Match Replay: Semi-Final: Portugal v Wales Match of the Day

Match Replay: Semi-Final: Portugal v Wales

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Welcome to the full match rerun of the most historic occasion yet in


the history of Welsh football. It is the first semifinal of the European


jabbing chip, Portugal against Wales. I'm your match commentator


and joining me is Danny Murphy. -- European Championship. Wayne


Hennessey plays behind a defence which a change for the first time in


France. Collins coming in for the banned Davies. The Premier League


winner Andy King comes in hoping to follow the lead of Ramsey in


providing chances for Gareth Bale and the man who might even have


upstaged him, Hal Robson-Kanu. Depleted by two. Suspensions with


Portugal and Wales and Pepe not even fit enough for the bench.


Has taken his place just behind. I am sure he can fall out from there.


Together stronger, the Welsh motto. They really do live by it. It is a


together team getting ready to kick off their country's first ever major


tournament football semifinal. It is Portugal in the pale mint


green and Wales in grey and bright green change strip, for only the


second time in the tournament. The other was in losing against England


but that seems like a different time. It seems a long time ago. Uefa


have decreed Portugal, technically being the home listed team, the dark


red kit was not allowed to clash with the darkness of the Wales


change strip. We have the ludicrous situation of neither team in their


preferred red. Wales try to take it the Portugal straightaway. Danny


Murphy is with me for the match. Can this dream go on? Yes, it can. What


a rendition that was, by the way. The hairs on the back of my neck


were to attention. A good start for Wales. Passing well. The main thing


we are going to see, Wales without the creativity of Ramsay, who was


pivotal in the last game. Hopefully, we can. Hopefully, we can. Contrary


to most of the hype it is not about Rinaldo against Bale. These are two


teens. Portugal have managed largely without their star man. Topping the


ball 19 times in the entire match. The first free kick of the goes


against Joe Allen. Get away with those earlier in the game. Rinaldo.


A shimmy and a shake. Jose Rondon. Portugal will continue with the


composed approach to football. It has always been the way of Fernando


Santos. The young man in the team. Getting the ball away.


And here is Williams. James Collins. His first start actually since that


3-0 win in Israel in qualifying. His only appearance in the qualifying


campaign. Very experienced. A really good header of the ball. Important


on set plays. We can see how dangerous Wales can be when they get


good deliveries into the opposition box. Joe Allen. Could not take it


under control. Allowed it to run to them on man you do not want it


running two. He feels he is felt by Ashley Williams. He felt it was a


perfect tackle by the Swansea man. Robson-Kanu. He has been penalised


for handball. I thought he shovelled it. Cristiano Ronaldo is fuming. He


thinks it was a foul. I have the say it looked like a free kick from


here. Got some of the ball, actually. A good tackle by Ashley


Williams. Wales will not mind that being part of the plan very early


on. Cristian Ira now though rattled. -- Cristiano Ronaldo rattled.


Collins steers it away from you know who. Coming across to take the flow.


Still pointing the finger and mumbling towards the referee.


Mario. Bruno Alvez. Picked ahead of, Leo. It is sensible. I think he has


got a bit more athleticism. In the back of the mind of the manager must


be the pace of Gareth Bale. Fonte. Giving Narnia chase. Williams


is across. -- Nani chase. I think that is why he has kept in in the


middle of the three. Renato Sanches. Portugal have to go back to come


forward. Guerreiro. Closed down by the ever willing Chris Gunter.


Gunter denied winning his 73rd, making him joint fifth on the


all-time Welsh list with Peter Nicholas and Ian Rush. Great name.


He is doing something they never got to do, starring in a major


championship. Renato Sanches. He might be a start to come in the


future. -- superstar. Ronaldo. Joao Mario. Collins can step across in


front of Guerreiro. Welsh goalkick. Cagey start. Both teams,


understandably so, getting a feel for it, knocking the ball around.


Not been a high press from either side. An easy way in on such a big


occasion. White normal. -- quite normal. Portugal managed against


Poland when they were behind after 100 seconds. I think I'm right to


say they came from behind in the game against Hungary as well. They


seem to start rather slowly. They have done the same again. They are


not trying to get on the front foot. They are just sitting in. Three


times against Hungary in this stadium. Wales of course had to do


it the hard way in their last round. Against Belgium. Gunter.


Robson-Kanu. He arguably scored the goal of the tournament and he is


spinning and turning and showing his skill once more. Bale. Gunter is


wide. Bale was only ever going to cut inside. Great play from


Robson-Kanu. Nice and strong. A good touch. What you want from a striker


early in the game. He has lost it. He lost it twice. He has recovered


this time. The referee has deemed that challenge a foul. Cristiano


Ronaldo Rinaldo has gone across to -- Cristiano Ronaldo has gone across


to take an issue with it and that is a booking. Definite booking, Joe


Allen. Sloppy. A bit nervous. Legs not going as quickly as your brain


is telling them. Sometimes on a big stage in a big game, I have been


there myself, he needs to sharpen up and play a bit quicker. He has been


absolutely mirthless in the games before this tournament. --


nerveless. Fonte. Before he could be blocked by


Bale. Safely back to Wayne Hennessey. A little bit of a fumble.


