Match Replay: Poland v Northern Ireland Match of the Day

Match Replay: Poland v Northern Ireland

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Welcome to Nice. Northern Ireland in the Euros for the first time in 30


years, they take on Poland. I am Guy Mowbray and joining me is Jerry


Adams strong. -- Gerry Adams strong. It is the Romanian refereeing team.


For Arsenal fans, he is the man who sent off Olivier Giroud.


Michael O'Neill surprised some by reverting to the back four. The team


is led by Stephen Davis. Spearheaded by Kyle Langford E.


Northern Ireland is particularly adept at shutting teams out. Might


not be quite so easy against a team that scored so many goals in


qualifying. Fittingly it will be the captain


Steven Davis who has the honour of kicking the ball at a major


tournament for Northern Ireland Many of the games have started


at quite a brisk pace, I think both sides have gone bit


more defensively minded, it's the same old eulogy of not


wanting to lose your opening game and trying to hold onto what you've


got but I think the game will develop and evolve


over the 20 minutes. Gareth McAuley has left


the first mark of the game, The referee is calling for cool


heads and calm. It was a late challenge on Milik,


who is a bright young star at Ajax. Tried to put it in but couldn't


beat Steven Davis, Piszczek has to rely on the help


of Szczesny, who was quick Jonny Evans only succeeds in giving


the ball to Blaszczykowski. Shane Ferguson of Millwall gets


the ball out of play. Naturally left footed,


he gives them a bit more balance on that left-side playing


in front of Jonny Evans. Milik, strong enough


to keep the ball. The rightback arrived


at the right time but couldn't Excellent play on this right-hand


side, overlap from Lukasz Piszczek. Out for a corner kick,


early pressure from Poland. It seems that Piszczek does


like to get forward. He started out as a striker,


the Borussia Dortmund man. Kept in by Blaszczykowski,


under pressure from Norwood. Here comes Ferguson to win


the ball clearly. Szczesny with a high


starting position again. Was a bit of a toss of a coin


for Adam Nawalka for Artur Boruc of Bournemouth settled


in third place these days. Milik wants the ball


in the middle and Lewandowski Really putting pressure


on Northern Ireland's defence. Their defence has held firm


though far and polling restricted to shooting


from outside the box. Ferguson blocks,


Blaszczykowski fired. Piszczek, missed


by Milik first time. Going to bounce now.


