13/05/2014 The One Show


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Hello and welcome to the show. We are expecting good chat tonight,


because it when it comes to television interviews, there is not


much that this man does not know. For the last 22 years he has hosted


one of the biggest talk shows in America. You know you are famous


when a former President of the United States does this. It has


changed my life, and I have broader painting for you. Did you paint


that?! Please welcome Jay Leno! That is the


largest studio audience I have ever seen for a major talk-show! Just


looking back to that moment, you looked impressed, but what were you


really thinking? I was totally surprised, I had no idea he had done


that. It was very nice. And you could not even see the numbers! No,


I was shocked, actually. could not even see the numbers! No,


home, in my house. Is it in the toilet downstairs? No. We are really


pleased that you are here, just off the plane. We were hearing that you


have got some British heritage. My mother is from Scotland, she came


here when she was a little girl, 11 years old, by herself. It was before


the war, the depression was going on, and Mike Brand mother had gone


off with another man, and my grandfather had six kids, just one


too many. And they sent my mum to America, to live with an older


sister. I think that America, to live with an older


a comedian, because my mother always had this kind of sadness.


a comedian, because my mother always looked over, she would always be...


I always felt it was my duty to cheer her up. And I brought her back


to Scotland, actually. She did not want to go. This was the most


ridiculous reason as well. My dad was Italian, and very loud and


outspoken, my mother was Scottish. She used to say, the worst thing to


do is to bring attention to yourself. Well, obviously that did


not work out. My father took my mother down to get her citizenship


test, and you are allowed to get six questions wrong. If you get seven


wrong, you fail. So, they take my mother down and she gets six


questions wrong. The seventh question the judge asked my mother


was, what is the constitution of the United States? And she said, it is a


bold. The judge has said, I am sorry, you have failed. My father


said, what are you talking about?! And they have this huge demand. The


judge said, fine, you passed, just get out! 60 years to the day, I said


to my mum, let's go back. She was so afraid that after my father had


left, the judge had gone back and revoked her citizenship that she did


not want to go and get a passport because she was scared to death that


the judge actually did not approve it. So, finally, of course there was


no problem. And we took her back. I am going to say, we are going to


touch on your Scottish roots as the programme goes through. We have got


a lot to get through tonight. And first up, we have a very unusual


task for Joe first up, we have a very unusual


have sent him to Belgium to take part in a riot. Water cannon have


been used by police forces all over the world, but so far in the UK,


only in Northern Ireland. Just over the Channel in Brussels, they have


deployed them to disperse large crowds for arcades. It is tricky to


know what to make of this. I have decided to put myself in the firing


line. I'm going to take part in a Belgian police exercise which is


going to put these water cannon into operation. Here at this fake


village, they are going to simulate a riot. The police are using water


cannon to break up a group of student police officers who are


acting as troublemakers. This is it, an absolute beast. The water


goes in at the back, the main engine is at the back, at the maintainer is


here, it can hold 9000 litres. These cans can be used to add things to


the water, Abbas Bray and paint, which is not legal in Belgium, but


that is what it is therefore. -- spray. This commissioner is


responsible for public order events in the Brussels police force. When


do you use them? The best scenario is to use it as a last resort. If it


happens sometimes, we use them in the beginning, and sometimes you can


just use water as an element of deterrent. Water cannons can help


deal with one specific element of the crowd. Brand-new, one of these


bad boys can cost up to ?1 million. The man with his finger on the


button today is this police inspector. Talk me through the


equipment. This controls the cannon? Yes, left and right, up and


down. And this green button starts it. It is a little bit like a


computer game for you? Yes, but more dangerous. No water cannon will be


aimed at anyone's face today or in any real situation in Belgium. It is


too dangerous. There are even baskets of wood, basically


simulating debris or other things the protesters could throw at the


police. It is a very unusual scenario, but I am going to throw


some wood at the police. It is incredibly intimidating, it is


coming again. The cannon can deliver 18 litres of water a second, and at


its maximum pressure, can knock people over and rip their clothes.


It is not surprising that some people have been injured. As soon as


they are turned on, people scatter, they do not want to be caught in


it. It pushes people right back. And this is the whole point of these


cannons. Look at the distance it is giving the police from the


protesters. Nobody wants to be caught in the jet, including me!


