24/01/2017 South Today


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Hello and welcome to South Today, I'm Edward Sault.


Class A crackdown; arrests are made after morning drugs


The anxious wait for poultry farmers to see if bird flu restrictions


will mean their eggs lose free range status.


And, taking a trip down memory lane; are Trams set to make a return


Thames Valley police raided more than 20 addresses this morning


targeting organised drug dealing in Oxfordshire.


At least 12 suspects were arrested at houses in Oxford,


Operation Stronghold is aiming to stop drugs coming


Organised policing tackling organised crime.


This Oxford address one of 21 raided by Thames Valley police in Oxford,


Over 200 officers were involved in what is called Operation Stronghold.


The start of a campaign to stop the flow of Class A drugs


We've made some good arrests today which will have a disruption impact


on those wanting to deal drugs in our city. We work closely with


partners to protect the vulnerable people and moving into the future we


target kilocations that we know the groups have operated within to make


sure that it's really difficult for them to come back.


Detectives say gangs from the capital come to the county


These locations, the police say, are often the homes


We have criminals operating from the London area that send runners out


into the counties, for want of a better phrase, and dealing drugs in


our area. These operations are very organised. They target vulnerable


people, probably the most vulnerable people in our communities, and


obviously are a real threat to the local policing of the area.


Police are continuing to patrol in the areas where the raids took


place this morning in an effort to reassure the public.


The force says there'll be similar operations in the future to stop


drugs gangs operating in the Thames Valley.


Poultry farmers are waiting anxiously to find out if restriction


imposed because of bird flu will mean their eggs no longer


At the moment flocks are being kept undercover to stop them having


contact with wild birds who may be carrying the bird flu virus.


These are very challenging times for egg producers. Since the start of


December, they have had to keep their flocks under cover because of


the restrictions associated with bird flu. The real fear now is that


producers could lose their free range egg status. That's a big


problem because these eggs sell for about 40p a dozen more than other


categories of egg. The man who runs this farm is Phillip Shepherd. At


the moment we are running up to that cut-off point, how concerned are


you? I'm very concerned because we sell our eggs as free range, we get


a good price for them because they're free range. What do you


think should happen? Well, it's not our fault, it's not the chickens'


fault, we are doing it for the well-being of the chickens, so I


think honestly they should allow us to carry on in the UK. Otherwise you


would lose a substantial amount of your income? Yes, because if they


have to go to status of barn, they are not worth the same money. Most


at the moment are very understanding, the customers, and


they understand it's for the birds, not for us.


Thank you very much. Discussions are going on at the moment between the


NFU and DEFRA to try to find a way forward.


The Civil Aviation Authority has accepted all 21 safety


recommendations made in the wake of the Shoreham air crash.


11 men were killed when a Hawker Hunter jet crashed during a display


Air accident investigators made a series of recommendations


about the way former military aircraft are inspected and assessed.


These will now be adopted by April next year.


The final report into the crash, has still not been published.


National survey of passenger satisfaction on the railways shows


Southern is by far the worst in the country down by 12%


Most passengers felt the company was not good at dealing with delays.


A majority thought punctuality was unacceptable.


A three day strike by a small number of drivers in the RMT


Meanwhile talks to end strikes by the main drivers' union, Aslef,


Southern says it is running a full timetable for the first time


School pupils on Hayling island are taking part in a virtual reality


trial with Google which could change the way some lessons are taught.


Pupils have been given headsets which fit smartphones after staff


The virtual reality lessons give them an immersive


experience inside the heart, on a World War One


Teachers say it's a good way to gain and keep their pupils attention.


It's vital to get the kids' attention. Give them something


interactive, tangible that they can touch, feel and see. It beats


sitting there looking at a power point slide at the beginning of


every single lesson. It's been more than half a century


since the last tram ran in Southampton but business leaders


and politicians are now thinking It comes amid claims traffic


congestion will increase The journey home can take about 40


minutes to an hour. It was quieter today. I've had to change my hours


to go in earlier than I can. Fewer than one in ten go to work on public


transport in the Solent. The feasibility group is looking at


running trams alongside existing railway tracks through the airport


to St Mary's, then to a ferry interchange and Central Station with


later plans to create Park and Ride sites. Isn't this all


pie-in-the-sky? I think the investment is probably hundreds of


millions of pounds, but this region's been significantly


under-invested in by the Government in the recent past. We need to


change that dynamic. Trams have run for 25 years here in Manchester, 60


miles of track link the city centre with nearby towns. Where there are


tram stops, house prices have gone up and there's been a boost for


businesses. Manchester's turned itself around from a declining


industrial city to a thriving 21st century mixed economy and


Metrolink's been an integral part of it. Southampton lost its trams in


1949. The city council and the LEP want to see six trams an hour


running between Eastleigh and the city centre in the next few years.


Getting the plan up and running will require ambition and an awful lot of


money. Now the weather forecast with Holly. It was a cold start to the


day, minus five in some places. This weather watchers picture shows fog


on the grass in Southampton. You can see mist in the background too. For


many, it was a misty, foggy start and, for many, that mist and fog


still lingers. The Met Office has issued a fog and ice warning valid


from 6pm this evening. The weather is how it is because of high


pressure, but gradually over the next few days, it pushes out into


the continent. By Thursday, we've got a strong southerly or


south-easterly developing and that will make it feel increasingly cold.


Some of us could hang on to the mist and fog. In general for most, a


bright picture with sunny spells around. Temperatures are tending to


struggle. If you keep the fog, the


temperatures really low. Dense patches of fog in places as well as


ice as temperatures fall towards freezing, so there could be some


difficult driving conditions as we head into tomorrow morning. In


general, that mist and fog will lift and much like today we should tend


to find the visibility improving. The difference for tomorrow is, we


have cloudier skies overhead, so a greyer day in general, temperatures


on par. The winds whip up into Thursday making it feel


significantly colder. Have a good afternoon. Keep that fog away! That


is it from me. Thank you very much for your company. We are back at 6.


30. Goodbye.


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