Gunter. Mets to be in Mexico tomorrow for his brother's wedding.


Not sure he is going to make it. As are his parents. I am sure they


understand. Biggest game of his life. There are some stories like


that around the Welsh camp. Joe Ledley has had to postpone his


wedding which was this weekend in IB that. Chris Coleman might this the


birth of his child. Incredible, isn't it? What a wonderful story for


these guys. There will be other weddings and other kids. There might


not be another semifinal. Neil Taylor missing a John say concert.


-- concert. Here is Guerreiro. Two balls on the pitch. They will have


two through the original in one small. -- have to throw. Here is


Renato Sanches. Scored a delicious equaliser against Poland. That is a


good cross. Wayne Hennessey stays back. James Collins did his work for


him. Joao Mario. Another good ball. Cristiano Ronaldo winding up for the


big one. It should be his again. And he is already showing that familiar


trait of being frustrated and wanting all about his own way. Maybe


he has a case with Collins wrapping his arm. Fantastic header. His arm


is on him a little bit. But brilliant. Sticking with your man


and making sure you are not beaten. Crucial.


Never been any doubt of Cristiano Ronaldo's talents, but he knows


every trick in the book and has written a couple of new chapters


B-sides. Forward by Pepe. Just a little bit too far in front of Andy


King. He makes terrific runs from the midfield area. If he keeps doing


that, he will get in. He is really good at timing those runs. Good


effort from Gareth. Fonts. Collins, saw that Bale was going.


Even he cannot catch that want to keep it in. It is OK. This is the


header again. He does get away with that little bit. What a leap.


Especially with Ronaldo's ability in the air. Crucial you stay close to


him when the ball is wide. You always catch your breath when his


arms are raised like that. He has to be careful. If the referee sees that


a few more times, he could punish him. Knocked down by Adrien Silva.


The midfielder has his cross blocked Azubuike Egwuekwe. -- King.


Cedric. Not his best cross. They have obviously talked about getting


crosses into the box. They have put more balls into the box in the first


12 minutes of this game than I have seen in any other game. It is a good


ploy when you have someone who can head the ball as good as Ronaldo in


there. Chris Gunter. Good spring from Bruno Alves to get above


Robson-Kanu. What an amazing story this has been as this tournament has


gone on. Wouldn't mind being his agent right now. He is in a great


position, but he deserves it. He works hard for the team. Two goals


here in France for his country, doubling what he has scored in 30


games. Only scored five for Reading last season.


It has helped he has had the calibre of players like Bale Aaron Ramsey


alongside him? Definitely, definitely. Ronaldo was


dispossessed. Hennessy, clear. Not the best or most confidence. Gareth


Bale was caught waiting for it, I allowed Adrien Silva in.


Tentative start from both teams. Nobody committing too many men


forward. Portugal making good progress in


knocking the ball around nicely. Ronaldo was fouled. The advantage


was signalled by the referee and it very nearly paid off for Portugal.


Best move of the game. Nice and patients. Joao Mario, just pulls the


shot wide, but a good passage of play from the Portuguese. Better.


Portugal are perennials in the semifinal, just about. They have


reached four of the last five championships. This is new territory


for anybody who has ever put on a Welsh shirt.


Bruno Alves. Must have had a bit of a shock when he looked up and saw


Hal Robson-Kanu was so close to him. Bale with the Little shift. Good run


from Gareth Bale. Nice and positive, but the birds time getting in behind


Fonte. He has to use that pays. It scares defenders all over the world.


Opportunity knocks for Wales. Ashley Williams, who headed them level


against Al Jim last time out. He comes, the captain to take his place


in the queue. Set pieces crucial for Wales. They have some big boys in


there. Something different! Bale! Caught nearly everybody out. Clever


corner from Wales. Couldn't quite wrap his foot around it. Have used


that one a few times myself. Catching the other team sleeping. I


think with the aerial power they have got, it is difficult to score


from the edge of the box when the ball is going away from you. Shows


the confidence in the team because of the work they have been doing.


Now Ronaldo has had to shake his head and apologise.


Chester. Nicely poked through to Joe Ledley. Good, patient build-up from


Wales. Good decision-making. Joe Allen had to think on his feet.


Bale. Good ball in! Didn't get the touch from Andy King. Nice feel to


the way Wales are going forward. Bale getting in behind using his


pace and power. Good run from Andy King. But much more positive.