N Ireland really have put in some good


crosses from either flank. Kyle Lafferty forces the defender


to put that one out. Kyle Lafferty, a real enigma


of a player. Didn't kick a ball last season,


frozen out when he went to Birmingham, and yet a regular


scorer at international level. Northern Ireland have been


there before with David Healy Yeah, we pop up with


someone every tournament! That was good play, he put him under


pressure and forced him. There we see the chance


again, Milik swings at it Wasn't a particularly good


challenge by Cathcart. Jonny Evans claims that Lewandowski


threw the arm back towards him Lewandowski the main man,


he has scored more goals than the whole of the Northern


Ireland team put together, But I think it takes more than just


one man to win a game. So far it's an orthodox five


at the back, not wingbacks, Poland are overlapping


players like this on the left-hand side


and they are putting crosses There will be a little


bit of respite here. Closed down very quickly


on this right-hand side. Piszczek likes to get forward,


he's an attacking full-back. We're talking 30 years ago,


Gerry, 34 years. How many beers have you been bought


because of that goal against Spain? I think I've put on about


three stone since then! Can you imagine how many


beers that is? Gerry, like everybody


supporting Northern Ireland, will be hoping that that goal will,


in a few weeks' time, no longer be the most famous scored


by his countrymen. Poland throw, Lukasz


Piszczek will take it. Didn't get the angle,


didn't get the shot on target. There was one mistake there,


Conor McLaughlin sells himself short but look how quickly the others


are coming to close him down He dives in too early,


doesn't give away the free kick. When the cross comes in I like how


quickly he is pressurised there. Jonny Evans squeezing


Milik, the defender. Poland getting some joy down


the sides with their full-backs, That was the intended


recipient but he sold short. Lewandowski won't leap


for that one, Ferguson heads Jedrzejczyk on this left-hand side,


coming in as a left-back replacing the injured player,


he's a right footed player and you can see that, he keeps


checking in on his right foot. There is Jedrzejczyk,


using his left, not to great effect although there was some spin


on the ball but pushed He doesn't look as good on his left


foot as he does on his He prefers to check


back on his right. Blaszczykowski was being urged to go


sooner than he did by Krychowiak. Played predominantly


as a rightback central defender. Poland just being a little more


patient now, still continuing to boss the game in terms


of moving the ball around. I wouldn't be surprised to see how


composed they are in possession. The surprise was that they


had never won a game at the European Championships


new consider their great players. I think that those them


under more pressure. It's been talked about at the last


two European Championships. Most of that on the


shoulders of Lewandowski. Kapustka thought he might


be able to keep that He's 25 yards from goal,


Blaszczykowski, when He needs to get closer to the byline


to put a better cross in to give That is what Michael O'Neill has


done well, you don't go 12 games unbeaten qualifying without having


a bit of organisation Bounce off the referee,


didn't quite go for Norwood Put under pressure, Lafferty now


turns his attentions to Glik. Northern Ireland are starting to


play a bit of football themselves. They need to keep


possession more. What a proud moment


it is for Fleetwood Town. Must be the only Fleetwood Town


player I know to have played Craig Cathcart another


one who has done well. Fleetwood fans will be equally as


proud if and when Jamie Vardy gets I thought he would have


featured last night. Plenty of experience although he has


never been at one of these before. He must have thought this sort


of thing would never happen to him. He's popped up with seven goals


for his country and that's a very I think only Sergio Ramos,


with ten goals, has done better. Gareth McAuley probably fares rather


better in the red card front He has been sent off a lot


for Real Madrid but not so much for his national team,


Spain. A glance between the referee


and his assistant. Szczesny who spent most of last


season on loan at Roma, He is more of a defensive


midfield player, Maczynski, Played some really good football,


got himself in a good position and the ricochet comes off


Conor McLaughlin and it's one of his own team-mates and goes


out for a goal kick. That's a bit unfortunate


from his point of view but there are so many green jerseys


coming to close him down, it's a well-organised performance


so far from Northern Ireland. Ferguson, first chance


he has had for a Paddy McNair was hoping for some


sort of service from Lafferty. Ferguson didn't really have any


option other than the early ball Yes but you can see Northern Ireland


starting to evolve, settle down A bit more encouraging


going forward. Worth pointing out that


Northern Ireland entered the tournament on a run of 12 games


unbeaten, which is the best run Blaszczykowski wins


the corner for Poland. Initially a good challenge


from Ferguson, Blaszczykowski does very well but the cover


from Evans is super. Have seen teams defend without a man


on the post in quite a lot of the games we have seen so far


but Ferguson has gone to the back That was never hitting


the back post. Disappointing from a Polish


point of view, the two centre-halves coming forward,


Krychowiak is good in the To counter the line on the form


of Northern Ireland, Poland pretty impressive themselves, only losing


two of the last 20 games. You can see why with


what we have seen so Can't see why when you have him


on the field, Lewandowski. Lafferty winning it


in the air and chasing Yes, I would like to see service


coming into him better We heard that from Rory McIlroy


before the game, talking about Northern


Ireland's sporting legends. You would think Kyle Lafferty would


be the favourite up front. Armstrong, Hamilton, Clark, George


Best never got to play at a major finals. He was special. Just a bit.


The referee was happy to let that continue but not once he felt


Krychowiak wasn't getting an advantage.


He's a powerful figure in


It had to be headed behind, it was wicked from


I don't think Chris Baird could do much else.


Michael McGovern has not had to make a save so far.


Blaszczykowski to deliver for Poland.


They are in, they are out, they are all over the place


Jonny Evans sliding in, took the ball


Wins the ball and it's definitely a goalkick.


It has come off the Polish player last, Blaszczykowski.


Nice bit of adjustment from Gareth McAuley to clear.


Lewandowski has gone down after a collision with Evans


Now slowly back to his feet, the number nine.


