Highlights: England v Iceland, Spain v Italy Match of the Day

Highlights: England v Iceland, Spain v Italy

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Blimey, you've joined us, you are suckers for punishment. England are


out of Euro 2016 after losing to Iceland and Roy Hodgson has


resigned. A traumatic night for English football, the inquest has


begun and these three have plenty to say. First, here is the action from


Nice. COMMENTATOR: One group of players freighted in Iceland watched


every group. Roy Hodgson has reverted to an England side that


started the tournament and played so well for so long against Russia. The


differences Daniel Sturridge replaces Adam Lallana. Kyle Walker,


Danny Rose, Dele Alli, Captain Wayne Rooney and Harry Kane comeback in,


plus Raheem Sterling, in football and finance Sterling has to perform


better. Continuity is key for Iceland. They have fielded the same


team as in all their games so far. Gylfi Sigurdsson is the best-known


and the only one from the English Premier League. Gudmundsson's


Charlton were relegated from the championship. England expects and


showed against a nation at its first competition, punching well above its


weight and with a population equivalent to roughly Leicester.


Maybe that is one good reason for England not to be complacent against


the arctic Foxes. Storage, through to Sterling, what a


ball. Sterling, was he brought down by Halldorsson? The referee says, he


is. Sterling won the race. A great ball from Daniel Sturridge. Just


gets a foot on it and the keeper clatters into him. It is of course


the captain, Wayne Rooney. WHISTLE


And Rooney scores! Perfectly placed into the corner, it is the perfect


start from the players with the Three Lions on their chest. Wayne


Rooney stepping up, using all that experience, makes that look so easy.


You could feel the pressure he was under.


Wayne Rooney has a perfect record on in game penalties for his country,


that is now seven out of seven. England need to keep it tight, it


will force Iceland come out and attack England. Gunnarson, expect a


long throw in to be launched into the box.


That is exactly what's going to happen. And it's helped across goal.


Throw in, flick on, goal for Ragnar Sigurdsson!


What a response from the underdog this. Awful England defending. Easy


as one, two, three. Look at this, catapulted it in, a flick on, nobody


going with a runner. It's not as if they haven't seen them do this


already in the tournament. A great, cultured finish from the


centre-half. And for England it threatens to be quite a long 90


minutes when they can't hold a lead for 90 seconds. And so the game


begins again. Walker, two against three, Walker


finds another option. The ball bounces pack of Skulason.


Rooney. That was a test for the keeper. A chance now for Alli to hit


it and didn't he just. He sits out of this one at the edge of the box


and hits this one sweetly. Look at that the technique and confidence.


Gunnarson, sees Saevarsson moving forward. Here is Gunnarson. It was


left by Dier, come to Sigurdsson. Iceland have turned it round to


lead! There is disbelief right around the


ground from the England fans, and Iceland supporters. Great play here,


far too much space, look at this. You have to get tight to him. Cahill


can't get there. Just placed it, but Joe Hart should save that. Needs a


stronger hand. Just can't keep it out. England one, Iceland two.


Sterling, that was clever movement. Kane. Alli and Sturridge over. Over


to Sturridge. Can you find Raheem Sterling? Others are there to help


now. Sturridge in, Harry Kane! Saved by Halldorsson. Better, better,


better. Definitely better. Sturridge shaped himself nicely. Good save


from the keeper. Skulason down the side, just pop it


in like a server. They keep the ball very well. Gunnarson. No direction


on that one. A coming together between Rooney and Saevarsson.


Almost crept inside rather than outside the post. Skulason. Joe Hart


would have seen that so late. Kane had to keep it, Alli had


strayed offside. Rose, being held and pulled by Gylfi Sigurdsson. Rose


wanted to take it quickly, Sigurdsson stopped him and he gets


the first yellow card of the match. Rose did well, trying to play as


quick as he can. He fouled him, Rose is up on his feet quickly. Wants to


keep the momentum. In from Kane, Smalling! He couldn't


direct it, he won it. Again, another teasing ball in. Smalling can get up


but he can't get the direction. Walker. Backs himself to beat


Bjarnason. Rooney! Off the knee and into the ground. Frustration rises.


