West Olympic Torch


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Tonight, the fire takes to the West Country water. It has travelled


from LANs and, through Devon and Somerset, plaster -- past


Glastonbury and Wales. 8000 people, all of them carrying the torch 300


metres on a daily journey of 100 miles using 68 different forms of


transport as it goes through 1021 different villages, towns and


cities across the UK. Tonight, it The message of the Olympic torch


his friendship, peace and unity and there is no doubt that the people


of the West Country have united behind the concept of the Olympic


flame. There are tens of thousands of people crowded round the docks.


All vessels of Great and Small were out on the water. Be quick question


is, where is that torch at the moment? Amy Williams is somewhere


near its. I am down on the water. I can see the flame and the torch and


the atmosphere is incredible. The flame has been passing from -- a


three many places and has touched many hands tonight. It is fantastic.


It is with a young Paralympic athlete training -- training with


the sailing squad and she is incredible. She is 21. It is her


birthday tomorrow. Let's see what kind of a woman she is. When you


catch that bit of wind and you can feel the boat accelerating, there


is a split second where I feel like I am flying. It does link to


yourself. I feel at peace sometimes. I feel free and it is great. I


sailed be 2.4 single-handed class. I have quite good STRENGTH and I


used a joystick to steer the boat. There is lots of positions. I would


love to be a gold medallist one day and would like to win the gold


medal in the World Cup as well. Just a few things. The main thing


is to progress. You have moments when you are going along and the


sun comes out. You think life is just totally amazing and what I


have been through, it is totally it worth it for this moment and if


this split-second. A lot of people say it is like you are dancing with


it and it is. You are moving with it, leaning up with it and moving


as one. When I first started to carry the Olympic torch, I was in


complete shock. I stopped talking for five minutes which was the


longest time as ever. It was like a big wave suddenly hit and it was


like, wow, oh, my word. The privilege was immense. Complete


pride and being able to represent Bristol is a complete honour. I


represent sailing and Paralympic sailing which is something that I


feel very passionate about. What an inspirational lady. But we are


surrounded by all these colourful boat's down here on the water. That


torch has 8000 calls on it representing the 8000 people that


are carrying it. It is representing unity, peace and friendship and I


hope everyone here can get the sense of it with that flame.


you see her? I have to say, you talk about friendship, unity and


peace. It defies all rational thought that all these thousands of


people have come to watch an inanimate object. It is hugely


uplifting and life affirming to be here. We have live music at the


moment. There have been local dances and singers on the stage.


That is the essence of what this torch relay is about, it is about


someone that you know who has been chosen to carry the torch. It is


about them mixing with the great and the good of the music and


sporting world. Didier Drogba or carries it in Wiltshire tomorrow.


Our first guests appear, an Olympian, is somebody who will be


carrying the torch and a few weeks' time and he is somebody who is at


home on the water. There is a moment, before the race


Metres, measured in the mind, every kick and turn it rehearsed. Each


movement imagined across a narrow lane of see that stretches back


four years. There is a moment and Five times he has risen to the


Olympic challenge. Five times he has taken on the world. A leader


within his nation, a standard bearer for a country. An


inspiration for the 2012 generation. Mark Foster, is it loud up here all


what? I saw pictures of your holding the Olympic flag in Beijing.


If carrying the torch is something else, being the flag-bearer at an


Olympic Games must have been almost beyond belief. If it was an honour


and a humbling moments. The team got behind me to carry out the flag.


The rest of the team were behind me and it was a huge honour. It


enabled Chris Hoy and Rebecca Adlington to rest in their bed


because it was heavy and they needed a big man to carry it. No,


that is a joke. We have extraordinary scenes here and I'm


sure people watching today, at the crowds here have been amazing.


is one of the things but the torch relay. It has never been to the UK


before where I have engaged with it. It is almost like a mini carnival.


Everybody has been getting really involved with it. They hopefully


feel part of the Olympic Games. Every time I hear music, I want to


dance. Are you going to dance? I am about to be joined by a second


great Olympian, a man that appeared in five Olympic Games. He is


somebody that had to master five different sports to secure her


place on the Olympic podium. Individual events, one after the


other. Combined in one competition. Excellence required again and again.


A contest that carries the athlete from one challenge to the next.


Forces, many battles within a single day. Five sporting


disciplines, one complete event. There Kate Allenby, Olympian,


medallist, a prize seized their muscles were torn. A decade at the


summit. A true competitor, an Olympic bronze medal gained through


individual events that demand a complete athlete. Kate Allenby is


here in her tracksuit and also, where is your special prop? Here is


your own personal Olympic torch that you will not be selling on the


eBay. You round today in Bath and the scenes there looked


extraordinary. It was an incredible experience. I didn't think it would


be like that. I came around the corner and saw so many people. It


brings together friendship and unity and you really felt that.


it this scale that you hadn't expected? It was way beyond what I


thought. I saw friends, family, I totally welled up. It was amazing


to see them supporting me and Marks the Olympics or rarely coming.


