24/10/2016 World News Today


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Hello, welcome to BBC World News Today.


Thousands of people leave the notorious "Jungle"


They're being transferred to reception centres


across the country, amid preparations to bulldoze


what's become a symbol of Europe's struggle to cope with the crisis.


Belgium's Prime Minister says he still cannot sign off a massive


trade deal between the EU and Canada, because


As the leaders of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales come


to London to discuss Brexit, the Scottish leader says there is


It is a legend of 1960s rock culture.


Now, 50 years on, the Velvet Underground album


About 2000 people have left the migrant camp in Calais


known as the Jungle, on the first day of an operation


People began queueing before dawn, waiting to be transferred to one


of the 451 centres across France, where they face either


deportation, or the opportunity to claim asylum.


The site sprang up several years ago as migrants came to Calais,


hoping to cross the Channel into the UK.


The Jungle lies just to the east of the main road to the port.


High fences have been built to separate it


This is the scene currently in Calais.


All day long, authorities have been processing migrants


Let's cross live now to Sophie Long in Calais.


Good evening from Calais. The last bus of the day carrying migrants


away from the camp now known as the Jungle to new locations across


France has just left. We are told by the authorities here that 46 buses


have left throughout the day carrying just under 2000 migrants to


new locations. It has gone very well, the French authorities say,


for the first day of this operation. Suddenly, hundreds of migrants were


queueing here from the early hours, as early as five o'clock this


morning. By mid-morning, that you became a crowd and some migrants


were told to return to the Jungle because they would not be leaving


today. It has been a day of mixed and high emotions. For some migrants


who want to leave, this marked the end of a nightmare and an end to


months of living in cold and squalid conditions. For others, those who


maintain some hope of a better life in Britain, this marks the end of


their dreams, as they travelled further from Calais, they travel


further from those dreams coming true. This report comes from Lucy


Williamson. a better bet than one more


day in the Jungle camp. The reward -


a seat on one of 60 buses. But a ticket out of Calais


doesn't guarantee asylum, And even those, like Madi,


who are impatient to leave, and maybe I come back


and I will try again, yeah. I like France,


but it's not my dream. Next to him, Abdou says he's


finished with his dreams of England "I hate England now,"