It is, painful, really painful right now.


The fans break-out into Don't Take Me Home. The players have to get to


work. The referee didn't like that challenge there and the card is


coming out of the pocket for the Liverpool man. He picked his pocket


that, he had to foul his opponent. Smalling miscued it. Iceland's


corner. Sigthorsson, awkward, a big customer. You just have to take that


ball at its highest point. You shouldn't be holding, just go and


win the ball. Iceland's first corner. Bjarnason. His team-mate got


in his way but it's not away yet. It hit Hart. The overhead hook was


going in and it struck England's goalkeeper. It is another massive


let off. Absolutely nobody picking up... Look at this for an overhead.


Fantastic effort there from the centre-half again.


Walker. Sturridge. Just enough on that from Skulason.


Sturridge. Alli! Always underneath it.


It's a good ball in, just leaning back.


Kane to Alli, Alli caught late. There is a yellow card for the


Iceland captain. Harry Kane on the free kick again, which won't please


some. Kane wide, this time. It was never


anywhere near on target. A tired looking Roy Hodgson. It certainly


is. Don't be looking at the watch yet. Vardy, first chance he's had.


Looked good tackle from Ragnar Sigurdsson. Outstanding tackle.


Vardy, we know about his pace, he has to get this exactly right. You


will just be tackle. -- beautifully timed tackle.


This is embarrassing for England now. Gunnarson,. Stunning to see a


team playing with such confidence, way above themselves. They are


getting so close to another piece of history, Iceland.


Good touch by the other Bjarnason. Gunnarson, Gunnarson steps inside


Wilshere. The save from Hart. It could have been a goal. Look at his


run from deep, determination, he has the power to shrug off Wilshere.


Gets his shot. Joe Hart comes to the rescue. It's happening for Iceland.


Hart stays back. Didn't have to make the save, but on another day that


might have been creeping in. Wayne Rooney, the captain of his country,


is making way for 18-year-old Marcus Rashford.


Rashford, Rose got in his way. Rose was fouled.


That's gone in the wind. Dear oh dear. England have nearly gone.


That's just unbelievable. Gudmundsson, still has the energy to


run with it. Rashford. Rashford goes on, but a drop of the shoulder and


it comes off Saevarsson. Someone in an England shirt showing something.


Why wasn't he on the pitch earlier? A great run from the young man. He


will take the corner. It wasn't a good one, it is a goal kicks


Iceland, who are nearly there. His run here, Rashford, just that little


bit of cunning nests in his play. The great tackle, in the end, to


deny him. That is it, time up for England and may be Roy Hodgson,


unless they can create one last. Alli. Sturridge. Sturridge's cross


to stop he is missed. Vardy got a flicked on it, corner is the shout


and corner is the call. The last chance. The ball into the box, what


about that for a bit of defending? Joe Hart is up. Harry Kane's corner.


Hart didn't get to it. It has gone behind. England are out of the


European Championship. And England's embarrassment is Iceland's ecstasy.


This is surely as Baz as it has ever been for England -- that. Maybe


worse than losing to the USA in 1950, and Norway in 1981 and that


commentary. Roy Hodgson, Wayne Rooney and the boys took a hell of a


beating. And after last week, they will be loving it right around


Europe. England out of Europe, it is a theme! Well done, Iceland. They go


on to Paris. They will play France. They deserve everything of the


success they are enjoying. England out. England embarrassed. England


won, Iceland two. Yes, England humiliated and out.


After the final whistle, Roy Hodgson delivered this final statement to


the press. We are in the results business. My


contract was always up after the Euros. So now is the time. One else


to oversee the progress of this young, extremely talented group of


players. They have been fantastic and they have done everything that


has been asked of them. When I arrived, I was told that players did


not turn up to play for their country or that they would pull out


at the last minute, but I have not seen any of that. These players love


to play for their country and their commitment has been on questionable.