Having the Olympic flame and there really brought everyone together


and marked it starting for the start-up of the whole thing.


Something that occurs to me today, especially at Plymouth when they


had 50,000 people turn up, there is competition going on around the


country, where people in the Midlands when the torch goes there


and the north-west, they will be saying, hang on a minute, Bristol


had so many people. We have to do more than that. People try to go


began better. Today, they tried to break a world record in Bath for


people making human Olympic rings. In Scotland, they will probably be


doing that with 50,000 people. The beauty of it A's, people will not


get bored of it. Everyone is coming out and wants to see it. It is


about the flame and the people carrying yet. The great thing about


the flame is it is so what uniting and it is much more than London's


Games. What the Olympics have done is given some cities to form links


with other countries around the world and that is precisely what


SINGING. Children at night Roby primary school with a song composed


for the Olympics to be sung at schools across the country. It is


one of 10 in Nairobi paired with Bristol schools. Our aim is to


create a global citizen and clear up stereotypes that exist between


the African culture and the UK culture. They can understand that


as much as our cultures differ, we are, at the end of the day, the


same. This man was one of the greatest runners. He has set up a


high altitude training centre and a school at his home town. He is the


chairman of the Kenyan national Olympic committee and a driving


force behind the Bristol/Kenyan partnership. We feel honoured to be


able to go to Bristol and train our athletes. There is a development


and the friendship between the two cities is important. At Ashton Park


School, this group of people are getting ready for their sports day.


They are all really excited about learning. It is completely


different over there. Over here, there is a reaction -- negative


reaction to scoreboard over there, they love it. As they prepare for


the Olympics, the Kenyan athletes are coming to visit schools in the


Bristol/Kenyan partnership, helping to cement relationships that they


hope will continue long after the Games are over.


That is the whole issue of legacy which has been the word of the


Olympic Games over their last seven years and will continue for many


We will have to wait 66 days until we find out. Someone who carried


the flame earlier today is ironic Amy Williams who was out and about


earlier today. -- is our very own. On a boat for you are, how was it


like for you? For me, it was incredible. That feeling of pride,


seeing all the streets lined. I felt incredible. She must be


feeling the same, she is last person to carry the torch here. I


am in the middle of bright colours, this little authority children on


different vaults, sailing around, showing off to us all and all these


crowds. They are the future of our British sailing team. They train


here in the West, in Bristol. They are loving it. The crowds are just


amazing. It is just electrifying down here. I just feel amazing. I


am nervous and I think this whole show tonight, we can he wreck


behind us on that stage behind, and it is just amazing for everyone.


John, these children and everyone here is going to remember it for


the rest of their lives. Absolutely. Rarely has this place looked so


magnificent. You could be in the south of France. This place has


been regenerated of last 20 years. Everybody getting the best vantage


point they can do which is in preparation for that charge. The


noise as well he is the thing that struck me. How was that for you end


Bath? The streets were so full. The crowd were just so excited. For me,


it was for the children, because it is about inspiring them. You doctor


any Olympian and they talk about something whilst they were in


primary school. It was watching Sebastien Coe winning in Moscow.


Other children to watch someone, I hope we can inspire them to do.


Welcome to our viewers on the BBC News Channel. The Olympic torch is


currently out on the water just now and it will be brought to dry land


in the next few minutes. If that is their first pictures you have seen


in Bristol tonight, you can see the extraordinary way the people of the


city have turned out tonight. We have thousands and thousands of


people, literally tried to get the most vantage -- -- most critical


vantage point. Mark, I mention the word legacy earlier. There are


still some sceptics who wonder whether come October or so, the


Olympics will be signed -- consigned to the Olympic books. IDC


how this is changing people's beset them off sport? Army children are


being in sport -- involved in sport. -- for me. Swimming pools,


athletics centres, tennis courts, there have been lots of venues


opening up which will give children a chance to be involved in sport. I


go to lots a school and see a lot of obesity on the increase, this is


making us more fun and that starts when you are younger. Duncan a


student to my club when I was young and I wanted to be like him. That


is what inspired me to get into the water. You are a teacher. One


impact is thus appearing on the children you teach? The children


are getting excited. I mention the Olympics every day and my head of


department was, not again! Just watching the change in the children,


when you see their faces, when you put something different in front of


them, you see children who are not any it up teens, subtly changing


and believing in themselves. This is all about the torture and it is


very much a symbol of unity and joy. -- the Olympic torch.


A fire handed down from ancient gods. The Sacred Flame Of Olympus,


that burns with an man, woman and athlete. In each, sport and so that


aches to achieve. A fire of passion, of desire. To drive on with each


heartbeat. To reach further, fight harder, fly closer to Olympic


heights. A flame that flickers with Paul, fuelled by dreams are made


real. A light that shines on those who dare to give their all. In each


movement of every muscle, in every second of every race. I heat that


Sears moment on the memory. Sparkes genius, fuels courage, conquers all.


