02 Slovakia. He has done it


again. That is shocking. Here is Robert


Mak. And now the terms, and equalising goal from Ondrej Duda.


Aaron Ramsey. The BBC are sending me


out to France for the Euros. I'll be able to give you


behind-the-scenes access, a fan's-eye view


of what it's like for Wales out in


the European Championships. Prepare to fill up on my


snackable social media updates...


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