Just at the edge of the penalty area, the


That is two brushes between Evans and


Jonny Evans coming across saying it was accidental.


The green and white army is in fine voice.


Northern Ireland in qualifying had the second lowest possession of


teams that have made it to the tournament,


but the most scoring attempts in their qualifying group


which shows you that the game is changing.


18 goals in ten qualifying games I think is very credible.


The attack down the left-hand side well


Poland have had two thirds of the ball.


And three times as many shots, there or thereabouts, passes rather.


Probably three times as many shots as well.


Pushing players forward, wide left and wide


right, trying to get the right service into Lewandowski.


Michael McGovern not in any great hurry to get the ball away.


I'm sure Michael O'Neill will have told his


Absolutely, longer it goes like that the better it will


Lewandowski gone down again, the referee was in a good position


Isn't fussed whatsoever by the challenge from Lafferty.


Fair challenge, and excellent goalkeeping


Here is Jedrzejczyk, he will want it on his


He's crossed it three times with his left foot and


it's been poor, you can see he's not natural on the left side and that's


why he's checking back on his right foot.


That bodes well for Northern Ireland as Shane Ferguson, a little


and large show they are but showing a lot of determination.


In that deeper role, Milik, again the run


Just starting to see a bit of frustration from


I don't think Pazdan was too impressed by the challenge from


Lewandowski, through the legs of Baird.


Good run from Milik, does really well,


change of direction on


Decent effort well covered by Michael McGovern.


First real shot on target and it's taken 28 minutes.


Evans, had more time than it at first appeared he had.


Very nice control, to shift the ball away from Kapustka.


Lafferty was so concerned with Glik that he couldn't get any timing into


I would like to see them hit him on the chest


with the ball, hold the ball up then he will get supporting play from


Paddy McNair is playing more as a central midfielder now.


Oliver Norwood on his left and Steve Davis on his right.


Got a good chunk of the ball but Kapustka has won the free


Past the half-hour mark, still Northern Ireland 0-0 Poland.


This is Piszczek, this is Glik, this is Milik!


Easily the best piece of play in the game.


You expect a player of Milik's stature


He skips around the last defender and


then leans back and puts it over the top and that is a big miss for


He was so composed, whether he took the ball, whether he waited


24 goals for Ajax last season, 21 of those in the Dutch league.


Iconic posters of him in the Juventus shirt.


It looks like he's playing at the front of a diamond.


Certainly more advanced than I've seen him


Blaszczykowski stopped him and the referee stops the attack.


I thought it should have been a Northern


Ireland one, as it came off the Polish player last


and through the legs of Shane Ferguson.


Well spotted by the Romanian referee.


The first time that Gareth McAuley has decided to go forward.


on set plays and they need to get forward into the Polish third much


Paddy McNair might have to go back to Chris Baird.


Norwood delivers a pretty mean free kick and corner too.


Nine of Northern Ireland's 16 goals in


Six from corners, three indirectly from


Lafferty just very strongly manoeuvred Glik out of his


He looks around and then he runs back into Glik.


Steven Davis then turns his attentions successfully to


Pazdan was caught under a lot of pressure from Steven Davis


and he felt it came off Pazdan, but the linesman


He pushes the ball onto it and then everyone appeals for it.


Krychowiak has been winning trophies in Europe as a Sevilla player.


The Europa League pretty much belongs to


Kapustka wasn't afraid of shooting, but not where the target


In contrast, a pretty good effort from Northern Ireland.


Yes, they might not have registered an attempt on


goal worthy of the name, but they are keeping Poland out


Steven Davis, when he pressured the defender, it showed


you under a lot of pressure they can be caught out.


The deflection took it against the corner flag.


Now it has gone behind for a corner that has been won by


It looked like the ball was going to go out of play.


It hits the corner flag, gets a bit of good


fortune, and then the clever nutmeg on Gareth McAuley and wins the


Michael McGovern ready, with Milik taking.


Well done Kyle Lafferty, near post, on


Poland pushing everybody up bar Lukasz Piszczek.


Awkward one, the Polish fans appeal for handball, here is Kapustka!


Well, he's adjusted very well to get his knee over the top


This ball not really dealt with very well, maybe


Look at the quick movement from Kapustka.