There is the 18-year-old again. Raphael Guerreiro. Ronaldo. Bale,


skips past the Nilo, who dived in. Bale goes the goal. It is a shot on


target. Very comfortably saved by Rui Patricio. Bale is getting going.


Once you get him on his left foot, you expect a better strike than


Matt. Straight down the keeper's throat, but superb play again.


Collins, just got up high enough. Portugal corner. The game is


starting to fears. Bit more end to end. Good play again from James


Collins. One of its strengths in his own box, in the air. Joao Mario. It


wasn't the worst corner you will ever see. Nobody dared to attack it


and Hennessy didn't have to come for it. Doesn't quite capture it. Nice


and comfortable for the goalkeeper. Really positive run. Positive start,


by and large, from Wales. Ten goals at the tournament so far. Only


France more and that is due to the five they put past Iceland. You mean


anyone can score and put them past Iceland, is that what you are trying


to say? Not at all. Just one mention of England. Only one more UK team


has scored more than Wales at a major tournament and that was by Sir


Alf Ramsey's men in 1966. Nothing we have seen in the game so far has


suggested it will not happen. Clips it in nicely. Andy King lot in front


of Fonte and it was a good bit of defending to put it behind. Super


run from Hal Robson-Kanu. Andy King loves to get in the box. Three times


already he has got in, trying to get on the end of crosses. Might have


been an important deflection. Good defending. This looks like a


more straightforward corner from Joe Ledley. Taylor goes with him.


Excellent work by Taylor. Just to heavy out by Gunter. Portugal


through. -- Portugal thrown. Could not find Renato Sanches. He did not


give up on it. He has picked out Taylor. Looking for Ronaldo. Well


held, Hennessy. You can see that coming. You worry when a player is


trying to usher it out. I always used to say when I was playing, get


out, do not take the risk. We have seen it so many times, sneaking in.


With the ball and causing problems. Ashley Williams. Waiting for it. In


came Guerreiro. And back he goes once more. Ashley Williams is


holding his hand up and Gareth Bale is saying, why did you not chase


that? I agree with him. He should have gave it a chase. Was well


within his grasp. Maybe having a rest after that run we saw minutes


ago. Fonte. Bruno Alvez. Watch him when Portugal gets a free kick and a


corner, highest scoring defender in international history, ten


international goals. Good awareness from Ledley. The Bale. Gunter.


Solid stuff from Raphael Guerreiro. Helped out Danilo. Mario nosy has


got to go here. In he comes to sort it out for Wales. Adrien Silva. Joao


Mario. Renato Sanches. Looking for the


ball. Questioned by the French coach this


week. I think it is a condiment. So composed. -- compliment. On the ball


again. It bypassed Raphael Guerreiro. Wales clearing. They are


having to soak a little bit up now. Ronaldo. Raphael Guerreiro's cross


is met by Williams. King. Danilo. Soares lets fly and that is what the


ball does. Not the best effort. But he is capable. The Portuguese


supporters have been buoyed by the last couple of minutes, seeing their


team dominated possession in the Welsh half. I think one thing we can


be sure, there is nothing to fear from this side. They look more than


capable of opening the Portuguese out. The pace and positiveness of


Bale in the early stages. This time he is deeper. Looking for Andy King.


Ledley place it behind Gunter. -- plays it. Allen. Awkward for Bruno


Alvez, slightly. He does his job. Chester. 30 tentative minutes


played. Collins. Taylor. They all call for it. Taylor look instead to


the centre. Did not put his cross and there. That was poor from


Taylor. Just give the ball to the better players. Let them do it. Let


them create the chaos, make the magic.


The fans have warmed up their throats a little bit more. Getting


into full cry. Chris Coleman looks relaxed enough for now. I am sure if


it stays like this he will reemphasise his general message to


the players at half-time. No fear. Robson-Kanu. King. Here is Allen.


Renato Sanches. Always seems to be the Portugal player most willing to


receive. Looks full of confidence, full of running. Composure on the


ball as well. The young man. As really impressed me as the


tournament as regressed, his performances. -- has progressed.


Joao Mario. Nani. Adrien Silva. On for the shot. Just wanted it to be a


little bit tighter in front of him. Strong message from Fernando Santos


to the men in pale mint green. Can Renato Sanches show what he is


all about by taking penalty number two in the quarterfinal? Great


mentality. Ronaldo is not hanging back to number five these days after


what happened some years ago. Last semifinal of the Euros in


Donetsk, losing against Spain on penalties. 4-2. Ronaldo was waiting


for the moment and he never got the chance. Here he goes now. We are a


bit away from that tonight yet. Got that feel already. Kind of. A very


tight. Very even. As the game goes on you will see a bit of tiredness


and space. We might not get to extra time. Let's hope it improves a


little bit. Fonte. He wanted more movement in front of them. Joao


Mario obliges. That is going to move too far in front of Renato Sanches.