I have been asked to speak on their behalf. They arrived with me as part


of my coaching team and they will leave with me. I am sorry it has had


to end this weight with another exit from the tournament. These things


happen and all I can do is wish everybody the very best and hope


that you will still be able to see an England team in the final of a


major tournament fairly soon. We have been unable to do that. Thank


you very much. There can be no excuses, England


were beaten by the better team tonight? The result cannot lie. We


had 95 minutes to put right. We had to take some responsibility and


myself personally, I will take responsibility, I should be saving


at least two goals in this tournament. It alters in a bad


situation and we were not to recover. Some of the best players in


the Premier League on show, why can you not gel, why do not want it as


much if that is the difference? What you just said is not the case. It is


not a question of wanting it, there is nothing more than wanting to do


well in this tournament. They are just words and I have said before


the tournament, they are just words. We have been in a good place in a


lot of tournaments, but we have not ultimately done it. We will get a


lot of criticism and we deserve it. It is about growing as players, a


lot of young players and people who will learn from this and hopefully


quick and try and bring English football back to where it belongs.


But right now, we put it as a low point and we will have to take that.


Is this your lowest moment in an England shirt? Obviously, the night,


it is. I think you cannot compare it with all the -- with other


tournaments, it is always disappointing when you go to a


tournament but we are all gutted. With help we let a chance that. We


believe we had won the game -- we believed we lacked a chance slip.


With hindsight, was it a mistake to rest so many players against the


packet? No, I do not think so. Going into the last 16, we were confident


we could win that game. -- against Slovakia. The night, it has cost us


in not getting the chances and not creating so many clear-cut chances


to get back in the game. But we fought and we tried. It is


disappointing, but we have to move on. We are a good team, we know


that, and we have to move on and look forward.


I cannot say it is as a prize, I always said to the players that is


the loss of the is if you do a good team performance, even if you are an


underdog, you can always when fashion that is my the loss of life.


Even we created some cleaner goal-scoring chances than England's


did even if they had a lot of possession. We have a game plan, we


believe in the things we do. I think it is the belief and the power we


have. Together as a team. It is the greatest moment of my football


career. And he was one of the stars and


congratulations to Iceland. Where do we start with England in this


tobacco? Well, that was the worst performance I have ever seen from an


England team, ever, from start to finish. We were outfought and out


thought. We were out battled. And we were totally hopeless for 90


minutes. And I said after the three group games, I did not think England


was good enough. I argued with you and Danny and Stephen, I did not see


enough in those performances. It looked as though Roy was making it


up as he went along, he did not have a system. Tactically inept? Yes,


players in the squad who did not deserve it. How can you pick Jack


Wilshire? He has not played 90 minutes over a year? 140 minutes


this season, how is he fit enough to represent England? He brought him on


at half-time to save the game. After taking him off after 50 minutes the


other day because he was not good enough. He has put his neck on the


line for James Sterling who has not performed and played for his team.


Harry Kane on corners in the first game -- Raheem Sterling. From start


to finish, it has been hopeless. Rio, what you think has gone wrong?


You look at these players, some very good players. We see them every


week. They play against footballers that on paper and the clubs they are


at, they should not compare. How can it go this drastically wrong? I


agree with everything all in just said. Embarrassing, to be honest. If


you get into a tournament and you do not know your best team and


formation, you will run into trouble. It was proven in all the


games we played, we just get past with 90 seconds to go. On paper, we


should have put outside is easily. One of the biggest problems other


than not knowing your best team and shape, when we got into wide areas,


with full-backs especially, we had no real idea. There was no real loss


of the ad idea of where to run. There was no, Harry Kane is in the


box, and they will run off him the other side, there was no finesse. No


inventiveness in any of the play. Going forward. I was excited by this


England team before this tournament and I was led up the garden path a


bit because qualifying was so easy, and you believed the hype. But I am


buying into youth. I did not expect to win this tournament and I did not


say we would have a chance of winning it, but I thought because of


the young players we have got, we would have a vibrant work ethic, as


individuals especially and at club form, I thought we would have a


chance of coming out of this tournament with a little bit of


positivity. Absolutely gone! I have lot -- I have watched a lot of teams


at this tournament with a mixed bag of talent. But most of them that


have done well have been really well organised and had a game plan.