I think it hit Kyle Lafferty on the


thigh, but that's an excellent save from Michael McGovern.


Pretty close to him but moving quickly and needed


Two good chances in the last ten minutes for Poland.


Pazdan tries to guided towards goal but finds only the side netting.


Three or four players come down and somehow it finds its way


to the back post and then it's a sea of green


shirts getting in the way before it hits the side netting.


Cathcart didn't quite get it completely away.


I'm impressed with the number of green shirts that


seem to want to get in the way and block attempts.


Very willing to get in the way of the attempted shots


When it hits him and goes up onto the arm, you can't


Lewandowski looking to impose himself.


He's not really had too many opportunities.


He goes in between Gareth McAuley and Jonny Evans and there's no way


There's no love lost between Jonny Evans and


That is the best effort and a great save from Michael


Four and a half minutes and a little bit more for Northern


Ireland to keep on doing what they're doing and hold out until


half-time, although with every passing minute that seems to be a


He waited for the contact from Oliver


Norwood and you can see he wants to go down.


Clever play there from Krychowiak too.


Lovely bit of skill from Jakub Blaszczykowski.


You can see he was looking at Krychowiak, looking to


get the free kick, and he's gone down


far too easily, says the


I just know I'm going to regret saying this at some point, but the


They seem intent on letting the game flow as much as possible.


He goes down for no reason and grabs the


CHUCKLES They might need him in the second


part if they are searching for a creative player


Jedrzejczyk got his head down and won it.


Looks like it was Craig Cathcart, or was


He's in full flight here, plays the 1-2.


I don't think he can stop him, there.


Piszczek is darting in from right back here.


They form a really good partnership down the right for Poland.


In from Piszczek, but straight into the


You can see he is naturally right footed,


Piszczek, and he's cutting in on his right foot.


They can't get the right angle on the pass with their weaker


Lafferty, all very well winning those, but where are they


No one is close enough to him to support him, there.


No time added on to the end of the first half.


No goals but Poland have dominated from the start a


Milik went close, might have hit the target.


When they finally did through Kapustka Michael McGovern


So far so good for the men in green, Northern Ireland


holding out for a hero, who will it be?


It is Poland zero, Northern Ireland zero.


As Poland get ready to start the second half, Paddy McNair has made


the way for Stewart Dallas for Northern Ireland. Stewart Dallas


missed the final warm up game against Slovakia because he was


getting married. His wife is here on honeymoon. Let us hope she has got


something to cheer by the end of the evening. There he is, straight


involved. No changes for Poland, more people plugging away. As the


players were getting ready to retake the field, Robert Lewandowski was


chewing the ear off the referee. He was trying to get more joy in terms


of decisions, he has not, he has not had a clear-cut chance. Jedrzejczyk.


Chased by Davis, to no avail. In the confusion, it has gone all the way


back. Pazdan. Polish fans were the first


to get tuned into the second half. Immediate response from those in


green. Davies. McLauchlan. Dallas. Pazdan


had to come across and help. Stuart Dallas, you can see why he was


brought on. He will put them under pressure.


Davis. Our little too tight for that to work. Davis is having words with


Oliver Norwood. Glik. It is Krychowiak. Piszczek.


Glik. It is not the service he is accustomed to while wearing a Bayern


Munich shared. I think they might have to make a change.


That's what you call an impact player!


Milik forced to take the Long Way round.


Again well-organised defending from Northern Ireland.


Krychowiak, pestered by Davis.


when they are playing across the park in a game


Northern Ireland starting to get them a bit.


That's a loose ball, picked off easily


And when the ball is finally put in the Northern Ireland net it's


because of an accomplished finish from Arkadiusz Milik.


It's cut back for Milik, he gets one touch inside the box,


the ball goes through the defender's legs.


It's his first touch and it does go through the legs of Craig Cathcart.


I think he is on side, Michael McGovern.


But an excellent strike from Milik, 1-0 Poland.


It has got Adam Nawalka up on the bench, his former World Cup


team-mate Zibi Boniek celebrating in the stands.


If one doesn't get you, the other one will.