Perplexed expressions on Portuguese faces, not least his.


King. A foul. Free kick, Wales. Good feet, Andy King. He has done well.


He has got big shoes to fill this evening and has really done well. He


got himself in the box and made an impression. He only started nine of


Leicester's Premier League games last season. Hamstring injury. And


he could not get in. Such a group. -- grew.


Cedric Suarez. Danilo. It has moved away from him. And there is Fonte.


Looking for Ronaldo. Collins. He seemed to lose Ronaldo for a minute


but never lost sight of where the ball was going.


Chester. Joe Allen had a little glance. Adrien Silva was giving him


a bit of space this time. Allen. Robson-Kanu pulling away. The ball


towards is not accurate enough. He will cover and prevent the corner.


Ledley. Ledley. Taylor. Bale. Lost it. Nani


left it. Ronaldo returns. Might have a problem. They have got numbers


back. Renato Sanches to fire it in. Collins watched it. Good defending


again. That man, James Collins. Right place at the right time.


Danilo. Joao Mario. Renato Sanches. Ronaldo doesn't want


it. Even with his -- does want it. Even with his leap he is not going


to get there. Clattering right over the top of Hal Robson-Kanu. I do not


know why he does that, Ronaldo. This is the foul. No argument here.


Throws his arm up, looking at the bench, blaming people. Just using up


your energy for nothing. Get on with it. Just out of your picture he has


got a major comp on at the moment. There he is. He is back now.


Collins. King. I thought for one second he might just get there. He


did not manage it. Goalkick, Portugal. They are try to mix their


game. Try to get people on the diagonal with the long ball.


Sometimes they are playing short, building up. I like the variation in


the Welsh game. Not quite coming off for them yet. But very difficult to


play against a team mixing up their pace so well. With the exception of


Gareth Bale they are all British raised players. They are not looking


like a British team to watch tonight. They look like a


continental team the way they are knocking it around. They have done a


lot of hard work in training. You can see that from the movement, the


rotations, playing the system 3-5- two. They have to work on it and


they do. You can see that. Credit to Chris Coleman and his staff, of


course. They have been through the bad times to get to these lofty


heights. Trial three at the back with a qualifying match against


Andorra, almost winning from a late Gareth Bale free kick. Only winning


14 competitive games since but almost scrapped before they started.


So was Chris Coleman. He had a tough time and he got a bit of stick. Some


patience and perseverance and look where they are today. Unbelievable.


It is a game of patience and perseverance. Renato Sanches did not


show any here. Portugal are the taking. Hal


Robson-Kanu. To grips with Danilo. Raphael Guerreiro, found some space.


Ronaldo was quickly closed by Collins. Superb again. Spots danger,


get out quickly and get the block. Hasn't put a foot wrong, yet.


Joao Mario, gives the signal. Bruno Alves at the back. That was always


the keeper's. Missed the first game with an injury, but so many of these


Wales players have grown. James Chester hardly got a looking at West


Brom. But nailed it in France for their country. And for those people.


Sometimes you find a formula that works for a certain group of


players. Definitely worked for the Welsh. Taylor. That should be really


open should cheer with ease. -- Rui Patricio. Waiting for Wales to make


the first big thing in the game. Nani stumbles. Chester with the tap


out. Hal Robson-Kanu. Not enough room for that to work. Danilo.


Raphael Guerreiro. Adrien Silva. That's the best cross of the match.


Ronaldo on the end of it, unable to finish it. That is what we are


talking about, crosses into the box. Chester just is enough to put him


off. You expect Ronaldo 2-hit the target from there. Warning sign for


the Welsh. James Chester, Manchester United junior when Cristiano Ronaldo


was strutting his stuff at Old Trafford.


They have had a flash each, Ronaldo and Bale, but the superstars haven't


really sparkled. I think Bale has been the best. Ronaldo has had


threats, but Bale has been getting in behind. No great excitement in


the first half. I think the game has been played pretty much as expected


at this time. Tentative and many nerves flying around. It is as we


were at the start. It will carry on, I am sure in a similar pattern, for


the second half. It was always going to be a game of


fine margins. It is still perfectly balanced. One mistake wins it. One


moment of brilliance wins it. No changes made by either coach to


their systems or personnel on the field for the restart.


Quite content, is probably the feeling all round. Nothing


electrifying. You are right, there is a definite pattern in the game


and both managers will be reasonably pleased. No one dominating, both


having a few chances. But you expect the game to be upped in the second


half, the tempo. Passing and running forward. It is a semifinal and if


you want to play in the final, you have to earn it. You can see in the


movement, there is the natural adrenaline boost the start of a half


brings. A little bit more busy, everybody.


It is the first 40 James Collins has put wrong. Hardly a mistake. --


Fortt. Bale, allowed the ball to drift and


gave himself a head start on Danilo. Well retrieved by James Chester.