This guy over here has just got caught on the back by a water


cannon. That just shows, even at low pressure, it really can have an


effect, it really can hurt. It can cause injuries? Based on our


experience, it has almost never caused serious injuries. Most police


units will deprive themselves of using water cannon. They end up


having a physical contact with demonstrators. So, there would be


more violence if you did not have them? And less surgical work. Back


home, Boris Johnson wants to buy three second-hand cannons from


Germany for the Metropolitan Police, but first he needs the Home


Secretary we will be keeping an eye on that whole decision. Not even


dropped him! As we said, 22 years as the host of one of the biggest talk


shows... And never hit with a water cannon once! I am proud of it! So,


you did The Tonight Show for 22 years, and it is all about early


evening over here in the UK, about seven o'clock, for the big shows.


Now for you guys... Late-night shows, sun streaming in! Wider you


think it is all about late nights in the states? Just people stay up


later, I guess. The flag show originally was in New York City,


which has always been a late-night town. People go out to eat dinner at


nine o'clock at night, and then you get back home and you turn on the


TV. The idea behind The Tonight Show was, the news in the States is on at


11 o'clock, and then you can watch us make fun of the news. That is


really what it is. You follow the stories of the day, take notes and


have jokes on it. So it is very topical? Yes, you do it every single


day. One of your most famous moments was the chat that you had with Hugh


Grant, after the Divine Brown incident. Did you realise that that


would be such a defining interview for you? The real credit goes to


Hugh Grant. In the United States a specially, people have a huge


entourage of press people and publicist and things. No, I do not


have one! And Hugh Grant came in and said, go ahead, I am guilty, just


ask me whatever you want. He could not have been more honest and


forthright, so the credit goes to him. We had an ice skater on who had


been in Playboy magazine, an Olympic skater, I Playboy called up, and we


told them we were only putting her on because she was America's


sweetheart. Right before the show, they said, we are not talking about


the Playboy. She is only here because she is ice-skating naked,


that is the only reason. Have you interviewed Bruce Willis? No, I was


joking. But you stepped down in February and you had a very special


message as a goodbye, and here it is. You have made a whole lot of


jokes about me over the years, Jay, but I am not upset. I have decided


to make you my new ambassador to Antarctica. He is a very good comic.


Very good. Some of the other things do not work as well, but the comedy!


But this is the interesting thing, because we talked about comedy


earlier on, and is where you started, isn't it? I still do


stand-up on the road quite a bit. I like being a stand-up. When you are


on TV, you do not really know if something is funny. You get notes.


We are not doing well with immature boys between 11 and 14, so can we


have something for that audience... ? But when you go to a club,


everybody buys a ticket, and all seats are filled, you know you are


doing well. You never know on television. You do not really know.


You just get this feedback from network. Well, apparently, this


You just get this feedback from going very well tonight, Jay! Now,


bearing in mind your Scottish heritage, we have got a bagpiper to


introduce this neck film. He was a bit loud, so we have put him


outside. Why do the Scottish always have to stay outside?! As well as


being a bagpiper's favourite, Amazing Grace has been a staple of


American culture for hundreds of years Ron be but surprisingly, its


roots lie a bit closer to home. Here is the amazing Gyles with the story.


Amazing Grace, and some of America's civil rights movement,


protest song during the Vietnam War, and folk hymn sung throughout the


world. Everybody knows it. So where did this world-famous hit come from,


this potent anthem of social change? Where else but the sleepy


Bucks parish of Olney? It was here in 1772 that the lyrics to Amazing


Grace were written by preacher John Newton. But he had not been a devout


man of God all his life. A former MP, Jonathan Aitken has written a


man of God all his life. A former biography of Newton. He was a


man of God all his life. A former wild young man who was violent, a


blasphemer, which was a bad thing to be in those days, and he was a nasty


piece of work. Eventually he ended up in Africa, and became a trade in


slaves, with all the unpleasant and best deal behaviour which that trade


implied, 1 million miles from being any sort of good


implied, 1 million miles from being kind of guy we would expect


implied, 1 million miles from being writing Amazing Grace? No, it was an


incredibly unlikely vocation for him. Caught in a terrifying storm


one day, Newton promised God he would mend his ways if he was spared


death. It set him on a spiritual journey which transformed him into


the hymn writing vicar of Olney. And here is Amazing Grace, written in


this very room. Extraordinary. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,


that saved a wretch like me. It is very personal, isn't it, it is


autobiographical? Absolutely. People in the church very often call it a


testimony. You in your time in the church very often call it a


course have fallen from grace - does this ring bells with you as a


consequence? Hugely. this ring bells with you as a


prison, somebody sent me a book about Newton and I read it and


immediately it struck a chord, Kos Newton had screwed up his life, but


nevertheless, thanks to God 's grace had found a path of fulfilment and


spiritual peace. And some of that was perhaps happening to me as well.


