29/03/2017 London News


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And for a majority of Londoners who hoped there might just be


a slight chance that Brexit won't actually happen...


But what about the City of London which said back in June


that there could be a mass exodus of jobs and banks?


That hasn't actually happened, and so Karl Mercer has been finding


out if that means the City has changed opinion on Brexit,


or if it's just showing a stiff upper lip.


The ancient body that runs a City of London has


a motto, it translates as, "Lord, guide us".


The local church perhaps not going that far today,


but at least offering a little comfort for those


Because these were the headlines the day after last June's


referendum, when the vote to Leave seemed to catch


So this is the aftermath of the June Brexit vote.


Since then the pound has stabilised, but concerns with some


Worries about London losing business and jobs to other cities persist,


but this market watcher believes the city will be able to cope.


This scale of the changes that are going to be implemented over


the course of the next few years are going to be gradual,


as opposed to the systemic shock that we got in 2008.


We do know that some City firms have already said they may move some


staff out of London to other European cities.


HSBC have confirmed 1000 jobs, JP Morgan reported up to 4000,


UBS reported up to 1500 jobs and Morgan Stanley around 1000.


The man who heads up the City of London Corporation admits


further jobs could go, but how many?


From sort of 2000, if we kept the existing level of access


to the EU, up to perhaps 75,000 if we didn't.


That's a pretty hefty range, and it rather indicates


that the nature of the Brexit is rather more important


It may mean, of course, that the UK has to look to other


markets in the future, but London has faced plenty


It still has a truly global reputation and pull and has proved


The rest of Europe has been eyeing our financial


services very enviously, and so they are going to try


and target ways in which they might be able to take a slice of our pie.


In my judgment, I think that's going to be a fairly small slice,


so I think London will be quite resilient.


But that's going to be an important feature of these negotiations.


The truth is that those working in the City,


like the rest of us, don't know for sure


The full impact of Brexit won't be known for years.


So, on this the day the first formal step was taken


for Britain to leave the EU, developments are continuing


to happen this evening which will shape the way London


We can go to Louisa Preston, who's following what's going on.


Yes, as we have heard, there is talk that some of the banks will move


stuff out of the City here in London and relocating Europe. But it has


actually been reported tonight that Lloyd's of London will create a new


office in Europe, officers in Brussels and about 100 staff are


expected to move from London over to Brussels. We are not sure when that


will happen and a statement is Jude tomorrow. I have spoken to


businessmen and Leave campaigner John Mills earlier this evening, he


said the City needs to look further field. -- Luffield.


The City doesn't really depend terribly heavily


on revenue and income from the European Union anyway.


And I think very little of that, really, is at risk.


And I think the big opposition, the big competition that the City


has, actually, is from Singapore and Hong Kong and New York


and Shanghai, not from Paris and Frankfurt.