You would expect Wales to make a change at a roundabout the hour


mark. Joe Ledley usually comes off. Don't forget he is recovering from


his season-ending injury, a broken leg at the end of May. No foul.


Given away by the Young man. Had done the hard work, nice and


tenacious and then a sloppy pass. Williams just asked a little bit too


much of Bale with that. Missing Aaron Ramsey, Danny? Yes, because he


is a quality footballer. When you are sat watching a game of football


and you want your team to win and you cannot contribute, you end up


more nervous than when you are on the pitch. Enough to turn your hair


white! I don't have that problem, as you well know. Free for Portugal.


Joe Allen, who was scrapping. Adrian Silber fell at his feet. Joe Allen


has to be careful about how he goes in. -- Adrien Silva.


It is headed behind for a corner. Came and counterclaim. The defending


by Andy King. Across and Ronaldo has met it. What


a leap! He has picked his moment, found his spot. Wales trail. And it


is one of the superstars who has made his mark on this semifinal.


What a jump that was. Incredible leap. First half he had been in the


same position a few times and Wales had managed to defend it. Watch this


for a leap! Unbelievable. That is why he is one of the best players in


the world. Big moments, big players. What a goal! It is past Wayne


Hennessey before he can get a glove to it. It is Pepe who celebrates


with the biggest smile of all. Cristiano Ronaldo, with his ninth


European Championship finals goal. It is a joint record with the great


Michel Platini. They change the angle of the corner to suit him and


it worked. They happened so many balls in the box 's tonight,


Portugal. Ronaldo has been saying to them get more balls in the box, give


me the opportunity. You will cause problems, you can't keep getting the


first head to the ball. He is going to get one. Now the game has to come


alive from a Wales points of view. They have come from behind before,


they have shown character, they have shown spirit. Gareth Bale has to


rise and respond. This will be loaded or somebody else. The


goalkeeper won it. It really is a time for no fear. Taylor. Portugal


in the position they like to be in. All eight of their competitive


victories under Fernando Santos have been achieved by a single goal. When


you go a goal up, you shouldn't back off, get deep and protect what you


have got because you are so desperate to go through. It is


difficult to change that mentality and stay on the front foot.


Ronaldo once again. It is turned past Hennessey. Finished off by


Nani. On the slide to move Portugal closer to Paris. It looks as though


Wales are sliding out. Two, quickfire Portuguese goals with a


Manchester United connection. Wales, in trouble. Good header from


Chester. Ronaldo Scots his shots, but he is onside. Good reaction from


Nani. They do have a mountain to climb now, Wales. So disappointing.


A man we mainly know as Wenger showing a striker's instinct. Read


it, met it, scored it. Wales now have to throw absolutely


every bit of spirits they have got at the Portuguese defence. Test


those men of war. The first test they will face is a


Gareth Bale delivery, once a very innocent looking Ronaldo and Joe


Ledley receive their words. It was not Gareth Bale's best when


it needed to be. A long time left in this game. One goal and they are


right back in it. They have to stay patient and also try and play a bit


higher up the pitch Tom Okker gradually moving forward as a team


together and start pressing a little bit higher a bit more punch and


power in attack. Full. Plenty of time for Bruno Alvez.


He helps it on. Could not do anything with it. Collins now.


Allen. Gave Raphael Guerreiro at the slip. Gareth Bale has two play


higher up the page. He keeps coming deep. He has two stay high and get


the ball up the pitch where he can go at people and get people


one-on-one. All that noise in the stadium is Portuguese. I am


surprised by how few Portuguese fans are here, if I am honest. Semifinal


of a big competition. They are looking mighty good at the moment.


So often the bridesmaids and never the bride at these big tournaments.


Looks like they are off to another wedding. Not a lot of pressure on


the ball right now for Cedric Suarez. Renato Sanches is caught by


Taylor. He is going to be caught up with by the referee, I think,


Taylor. You have got to start trying to ruffle some feathers. I do not


mind that. Get into them. Make some tackles. Upset them. Try and play


higher up the pitch. Got to take a risk. He has not been carded for it.


Joe Ledley's number is up. He has done his customary power shift, they


are. And on comes Burnley's Sam Vokes, who headed the third against


Belgium in the last round. That is the header which has made the big


difference tonight. That is the head which often makes a difference. It


is a world-class header from a world-class player. Everything about


it. Timing, execution, it is all there. It is the incredible... I


will say it again, the athleticism of the man. The spring, desire to


get up and head it. He must look after himself so well. We know he


does. He chooses his moments. Which means he looks after himself very


well off the pitch. The top players do. Just 51 goals last season. Ten


down on the previous year. There was a spell I was reading about the


latter stages of the season about how tired he was and he was not


contributing. But 51 goals in a season is remarkable in itself.


