04/01/2017 World News Today


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This is BBC World News Today with me, Celia Hatton.


The battle lines are being drawn in Washington over the future


of President Obama's health care reforms.


With just two weeks left of his presidency, the Republicans


are promising to repeal Obama's signature health care policy


New images of the main suspect in the Berlin truck attack passing


through Brussels are released by Belgian prosecutors.


2017 is looking to be a crucial year for the EU,


with Brexit, major elections and the rise of populism.


We gaze into the crystal ball at what lies ahead.


And spinning his way through old age.


He may be 105 years old but this Frenchman has set


With just days to go before he leaves the White House,


Barack Obama faces a battle over his legacy.


A political showdown is underway in Washington


over his health care reforms, with the Republicans promising


to repeal the legislation as soon as possible.


President Obama has been meeting fellow Democrats in Congress


to discuss how to protect the Affordable Care Act,


It started with a simple goal - to extend health insurance


Vice-president-elect Mike Pence said Donald Trump is working to ensure


an orderly transition to a new health care system.


Earlier, Mr Trump warned Republicans to ensure the Democrats took


the blame for what he described as "the Obamacare disaster".


There have been two distinguished guests at Capitol Hill this morning.


President Obama was here to try to save his key health care reforms.


And Vice President elect Mike Pence was here to talk about ridiculing


and replacing it. With me is, written and Bruce Westerman from


Arkansas. -- congressmen. What are you going to replace Obamacare with?


I'm not sure replace is the right word. The first order of business


will be to repeal some of the bad parts as much as possible and then


it will be a process to put in a good legislation that puts patients


first and is about a patient's ability to get access, something


that will not break the bank. We have seen the cost of insurance


premiums skyrocket, as much as 115% increases this year. For private


individuals buying their health insurance through employers, we have


seen deductibles and premiums go up and we have to get this up under


control and make it more patient centred. You have spoken of the


problems with Obamacare but you are saying you will not rip the whole


Affordable Care Act up? Through the reconciliation process there are


certain things we can wrap up to with taxes and spending and then we


will have to look at individual pieces of the whole health care


system, like Medicaid and Medicare. With Obamacare, nobody understood


what was in it when they got it. What about the 20 million Americans


who have health insurance that they would not have had before Obamacare,


will they get to keep it? A lot of those people had insurance and were


pushed in the exchanges. The rollback process will be slow. It


took 5-6 years to implicate Obamacare as it is now and we cannot


just pull the rug out but we have to do it in a methodical process and


give people peace of mind to do this in a way that allows people access


to health care but also do it in a smart way, debating individual


components and issues, keeping what is... Do you think both parties can


work together on some points? I think so because when you look at


the failure the increased premiums, people were told if they liked their


doctor they could keep them, it hasn't been true, we were told


premiums would go down $2500, not true, increased deductibles were


out-of-pocket expenses are tremendous, simple things like


health saving accounts allowing Americans to save money for expenses


and keep that money for future years, small solutions, I am not in


favour of one big package to replace what is there now. As a Republican,


you must be pretty happy with the state your party has found itself


in. What are you looking forward to under Donald Trump? I am looking


forward... -- I am going into my second term so I am looking forward


to getting legislation passed. Vice President Mike Pence was a member of


this body and is willing to work with us. I think we are seeing a


common vision that has been mandated by the American people that they


want the country to move in this direction and I am excited to help


it move that way. I heard from a Democratic congressman earlier and


he said he felt quite sad that it may be President Obama's last visit


to Congress. You have seen both sides within just a few hours but


the president elect will take his place in just 16 days in the White


House. The German prosecutor's office has


confirmed the detention of a second Tunisian suspect in connection


with the attack on a Officials said the man had dinner


with the killer, Anis Amri, The man who drove the truck


into the crowded market, He was shot dead in Milan,


four days after the attack. Today, Belgian prosecutors have


released a CCTV image which they say shows the main suspect in the Berlin


truck attack passing through Brussels two days later.


To get more on the arrest, let's go to our correspondent


Damien McGuiness who is in Berlin for us.


Tell me, what else can you tell us about this suspect and the ongoing


investigation? Officials said this afternoon that they think this new


suspect either knew about the attack, that it was going to happen,


or helped in planning. That is because it seems he spent all


evening the night before the actual attack chatting in the restaurant,


as you mentioned, with Anis Amri, and this was described as an


intensive chat. Indicating they were possibly talking about the attack.


Right now, police are questioning this suspect and analysing 20 mobile


phones seized in the refugee accommodation where this man left.


-- was living. He was an asylum seeker from Tunisia, like the


attacker Anis Amri, and this started a debate here about asylum seekers


who do not have their application for asylum accepted in Germany,


so-called failed asylum seekers. So the ramifications on the whole


debate about who is a legitimate asylum seeker and who is not as been


affected by this. Are there concerns that this investigation is widening?