And here is Newton's him, was perhaps happening to me as well.


gospel choir, to the unattributed folk choose which it was paired with


in America in the terrific. It really does have sold.


It really does. Although Amazing Grace was not popular in England for


at least 150 years after Newton died. The people who made it popular


with the American black churches. But is extraordinary, when the words


were written by a former slave trader. An extraordinary irony. Why


did it become such an anthem? What is in it that makes it work 's it


has a universal message about fresh starts, conquering life's disasters.


So Amazing Grace is available for all,. Newton apologised for his part


in the slave trade, and joined the campaign against it. He died in


1807, the year Britain abolished slavery. Newton never heard Amazing


Grace sung like this, which is a shame, because he never knew that


his heartfelt tale of starting a new would one day be sung by million


throughout the world. # Was blind, but now I see. #.


Wasn't that beautiful? And you have got three other things that we might


assume or American? I am going to test Jay on this. Baseball, is it


American? That is as American as apple pie! Is it? Yes! No. It was


stolen from us! 1749 was when we were playing it over here. The


Prince of Wales played it. It did not reach you for 40 years. So you


think American apple pie is American? Yes! No, it isn't. It is


British. It is British and has been here King Richard. We had it before


King Richard. Really? He was the first to eat the pie? You did not


even get apples until the 18th century. One more. Blue jeans?


American? Those are American as... Yes! It is international. Levi


Strauss came from Bavaria, in Germany. It is a German American


creation. He went to Germany with the cloth and then during the gold


rush, he made those genes. Rock 'n' roll! That is English! American!


Sorry, it is English. In the 1950s, we invented rock 'n' roll. As I said


to you at the start, we have got a lot to get through. Thank you,


Gyles. We are moving onto optical illusions. Like that last segment we


just did. Here is one that could lead to a remarkable medical


breakthrough. Over to Michael Mosley.


Appearances can be deceptive. Optical illusions are fun, but they


also reveal something interesting about how our brains work. We can


even use them to deceive our brain about our body. This is a pretty


good rubber hand, but can I really convince people that this hand is


their hand? Let's see. A volunteer puts their arm close to the rubber


hand. The partition means they can see the rubber hand, but not their


real hand. I am going to try and persuade you that this hand belongs


to you. I gently stroke their real hand and the same spot on the rubber


hand. Soon, most people adopt the rubber hand. There is one way to


test how strong the connection is. Time after time, this simple


illusion works. Deeply odd, because it feels in the wrong place. That is


weird. The illusion works because our brains tend to trust vision over


other senses. Is your hand feeling OK? Yeah. My brain is a bit


confused. If the brain can be deceived like this, can it also be


tricked the other way, into alleviating pain? Well, illusions


are being used to treat some very real medical conditions. Dr Jenny


Lewis is a clinical occupational therapist in Bath. She is trialling


a new technology that makes use of visual illusion is. We are creating


a visual illusion which tricks your brain into thinking your hand is


different to how it is. I am looking at an image of my hand created by a


mixture of cameras and mirrors. Any move of my hand is replicated on the


screen. Jenny gradually enlarges the image of my right hand. The


on-screen changes are subtle, but have a surprising effect on my hand


moved its. Now I would like you to do the same hand exercise again. How


is it feeling? It feels less coordinated, harder to do. My right


hand feels sluggish. Precision is diminished. Just as in the rubber


hand experiment, my brain prioritises what it sees. Jenny


thinks this visual illusion could be used to help treat patients with


severe pain. We hope that would trick their brain into thinking the


appearance of the hand is normal, and therefore have an influence on


reducing pain and other symptoms. Mike is one of Jenny's patients.