Incredible. Hungary managed to score three against Portugal on this


pitch. Maybe Wales can as well. Just getting one is a big barrier to


break down now. Portugal are bringing out one of their best


displays of the tournament in this semifinal, as they get closer and


closer. Foul from Robson-Kanu. Portugal free kick. Do not mind that


from Gareth Bale. Try and get after the ball and put pressure on the


back players. On Portugal. Cedric. Hennessy away. Vokes. That is what


he is on for. Allen. Taylor. Not open enough. Renato


Sanches. Coming back with him. Williams. Good play from Bale. Nice


and strong on his run, winning the ball back for his team. He was


looking for Vokes. He was arm in arm. With Bruno Alvez. Making it


clear to the pair of them that they saw it.


Renato Sanches. Well watched and good reading by Chester. He has to


move quickly again. He had to be quick. Coming into block, Ronaldo.


Williams gets on with the game quickly. Bale. Through to Vokes.


Vokes has brought it down. It is a very good bit of defending from the


experienced Bruno Alvez. A chance, that. Through to Vokes. Could not


quite control it. This is the danger for Wales. The more they go forward,


the more Ronaldo can hit them on the break and draw kicks like that. He


is going to get booked for that. Ronaldo is in full flow here. He has


done him. Yes, the yellow card is fair. Just does enough, Bruno Alvez.


Sam Vokes could not do any more. No. For this, if there is to be another


goal in the game, it is vital Wales get it. In Portugal score again it


is game over. They have the advantage now. They can put some


more men on the ball and play the counter, of course. Or Raffaele Riva


Road? Left footed option here. It is going to be Ronaldo. It was not far


away. Starting to enjoy his football again. That is as good a free kick


as we have seen in this tournament. It had movement and it was dipping.


What a strike that is. No Glory game for Hal Robson-Kanu tonight. The


Welsh number nine is off. His stock has risen considerably. On comes a


Simon Church. Only his second appearance in this accommodation. --


competition. After a late score in a March friendly, it is about time I


did something with my career. Here is the time. Would not be a bad


time, would it? Touch for church. Allen. From Joao Mario. He's done


well tonight. Best I have seen him. I have criticised him a little bit.


He has flattered to deceive and been a bit wasteful but much better with


the ball tonight. He is giving the defenders something to do here.


Bale. Chester. Could not jump. Not... All the way to the gloves of


Rui Patricio. Portuguese scarves are in the air.


Chester. King. Allen. Did not have that much time with Ronaldo about.


Joao Mario. Very good run. Renato Sanches. Nani. He is going to have a


go. Spilled it. That could easily have rocketed straight back in from


Joao Mario. Should have scored. It all started from, guess what?


Ronaldo running the ball back from Joe Allen. Can't say I have seen


that many times before. He has spilled it, Hennessy. You can see


the movement. Taking a little nick from Chester. That should be hitting


the target. Chris Coleman has pressed the button. It is all or


nothing for Wales. It has to be. Third change made in quick


succession. Away goes James Collins. Leaving the field for the busy Jonny


Williams to come on. And try and have a 25 minutes of his playing


life. All nothing. -- all or nothing. Ashley Williams. Bale.


Forced to take the long way around. Vokes with the header! Looks from


the referee. Does not think he was impeded? Things he was impeded. Jose


Rondon grabbing a whole. -- Joe say Fontaine. Just taking it back a


little bit. A good switch out wide and a good ball in. He has claimed


elbow. This is the space where Southampton meet Burnley when the


Premier League resumes. -- watch this space when Southampton meet


Burnley. Wales somehow need to sum up the


spirit of Dylan Thomas here. Do not go gentle into that good night. They


have got to rage against the dying of the light. It is. It is fading


fast for them. There cannot be anything gentle about their play


from here on in. Gunter with the foul. Can they find the energy? And


the legs to get after Portugal when they are knocking it around and


wasting time? Can they find the legs to get forward and get into the box?


Can they find a quality to get back into the game? At the moment it is


looking unlikely. Still a quarter of its to go. Neil Taylor. If it is


going to be done if will be done by those on the field now. Bale.


Gunter. He has done well with it. The cross is too high. Wales are not


done with the attack, however. Bale. Taylor is not going to get to it and


Gareth Bale rubs his head. Annoyed with him self. -- himself. Was


actually a good switch in play. A better ball in the box would have


given the two strikers, Vokes and Church a chance to attack. Just


hitting the cross. That was good from Taylor. He


hounded Joao Mario. Support from Jonny Williams. Renato Sanches. Nani


is running down the middle. Joao Mario. Ronaldo is waiting. It is


deflected, it will be a corner. Wayne Hennessey couldn't stop the


ball from going over the line. Again it was a Nani just seeing Ronaldo


peal of from the back, trying to get across in.


The additional assistance couldn't have been better placed. He was the


one who signalled for the corner. It is a Joao Mario corner. It will have


to be taken again. Bruno Alves is getting a talking to.