We must not forget that London is really seen as the main player when


it comes to financial services. The question is tonight, how long will


it keep that top spot? Of course, the main focus is on the City behind


me, arm the banks there, but what about the millions of small and


medium-sized businesses across the capital? Sarah Harris has been


finding out how they will fire. Three men, all born in different


European countries, have set up businesses on the same industrial


estate in South East London. When it comes to their views


on Article 50 being triggered He may have been born


in Cyprus but John considers He sells his products all over


the world and says he was offended when Leave voters like him were told


they didn't understand the issues. The people that don't understand


are the people that voted They're the people that don't


understand what it is to be independent, free, world markets


that are there waiting for you - you - to get out off your backside


and get out and find it. In the unit opposite John's


is Stefano, an Italian businessman His company employs staff


from the EU, using expertise to deliver control panels to be used


in schools and hospitals. I am more worried


for the short-term. Surely there will the trade


agreements that I'm hoping that the Government will establish,


will eventually benefit the economy and with a domino effect,


will affect our business. Next door on Forest Hill Industrial


Estate is Ingo, born in Germany, he's been in London for 20 years,


with his specialist company Worst-case scenario,


that I won't be able Can't really see that


happening, but that would be And our product, our main product,


which is made in France, will become more expensive


and our profit margins shrinking. There's a question over


whether a community of European entrepreneurs could come together


like this post Brexit. For now, though, they'll go forward


with varying degrees of optimism. Well, tonight the Mayor of London


is back after a brief trip to Europe when he tried to convince EU leaders


that London is and will continue to be the place to invest


and do business with. It's no secret Sadiq Khan didn't


want Britain to leave the EU - and earlier on his train journey


back to London from Paris he went as far as to admit


to our political editor, Tim Donovan, that he was actually


heartbroken at the process The British public have


voted to leave the EU. My job as the mayor is to work


closely with the Government where I can, constructively,


to make sure we get But, if it's the case I think that


they're not acting in London's best interest then I won't be afraid


to speak out. This key issue of immigration,


what does a good deal now look like in terms


of immigration for London? One of the things I've been


stressing to the Government is, though, London is not the same


as the country. I accept certain parts


of the country voted to leave the EU because of


anxieties around immigration. Whether or not they need it


or not is different. I understand certain parts


of the country don't want it. You say you want it,


we've been getting 30,000 odd East Europeans in every year over


the last ten years, do you want to see that


figure go up or go down? I want to make sure we can meet


the needs of London. That means, obviously,


skilling up Londoners to have these skills for the jobs that we create


in construction or tech and financial services but also


recognising that one of the reasons why we are the greatest


city in the world is our Sadiq Khan speaking to Tim Donovan


earlier. Well, when it came to the EU


referendum in June, on balance That wasn't the case


across the board, with strong views So, nine months on, we went back


to see if an area which voted And if locals in a remain area


still felt the same. I think people have just become more


and more frustrated with the fact that it's going to happen,


and we don't know exactly what's going to happen,


we don't know how it's I done it for my children,


I done it for their future. You know, it's going


to be hard work. Other news now, and a man has died


after being attacked The Staffordshire bull terrier


turned on 41-year-old Mario Perivoitos while a BBC film


crew was with him. The dog isn't included under


the Dangerous Dogs Act. It's currently being


held in secure kennels. The family of Mark Duggan,


whose fatal shooting in Tottenham by police sparked the London riots


in 2011, have lost a challenge over an inquest jury's conclusion


that he was lawfully killed. Mark Duggan's mother,


Pamela, had asked the Court of Appeal to make an order


quashing the verdict. On the day that hundreds of people


gathered on Westminster Bridge to remember the victims of last


week's terrorist attack, the Metropolitan Police's Acting


Commissioner cautioned against rushing to change policing


in and around Parliament. Craig Mackey said more security


checks could create more queues at Parliament -


and could increase That's it for now from me, but let's


find out what the weather's up Getting better, not looking too bad?


It is spot-on, we had quite a lot of cloud today. Tomorrow it gets much


better, more sunshine to go around, it will be the warmest day of the


year so far. Overnight tonight, lots of cloud. With the cloudy skies it


will stay mild, temperatures around 11 degrees, and then tomorrow we


start off with the cloud, it should thin and break with sunshine coming


through, keeping the sunny skies for the most part of the day, but it


will never be June clear. There will be patches of cloud making it hazy,


but a decent day. Temperatures, they should reach 2122 in the warmest


spot, the warmest day of the year so far. The outlook for the next few


days, temperatures coming down a bit but staying decent for this time of


year. Here is Darren Bett with the national weather.


The warm air coming up on a southerly breeze all the way from


Iberia and across France into England and Wales. To achieve the


high temperatures we need to get into some of this dryer air and


sunshine. Even with the cloud today, 17 degrees. Not just about the


temperatures, let's not forget there is some rain around as well. Quite


wet in Pembrokeshire for much of the day. More rain overnight tonight,


some rain and drizzle in northern and western areas. Wetter weather


moving northwards across Scotland. Some rain in the south-west,


shuffling towards the Midlands. Overnight, a lot of cloud around. It


is going to be very mild indeed for the time of year, 11-12 in many


parts of the country. This is an sunshine beginning to creep into


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