A fire to forge legends in bronze, silver and gold. An infernal to


consume those that stumble in its shadow. Through air. And water.


Across earth, I guess -- against time. Have claimed that reshapes


the athletes. And creates giants. Where mortals once stood.


So many unforgettable Olympic images. These are pictures that


people of Bristol will remember for a long time. The day that the


Olympic flame came to this famous city and there it is. A member of


our Paralympic sailing squad has been the last person to bring it to


shore, and it is going to be on the stage very shortly. It is a moment


of recognition and huge Pride Park are as well to have been chosen


today. It is fair to say that every single person, the hundreds of them


who have carried the torch so far since set land there that Land's


End is again, it will be a day they talk about for ever-more. And that


harsh -- and that Olympic torch, everyone who has carried it has had


an opportunity to buy the Rhone torch. What I greater investment


that has been. -- their own. Some people are selling them for good


charity causes. This is a moment that everyone else will never


forget. This seemed of Chariots of Fire plays out from the


loudspeakers here on the stadium. On the waterfront here in Bristol.


And it is ridiculously, emotional. It is incredibly emotional. We were


going on to a bus down to where we were dropped off this afternoon, we


came round the corner out of Bath University. I was sat down behind


Jason Gardener. He turned down to me with a few rapidly is going,


this is amazing. The most amazing thing about it is that bringing


together of people. I was a keen to someone from the sailing club and


he was saying all the clubs which would all be best mates and on the


water together, he was saying they barely know each other. Through


this, they have been out on the water together all the last few


days and it has created an extraordinary bond for them all. It


is doing the same for all the people here. Very much so. We will


see that Paul Klee with the 70 days. It will bring the country together.


-- we will hopefully see that. It is all about the sport. That is


what the flame symbolises. There is a danger of getting very peace-


loving -- peace, love and understanding about it. If you are


watching this, maybe on the Internet or however, if you are not


watching it on the news channel on BBC One, you will realise they Shia


scale of celebration that this whole occasion engenders. He will


hope to replicate that wherever you may be in the country. He will halt


the weather will be the same wherever you will be. -- their Shia


scale of it. Here comes to the cauldron. A tumultuous reception


here at the harbourside. Great scenes out on the water as well.


And cheers all round. Also, I out on the water itself where dozens of


people are out then carry accent in use, witnessing the cauldron being


let. Thank you everyone for coming out. It would not be the same


without you. She is telling the thousands out there what an


extraordinary event has been for her. What about this far and that


was here? Thanks to you guys, you made it. A big thank-you to you for


being involved in this. Ladies and gentlemen, another Olympic gold-


medallist, Lee's Malcolm Amy Williams. Thank you, hello Bristol.


I have been down on the water following her on the water all this


time. I can now finally speak to you. I have been able to see a face


all that time, smiling. How much does this mean to you? It means the


world. Just to be nominated was a huge privilege. To be able to carry


the torch which is once RNLI time - - once-in-a-lifetime thing, into my


home city, it is amazing. I can see you are emotional. You have a


bigger role in London as well. Your audience for the future, can you


tell us about that as well? I am in the sailing squad for the


Paralympic Games. We're to wish you all the very best of luck and we


wish you a very happy birthday as well. So this is the biggest party


ever. So a big round of applause for her.


John, the cauldron is now let. Fantastic. Thank you and well done.


That is an unfair to get double image for all our family who are


here. It has been a clever idea. -- an unforgettable image.


People in Carlisle, Cornwall, saying it is London done -- London


2012, what this has done is create a sense of inclusive at a


throughout the whole country. Everyone has the chance to come


along. There are thousands of people around the harbour. People


have come out in hundreds of thousands to come out and watch. It


does give them that opportunity. This is the Olympic flame. One


thing we have not done, can I hope your torch? There is you're Olympic


medal from said Dave. Has that been polished a --? Every time you look


at that, when usual schoolchildren, did they say, if she can do it, I


can do it too? I look at this and the stores that I got today as


something for sharing. -- and his Olympic torch. When I take get


round to the schools, I let them hold it, let them put it on. It


goes back to finding something to inspire you when you are primary


school. When you go to a school, if you can give it to one child who


says, I can do that, then you have done your job. You are after Essex


to tap -- carry the torch there. Will I am spent his time there.


Will.I.am took an eternity to do his 300 metres. Did you run it?


did run out. I had a bit of a high kick. When I saw all my students in


Bath, I did another little jump and a Jake for them. I saw my mother


and father, I gave them a kiss. I was just amazing angry over so many


people turning out. You can do it in an elongated, tracksuit. --


elongated version of a tracksuit. am getting -- looking forward to


getting a tracksuit. The long-term thing is the long-term legacy of


the games and that is getting children involved in sport. I went


to five Olympic Games and never won a medal. I won world championships


and European championships. What people do not see is what goes in


to making that happen. Thank you for sharing this with you. 467


miles gone. 7533 to goal. College Green, 559 tomorrow morning is


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