he says, "I don't like people from the Jungle,


and they closed the border." People have been queueing


here since 4am to board one of the buses bound


for reception centres across France. Their motivation for coming


here to Calais was once all about the final destination,


their dreams of England. Now many are ready to go


anywhere just to get out. Inside the processing centre,


people are split into queues - the vulnerable, families, lone


children, and everyone else. Their names, ages and origins


noted but not checked. They are given a choice


of destination - French names in unfamiliar places,


a new temporary address. President Hollande said he wanted


to send a message that Calais was not a staging


post for migrants but a dead-end. Many here say that


much is already clear. and there was optimism today among


some of those who decided to leave. But the local MP told us that didn't


mean Britain's role here was over. TRANSLATION: It's an international


scandal that there are several hundred children,


some as young as ten, stuck here, Britain is not meeting


its obligations. Among those joining the queues


today were four siblings from Afghanistan, clinging


to an English-speaking friend. Their mother had asked him


to take her children and make their case


for asylum in England. Four small lives among the thousands


saying goodbye to Calais, unsure of what the future


has in store. One of the great concerns amongst


people here in Calais is that the children living in the Jungle, an


estimated 1000 1200 unaccompanied children. The Home Secretary told


MPs today that some 200 children have now been taken from Calais to


the UK, including some 60 girls who are thought to be at risk of sexual


exploitation. Some of them have been taken to a town in North Devon. From


there, Jon Kay reports. It is a world away


from the Calais Jungle. In the early hours of this morning,


20 young migrants arrived at a respite centre


here in North Devon. The exact location isn't


being revealed, but the youngsters, all of them boys,


are now having medical checks before decisions


are taken about where they go next. In the ancient market town


of Great Torrington, some feel proud that


their community is hosting children It's not their doing,


it's not their fault, and I mean, I've got a little chap of my own,


and ultimately you just want any child to be safe,


and if we've got the ability We're a local, small,


close-knit community, But this man told me


many locals are angry that the child migrants have been brought


here without public consultation. Send them back where they come from,


why is it our problem? Can't look after our own,


so why look after everybody else? Apparently they won't be


here for very long, Wednesday, I was told, but that


is two days too long, isn't it? 200 child migrants have come to


the UK from Calais in the last week. Initially, they are processed


at a complex in Croydon before being sent to residential centres


like the one in Devon. It's the Home Office


rather than local councils Tonight the Government said


the youngsters included 60 girls When children arrive in the UK,


the first question is to establish whether they have family members


that they could go and stay with Younger children will to go pretty


quickly into the care of a foster family, because we always


try to make sure they are Older children who may be school


leavers may have been living independently in the country before


they came to Britain, more likely to go into independent


accommodation, a bit like university It's up most of the children who've


arrived here in the south-west of England today may only be


here for a couple of days. Either they'll be reunited


with their families elsewhere in the UK or put into care


as part of a national scheme. It has been seven years


in the making, but it has taken just one region of one of the EU's 28


member states to slam the brakes on. Ceta, or the Comprehensive


Economic Trade Agreement, is a free trade deal


between the EU and Canada, and is the most ambitious to date,


but now might not be signed The Belgian Prime Minister said


the deal cannot go ahead after he held talks


with regional leaders today. Ceta aims to eliminate 98% of


tariffs between the EU and Canada. But for the deal to go ahead,


the agreement from all For Belgium, that means all three


regions have to agree, French-speaking Wallonia has


blocked the deal. The Socialist region wants more


guarantees to protect its farmers and stronger safeguards on things


like environmental standards. TRANSLATION: It is completely


undemocratic. There are no other words. It is a treaty that has been


negotiated secretly for years now, and now when a government requests


to speak about some points that seem impossible to agree on, they place


ultimatums and threats. It is just not democratic. We have the


impression, the feeling, that there is a neoliberal steam roller that


once nobody to get in his way. To me it is perfectly clear, it is a


reason to be proud. Wallonia shows another part from the one that is


usually taken, especially by the European Commission. Wallonia says


the powers need to be that wants to, not all powers should be in trade.


For me this is a reason to be proud. Donald Tusk is the president


of the European Council - that's the part of the EU


which represents the heads Our correspondent Damian dramatic as


is in Brussels. Hopes still to meet on Thursday, what are chances of


this deal getting signed? Well, very slim at this stage. The clock is


ticking, because we were expecting it to be this evening as the final


hour, we were told, that Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of


Canada, could make a decision to go ahead with the summit view here on


Thursday. It appears that it is a bit elastic, there is a bit more


time, but at some point he has to take the decision whether to get on


the plane, fly across the Atlantic and come here hoping to sign that


deal or not. I think that must be in the next 24 hours, possibly just 36


hours, and if he is not able to come, because of these objections


from Wallonia, from this one part of Belgium, it will be pretty


embarrassing for the EU particularly that it has not been able to finish


off this deal. This is a deal between the European Union and


Canada in this instance, but what does it tell us about what a future


Brexit deal between the EU and the UK might look like? I think what it


tells us is that it could be very difficult to agree. This deal has to


be passed by every country in Europe and in the case of some of them,


like Belgium, regional parliaments as well. This trade deal with Canada


is being billed as the most significant one that Europe has ever


done, but the Brexit deal, everyone is expecting, could be far more


complicated than this. So, you can well imagine that once the Brexit


deal has to pass a hurdle which is every country and regional


Parliament as well, if it is passed in the same way, there are options


to do things slightly differently, but it could well face the same sort


of process. You can imagine many, many difficulties to come. For the


UK to secure a deal with Europe. That could make for some difficult


times. The other crucial thing to say is that it could have an effect,


even before any deal comes here, because investors looking at the UK,


wondering whether to put money into the UK and thinking, will there be a


deal agreed in the coming years? They may look at the something, this


makes them nervous, because you get may not secure a deal for some time


with the EU on the basis of this. We will see how this pans out.


Let's bring you up to date on the ongoing battle for Mosul.


Iraqi special forces say they've gained ground in fighting


with Islamic State militants east of the city, after shelling


Peshmerga troops say they have cut off the town of Bashiqa


and they continue to push IS fighters back from around


But in an apparent attempt to divert attention and resources


IS fighters on Sunday launched an attack on Rutba in


Two days ago, IS fighters did something similar when they tried


to take the city of Kirkuk, just south of Mosul.


And if you want more on the fight for Mosul -


All the latest developments there, including why other regional powers


like Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are so interested in the conflict.


Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has said


she doesn't think the British Government has a negotiating


position yet for exiting the European Union.


She was speaking after what she described as "very frank"


talks with the British Prime Minister Theresa May, which also


brought together the leaders of Northern Ireland and Wales.


Mrs May said she would strike a deal that works for the whole of the UK.


The United Kingdom voted as a whole to leave the EU,


but Brexit is seen very differently


in each of the four nations of the UK.


Northern Ireland also voted to stay in,


whilst Welsh, like English, voters chose to leave.


But the leaders of the devolved nations


all want the Prime Minister to listen to their concerns.


They're sceptical about a new committee which will include


them and the Brexit Secretary, David Davis.


when the real decisions are being taken.


Nicola Sturgeon wants full membership of the EU single market


for Scotland and new powers for the Scottish Parliament,


threatening to call a second referendum on independence


The Prime Minister thinks you're bluffing about


a second independence referendum, that you wouldn't dare do it,


and therefore she doesn't have to listen to you on this.


Well, there is nothing about what I'm doing just now


This is not a game, this is not a game of chicken,


that I will do whatever it takes to protect Scotland's interest.


Nicola Sturgeon says she found today's meeting deeply frustrating.


She came here with a clear set of demands


to keep Scotland in the European single market -


she's not convinced the Prime Minister was listening.


Northern Ireland's First and Deputy First Ministers


may not agree with each other over Brexit


but share the demand to be part of the negotiations.


is that we're involved very much at the heart of that process


so that when issues arise during the negotiation,


that we can be part of answering the issues that come to the fore.


with a clear idea of what Brexit might look like.