Blaszczykowski did well on the wing as welcome his cross was excellent.


Now Northern Ireland will have to be a lot more adventurous.


You think maybe Kyle Lafferty needs a friend up there.


There's two or three players warming up down below.


Conor Washington and Jamie Ward is the other one.


Will Grigg as well, but I have heard reports that he's on fire!


They're certainly going to have to change the tactics.


Northern Ireland have to come out and play a bit now.


They could only hold out for so long.


Good run from Stuart Dallas, the pass just


Won by Cathcart, straight up into the air.


Evans had to improvise with the lift.


Shane Ferguson unable to find Oliver Norwood.


There is now the danger, if Northern Ireland push up,


That is something Michael will want to avoid.


They have to get a response in the next five or ten minutes.


He is technically a very good player, Blaszczykowski.


On loan to Fiorentina from Borussia Dortmund last season.


Spent some time under Jurgen Klopp's tutelage in Dortmund.


His brother Ryan has just been freed by Liverpool.


It should be a Northern Ireland throw and it is.


I think he wanted to take the ball on, he had 20 or 30


Steve Davis does brilliant here, brilliant determination.


My first instinct is that that was intentional from Oliver


It's a free kick and a chance, as I say, Northern Ireland are very


He knocks it on and you can see Glik completely bundles it over.


Gareth McAuley has come forward, as have Craig Cathcart.


Northern Ireland were set piece Kings in qualifying.


Norwood, a fine deliverer of the dead ball.


Chris Baird on the move, McAuley poised.


Well, he needed to clear the man at the front.


He doesn't feel he's had as many as he should


That is why the free kick has been given.


Northern Ireland closing down, just a little bit


more intense now, it has got to be.


Touch from Cathcart, cleared by Ferguson.


Lafferty on Glik, and he was on Glik, not really having any real


I think Glik puts his arm across him and looks for the free kick.


Blaszczykowski, there it goes Piszczek.


Three in the middle, Piszczek makes his own way there.


Milik has gone in late, and needlessly.


Frustration at the final ball, though.


He comes sliding in, totally unnecessary.


Michael McGovern now pushes a few more forward.


It's a really difficult ask for Kyle Lafferty.


If he does jump for them and win their header,


Other times he feels he can't jump for them.


They've got Josh Magennis and Jamie Ward warming up now.


Kapustka has grown into the game, the teenager for Poland.


Krychowiak of Krakow, Poland's oldest side.


It's another throw which is contested.


Milik, Lewandowski, through to Kapustka.


Well caught by Conor McLaughlin, he followed the run of Kapustka


all the way through, lovely pass from Lewandowski


but again the defender is there to block it.


I think my money was slightly on corner.


More pace in the Poland attacks and more space


in the Northern Ireland half for them.


Steven Davis just with the arm, that is what has forced


Didn't particularly force him to the floor.


I think he was stumbling anyway and he wants the free


Poland will be content to do this for some time longer yet.


They are in the driving seat, they have the one goal lead and can


bide their time to try and go for a second.


I think we are going to see a change.


Looks like Conor Washington is ready to come into action.


Easy ball across to Pazdan from Glik.


Steven Davis is urging green shirted players to come out and help them


Won by Baird but he couldn't get going, the first yellow card


It was a mistake capitalised on by Chris Baird and Kapustka


He's not done badly at trying to get the ball to be fair to him


but you can't challenge from behind these days and he gets


Kyle Lafferty will have a strike partner.


Change of formation, change of strategy, 4-4-2.


His fifth cap overall and he has scored in two of his last three.


Wonderful ball in from Stuart Dallas and look at the big


centre-half getting up, Pazdan, it is headed by Gareth


66 minutes played, big moment, first corner of the match


McAuley trying to get out of the crowd, it's over him


and Szczesny made absolutely sure, that's the punch of the tournament.


That's gone a long, long way, that's what you want, length,


distance, as far away from your penalty area as possible.


It would do wonders for Northern Ireland's confidence


if they can just spend a bit more time in the Polish half now.


Unfortunately not so proficient on his left foot, Stuart Dallas,


Potentially another fairytale in the making with Conor Washington


playing on the stage having made his debut against Wales


Not so long ago he was still working as a postman.