England did not seem to have that. I have listened to them and they have


hit the nail on the head with every word and the one thing that stood


out for me is that I do not think Roy knew what he was doing, I do not


think he knew what was his best team at any time. I do not think he knew


what was his best system at any time. And I think his loyalty to


players has cost him not only his job, but what has cost is a really


horrible way of going out of the tournament, in all honesty. Those


players have let him down. Which players are you talking about with


the loyalty? Wilshere, Sterling, Cahill? Harry Kane as well,


fantastic season, he has not performed at the tournament. Jo Hart


as well. He has stuck with players. The one that sticks out massively is


Sterling. You have a manager and he has so many players to choose from,


you would bury your selection perhaps as a squad, and by and


large, some blame has to go on the players as well? Yes, as players,


knowing a lot of the players in the dressing room, they will take


responsibility. At the same time, you have to be guided. I play for a


manager at Manchester United, when things left, things did not go well


and it showed me managers mean a lot in a team. He sets the tone for the


players to carry out his ideals and ideas. Our players caved tonight.


Yes, you can talk about England players being under pressure, we


have all been under pressure and had to perform under pressure. They


caved and the manager caved, he should have brought on a lot earlier


Rashford. He did more in five minutes than anybody in the previous


85, 86 minutes. Everybody caved tonight. It is not about pressure,


we are blinded by our Premier league and we think it is one of the best


in the world for talent, it is not. We are totally and utterly reliant


on foreign players and foreign managers for the excitement. We are


not as good as we think, the players are not as good as we think they


are. There has got to be truth in that. Let's look through the game.


Defensively, we will always worried going to this tournament even though


they has not been pressurised much in the group games, it happened.


This was the game they played earlier in the tournament. It would


have worked on this every day since getting this draw. They would have


seen that. It is not about the Aron Gunnarsson, Walker. You will say,


the second, we will clean-up. You breeze is him. That it is not about


the ball. Going forward, he is a very good players, but he needs to


and those questions defensively. Organisation is vital, concentration


at these poignant moments, you have to do that. Iceland have done that


in every single game so that is no surprise to England. What is Gary


Neville doing? He was one of the best defenders we have had so surely


they have had to work on defensive set pieces all week because that is


what Iceland have been good at. Why is Rooney deems not good enough to


head a ball into the box but good enough to pick up one of the best


header from a throw in? That is where the first goal is from. So you


have to look at the manager and coaching staff also. Second goal?


Well, where do you start? It is good play from Iceland and we have to


give them credit. This ball travels 40, 50, 60 yards. We still have


enough time to shovel over. Look at the players. No pressure on the ball


and look at the three players. Where is Dier? The two centre halves, the


forwards in between the centre halves and defenders, no clue where


they are, no mocking whatsoever, no organisation, no leader pulling


everybody around and organising everybody. And when the ball comes


in, touch, touch, touch, touch, and the third is a shot. That from a


defender's point of view is embarrassing. From a goalkeeper's,


and Paris in also. Jo Hart said it, he should say that. -- embarrassing.