What we need more than anything else is greater certainty


from the UK Government as to what exactly the principles


of negotiation will be - we don't have that yet.


From Downing Street to Parliament, the PM insists


she will work for the best deal for the UK as a whole.


There will be difficult moments ahead, and as I've said before,


it will require patience and some give and take.


But I firmly believe that if we approach this


in a constructive spirit, we can ensure a smooth departure.


to keeping the UK together and the EU together.


But how she does that could strain what she calls our precious union.


Now a look at some of the day's other news.


Five French citizens have been killed


The French Defence Minister said the victims were


three ministry officials and two private contractors.


They'd been taking part in an operation directed


Spain's acting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has welcomed


A Christian-owned bakery in Belfast, Northern Ireland, has lost an appeal


The court ruled that the bakery had discriminated against a customer


by refusing to bake a cake with a message in support


The family-run Ashers Bakery had argued that the decoration


2016 is being seen as a landmark moment in the battle


against climate change, but for all the wrong reasons.


Scientists say this is likely to be the first full year in which levels


of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide remain above


That's bad because CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere,


and it's 44% higher than pre-industrial levels.


Not too hot, not too cold, just right, thanks to the invisible


blanket of natural carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, keeping us warm.


The normal level of carbon dioxide is 280 ppm,


powering our cities with fossil fuels that give out


We have bumped up CO2 levels to 400 ppm.


As emissions keep rising, scientists warn


400 ppm is a significant symbolic threshold, below which we don't


expect to go for the rest of our lifetimes.


It means we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide being


Most of that increase has happended since 1950.


If we want to stay below 2 degrees, we have already used


That has happened since 1950, so we have a lot of work to do if


Carbon dioxide is a plant food, so for a while, parts of the planet


are getting greener, thanks to the extra fertilising carbon.


But scientists warn that droughts are likely


to wipe out the benefits of CO2 as the planet heats.


Already, temperatures have reached record levels.


Politicians meeting in Paris last year promised to curb carbon dioxide


But even they admit their efforts are too slow and too small.


They're traditionally meetings of high-stakes intrigue


And this year it seems they'll be even more so.


It's the annual get-together of the leaders of


The meeting is expected to focus on revamping decades-old codes


Our China editor, Carrie Gracie, has been along to an event


called a "Dialogue with the Communist Party"


ahead of the main meeting, to see if anyone would


A kind of coming-out party to say, "We walk tall in the world."


They say they want a frank, deep and constructive exchange


Of course, China's Communist Party is not typically that open to ideas


from the outside world, especially not


Let's go inside and see what "dialogue" actually means.


I'll just see if I can catch a word with any of the...


Oh, I'm sorry, I think we have to go.


OK. I think we are being ejected from the delegates section.


So, we are now roaming the halls in the first break,


because we never get a chance to talk to a standing


committee member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo.


This is supposed to be a dialogue with the Communist Party.


The top man, one of the top seven, is in this place,


So, it's not even midday and they seem to be


We are less than two hours into the entire event.


Within the party, they use quiet deliberations,


which are a more effective form of policy-making, by the way.


Because policy-making is complicated, it is nuanced,


and you need to sit down to discuss what kind


of measures to achieve and what results.


You cannot resolve policies with a public shouting match,


which seems increasingly the case in a lot of countries.


Some sad news, the singer Pete Burns from a band Dead Or Alive, um has


died after a cardiac arrest. He was described as a true visionary and a


beautiful, talented soul. He was 57. His band found success in the 1980s


and had two singles in the US top 20, including You Spin Me Round Like


A Record. The Velvet Underground and Nico


album came under the spotlight Next year is the 50th anniversary


of its release, and to celebrate, founding member John Cale will,


for the first time ever in the UK, play the whole album live


in Liverpool. Our entertainment corresponent


Colin Paterson went to meet him. MUSIC: "Sunday Morning"


by the Velvet Underground one of the most influential albums


of all time. We were living in an apartment


in the Lower East Side, it was a Sunday morning,


and it was after a late-night. As a musician, John Cale


is known for looking forward, but thinks it's right


to acknowledge the album's 50th anniversary next year


and will play the whole thing live It still encapsulates


everything that we were trying to do, which was take


rock'n' roll in and talk about subject matter that


generally wasn't talked about. poem about how unhappy


somebody's life is. John Cale formed the Velvet


Underground with Lou Reed. The artist Andy Warhol


was their manager He called me over in


the corner and said, "What do you think of this


as an album cover?" And I went crazy, I said,


"I've got to say, this has got all your colours,


all the outlines you know, all the brand of Andy Warhol


is right there." It's three years this week


since Lou Reed died. Well, his work survives,


and all the stuff that we did together, it's


still there and it's still strong. And the reason John Cale has


opted for the one-off gig the influence the city's music scene


of the '60s had on him. and Lou had one eye on


Bob Dylan, what is the next move? So you're, like, trying


to figure out where we fit. And 50 years on,


it's a question he's still asking. Don't forget, you can get


in touch with me and some of the team on Twitter -


I'm @ KarinBBC. But for now, from me,


Karin Giannone and the rest


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