The difficulty is that we have had a couple of false leads. You will


remember that the day of the attack the wrong man was arrested and this


meant that police were going down the wrong route for days and it is


thought this is one reason why Anis Amri slipped out of the German


police's grasp. He went to Amsterdam, spending a couple of


hours in Brussels before going through France to Italy. So there is


possibly going to be a big shake-up on domestic security through


Germany, it was announced yesterday by the interior minister of Germany.


It is not leading to a backlash against refugees, this case, but a


debate about who is a legitimate refugee, and what to do about asylum


seekers whose applications were rejected, and how to deport them


back to their countries. Turkish police have detained 20


people in connection with the attack on a nightclub in Istanbul


on New Year's Eve. Earlier, the Turkish Foreign


Minister said the chief suspect had been formally identified,


but the authorities have Our correspondent Mark


Lowen is in Istanbul. Well, it's almost four days now


since the massacre at the Reina nightclub which left 39 people dead


and still the suspect is on the run. The Turkish Foreign Minister


says his identity has been established but we do not


have a name officially released. And very little information


has come out about him. Some reports that he could have been


from a Central Asian country, some video footage that suggests


he was in the central Turkish city of Konya back in December before


travelling to Istanbul. There have been detentions, some


more in the city of Izmir today, of dozens of people suspected


of having links to so-called Islamic State, which said


it was behind the attack. As for the gunman himself,


he is still at large. That is a real problem, of course,


for the country, for this nation, because they are fearful of any sort


of follow-up attacks and also they want proof from the people


who are meant to defend them, to protect this country,


that they really can close in on this man,


that he hasn't slipped through the net and possibly


even left Turkey to go But really those crucial hours


following the New Year's Eve attack have now gone


and so could the gunmen have been The president, President Erdogan,


spoke to the country today, his first public address


since the New Year's Eve attack, which is very unusual for a man


who rarely shies away from the limelight, and he said


that the aim of terrorism is to divide and polarise


the country, but we will stand tall as Turks, and he said those


who allege this is an attack on a lifestyle choice in Turkey


are talking rubbish. That comes from the allegation


that the Islamist rhetoric of President Erdogan


and his government has made the secular side of the country feel


vulnerable and exposed. But really Turkey is now desperately


trying to find this man and desperately trying to reassure


a country which has been profoundly shaken by this terror attack


in the heart of Istanbul. Turkey has warned that


a new round of Syria peace talks is at risk,


accusing the government of violating a fragile truce it brokered


with Russia last week. The nationwide ceasefire


is holding in most areas but is being threatened by fighting


near Damascus, in the areas Government forces and their


Iranian-backed allies are trying to recapture the area,


which is the main source of water to the capital


which has been without water The regime and the rebels


have been blaming each The UN said that the lack


of clean water in Damascus Any lack of water I think is


obviously a humanitarian emergency Lack of fresh water leads


to more and more diseases, As part of our response in Syria,


the UN has already rehabilitated and equipped a number of wells


in and around Damascus to cover about one third of daily


water needs in the city. Since the 22nd, those wells have


been the sole source of water Israel's Prime Minister,


Benjamin Netanyahu, has joined those calling for a pardon for a soldier


who's been convicted of manslaughter for the killing


of a wounded Palestinian. Sergeant Elor Azaria killed


Abdul Fatah al-Sharif in Hebron last March,


after the Palestinian had been involved in


stabbing another soldier. The high profile case has


polarised opinion in Israel, as our Middle East correspondent


Yolande Knell explains. It's minutes after two young


Palestinian men with knives attacked One is dead and one's


clearly still alive. Sgt Elor Azaria,


a 19-year-old medic, A single bullet to the head


killed Abdul Fatah Sharif. Today, the sergeant


was in a military court, smiling to see a friend


and his mother. But soon after, he was found


guilty of manslaughter. Judges rejected the soldiers claim


that the Palestinian posed a threat and decided he shot him


out of revenge. But Sgt Azaria has loyal backers,


in a country where most young people They accused the army


of abandoning one of its own. This guy came to do an attack,


to hurt about these families. Even the Israeli Defence


Minister spoke of this Before taking up his post, he made


clear his support of Sgt Azaria. And that caused tensions


with the top brass here They have said they command


according to rules and an ethical Such a high-profile trial


of a soldier for killing a Palestinian is very


unusual in Israel. The outcome was welcomed


by the family of Abdul Fatah Sharif. TRANSLATION: I feel like any father


would feel after seeing my son It's so hard to see that,


no-one can endure this. It's still hard for me every time


I remember what happened. If he died instantly,


it would've been much easier than to see your son


executed like that. Sgt Azaria's crime took place


during a wave of Palestinian attacks, when there was a national


debate about how to respond. And his case has proved


highly divisive. When he is sentenced,


the maximum he could serve is 20 years in jail,


but he is expected to get far less. Marine Le Pen, leader


of the French National Front, has launched a scathing attack


on the Euro, saying that France should go back


to its own national currency. The right-wing politician,