He is good, Blaszczykowski on this right-hand side.


I think he's trying to whip it across for someone to slot


But nobody is there, excellent break from Poland.


One of the best players on the field.


He is the reason why the first goal came around,


he created the opportunity for Milik.


It was a bit of a cruncher on Robert Lewandowski.


Went through on him, caught him on the follow-through,


Chance for the players to take on some water.


It a warm old evening in Nice, sorry if you are under water at home.


1-0, just over 20 minutes of the game to go.


The goal came early in


the second half, scored by Milik of Ajax.


McAuley got in the way of the shot, McGovern


scampering across to prevent the corner.


Again, Blaszczykowski showing his style and technique,


first touch was good, get it on the right foot and it's blocked,


McAuley really only has one way to go.


Forward by Cathcart, Laverty winning at but


again there is nobody to


He felt he was caught by Dallas, kept in by


Excellent touch from Washington, showing great pace.


Szczesny shows great awareness to meet it.


What an introduction that


would have been for Conor Washington.


Super piece of play down the right-hand side, second touch


maybe a little bit heavy but Szczesny was quick to come out and


Excellent goalkeeping from the Arsenal man.


Last appearance in the Premier League was New Year's


Made one appearance at the European Championship four


years ago, on home soil, sent off against Greece, 1-1


Poland have never scored more than one in any game


One might be all they need this evening.


You made the point, the last two championships, still


The headed touch from Conor Washington,


it's so tight at the end, the bravery from Szczesny, coming to


Lafferty down, free kick Northern Ireland.


Some confusion, wondering if Michael McGovern should


come up to take it but the thought better of it.


Krychowiak in front of him, he got the header and put it out for a


Across comes Evans to help out the struggling Cathcart,


All fair between them this time but a little nudge late on


And a kick from behind from Lewandowski.


Pretty sure West Brom would not be playing Bayern Munich next season.


Shame, would love to see a reprisal between these two.


Could be fun if Leicester draw them however couldn't


Got the better of Baird, here is Blaszczykowski.


The build-up was excellent but the finish from Maczynski was poor.


Coming up to the 30 minute mark of the second half.


Here we are, eight miles away so from Monte Carlo and


the time is right now for Northern Ireland to gamble.


Something special attempted by Kyle Lafferty.


This is the stage and the


He hasn't really had to many opportunities, has he?


The holding man in the middle has gone


off and Jamie Ward comes on, from Nottingham Forest.


He's going to tuck in just behind Lafferty.


He makes these lovely little darting runs in the


Norwood, a little more defensive responsibility on Steve Davis now,


Great support coming from the green and white army.


Willing their team on to get them a goal.


Conor Washington thought they


I thought he was pushed in the back by


He was trying to poke it through to Kapustka.


Washington just caught on


his heels and allowed Glik to win it for Poland.


Poland are going to make their first substitution of the match.


Thomas Jodlowiec is going to come on.


It is Krzysztof Maczynski who is coming


off, the defensively minded midfielder who can play centre-back.


He will try and hold it and keep it and make


sure that Poland get the


I remember England doing that last night...


Gerry Armstrong's cup is never half empty, always half full.


I will settle for a nice moment, or a Nice


It's come to McLaughlin, who seemed as surprised as we were.


He seemed in a brilliant position at


It's there, the defenders have gone to sleep.


His first touch, just ricochets off him.


Kapustka was two or three yards on the wrong side.


Another Polish change, Jakub Blaszczykowski coming


off and it's going to be Kamil Grosicki, who we expected to start


the game but has been nursing an ankle problem.


This is a pretty strong replacement for him.


He plays in France with Rennes and has scored


four goals in his last half a dozen international games for Poland.


He scored two goals in his first 30 games for his nation.


Four of those against Gibraltar, I'm not saying that like


On the plus side I think Northern Ireland have defended


But there are other players in the side who are


very good attacking wise and one of them


That is the difference between the two


The difference between the two sets of supporters


is that there is a palpable sense of nervousness among


the Polish and a party going on with the Northern Ireland!