Following an accident, he developed complex regional pain syndrome,


which leaves his right arm in agony. Looking at your right hand, how does


that feel? Much heavier. It also feels really swollen. In relative,


Mike's hand is not obviously swollen, but to him it feels much


bigger. And the pain? Quite high. Really numb and aching, a pain that


just drives you crazy. Scientists do not fully understand Mike's


condition, but his pain might be caught by his brain misinterpreting


information it receives from his senses. Jenny increased the size of


the image of my hand, but with Mike, she will shrink it. Pins and needles


are going off. And this has a profound effect. How are your hands


feeling? Actually, in here, I feel really good. There is no pain and no


heaviness. They are both exactly the same. Although the technology only


works when Mike's hand is in the box, it is remarkable that a visual


illusion can alleviate Mike's pain. By shrinking the image of Mike's


hand, Jenny might be kicking his brain into saying his hand is


normal, and this eases the pain, which offers Mike Hope for the


future. It is early days, but you can see the potential. For me, it


reinforces the power and mystery of the human brain. Extremely clever.


The power of the mind is extraordinary. We are going to show


you this picture, Jay. Is there anything wrong with this apart from


it being upside down? No. It is quite handsome. Oh! I am America


game again -- American again. Or English again! Now, as well as


doing Or English again! Now, as well as


tickled you, hasn't it? Your other passion in


tickled you, hasn't it? Your other everybody how many you have got.


There are a lot of cards. everybody how many you have got.


128. -- cars. Many of those are English vehicles.


128. -- cars. Many of those are that have brought you to Europe?


Yeah, I will be joining a Jaguar in the Mille Miglia, which is a


re-creation of a race that ended in 1957. It is 1000 miles around


Italy. Stirling Moss is the 1957. It is 1000 miles around


record-holder in perpetuity, because the race


record-holder in perpetuity, because doubt anyone could match what he did


back in the day. 57 people were killed over the years, so they said,


no more racing. Now, we take these great classics and drive not at a


breakneck pace, but it is a sort of rolling classic car show. You parked


cars on the lawn, you see them in action, and it is great fun. And


what a car you are doing it in. What car is your -- what year is your


car? 1951. And there is a lovely story behind why you chose this car


to do the race. Well, Jaguar was the king of sports cars. I was nine and


riding my bike up the hill, and I saw this man polishing a 1950 car.


When you have grown up in a small town in New England, nobody had


sports cars. And I was staring at it, and he said, would you to sit in


the car? This was back in the day, before all men were paedophiles. And


I went and sat in the car, and he was quite nice to me. I thought he


was 50 years old at the time, because I was nine. I told this


story in a magazine article and then I got a letter from the guy. He is


still around. I said, how old was he? He was only 12 when I was nine,


but when I was nine, he seemed old! And he still had the car. So we went


back and filmed the Jaguar. It is till parked in the same spot it was


in 1960 when I first saw it. So I will recreate the drive in one of


those. We wish you the best. Now, I need seven of these. I could


do with six. But we heard that you only need five hours' sleep a night?


I am not a big sleeper. Well, today is the BBC date of the body clock,


so we sent an easy to get your tips for a good night's sleep.


On average, we get asked under seven hours of sleep a night. Lack of


sleep is linked to health issues ranging from heart disease, cancer


and diabetes to memory loss. I have embedded myself into Croydon live to


try and find out your secrets of getting a seriously good night's


kip. Hello! If you could get a perfect night's sleep, what are your


tips? Sleep on your own. Listen to soft music. Maybe not eating as late


as some people may. I used to listen to Lionel Richie before I went to


bed, but then it made the sad, so I had to change it to Spice Girls.


What are your tips for when you do get a good night's sleep? I keep a


journal. So I put all my thoughts into it before going to sleep. It


does not help when children come into your bed every night like my


daughter does. Should have sleeping clubs for worn out parents. Sorry,


you go to sleep with your phone in your hand? Sometimes! When you are


on the phone until three o'clock, you can't get a good night's sleep.


Switch the phone off, put it down. What is the secret of a good


night's sleep? The secret is separate beds. I sleep in Bromley


and my wife sleeps in Croydon. Cheers, Lucy. We were talking about


your Scottish heritage. You have been trying to play the bagpipes.


Not trying! Here we go! That is beautiful! It is remarkable. That is


all for tonight. Good luck to Jay in the Mille Miglia. Tomorrow, we are


joined by Osman Pat, Stephen Mangan and pop incessant Rita Ora. See you




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