Defenders need to be doing a lot more. What was most alarming, zero


communication. As a centre-half, you have the stop that. You have to come


out of the back four and engage with the centre forward. The defending,


waiting for somebody else to step up. That is what we talked about


before, leadership. We were wanting somebody to lead that back four and


communicate, it did not happen today. Going the other way, England


hardly created anything. They created nothing in the second-half,


not one opportunity. We were hoping they would do but nothing. It was


the wide areas that were the most frustrating areas of the park. This


is good from Dele Alli and this has to come in now. This is what


strikers thrive on. Harry Kane has got a lot of stick at this


tournament, get it in the box and give them something to attack. But,


no. Back onto the left but, it is the best but of Sturridge so he will


do that. I have never seen Raheem Sterling put that in with his life


but anyway but that needs to happen. He does not even react because he


knows that is not coming in. We like to let the back four drop back into


comfortable areas of the park and not get that into the space and


eventually, he becomes predictable. Overloading the bodies and he has


nowhere to go. What you need... Is somebody telling him get the ball in


the box? If you were playing, you would be screaming, I have made a


run, it get it in. Get the ball in the box, what are you doing? How


many times have we seen in the Premier league it is not happening,


switchover. Go to the left is a left footer, Sterling, go to the right


and you might get in a ball. No thought to do that in the game.


Daniel Sturridge does not want to play on the right-hand side he is


not a right fielder, he is a striker. We are putting players in


the systems they do not play for their clubs. I have always said


football is a very hard game in your own position, let alone somebody


else's. And you have to pick players in form, we have made that mistake


over years. And I thought for this tournament, pick players in form,


not who think that they should eat and who have done a job a year ago,


two years ago, players actually in form. Not for the manager to be


loyal. How many wingers were on that plane?


It cannot be right you're playing the first game in the tournament,


then a second and then a third and on the fourth annual still


scrambling around, trying to find your best players and your best


system. That cannot be right. Wright, a bit of credit for Iceland.


Magnificent achievement. Tiny, tiny island, with 300,000 or so people.


An astonishing achievement and they had some good players. Every single


one of them were outstanding. They fought for their team. Sigurdsson


was absolutely outstanding for the 90 minutes. He got the goal, quicker


than anyone at both ends of the pitch. Another set piece causing a


problem. That is a centre-half, by the way. What about this tackle?


Vardy quick, timed to absolute perfection. He was a leader, he


dominated the game. He was exactly what England didn't have. I thought


it was the easiest game in the tournament. England never really


looked like scoring. Throwback football, the old Premier League


about ten years ago, two forward upfront, having absolutely zero


respect for England the way they approach this game. All the other


games we saw, the heat map was in their own box. Here, two strikers up


the pitch. Two players up front, and a rigid 4-4- two. People say you


can't play that formation any more, but these guys show you can. You


have guys willing to run and move and they have a game plan in place


that they all adhered to. And again, you come out, you play, we will get


the ball back off you. The way the manager spoke after the game in his


press Conference, as if to say, we knew we were going to get answers


and we would have time to beat this team and we were confident. And it


was proved. And they out for England. They did. If you put a team


together, to work together as a team rather than individuals, you can win


matches, and that is what they did. They outfought them, alt worked


them. They seemed to want it a lot more in these areas, even when


England were trying to probe. They were fully committed all the time,


working for each other. That is a striker, tracking back, brushing


Dele Alli off the ball like he wasn't even. They did this, that


constantly. Swamps the England players, giving them no time or


space. The amount of miles they put in. A special mention to Gylfi


Sigurdsson, was excellent today. We've had Russia, we didn't beat


them. We had Wales, we beat them in the last minute. We had Slovakia, we


didn't score against them and Iceland tonight to outfought and


outplayed us. I go back to my point earlier. I kept hearing people say,


we had possession, we just need to take our chances. Don't talk about


possession, it's all about putting the ball in the back of the net. The


players caved tonight, as had other is to say. Roy has gone, what is the


answer? Is there an obvious one? I don't know. We have gone for


ultimate experience, people with experience coming out of their ears.


We have gone for a foreign manager. I think we have to go for someone


young, dynamic, who understands the young players coming through. Gareth


Southgate is with the U21 's, he has dumped Italy well with them, he is


with the FA. He is the obvious choice, especially when you look


elsewhere in terms of English managers, unless they go for and


again. That didn't work either. That is the problem, we've just gone


through a time when managers have taken new posts. I want to see the


FA... You wanted to have the job before? Yes, I said that to them and


they said, no, it's a lack of experience. I said, you hire


experienced guys and pay them a bulging and I couldn't do worse.