Danilo, is the play of the referee wants to have serious words with.


Portugal get another go at it. They are one good delivery and had away


from the final, effectively. Definitely. It is a good header.


Just too close to Hennessey that time. Yellow card for Bruno Alves.


Not sure you want Gareth Bale getting the ball of your goalkeeper.


Roy of the Rovers, stay up there. Portugal, on top. Very well drilled


in keeping out opposition attacks. Williams. Fouled. Ronaldo again with


his desire to win the ball. Yellow card. Wasn't the tackle, it was the


petulance. Sometimes it's the look on his face. He is going to be the


one with the last laugh tonight, as things stand. Good all in, but


Chester could do a lot with it. Off the top of his head. Header from


Fonte, comfortable save for Hennessey.


There is a defiant chance of Don't Take Me Home from the Wales fans at


the moment. But back to work beckons. It is a Green charge.


Renato Sanches has Chester backing away. He lost his balance, he was


falling as he hit it. We know about Nani, we know about Ronaldo, they


have a third man now. He is very good at running with the ball.


Sometimes he does make the right decisions, which is normal when you


are Young player and learning. But he has the energy and the ability to


go past people. Off he goes for Andrei Gomes to take over for the


rest of the game. No surprise Bayern Munich have got themselves another


good player for the forthcoming season. He has got to go some to get


in their team, but he is a good prospect. He can be happy with his


evening's work. Talent beyond his years. No way through.


Church trying to get there, but he was all over the back of Cedric


Soares. Little nudge. Silly. They have got to try and find a chance,


set play, whatever it takes to get back in this game. Still time. They


have scored in every game they have played in this competition, until


tonight. Williams, trying to do too much.


Bale tried to do too much. Two targets to aim for now. Chris Gunter


arriving. Sam Vokes couldn't climb, he was prevented from doing so. Joao


Mario. Neat and tidy from Cedric and Ronaldo.


It was a good ball in from Chris Gunter, I have to say. Have to get


Gareth Bale in the box when the crosses are going in because he can


do what Ronaldo can do. Scored more goals than anyone else in the league


last season. Straight down the barrel but the goalkeeper. It sat up


and backed for Bale. Decent strike from there.


Adrien Silva has worked plenty in the midfield. Ronaldo has seen Joao


Mario is coming. Andre Gomes was already there. Ronaldo... Straight


against Taylor. Taylor winced and stretched, and isn't in a rush to


get back up after that one. I think the wind was taken out of him. Yes,


it was. Joao Mario wasn't pleased with Ronaldo but taking on the


shaft. At least he gets to take corners. Ronaldo will try to be on


the end of it. Fonte is trying to attack it. Danilo wandering through


and Hennessey just keeps it out. It was Bale running out of his own


third, trying to make things happen. You cannot run the whole length of


the pitch. You have to pass the ball. Taylor. That was well won by


Sam Vokes. But that was behind Church. The Portugal change is


happening. Joao Moutinho is coming on. He has put in a good shift,


Adrien Silva. Has been under the radar with all of the superstars. He


and Ricardo Carvalho had a terrible experience at the end of last


season, they lost 6-1 DeLeon. Tipped to be returning to Porto in the


weeks ahead. This was the moment it was nearly all over. Come off his


back as he saved it. Did well to recover. Nani's slide not quite as


effective this time. Chester. Just over ten minutes to go. Those Welsh


players have given everything in this competition and they have to


give it a little bit more. That was swerving. That was away from


Patricio. Bale's best effort yet. Taylor.


Just a moment like that. If the next one beats Patricio, it is all on


again for the Welsh. It was a good strike from Gareth Bale. Mice and


confident, had more movement. The keeper did well. Chester.


Ashley Williams is wondering forward to be an extra forward whenever he


can now. Why not? Bale. Only out as far as Ashley Williams.


Block by his own man. Sam Vokes couldn't get out of the way. I think


it was Sam Vokes. Good all in fon Williams. Great header from Bruno


Alves. I don't think it was going in. Gareth Bale, see the movement on


the ball. Unbelievable technique. Decent save. Very quietly, Patricio


has been one of the standout goalkeepers of the competition.


Never better than the penalty save that one member shoot out. Full


stretch to his left. -- won them the shoot out. Keeping out everything


Wales can throw at him at the moment. Bale skipped over Joao


Mario. However much or little contact there was, the free kick is


right. He was caught. If anyone can, anyone can. We have seen him do it


from about this range, twice at this tournament. Might need a helping


hand from the goalkeeper. Time he made a mistake. And we have seen


that happen to rise from a Gareth Bale free kick. Might have another


go. That looked a foul to me. It was shoulder to shoulder. Nani has got a


lot braver. Nani has had a good game and has


scored the goal that seems to have sealed Portugal's plays in the final


of the 2016 European Championship. It looks that way. Nani has been


more reliable with his ball retention. Worked hard. Quite


performance. Can see why Valencia has paid just over ?7 million to get


him from than about you. And why Mark Hughes wanted him. Oak. --


Finne batch. I have been to Valencia and I have


been to stoke. Hand? I am with Nani. I have been to Stoke regularly over


the course of the season and never had anything but a splendid time.