who is tipped to make it through to the final


round of the presidential election, said leaving the Euro


would help return sovereignty. 2017 is shaping up to be a crucial


year for the European Union. There's no doubt that Brexit,


the rise of the far right, and economic troubles


across the Continent will be among Hello, I'm Chris Morris,


and these are the top European Elections in several countries


are set to reveal whether rising populism is a passing phase


or a new reality. In the Netherlands in March,


we'll find out how well the Dutch His popularity has faded


before previous elections. In France, could Marine Le Pen


from the National Front claim Or will voters from the centre left


and centre right join In Germany, Angela Merkel remains


the favourite to win a fourth term in September but keep an eye


on rising support for the anti-immigrant, anti-Euro


Alternativ Fur Deutschland. At some stage there is almost


certainly going to be The antiestablishment


Five Star Movement is The European Union will hold


a special summit in Rome in March, to mark the 60th anniversary


of the treaty which founded Critics say there isn't


much to celebrate. But March should also see the UK


triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty,


setting off a process which will see For the first time, the EU


is about to get smaller, not bigger. Much will depend throughout


the year on the health of the European economy,


particularly in the Eurozone. The migration crisis


will also be closely watched. And then, of course, there are two


big external actors in Europe. To the east, Russia,


and the always difficult relationship European countries have


with President Vladimir Putin. And to the West, a new factor,


the sheer unpredictability What will he mean for European


security and for trade? For decades, Europe has


relied on stable relations Joining me now is Florentin Collomp,


the UK Correspondent We'll start with a topic I'm sure


you deal with on a daily basis, Brexit. Where you think we will be


one year from now in the negotiations? 2017 should be the


year of the end of the phoney war between the Europe and Britain in


that matter. Negotiations should start in March and then progress


throughout the year. By the end of the year, I doubt much will be


achieved because the negotiations will be interrupted by elections in


different countries on the continent, the Netherlands in March,


France in April, May and June, Germany in autumn. Until the autumn


of 2017, I think the core of the discussions will not have advanced


much. Elections. The name of the game. The French election, how do


you think the outcome of that will affect the rest of the EU? It is


important and it is very open actually. It might lead to


surprises. You had a report about marine Le Pen. She is one of the


fixtures of this election but people tend to project what happened in


Britain, or compare with the election of Donald Trump. I doubt a


surprise like that would happen in France because she has been a


permanent fixture of French politics for years, if not decades if you


consider her father at the head of the party as well. So the campaign


is very open. Populism will play a part will stop populism is on the


rise -- a part. Populism is on the rise. How would you characterise?


The British model and the huge event that Brexit was cannot compare our


be transferred to politics in different countries like France.


Actually Brexit has made support for the EU progress on the continent and


only a third of Europeans are actually ready to leave the EU if


they were asked to do so. In France, support for the EU is about 60%, so


it is not exactly the same topics and it is more linked to migration


in France. This year, Canada is preparing


to legalise the sale of marijuana. And, with that, a new industry


will be born and a whole new group of brands hope to redefine how


future consumers There is a large segment of people


that are not defined I am who I am, and I might


use cannabis but it's Just like people who drink coffee,


just like people who might enjoy We felt like there was no real


home for the creators, the people who are otherwise able


to engage in beautiful retail, there was no real home for them


to buy cannabis products. I had really never been


in a headshop that I wasn't And he's nothing less


than a cycling legend. Robert Marchand is 105 years


old and today he set He cycled well over


22km in one hour. It was a race against


the clock in a category the International Cycling Union


created just for him. Asked why he wanted to set


a new record, he told reporters he simply wanted to prove that


there's more to life after 100 Our Paris correspondent


Hugh Schofield has more. 92 laps, 22.5 kilometres,


Robert Marchand has done it again. The Frenchman is already


holder of the hour time trial for centenarians,


and now he is champion of a new age category, created for


cyclists aged 105. Robert Marchand has always


been a fitness fan. In earlier life he was a gymnastics


champion and a boxer. He never smoked, he drinks only the


occasional glass of wine TRANSLATION: I do 10-20 kilometres


every day but I don't With more and more people


around the world living into their hundreds,


the case of Robert Marchand Though his coaches


admit his physique is TRANSLATION: He has


an exceptional heart. Yesterday we did a 20-minute test


and all the 20 minutes his heart rate never surpassed 100


beats per minute. At the end of his latest exploit,


Mr Marchand said his legs felt fine, His record now has to be officially


confirmed by international Lovely pictures now from


Chicago Zoo, where a two-week-old She hasn't been named yet,


but her birth is already being called significant,


as her species is considered Keepers hope she will help to raise


awareness about the threats facing A struggle over Barack Obama's


legacy is underway with two weeks left in his presidency. The


Republicans promise to repeal his signature health care policy.


Temperatures are going to continue to plunge through the rest of this


evening and tonight.


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