Germany did it with Jurgen Klinsmann. Would you take it now,


still? Absolutely. I would offer my experience, even if Gareth Southgate


got it, for him to take players in with experience who have been there


and done it, that has to be of benefit or so. There is a person out


there that would say no. There's one here! LAUGHTER


There is not person who would they know, anyone worth their weight in


gold with a bit of confidence would love the challenge. You can't do any


worse than what people have previously done. Sounds like a


Shearer and Ferdinand double act. We will move onto the other match


played today, a repeat of the 2012 final between Spain and Italy. The


sixth meeting between the two side that the European Championships,


making it the most played fixture the tournament's history.


COMMENTATOR: It is being called a final played too soon. They met in


the final of the European Championship four years ago and will


meet in World Cup qualifying for 2018 in Russia. But today it is


Paris, the perfect venue for the big occasion. Italy go back to plan a.


Antonio Conte deciding to go with de Sciglio. Vicente del Bosque goes


with the tried and tested, the same 11 that started all three of their


group games. Danny, when the teams are looking at the pitch, conditions


have changed with this very heavy rain. Morata was getting bear hugs


from his Juventus team-mates from last season. I've always found it


fascinating. Free kick. Juanfran. I think he got the ball. Alessandro


Florenzi on this for Italy. Every white shirt is back.


Perrella, good saves by de Gea! Excellent stops. A super ball in


from Florenzi. Pelle, we have seen him do that so many times the


Southampton, strong in the air. What a great save from de Gea. Spain are


the great safe breakers. Italy a threat at the other end, as well.


The header wasn't bad. Eder. Florenzi. Four in a box for Italy.


Knocked dangerously to the back post. Giaccherini! De Gea again,


brilliant save again. What an effort that was, super save onto the post.


The Italian Stephanie in the ascendancy. Get some balls in the


box and let Pelle use his power. The sun is coming out now. Morata


with the flick. Nolito's touched a David Silva. Back to Nolito. Some


danger here for the real danger now. Fabregas. De Sciglio made the block.


The first bit of quality we have seen from the Spanish, but terrific


defending. David Silva. Morata. Iniesta. Sergio Ramos is appealing


Chiellini fouled him. The referee gestured to Sergio Ramos to get back


to his feet. He has got his shirt. Pelle, Giaccherini. Bonucci has


continued his run and joined Pelle and Eder. De Rossi. De Sciglio.


Arriving late and just unable to guide it. A lovely late run into the


box by Parolo. Good quality ball into the box and Parolo just


couldn't get any time. De Rossi, knocked off by Pelle to


Eder. Brings de Sciglio into play. Ramos! How lucky was he? He is a


lucky boy, Ramos. A good ball across from de Sciglio. Italy have been the


better side. Very, very watchable half an hour. Italy have had the


better of it. Sergio Ramos on Pelle, free kick.


Silly foul from Ramos. Didn't need to dive in. Doesn't need to, just


keep goal side. Giaccherini has left it. Eder or


Baluchi. Eder. De Gea again, and again, not the third time. Italy are


in front! Chiellini scores. Deserved lead. Giorgio Chiellini with the


goal. Richly deserved indeed. Silly foul from Ramos. Free kick on the


edge of the box, always going to be a problem. Decent stop from de Gea,


you could argue he could have got it away from goal. But how hungry and


quick they are on the rebound. If it hadn't ended up in the back of the


net, that was arguably a penalty. Yes. And if it had been given as


such, de Gea probably would have got a red card. Chiellini with the goal,


1-0 to Italy. Poor touch from Nolito. De Rossi.


Nice little nutmeg. Eder, Pelle. Pelle Carizza, looks to his right


that there is to be there. Eder is on the floor. Giaccherini now.


Giaccherini, good try! This game could be out of sight, couldn't it?


Giaccherini, what a shot that is, flying into the top corner.