Blasted towards goal and that was Grosicki's


It's just nicked off the toe of Evans.


Confusion there between the two players.


Cathcart got in front of Lewandowski.


Took it away from Robert Lewandowski.


I think they were both onside, yeah, they


And Milik hits the target but good positioning from Michael


Still in the game with nine minutes to go.


It could be a


Listen to the Northern Ireland fans getting behind


Good response by Poland supporters, scarves aloft, singing as well.


They suffered great disappointment four years ago when, as co-hosts,


Took the edge off the tournament in many ways, took some of the shine


I think the pressure tells when you are host nation.


France certainly have to cope with that and


we saw it in their match against Romania.


You think about how far they've come since then.


Euro 2012, Northern Ireland failed to pull of


Ayhan finished fifth out of six in their


qualifying group, only the


Again, you can lose to the Faroe Islands and only improve,


He hasn't done bad this season, I tell


Lewandowski hanging back, Milik in the area.


There's a bit of a nervousness about Poland.


They're hanging in there with seven minutes to go.


Kapustka can't afford another foul, in the book as he is.


Lafferty trying to run away from Pazdan but a


Lewandowski just guilty of following in with the


He's looked out of sorts, Lewandowski.


He doesn't get the same service for Poland as he gets for


I know he scored five goals in nine minutes but this isn't


the sort of platform it's going to happen on.


Oliver Norwood over the


My goodness, what a clever free kick.


As you say can he can't sort his stride out and hit it first


But that's a set play they've worked really well.


Very good on their set play free kicks and he's


inches away from making a good contact.


Should he have taken a


Michael is just geeing them up, come on, we want one more last


First man to ever lead Northern Ireland to the European


First to a major tournament since 1986.


It's worked up to a point for him today.


I think they've won a throw in from that


Adam Nawalka is going to make his last


A rather officious man in a suit was preventing him from doing


Krychowiak, breezes away from Washington to shoot!


Krychowiak strong, aggressive, drives through the middle.


It opens up for him and he has a crack from


That's not far away from the far post.


Have a look at that, Michael McGovern was striding


It is the youngster, Kapustka, who is coming off.


Kapustka off, having just enhanced his reputation over the last 87


Slawomir Peszko, once of Wolves, where he didn't exactly shine too


Now back in his homeland, with Legia Gdansk.


His time at Molineux was beset by a knee injury.


Met by Glik, won back in Northern Ireland by Stuart Dallas.


Dallas on to it again, and he beats Piszczek and he's fouled by


Excellent play, he's going to get him a yellow card.


A lovely piece of passing movement and Stuart Dallas


An opportunity for a good delivery here.


He needs a better delivery this time.


Poland's turned to bring everybody back on defensive duties.


For Norwood, it's all about the right


In it comes from Norwood but it's beaten everybody.


The Polish national anthem, translated, goes by the title of


But at the moment they have not yet won.


We await what it says on the added time


Good ball, here comes Szczesny, collides with his own man.


Lafferty has the ball belted against him.


I think Szczesny is in trouble, usually been brave and clattered


Full momentum into the face of Piszczek.


Don't think there's too much concern for the players, the Polish player


It was an excellent ball that needed to be


He's had little to do that everything he has


And we haven't always said that about him


But getting a run of games with Roma, it


can bring your confidence back again.


Piszczek is OK, even if he does think it is Thursday.


Szczesny to launch it, the Polish fans


The Northern Ireland party will continue


Almost time for them to paint the town red and white.


The 90 minutes are up, whatever the referee


Last night it looked like it was all over and the


goal came in the 91st, 92nd minute was it?


Might present just one final chance to get the ball forward.


Good work to close down Jonny Evans however.


Lewandowski still working for the team.


Norwood, has to go along and


Under pressure, giving the ball away.


Don't think it will be long before time runs out


Three and a half minutes of added time


Will be a little more because of the collision


Virtually the full length of the field.


The other history makers, at the seventh


attempt they finally win a game at the European Championships.


A game they only needed one goal to win.


Time to party for Poland were as for the men


in green it's off to Lyon where they will have to try and get


Final score Poland 1-0 Northern Ireland.


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