Wayne Hennessey. I have to say that. I know you do. I am already


unpopular there, so it doesn't matter.


Raphael Guerreiro is showing us the range. Andrei Gomes. Strong enough


to hold off the challenge. It is in towards Ronaldo. He evaded


Hennessey, but the angle was too tight. I think he lost his bearings.


Super play from Gomes to set him away.


The Dragon's fire is in Gareth Bale now, but there needs to be more than


that. Takes it too far round Hennessey. Final Portugal change.


Nani is going. He has been terrific. Six goals in his last 13


international appearances. And the last three at Euro 2016.


And on will, Ricardo Quaresma. He has had a pretty good time to. --


and on will come. He loses the ball. Chester. Bale. 2- Taylor. -- it is


too high for Taylor. You cannot knock the effort and determination


every world player has put in. It does not seem to be enough in this


pressure situation for them. I agree. I think they will be


disappointed. The first goal was a set play. They worked long and hard


on those. They know the talent in the air of Ronaldo. Split second


lack of concentration. Then you are climbing a mountain. He gets it away


from Vokes. Ronaldo. Bursting down the middle. Chester winning the ball


for Wales. Starting the figurehead to the final, Germany or France. A


big talking point about this Portuguese team was their ageing


defence, as they are weak point. It looks to be one of their strongest


points. I think tonight they have defended well. In the game with


hungry they showed real vulnerability. -- Hungary. Gives it


away. Danilo dropping back to defend. Cedric was caught high by


Gareth Bale. He will go in the book. He's going to apologise. Well, I


wouldn't. Cedric went over about six yards after hitting him. It is a


foul. It is a foul, for sure. 2-0 down in a semifinal. I would not be


apologising. That is just me. The Portuguese fans are starting


their celebration. There is a spirit in response from the Welsh fans. The


chancing will go on to the end. -- chancing will stop -- that shan't


will go on to the end. -- chant. Ronaldo holding on. Moutinho.


Tormenting Neil Taylor and beating him. Not totally. Corner. The second


is ticking away. 90 minutes now. We have not had many stoppages in play.


Listen to that ringing around the ground. One last impassioned burst


of land of my Fathers. Quaresma's corner. Wayne Hennessey will launch


it. Portuguese goalkick. Bale tries to make them hurry. They are nearly


there. Portugal are very nearly in the final. Three more minutes left.


For the Wales adventure. They are getting around, these Welsh fans.


They are having a party come what may. They have been a credit to


their country, the supporters. As has the team. They can all be very


proud of what they have achieved, this Welsh squad. When they look


back in weeks, months and years to come at this, they will realise what


they have done and how proud they should be. Tonight will be


devastating for them because they would truly have believed they could


have won it after beating Belgium, for sure. Ashley Williams. Church.


Covered by Bruno Alvez. Andre Gomes. Joao Mario. He does have options. It


is behind Ronaldo but he has retrieved it anyway. Ricardo


Quaresma. Ingo Joe Allen. -- in goes. Let's hope the referee is


sympathetic. Just a free kick, I think. That might have been a card


if Allen had not already got one. I think so. Just frustration. Ten


seconds there, from Quaresma. A defined noise from behind the goal.


The goal but Ronaldo would want to test one last time before his work


is done for the night. What a edition for one of the greatest --


what a possession for one of the greatest in the world. Inhalation of


breath. And right on cue, pinned straight against the solid Welsh


wall. Stayed really told. -- really tall. Ronaldo has been sensational.


Never seen him work so hard for the team. When it mattered he produced a


magical moment. Bale. His magic touch has just deserted him. You


cannot fault the commitment. As he hurls it up again towards Vokes.


Church. Bale. Ricardo Quaresma is back. Stout stuff from Cedric


Suarez. Taylor. Ashley Williams. Joe Allen. Just cannot turn and get a


shot on goal. It is all over. It is all over for Wales. Portugal will be


in Paris on Sunday. And on the night's game they thoroughly


deserved their place in the showpiece event. It is a second


European ship in chip final for a nation which has so often promised


but has yet to deliver. Maybe this is now. For Wales, this is only the


end of one story. The country's greatest year with the round ball.


And in years to come, thousands upon thousands will be able to fondly say


that I was there. Portugal's night to night and it might be their


championship. Portugal, two and Wales, nil.


Reggie Yates is joining the Mexican army.


It can't be that safe if everybody is...this armed.


You could probably get shot at. Get shot at, OK.


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