Unbelievable stop again from that man, de Gea. It is very unlikely


that Spain will be dominated for 90 minutes in this game. Juanfran


getting forward, blocked by Bonucci. Handball, free kick to Spain in a


decent position. David Silva's ball in. Off the head of the Rossi for a


corner. Yes, a good ball in. Done well in that near post position, De


Rossi. Delivered to Maratha! -- Morata. It


would have counted. Italians claiming a push on de Sciglio in the


penalty area, but nothing given. It came off his shoulder. Fabregas for


Spain. I tell you what, there was a little


kick out, wasn't there? Yeah. A lovely flick. Eder, the pace to


get away from Pique. He does. De Gea, once more! Having an


unbelievable game, David de Gea. Without their goalkeeper, they would


already be out of this game. I don't think I've ever seen a keeper better


at one on ones than David de Gea. He stays so big for so long. Great


touch. Brilliant touch. Pelle nicely done. Pique. The referee said play


on. The Italians are absolutely incensed. Safe to say that is


probably one of the poorest decisions I have seen. Pique has got


away with one for. The referee hasn't seen it, by the way... Come


on! That is a good ball. Eder.


Giaccherini ahead of him. De Sciglio. Through de Gea, but not


into his net. It could have been. Not much he hasn't seen and done,


Vicente del Bosque. Maybe his last hurrah. Won back by David Silva.


They are not done yet, Spain. Iniesta, great hit.


Lovely smile from Buffon. Two wise old heads.


Iniesta. Good save. Pique struck it through


and struck it farm. Buffon again. Every sinew of this Italian defence


is going to be tested now. The first time we have seen del Bosque out in


his technical area, getting worried as the game draws on.


Fabregas. That was a foul and the yellow card for Thiago Motta.


Oh, yes. You can see why they are suggesting it could have been more


than a yellow card. Pique! Buffon. Gianluigi Buffon, one


of the greats, in a game saving stop. What a save.


Brexit. That is a wonderful ball. Pelle in the middle. Pelle! Done and


dusted! Italian revenge is sweet! Thrashed in Kiev in the final of


Euro 2012. Italy have not sprayed out of Euro 2016. If there is one


player who deserves a goal tonight, it is that man, Pelle, he has been


absolutely sensational. He has worked tirelessly, held the ball up


and made good runs, what a great finish. Thoroughly deserved. Good


pick out from Darmian, a bit of good luck with the deflection. Smashes


it, no chance for de Gea. Game over. After eight years, the champions of


Europe have been dethroned. Italy march into the last eight of Euro


2016 and deservedly so. It has finished in the Stade de France


Italy two, Spain zero. Let's confirm the quarterfinal


draw... Wales, the only home nation left in the competition, they play


Belgium for a place in the semifinals in Lille on Friday night.


We will also bring live coverage of the heavyweight clash between


Germany and Italy on Saturday evening. Tonight's Iceland heroes


take on France. Not many great players in their side, but


beautifully organised and tactically perfect.


Spot on for the majority of that game, every single player knew their


job. We will have a bit of fun this time. He is a character! What a


strike that was! That is the second goal of the year. That passion


transfers to the team. He is on the sideline kicking every ball and the


players know if you do not produce, he will be down your throat at


half-time. Interesting to see if he goes for three at the back at


Chelsea. He made a good Spain side looked very ordinary today, they


were fantastic. Overall, very impressive and nobody fancied them


at the beginning but they do now. That is it, England have been beaten


by Iceland, a country with more volcanoes than professional football


players. Sweet dreams! Only one space left in the


quarterfinals of Euro 2016. Will it be England or Iceland to try to take


down the hosts in their own capital City? Sterling, is he brought down?


The referee says, he is. And it is the perfect start. Help the cross,


goal, Iceland is level! Flicked off, goal. Sigthorsson. Iceland have


turned it round! England at the moment looked like a mess. Harry


Kane, saved. It hits Hart.


Another massive let off. Never thought it would come to this for


England. The Iceland fans have started the celebrations. It has


missed. England out of the European Now some of Shirley's


trademark clear direction. Which way, which way?


Oh, left.


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